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The success of invasive species is frequently attributed to phenotypic plasticity, which facilitates persistence in novel environments. Here we report on experimental tests to determine whether the intensity of cryptic coloration patterns in a global invader (brown trout, Salmo trutta) was primarily the result of plasticity or heritable variation. Juvenile F1 offspring were created through experimental crosses of wild-caught parents and reared for 30 days in the laboratory in a split-brood design on either light or dark-colored gravel substrate. Skin and fin coloration quantified with digital photography and image analysis indicated strong plastic effects in response to substrate color; individuals reared on dark substrate had both darker melanin-based skin color and carotenoid-based fin colors than other members of their population reared on light substrate. Slopes of skin and fin color reaction norms were parallel between environments, which is not consistent with heritable population-level plasticity to substrate color. Similarly, we observed weak differences in population-level color within an environment, again suggesting little genetic control on the intensity of skin and fin colors. Taken as whole, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that phenotypic plasticity may have facilitated the success of brown trout invasions and suggests that plasticity is the most likely explanation for the variation in color intensity observed among these populations in nature.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of an unidentified plasma protein (PX) is described for the first time in Salmo trutta (L.) by means of isoelectric focusing. The analysis of 414 individuals from different geographic origins in Portugal allowed the identification of nine alleles. Heterozygosity in natural populations is generally above 0.60, thus giving similar values to those reported for brown trout microsatellite loci. Substructuring of Portuguese brown trout is evident between northern and southern basins. Genetic affinities between the southernmost rivers and the hatchery stock were detected, suggesting the existence of recent stocking influences.  相似文献   

Sea trout (Salmo trutta) is an anadromous form of brown trout, a commercially important salmonid species in Europe. Stocking has been used to compensate for the decrease of natural populations and maintenance of fishery and angling catches. Over 1.5 million smolts and 4.5 million alevins are released to Polish coastal rivers each year. Variation at 7 microsatellite loci (Ssa197, Ssa171, Ssa85, Str15, Str73, Str591, and Str543) was used to study genetic polymorphism of spawners returning to 6 rivers. Application of distance method for comparison of pairs of populations based on number of different alleles (F ST) revealed significant differences between Vistula and Wieprza, and Parseta as well as between Drweca and Wieprza, and Slupia. The level of heterozygosity was similar between most of the studied sea trout populations; considerable differences were found only for Str591. Differences in frequencies of a few alleles between populations were observed. An exact test of sample differentiation based on allele frequencies confirmed lack of significance of differentiation between the 6 pairs of populations (F ST and R ST). No admixture was observed in the studied populations. Possible effects of stocking on the genetic polymorphism of the sea trout populations in wild with implications for biotechnology are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic variability within and among four Spanish natural populations of Salmo trutta L. was evaluated on the basis of 25 enzyme loci, 3 microsatellite loci, and 9 randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs). A total of 21 allelic markers were found, 12 of which were reported by microsatellites, whereas enzyme and RAPD accounted only for 6 and 3, respectively. Genetic variation within samples was significantly higher for microsatellites and RAPD than for enzyme loci. Although all methods reported a high degree of allelic heterogeneity among samples, also revealing a high degree of gene diversity, genetic relationships depicted by UPGMA dendrograms closely agreed for all kinds of data. Microsatellite loci appeared to be the most feasible technique when searching for specific alleles for a population or an area, owing to the higher number of allelic variants found. Received July 1, 1998; accepted January 14, 1999  相似文献   

Metapopulation dynamics over the course of an invasion are usually difficult to grasp because they require large and reliable data collection, often unavailable. The invasion of the fish-free freshwater ecosystems of the remote sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands following man-made introductions of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the 1950''s is an exception to this rule. Benefiting from a full long term environmental research monitoring of the invasion, we built a Bayesian dynamic metapopulation model to analyze the invasion dynamics of 85 river systems over 51 years. The model accounted for patch size (river length and connections to lakes), alternative dispersal pathways between rivers, temporal trends in dynamics, and uncertainty in colonization date. The results show that the model correctly represents the observed pattern of invasion, especially if we assume a coastal dispersal pathway between patches. Landscape attributes such as patch size influenced the colonization function, but had no effect on propagule pressure. Independently from patch size and distance between patches, propagule pressure and colonization function were not constant through time. Propagule pressure increased over the course of colonization, whereas the colonization function decreased, conditional on propagule pressure. The resulting pattern of this antagonistic interplay is an initial rapid invasion phase followed by a strong decrease in the invasion rate. These temporal trends may be due to either adaptive processes or environmental gradients encountered along the colonization front. It was not possible to distinguish these two hypotheses. Because invasibility of Kerguelen Is. freshwater ecosystems is very high due to the lack of a pre-existing fish fauna and minimal human interference, our estimates of invasion dynamics represent a blueprint for the potential of brown trout invasiveness in pristine environments. Our conclusions shed light on the future of polar regions where, because of climate change, fish-free ecosystems become increasingly accessible to invasion by fish species.  相似文献   

