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The recently described increase in DNA strand breaks of cultured human diploid fibroblasts after intermittent exposure to extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) of more than about 70 µT ELF-EMF is difficult to explain by a direct induction of covalent bond disruption. Therefore the hypothesis has been tested that ELF-EMF-induced DNA strand breaks might be mediated by cellular processes that cause alteration of the intracellular concentration of free calcium ([Ca2+]i) and/or the membrane potential (m). [Ca2+]i was determined by the ratiometric fura-2 technique. Changes in m were assessed by using the potential-dependent lipophilic cationic probe JC-1. Human fibroblasts were exposed to intermittent ELF-EMF (50 Hz, 1000 µT). Although exposure of fiboblasts to ELF-EMF resulted in a highly significant increase in DNA strand breaks as determined by the comet assay, no effect on JC-1 fluorescence emission or on [Ca2+]i has been observed when comparing exposed with sham-exposed cells. Therefore, it is suggested that ELF-EMF-induced DNA strand breaks are unlikely to be caused by intracellular changes that affect [Ca2+]i and/or m.  相似文献   

δ-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthase was partially purified from liver cytosol fraction of rats treated with allylisopropylacetamide (AIA). The cytosol ALA synthase showed an apparent molecular weight of 320,000. The cytosol ALA synthase of this size dissociates into at least three protein components when subjected to sucrose density gradient centrifugation in the presence of 0.25 m NaCl: one is the catalytically active protein with an s value of about 6.4 or a molecular weight of 110,000, and the other two are catalytically inactive binding proteins showing s values of about 4 and 8, respectively. Recombination of the 6.4 S protein and the 4 S protein yielded a protein complex with an apparent molecular weight of 170,000 and recombination of all three protein components resulted in formation of the original cytosol ALA synthase. The cytosol ALA synthase also loses its binding proteins when treated with various proteases; thus, the enzyme-active protein obtained after papain digestion was very similar, if not identical, to mitochondrial ALA synthase. When treated with trypsin, however, the cytosol ALA synthase was converted to an enzyme showing an apparent molecular weight of 170,000, which probably represents the complex of the mitochondria-type enzyme and the 4 S binding protein. The cytosol ALA synthase tends to aggregate to form a dimer with an apparent molecular weight of 650,000–700,000. The aggregated form of the cytosol ALA synthase was less susceptible to trypsin digestion. Hemin strongly stimulated dimer formation of the cytosol ALA synthase and the aggregate produced by contact with hemin was very tight and did not easily dissociate into its respective protein components by sucrose gradient centrifugation or even after treatment with trypsin. The possible mechanisms of the conversion of cytosol ALA synthase to the mitochondrial enzyme and also of the inhibition by hemin of the intracellular translocation of ALA synthase are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of theEscherichia coli ATP synthase has been studied by electron microscopy and a model developed in which the and subunits of the F1 part are arranged hexagonally (in top view) alternating with one another and surrounding a central cavity of around 35 Å at its widest point. The and subunits are interdigitated in side view for around 60 Å of the 90 Å length of the molecule. The F1 narrows and has three-fold symmetry at the end furthest from the F0 part. The F1 is linked to F0 by a stalk approximately 45 Å long and 25–30 Å in diameter. The F0 part is mostly buried in the lipid bilayer. The subunit provides a domain that extends into the central cavity of the F1 part. The and subunits are in a different conformation when ATP+Mg2+ are present in catalytic sites than when ATP+EDTA are present. This is consistent with these two small subunits switching conformations as a function of whether or not phosphate is bound to the enzyme at the position of the phosphate of ATP. We suggest that this switching is the key to the coupling of catalytic site events with proton translocation in the F0 part of the complex.  相似文献   

