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A new dragonet,Foetorepus masudai, is described from southern Japan. This is the species that Nakabo (1983) mistakenly identified asFoetorepus delandi. It is characterized by large eye, filamentous 1st dorsal spine in adult males, 1st dorsal fin without an obvious dark mark, a dark spot on upper origin of pectoral fin and a large dark blotch on posterior half of pelvic fin. A revised key to the species ofFoetorepus found in Japan is included.  相似文献   

Callionymus sublaevis, C. calcaratus and C. calauropomus collected from Moreton Bay and offshore Queensland, were studied biologically and ecologically and the findings compared with other callionymid fishes from Australian waters and other areas. Predominant preys types included penaeid prawns, pelecypods and poly-chaetes. Differences in temporal feeding intensity and prey types eliminated competition in some cases. Through brain pattern analyses, these callionymids were shown to be predominantly sight feeders even at depth, although gustatory feeding also increased slightly with depth. Sex ratios in C. sublaevis were almost even, while C. calauropomus had a predominance of males. C. calcaratus had a predominance of females, but considerable variation occurred on a seasonal basis. Although considerable variation was found in spawning times and spawning period length, the histological changes that occurred in the development of oocytes was similar. The ovarian cycle in C. sublaevis was studied in detail and found to be typical of most teleosts. Length-weight regression coefficients in all species were significantly higher than 3.0, indicating that the weight increased faster than the cube of their length. In all cases females were heavier in older fish with the least difference in length-weight occurring between the males and females of C. calcaratus. Otoliths were found to be satisfactory and reliable for use as a method for age and growth determinations in two of the callionymids studied. Overlap of age groups was found in all species and this was mostly attributed to the length of spawning period. The dragonets studied here all reached age group IV+ and attained maturity usually by the second year. No evidence was found to indicate that males die after spawning as has been shown in C. lyra. Observations on predation by benthic piscivorous fishes and by one avian predator are reported.  相似文献   

Recently obtained material of Callionymus from the Pacific Ocean includes: Callionymus marquesensis sp. n. (Marquesas Islands), characterized within the C. variegatus-group of the subgenus Calliurichthys by its preopercular spine formula of with an upcurved main tip and a bony keel between the points on the dorsal margin, and a spotted dorsal fin without filaments which is higher than the 1st D2 ray in both sexes; C. pleurostictus Fricke, 1982, record from New Britain and Solomon Islands, with a discussion of competition with C. delicatulus; C.simplicicornis Valenciennes, 1837, record from Society Islands and Marquesas Islands, with a discussion of competition with C. marquesensis; C. obscurus sp. n. (Ambon, Indonesia) which is characterized within the subgenus Spini-capitichthys by its preopercular spine formula with an upcurved main tip and very small ventral serrae, its weakly armed head, and its 7 anal fin rays.  相似文献   

Dragonet fishes (Callionymidae) are benthic inhabitants of shallow waters, even in tidal pools, down to depths below 900 m in all subtropical, tropical and temperate oceans. The family comprises 200 species in 20 genera worldwide, of which 18 species in 6 genera occur in Korea. Classification within the family Callionymidae has been controversial because of the differing proposals of Fricke and Nakabo (Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, 1983). For example, Fricke suggested genus Repomucenus and Bathycallionymus, whose genera contains most callionymid species in Korean waters, as junior synonym of genus Callionymus while Nakabo (Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, 1983) suggested as valid. In such cases, when classifications of adults have taxonomic contention, examination of larval characters may prove informative. Therefore, in this study, the authors conducted comprehensive molecular and morphological analyses on larvae and juveniles of five species in the genus Repomucenus and discussed their taxonomic status within the family Callionymidae. Larval and juvenile callionymids show high morphological similarities during their ontogenetic development. Nonetheless, the following morphological differences were observed in melanophore distribution and preopercular spine development: (a) stellate or punctate melanophores in Bathycallionymus kaianus vs. branched melanophores in genus Repomucenus, (b) melanophores on the abdominal cavity gradually disappearing in B. kaianus vs. gradually becoming prominent in Repomucenus and (c) preopercular spine development giving rise to one perpendicular spine in B. kaianus vs. two or three spines in Repomucenus. Molecular analysis based on 16S ribosomal RNA showed similar results to the morphological analysis. Genera Bathycallionymus and Repomucenus showed significant genetic distance (d = 0.113–0.120); moreover, genus Callionymus, which was suggested as a senior synonym of genus Bathycallionymus and Repomucenus by Fricke (Journal of Natural History, 2014, 48, 2419–2448), also showed considerable difference (d = 0.226–0.246). In the present study, the monophyly of genus Repomucenus seemed well supported by the results of morphological and molecular analyses of larval stage Callionymidae.  相似文献   

