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The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of administration of exogenous GnRH 5days after artificial insemination (AI) on ovarian structures, serum progesterone concentration, and conception rates in lactating dairy cows. In experiment 1, 23 Holstein cows were synchronized using the Ovsynch protocol. Five days after AI (day 0) cows were assigned randomly to receive either saline (saline; n=11) or 100microg GnRH (GnRH; n=12). To examine ovarian structures, ultrasonography was performed on day 1 and every other day beginning on day 5 until day 13. On days 5 and 13 blood samples were obtained to measure serum progesterone concentrations. All cows in the GnRH-treated group developed an accessory corpus luteum (CL), whereas cows in the saline group did not. Mean serum progesterone concentrations did not differ between GnRH and saline groups on day 5 (1.64+/-0.46ng/ml versus 2.04+/-0.48ng/ml). On day 13 serum progesterone concentrations were greater (P<0.05) in the GnRH group compared with saline (5.22+/-0.46ng/ml versus 3.36+/-0.48ng/ml). In experiment 2, 542 lactating cows, at two different commercial dairies, were used to test the effect of administering GnRH 5 days after AI on conception rates. Cows were synchronized and detected for estrus according to tail chalk removal. Cows detected in estrus received AI within 1h after detection of estrus. Five days after AI, cows were assigned randomly to receive either GnRH (n=266) or saline (n=276). Pregnancy status was determined by palpation per rectum of uterine contents approximately 40 days after AI. There was no effect of farm on conception rate. There was no effect of treatment as conception rates did not differ between GnRH and saline groups (26.7% GnRH versus 24.3% saline). Regardless of treatment, days in milk, parity, milk yield, and number of services had no effect on the odds ratio of pregnancy. In summary, the results of this study indicated that GnRH administered 5 days after AI increased serum progesterone by developing an accessory CL but did not improve conception rates in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of various factors on the reproductive performance of approximately 1700 cows in 12 seasonally calving dairy herds in North Western Tasmania. Submission rate (percent of cows submitted for service for the first time in the first 24 days of the mating season) rose from 60% to 97% as cow condition score improved from 3 to 5.5. There was no effect on non-return rates (percent of cows submitted for service for the first time in the first 24 days of mating which did not return to service in the subsequent 21 days), provided condition score was 3.5 or over. Milk fat yield was positively correlated to both submission and non-return rate until milk fat yield exceeded 1.0 kg/day when both fell (from 79% to 71% and from 73% to 38%, respectively). Non-return rate was 46% when the calving-to-first-service interval was less than 40 days after which it rose to a more normal 65%. Submission rates were unaffected by calving-to-first-service interval. There was a significant positive correlation between age and non-return rate, but not between age and submission rate, although submission rate also tended to be higher in older cattle. The proportion of cows having short cycles (less than 18 days) was 18%. In contrast to reports in other species, the presence of the male did not improve oestrous detection or non-return rate of cows in the immediate post-partum period.  相似文献   

The use of anionic salts to prevent milk fever in dairy cattle has been an effective nutritional strategy; however, the degree of acidification that determines the most acceptable productive responses and well-being of the cow is still a controversial topic. The objective of this study was to assess urine pH in prepartum Holstein cows fed anionic diets and determine its association with plasma total Ca, Mg, P, β-hydroxyl-butyrate (BHB) concentrations at parturition and the occurrence of peripartum disorders. This investigation consisted of 2 studies. Study 1 was conducted on a grazing dairy. Between February and May 2019, 60 prepartum multiparous cows were tested for urine pH and plasma metabolite concentration at parturition. Total Ca, P, Mg and BHB at day 1 in milk (DIM) were assessed and statistically analyzed by ANOVA (models for polynomial regression). Study 2 was conducted on a drylot dairy farm. Between July 2018 and January 2019, 203 cows were evaluated for urine pH and followed-up for 30 DIM to obtain the incidence of dystocia, stillbirths, milk fever, retained fetal membranes, metritis, clinical mastitis and ketosis. Cows were categorized based on their last urine pH as group 1: pH > 7.0 (n = 135); group 2: pH between 6.0 and 7.0 (n = 46) and group 3: pH < 6.0 (n = 22). A logistic regression model for each health event was conducted considering urine pH group as the main effect. Urine sample was collected at 2.71 ± 2.84 days before parturition. In study 1, there was a quadratic effect of urine pH on total Ca. Total Ca concentration was higher between urine pH 6.0 and 7.0, while decreasing below pH 6.0 and above pH 7.0. There was a trend (P = 0.11) for a quadratic effect of urine pH on the concentration of plasma BHB at parturition. β-Hydroxyl-butyrate was lower approximately between urine pH 6.5 and 7.5. In study 2, the odds for a stillborn in cows with urine pH < 6.0 was 2.39 (95% CI = 1.06–5.40) times the odds for a stillborn in cows with urine pH ≥ 7.0. There was no association between urine pH and the other diseases. In conclusion, cows with prepartum urine pH < 6.0 and > 7.0 had lower concentration of plasma total Ca and tended to have a higher concentration of BHB. Cows with urine pH < 6.0 had a higher incidence of stillbirths than cows with urine pH > 7.0.  相似文献   