Summary Recent advances in the studies of the aggregation of G-actin monomers, containing one molecule of ATP, to long filaments of F-actin, with a concomitant hydrolysis of the nucleotide to ADP, are reviewed. With the aid of -ATP, the association and dissociation rate constant of the nucleotide could be determined. The binding of the nucleotide is enhanced by the binding of one Ca++ ion, probably at a different site. The G value of the Mg++ or Ca++ induced polymerization has been determined to –39 to –59 kJ/mole, the critical protein concentration for the ATP-G-actin to ADP-F-actin conversion is very strongly influenced by the concentration of bivalent cations. The rate constants of the protein monomers, and the rate and equilibrium constants for the propagation step show the process to be extremely cooperative. Actin shows the interesting phenomenon of translocational head-to-tail polymerization, which may be regulated by ATP.The contact sites between the monomers in F-actin have been labeled by chemical modification. Two tryosine residues, 53 and 69, are probably close to one of the two sites. The ATP binding site has been labeled by an ATP analog, and there is evidence that it is close to the contact site.An invited article  相似文献   

C-M Hung  R M Zink 《Heredity》2014,113(1):42-51
Determining the mechanisms responsible for the distribution of genetic diversity in natural populations has occupied a central role in molecular evolution. Our study was motivated by the unprecedented observation that a widespread Eurasian flycatcher, Ficedula albicilla, exhibited no variation at the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND2 gene in 75 individuals sampled over a 5000-km distance. In contrast, its sister species, F. parva, had low but considerably higher levels of mtDNA variation. We assessed whether natural selection or demographic factors could explain the absence of mtDNA variation in F. albicilla. Eighteen nuclear genes were sequenced to estimate the two species'' phylogeographic histories, and for comparison to the mtDNA data. Multilocus coalescence analyses suggested that F. albicilla experienced a population expansion perhaps following a population bottleneck. Simulations based on this demographic history, however, did not replicate the extremely low level of mtDNA variation. Historical range changes based on ecological niche models also failed to explain the observed mtDNA patterns. Neutrality tests (DHEW and ML-HKA) suggested a non-neutral pattern in the mtDNA of F. albicilla. We found a transmembrane-skewed distribution of nonsynonymous substitutions between the two species, three of which caused functional change; the results implied that positive selection could have targeted mtDNA. Several lines of evidence support selection rather than demographic history as the main force influencing the patterns of mtDNA variation. Despite the influence of natural selection, many of the phylogeographic inferences derived from mtDNA were robust, including species limits and a high level of gene flow among populations within species.  相似文献   

Winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, adapting to black or white backgrounds display significant increase and decline respectively in the number of visible epidermal melanophores over periods up to 8 weeks or longer. This contrasts with a stability in the number of visible dermal melanophores during the same periods of exposure to each background. Flounders treated with -melanophore stimulating hormone exhibited an enhanced rate of increase in number of visible epidermal melanophores when the background was changed from white to black, whereas white-adapted flounder treated with -melanophore stimulating hormone without background change did not manifest any such increase in number of epidermal melanophores. Flounder treated with -melanophore stimulating hormone after transfer from black to white displayed a similar initial decline in visible epidermal melanophore number as in control fish, but the final decline was significantly attenuated. Thus -melanophore stimulating hormone, which has no apparent influence on melanosome dispersion in this species, may have a limited morphological melanophore regulatory role which is discussed in relation to possible antagonistic and synergistic factors that could influence melanogenesis and visible melanophore numbers.Abbreviations DMI dermal melanophore index - EMI epidermal melanophore index - LSD least significant difference - MCH melanosome concentrating hormone - MIF melanogenesis inhibiting factor - MSF melanogenesis stimulating factor - MSH melanophore stimulating hormone  相似文献   

The capacities ofHalobacterium cutirubrum and a moderate halophile NRC 41227 to survive and recover from treatment with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine have been compared.Halobacterium cutirubrum is resistant to this chemical and its mutation frequency is only slightly affected, whereas NRC 41227 is highly sensitive and its mutation frequency is markedly increased. The chemically treated extreme halophile fully regains viability during liquid holding, in notable contrast to its known failure to recover from the effects of ultraviolet irradiation.  相似文献   

