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Abstract— The cholesterol ester hydrolase of rat brain, localized almost exclusively in the myelin sheath, has been solubilized from the acidic high-molecular-weight protein fraction of purified myelin. Solubilization required both high ionic strength and an amphoteric detergent, Miranol H2M. Solubilized preparations with apparent purification factors of 300–500 fold over the starting homogenate still contained approx 25% lipid but were retarded on the Sephadex G-200 column. The enzyme was reversibly precipitated when the concentration of either Miranol H2M or KCI was lowered below certain critical levels. The soluble enzyme was characterized for the pH optimum, linearity against incubation time and enzyme protein, and apparent Km. Activity was dependent on the presence of exogenously added lipid. Phosphatidylserine at optimum concentrations stimulated the hydrolytic activity 25-Fold. Effects of other lipids, bile salts, cations, heating and potential inhibitors were examined. β-Naphthyl oleate was a competitive inhibitor but both β-naphthyl acetate and cholesteryl butyrate were non-competitive inhibitors. These results suggested a heterogenous nature of the rat myelin cholesterol ester hydrolase, possibly with different specificities with respect to the chain length of the acyl group of substrates.  相似文献   

Regional distribution of choline acetyltransferase (CAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in seventeen regions of the rabbit CNS has been determined by means of the cation exchange radiometric method. A significant correlation has been found between the activities of AChE and CAT which allows computation of their potencies. A comparison between activities of the cholinergic enzymes in the human and rabbit brain has been discussed.  相似文献   

In the brain of the hagfish Myxine glutinosa the distribution of acetylcholinesterase has been studied in serial cryostat sections. High activity was found in the motor column of the brain stem, in the pars ventralis thalami and in the primordium hippocampi. In the hemispheres and the olfactory bulb the ACHE-content is low.  相似文献   

This study shows the effect of transient global cerebral ischemia (ISC) on hippocampal acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. Naive adult Wistar rats received either a brief (2 min) or a long (10 min) ischemic episode by the four-vessel occlusion method. Pre-conditioned rats received double ischemia: a 10 min episode inflicted 24 h after a 2 min event, a condition known to confer cytoprotection to CA1 pyramidal cells of hippocampus. 2 min of ischemia caused an increase in acetylcholinesterase activity both immediately and 30 min after the episode, however enzyme activity was significantly decreased after 24 h of reperfusion. 10 min of ischemia caused an increase in activity both 60 min and 24 h after ischemia. Conversely, pre-conditioned rats displayed lower activity both immediately and 60 min after ischemia. Our results suggest that: a) neuronal death, that follows 10 min of ischemia, is associated to a late increase in acetylcholinesterase activity; b) pre-conditioning is related to diminished acetylcholinesterase activity. This is in agreement with previous evidence that acetylcholinesterase inhibition and maintenance of acetylcholine levels are beneficial for cell surviving after cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

The hippocampal region contains several principal neuron types, some of which show distinct spatial firing patterns. The region is also known for its diversity in neural circuits and many have attempted to causally relate network architecture within and between these unique circuits to functional outcome. Still, much is unknown about the mechanisms or network properties by which the functionally specific spatial firing profiles of neurons are generated, let alone how they are integrated into a coherently functioning meta-network. In this review, we explore the architecture of local networks and address how they may interact within the context of an overarching space circuit, aiming to provide directions for future successful explorations.  相似文献   

Changes to the spatial organization of specific chromatin domains such as constitutive heterochromatin have been studied extensively in somatic cells. During early embryonic development, drastic epigenetic reprogramming of both the maternal and paternal genomes, followed by chromatin remodeling at the time of embryonic genome activation (EGA), have been observed in the mouse. Very few studies have been performed in other mammalian species (human, bovine, or rabbit) and the data are far from complete. During this work, we studied the three-dimensional organization of pericentromeric regions during the preimplantation period in the rabbit using specific techniques (3D-FISH) and tools (semi-automated image analysis). We observed that the pericentromeric regions (identified with specific probes for Rsat I and Rsat II genomic sequences) changed their shapes (from pearl necklaces to clusters), their nuclear localizations (from central to peripheral), as from the 4-cell stage. This reorganization goes along with histone modification changes and reduced amount of interactions with nucleolar precursor body surface. Altogether, our results suggest that the 4-cell stage may be a crucial window for events necessary before major EGA, which occurs during the 8-cell stage in the rabbit.  相似文献   

