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The cholesteryl esters of very low density lipoproteins become labeled when human plasma is incubated with cholesterol-(14)C. The relative order of magnitude of the specific activity of the cholesteryl esters of the major lipoprotein fractions is: high density lipoproteins > very low density lipoproteins > low density lipoproteins. This pattern of labeling is similar to that found by others in experiments performed in vivo. Very low density lipoprotein cholesteryl esters are probably not formed by direct action of the plasma lecithin:cholesteryl acyltransferase, since significant esterification of cholesterol does not occur when very low density lipoproteins are incubated separately with the enzyme. Instead, labeled cholesteryl esters formed in the other lipoprotein fractions transfer to the very low density lipoproteins, the relative amount of monounsaturated esters transferred being slightly greater than that of saturated and polyunsaturated esters. The results support the possibility that the acyltransferase indirectly increases the concentration of very low density lipoprotein cholesteryl esters in vivo.  相似文献   

Fluorescent cholesteryl esters with chromophores placed either on the acyl chain (cholesteryl-cis-parinarate), the sterol ring system (5,7,9-cholesteryl oleate), or the side chain (naphthylcholenamide oleate) have been incorporated into the core of low density lipoprotein. The temperature dependence of several fluorescence parameters has been evaluated. An analysis of the fluorescence lifetime components of cholesteryl-cis-parinarate reveals coexisting environments whose proportion varies and reflects the thermotropic reorganization of the core of the particle. An analysis of the motion by dynamic depolarization suggests that the motions of the acyl chains in the core of the particle are highly restricted.  相似文献   

The mass efflux of free and esterified cholesterol was studied in skin fibroblasts loaded with cholesterol by incubation with low density lipoproteins (LDL) isolated from normal or hypercholesterolemic cynomolgus monkeys. Cells incubated with hypercholesterolemic LDL accumulated 2-3 times more cholesteryl ester than did cells incubated with the same amount of normal LDL. Cholesteryl oleate was the principal cholesteryl ester species to accumulate in cells incubated with both normal and hypercholesterolemic LDL. Efflux of this accumulated cholesterol was absolutely dependent on the presence of a cholesterol acceptor in the culture medium. Lipoprotein-deficient serum (LPDS) was the most potent promoter of cholesterol efflux tested, with maximum efflux occurring at LPDS concentrations greater than 1.5 mg protein/ml. Upon addition of efflux medium containing LPDS, there was a reduction in both the free and esterified cholesterol concentration of the cells. Greater than 90% of the cholesteryl esters that were lost from the cells appeared in the culture medium as free cholesterol, indicating that hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters preceded efflux. Efflux was not inhibited by chloroquine, however, suggesting a mechanism independent of lysosomes. Loss of cellular free cholesterol was maximum by 6 hr and changed very little thereafter up to 72 hr. Cholesteryl ester loss from cells decreased in a log linear fashion for efflux periods of 6-72 hr, with an average half-life for cholesteryl ester efflux of 30 hr, but with a range of 20-50 hr, depending upon the specific cell line. The rate of efflux of cellular cholesteryl esters was similar for cells loaded with normal or hypercholesterolemic LDL. In cells loaded with cholesteryl esters, cholesterol synthesis was suppressed and cholesterol esterification and fatty acid synthesis were enhanced. During efflux, cholesterol synthesis remained maximally suppressed while cholesterol esterification decreased for the first 24 hr of efflux, then plateaued at a level approximately 5-fold higher than control levels, while fatty acid synthesis was slightly stimulated. There was little difference in the rate of efflux of individual cholesteryl ester species. There was, however, the suggestion that reesterification of cholesterol principally to palmitic acid occurred during efflux. Since the rate of cellular cholesteryl ester efflux was similar regardless of whether the cells had been loaded with cholesterol by incubation with normal LDL or hypercholesterolemic LDL, the greater accumulation of cholesterol in cells incubated with hypercholesterolemic LDL cannot be explained by differences in rates of efflux.-St. Clair, R. W., and M. A. Leight. Cholesterol efflux from cells enriched with cholesteryl esters by incubation with hypercholesterolemic monkey low density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

