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Forest structure and carbon dynamics in Amazonian tropical rain forests   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Living trees constitute one of the major stocks of carbon in tropical forests. A better understanding of variations in the dynamics and structure of tropical forests is necessary for predicting the potential for these ecosystems to lose or store carbon, and for understanding how they recover from disturbance. Amazonian tropical forests occur over a vast area that encompasses differences in topography, climate, and geologic substrate. We observed large differences in forest structure, biomass, and tree growth rates in permanent plots situated in the eastern (near Santarém, Pará), central (near Manaus, Amazonas) and southwestern (near Rio Branco, Acre) Amazon, which differed in dry season length, as well as other factors. Forests at the two sites experiencing longer dry seasons, near Rio Branco and Santarém, had lower stem frequencies (460 and 466 ha–1 respectively), less biodiversity (Shannon–Wiener diversity index), and smaller aboveground C stocks (140.6 and 122.1 Mg C ha–1) than the Manaus site (626 trees ha–1, 180.1 Mg C ha–1), which had less seasonal variation in rainfall. The forests experiencing longer dry seasons also stored a greater proportion of the total biomass in trees with >50 cm diameter (41–45 vs 30% in Manaus). Rates of annual addition of C to living trees calculated from monthly dendrometer band measurements were 1.9 (Manaus), 2.8 (Santarém), and 2.6 (Rio Branco) Mg C ha–1 year–1. At all sites, trees in the 10–30 cm diameter class accounted for the highest proportion of annual growth (38, 55 and 56% in Manaus, Rio Branco and Santarém, respectively). Growth showed marked seasonality, with largest stem diameter increment in the wet season and smallest in the dry season, though this may be confounded by seasonal variation in wood water content. Year-to-year variations in C allocated to stem growth ranged from nearly zero in Rio Branco, to 0.8 Mg C ha–1 year–1 in Manaus (40% of annual mean) and 0.9 Mg C ha–1 year–1 (33% of annual mean) in Santarém, though this variability showed no significant relation with precipitation among years. Initial estimates of the C balance of live wood including recruitment and mortality as well as growth suggests that live wood biomass is at near steady-state in Manaus, but accumulating at about 1.5 Mg C ha–1 at the other two sites. The causes of C imbalance in living wood pools in Santarém and Rio Branco sites are unknown, but may be related to previous disturbance at these sites. Based on size distribution and growth rate differences in the three sites, we predict that trees in the Manaus forest have greater mean age (~240 years) than those of the other two forests (~140 years).  相似文献   

Few studies have successfully monitored community‐wide phenological patterns in seasonally flooded Amazonian várzea forests, where a prolonged annual flood pulse arguably generates the greatest degree of seasonality of any low‐latitude ecosystem on Earth. We monitored the vegetative and reproductive plant phenology of várzea (VZ) floodplain and adjacent terra firme (TF) forests within two contiguous protected areas in western Brazilian Amazonia, using three complementary methods: monthly canopy observations of 1056 individuals (TF: 556, VZ: 500), twice monthly collections from 0.5‐m2 litterfall traps within two 100‐ha plots (1 TF, 1 VZ; 96 traps per plot), and monthly ground surveys of residual fruit‐fall along transect‐grids within each 100‐ha plot (12 km per plot). Surveys encompassed the entire annual flood cycle and employed a floating trap design to cope with fluctuating water levels. Phenology patterns were generally similar in both forest types. Leaffall peaked during the aquatic phase in várzea forest and the dry season in terra firme. Flowering typically followed leaffall and leaf flush, extending into the onset of the terrestrial phase and rainy season in várzea and terra firme, respectively. Abiotic seed dispersal modes were relatively more prevalent in várzea than terra firme; the main contrast in fruiting seasonality was more likely a result of differences in community composition and relative abundance of seed dispersal modes than differences within individual genera. We emphasize the difficulty in distinguishing the role of the flood pulse from other seasonal environmental variables without multiannual data or spatially replicated studies across the spectrum of Amazonian forest types.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in the Private Nature Reservation Nossa Senhora do Outeiro de Maracaípe, located along the southern coast of Pernambuco state, in the Nossa Senhora do Ó District (08°31′48″S and 35°01′05″W), Ipojuca municipality, northeastern Brazil. The reserve has 76.20 ha of tropical coastal vegetation (Restinga forest). The aims were to determine the existence of seasonal phenological pattern of woody species as a function of rainfall. During the study period, the rainfall was 26.8 mm in the driest month (November 2003) and 538.9 in the wettest (June 2004). Observations on flowering, fruiting, leaf fall, and leaf flushing were recorded monthly, during 16 months (April 2003 to July 2004). All species with a ground level perimeter >10 cm and represented by at least three individuals, were selected and tagged. A total of 51 species represented by 156 individuals were recorded. Leaf flushing and leaf fall did not have seasonal variation and the species continued to gain and loose leaves during the dry (August to February) and rainy (March to July) seasons. Flowering, when evaluated by the Fournier's percentage, varied between 1.9% and 20.2%, with maximum intensity in December 2003 (16.4%) and January 2004 (20.2%). Likewise, fruiting varied between 3.8% and 21.4% with the highest percentages in February (17.2%) and March (21.4%) 2004. The analysis comparing reproductive phenological patterns with monthly rainfall did not show a significant correlation, which may suggest investigations concerning other factors, including biotic ones, as pollination and/or dispersal modes, which can be influencing reproductive events of plants in the studied Restinga forest.  相似文献   