The delimitation of bioregions helps to understand historical and ecological drivers of species distribution. In this work, we performed a network analysis of the spatial distribution patterns of plants in south of France (Languedoc‐Roussillon and Provence‐Alpes‐Côte d'Azur) to analyze the biogeographical structure of the French Mediterranean flora at different scales. We used a network approach to identify and characterize biogeographical regions, based on a large database containing 2.5 million of geolocalized plant records corresponding to more than 3,500 plant species. This methodology is performed following five steps, from the biogeographical bipartite network construction to the identification of biogeographical regions under the form of spatial network communities, the analysis of their interactions, and the identification of clusters of plant species based on the species contribution to the biogeographical regions. First, we identified two sub‐networks that distinguish Mediterranean and temperate biota. Then, we separated eight statistically significant bioregions that present a complex spatial structure. Some of them are spatially well delimited and match with particular geological entities. On the other hand, fuzzy transitions arise between adjacent bioregions that share a common geological setting, but are spread along a climatic gradient. The proposed network approach illustrates the biogeographical structure of the flora in southern France and provides precise insights into the relationships between bioregions. This approach sheds light on ecological drivers shaping the distribution of Mediterranean biota: The interplay between a climatic gradient and geological substrate shapes biodiversity patterns. Finally, this work exemplifies why fragmented distributions are common in the Mediterranean region, isolating groups of species that share a similar eco‐evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the rat subfornical organ (SFO) was determined by the Koelle and Friedenwald method. Coronal sections showed a homogeneous reaction in the rostral region, which adopted a ring-like form in the anteromedial zone and a horseshoe pattern in the posteromedial zone. In the latter, AChE-specific positive neurons had been observed clearly in our sections. In sagittal sections the enzymatic reaction was intense in the anterior subependymal zone and dorsal region, and it continued caudally to the hippocampal area. The enzymatic activity was absent in the central region of the anteromedial zone and the subependymal region of the posteromedial zone. In sagittal sections the reaction was strongly positive in the periphery of the organ and negative in the posteromedial zone, near the choroid plexuses. Thus, we have shown that each region of the SFO presents a particular distribution of the AChE activity, related in some cases to neurons and in others to nerve fibers.  相似文献   

A quantitative acetylcholinesterase enzyme-histochemical study was performed with microdensitometric methods in the hippocampus of the rat in order to correlate this enzymatic activity with the different zones of the hippocampal pyramidal layer. Higher values of acetylcholinesterase activity were found in the CA3 pyramidal zone. CA1 and CA4 showed the same activity, while the stratum oriens at CA3 showed the highest values among the hippocampal layers studied. The results were correlated with differences in septal afferences.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity has previously been studied by this laboratory and shown to occur at the interface between the stele and cortex of the mesocotyl of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. In this work we studied the distribution of AChE activity in 5-d-old maize seedlings following a gravity stimulus. After the stimulus, we found an asymmetric distribution of the enzyme in the coleoptile, the coleoptile node, and the mesocotyl of the stimulated seedlings using both histochemical and colorimetric methods for measuring the hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine. The hydrolytic capability of the esterase was greater on the lower side of the horizontally placed seedlings. Using the histochemical method, we localized the hydrolytic capability in the cortical cells around the vascular stele of the tissues. The hydrolytic activity was inhibited 80 to 90% by neostigmine, an inhibitor of AChE. When neostigmine was applied to the corn kernel, the gravity response of the seedling was inhibited and no enzyme-positive spots appeared in the gravity-stimulated seedlings. We believe these results indicate a role for AChE in the gravity response of maize seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary The goal of the present investigation was to compare quantitatively the distribution of T-tubules between regions of the myocardium. The volume fraction and surface density of T-tubules in rabbit right atrial free wall, left atrial free wall, right ventricular free wall, left ventricular free wall, right ventricular papillary muscle, and left ventricular papillary muscle were measured using established, electron-microscopic, morphometric techniques. T-tubules were delineated using wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase as a tracer. No significant differences were found in the morphometric parameters between any two ventricular samples or between atrial samples. Furthermore, little difference between T-tubule volume fraction or surface density was found between individual animals for any given site. Both volume fraction and surface density of ventricular T-tubules were more than ten-times their values in atrial tissue (volume fraction: 3.43%±0.35 vs. 0.20±0.09; surface density: 2.46 m2/m3±0.11 vs 0.10±0.04). Measurements show that there is greater variation of T-tubule volume fraction and surface density within atrial samples than within ventricular samples. This suggests greater inhomogeneity in T-tubule distribution in atrial myocardium than in ventricular myocardium. Morphometric data also indicate that the mean diameter of atrial T-tubules is greater than that of ventricular T-tubules while qualitative observations show that atrial T-tubules are distributed less regularly and have a larger longitudinal component to their organization than those in the ventricular myocardium.  相似文献   