UMP synthase activity was determined in erythrocytes of Holstein cattle to assess differences attributable to age, sex, lactational state, and exogenous growth hormone. Newborns had 80% more UMP synthase activity per ml erythrocytes than mature cattle. Males had 10% more UMP synthase activity than females of the same age. Lactating and non-lactating mature females did not differ in UMP synthase activity. Over the first six weeks of life, the decrease in UMP synthase activity was less pronounced in calves partially deficient for the enzyme. Ten daily injections of growth hormone altered neither UMP synthase activity in erythrocytes nor orotic acid concentrations in milk and urine.  相似文献   

Dairy industry plays an important role in the agricultural economy of China. To estimate the prevalence and public health significance of cryptosporidiosis in post-weaned and adult dairy cattle in China, during four consecutive years (from 2006 to 2009), a total of 1315 fecal samples from 22 dairy cattle farms in ten prefectures in Henan Province were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts. The overall prevalence of Cryptosporidium was 7.9%, with the highest infection rate (11.3%) in 3 to 11-month-old calves and the lowest infection rate (1.0%) in >2-year-old cows (p<0.01). Cryptosporidium-positive samples (n=104) were analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, and 25 representative samples were further analyzed by DNA sequencing of the PCR products. Cryptosporidium bovis and Cryptosporidium andersoni were identified. C. andersoni (84/104) was the predominant species and was found in all age groups, whereas C. bovis (20/104) was only detected in 3 to 11-month-old calves. Thus, C. andersoni appears to be the dominant species in weaned dairy calves and heifers in China, in contrast with its common occurrence in adult cattle in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Men are known to be at greater risk of urolithiasis and cardiovascular and renal diseases than women. Previous studies suggest that greater urine concentration is associated with acceleration of progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), increased urinary albumin excretion, and delayed renal sodium excretion. The present review addresses possible sex-related differences in urine volume and osmolality (U(osm)) that could participate in this male risk predominance. Because of the scarcity of information, we reanalyzed 24-h urine data collected previously by different investigators for other purposes. In nine studies concerning healthy subjects (6 studies) or patients with CKD or diabetes mellitus, U(osm) (or another index of urine concentration based on the urine/plasma creatinine concentration ratio) was 21-39% higher (i.e., about a 150 mosm/kgH2O difference) in men than in women. Urine volume was not statistically different. Thus, the larger osmolar load of men (related to their higher food intake) is excreted in a more concentrated urine with no difference in urine volume. This sex difference was not influenced by the level of sodium excretion and was still present in CKD patients. Sex differences in thirst threshold, AVP level, and other regulatory mediators may all contribute to the higher male U(osm). Because of the previously demonstrated adverse effects of vasopressin and/or high urine concentrating activity, the greater tendency of men to concentrate urine could participate in their greater susceptibility to urolithiasis and hypertension and to the faster progression towards end-stage renal failure.  相似文献   