Whether or not subdivided populations persist in fragmented landscapes primarily depends on how well individuals can survive within discrete habitat patches. Using data from six capture–recapture sessions, survival probabilities of the white-starred robin were estimated in seven indigenous forest patches in the highly fragmented Taita Hills forests, SE Kenya. We found no significant differences in survival probability either among fragment-size categories (large 135 ha, medium 95 ha, and small 2–8 ha) or between adult and first-year birds. However, males had a higher probability of survival from one year to the next than females. Turnover rates of adult birds were higher for females than males, but also higher in the medium and small patches than in the large one within each sex. That survival probability was similar among fragments, but turnover rates differed denoted that different processes caused extirpation from the patches. We suggest that mortality associated with dispersal was probably a more important cause of extirpation than within-patch mortality in the largest habitat, which had the lowest turnover rates. Conversely, high within-patch mortality, for instance due to predation during incubation, could have been more important in the smaller, more disturbed habitats. These results lend support to the proposition that avian conservation efforts should be focussed both at the landscape level to improve connectivity between fragments and reduce mortality during dispersal, and at the patch level to exclude other mortality sources such as nest predation.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in Vindhyan region, to assess the N-mineralization, nitrification and size of viable community of ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria as affected by different sites and seasons. Six different ecosystems (four forests and two savannas), which differ in terms of topography, vegetation and moisture status, were selected for the present study. The soils of the study sites differ significantly in its physico-chemical properties. The savanna site had significantly higher pH (7.2), bulk density (1.37 g cm(-3)) and silt content (67.80%) but lower water holding capacity (1.37%), total-C (16,356 microg g(-1) dry soil), N (1090 microg g(-1) dry soil) and P (213 microg g(-1) dry soil) than forest sites. The soil moisture content, N-mineralization, nitrification rates and numbers of ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria were highest in the wet season and lowest in dry season, while the size of mineral-N (NH4(+)-N and NO3(-)-N) showed a reverse trend at the sites. The N-mineralization, nitrification and nitrifier population size differ significantly across the site and season. The numbers of free-living cells of ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria were significantly related to each other and to N-mineralization, nitrification, soil moisture and mineral-N components. The N-mineralization, nitrification and the viable number of nitrifying cells were consistently higher for forest soils compared to savanna sites. It was concluded that soil microbial process (N-mineralization and nitrification) and nitrifier population size were dependent on site topography, vegetation cover and soil moisture status.  相似文献   

The potential loss or large-scale degradation of the tropical rainforests has become one of the iconic images of the impacts of twenty-first century environmental change and may be one of our century's most profound legacies. In the Amazon region, the direct threat of deforestation and degradation is now strongly intertwined with an indirect challenge we are just beginning to understand: the possibility of substantial regional drought driven by global climate change. The Amazon region hosts more than half of the world's remaining tropical forests, and some parts have among the greatest concentrations of biodiversity found anywhere on Earth. Overall, the region is estimated to host about a quarter of all global biodiversity. It acts as one of the major 'flywheels' of global climate, transpiring water and generating clouds, affecting atmospheric circulation across continents and hemispheres, and storing substantial reserves of biomass and soil carbon. Hence, the ongoing degradation of Amazonia is a threat to local climate stability and a contributor to the global atmospheric climate change crisis. Conversely, the stabilization of Amazonian deforestation and degradation would be an opportunity for local adaptation to climate change, as well as a potential global contributor towards mitigation of climate change. However, addressing deforestation in the Amazon raises substantial challenges in policy, governance, sustainability and economic science. This paper introduces a theme issue dedicated to a multidisciplinary analysis of these challenges.  相似文献   



What are the composition and spatial patterns of native woody plant communities in the southern Great Chaco and Espinal?