The hippocampal formation (the hippocampus and the dentate fascia) of the rabbit was studied by histochemical fluorescent method of Falk to determine localization of monoaminergic terminals containing biogenic amines: noradrenalin, dophamine and serotonin. It was shown that monoaminenergic terminals in the hippocampus were in two zones of afferent terminations: in the zone of ending of the perforating way (str. lacunosum-moleculare of fields CA1 and CA2; str. moleculare of the dentate fascia) and in the subgranular zone of the hilum where a part of septofimbrial way terminated on granular neurons of the dentate fascia, the main cellular elements of the hipocampus (pyramidal, granular and basket cells of the hippocampus) did not contain biogenic amines.  相似文献   

Two structurally distinct molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase are found in the electric organs of Torpedo californica. One form is dimensionally asymmetric and composed of heterologous subunits. The other form is hydrophobic and composed of homologous subunits. Sequence-specific antibodies were raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the COOH-terminal region (Lys560-Leu575) of the catalytic subunits of the asymmetric form of acetylcholinesterase. These antibodies reacted with the asymmetric form of acetylcholinesterase, but not with the hydrophobic form. These results confirm recent studies suggesting that the COOH-terminal domain of the asymmetric form differs from that of the hydrophobic form, and represent the first demonstration of antibodies selective for the catalytic subunits of the asymmetric form. In addition, the reactive epitope of a monoclonal antibody (4E7), previously shown to be selective for the hydrophobic form of acetylcholinesterase, has been identified as an N-linked complex carbohydrate, thus defining posttranslational differences between the two forms. These two form-selective antibodies, as well as panselective polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, were used in light and electron microscopic immunolocalization studies to investigate the distribution of the two forms of acetylcholinesterase in the electric organ of Torpedo. Both forms were localized almost exclusively to the innervated surface of the electrocytes. However, they were differentially distributed along the innervated surface. Specific asymmetric-form immunoreactivity was restricted to areas of synaptic apposition and to the invaginations of the postsynaptic membrane that form the synaptic gutters. In contrast, immunoreactivity attributable to the hydrophobic form was selectively found along the non-synaptic surface of the nerve terminals and was not observed in the synaptic cleft or in the invaginations of the postsynaptic membrane. This differential distribution suggests that the two forms of acetylcholinesterase may play different roles in regulating the local concentration of acetylcholine in the synapse.  相似文献   

Summary The autonomic nerves of the myometrium of the rabbit were studied in order to demonstrate simultaneously the adrenergic nature of an axon and the localization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the same axons. The synaptic vesicles of the adrenergic axons and nerve terminals remained partially filled with the electron dense material typical for them after formaldehyde fixation and short incubation time for AChE. AChE stain was localized regularly on the axons which contained agranular synaptic vesicles and also on axons which contained dense cored synaptic vesicles beeing probably adrenergic. The role of AChE on the adrenergic axons is discussed.  相似文献   

A model with intermediate complexity is introduced to reproduce the basic firing modes of the CA3 pyramidal cell. Our model consists of a single compartment, has two variables (membrane potential and internal calcium concentration), and involves two separate stages for interspike mechanisms and firing. Interspike dynamics is governed by voltage- and calcium-dependent ionic channels but no channel kinetics are provided. This model is suitable to be included in our statistical population model (Part II, following paper). Bifurcation analysis reveals that interspike dynamics rather than sodium firing has the dominant role in the control of bursting/nonbursting behavior. Received: 29 August 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 17 July 1998  相似文献   

By simultaneously recording the activity of individual neurons and field potentials in freely behaving mice, we found two types of interneurons firing at high frequency in the hippocampal CA1 region, which had high correlations with characteristic sharp wave-associated ripple oscillations (100―250 Hz) during slow-wave sleep. The firing of these two types of interneurons highly synchronized with ripple oscillations during slow-wave sleep, with strongly increased firing rates corresponding to individual ripple episodes. Interneuron type I had at most one spike in each sub-ripple cycle of ripple episodes and the peak firing rate was 310±33.17 Hz. Interneuron type II had one or two spikes in each sub-ripple cycle and the peak firing rate was 410±47.61 Hz. During active exploration, their firing was phase locked to theta oscillations with the highest probability at the trough of theta wave. Both two types of interneurons increased transiently their firing rates responding to the startling shake stimuli. The results showed that these two types of high-frequency interneurons in the hippocampal CA1 region were involved in the modulation of the hippocampal neural network during different states.  相似文献   

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