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The use of multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) for the taxonomy of Bradyrhizobium was assessed. We compared partial sequences for atpD, recA, gyrB, rpoB and dnaK for a set of reference strains representing named species and genospecies, and a number of new isolates from Lupinus albus, Arachis hypogaea and Ornithopus compressus from Spain. The phylogenies of the individual genes were compared with previous DNA–DNA hybridization results. High hybridization values were well reflected, but intermediary hybridization values were less clearly apparent. However, the phylogeny of a concatenated dataset of the five genes did reflect all values and thus is more informative of overall genome similarity. Our results indicate that only for the genes gyrB, rpoB and dnaK there is a small gap between the interspecies sequence similarities and the intraspecies similarity, and therefore cut-off levels for species delineation cannot be set, although high sequence similarity (>99%) does permit identification. In a few instances, a reference strain did not group as expected for one of the five genes tested. This may be a result of horizontal gene transfer and recombination events occasionally involving housekeeping genes. This observation indicates it is best to consider more than one gene for taxonomic inferences. The majority of the new isolates from the three host species was identified as Bradyrhizobium canariense. Four strains from L. albus from León, Spain, formed a separate group close to Bradyrhizobium japonicum.  相似文献   

The diversity and phylogeny of 32 rhizobial strains isolated from nodules of common bean plants grown on 30 sites in Ethiopia were examined using AFLP fingerprinting and MLSA. Based on cluster analysis of AFLP fingerprints, test strains were grouped into six genomic clusters and six single positions. In a tree built from concatenated sequences of recA, glnII, rpoB and partial 16S rRNA genes, the strains were distributed into seven monophyletic groups. The strains in the groups B, D, E, G1 and G2 could be classified as Rhizobium phaseoli, R. etli, R. giardinii, Agrobacterium tumefaciens complex and A. radiobacter, respectively, whereas the strains in group C appeared to represent a novel species. R. phaseoli, R. etli, and the novel group were the major bean nodulating rhizobia in Ethiopia. The strains in group A were linked to R. leguminosarum species lineages but not resolved. Based on recA, rpoB and 16S rRNA genes sequences analysis, a single test strain was assigned as R. leucaenae. In the nodC tree the strains belonging to the major nodulating groups were clustered into two closely linked clades. They also had almost identical nifH gene sequences. The phylogenies of nodC and nifH genes of the strains belonging to R. leguminosarum, R. phaseoli, R. etli and the putative new species (collectively called R. leguminosarum species complex) were not consistent with the housekeeping genes, suggesting symbiotic genes have a common origin which is different from the core genome of the species and indicative of horizontal gene transfer among these rhizobia.  相似文献   

Root nodule bacterial strains were isolated from the little-studied legumes Eriosema chinense and Flemingia vestita (both in tribe Phaseoleae, Papilionoideae) growing in acidic soil of the sub-Himalayan region of the Indian state of Meghalaya (ME), and were identified as novel strains of Bradyrhizobium on the basis of their 16S rRNA sequences. Seven isolates selected on the basis of phenotypic characters and assessment of ARDRA and RAPD patterns were subjected to multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) using four protein-coding housekeeping genes (glnII, recA, dnaK and gyrB). On the basis of 16S rRNA phylogeny as well as a concatenated MLSA five strains clustered in a single separate clade and two strains formed novel lineages within the genus Bradyrhizobium. The phylogenies of the symbiotic genes (nodA and nifH) were in agreement with the core gene phylogenies. It appears that genetically diverse Bradyrhizobium strains are the principal microsymbionts of these two important native legumes. The novel genotypes of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated in the present study efficiently nodulate the Phaseoloid crop species Glycine max, Vigna radiata and Vigna umbellata. These strains are genetically different from strains of Bradyrhizobium isolated earlier from a different agro-climatic region of India suggesting that the acidic nature of the soil, high precipitation and other local environmental conditions are responsible for the evolution of these newly-described Bradyrhizobium strains. In global terms, the sub-Himalayan region of India is geographically and climatically distinct and the Bradyrhizobium strains nodulating its legumes appear to be novel and potentially unique to the region.  相似文献   