These studies were undertaken to examine the effects of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) on the transfer of cholesteryl esters from high density lipoproteins (HDL) to very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). Human or rat VLDL was incubated with human HDL in the presence of either partially purified CETP, bovine milk LPL or CETP plus LPL. CETP stimulated both isotopic and mass transfer of cholesteryl esters from HDL into VLDL. LPL caused only slight stimulation of cholesteryl ester transfer. However, when CETP and LPL were both present, the transfer of cholesteryl esters from HDL into VLDL remnants was enhanced 2- to 8-fold, compared to the effects of CETP alone. The synergistic effects of CETP and LPL on cholesteryl ester transfer were more pronounced at higher VLDL/HDL ratios and increased with increasing amounts of CETP. In time course studies the stimulation of cholesteryl ester transfer activity occurred during active triglyceride hydrolysis. When lipolysis was inhibited by incubating LPL with either 1 M NaCl or 2 mM diethylparanitrophenyl phosphate, the synergism of CETP and LPL was reduced or abolished, and LPL alone did not stimulate cholesteryl ester transfer. These experiments show that LPL enhances the CETP-mediated transfer of cholesteryl esters from HDL to VLDL. This property of LPL is related to lipolysis.  相似文献   

The fate of cholesteryl esters in high density lipoprotein (HDL) was studied to determine whether the transfer of esterified cholesterol from HDL to other plasma lipoproteins occurred to a significant extent in man. HDL cholesteryl ester, labelled in vitro with [3H] cholesterol, was injected into human subjects. Labelling of cholesteryl esters in very low density (VLDL) occurred rapidly and by 3 h, the esterified cholesterol in VLDL reached peak specific radioactivity. The removal rate of cholesteryl esters from HDL appeared to be exponential and of the order of 0.2/h; calculation of the apparent flux was about 150 mg/h which approximates reported values for total cholesterol esterification in human plasma in vivo. The rapid rate of labelling of VLDL from HDL suggests that the transfer of HDL cholesteryl esters to VLDL may represent a significant pathway for the disposal of HDL cholesterol.  相似文献   

The precursor-product relationship of very low density (VLDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) was studied. VLDL obtained from normal (NTG) and hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) subjects was fractionated by zonal ultracentrifugation and subjected to in vitro lipolysis. The individual subfractions and their isolated lipolysis products, as well as IDL and LDL, were rigorously characterized. A striking difference in the contribution of cholesteryl ester to VLDL is noted. In NTG subfractions, the cholesteryl ester to protein ratio increases with decreasing density (VLDL-I----VLDL-III). This is the expected result of triglyceride loss through lipolysis and cholesteryl ester gain through core-lipid transfer protein action. In HTG subfractions there is an abnormal enrichment of cholesteryl esters that is most marked in VLDL-I and nearly absent in VLDL-III. Thus, the trend of the cholesteryl ester to protein ratios is reversed, being highest in HTG-VLDL-I and lowest in VLDL-III. This is incompatible with the precursor-product relationship described by the VLDL----IDL----LDL cascade. In vitro lipolysis studies support the conclusion that not all HTG-VLDL can be metabolized to LDL. While all NTG subfractions yield products that are LDL-like in size, density, and composition, only HTG-VLDL-III, whose composition is most similar to normal, does so. HTG VLDL-I and VLDL-II products are large and light populations that are highly enriched in cholesteryl ester. We suggest that this abnormal enrichment of HTG-VLDL with cholesteryl ester results from the prolonged action of core-lipid transfer protein on the slowly metabolized VLDL mass. This excess cholesteryl ester load, unaffected by the process of VLDL catabolism, remains entrapped within the abnormal particle. Therefore, lipolysis yields an abnormal, cholesteryl ester-rich product that can never become LDL.  相似文献   

