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We investigated how epiphytic species and subfamilies of Bromeliaceae change along the extent of the Atlantic Rain Forest, to answer the questions: (i) How do the epiphytic genera and subfamilies of Bromeliaceae change along the domain? (ii) How similar are the different regions of the Atlantic Rain Forest in relation to the epiphytic species of bromeliads? (iii) Which environmental variables are the most important factors in determining species composition along the domain? We found 114 species of Bromelioideae and 73 of Tillandsioideae. The predominance of Bromelioideae was unexpected, because they are not wind-dispersed as would be expected for most epiphytes. The smaller number of species of Tillandsioideae, and the high frequency of species of Vriesea with limited geographic distributions indicated that epiphytes with rather limited geographic distributions predominate in this domain. Species similarity was divided into one block of south–southeastern localities, and a second block of northeastern–southeastern localities. These results suggest that the distribution of epiphytic bromeliad species resembles that of the phorophyte trees, more than a previous pattern suggested for all epiphytes in the domain. Latitude, temperature and altitude were important factors affecting the species composition along the domain. In general, our results differ from those of other studies in Latin America, and we suggest that historical and evolutionary events generated these differences.  相似文献   

The adequate selection of indicator groups of biodiversity is an important aspect of the systematic conservation planning. However, these assessments differ in the spatial scales, in the methods used and in the groups considered to accomplish this task, which generally produces contradictory results. The quantification of the spatial congruence between species richness and complementarity among different taxonomic groups is a fundamental step to identify potential indicator groups. Using a constructive approach, the main purposes of this study were to evaluate the performance and efficiency of eight potential indicator groups representing amphibian diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Data on the geographic range of amphibian species that occur in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest were overlapped to the full geographic extent of the biome, which was divided into a regular equal‐area grid. Optimization routines based on the concept of complementarily were applied to verify the performance of each indicator group selected in relation to the representativeness of the amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest as a whole, which were solved by the algorithm “simulated annealing,” through the use of the software MARXAN. Some indicator groups were substantially more effective than others in regard to the representation of the taxonomic groups assessed, which was confirmed by the high significance of the data (F = 312.76; < 0.01). Leiuperidae was considered as the best indicator group among the families analyzed, as it showed a good performance, representing 71% of amphibian species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (i.e., 290 species), which may be associated with the diffuse geographic distribution of their species. In this sense, this study promotes understanding of how the diversity standards of amphibians can be informative for systematic conservation planning on a regional scale.  相似文献   

This study is focused on a poorly known genus of small killifishes, Xenurolebias, comprising species uniquely living in temporary pools of the Atlantic Forest in the coastal plains of eastern Brazil (a region undergoing intense deforestation). Xenurolebias comprises two nominal, morphologically similar species, but some variability among populations suggests it represents a species complex. In order to delineate species limits, a taxonomic revision was conducted combining two different approaches: (i) a character-based approach using morphological variation (colour patterns, fin morphology, meristic and morphometric data) and (ii) a tree-based approach using mt-DNA (tRNA-Met, tRNA-Gln and ND2). The results strongly supported four species: X. myersi (Carvalho) from the Itaúnas river basin and adjacent smaller drainages; X. izecksohni (Cruz) from the Barra Seca river basin; X. cricarensis Costa, sp. nov., from the São Mateus river basin; and X. pataxo Costa, sp. nov., from the Mucuri, Itanhem and Jucuruçu river basins. Recognition of four distinct species in Xenurolebias should change views about the conservation of the species, one of which (X. pataxo) is seriously endangered and should be considered a priority for conservation.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8485DD00-3F30-4C9F-9682-62C4718D53D9  相似文献   