Telomeres are protective caps at the end of chromosomes, and their length is positively correlated with individual health and lifespan across taxa. Longitudinal studies have provided mixed results regarding the within‐individual repeatability of telomere length. While some studies suggest telomere length to be highly dynamic and sensitive to resource‐demanding or stressful conditions, others suggest that between‐individual differences are mostly present from birth and relatively little affected by the later environment. This dichotomy could arise from differences between species, but also from methodological issues. In our study, we used the highly reliable Terminal Restriction Fragment analysis method to measure telomeres over a 10‐year period in adults of a long‐lived seabird, the common tern (Sterna hirundo). Telomeres shortened with age within individuals. The individual repeatability of age‐dependent telomere length was high (>0.53), and independent of the measurement interval (i.e., one vs. six years). A small (R2 = .01), but significant part of the between‐individual variation in telomere length was, however, explained by the number of fledglings produced in the previous year, while reproduction in years prior to the previous year had no effect. We confirmed that age‐dependent telomere length predicted an individual's remaining lifespan. Overall, our study suggests that the majority of between‐individual variation in adult telomere length is consistent across adult life, and that a smaller part of the variation can be explained by dynamic factors, such as reproduction.  相似文献   

Blastocystis is an intestinal protist, commonly found in the human population and in a wide range of animals globally. Currently, isolates from mammalian and avian hosts are classified into 17 subtypes (STs) based on phylogeny of the small subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA), of which ten (ST1-9, 12) are reported in humans. ST10 is a major ST reported from livestock cattle. However, other STs including ST1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which have the potential to be transmitted to humans, are also reported from cattle in several countries. Although a survey has been conducted previously in western Japan for livestock cattle, there is no information available regarding other parts of Japan. Therefore, this study surveyed the prevalence of Blastocystis and its STs in cattle from Kanagawa prefecture, eastern Japan. Fecal specimens, collected from 133 dairy cattle on four different farms, were subjected to a short-term xenic in vitro culture and Blastocystis were identified by microscopic examination. Seventy-two cattle were positive for Blastocystis (54.1%). Direct sequences for the partial SSU rDNA were obtained for 45 samples. Based on nucleotide sequence homology search and phylogenetic analysis, 44 isolates were identified as ST14 and one as ST10. Our study confirms the presence of these STs in dairy cattle in Japan for the first time. The STs identified here, ST10 and ST14, support previous findings that Bovidae may be the natural host for both STs.  相似文献   

Urate oxidase is not present in birds yet allantoin, a product of this enzyme, has been measured in birds. Studies were designed to compare the concentrations of plasma purine derivatives in chickens and turkeys fed inosine-supplemented diets. The first study consisted of 12 male chicks that were fed diets supplemented with 0.6 mol inosine or hypoxanthine per kilogram diet from 3- to 6-week-old. Study 2 consisted of 12 turkey poults (toms) fed inosine-supplemented diets (0.7 mol/kg) from 6- to 8-week-old. Plasma allantoin and oxypurines concentrations were measured weekly using high performance liquid chromatography. Plasma uric acid (PUA) in chickens fed inosine-supplemented diets increased from 0.31 to 1.34 mM (P<0.05) at the end of week 2. In turkeys, those fed control diet had 0.17 mM PUA concentration compared to 0.3 mM in those fed the inosine diet at week 2 (P<0.05). Allantoin concentration increased in chickens from week 1 to 2 while a decrease was observed in turkeys (P<0.005) for both treatments. These data show that allantoin is present in turkey and chicken plasma. The presence of allantoin in avian plasma is consistent with uric acid acting as an antioxidant in these species.  相似文献   