Non-enzymatic glycation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) has been suggested to be responsible for the increase in susceptibility to atherogenesis of diabetic individuals. Although the association of lipid glycation with this process has been investigated, the effect of specific lipid glycation products on LDL metabolism has not been addressed. This study reports that glucosylated phosphatidylethanolamine (Glc-PtdEtn), the major LDL lipid glycation product, promotes LDL uptake and cholesteryl ester (CE) and triacylglycerol (TG) accumulation by THP-1 macrophages. Incubation of THP-1 macrophages at a concentration of 100 micrograms/ml protein LDL specifically enriched (10 nmol/mg LDL protein) with synthetically prepared Glc-PtdEtn resulted in a significant increase in CE and TG accumulation when compared with LDL enriched in non-glucosylated PtdEtn. After a 24-h incubation with LDL containing Glc-PtdEtn, the macrophages contained 2-fold higher CE (10.11 +/- 1.54 micrograms/mg cell protein) and TG (285.32 +/- 4.38 micrograms/mg cell protein) compared with LDL specifically enriched in non-glucosylated PtdEtn (CE, 3.97 +/- 0.95, p < 0.01 and TG, 185.57 +/- 3.58 micrograms/mg cell protein, p < 0.01). The corresponding values obtained with LDL containing glycated protein and lipid were similar to those of LDL containing Glc-PtdEtn (CE, 11.9 +/- 1.35 and TG, 280.78 +/- 3.98 micrograms/mg cell protein). The accumulation of both neutral lipids was further significantly increased by incubating the macrophages with Glc-PtdEtn LDL exposed to copper oxidation. By utilizing the fluorescent probe, 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3', 3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI), a 1.6-fold increase was seen in Glc-PtdEtn + LDL uptake when compared with control LDL. Competition studies revealed that acetylated LDL is not a good competitor for DiI Glc-PtdEtn LDL (5-6% inhibition), whereas glycated LDL gave an 80% inhibition, and LDL + Glc-PtdEtn gave 93% inhibition of uptake by macrophages. These results indicate that glucosylation of PtdEtn in LDL accounts for the entire effect of LDL glycation on macrophage uptake and CE and TG accumulation and, therefore, the increased atherogenic potential of LDL in hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

Interaction of very low density lipoprotein with chicken oocyte membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of hen 125I-VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) with chicken oocyte membranes was characterized using a rapid sedimentation assay. Equilibrium and kinetic studies showed an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) 8.7-9.1 x 10(-8) M or 43.5-45.5 micrograms VLDL protein/ml. Binding capacity was 2.0 micrograms VLDL protein/mg membrane homogenate protein. The apparent rate constants were k1 = 2.4 x 10(5) M-1 min-1 and k2 = 2.1 x 10(-2) min-1. Specific binding required the presence of divalent cations. Whereas binding was completely restored after treatment with EDTA by the addition of MN++, only 60% of binding was restored using Ca++.  相似文献   

Previous reports attributed cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated HDL cholesteryl ester (CE) selective uptake to the CETP-mediated transfer of CE from HDL to newly secreted apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, which are then internalized by the LDL receptor (LDL-R). CETP has also been implicated in the remodeling of HDL, which renders it a better substrate for selective uptake by scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). However, CETP-mediated selective uptake of HDL3-derived CE was not diminished in LDL-R null adipocytes, SR-BI null adipocytes, or in the presence of the receptor-associated protein. We found that monensin treatment or energy depletion of the SW872 liposarcoma cells with 2-deoxyglucose and NaN3 had no effect on CETP-mediated selective uptake, demonstrating that endocytosis is not required. This is supported by data indicating that CETP transfers CE into a compartment from which it can be extracted by unlabeled HDL. CETP could also mediate the selective uptake of HDL3-derived triacylglycerol (TG) and phospholipid (PL). The CETP-specific kinetics for TG and CE uptake were similar, and both reached saturation at approximately 5 microg/ml HDL. In contrast, CETP-specific PL uptake did not attain saturation at 5 microg/ml HDL and was approximately 6-fold greater than the uptake of CE. We propose two possible mechanisms to account for the role of CETP in selective uptake.  相似文献   

The concept that selective transfer of high density lipoprotein (HDL)-derived cholesteryl esters (CE) does not require lipoprotein internalization has been challenged recently by evidence that implicates HDL recycling during the selective uptake process. This has prompted us to examine the role of the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) in selective uptake. LRP is an endocytic receptor for lipoprotein lipase (LpL) and apolipoprotein E (apoE) ligands that are able to mediate selective uptake. We report that molecules that interfere with ligand binding to LRP, such as the receptor-associated protein (RAP), suramin, alpha(2)-macroglobulin, or lactoferrin, inhibit HDL-CE selective uptake by human primary adipocytes and SW872 liposarcoma cells by 35-50%. This partial inhibition of selective uptake from total HDL was not due to preferential inhibition of the HDL(2) or HDL(3) subfractions. Selective uptake by the scavenger receptor BI was not inhibited by RAP, excluding its involvement. Furthermore, in SW872 cells in which LRP was reduced to 14% of control levels by stable antisense expression, selective uptake was attenuated by at least 33%, confirming a role for LRP in this process. RAP, alpha(2)-macroglobulin, lactoferrin, and suramin (individually or in paired combinations) also attenuated selective uptake of HDL-CE by primary human adipocytes by about 40%. On the other hand, human skin fibroblasts express LRP abundantly but lack the capacity for selective uptake, demonstrating that other molecules are required. In SW872 cells, exogenous apoE or LpL can facilitate selective uptake but only the apoE-enhanced uptake can be inhibited by RAP, implicating apoE as a likely co-mediator. We discuss the possible mechanisms by which the endocytic receptor, LRP, can mediate selective uptake.  相似文献   