Inselbergs occur as mostly dome-shaped rock outcrops in all climatic and vegetational zones of the tropics. Consisting of Precambrian granites and gneisses, they form ancient and stable landscape elements. Due to harsh edaphic and microclimatic conditions, the vegetation of inselbergs differs markedly from those of the surroundings. Monocotyledonous mats form one of the most characteristic communities of this ecosystem. The floristic composition of this community was studied on six inselbergs located in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Dominating are Bromeliaceae ( Alcantarea , Encholirium ), Velloziaceae ( Vellozia ), Cactaceae ( Coleocephalocereus ) and the Cyperaceae Trilepis . The alpha diversity of the mats was relatively uniform among the six outcrops. However, beta diversity varied considerably between the different sites. Beta diversity was highest at the most speciose locality indicating a high degree of stochasticity in colonization. In contrast to the low diversity mats on West African inselbergs, the Brazilian rock outcrops bear a floristically more diverse mat community rich in endemics. Thus the edaphically controlled inselberg vegetation reflects the outstanding diversity of the Mata Atlaântica. Possibly the high species richness of mats on East Brazilian inselbergs is a consequence of a large species-pool. The processes that regulate regional and local diversity in the Mata Atlaântica are not fully clear. It is assumed that historical (i.e. long-term stability) and biotic (i.e. evolutionary interchange of taxa between canopies and rock outcrops followed by differentiation of local populations) conditions have promoted high rates of speciation and their coexistence in isolated habitats. A danger to the unique vegetation of East Brazilian inselbergs is the establishment of invasive weeds.  相似文献   

Documenting species distribution is essential to extinction risk asessments and subsequent conservation actions. Historical records are thus essential to understand how species are distributed and how their range has changed over time. However, using historical records might contribute to overestimating the species current range and misrepresent their conservation status. Here, we illustrate the pitfalls of this approach using a widespread but elusive Neotropical snake species, Philodryas livida (Dipsadidae Bonaparte, 1838). We mapped occurrences of this species over time and calculated its Extent of Occurrence and Area of Habitat. Our results show that due to the intense, widespread anthropic land-use transformation since the discovery of P. livida in 1920, most historical localities are now likely unsuitable for its occurrence and both its current Extent of Occurrence and Area of Habitat become remarkably smaller (5.7% and 19.1% remaining, respectively) if only localities from the last 30 years are considered. Apart from the natural elusiveness of the species, intense habitat loss and fragmentation may also explain the low number of recent records of P. livida, all concentrated within or near protected areas, indicating a putative decline in range relevant to its conservation status. We thus highlight how failing to consider the date of records and the associated land-use change over time might underestimate species range reduction and thus threat status. We strongly encourage the inclusion of the date of each occurrence record in conservation assessments, as suggested by the IUCN’s mapping standards, such that historical records are carefully considered, especially in highly dynamic and threatened biomes such as the Cerrado savannas in Brazil.  相似文献   