Twenty‐three isolates of the widely distributed marine bacteria Alteromonas macleodii have been analysed by multilocus sequence analysis combined with phylogenetic and multivariate statistical analyses. The strains originated from the Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, English Channel, Black Sea and Thailand. Using the nucleotide sequences of nine loci for each of the 23 isolates, a robust identification was achieved of different clades within the single species. Strains generally clustered with the depth in the water column from which the isolate originated. Strains also showed more recombination with isolates from the same vicinity, suggesting that genetic exchange plays a role in diversification of planktonic marine prokaryotes. This study thus shows for the first time for a large set of isolates of a species of planktonic marine prokaryotes that multilocus sequence analysis overcomes the problems associated with the analysis of individual marker genes or presence of extensive recombination events. It can thus achieve intraspecific identification to the level of genotypes and, by comparison with relevant environmental data, ecotypes.  相似文献   

Streptomyces hygroscopicus and related species are the most well known candidate producers of antibiotics and many other industrially and agronomically important secondary metabolites in the genus Streptomyces. Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) has shown to be a powerful and pragmatic molecular method for unraveling streptomycete diversities. In this investigation, a multilocus phylogeny of 58 representatives of the S. hygroscopicus 16S rRNA gene clade including S. violaceusniger and related species was examined. The result demonstrated that the MLSA data were helpful in defining members of the S. hygroscopicus clade, providing further evidence that the MLSA scheme of five housekeeping genes (atpD, gyrB, recA, rpoB and trpB) is a valuable alternative for creating and maintaining operational protocols for the Streptomyces species assignment. DNA-DNA hybridization (DDH) between strains with representative MLSA evolutionary distances, combined with previous data from S. griseus and S. albidoflavus clades, revealed a high correlation between MLSA and DDH, and sustains that the five-gene nucleotide sequence distance of 0.007 could be considered as the species cut-off for the whole genus. This significant correlation thus makes the MLSA scheme applicable to construction of a theory-based taxonomy for both ecology and bioprospecting of streptomycetes. Based on the MLSA and DDH data, as well as phenotypic characteristics, 10 species and three subspecies of the S. hygroscopicus clade are considered to be later heterotypic synonyms of eight genomic species, and Streptomyces glebosus sp. nov., comb. nov. (type strain CGMCC 4.1873(T)=LMG 19950(T)=DSM 40823(T)) and Streptomyces ossamyceticus sp. nov., comb. nov. (type strain CGMCC 4.1866(T)=LMG 19951(T)=DSM 40824(T)) are also proposed.  相似文献   

Four species of marine purple sulfur bacteria of the genus Marichromatium have been validly described. A recent re-analysis of the 16S rRNA-based similarity and genomic DNA–DNA hybridizations (DDH) of the type strains [33] suggested that some of them are so closely related that they can be considered heterotypic synonyms. Here, we report on the evaluation of the multilocus sequence analysis approach (MLSA) for nine Marichromatium strains in order to resolve their intrageneric genealogical relationships. MLSA was based on six protein-coding genes (gyrB, recA, fusA, dnaK, pufM, and soxB), and the results were comparable to DDH. The phylogenetic tree constructed with the concatenated sequences, which also included the 16S rRNA gene and the internal transcriber spacer ITS region (4331 bp), separated the nine strains in four lineages that reflected the four Marichromatium species. The reconstructed phylogenetic tree based on concatenation of six protein-coding genes was also highly congruent with the tree topology based on the 16S rRNA gene.  相似文献   

Two phylogenetically distinct Vibrionaceae strains C4II189T and C4V358T isolated from reef seawater off Ishigaki Island, Japan, in 2014 were studied with advanced genome-based taxonomy approaches. All aspects of phylogenetic (16S rRNA phylogeny, MLSA), phenotypic and genetic (ANI, DDH, AAI, and the number of core genes) cohesions between the two identified species were high enough to propose them as members of a new genus within the family Vibrionaceae. Consequently, an eighth genus Thaumasiovibrio gen. nov. is proposed that contains two new species Thaumasiovibrio occultus sp. nov. strain C4II189T (=DSM 101554T = JCM 31629T) (type species) and Thaumasiovibrio subtropicus sp. nov. strain C4V358T (=DSM 101555T = JCM 31630T). Thaumasiovibrio species were phylogenetically distinct from the other Vibrionaceae species based on pyrH gene sequences. The combination of catalase negative, sensitivity to vibriostatic agent O/129, and green colony formation on TCBS for the phylogenetically affiliated strains was the diagnostic features for the current tentative identification of this genus.  相似文献   

