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A synthesis is presented of some research results on the structure and dynamics of populations with respect to the phytocoenosis structure. The first aspects to be considered are concerned with the dynamism, distribution and reproductive strategy of Anemone nemorosa: the vegetation structure either favors or inhibits the various reproductive strategies, thereby influencing the distribution pattern of the species. The second area of the present study is the demography and quantitative structure of Cytisus sessilifolius populations with respect to the problematic of secondary successions: the first results obtained open up interesting prospectives on the relationship between the vegetation dynamics and the frutescent populations structure.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of food limitation on the population dynamics of the freshwater cyclopoid copepod Diacyclops thomasi in Oneida Lake, New York. In the field population, maximum juvenile abundance coincided seasonally with high phytoflagellate concentration. During the clear-water phase (a seasonal period of low algal density), D. thomasi disappeared from the water column, but fourth-instar copepodids (CIV) were found encysted in developmental arrest in the sediment. Laboratory assays of the effect of the density of two types of food on copepod life history parameters showed that temporal variation in the concentration of relatively small phytoflagellates significantly affected stage-specific development times. This food limitation was most pronounced during the clear-water phase, and supplementation of the diet with a laboratory-cultured phytoflagellate, Chlamydomonas, prevented food limitation. Although developmental arrest appears to be controlled primarily by photoperiod, availability of the larger, more mobile food, Euglena, also influenced the percentage of individuals entering developmental arrest in the laboratory. An investigation of the spatial and temporal emergence pattern in the field revealed that CIV copepodids started to emerge in late autumn and that emergence rates were significantly greater at deep-water locations (9–12 m water depth) compared with shallow-water locations (5–7 m). The clear-water phase in Oneida Lake is an annual event, probably produced by intense grazing by Daphnia pulicaria and Daphnia galeata. Food limitation is thus very likely a recurrent phenomenon for D. thomasi. This apparent seasonal competitive impact of Daphnia on Diacyclops affects both nauplii and immature copepodids. Diacyclops shows two types of responses to the food limitation: (1) the physiological response of slowed active development, and (2) the adaptive response of developmental arrest. Received: 3 November 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

Size and age structure analysis, dated past disturbances, treefall replacement patterns, and spatial pattern analysis were used to reconstruct the developmental history of two old-growth Nothofagus fusca/N. menziesii stands, South Island, New Zealand. Diameter and height class distributions suggested that N. menziesii was replacing N. fusca, however, stand history reconstruction analysis showed that both species had regenerated intermittently after small-scale disturbances. Although large-scale disturbances such as blowdowns may occasionally generate even-aged stands, gap-phase regeneration maintains the forests in compositional equilibrium. In the absence of other competing tree species and understorey plants the two species appear to coexist by way of different life history strategies, where one species (N. menziesii) has low juvenile mortality and the other (N. fusca) has faster height growth rates and greater longevity and adult survivorship.  相似文献   

仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断及年龄结构特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据苏铁类植株体残存的营养叶叶基数、开花痕数以及生长单元发生率等茎干特征, 建立了仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断方法,计算出该种群年龄. 进一步采用年龄结构图、年龄分布 曲线和曲线估计等方法,从基株和无性系水平探讨了仙湖苏铁种群的年龄结构特征.年龄结构 图显示,仙湖苏铁无性系种群为稳定种群,基株种群为衰退种群;年龄分布曲线和曲线估计结 果则表明仙湖苏铁无性系和基株种群均为衰退种群. 综合3种方法的分析结果,仙湖苏铁 种群为衰退种群,必须采取一定措施予以保护.  相似文献   

沙地云杉种群结构与动态的研究   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
本文用种群大小结构代替年龄结构研究了沙地云杉种群的大小结构、分布格局和动态规律。结果表明,样地1、2、3、5的沙地云杉种群属于增长型,样地4的沙地云杉种群为稳定型,将样地1、2、3作为一块样地,其分布格局为集群型,但从幼树到大树,则由集群分布变为随机分布。  相似文献   