Feeding rabbits 500 mg of cholesterol daily for 4 to 15 days greatly increased the concentration of esterified cholesterol in lipoproteins of d less than 1.006 g/ml. The origin of hypercholesterolemic very low density lipoproteins was investigated by monitoring the degradation of labeled lymph chyomicrons administered to normal and cholesterol-fed rabbits. Chylomicrons were labeled in vivo by feeding either 1) [3H]cholesterol and [14C]oleic acid or 2) [14C]cholesterol and [3H]retinyl acetate. After intravenous injection of labeled chylomicrons to recipient rabbits, [14C]triglyceride hydrolysis was equally rapid in normal and cholesterol-fed animals. Normal rabbits rapidly removed from plasma both labeled cholesteryl and retinyl esters, whereas cholesterol-fed rabbits retained nearly 50% of doubly labeled remnants in plasma 25 min after chylomicron injection. Ultracentrifugal separation of plasma into subfractions of very low density lipoproteins showed that chylomicron remnants in cholesterol-fed animals are found among all subclasses of very low density lipoproteins. Analysis of cholesteryl ester specific activity-time curves for the very low density lipoproteins subfraction from hypercholesterolemic plasma showed that nearly all esterified cholesterol in large very low density lipoproteins and approximately 30% of esterified cholesterol in small very low density lipoproteins was derived from chylomicron degradation. Apparently, nearly two-thirds of the esterified cholesterol in total very low density lipoproteins from moderately hypercholesterolemic rabbits is of dietary origin.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL) undergo oxidative modification before they can produce foam cells in atherosclerosis. The oxidation of LDL generates a variety of reactive aldehydic products, which covalently bind to the LDL apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB). In the present study, to investigate the mechanisms contributing to the modification of LDL, we analyzed oxidized cholesteryl esters generated during the autoxidation of LDL and characterized their covalent binding to the lysine residues of LDL apoB. In addition, we raised a monoclonal antibody specific to a lysine-bound oxidized cholesteryl ester and determined its production in human atherosclerotic lesions. The peroxidation of LDL with Cu2+ produced 9-oxononanoylcholesterol (9-ONC) and 5-oxovaleroylcholesterol as the major oxidized cholesteryl esters. We observed that the levels of 9-ONC and 5-oxovaleroylcholesterol peaked at 12 h and significantly decreased thereafter. The reduction of the core aldehyde levels was accompanied by (i) the formation of free 7-ketocholesterol and 7-ketocholesteryl ester core aldehydes and (ii) an increase in the amounts of apoB-bound cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol, suggesting that the cholesteryl ester core aldehydes were further converted to their 7-ketocholesterol- and apoB-bound derivatives. To detect the protein-bound 9-ONC, we raised the monoclonal antibody 2A81, directed against 9-ONC-modified protein, and found that it extensively recognized protein-bound cholesteryl ester core aldehydes. Agarose gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblot analysis of the oxidized LDL clearly demonstrated the formation of antigenic structures. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis of the atherosclerotic lesions from the human aorta showed that immunoreactive materials with mAb 2A81 were indeed present in the lesions, in which the intense immunoreactivity was mainly located in the macrophage-derived foam cells and the thickening neointima of the arterial walls. The results of this study suggest that the binding of cholesteryl ester core aldehydes to LDL might represent the process common to the oxidative modification of lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Phosphatidyl glycerol is present in lamellar bodies and in the material obtained by alveolar wash representing 12.3 and 11.5%, respectively, of the total phospholipid phosphorus. Lung microsomes catalyze the formation of phosphatidyl glycerol from the known precursors, L-glycerol 3-phosphate and CDP-diglyceride. The rate of [14C]L-glycerol 3-phosphate incorporation into phosphatidyl glycerol was 30% higher in microsomes as compared to mitochondria. The addition of mercuric chloride inhibited the synthesis of phosphatidyl glycerol, and stimulated the incorporation into another as yet incompletely identified lipid. After pulse labeling of microsomal phosphatidyl glycerol in vitro, further incubation of microsomes with lamellar bodies or alveolar wash resulted in nearly quantitative appearance of label in surfactant.  相似文献   