Córdoba Province, central Argentina, an area of ca. 161,000 km2.


We collected 351 geo‐referenced relevés representative of the geographic, topographic and ecological variation of the Chaco and Espinal woody vegetation in central Argentina. The relevés were classified into vegetation types using the hierarchical ISOPAM method. Forest and shrubland types were described on the basis of diagnostic species occurrences and their distribution in relation to environmental factors. A map of the actual vegetation derived from remote‐sensed images (Landsat) and field data was used to describe the current distribution and abundance of the different vegetation types.


The classification of the 351 plots × 837 species matrix revealed two major clusters comprising seven woody vegetation types corresponding to Chaco lowland and mountain forests and shrublands, Espinal forests and edaphic vegetation. The most important gradients in woody vegetation types are related to elevation, temperature and rainfall variables.


Subtropical seasonally dry woody plant communities from the southern extreme of the Great Chaco and Espinal forests were described for the first time based on complete floristic data. Our results show that lowland Chaco native forests, as well as replacement communities, are still present in its southern distribution range and are well distinguishable from other vegetation types such as the Espinal and mountain forests. Overall, extensive Espinal forests have almost disappeared while Chaco vegetation is highly fragmented and degraded.

We measured radial variation of carbon isotope composition and vessel traits in tree species in seasonally dry forests of Northeast Thailand to explore a more reliable and amenable method of tropical dendrochronology for trees that lack visually detectable and consistent growth rings. Six Dipterocarpaceae species (3 Shorea, 2 Dipterocarpus, and 1 Hopea species) with indistinct or irregular growth rings and teak (Tectona grandis), a species which forms distinct growth rings, were examined. The δ13C value variations in all species showed annual cyclicity. Dipterocarpaceae species usually marked the lowest values of δ13C in the middle of the growing season, whereas teak had the lowest values at nearly the end of the growing season. Since the growing season of the species examined almost corresponds to the rainy season in the study area, the δ13C variation was likely caused by the change in moisture availability. The different variation pattern of teak was attributable to its stronger dependence on 13C-enriched reserved material early in the growing season. Changes in tree vessel traits for all species examined also showed annual cyclicity. Dipterocarpaceae species showed significant correlation between δ13C values and vessel measurements. Vessel lumen (mean area, tangential and radial diameter, and proportion of total area) had a negative correlation, whereas vessel frequency showed a positive correlation. The correlations indicated that changes in vessel traits were caused by the seasonal variation of moisture available to the trees. Thus, we concluded that methods using wood anatomy, as well as δ13C, have great potential for use as tools in tropical dendrochronology within the context of seasonal climate.  相似文献   

We assessed population structure and the spatio‐temporal pattern of diversification in the Glossy Antshrike Sakesphorus luctuosus (Aves, Thamnophilidae) to understand the processes shaping the evolutionary history of Amazonian floodplains and address unresolved taxonomic controversies surrounding its species limits. By targeting ultraconserved elements (UCEs) from 32 specimens of S. luctuosus, we identified independent lineages and estimated their differentiation, divergence times, and migration rates. We also estimated current and past demographic histories for each recovered lineage. We found evidence confirming that S. luctuosus consists of a single species, comprising at least four populations, with some highly admixed individuals and overall similar levels of migration between populations. We confirmed the differentiation of the Araguaia River basin population (S. l. araguayae) and gathered circumstantial evidence indicating that the taxon S. hagmanni may represent a highly introgressed population between three distinct phylogroups of S. luctuosus. Divergences between populations occurred during the last 1.2 mya. Signs of population expansions were detected for populations attributed to subspecies S. l. luctuosus, but not for the S. l. araguayae population. Our results support that S. luctuosus has had a complex population history, resulting from a high dependence on southeastern “clear water” seasonally flooded habitats and their availability through time. Spatial and demographic expansions toward the western “white water” flooded forests might be related to recent changes in connectivity and availability of these habitats. Our study reinforces the view that isolation due to absence of suitable habitat has been an important driver of population differentiation within Amazonian flooded forests, but also that differences between várzeas (“white water” floodplains, mostly in southwestern Amazonia) and igapós (“clear water” floodplains, especially located in the east) should be further explored as drivers of micro‐evolution for terrestrial species.  相似文献   