Klaus Henle 《Oecologia》1989,78(4):521-532
Summary The life history and population ecology of the skink Morethia boulengeri were studied from September 1985 to May 1987 in populations in a riverine woodland habitat and at an abandoned homestead in Kinchega National Park. The population dynamics and life histories of the two populations were remarkably similar. Yearly mortality (including emigration) ranged from 0.84–0.89. The yearly emigration rate was 0.01–0.03. Size-and body-condition-dependent mortality could be demonstrated for the population in riverine woodland. Average spring time densities were similar in both study sites but varied between years and ranged from 421-1823 individuals/ha. M. boulengeri females laid on average 2.8 eggs per clutch and usually produced three clutches per year. Egg mass was significantly correlated with female snout-vent-length, but relative clutch mass and egg size were not. All surviving juveniles reproduced for the first time in their first year. Some activity occurred throughout the year. Preferred body temperatures decreased in the cooler months. The data fit demographic models of life history evolution.  相似文献   

Synopsis Reproduction and early life history of northern squawfish,Ptychocheilus oregonensis, was investigated in Idaho's St. Joe River from 1980–1981. Spawning occurs in large aggregations which mill near the substrate to broadcast eggs and milt. Males greatly outnumber females in the aggregations. Males mature at smaller sizes and younger ages, and exhibit slower growth and greater mortality than females, although females devote more resources than males to gonadal production. Spawning was observed in June and July at temperatures of 12 to 18° C and was restricted to sites with the unique combination of a gravel-cobble substrate free of sand and a bottom velocity of 0.4 m s–1 or less. Juvenile northern squawfish schooled with other young cyprinids in sandy, zero-velocity, shallow-water margins of the river. Age 1 northern squawfish used deeper and more diverse microhabitats than juveniles. Growth of juveniles was rapid and variable during the first summer. During winter, average length did not increase and condition declined. Young northern squawfish ate a wide variety of crustaceans, aquatic insects, and terrestrial insects although individual fish tended to focus on one or two items. Diet breadth and food volume increased with age except in winter.  相似文献   

The persistence of mesic savannas has been theorised as being dependent on disturbances that restrict the number of juveniles growing through the sapling size class to become fire-tolerant trees. We analysed the population structures of four dominant tropical savanna tree species from 30 locations in Kakadu National Park (KNP), northern Australia. We found that across KNP as a whole, the population size structures of these species do not exhibit recruitment bottlenecks. However, individual stands had multimodal size-class distributions and mixtures of tree species consistent with episodic and individualistic recruitment of co-occurring tree species. Using information theory and multimodel inference, we examined the relative importance of fire frequency, stand basal area and elevation difference between a site and permanent water in explaining variations in the proportion of sapling to adult stems in four dominant tree species. This showed that the proportion of the tree population made up of saplings was negatively related to both fire frequencies and stand basal area. Overall, fire frequency has density-dependent effects in the regulation of the transition of saplings to trees in this Australian savanna, due to interactions with stem size, regeneration strategies, growth rates and tree–tree competition. Although stable at the regional scale, the spatiotemporal variability of fire can result in structural and floristic diversity of savanna tree populations.  相似文献   

Plants often suffer reductions in fecundity due to fragmentation, degradation and destruction of populations and their sites. Whether this decrease in seed production has population-level consequences is generally unknown. Here, we aimed to determine the current status of remnant populations in the perennial herb Primula veris in Belgium. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of reduced population size and morph bias on reproductive success and explored if changes in demographic structure could be associated with population fecundity. We studied 69 populations that differed in population size from three to nearly 1500 flowering plants. Three different population types could be distinguished: (a) “dynamic” populations, characterized by high densities of 1 year old juveniles, (b) “normal” populations with adult age-stages prevailing, but still a considerable number of juveniles, and (c) “regressive” populations, in which only flowering adults dominate and rejuvenation hardly occurs. The three population types differed with respect to population size and morph frequency. Dynamic populations were significantly larger and showed a weaker morph bias compared to the intermediate normal and the small regressive populations. Reproductive success, studied the previous year in 26 populations, decreased significantly with decreasing population size and was significantly associated with the demographic structure of the populations. Coefficients of variation for the proportion of flowers setting fruit, the number of seeds per fruit and the total number of seeds per plant decreased significantly with increasing population size. Hence, the observed variability in seed set may be one of the causal factors affecting the observed types of population demographic structure.  相似文献   