Pavlov  D. S.  Pavlov  E. D.  Kostin  V. V.  Zaripov  P. I.  Ruchiev  M. A. 《Journal of Ichthyology》2018,58(6):927-931
Journal of Ichthyology - The effect of surfagon injection (synthetic analog of gonadotropic-releasing hormone) on the kind and time of rheoreaction change in juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta is...  相似文献   

1. Growth hormone (GH) treatment increases the growth rate and competitive ability of salmonids under laboratory conditions. Since fast growth should increase fitness, why is endogenous secretion of GH not higher in wild fish? To address this question, three hypotheses were suggested. H1: high GH levels reduce antipredator responses and may therefore increase mortality from predation. H2: high GH levels reduce long-term (e.g. over winter) survival by reducing allocation to critical energy reserves. H3: GH is not beneficial for growth under natural conditions.
2. To test these hypotheses, the performance of GH-treated juvenile Brown Trout ( Salmo trutta ) and control (placebo) trout was compared in an enclosed stream section subjected to natural predation. Four experiments were conducted during winter, spring, summer and autumn, respectively.
3. Mortality rates were not significantly different between GH-treated and control trout in any of the four experiments so H1 was not supported. Energy reserves were generally lower in GH-treated fish, which is consistent with H2, whereas growth rates in mass were higher in GH-treated fish than in controls so H3 was not supported. This suggests that GH promotes growth at the expense of investment in maintenance.
4. Judging from growth and mortality rates, the fitness of GH-treated and control trout appeared similar. Thus, escaped GH-manipulated fish may compete successfully with wild fish.
5. Hatchery-raised trout with higher initial condition index suffered higher mortality rates than more slender fish. This novel finding may be explained by reduced escape ability related to body morphology, reduced behavioural responses towards predators by high-condition trout, or predator preferences for high-condition fish.  相似文献   

1. The effects of high spring floods on survival and growth of juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar, and Brown Trout, Salmo trutta , are explored, using data from a long-term study in the River Saltdalselv, northern Norway. The flow regime in this river is typical for northern rivers.
2. There was considerable variation in year class strength of both species.
3. Mortality of Atlantic Salmon increased significantly in years with high discharge during the alevin stage as well as the first week after emergence. High discharge during the egg stage and more than 1 week after emergence seemed to be of minor importance. Water temperature at emergence was rather high (average 10·5 °C) and did not significantly affect year class strength.
4. Brown Trout emerged earlier than Atlantic Salmon at an average water temperature of 8·2 °C. Highest mortality was observed in years with low water temperatures at emergence as well as high discharge during the alevin stage.
5. For 1-year-old fish or older, the size of the spring peak flood did not influence mortality significantly.
6. Growth of Atlantic Salmon parr was diminished in years with a high peak spring flood. A similar effect on Brown Trout was not detected.  相似文献   

Density, age structure, and growth rates of wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)and brown trout (Salmo trutta)in Whetstone Brook in northcentral Massachusetts were monitored for 4 years before and 3 years during limestone treatment to mitigate acidic conditions. The population density of brook trout increased significantly during treatment. Liming did not have any significant effects on the growth rates of brook trout or brown trout. Actual survival rates of brook trout and brown trout were not calculated due to the low density of both species, but more older individuals of both species were captured during the treatment period. Fulton condition factors (an index of fish condition) increased significantly for both brook trout and brown trout during treatment. Seven-day in situ bioassays of brown trout and rainbow trout demonstrated that liming improved the chemical environment for fish in Whetstone Brook. During a pretreatment bioassay in 1987, 100% rainbow trout mortality was observed at both the control and treatment stations in Whetstone Brook. Brown trout mortality was 67% in the control station and 70% in the treatment station. The pH during the 1987 bioassay averaged 4.90 in the control station and 4.99 in the treated station. During a bioassay conducted in 1990 after treatment began, rainbow trout mortality was 100% in the control station and 0% in the treatment station. Brown trout mortality was 17% in the control station and 0% in the treatment station. The pH during the 1990 bioassay averaged 5.23 in the control station and 6.60 in the treatment station. Analysis of total aluminum in the gills of fish from the 1990 bioassay revealed higher levels in fish from the control station than in those from the treatment station.  相似文献   

The scale insect Marchalina hellenica (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) contributes to the production of pine honey in Turkey and Greece via the honeydew excreted when it feeds on pine trees. Although it is an insect of prime economic importance, there is no information on its genetic structure. Preliminary data were obtained based on sequencing analysis of 12s rDNA and COI mtDNA gene segments from samples from four areas of Turkey. Sequences of the 12s rDNA gene segment from Greek samples available in GenBank were also included. No variability was detected concerning the COI mtDNA gene segment analysis, although 13 haplotypes were revealed based on the 12s rDNA gene segment. The most distant population was from Mudanya-Bursa Province (Turkey). Further research is necessary on the genetic structure and variability of M. hellenica populations from the two neighboring countries.  相似文献   