In the present study, we compare the genetic structure of a flooded forest tree Caryocar microcarpum and a terra firme forest tree Caryocar villosum in the lower Rio Negro region and test the hypothesis that the Rio Negro, the largest tributary on the left bank of the Amazon River, has been acting as a geographical barrier to gene flow between populations from the left and right banks. Seventeen adult individuals on the left bank and 27 on the right bank of Rio Negro were sampled for C. microcarpum, whereas 27 on the left and 20 on the right bank were sampled for C. villosum. Two chloroplast DNA regions were sequenced: the intron of trnL gene and the intergenic region between psbA and trnH genes; and all individuals were genotyped using ten microsatellite loci. The trnL intron and psbA‐trnH intergenic spacer generated fragments of 459 bp and 424 bp, respectively. For C. microcarpum, six haplotypes were identified for trnL and seven for psbA‐trnH. By contrast, only one haplotype was found for C. villosum for both sequences. The results obtained showed that the Rio Negro has not been a barrier to gene flow by pollen and seeds for either species. No genetic differentiation and a high migration rate between populations from the left and right banks of the Rio Negro were detected for the chloroplast sequences and nuclear microsatellites, for both C. villosum and C. microcarpum. Although the two analysed sequences showed a sharp topology difference, both indicated that multiple lineages may have contributed to the origin of C. microcarpum populations in the Rio Negro basin. Nevertheless, for C. villosum, from terra firme, the results obtained may provide evidence of a recent expansion of one maternal lineage from an ancient relic population surviving in one of the few moist forest refuges of the Guiana Shield during extended droughts of the glacial periods. We hypothesize that the contrasting environments colonized by this congener pair may have played an important role in shaping the genetic structure of both species. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 278–290.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Amazon basin is likely to be increasingly affected by environmental changes: higher temperatures, changes in precipitation, CO2 fertilization and habitat fragmentation. To examine the important ecological and biogeochemical consequences of these changes, we are developing an international network, RAINFOR, which aims to monitor forest biomass and dynamics across Amazonia in a co‐ordinated fashion in order to understand their relationship to soil and climate. The network will focus on sample plots established by independent researchers, some providing data extending back several decades. We will also conduct rapid transect studies of poorly monitored regions. Field expeditions analysed local soil and plant properties in the first phase (2001–2002). Initial results suggest that the network has the potential to reveal much information on the continental‐scale relations between forest and environment. The network will also serve as a forum for discussion between researchers, with the aim of standardising sampling techniques and methodologies that will enable Amazonian forests to be monitored in a coherent manner in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Two new narrow endemic species ofBegonia from the Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil,B. espiritosantensis andB. ibitiocensis, are described and illustrated.Begonia schenkii var.calvescens, an endemic taxon from the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, is transferred to species rank, and described and illustrated. A distribution map is provided for all three taxa.  相似文献   

Dezzeo  Nelda  Worbes  Martin  Ishii  Iria  Herrera  Rafael 《Plant Ecology》2003,168(1):165-175
The occurrence of seasonal growth rings in the wood of Campsiandra laurifolia, Acosmiun nitens, Pouteria orinocoensis and Psidium ovatifolium, common species growing in the flooding forest of the Mapire river, was analyzed using wood anatomy and ring- width analysis. The test of the annual ring formation was performed using radiocarbon analysis based on the nuclear weapon effect. All species showed growth rings visible to the naked eye. The ring boundaries in all cases were marked by bands of marginal parenchyma. The index ring-width curves of the four studied species showed a strong relationship with the fluctuation of the water river level during the non flooded months, suggesting that an increase in the water level during these months positively influenced the growth indicating that the rings were formed on an annual basis. The content of radiocarbon in the wood of anatomically predated rings of Campsiandra laurifolia and Pouteria orinocoensis confirm these results. All studied trees are slow growing with less than 2.5 mm annual increment.  相似文献   