α-Crystallin is a major protein in the human lens that is perceived to help to maintain the transparency of the lens through its chaperone function. In this study, we demonstrate that many lens proteins including αA-crystallin are acetylated in vivo. We found that K70 and K99 in αA-crystallin and, K92 and K166 in αB-crystallin are acetylated in the human lens. To determine the effect of acetylation on the chaperone function and structural changes, αA-crystallin was acetylated using acetic anhydride. The resulting protein showed strong immunoreactivity against a N(ε)-acetyllysine antibody, which was directly related to the degree of acetylation. When compared to the unmodified protein, the chaperone function of the in vitro acetylated αA-crystallin was higher against three of the four different client proteins tested. Because a lysine (residue 70; K70) in αA-crystallin is acetylated in vivo, we generated a protein with an acetylation mimic, replacing Lys70 with glutamine (K70Q). The K70Q mutant protein showed increased chaperone function against three client proteins compared to the Wt protein but decreased chaperone function against γ-crystallin. The acetylated protein displayed higher surface hydrophobicity and tryptophan fluorescence, had altered secondary and tertiary structures and displayed decreased thermodynamic stability. Together, our data suggest that acetylation of αA-crystallin occurs in the human lens and that it affects the chaperone function of the protein.  相似文献   

A transgenic rice that produces both the α′ and β subunits of β-conglycinin has been developed through the crossing of two types of transgenic rice. Although the accumulation level of the α′ subunit in the α′β-transgenic rice was slightly lower than that in the transgenic rice producing only the α′ subunit, the accumulation level of the β subunit in the α′β-transgenic rice was about 60% higher than that in the transgenic rice producing only the β subunit. Results from sequential extraction and gel-filtration experiments indicated that part of the β subunit formed heterotrimers with the α′ subunit in a similar manner as in soybean seeds and that the heterotrimers interacted with glutelin via cysteine residues. These results imply that the accumulation level of the β subunit in the α′β-transgenic rice increases by an indirect interaction with glutelin. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the α′ and β subunits are localized in a low electron-dense region of protein body-II (PB-II) and that α′ homotrimers in the α′β-transgenic rice seeds seem to accumulate outside of this low electron-dense region.  相似文献   

In this study we report the first comparison of the mitochondrial protein import and processing events in two different tissues from the same organism. Both spinach leaf and root mitochondria were able to import and process the in vitro transcribed and translated Neurospora crassa F1 subunit of ATP synthase to the mature size product. Temperature optimum for protein import, 20 °C, was considerably lower than that found in other systems. In spinach leaf mitochondria, the processing peptidase has been shown to constitute an integral part of the bc1 complex of the respiratory chain. In accordance with these results, the majority of the processing activity in root mitochondria was also localized in the membrane. However, although the same amount of the processing peptidase was present per mg of membrane protein in both leaf and root mitochondria, as determined immunologically, the specific processing activity was several-fold higher in roots. Furthermore, in contrast to the processing enzyme in leaf, a portion of the processing activity could be disassociated from the root membrane with relatively weak salt treatment. The processing event in both the leaf and root membranes was always accompanied by a degradation of the F1 precursor. The degradation activity was found to be several-fold higher in roots than in leaves and was also partially dissociated from the membrane after salt treatment. Both the processing and degradation activities were inhibited by orthophenanthroline, a known metalloprotease inhibitor. These results show tissue-specific differencies of the processing event catalyzed by the bc1 complex and indicate the presence of two populations of the processing peptidase in root mitochondria.  相似文献   