We evaluated the agreement between ultrasonographic characteristics of the corpus luteum (CL) and plasma progesterone (P4) concentration in dairy cows. In Phase I of the study, the ovaries of 8 cows were ultrasonographically examined, and P4 was analyzed daily from estrus (Day 0) to Day 4, then at Day 7 and Day 10, and again daily from Day 17 to the onset of next estrus. In Phase 2, the ovaries of 157 randomly selected Friesian cows were examined once by ultrasonography, and blood samples collected concurrently were analyzed for plasma P4. On the basis of the P4 values, the function of CLs was classified as follows: 1) non-secretory CL when plasma P4 was lower than 1 ng/mL (n=41); 2) evolving CL when plasma P4 was between 1 and 4 ng/mL (n=55); and 3) mid-cycle CL when plasma P4 was more than 4 ng/mL (n=61). On the basis of ultrasonographic examination, 3 additional groups were established (absence of CL, evolving CL, midcycle CL). Ultrasonographic characteristics and size of Day 3 to 4 CLs and their respective plasma P4 concentrations were not distinguishable from those of CLs observed 3 to 4 d before the subsequent estrus. The degree of agreement between the two classification was 72%. The data indicate that the functional classification of CLs is difficult to determine based on ultrasonography alone.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal progesterone concentration and conceptus synthesis of interferon-tau as an index of conceptus viability at the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy. Heifers of mixed beef breeds were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 2 treatments: 1) intramuscular injection of 1500 IU hCG on Day 5 after artificial insemination (AI; n = 12) or 2) intramuscular injection of saline on Day 5 after AI (n = 17). Ovaries were scanned daily by transrectal real-time ultrasonography. Progesterone concentrations were determined from daily blood samples collected from the jugular vein. Heifers were slaughtered on Day 18 after AI and conceptus tissues were collected. These were incubated individually at 37 degrees C in RPMI medium, and supernatant collected after 24 h. Conceptus secretory products in the supernatant were analyzed for interferon concentration by antiviral assay using vesicular stomatitis virus. Transrectal ultrasonography showed all heifers that received hCG had at least 1 extra corpus luteum (CL) in addition to the spontaneous CL formed from the previous ovulation (10 with 2 CL, 2 with 3 CL). A significant increase in plasma progesterone concentration was detected in pregnant heifers treated with hCG (n = 9) vs pregnant control heifers (n = 11; P < 0.001). There was a tendency for an increase (P = 0.059) in synthesis of interferon-tau by conceptuses from hCG-treated heifers compared to control heifers. Maternal plasma progesterone concentrations were correlated with interferon-tau production by the conceptuses (r = 0.593, P < 0.006), suggesting that higher maternal progesterone may provide a more suitable environment for the developing conceptus.  相似文献   

Ghrelin affects not only growth hormone secretion but also nutrient utilization and metabolic hormone secretion in humans and experimental animals. The effects of ghrelin on plasma metabolic hormone and metabolite levels in domestic herbivores remain unclear despite the fact that the physiological characteristics of nutrient digestion and absorption imply specific responses to ghrelin. Therefore, the effects of ghrelin on plasma glucose, pancreatic hormones and cortisol concentrations were investigated in Holstein dairy cattle in various physiological states. Ghrelin (0.3 nmol/kg) or placebo (2% bovine serum albumin in saline) was intravenously injected in pre-ruminant calves (pre-rumen function), adult non-lactating (functional rumen) and lactating cows (functional rumen and lactation), and plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon and cortisol concentrations were then determined. Ghrelin injection increased plasma glucose concentrations in adult cows, especially in lactating cows. No hyperglycemic response was observed in pre-ruminant calves. A transient rise of insulin and glucagon levels was distinctively found in lactating cows in response to the ghrelin administration. Ghrelin injection decreased the insulin level in pre-ruminant calves. Ghrelin increased cortisol secretion independently of the physiological state. The results of the present study suggest that the effects of ghrelin on plasma glucose and pancreatic hormone levels may reflect differences in the physiological states of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

We have cloned a 307-bp Sau3AI fragment of DNA from the bovine male genome by deletion enrichment. Although a single-copy homolog is present in the female cattle genome, the sequence (BRY.1) is repeated at a moderate and variable frequency only in males. This pattern occurs too in sheep and goats, but BRY.1 is found in equal amounts in both sexes of fallow deer and pigs, approximating single copy. The conservation of a homologous sequence over millions of years and its repetition exclusively on the Bovidae Y chromosome raise interesting questions concerning the origin, evolution, and possible function of this unusual element.  相似文献   