Conifer forests of the western US are historically well adapted to wildfires, but current warming is creating novel disturbance regimes that may fundamentally change future forest dynamics. Stand‐replacing fires can catalyze forest reorganization by providing periodic opportunities for establishment of new tree cohorts that set the stage for stand development for centuries to come. Extensive research on modern and past fires in the Northern Rockies reveals how variations in climate and fire have led to large changes in forest distribution and composition. Unclear, however, is the importance of individual fire episodes in catalyzing change. We used high‐resolution paleoecologic and paleoclimatic data from Crevice Lake (Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA), to explore the role of fire in driving low‐elevation forest dynamics over the last 2820 yr. We addressed two questions: 1) did low‐elevation forests at Crevice Lake experience abrupt community‐level vegetation changes in response to past fire events? 2) Did the interaction of short‐term disturbance events (fire) and long‐term climate change catalyze past shifts in forest composition? Over the last 2820 yr, we found no evidence for abrupt community‐level vegetation transitions at Crevice Lake, and no evidence that an interaction of climate and fire produced changes in the relative abundance of dominant plant taxa. In part, this result reflects limitations of the datasets to detect past event‐specific responses and their causes. Nonetheless, the relative stability of the vegetation to fires over the last 2820 yr provides a local baseline for assessing current and future ecological change. Observations of climate–fire–vegetation dynamics in recent decades suggest that this multi‐millennial‐scale baseline may soon be exceeded.  相似文献   

We conducted a phylogeographical and niche modelling study of the tree Ficus bonijesulapensis, endemic to Brazilian seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs), in order to evaluate the effects of Quaternary climatic fluctuations on population dynamics. The trnQ–5′rps16 region of plastid DNA was sequenced from 15 populations. Three phylogeographical groups were identified by the median‐joining algorithm network and spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) (FCT = 0.591): a central‐west, a central‐east and a scattered group. The central groups had higher total haplotype and nucleotide diversities than the scattered group. Ecological niche modelling suggested that, since the Last Interglacial (130 kyr bp ), the central and north regions have been relatively stable, whereas the southern region of the species distribution has been less stable. The phylogeographical groups showed concordance with the floristic units described for SDTFs. The low genetic diversity, unimodal mismatch distribution and unfavourable climatic conditions in the southern region suggest a recent southward expansion of the range of the species during the Holocene, supporting the hypothesis of the southward expansion of SDTFs during this period. The central and northern regions of the current distribution of F. bonijesulapensis, which are consistent with arboreal caatinga and rock outcrop floristic units, were potential refugia during Quaternary climatic fluctuations. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 189–201.  相似文献   

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is a potential source of ecological information. Typically TEK has been documented at the species level, but habitat data would be equally valuable for conservation applications. We compared the TEK forest type classification of ribereños, the non-indigenous rural peasantry of Peruvian Amazonia, to a floristic classification produced using systematically collected botanical data. Indicator species analysis of pteridophytes in 300 plots detected two forest types on non-flooded tierra firme, each associated with distinct soil texture and fertility, and one forest type in areas subject to flooding. Nine TEK forest types were represented in the same set of plots. Each TEK forest type was consistently (>82%) associated with one of the three floristic classes and there were also clear parallels in the ecological characterizations of the forest types. Ribereños demonstrated clear preferences for certain forest types when selecting sites for slash-and-burn agriculture and hunting. Our results indicate that the non-tribal inhabitants of Amazonia possess valuable TEK that could be used in biodiversity inventories and wildlife management and conservation for characterizing primary rain forest habitats in Amazonia.  相似文献   

A floristic inventory of woody plants was carried out to analyse the relationships between floristic similarity and geographical distance, and to compare the effect of land use history on the floristic composition between sites. Three lowland and two submontane sites were studied in Madidi, Bolivia. In one site, there is evidence of an Inca ruin. A total of 877 species and 12,822 individuals of woody plants with a diameter at breast height ≥2.5 cm were recorded in 44 0.1–ha plots. Fisher’s Alpha index values were slightly higher for the lowlands than for the submontane. Floristic similarity was higher within sites than between sites as measured by both Sørensen and Steinhaus indexes. The fact that the 30 most important species per site (totalling 94 species) accounted for 61.7% of total individuals, support the hypothesis that Amazonian plant communities are dominated by a limited set of species, genera and families. On the other hand, 18 out of the 94 species were reported in a single site, suggesting that some species are patchy in distribution and may be environmentally determined. Both the oligarchy and environmental-determinism hypotheses can be complementary in order to understand floristic patterns of this region. The Ruins submontane site is floristically the most distinct, and past human disturbance is likely to be the main reason. Since species diversity (ranging from 53 to 122 species per plot) and density (ranging from 157 to 503 per plot) are highly variable in Madidi, to characterize the diversity of a site, it is necessary to quantify an average of 10 0.1-ha plots in a relatively small geographical area.  相似文献   

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