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Interactions with bacteria play a major role in immune responses, ecology, and evolution of all animals, but they have been neglected until recently in the case of C. elegans. We report a genetic investigation of the interaction of C. elegans with the nematode-specific pathogen Microbacterium nematophilum, which colonizes the rectum and causes distinctive tail swelling in its host. A total of 121 mutants with altered response to infection were isolated from selections or screens for a bacterially unswollen (Bus) phenotype, using both chemical and transposon mutagenesis. Some of these correspond to known genes, affecting either bacterial adhesion or colonization (srf-2, srf-3, srf-5) or host swelling response (sur-2, egl-5). Most mutants define 15 new genes (bus-1-bus-6, bus-8, bus-10, bus-12-bus-18). The majority of these mutants exhibit little or no rectal infection when challenged with the pathogen and are probably altered in surface properties such that the bacteria can no longer infect worms. A number have corresponding alterations in lectin staining and cuticle fragility. Most of the uninfectable mutants grow better than wild type in the presence of the pathogen, but the sur-2 mutant is hypersensitive, indicating that the tail-swelling response is associated with a specific defense mechanism against this pathogen.  相似文献   

We describe a protocol for mutating genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans using the Mos1 transposon of Drosophila mauritiana. Mutated genes containing a Mos1 insertion are molecularly tagged by this heterologous transposable element. Mos1 insertions can therefore be identified in as little as 3 weeks using only basic molecular biology techniques. Mutagenic efficiency of Mos1 is tenfold lower than classical chemical mutagens. However, the ease and speed with which mutagenic insertions can be mapped compares favorably with the vast amount of work involved in classical genetic mapping. Therefore, Mos1 could be the tool of choice when screening procedures are efficient. In addition, Mos1 mutagenesis can greatly simplify the mapping of mutations that exhibit low penetrance, subtle or synthetic phenotypes. The recent development of targeted engineering of C. elegans loci carrying Mos1 insertions further increases the attractiveness of Mos1-mediated mutagenesis.  相似文献   

A coryneform bacterium designated Microbacterium nematophilum has previously been reported to act as a pathogen for Caenorhabditis elegans. This bacterium is able to colonize the rectum of infected worms and cause localized swelling, constipation and slowed growth. Additional isolates and analysis of this bacterium are described here. Tests of pathogenicity on other Caenorhabditis nematodes show that M. nematophilum infection is lethal to most species in the genus, in contrast to its relatively mild effects on C. elegans. The size and geometry of the pathogen genome have been determined as a closed circular molecule of 2.85 Mb with high G+C content. Bacteria also harbor a 55 kb plasmid, pMN1, which is largely composed of a lysogenic bacteriophage genome. Mutagenesis experiments have yielded stable avirulent mutants of M. nematophilum. As a first step towards molecular genetic analysis, methods for low-efficiency transformation of M. nematophilum have been developed.  相似文献   

The Dar (deformed anal region) phenotype, characterized by a distinctive swollen tail, was first detected in a variant strain of Caenorhabditis elegans which appeared spontaneously in 1986 during routine genetic crosses [1,2]. Dar isolates were initially analysed as morphological mutants, but we report here that two independent isolates carry an unusual bacterial infection different from those previously described [3], which is the cause of the Dar phenotype. The infectious agent is a new species of coryneform bacterium, named Microbacterium nematophilum n. sp., which fortuitously contaminated cultures of C. elegans. The bacteria adhere to the rectal and post-anal cuticle of susceptible nematodes, and induce substantial local swelling of the underlying hypodermal tissue. The swelling leads to constipation and slowed growth in the infected worms, but the infection is otherwise non-lethal. Certain mutants of C. elegans with altered surface antigenicity are resistant to infection. The induced deformation appears to be part of a survival strategy for the bacteria, as C. elegans are potentially their predators.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis with a heterologous transposon provides a method to rapidly determine the molecular identity of mutated genes. The Drosophila transposon Mos1 can be mobilized to cause mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans (Bessereau et al. 2001); however, the mutagenic rate was initially too low for use in most forward genetic screens. To increase the effectiveness of Mos1-mediated mutagenesis we examined the conditions influencing Mos1 transposition. First, optimal transposition occurs 24 hr after expression of the transposase and is unlikely to occur in differentiated sperm or oocytes. Second, transposition is limited to germ-cell nuclei that contain donor elements, but the transposase enzyme can diffuse throughout the gonad syncytium. Third, silencing of transposition is caused by changes in the donor array that occur over time. Finally, multiple transposition events occur in individual germ cells. By using screening techniques based on these results, Mos1 mutagenicity was increased to within an order of magnitude of chemical mutagens.  相似文献   