The -isopropylmalate synthase of the chemolithoautotrophic Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 is apparently a soluble enzyme but is strongly adsorbed to cell particles in ruptured cell suspensions. This was not observed with -acetohydroxy acid synthase or threonine deaminase. The formation of these regulatory enzymes of the branched chain amino acid biosynthesis pathway generally decreased with decreased growth rates. The addition of 5 mM valine plus isoleucine with and without 5 mM threonine caused a 6.6- and a 4-fold increase, respectively, in the formation of active -isopropylmalate synthase, but caused a strong decrease in the -actohydroxy acid synthase. The level of active -isopropylmalate synthase is apparently regulated by the level of leucine; whereas, the level of the -acetohydroxy acid synthase and threonine deaminase is influenced by the presence of several amino acids. A catabolic threonine deaminase was not encountered.Abbreviations IRS -Isopropylamalate - AHA -acetohydroxy acid - TDA throninedeaminase This paper is dedicated to Professor H. G. Schlegel, University Göttingen, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. I am grateful to a great teacher and scientist, who in his unique way stimulated enthusiasm and fascination in microbiology in his students throughout the years  相似文献   

1. Some of the kinetic properties of the particulate lactose synthetase of mouse mammary gland were investigated and shown to resemble those that have been reported for the soluble enzyme. Typical values for intact preparations were 2.3mum for the apparent K(m) for alpha-lactalbumin at 40mm-glucose and 1.7mm for the apparent K(m) for glucose at the endogenous concentration of alpha-lactalbumin. 2. Digitonin treatment increased total assayable activity approximately twofold but almost eliminated the endogenous activity found in the absence of alpha-lactalbumin, these findings being consistent with the location of endogenous activity within Golgi vesicles. 3. From the properties of the particulate fraction from lactating mice it was deduced that the effective endogenous alpha-lactalbumin concentrations were in the range 1-10mum. 4. The concentration of alpha-lactalbumin was not significantly different in particles isolated at various stages of pregnancy and early lactation. 5. The implications of these results for the control of lactose synthetase in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the apparent function of naturally expressed mammalian α6*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α6*-nAChR; where * indicates the known or possible presence of additional subunits), their functional and heterologous expression has been difficult. Here, we report that coexpression with wild-type β3 subunits abolishes the small amount of function typically seen for all-human or all-mouse α6β4*-nAChR expressed in Xenopus oocytes. However, levels of function and agonist potencies are markedly increased, and there is atropine-sensitive blockade of spontaneous channel opening upon coexpression of α6 and β4 subunits with mutant β3 subunits harboring valine-to-serine mutations at 9'- or 13'-positions. There is no function when α6 and β2 subunits are expressed alone or in the presence of wild-type or mutant β3 subunits. Interestingly, hybrid nAChR containing mouse α6 and human (h) β4 subunits have function potentiated rather than suppressed by coexpression with wild-type hβ3 subunits and potentiated further upon coexpression with hβ3(V9'S) subunits. Studies using nAChR chimeric mouse/human α6 subunits indicated that residues involved in effects seen with hybrid nAChR are located in the α6 subunit N-terminal domain. More specifically, nAChR hα6 subunit residues Asn-143 and Met-145 are important for dominant-negative effects of nAChR hβ3 subunits on hα6hβ4-nAChR function. Asn-143 and additional residues in the N-terminal domain of nAChR hα6 subunits are involved in the gain-of-function effects of nAChR hβ3(V9'S) subunits on α6β2*-nAChR function. These studies illuminate the structural bases for effects of β3 subunits on α6*-nAChR function and suggest that unique subunit interfaces involving the complementary rather than the primary face of α6 subunits are involved.  相似文献   