A neotype is described for Platygaster macrophthalma Swainson, 1838 (Pisces: Clupeidae) from the type locality, Visakhapatnam, India.  相似文献   

Between November and December 1988, fecal and intestinal contents were collected from 25 northern American coots, Fulica americana americana, in Arkansas and Texas, and examined for coccidial parasites. Seventeen (68%) of the coots were infected with Eimeria paludosa, herein described; for the first time, photomicrographs of the species are presented. Sporulated oocysts are ovoid, 16.5 x 12.6 (15-23 x 11-14) microns, with a lightly to heavily pitted single-layered wall; an oocyst residuum is absent, but a prominent micropyle is present. A large, or several smaller, polar granule(s) is present, usually located beneath the micropyle. Sporocysts are elongate-ovoid, 10.8 x 6.2 (10-12 x 5-7) microns, with Stieda and substieda bodies. A sporocyst residuum is present, normally composed of very fine faint granules scattered among the sporozoites or, rarely, as a spherical mass. Sporozoites are elongate, 8.7 x 2.7 (7-11 x 2-3) microns, in situ. Each sporozoite contains a spherical-ellipsoid posterior refractile body and occasionally a spherical anterior refractile body. A nucleus is located immediately anterior to the posterior refractile body. The occurrence of E. paludosa in F. a. americana is a new host and geographic record for the parasite. In addition, several of the previously described eimerian species from gruiform birds are proposed to be synonyms of E. paludosa.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - The proteocephalid genus Pseudoendorchis (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea) has recently been proposed to accommodate seven species/species-level lineages of tapeworm...  相似文献   

The new species Ceratozamia vovidesii from a Pleistocene floristic refuge in southern Mexico is described and illustrated. It show an affinity with C. matudae Lundell and C. mirandae Vovides, Pérez-Farrera & Iglesias from Chiapas, but it differs from them in leaf, male and female cones, and trunk morphology.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 393–400.  相似文献   

A new species of Physophora, belonging to the physonect family of siphonophores Physophoridae is described. It can easily be distinguished from the only other recognised species in that family, P. hydrostatica, by the presence of two types of bracts. The arrangement of the palpons and bracts throws new light on the cormidial organisation of the physophorids, and comparisons are made between both species. The validity of an enigmatic physophorid species, Discolabe quadrigata, is discussed.  相似文献   

The intra-molluscan stages of three species of the Mesometridae Poche, 1926 are described. The corresponding adult stages are intestinal parasites of herbivorous sparid teleosts. The cercariae develop in prosobranch gastropods. The larvae of Elstia stossichianum occur in Vermetus triqueter, those of Wardula capitellata are parasites of Barleeia rubra and those of Centroderma spinosissima are found in three related rissoid hosts species: Rissoa ventricosa, R. auriscalpium and R. similis. The phylogenetic status of the Mesometridae in the Digenea is discussed in relation to larval and life-cycle characters.  相似文献   