The forest wealth of the Himalayan ranges is abundant with unique medicinal herbs, having tremendous economic importance. Latterly, these have adversely suffered at the hands of poachers and unlawful trade activities. The author cites the names of some of the rare species, in a bid to achieve their conservation through sensitization and participation of the masses, especially the tribals, in the greater interest of humanity.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed the processes resulting in the origin of two endemic sister species of bumblebees in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We studied the historical distribution pattern of Bombus bahiensis, which is restricted to small fragments in eastern Brazil and the phylogeographic pattern and historical demography of B. brasiliensis, which is widely distributed in southern and south-eastern Brazil and neighbouring regions of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. We used ecological niche models, niche analyses, and genetic and distribution data (i) to test the role of niche differentiation on the divergence between the two species, (ii) to find potential distribution areas for the most restricted B. bahiensis, and (iii) to evaluate the conservation status of both species. Our results showed that B. brasiliensis populations are able to disperse across mosaics of anthropogenic and preserved areas and exhibit low levels of spatial genetic structure. Otherwise, B. bahiensis presented a restricted distribution range and likely a lower diversity, where it is suffering with an increasing habitat loss. The climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene influenced the population structure of both species in different ways, probably due to differences in their effective population sizes, physiology and past demographic fluctuations. Specifically, while B. brasiliensis expanded its distribution range in the last 500,?000?years throughout most of the Atlantic Forest, B. bahiensis remained restricted to a small rainforest area between southern Bahia and northern Espírito Santo states in Brazil. In its southern distribution, in the state of Espírito Santo, B. bahiensis is currently very rare or extinct. Currently, the adjacent ranges of Bombus brasiliensis and B. bahiensis do not overlap and our results indicate that these species may have further diversified through a reinforcement process associated to niche specialization and differentiation.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse and threatened ecosystems of the world, being thus classified as one of the most important biodiversity hotspots. However, habitat loss, overexploitation, alien species, disease and pollution are not the only threats faced by native fauna and flora. The lack of adequate taxonomic knowledge hinders conservation and management efforts of endemic species. This is true even for mammals, which is the most charismatic group of animals and traditionally receive a good deal of attention from scientists and the public in general. A few examples show how this gap in local fauna information can be demise for species conservation, even misguiding management strategies: molecular data reveal a hidden marsupial diversity; the lack of taxonomic studies at the species level seriously threatens rodent conservation; and the taxonomic rearrangement of the genusBrachyteles revealed a new species and had a great impact on management strategies. New species are discovered, described and taxonomically rearranged at an astounding rate. We can only be successful in biodiversity conservation if we have at least a minimum level of knowledge about what we are trying to preserve. That is true both for researchers and for the general public. Recent taxonomic revisions may represent the turning point in Neotropical fauna knowledge, which, coupled with a greater awareness of local people about the rich biodiversity that dot their backyards, can represent a better conservation prospect for the endemics of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest (AF) of Brazil is a highly endangered natural ecosystem whose rural human inhabitant’s socioeconomic and health situation also is generally precarious. Using a transdisciplinary and participatory methodology, the different characteristics of rural populations living near three protected areas in Santa Teresa—ES, Brazil, were investigated in a pilot project examining the human groups and the biodiversity of the region. This article presents a general overview of the project, its bioanthropological methodology, socioeconomic, demographic, environmental perception, and sanitary findings, and their possible implications for the three protected areas. A total of 178 families, living in 119 properties participated in the research. The water and sanitation infrastructure of these properties is often poor, over 85% of the cultivated land is used for products which make heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, education levels are low, and two-thirds of the inhabitants do not perceive a value in the protected areas. Hunting and extraction of forest products in the areas is common and many local animal species are highly endangered. Considering that the AF protected areas are under intense anthropogenic pressure, it is imperative to study their surrounding populations in order to propose initiatives that can contribute simultaneously to environmental conservation and the improvement of their quality of life. The project is based on the participation of the local population with the aim of contributing to a better integration of the communities with the protected areas.  相似文献   

To assess the main factors driving epiphytic angiosperm distribution throughout the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we compiled 57 floristic surveys and analysed species composition under the influence of environmental variables, space and vegetation type using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), similarity (Sorensen) and Mantel's tests. The indicator value index (IndVal) was used to find indicator species of each Brazilian Atlantic Forest vegetation type. Group sharpness analysis was performed in order to determine the appropriate group partition level. CCA showed a separation of the epiphytic flora reflecting temperature and rainfall gradients. Mantel's test showed that environment and space were highly correlated with floristic similarity. Cluster analysis, indicating floristic similarity, resolved five groups, mainly grouped by region. Clear differentiation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest epiphytic flora on a north–south axis with a strong correlation with temperature and rainfall gradients was found. The role of space and environment on species composition varied according to distinct epiphytic species groups. In particular, for Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae, the main factor associated with floristic similarity was space. Indicator species were found for all vegetation types apart from the Seasonal Semideciduous Forest that seemed to represent a subset of a more humid forest type. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 587–601.  相似文献   

