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Stem-cell organization in mouse small intestine   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We have investigated stem-cell organization in mouse small intestine (SI) by using a cellular marker induced by somatic mutation. In small intestinal whole mounts from heterozygous Dlb-1b/Dlb-1a mice stained with a peroxidase conjugate of Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA-Px), mutations of Dlb-1b in stem cells result in loss of DBA-Px binding and so are recognizable as wholly or partly unstained crypts. The frequency of these clonal patterns can be measured during the accumulation of spontaneous mutations in untreated mice, or after treatment with ethylnitrosourea (ENU). The results show that there is a single infrequently dividing stem cell that maintains the epithelium of each crypt through a population of transit stem cells. The entire crypt epithelium is renewed approximately every 12 weeks.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro rates of intestinal rhythmic contractions were measured in the same rats varying in age from very young to the senescent. Two rat strains, three small intestine locations, and six ages were compared. Contraction rates determined in vivo and in vitro were similar. Rhythmic contractions at all ages were fasted in the duodenum, slower in the jejunum, and slowest in the ileum. Contractions at 10 days of age were significantly slower than at all other ages; otherwise no systematic age-associated difference in contractions was demonstrated in either strain. Several factors were suggested as possibly influencing the developmental aspects of contraction rate and, therefore, their potential involvement in the early post natal period was suggested. It appears that old age does not influence the rate at which rhythmic contractions occur in the small intestine of the rat, and very possibly, these results are applicable to other species including humans.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in the intestinal transport of L- and D-histidine were measured in rats on three feeding schedules under conventional lighting conditions, with a dark night. In rats fed ad libitum, the transport of L-histidine through the everted intestine showed a daily rhythmic change, being high at 4 p.m. and low in the early morning. In rats adapted to daytime feeding, the transport of L-histidine was highest at 6 a.m. and low at night. In starved rats, the rhythmicity was maintained for at least one day of fasting. Transport of D-histidine showed no daily fluctuation.  相似文献   

Summary Localization of vitamin A in the small intestine of mice was studied with electron microscope radioautography after administration of tritiated vitamin A. The label was concentrated over lipid droplets in cells distributed in the lamina propria and the submucous layer. The cells were similar both to fibroblasts and to fat-storing cells in their morphological features. The name Vitamin A-Storing Cell is proposed for these labeled cells, including the fat-storing cell in the liver.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical analysis of neuron types in the mouse small intestine   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The definition of the nerve cell types of the myenteric plexus of the mouse small intestine has become important, as more researchers turn to the use of mice with genetic mutations to analyze roles of specific genes and their products in enteric nervous system function and to investigate animal models of disease. We have used a suite of antibodies to define neurons by their shapes, sizes, and neurochemistry in the myenteric plexus. Anti-Hu antibodies were used to reveal all nerve cells, and the major subpopulations were defined in relation to the Hu-positive neurons. Morphological Type II neurons, revealed by anti-neurofilament and anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide antibodies, represented 26% of neurons. The axons of the Type II neurons projected through the circular muscle and submucosa to the mucosa. The cell bodies were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and their terminals were immunoreactive for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) occurred in 29% of nerve cells. Most were also immunoreactive for vasoactive intestinal peptide, but they were not tachykinin (TK)-immunoreactive, and only 10% were ChAT-immunoreactive. Numerous NOS terminals occurred in the circular muscle. We deduced that 90% of NOS neurons were inhibitory motor neurons to the muscle (26% of all neurons) and 10% (3% of all neurons) were interneurons. Calretinin immunoreactivity was found in a high proportion of neurons (52%). Many of these had TK immunoreactivity. Small calretinin neurons were identified as excitatory neurons to the longitudinal muscle (about 20% of neurons, with ChAT/calretinin/± TK chemical coding). Excitatory neurons to the circular muscle (about 10% of neurons) had the same coding. Calretinin immunoreactivity also occurred in a proportion of Type II neurons. Thus, over 90% of neurons in the myenteric plexus of the mouse small intestine can be currently identified by their neurochemistry and shape.  相似文献   