Ten Gram-strain-negative, facultatively anaerobic, moderately halophilic bacterial strains, designated AL184T, IB560, IB563, IC202, IC317, MA421, ML277, ML318, ML328A and ML331, were isolated from water ponds of five salterns located in Spain. The cells were motile, curved rods and oxidase and catalase positive. All of them grew optimally at 37 °C, at pH 7.2–7.4 and in the presence of 7.5% (w/v) NaCl. Based on phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA, the isolates were most closely related to Salinivibrio sharmensis BAGT (99.6–98.2% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) and Salinivibrio costicola subsp. costicola ATCC 35508T (99.0–98.1%). According to the MLSA analyses based on four (gyrB, recA, rpoA and rpoD) and eight (ftsZ, gapA, gyrB, mreB, pyrH, recA, rpoA and topA) concatenated gene sequences, the most closely relatives were S. siamensis JCM 14472T (96.8–95.4% and 94.9–94.7%, respectively) and S. sharmensis DSM 18182T (94.0–92.6% and 92.9–92.7%, respectively). In silico DNA–DNA hybridization (GGDC) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) showed values of 23.3–44.8% and 80.2–91.8%, respectively with the related species demonstrating that the ten isolates constituted a single novel species of the genus Salinivibrio. Its pangenome and core genome consist of 6041 and 1230 genes, respectively. The phylogeny based on the concatenated orthologous core genes revealed that the ten strains form a coherent phylogroup well separated from the rest of the species of the genus Salinivibrio. The major cellular fatty acids of strain AL184T were C16:0 and C18:1. The DNA G + C content range was 51.9–52.5 mol% (Tm) and 50.2–50.9 mol% (genome). Based on the phylogenetic-phylogenomic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic data, the ten isolates represent a novel species of the genus Salinivibrio, for which the name Salinivibrio kushneri sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is AL184T (= CECT 9177T = LMG 29817T).  相似文献   

【目的】采用多位点序列分析方法,研究印度洋3 000 m以下深海沉积物中分离得到的16S rRNA基因比对高度相似的链霉菌菌株的种间系统发育关系,同时探讨各管家基因及多基因聚类分析后的种间区分能力。【方法】以分离自印度洋深海沉积物的7株Streptomyces albidoflavus,11株Streptomyces cavourensis,16株Streptomyces pratensis为研究对象,以16S rRNA、atpD、recA和rpoB基因片段为标记,通过PCR扩增、测序,获得序列。同时从NCBI上下载5株S.pratensis上述4个基因的序列,将所有序列在MLST网站进行比对,并构建系统进化树进行比较。【结果】S.pratensis各菌株种内比较发现,16S rRNA基因构建的系统进化树中相同基因型的菌株没有聚在一起,系统进化树不稳定,区分度不高。其余3个构建的系统进化树稳定,菌株的聚类关系与MLST数据库得到的基因型一致。同时,多基因聚类分析后将菌株分为6个类群。在3个种的种间多位点序列比较中,除区分度明显增加、进化树更加稳定以外,还发现rec A基因进化上比较特殊的菌株。【结论】多位点序列分析将实验菌株分为很多不同的类型,成功地将所分离的链霉菌进行了更细的分类,同时也找到部分菌株在个别基因上差异较大。此方法可以用于相近种的快速鉴定。  相似文献   

The liver is capable of undergoing a proliferative growth, known as direct hyperplasia, in which the naïve liver increases in size due to stimulation with primary mitogens. To produce accurate gene expression data, housekeeping genes (HKGs) that are stably expressed need to be determined. In the present study, liver regeneration was promoted via the direct hyperplasia mode by inducing mice with 1,4-bis[2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene. Gene expression levels of nine commonly used HKGs were analyzed in the liver of different timing during the regeneration. The stability of gene expression was assessed using two different analysis programs, geNorm and NormFinder. Using these analyses, we identified that PPIA and RPL4 showed the most stable expression regardless of the status of the liver regeneration. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that the use of PPIA and RPL4 were the most optimal in providing reliable normalization of gene expression when assessing liver regeneration attributed to direct hyperplasia.  相似文献   

A multilocus sequence analysis based on partial gyrB, mreB, rpoD and pyrH genes was undertaken with 61 putative Vibrio mediterranei/V. shilonii strains from different hosts (mussels, oysters, clams, coral, fish and plankton) or habitat (seawater and sediment) and geographical origins (Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific). A consistent grouping was obtained with individual and concatenated gene sequences, and the clade, comprising 54 strains, was split into three subclades by all methods: subclade A (40 strains, including AK1, the former type strain of Vibrio shilonii), subclade B (8 strains) corresponding to the species V. mediterranei, and subclade C (six strains) representing a new species, V. thalassae sp. nov., with strain MD16T (=CECT 8203T = KCTC 32373T) as the proposed type strain.  相似文献   