The present study is designed to investigate the cellular expression and immunolocalization of three different nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms and soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) subunits in the porcine ovary. Our results showed that in the fetal and neonatal pigs, all three isoforms of NOS were mainly localized in the oocyte and showed the expression of gradual increase in the granulosa cell and theca cell with the growing follicle. In addition, subunits of the sGC, sGC α1 and β1 were mainly expressed in the granulosa cell in precious studies. The bioactivity of total NOS, eNOS, iNOS and nNOS was detected in the ovary and were higher at prenatal stages compared to postnatal stages. However, the activities of nNOS were no different between prenatal stages and postnatal stages. Taken together, our findings suggested that the NOS/sGC pathway may be involved in the follicular formation and development in the porcine ovary.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Isolated mitochondria from rat liver were incubated in the presence of [U-14C]palmitate, ATP, CoA, carnitine, EGTA (ethylene glycol bis (β-aminoethyl ether) N,N′-tetraacetic acid) and varying amounts of calcium.
  • 2.2. When a KCl-based incubation medium was used, the oxidation of palmitate was inhibited when the concentration of free calcium was increased from about 0.1–10μM.
  • 3.3. When a sucrose-based incubation medium was used, the basal rate of palmitate oxidation was about half of that observed with the KCl-medium and calcium had a stimulatory effect.
  • 4.4. With the KCl-medium the rate of oxygen consumption was inhibited by calcium with α-ketoglutarate as well as palmitate as the respiratory substrate.
  • 5.5. No inhibitory effect of calcium was observed with succinate or β-hydroxybutyrate.
  • 6.6. With the KCl-medium and with α-ketoglutarate as the respiratory substrate, state 3 respiration but not state 4 respiration was inhibited by calcium.
  • 7.7. When the sucrose-medium was used, state 3 respiration was first inhibited by calcium, but this inhibition was gradually relieved and the respiratory rate finally became higher than it was before calcium addition.

The effects of the D137L/G126R double mutation in the central part of the tropomyosin α-chain via the simultaneous replacement of two highly conserved non-canonical residues, viz., Asp137 and Gly126, by canonical residues Leu and Arg, respectively, on the properties of the αβ-tropomyosin heterodimer have been studied. It has been shown using circular dichroism that this mutation substantially increases the thermal stability of αβ-tropomyosin heterodimers, which, nevertheless, remains lower than that of αα-tropomyosin homodimers with these mutations in both α-chains. The stability of tropomyosin complexes with F-actin has also been studied by measuring the temperature dependences of their dissociation, which is detected by a decrease in light scattering. It has been revealed that αβ-tropomyosin heterodimers carrying the D137L/G126R mutation in the α-chain dissociate from the surface of actin filaments at a higher temperature than ββ-homodimers but at a lower temperature than αα-homodimers with these mutations in both α-chains. It has also been shown using the in vitro motility assay that D137L/G126R substitution in the α-chain increases the sliding velocity of regulated actin filaments in the case of αα-homodimers, while it noticeably decreases the velocity in the case of αβ-tropomyosin heterodimers. Thus, we can conclude that mutations in one of the chains of the tropomyosin dimeric molecule may have different effects on the properties of tropomyosin homodimers and heterodimers.  相似文献   

Rat hepatic Galβ1 → 4GlcNAcα2 → 6 sialyltransferase is released into the blood at elevated levels following an inflammatory challenge: this is a typical response of the group of plasma proteins known as acute-phase reactants. In the present study, primary cultures of liver parenchymal cells are used to demonstrate that the same hepatic cell type that produces plasma proteins such as fibrinogen also produces and releases sialyltransferase. Hepatic production of sialyltransferase is stimulated by a major regulator of hepatic acute-phase reactant production, the hepatocyte-stimulating factor (HSF), while another monokine, interleukin-1, does not affect hepatocyte sialyltransferase production. The maximum increase in sialyltransferase occurs 48 h after exposure to HSF which is considerably later than the fibrinogen response. The sialyltransferase that is stimulated by HSF is the Galβ1 → 4GlcNAcα2 → 6 isozyme.  相似文献   

1. Injection of alpha-amanitin to mice causes a decreased incorporation of [6-(14)C]-orotic acid into liver RNA in vivo. 2. The activity of RNA polymerase activated by Mn(2+) and ammonium sulphate is greatly impaired in liver nuclei isolated from mice poisoned with alpha-amanitin, and is inhibited by the addition of the same toxin in vitro. 3. The activity of the Mg(2+)-activated RNA polymerase is only slightly affected by alpha-amanitin either administered to mice or added in vitro.  相似文献   

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