1. The effect of colchicine, cytochalasin-B and procaine on calcium transport across the rat small intestine was investigated. The results obtained show the following: 2. Colchicine and cytochalasin-B at different concentrations inhibited significantly (P less than 0.001) calcium accumulation in rat intestinal cells, whereas procaine at different concentrations increased significantly (P less than 0.001) calcium accumulation in the rat small intestine. 3. Unidirectional influx of calcium across the rat small intestine was significantly inhibited (P less than 0.01) in the presence of colchicine and cytochalasin-B in the preincubation medium. Procaine, on the other hand, caused a significant increase (P less than 0.01) in the unidirectional influx of calcium across the rat intestinal cells. 4. The cell water content was not altered in the presence of the different drugs indicating that the changes in calcium transport across the rat intestinal cells are not due to alterations in the structure of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in cortical granule exocytosis and activation of the cell cycle at fertilization was examined in the mouse egg using the calcium chelator BAPTA (1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid) and the fluorescent calcium indicator fluo-3. BAPTA and fluo-3 were introduced into zona-free mouse eggs by a 30-min incubation with 0.01-50 microM BAPTA acetoxymethyl ester (AM) and/or 1-20 microM fluo-3 AM prior to in vitro fertilization. Incubation of eggs in greater than or equal to 5.0 microM BAPTA AM inhibited cortical granule exocytosis in all cases. Introduction of the calcium chelator into the egg blocked second polar body formation at greater than or equal to 1.0 microM BAPTA AM. Sperm entry occurred in all eggs regardless of the BAPTA AM concentration. Sperm induce a large transient increase in calcium lasting 2.3 +/- 0.6 min, followed by repetitive transients lasting 0.5 +/- 0.1 min and occurring at 3.4 +/- 1.4-min intervals. Incubation with greater than or equal to 5.0 microM BAPTA AM inhibited all calcium transients. Introduction of BAPTA also inhibited calcium transients, exocytosis, and the resumption of meiosis following application of the calcium ionophore A23187 or SrCl2, which activate eggs. These results demonstrate that the calcium increase at fertilization is required for cortical granule exocytosis and resumption of the cell cycle in a mammalian egg.  相似文献   

Abstract. The cell population kinetics of the villus epithelium of the mouse have been analysed with respect to the size, flux and time. Microdissection methods were employed to measure the villus cell population size and yielded reproducible, precise results. There was a proximodistal negative size gradient in villus cell population and, in those villi of normal morphology, there was a good correlation with the usual morphometric estimators such as height and row count, although correlation was improved by a product variable consisting of a height multiplied by a width parameter.
Flux onto the villus is the product of the crypt cell production rate, which was measured by a metaphase arrest method using vincristine and crypt microdissection, and the crypt:villus ratio; net villus influx was maximum proximally in the bowel, where the largest villi were found, and decreased distally. The distribution of transit times of labelled cells to the crypt: villus junction and to the villus tip was measured, allowing the measurement of the median villus transit time.
Comparison of the measured villus transit time with the theoretical transit time calculated from the villus influx and population size gave results consistent with a steady state hypothesis. It was found, at each level of the small intestine studied, that the number of epithelial cells on the villus was equivalent to the total number of crypt cells associated with the villus.  相似文献   

Food deprivation results in metabolic, structural, and functional changes in the small intestine that influences gut mucosal integrity, epithelial cell proliferation, mucin synthesis, and other processes. The underlying mechanisms are still unclear, which lead to the study of molecular effects of short-term and long-term starvation in the intestine of mice. A comparative proteomics approach, combining two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, was used to identify intestinal proteins whose expression is changed under different starvation conditions (0, 12, 24, and 72 h). In total, the expression levels of 80 protein spots changed significantly between the different groups. The results demonstrate that after 12 h of starvation, mainly proteins involved in glycolysis and energy metabolism show decreased expression levels. Starvation for 24 h results in a down-regulation of proteins involved in protein synthesis and amino acid metabolism. Simultaneously, proteins with a protective role, e.g., reg I and II, glutathione peroxidase 3, and carbonic anhydrase 3, are clearly up-regulated. The last starvation phase (72 h) is characterized by increased ezrin expression, which may enhance villus morphogenesis critical for survival. Together, these results provide novel insights in the intestinal starvation response and may contribute to improved nutritional support during conditions characterized by malnutrition.  相似文献   