The genus Cycas (Cycadaceae; gymnosperm) have circumstantially been considered to be wind-pollinated. The cones of Cycas revoluta Thunb., however, emit a strong unpleasant odor. The chemical profiles of floral scents often correlate with various pollination modes (pollinators). We collected and analyzed the volatiles emitted from male and female cones of C. revoluta native to Iriomote and Yonaguni Islands, Japan. The analyses indicated that estragole (4-allylanisole) dominated in the volatiles (67.0–92.7%), with small amounts of other benzenoids, e.g., anethole, methyl salicylate, methyl eugenol, and ethyl benzoate. Several fatty acid esters were also detected in the samples from Iriomote Island. The function of estragole in the reproductive biology of C. revoluta is discussed.  相似文献   

免疫能力与动物种群调节和生活史权衡的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在生物医学和动物科学领域,免疫能力是指有机体对疾病的抵抗能力.近年来,对野生动物免疫能力的研究是一个新兴的热点领域,它与生态学结合,产生了生态免疫学.本文从生态学的角度,介绍了免疫能力的概念、影响因素及其与动物种群调节机理的关系,概述了与小型哺乳动物种群密度波动有关的免疫衰退假说、免疫能力选择假说和冬季免疫增强假说,总结了免疫能力与能量代谢和内分泌特征之间的关系,并对免疫能力在生活史权衡研究中的最新进展,即有机体生长与免疫、繁殖与免疫之间的权衡关系等进行了阐述,最后结合国际上本学科研究的发展动态,提出了一些未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

This study used mtDNA sequence and microsatellite markers to elucidate the population structure of Scomberomorus semifasciatus collected from 12 widespread sampling locations in Australia. Samples (n = 544) were genotyped with nine microsatellite loci, and 353 were sequenced for the control (384 bp) and ATPase (800 bp) mtDNA gene regions. Combined interpretation of microsatellite and mtDNA data identified four genetic stocks of S. semifasciatus: Western Australia, north-west coast of the Northern Territory, Gulf of Carpentaria and the eastern coast of Queensland. Connectivity among stocks across northern Australia from the Northern Territory to the eastern coast of Queensland was high (mean F(ST) = 0·003 for the microsatellite data and Φ(ST) = 0·033 and 0·009 for control region and ATPase, respectively) leading to some uncertainty about stock boundaries. In contrast, there was a clear genetic break between the stock in Western Australia compared to the rest of northern Australia (mean F(ST) = 0·132 for the microsatellite data and Φ(ST) = 0·135 and 0·188 for control region and ATPase, respectively). This indicates a restriction to gene flow possibly associated with suboptimal habitat along the Kimberley coast (north Western Australia). The appropriate scale of management for this species corresponds to the jurisdictions of the three Australian states, except that authorities in Queensland and Northern Territory should co-ordinate the management of the Gulf of Carpentaria stock.  相似文献   

The standard mathematical models in population ecology assume that a population's growth rate is a function of its environment. In this paper we investigate an alternative proposal according to which the rate of change of the growth rate is a function of the environment and of environmental change. We focus on the philosophical issues involved in such a fundamental shift in theoretical assumptions, as well as on the explanations the two theories offer for some of the key data such as cyclic populations. We also discuss the relationship between this move in population ecology and a similar move from first-order to second-order differential equations championed by Galileo and Newton in celestial mechanics.  相似文献   

Muskrats Ondatra zibethicus were studied at Old Crow flats Yukon Territory (68°05'N, 140°05W) and Tiny Marsh, Ontario (44°35'N, 79°52'W) during the summers of 1985 and 1986 Life–history traits of these two populations were compared Litter size was not significantly different between the two sites However average annual productivity was significantly greater at Tiny Marsh where individuals produced more litters per season Growth rates of juvenile and adult muskrats were significantly greater at Tiny Marsh, as was juvenile and adult weight However overwinter survival of juvenile muskrats was significantly greater at Old Crow than at Tiny Marsh We suggest that the shorter growing season and proximate energetic limitations on growth and reproduction favour a conservative reproductive strategy by the northern muskrat population For the southern muskrat population a long growing season and high quality food resources allow for a more productive reproductive strategy  相似文献   