The genus Tissierella and its relatives Tepidimicrobium, Soehngenia and Sporanaerobacter comprise anaerobic Gram-positive bacilli classified along with Gram-positive cocci in a family with controversial placement designated as incertae sedis XI, in the phylum Firmicutes. We performed a top-down reappraisal of the taxonomy from the phylum to the species level within the genus Tissierella. Reconstruction of high-rank 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenies and their interpretation in a taxonomic purpose allowed defining Tissierellia classis nov. within the phylum Firmicutes while the frames of Tissierellales ord. nov. and Tissierellaceae fam. nov. have to be further strengthened. For species delineation in the genus Tissierella, we studied a population of clinical strains. Beside Tissierella praeacuta, a sub-population of five strains formed a clade in multilocus phylogenies (16S rRNA, cpn60, tpi, recA and spo0A genes). Data such as 16S rRNA gene similarity level, population structure, chromosome organization and murein type indicated that this clade corresponded to a novel species for which the name Tissierella carlieri sp. nov. is proposed, with type strain LBN 295T = AIP 268.01T = DSM 23816T = CCUG 60010T. Such an approach, associating a phylogenetic reappraisal of high-level taxonomic ranks with weak taxonomic structure and a population study for genus and species delineation is needed to strengthen the taxonomic frame of incertae sedis groups in the phylum Firmicutes.  相似文献   

朴冬花  姚磊  王玲  樊东 《昆虫学报》2008,51(3):342-348
利用昆虫几丁质酶对几丁质的调控作用破坏几丁质新陈代谢的平衡来防治害虫, 在生物防治策略中具有很大的发展潜力。从处于预蛹期的小地老虎Agrotls ipsilon (Hufnagel)体中肠内提取总的RNA, 经反转录, 利用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE)获得了几丁质酶基因的cDNA序列。该基因序列已经登录GenBank并获得登录号为EU035316。该序列长度为2 823个碱基, 含有一个1 674个碱基的开放读码框。开放读码框编码558个氨基酸残基, 预测的分子量为62.5 kDa, 等电点5.12。推导得到的氨基酸序列含有2个N-位糖基化位点,20个O-位糖基化位点, 含有2个几丁质酶所具有的保守序列:N-端的催化区和C-端的几丁质结合区。氨基酸序列与其他昆虫, 特别是鳞翅目昆虫的几丁质酶高度同源。  相似文献   

延边黄牛背最长肌差异表达基因的筛选、克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tian WN  Zhang SF  Li XZ  Gao QS  Jin X  Yan CG 《遗传》2011,33(11):1219-1224
应用引物复性控制技术筛选肌内脂肪含量差异极显著的延边黄牛背最长肌组织差异表达基因,寻找与肌内脂肪沉积的相关候选基因。文章选取30头28月龄延边黄牛阉牛的背最长肌组织测定肌内脂肪含量,选取肌内脂肪含量差异极显著的最高和最低各3头组成RNA池,采用引物复性控制技术,分析了两组个体背最长肌组织差异表达基因。利用20对随机引物差异显示扩增下,共获得12条ESTs(片段大小为200~890 bp),其中8个为已知的ESTs分别与细胞骨架形成、细胞因子信号转导、蛋白质合成、能量代谢和其他功能的差异基因,4个未知的ESTs。结果表明,应用引物复性控制技术筛选得到了12个可能参与了肌内脂肪沉积调控的ESTs,为进一步筛选肌内脂肪沉积相关的基因奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A detailed restriction endonuclease map was prepared for the cloned 5.8 S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene region of the brine shrimp Artemia. The nucleotide sequence of the 5.8 S rRNA gene and its flanking nucleotides was determined. This sequence differs in two positions from that of the previously reported 5.8 S rRNA. The primary structure of the Artemia 5.8 S rRNA gene, which, unlike in dipteran insects, is shown to contain no insertion sequence, is conserved according to the relatedness of the species compared. The 5.8 S rRNA gene flanking nucleotides, which were sequenced 176 nucleotide pairs upstream and 70 nucleotide pairs downstream from the gene, show no evidence of sequence conservation between evolutionarily diverse species by computer analysis. Direct nucleotide repeats are present within the flanking sequences at both ends of the gene at about the same distance upstream and downstream, which could serve as processing signals.  相似文献   