Thermophysiological traits, particularly thermal tolerances and sensitivity, are key to understanding how organisms are affected by environmental conditions. In the face of ongoing climate change, determining how physiological traits structure species’ ranges is especially important in tropical montane systems. In this study, we ask whether thermal sensitivity in physiological performance restricts montane lizards to high elevations and excludes them from the warmer environments reported at low elevations. For three montane lizard species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we collect thermophysiological data from lizards in the highest elevation site of each species’ distribution, and ask how well the individuals exhibiting those traits would perform across the Atlantic Forest. We use microclimatic and organism‐specific models to directly relate environmental conditions to an organism's body temperature and physiological traits, and estimate measures of thermophysiological performance. Our findings demonstrate that thermophysiological constraints do not restrict montane lizards to high elevations in this system, and thus likely do not determine the warm boundaries of these montane species’ distributions. Results also suggest that competition may be important in limiting the warm boundaries of the species’ ranges for two of the focal species. These experimental results suggest that caution should be used when claiming that physiology drives patterns of diversity and endemism within montane environments. They also highlight the importance of interdisciplinary experimental studies that bridge the fields of evolution and ecology to improve predictions of biological responses to future environmental shifts.  相似文献   

Approximately 503 of the known species of birds are classified as ‘endangered’ or ‘critical’. Captive propagation programs have proven useful in maintaining genetic diversity and restoring wild populations of certain species, including the Peregrine falcon, California condor and Whooping crane. Artificial insemination (AI) has the potential of solving problems inherent to reproductive management of small, closed populations of endangered birds, including dealing with demographic instability, physical and behavioral disabilities, sexual incompatibility, lack of synchrony, and need to maintain gene diversity. In this review, we address the necessary methods and factors that allow AI to be applied effectively to manage rare bird populations. It is clear that semen availability and quality are the greatest limiting factors to implementing consistently successful AI for birds. Behavioral sensitivity to animal handling and the ability to minimize stress in individual birds also are keys to success. Multiple, deep vaginal inseminations can improve fertility, particularly when semen quality is marginal. Laparoscopic methods of semen transfer also have produced fertile eggs. All of these practices leading to successful AI remain dependent on having adequate basic knowledge on female reproductive status, copulatory behavior, endocrine profiles and duration of fertility, especially as related to oviposition. The overall greatest challenge and highest priority is defining these normative traits, which are highly species-specific.  相似文献   

The occurrence of disturbed sectors may be as important as microscaleedge effects in tropical forests fragments. We considered the spatialdistribution dynamics of life stages (youngs, immatures, and adults) of theacaulescent, endemic palm Attalea humilis Mart. ex.Spreng.in fire-prone fragments of the Brazilian Atlantic forest to investigatepopulation responses to fragment size and fire occurrence. From 1996 to 1999,werecorded the number of individuals in different life stages in adjacent10×10-m plots in two perpendicular transects across each of threefragments of different sizes (1.6, 6.4, and 9.9 ha) in the ReservaNacional de Poço das Antas, Southeastern Brazil. A fire burnt thefragments studied in 1997. Application of Morisita's Index showed clumping atmost scales, with a marked reduction in clumping degree from youngs to adults,apattern not influenced by fragment size. After fire, clumping degree increasedtemporarily among the youngs. No association between life stages was detectedusing presence/absence data. Palm density concentrated in the most disturbedtransect arms, a pattern very little affected by fragment size or fire. Noconsistent relationship between palm density and distance from fragment edgewasdetected for any stage, fragment, or year. We hypothesize that short-distanceseed dispersal by scatterhoarding rodents results in discrete, low-densityclumps of youngs dissociated from reproductive plants. The spatial pattern oflater stages is probably conditioned by the distribution of canopy gaps in thelargest, more closed fragment. In the other fragments, the presence of largedisturbed sectors promotes the formation of large, continuous stands of palms.This pattern would be reinforced by fire, which is known to be recurrent onalready disturbed sites. For the species studied, large-scale variations in theforest structure (degraded vs. preserved fragment sectors) seems to be moreimportant than microscale edge effects.  相似文献   