The sequence of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome contains approximately 19 000 genes. Available mutants currently exist for <20% of these genes. The existence of a Mos-based inducible transposon system in C.elegans could theoretically serve as a tool to saturate the genome with insertions. We report here the results of a pilot study aimed at assaying this strategy. We generated 914 independent random Mos insertions and determined their location by inverse PCR. The distribution of the insertions throughout the genome does not reveal any gross distortion, with the exception of a major hotspot on chromosome I (rDNA locus). Transposons are evenly distributed between the genic and intergenic regions. Within genes, transposons insert preferentially into the introns. We derived the consensus target site for Mos in C.elegans (ATATAT), which is common to Tc1, another mariner element. Finally, we assayed the mutagenic properties of insertions located in exons by comparing the phenotype of homozygous strains to that of known mutations or RNAi of the same gene. This pilot experiment shows that a Mos-based approach is a viable strategy that can contribute to the constitution of genome-wide collections of identified C.elegans mutants.  相似文献   

The Drosophila element Mos1 is a class II transposon, which moves by a 'cut-and-paste' mechanism and can be experimentally mobilized in the Caenorhabditis elegans germ line. Here, we triggered the excision of identified Mos1 insertions to create chromosomal breaks at given sites and further manipulate the broken loci. Double-strand break (DSB) repair could be achieved by gene conversion using a transgene containing sequences homologous to the broken chromosomal region as a repair template. Consequently, mutations engineered in the transgene could be copied to a specific locus at high frequency. This pathway was further characterized to develop an efficient tool--called MosTIC--to manipulate the C. elegans genome. Analysis of DSB repair during MosTIC experiments demonstrated that DSBs could also be sealed by end-joining in the germ line, independently from the evolutionarily conserved Ku80 and ligase IV factors. In conjunction with a publicly available Mos1 insertion library currently being generated, MosTIC will provide a general tool to customize the C. elegans genome.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic basis of susceptibility to pathogens is an important goal of medicine and of evolutionary biology. A key first step toward understanding the genetics and evolution of any phenotypic trait is characterizing the role of mutation. However, the rate at which mutation introduces genetic variance for pathogen susceptibility in any organism is essentially unknown. Here, we quantify the per‐generation input of genetic variance by mutation (VM) for susceptibility of Caenorhabditis elegans to the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (defined as the median time of death, LT50). VM for LT50 is slightly less than VM for a variety of life‐history and morphological traits in this strain of C. elegans, but is well within the range of reported values in a variety of organisms. Mean LT50 did not change significantly over 250 generations of mutation accumulation. Comparison of VM to the standing genetic variance (VG) implies a strength of selection against new mutations of a few tenths of a percent. These results suggest that the substantial standing genetic variation for susceptibility of C. elegans to P. aeruginosa can be explained by polygenic mutation coupled with purifying selection.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) internalization clears cholesterol-laden LDL particles from circulation in humans. Defects in clathrin-dependent LDLR endocytosis promote elevated serum cholesterol levels and can lead to atherosclerosis. However, our understanding of the mechanisms that control LDLR uptake remains incomplete. To identify factors critical to LDLR uptake, we pursued a genome-wide RNA interference screen using Caenorhabditis elegans LRP-1/megalin as a model for LDLR transport. In doing so, we discovered an unanticipated requirement for the clathrin-binding endocytic adaptor epsin1 in LDLR endocytosis. Epsin1 depletion reduced LDLR internalization rates in mammalian cells, similar to the reduction observed following clathrin depletion. Genetic and biochemical analyses of epsin in C. elegans and mammalian cells uncovered a requirement for the ubiquitin-interaction motif (UIM) as critical for receptor transport. As the epsin UIM promotes the internalization of some ubiquitinated receptors, we predicted LDLR ubiquitination as necessary for endocytosis. However, engineered ubiquitination-impaired LDLR mutants showed modest internalization defects that were further enhanced with epsin1 depletion, demonstrating epsin1-mediated LDLR endocytosis is independent of receptor ubiquitination. Finally, we provide evidence that epsin1-mediated LDLR uptake occurs independently of either of the two documented internalization motifs (FxNPxY or HIC) encoded within the LDLR cytoplasmic tail, indicating an additional internalization mechanism for LDLR.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q, or Q) is a membrane constituent, whose head group is capable of accepting and donating electrons and whose lipidic side chain is composed of a variable number of isoprene subunits. A possible role for Q as a dietary antioxidant for treating conditions that involve altered cellular redox states is being intensely studied. Mutations in the clk-1 gene of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans affect numerous physiological rates including behavioral rates, developmental rates, reproduction, and life span. clk-1 encodes a protein associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane that is necessary for Q biosynthesis in C. elegans. clk-1 mutants do not synthesize Q but accumulate demethoxyubiquinone, a Q synthesis intermediate that is able to partially sustain mitochondrial respiration in worms as well as in mammals. Recently, we and others have found that exogenous Q is necessary for the fertility and development of clk-1 mutants. Here, we take advantage of the clk-1 genetic model to identify structural features of Q that are functionally important in vivo. We show that clk-1 mutants are exquisitely sensitive to the length of the side chain of the Q they consume. We also identified differential sensitivity to Q side-chain length between null alleles of clk-1 (qm30 and qm51) and the weaker allele e2519. This allows us to propose a model where we distinguish several types of Q-dependent processes in vivo: processes that are very sensitive to Q side-chain length and processes that are permissive to Q with shorter chains.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans srh and str chemoreceptor gene families, each of which consists of approximately 300 genes encoding seven-pass G-protein-coupled receptors. Almost one-third of the genes in each family are annotated as pseudogenes because of apparent functional defects in N2, the sequenced wild-type strain of C. elegans. More than half of these "pseudogenes" have only one apparent defect, usually a stop codon or deletion. We sequenced the defective region for 31 such genes in 22 wild isolates of C. elegans. For 10 of the 31 genes, we found an apparently functional allele in one or more wild isolates, suggesting that these are not pseudogenes but instead functional genes with a defective allele in N2. We suggest the term "flatliner" to describe genes whose functional vs. pseudogene status is unclear. Investigations of flatliner gene positions, d(N)/d(S) ratios, and phylogenetic trees indicate that they are not readily distinguished from functional genes in N2. We also report striking heterogeneity in the frequency of other polymorphisms among these genes. Finally, the large majority of polymorphism was found in just two strains from geographically isolated islands, Hawaii and Madeira. This suggests that our sampling of wild diversity in C. elegans is narrow and that identification of additional strains from similarly isolated regions will greatly expand the diversity available for study.  相似文献   