The effects of food availability and nest predation on several life history traits such as adult survival, dispersal, and reproductive performance were assessed in an Audouin's gull (Larus audouinii) colony during the period 1992–1997. The amounts of fish discarded from trawlers were used as a measure of food availability, and a trawling moratorium which partially overlapped with the breeding season of the gulls was taken into account. The effects of nest predation were assessed in 1994, when a terrestrial predator entered the colony and remained for the whole breeding season preying on both eggs and chicks. Using the moratorium and the predatory event as natural experiments, several hypotheses were tested: (a) food supply would affect breeding performance but not adult survival (independently of age and sex), since gulls are long-lived and adult survival is the most sensitive demographic parameter in their population dynamics; (b) the predator would trigger breeding dispersal (although gulls are mostly philopatric, they are known to abandon their natal colony after breeding failure instigated by events such as this). If breeding dispersal occurs, the rate is expected to be higher in females than in males, and higher in new breeders than in more experienced breeding birds, as is usually recorded in colonial seabirds. Probabilities of resighting and survival were estimated separately, using capture-recapture models. As expected, changes in food availability did not affect adult survival, whereas they influenced egg volume, clutch size, and breeding success. Local adult survival was estimated to be 0.908 (SD = 0.007) for males and females, and it did not change significantly with the age of individuals (range 3–8 years). The predator significantly decreased breeding success, and caused the dispersal of a number of adults probably to breed in another colony; this rate was estimated at an average of 0.10 (SD = 0.02). As expected, inexperienced breeders dispersed significantly more (14%) than more experienced breeders (8%) after the predator event, but dispersal was not sex biased. Recapture probabilities after the predator event suggest that birds that left the colony still had not returned. Results confirm that population dynamics of ground-nesting seabirds are sensitive to terrestrial predation, even when predation caused only a partial breeding failure. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) is adapted to fire, the most important disturbance in Mediterranean ecosystems. This species is known to be sensitive to fire and is usually killed when burned, but has a powerful regenerative capacity following burning. Sometimes, however, pines survive within burned areas, suggesting a certain potential for recording fire events in terms of age-structure and eventually scars. In the present study, fire scars on Aleppo pine trunks were used to construct a 150-year fire record in a burned forest in southern France. Four fires were detected with a mean fire return interval of 27 years: minimum 13 years and maximum 45 years. The age structure of the Aleppo pine population was analyzed on the basis of dated fire-scars in order to test the role of fire in creating the polymodal structure of the pine population. Results show the presence of multiple “cohorts” (subpopulations) of Aleppo pine. There appear to have been several pulses of tree recruitment, with the two largest cohorts corresponding to regeneration after the 1919 and 2000 fires. Other fires were recognized based on fire scars but these were not associated with obvious post-fire pine recruitment. Regeneration success is likely to depend on fire severity and on the length of fire-free intervals. Fire history and associated age-structure can thus be reconstructed using Aleppo pine stands.  相似文献   

Abstract  Termite species richness, frequency of occurrence and functional diversity at Holmes Jungle Nature Reserve, a monsoon rainforest patch in northern Australia, was investigated at the end of the wet season in 2003. A sampling protocol that employed direct search, soil pits and baiting techniques was used to sample litter, wood, mound, soil and arboreal nest microhabitats for termites. Five species from five genera and three families (Mastotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae) were recorded. This included the first record of Ephelotermes taylori (Hill) from monsoon forest in Australia. The family Termitidae was dominant and represented 70% of termite occurrences. Termites were most frequently encountered in carton runways on tree trunks, followed by lying dead wood and baits. Four nesting habits were represented: arboreal, epigeal, hypogeal and within wood. The arboreal nest-builder Nasutitermes graveolus (Hill) accounted for 61% of termite encounters. Epigeal mound-building species were rare. Wood-feeders were the only trophic group represented. Relatively high activity of Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt was recorded at baits within 2.5 months. The low species richness recorded at Holmes Jungle is consistent with the low diversity reported for Australian rainforests generally, but remains relatively depauperate compared with other monsoon forest and savanna habitats of the Northern Territory.  相似文献   

A population of yellow-necked mice, Apodemus flavicollis, inhabiting Crabapple Island (NE Poland) was sampled from 1994–2002. The catch-mark-release method was applied. Sexually mature males and females (including pregnant ones) as well as immatures of each sex were identified. During the study period 3,036 mice were caught 10,672 times. The number of mice caught varied from 6 individuals (April 1999) to 272 (July 1996). The number of both mature females and mature males increased linearly with population size. Differences in the reproductive strategies of yellow-necked mouse and bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus, are discussed. The respective strategies led to high variability in the population size of mice and much less variability in the case of the voles during the breeding season.  相似文献   

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