Phenotypic characterization of taste cells of the mouse small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nutrient-evoked gastrointestinal reflexes are likely initiated by specialized epithelial cells located in the small intestine that detect luminal stimuli and release mediators that activate vagal endings. The G-protein alpha-gustducin, a key signal molecule in lingual taste detection, has been identified in mouse small intestine, where it may also subserve nutrient detection; however, the phenotype of alpha-gustducin cells is unknown. Immunohistochemistry was performed throughout the mouse small intestine for alpha-gustducin, enteroendocrine cell markers 5-HT and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and brush cell markers neuronal nitric oxide synthase and Ulex europaeus agglutinin-1 (UEA-1) lectin binding, singly, and in combination. alpha-Gustducin was expressed in solitary epithelial cells of the mid to upper villus, which were distributed in a regional manner with most occurring within the midjejunum. Here, 27% of alpha-gustducin cells colabeled for 5-HT and 15% for GLP-1; 57% of alpha-gustducin cells colabeled UEA-1, with no triple labeling. alpha-Gustducin cells that colabeled for 5-HT or GLP-1 were of distinct morphology and exhibited a different alpha-gustducin immunolabeling pattern to those colabeled with UEA-1. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase was absent from intestinal epithelium despite strong labeling in the myenteric plexus. We conclude that subsets of enteroendocrine cells in the midjejunum and brush cells (more generally distributed) are equipped to utilize alpha-gustducin signaling in mice. Intestinal taste modalities may be signaled by these enteroendocrine cells via the release of 5-HT, GLP-1, or coexpressed mediators or by brush cells via a nonnitrergic mediator in distinct regions of the intestine.  相似文献   

Jejunal sodium/glucose co-transporter (Sglt1) displays circadian expression. The jejunum was collected every 4 h from mice, and we examined histone acetylation and binding of bromodomain-containing protein-4 (BRD4) around of the gene. Histone acetylation increased in the transcribed region of Sglt1 prior to induction of the gene. Furthermore, the binding of mRNA elongation factor around the gene showed circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution and incidence of endocrine cells in the crypt and villus epithelium and along the length of the mouse intestine was studied. Cells containing somatostatin and bombesin like reactivity were stained by immunocytochemical techniques using polyclonal antiserum. Most of the somatostatin cells were found in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, and these cells were generally more frequent on the villus compared to the crypts. This may indicate that the somatostatin cells develop late in the endocrine cell lineage. Bombesin like cells were rare in occurence, and were only present in measureable numbers in the ileum, where they were observed in the crypt and villi. The application of ELISA assays to determine the specificity of the antisera for these peptides is also discussed.  相似文献   

Electron probe analysis of calcium transport by small intestine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Calcium transport in small intestine of rat and chick has been studied at the cellular level using the electron probe X-ray microanalyzer. Tissues were examined directly after removal as well as after incubation in a calcium solution. In both preparations, discrete calcium localizations were found associated with intracellular and extracellular goblet cell mucus. The in vitro preparations showed calcium in transit across the absorptive epithelium in discrete localizations. Although the primary path of transport was along lateral cell borders, some localizations were found in the cytoplasm in a supranuclear position. The effect of vitamin D depletion and repletion was to decrease and increase, respectively, the number of calcium localizations in transit across the epithelium. These results suggest that calcium is transported while in a sequestered form and indicate that goblet cell mucus plays a role in this transport process.  相似文献   

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