Chaetostoma chimu sp. nov. is described from 119 specimens collected in the Andean foothills of the Orinoco River in Colombia. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by a combination of characters, including shape of cheek odontodes, presence of a supraoccipital excrescence, sexual dimorphism characters and colour pattern. In addition, this species can be distinguished from the sympatric and geographically close congeners of the Orinoco that have curved cheek odontodes (i.e., Chaetostoma anale, Chaetostoma formosae and Chaetostoma joropo), by presenting a generally larger orbital diameter and interorbital distance, details of sexual dimorphism and colour pattern. The type locality of specimens collected by Kjell von Sneidern in the mid-twentieth century in the Colombian Amazon is also clarified. Chaetostoma alternifasciatum and Chaetostoma vagum are proposed as junior synonyms of C. anale. An identification key for the species of Chaetostoma from cis-Andean drainages in Colombia is provided. The new species is herein categorized as Vulnerable (Vu) B1a (i, iii), following the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Awaous (Oxudercidae), Awaous motla sp. nov., is described based on 18 specimens collected from the Mahanadi River near Sonepur, Subarnapur District, and 3 specimens from the same river near Boudh bridge, Boudh District of Odisha, India. This species is distinct from its congeners by having a combination of characteristics: relatively small eyes, diameter of 6.6–8.4 in head length (LH); robust and long snout, 2.0–2.6 in LH; eye diameter 2.7–4.1 in snout length; cephalic sensory pore system interrupted with eight pores; predorsal scales 13–15; longitudinal scale series 55–58; gill rakers 2 + 1 + (6–7) on the first gill arch; teeth small, conical, and in a single row on the upper jaw and multiserial (2–3) on the lower jaw. This species is also differentiated from some of its congeners in the nucleotide composition of the cytochrome c oxidase I gene by 8.3%–13.8% Kimura two-parameter (K2P) distance and belongs to a separate cluster in the maximum likelihood tree analysis. This finding is also supported by the species delimitation analysis based on Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning. The new species holds high commercial value in its locality and needs special conservation attention for sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

Four new strains of Thiopedia rosea were isolated in pure culture from blooms of platelet-forming purple sulfur bacteria in the top layers of the anoxic hypolimnia of two freshwater lakes. Individual cells of the new strains as well as of T. rosea strain 4211 were spherical to oval, nonmotile and contained gas vesicles in the central part. The predominant photosynthetic pigments were bacteriochlorophyll a and okenone. All strains were strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic. Optimal growth occurred at low light intensities of 100 E · m-2 s-1 (tungsten lamp); intensities above 150 E · m-2 s-1 inhibited growth completely. Photoautotrophic growth was possible at sulfide concentrations up to 0.6 mM; higher concentrations were inhibitory. Acetate, butyrate and valerate supported photoorganotrophic growth in the presence of bicarbonate and sulfide concentrations below 1 mM. Sulfide was required as a source of cellular sulfur because assimilatory sulfate reduction is lacking. All strains were assigned to the species Thiopedia rosea with strain 4211 as a neotype.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 66th birthday  相似文献   

A collection in excess of 1000 specimens of Callionymus kaianus moretonensis, trawled off southern Queensland, afforded an opportunity to study various aspects of the biology of this species. It inhabits muddy bottoms at depths of 101–150 m off south-east Queensland between Noosa and Cape Moreton, Moreton Island. Penaeid prawns were the predominant food during all seasons and for all size groups. A great diversity of food items were ingested, especially in the pelecypod and gastropod categories. Factors influencing feeding and vulnerability of prey organisms are discussed. Of the 907 specimens that were sexed, 422 (46.7%) were males and 485 (53.3%) were females. C. k. moretonensis has a prolonged breeding period in which each female spawns a number of times. Only a few oocytes appear to be discharged at any one time from the ovary. Practically every stage of ovarian development was found in each ovary examined regardless of time of year. Oocyte diameter averaged 0.51 mm immediately prior to spawning and numbers of ova ranged from 1285 to 22,478. C. k. moretonensis may have either a benthic larvae or a short-lived planktonic one. Length-weight relationships are represented by the regressions, log W = -1 5.24 + 3.77 log L (males) and log W = -16.77 + 4.12 log L (females). Otoliths were used for age and growth determinations. C. k. moretonensis reaches age group IV+. Growth of males slightly exceeded that of females, with the greatest difference occurring between the third and fourth years of life. No evidence of high post-breeding mortality was found in spent males.  相似文献   

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