Floristic differentiation and vegetation definition is an important step to recognize biome distribution and for biodiversity conservation. Here, we aim to verify if the distribution of the costal lowland vegetation in Brazilian littoral is congruent with climatic gradient and the previous vegetation definitions. Additionally we discussed the importance of terms for the Atlantic Forest conservation. Our study was based on floristic and geo-climatic data from 58 published surveys. We generate a checklist of 1088 woody species and verified species distribution according to environmental gradient using a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). We compared DCA??s groups with the a priori vegetation definition and generate an a posteriori classification using TWINSPAN. DCA and TWINSPAN resulted in groups determined mainly by rainfall (r = ?0.65) and soil sandiness (r = ?0.71). Those groups were not congruent with both the previous vegetation definitions. The coastal lowland vegetation comprises two distinctive floristic groups representing forests and scrubs that occur in wetter climates (Ombrophilous lowland forests) in the Brazilian states of Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo and in drier climates of Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro (Restinga-Northern group) and Rio Grande do Sul (Restinga-Southern group) states. The floristic and historical relationships between Ombrophylous lowland forests and Restingas suggest that conservation initiatives should be more conservative and treat collectively all coastal lowland vegetation as a biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dalbergia nigra, known as Brazilian rosewood, is an endangered tree species restricted to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and has been intensively logged for five centuries due to its high-quality wood. The objective of the present study was to assess the genetic variation and structure in adults and saplings of the species from a large reserve of the Atlantic Forest, the Rio Doce State Park, and from two small surrounding fragments, one better preserved and another with a high degree of anthropogenic disturbance. METHODS: Analyses of genetic variation and structure were conducted by studying allozyme markers. Seven putative enzymatic loci were resolved, five of them being polymorphic. KEY RESULTS: The mean numbers of alleles per locus (A) were 1.93 and 1.73, while the percentages of polymorphic loci (P) were 93 and 73 % for adults and saplings, respectively. Saplings from the fragment with high anthropogenic disturbance exhibited the lowest values of A and P. The fragment that constitutes a conservation area exhibited genetic variation similar to the population from the large reserve. The observed (H(o)) and expected (H(e)) heterozygosities were not significantly different among the three populations. Only sapling populations showed F(ST) values (divergence among populations) significantly different from zero over all studied loci. The fragment with high anthropogenic disturbance exhibited considerable genetic divergence in relation to the above-cited populations. CONCLUSIONS: The evaluated populations displayed mean levels of genetic variation intermediate to those expected for narrow and widespread species. The results suggest that fragments with similar area and geographical distance from a large protected reserve can exhibit different levels of genetic variation, depending on the degree of anthropogenic disturbance. The considerable genetic variation in the protected fragment points to the importance of adequate conservation of small fragments for the preservation of genetic variation in D. nigra.  相似文献   

Two in vitro conservation methods have beendeveloped for the ex situ conservation of germplasm fromCedrela fissilis, an economically important tree of theBrazilian Atlantic Forest. The first method involves the medium-term storage, at 25°C, of artificial seeds comprising alginate encapsulatedvegetative propagules (shoot tips, cotyledonary and epicotyl nodal segments).Maximum post-storage (3 months) viabilities of 96–100% wereachieved for encapsulated shoot tips and cotyledonary nodal segments stored onwater-solidified agar (at 0.4–0.7% w/v). Encapsulated shoot tips storedfor 6 months on 0.4% (w/v) agar showed the highest survival rates(44%). Seeds of C. fissilis were successfully cryopreserved(100%) after direct immersion in liquid nitrogen. Ex situstorage procedures are now available for the medium- to long-term conservationof C. fissilis. These approaches offer new opportunitiesfor the conservation, sustainable management and utilization of this valuablefast growing timber tree.  相似文献   

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