In most animals, multiple genes encode protein kinase C (PKC) proteins. Pharmacological studies have revealed numerous roles for this protein family, yet the in vivo roles of specific PKC proteins and the functional targets of PKC activation are poorly understood. We find that in Caenorhabditis elegans, two PKC genes, pkc-1 and tpa-1, are required for mechanosensory response; the role of the nPKCε/η ortholog, pkc-1, was examined in detail. pkc-1 function is required for response to nose touch in adult C. elegans and pkc-1 likely acts in the interneurons that regulate locomotion which are direct synaptic targets of mechanosensory neurons. Previous studies have suggested numerous possible targets of pkc-1; our analysis indicates that pkc-1 may act via the extracellular signal-regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK/MAPK) pathway. We find that ERK/MAPK pathway function is required for mechanosensory response in C. elegans and that at least one component of this pathway, lin-45 Raf, acts in interneurons of the mechanosensory circuit. Genetic analysis indicates that lin-45 and pkc-1 act together to regulate nose touch response. Thus, these results functionally link two conserved signaling pathways in adult C. elegans neurons and define distinct roles for PKC genes in vivo.  相似文献   

In recent years, researchers have begun to use Caenorhabditis elegans as a potential animal model to study Shigella pathogenesis. This study aims to further develop this model using RNA-sequencing to understand which pathways/cellular characteristics are affected and potentially cause death in Shigella-exposed worms. We identified 1631 differentially expressed genes in Shigella-exposed worms (6 h exposure). A number of these genes encode proteins involved in fatty-acid β-oxidation (FAO), antioxidant defense and autophagy. The down-regulation of acyl-CoA dehydrogenases would impede FAO, reducing the overall energy to combat Shigella in the worm's intestinal tract. This is potentially coupled with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that may not be fully quenched by antioxidant defense proteins, leading to damaged cellular organelles in the worm's intestinal cells. These cells may undergo autophagy to remove the mounting damage, but may eventually undergo cell death.  相似文献   