Previously, we isolated and characterized unique liposomal-like, cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in human atherosclerotic lesions. Human plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) has a molar ratio of total cholesterol to phospholipid (3:1) similar to that of this lesion cholesterol-rich lipid particle. However, LDL is enriched in cholesteryl ester while the lesion lipid particle is enriched in unesterified cholesterol. To examine a possible precursor-product relationship between LDL and the lesion lipid particle, we hydrolyzed the cholesteryl ester core of LDL with cholesterol esterase. Cholesteryl ester hydrolysis occurred only after LDL was treated with trypsin. Trypsin pretreatment was not required for cholesteryl ester hydrolysis of LDL oxidized with copper, a treatment that also degrades apolipoprotein B, the major protein moiety in LDL. In contrast to greater than 90% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in trypsin-cholesterol esterase-treated or copper-oxidized LDL, there was only 18% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in similarly treated high density lipoprotein. With a limited 10-min hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL-sized particles and newly formed larger flattened films or discs were present. With complete hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL particles converted to complex multilamellar, liposomal-like, structures with sizes approximately five times larger than native LDL. These liposomal-like particles derived from LDL were chemically and structurally similar to unesterified cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the transfer of cholesteryl esters (CE) between lipoproteins and was reported to also directly mediate the uptake of high density lipoprotein (HDL) CE by human Hep G2 cells and fibroblasts. The present study investigates that uptake and its relationship to a pathway for "selective uptake" of HDL CE that does not require CETP. HDL3 labeled in both the CE and apoprotein moieties was incubated with Hep G2 cells. During 4-h incubations, CE tracer was selectively taken up from doubly labeled HDL3 in excess of apoA-I tracer, and added CETP did not modify that uptake. However, during 18-20-h incubations, CETP stimulated the uptake of CE tracer more than 4-fold without modifying the uptake of apoA-I tracer. This suggested that secreted products, perhaps lipoproteins, might be required for the CETP effect. Four inhibitors of lipoprotein uptake via low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors (heparin, monensin, an antibody against the LDL receptor, and antibodies against the receptor binding domains of apoB and apoE) effectively blocked the CETP stimulation of CE tracer uptake. Heparin caused an increase in CE tracer in a d less than 1.063 g/ml fraction of the medium that more than accounted for the heparin blockade of CETP-stimulated CE uptake. CETP did not affect the uptake of doubly labeled HDL3 by human fibroblasts, even at twice plasma levels of activity, and heparin did not modify uptake of HDL3 tracers. Thus the CETP effect on Hep G2 cells can be accounted for by transfer of HDL CE to secreted lipoproteins which are then retaken up, and there is no evidence for a direct effect of CETP on cellular uptake of HDL CE.  相似文献   

This study compares the specificities of selective uptake and transfer mediated by plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) for various species of cholesteryl esters in high density lipoproteins (HDL). [3H]Cholesterol was esterified with a series of variable chain length saturated acids and a series of variably unsaturated 18-carbon acids. These were incorporated into synthetic HDL particles along with 125I-labeled apoA-I as a tracer of HDL particles and [14C]cholesteryl oleate as an internal standard for normalization between preparations. Selective uptake by Y1-BS1 mouse adrenal cortical tumor cells was most extensively studied, but uptake by human HepG2 hepatoma cells and fibroblasts of human, rat, and rabbit origin were also examined. Acyl chain specificities for selective uptake and for CETP-mediated transfer were conversely related; selective uptake by all cell types decreased with increasing acyl chain length and increased with the extent of unsaturation of C18 chains. In contrast, CETP-mediated transfer increased with acyl chain length, and decreased with unsaturation of C18 chains. The specificities of human and rabbit CETP were also compared, and were found to differ little. Associated experiments showed that HDL-associated triglycerides, traced by [3H]glyceryl trioleyl ether, were selectively taken up but at a lesser rate than cholesteryl esters. The mechanism of this uptake appears to be the same as for selective uptake of cholesteryl esters.  相似文献   

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