Plasma cortisol levels were determined by radioimmunoassay for five lactating cows and five open heifers from blood samples collected daily during the course of a complete estrous cycle. Each animal was fitted with an indwelling jugular catheter to minimize stress from bleeding. Mean plasma cortisol levels were 5.67 ng/ml for the lactating cows and 5.87 ng/ml for the open heifers. Mean values for individuals ranged from 3.79 ng/ml to 6.94 ng/ml in the lactating group, and 3.37 ng/ml to 11.69 ng/ml in the open group. These differences, both between and within groups, were not significant. Mean cortisol values during the estrous cycle ranged from 2.26 +/- 0.93 ng/ml on day one to 9.49 +/- 2.11 ng/ml on day six for the lactating group, and 2.74 +/- 0.52 ng/ml on day six to 14.66 +/- 10.78 ng/ml on day twelve for the open group. Group by day interactions were not significant. Attempts to correlate plasma cortisol with lactation or day of estrus were not significant.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental stress alters the consequences of hybridization is important, because the rate of hybridization and the likelihood of hybrid speciation both appear elevated in harsh, disturbed or marginal habitats. We assessed fitness, morphometrics and molecular genetic composition over 14 generations of hybridization between two highly divergent populations of the marine copepod Tigriopus californicus. Replicated, experimental hybrid populations in both control and high‐salinity conditions showed a decline in fitness, followed by a recovery. Recovery was faster in the salinity stress treatment, returning to parental levels up to two generations earlier than in the control. This recovery was stable in the high‐salinity treatment, whereas in the control treatment, fitness dropped back below parental levels at the final time point. Recovery in the high‐salinity treatment was also stronger in terms of competitive fitness and heat‐shock tolerance. Finally, consequences of hybridization were more repeatable under salinity stress, where among‐replicate variance for survivorship and molecular genetic composition was lower than in the control treatment. In a system with low effective population sizes (estimates ranged from 17 to 63), where genetic drift might be expected to be the predominate force, strong selection under harsh environmental conditions apparently promoted faster, stronger and more repeatable recovery from depressed hybrid fitness.  相似文献   

A substantial level of xylose was detected in the pectic polysaccharides that had been extracted from carrot (Daucus carota L.) calli and purified by gel-permeation and ion-exchange chromatography. The results of the removal of neutral sugar chains and -elimination indicated that the xylose was not included in the neutral sugar chains but was directly bound to a polygalac-turonic-acid backbone. Methylation analysis confirmed that the xylose was directly linked to galacturonic acid at position 2 or 3, as a terminal residue. The amount of xylose was positively correlated with the size of cell clusters in several lines of cultured carrot cells.Abbreviations EC embryogenic callus - 4-GalA 4-linked galacturonic acid - NC non-embryogenic callus - T-Xyl terminal xylose - 3,4-GalA 3,4-linked galacturonic acid - 2,4-GalA 2,4-linked galacturonic acid Part of this work was supported by a research grant from the Science and Technology Agency of Japan and a Grand-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. The authors are grateful to Dr. Koichi Kakegawa of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute for his encouragement throughout this research.  相似文献   

The relationships between the concentration of milk progesterone and early embryo survival on Days 4-8 inclusive and between the concentration of progesterone on different days from Days 0-8 inclusive following ovulation and insemination were examined in dairy cows. The relationships were examined following 77 randomly chosen artificial inseminations to cows in standing oestrus. There was a significant (P < 0.05) linear and quadratic relationship between the concentration of milk progesterone on each of Days 4-6 after ovulation and the probability of embryo survival. There was no association (P > 0.05) between milk progesterone concentration and probability of embryo survival on Days 7 and 8 after ovulation. There were no associations between milk progesterone concentration on Days 0-2 and the concentrations on Days 4-7, however, progesterone concentrations on Days 4 and 5 were highly predictive of the concentration on Days 6 and 7, respectively. Overall, the results indicate that suboptimal progesterone support during the early luteal phase is likely to deleteriously affect embryo viability and in addition, that it is possible to predict milk progesterone concentrations during the early luteal phase based on earlier stage concentrations and thus identify cows at risk of early embryo loss.  相似文献   

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