A mutant affecting the heavy chain of myosin in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
A set of non-complementing, closely linked, ethyl methanesulphonate-induced mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans specifically affects the structure and function of body-wall muscle cells but not the pharyngeal musculature. One of these mutations, e675, is semidominant and results in the production of a new protein of about 203,000 molecular weight in addition to normal myosin at about 210,000 Mr. The abnormal polypeptide chain is structurally very similar to normal myosin heavy chain when maps of iodinated peptides are compared.The E675 mutant shows a clear relation between defective movement, disruption of the body-wall muscle structure, and the molecular defect in the myosin heavy chains. The altered chain is synthesized in heterozygotes, suggesting that the e675 mutation is either in a structural gene for the heavy chain or in a cis acting control element. The hypothesis that there are two classes of myosin heavy chain within the same cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The modular organization of networks of individual neurons interwoven through synapses has not been fully explored due to the incredible complexity of the connectivity architecture. Here we use the modularity-based community detection method for directed, weighted networks to examine hierarchically organized modules in the complete wiring diagram (connectome) of Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) and to investigate their topological properties. Incorporating bilateral symmetry of the network as an important cue for proper cluster assignment, we identified anatomical clusters in the C. elegans connectome, including a body-spanning cluster, which correspond to experimentally identified functional circuits. Moreover, the hierarchical organization of the five clusters explains the systemic cooperation (e.g., mechanosensation, chemosensation, and navigation) that occurs among the structurally segregated biological circuits to produce higher-order complex behaviors.  相似文献   

A mutational tester strain (JP10) of the nematode C. elegans was used to capture recessive lethal mutations in a balanced 300 essential gene autosomal region. The probability of converting a radiation interaction into a lethal mutation was measured in young gravid adults after exposure to fluences of 254-nm ultraviolet radiation (UV) ranging from 0 to 300 Jm-2. Mutation frequencies as high as 5% were observed. In addition, three different radiation-hypersensitive mutations, rad-1, rad-3 and rad-7 were incorporated into the JP10 background genotype, which allowed us to measure mutation frequencies in radiation-sensitive animals. The strain homozygous for rad-3 was hypermutable to UV while strains homozygous for rad-1 and rad-7 were hypomutable. Data showing the effects of UV on larval development and fertility for the rad mutants is also shown and compared for wild-type and JP10 backgrounds.  相似文献   

A missense mutant, unc-17(e245), which affects the Caenorhabditis elegans vesicular acetylcholine transporter UNC-17, has a severe uncoordinated phenotype, allowing efficient selection of dominant suppressors that revert this phenotype to wild-type. Such selections permitted isolation of numerous suppressors after EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate) mutagenesis, leading to demonstration of delays in mutation fixation after initial EMS treatment, as has been shown in T4 bacteriophage but not previously in eukaryotes. Three strong dominant extragenic suppressor loci have been defined, all of which act specifically on allele e245, which causes a G347R mutation in UNC-17. Two of the suppressors (sup-1 and sup-8/snb-1) have previously been shown to encode synaptic proteins able to interact directly with UNC-17. We found that the remaining suppressor, sup-2, corresponds to a mutation in erd-2.1, which encodes an endoplasmic reticulum retention protein; sup-2 causes a V186E missense mutation in transmembrane helix 7 of ERD-2.1. The same missense change introduced into the redundant paralogous gene erd-2.2 also suppressed unc-17(e245). Suppression presumably occurred by compensatory charge interactions between transmembrane helices of UNC-17 and ERD-2.1 or ERD-2.2, as previously proposed in work on suppression by SUP-1(G84E) or SUP-8(I97D)/synaptobrevin. erd-2.1(V186E) homozygotes were fully viable, but erd-2.1(V186E); erd-2.2(RNAi) exhibited synthetic lethality [like erd-2.1(RNAi); erd-2.2(RNAi)], indicating that the missense change in ERD-2.1 impairs its normal function in the secretory pathway but may allow it to adopt a novel moonlighting function as an unc-17 suppressor.  相似文献   

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