Two reproductively isolated demes of brown trout coexist in a small Swedish mountain lake, Lake Bunnersj?rna. We electrophoretically examined 102 specimens from that lake for 27 enzymes encoded by 54 loci. The two demes are fixed for different alleles at a lactate dehydrogenase locus (LDH-1); statistically significant allele frequency differences at five other loci further support the complete lack of gene flow between these demes. There are significant differences in growth rates between fish in the two demes, but no further morphological differentiation h-s been detected.--In light of these findings, the genetic distance between these populations is surprisingly small (Nei's I = 0.975). These demes represent one of the least genetically divergent, reproductively isolated sympatric pair of vertebrate populations that have been identified. The results are discussed from both an evolutionary and ecological perspective.  相似文献   

Establishment of four fish-farms during the period 1971 to 1994 in the oligotrophic lake Skogseidvatnet affected Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, but not brown trout, Salmo trutta. From 1971 to 1987, an increase in mean individual size of Arctic charr was recorded, while the mean individual size of brown trout remained stable. Arctic charr were found to use deeper benthic areas than brown trout. Approximately 8% of the Arctic charr population (>26cm), were found to switch to waste food from fish-farms, resulting in a novel feeding habitat for the species. They were, however, found in gillnets distant from the fish farm cages, indicating high mobility. The habitat segregation between the two species can most likely be explained by selective differences and asymmetric competition with brown trout as the dominant species. Based on the present results, changes in the Arctic charr population may be due to increased food availability and due to a new habitat use as a waste food feeder. The reason for the brown trout population to have remained stable with respect to mean size, growth pattern and habitat use, may be due to a different diet choice than Arctic charr in this lake. Brown trout were found to feed mainly on terrestrial insects, while Arctic charr fed mainly on zooplankton and on waste food.  相似文献   

A large microsatellite data set from three species of bear (Ursidae) was used to empirically test the performance of six genetic distance measures in resolving relationships at a variety of scales ranging from adjacent areas in a continuous distribution to species that diverged several million years ago. At the finest scale, while some distance measures performed extremely well, statistics developed specifically to accommodate the mutational processes of microsatellites performed relatively poorly, presumably because of the relatively higher variance of these statistics. At the other extreme, no statistic was able to resolve the close sister relationship of polar bears and brown bears from more distantly related pairs of species. This failure is most likely due to constraints on allele distributions at microsatellite loci. At intermediate scales, both within continuous distributions and in comparisons to insular populations of late Pleistocene origin, it was not possible to define the point where linearity was lost for each of the statistics, except that it is clearly lost after relatively short periods of independent evolution. All of the statistics were affected by the amount of genetic diversity within the populations being compared, significantly complicating the interpretation of genetic distance data.  相似文献   

三个虹鳟养殖群体遗传结构的微卫星分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用20个微卫星标记对3个虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)养殖群体进行遗传结构分析。结果表明,(1)3个群体检测的平均等位基因数为3·6~4·1,平均观测杂合度为0·5224~0·6328,平均期望杂合度为0·4736~0·5522,平均多态信息含量为0·4354~0·5084,说明这几个群体多态性属于偏高水平,遗传多样性高。通过d值,确定了Hard-Weinberg平衡的偏离情况,发现AY039638、AY039646在3个群体中都表现为不平衡。对3个群体的遗传距离进行了估算,并进行聚类分析,本溪的两个群体先聚为一支,再与渤海群体相聚,显示出明显的地理特征。(2)本溪虹鳟群体在位点AF352770出现部分等位基因消失的现象;AF352754在本溪群体中表现为位点消失,可作为区分本溪群体和渤海群体的分子标记。(3)综合评价3个群体,渤海站虹鳟群体的遗传多样性最高,与前人研究结果一致。  相似文献   

Introduced mammalian predators may pose a high risk for native and naïve prey populations, but little is known about how native fish species may recognize and respond to scents from introduced mammalian predators. We investigated the role of diet‐released chemical cues in facilitating predator recognition, hypothesizing that native brown trout (Salmo trutta) would exhibit antipredator behaviours to faeces scents from the introduced American mink (Neovision vison) fed conspecifics, but not to non‐trout diets. In treatments‐control and replicate stream tank experiments, brown trout showed significant antipredator responses to faeces scent from mink fed conspecifics, but not to faeces scent from mink fed a non‐trout diet (chicken), or the non‐predator food control, Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). We conclude that native and naïve brown trout show relevant antipredator behaviours to an introduced mammalian predator, presumably based on diet‐released conspecific alarm cues and thereby estimate the predation risk.  相似文献   

Pavlov  E. D.  Ganzha  E. V.  Pavlov  D. S. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(6):673-680
Biology Bulletin - The concentrations of Cl–, Ca2+, Na+, and K+ in the blood of the brown trout Salmo trutta from two rivers of the Lake Ladoga basin (Alatsoya and Ulmasenjoki) are compared....  相似文献   

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