PAS domains are widespread in archaea, bacteria, and eukaryota, and play important roles in various functions. In this study, we aim to explore functional evolutionary relationship among proteins in the PAS domain superfamily in view of the sequence‐structure‐dynamics‐function relationship. We collected protein sequences and crystal structure data from RCSB Protein Data Bank of the PAS domain superfamily belonging to three biological functions (nucleotide binding, photoreceptor activity, and transferase activity). Protein sequences were aligned and then used to select sequence‐conserved residues and build phylogenetic tree. Three‐dimensional structure alignment was also applied to obtain structure‐conserved residues. The protein dynamics were analyzed using elastic network model (ENM) and validated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The result showed that the proteins with same function could be grouped by sequence similarity, and proteins in different functional groups displayed statistically significant difference in their vibrational patterns. Interestingly, in all three functional groups, conserved amino acid residues identified by sequence and structure conservation analysis generally have a lower fluctuation than other residues. In addition, the fluctuation of conserved residues in each biological function group was strongly correlated with the corresponding biological function. This research suggested a direct connection in which the protein sequences were related to various functions through structural dynamics. This is a new attempt to delineate functional evolution of proteins using the integrated information of sequence, structure, and dynamics.  相似文献   

胡振  左洪亮  李亚楠  黄劲飞  胡美英 《昆虫学报》2011,54(11):1249-1257
过氧化氢酶 (catalase, CAT)作为生物体内的重要物质, 其主要功能是参与活性氧代谢过程, 在清除H2O2、 超氧自由基和过氧化物以及阻止羟基自由基形成等方面发挥着重要作用。本研究利用RT-PCR技术和RACE方法首次克隆和分析了甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)CAT基因, 命名为SexiCAT, GenBank登录号为JN051294, 其cNDA序列全长为1 755 bp, 开放阅读框长1 524 bp, 推测编码507个氨基酸。经氨基酸序列比对, 此多肽序列具有高度保守性, 与其他昆虫CAT的序列一致性分别为: 家蚕Bombyx mori (87%)、 黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster (73%)、 埃及伊蚊Aedes aegypti (71%)和赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum (70%)。对该基因在甜菜夜蛾各个发育时期以及不同组织表达量的荧光定量PCR分析表明, SexiCAT基因在甜菜夜蛾各个发育阶段的表达水平存在显著差异, 其中成虫期的表达量最高, 是卵期表达量的7倍, 幼虫期次之, 卵期最低; SexiCAT基因在5龄幼虫体壁、 中肠、 脂肪体和马氏管组织中都有表达, 但在脂肪体中表达量最高。甜菜夜蛾SexiCAT基因的成功克隆及同源建模将为今后对其功能研究以及作为靶标设计新型氧化酶抑制剂提供了基础。  相似文献   

【目的】卵黄原蛋白受体(vitellogenin receptor,VgR)属于低密度脂蛋白受体,通过介导内吞作用为发育中的卵母细胞摄取卵黄原蛋白,为胚胎发育提供营养物质,在昆虫生殖过程中发挥关键作用。为研究黑尾叶蝉Nephotettix cincticeps VgR(NcVgR)基因的生理功能及其在生殖中的作用,本研究克隆并解析了NcVgR基因的序列,并对其时空表达进行了研究。【方法】根据黑尾叶蝉转录组数据信息,利用RT-PCR克隆了NcVgR基因,并进行了生物信息学分析;利用实时荧光定量PCR研究了不同发育时期、成虫不同组织NcVgR的表达水平。【结果】NcVgR c DNA序列全长6 676 bp,开放阅读框长度5 568 bp,编码1 855个氨基酸,预测编码蛋白的分子量为206 k D,N端前17个氨基酸为信号肽。序列分析显示,NcVgR具有低密度脂蛋白家族的5个经典保守域,即:配体结合域(ligand-binding domain,LBD)、表皮生长因子前体同源域(EGF-precursor homology domain,EGFP)、O-糖链结构域(O-linked sugar domain,OLSD)、跨膜域(transmembrane domain,TMD)和胞质尾域(cytoplasmic domain)。系统发育分析表明,NcVgR与褐飞虱N.lugens VgR亲缘关系最近。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,NcVgR转录起始时间为5龄若虫,羽化后转录水平逐渐上升,至羽化后8 d达到峰值,随后下降。有意思的是,随着黑尾叶蝉产卵,NcVgR转录水平再次上升,至羽化后16 d达到最高水平。组织定位结果显示,NcVgR在黑尾叶蝉雌成虫卵巢中特异性高表达,而在雌成虫脂肪体和肠道中微量表达,在雌成虫脑及雄成虫中均未检测到表达。【结论】NcVgR在黑尾叶蝉雌成虫卵巢中特异性表达,并且不同发育时期具有不同的表达量,这为研究黑尾叶蝉的生殖调控机理提供了分子信息。  相似文献   

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