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A comparison between a large plankton trap with a capacity of 23 litres and a modern towed net was made in the course of zooplankton production studies in the Baltic. On the average, the net efficiency was 75% of that of the trap. Both methods were equally efficient in catching naupliar stages of copepods. The net efficiency was especially low during the zooplankton maximum for adult copepods and cladocerans (41 and 51%, respectively), probably due to the active avoidance of the net by fast swimming species. The net was only about 66% as efficient as the trap for catching rotifers. This difference is probably caused by the loss of small and softbodied forms through the mesh. Only about 65% of the total zooplankton biomass retained in the trap was collected by the net. Net sampling is not recommended for quantitative zooplankton studies.  相似文献   

We studied the use of a supervised artificial neural network (ANN) model for semi-automated identification of 18 common European species of Thysanoptera from four genera: Aeolothrips Haliday (Aeolothripidae), Chirothrips Haliday, Dendrothrips Uzel, and Limothrips Haliday (all Thripidae). As input data, we entered 17 continuous morphometric and two qualitative two-state characters measured or determined on different parts of the thrips body (head, pronotum, forewing and ovipositor) and the sex. Our experimental data set included 498 thrips specimens. A relatively simple ANN architecture (multilayer perceptrons with a single hidden layer) enabled a 97% correct simultaneous identification of both males and females of all the 18 species in an independent test. This high reliability of classification is promising for a wider application of ANN in the practice of Thysanoptera identification.  相似文献   

  1. Changes in insect biomass, abundance, and diversity are challenging to track at sufficient spatial, temporal, and taxonomic resolution. Camera traps can capture habitus images of ground‐dwelling insects. However, currently sampling involves manually detecting and identifying specimens. Here, we test whether a convolutional neural network (CNN) can classify habitus images of ground beetles to species level, and estimate how correct classification relates to body size, number of species inside genera, and species identity.
  2. We created an image database of 65,841 museum specimens comprising 361 carabid beetle species from the British Isles and fine‐tuned the parameters of a pretrained CNN from a training dataset. By summing up class confidence values within genus, tribe, and subfamily and setting a confidence threshold, we trade‐off between classification accuracy, precision, and recall and taxonomic resolution.
  3. The CNN classified 51.9% of 19,164 test images correctly to species level and 74.9% to genus level. Average classification recall on species level was 50.7%. Applying a threshold of 0.5 increased the average classification recall to 74.6% at the expense of taxonomic resolution. Higher top value from the output layer and larger sized species were more often classified correctly, as were images of species in genera with few species.
  4. Fine‐tuning enabled us to classify images with a high mean recall for the whole test dataset to species or higher taxonomic levels, however, with high variability. This indicates that some species are more difficult to identify because of properties such as their body size or the number of related species.
  5. Together, species‐level image classification of arthropods from museum collections and ecological monitoring can substantially increase the amount of occurrence data that can feasibly be collected. These tools thus provide new opportunities in understanding and predicting ecological responses to environmental change.

The complexity of biological neural networks does not allow to directly relate their biophysical properties to the dynamics of their electrical activity. We present a reservoir computing approach for functionally identifying a biological neural network, i.e. for building an artificial system that is functionally equivalent to the reference biological network. Employing feed-forward and recurrent networks with fading memory, i.e. reservoirs, we propose a point process based learning algorithm to train the internal parameters of the reservoir and the connectivity between the reservoir and the memoryless readout neurons. Specifically, the model is an Echo State Network (ESN) with leaky integrator neurons, whose individual leakage time constants are also adapted. The proposed ESN algorithm learns a predictive model of stimulus-response relations in in vitro and simulated networks, i.e. it models their response dynamics. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis indicates that these ESNs can imitate the response signal of a reference biological network. Reservoir adaptation improved the performance of an ESN over readout-only training methods in many cases. This also held for adaptive feed-forward reservoirs, which had no recurrent dynamics. We demonstrate the predictive power of these ESNs on various tasks with cultured and simulated biological neural networks.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in lucerne to determine the efficiency of vacuum sampling of insects and whether this was affected by the height of vegetation sampled. Three insects of significance as predators of pests in Australian lucerne were studied: transverse ladybird beetle (Coccinella transversalis Fabricius), pollen beetle (Dicranolaius bellulus (Guérin-Méneville)), and spined predatory shield bug (Oechalia schellembergii (Guérin-Méneville)). In a preliminary experiment comparing a commercially harvested area of lucerne with an unharvested area within the same crop, the proportions of released insects recaptured from unharvested lucerne were significantly lower than recoveries from the shorter, harvested lucerne. Resampling the tall lucerne after it was cut by hand gave cumulative recapture proportions which did not differ from those observed for the harvested lucerne. A second experiment with a randomised replicated design re-tested the hypotheses of the preliminary experiment for two insect species. Very similar results were obtained. This verification showed that recapture efficiencies from tall lucerne ranged between 0.60 and 0.74 but that resampling after hand cutting gave cumulative recapture proportions in excess of 0.86 which did not differ from recapture proportions from short lucerne.  相似文献   

有孔虫个体微小、数量众多、地理分布广、演化迅速, 是记录海洋沉积环境的重要载体, 在海相生物地层划分和对比中具有十分重要的作用。因有孔虫属种众多, 传统的属种鉴定需要经验丰富的专业人员进行人工鉴定且耗时较长, 此外人工鉴定古生物面临人才匮乏和工作量大等问题。卷积神经网络在计算机视觉领域的应用可较好的解决上述问题。利用古生物专家对中新世浮游有孔虫化石标注为指导, 根据有孔虫化石不同方向的视角分类, 结合卷积神经网络算法, 开发了有孔虫化石图像识别系统。研究发现, 通过有孔虫化石腹视、缘视和背视角度分类, 采取两级分段式鉴定算法对中新世浮游有孔虫属一级进行识别, 属一级鉴定准确率达到82%左右。  相似文献   

Individual-level monitoring is essential in many behavioural and bioacoustics studies. Collecting and annotating those data is costly in terms of human effort, but necessary prior to conducting analysis. In particular, many studies on bird vocalisations also involve manipulating the animals or human presence during observations, which may bias vocal production. Autonomous recording units can be used to collect large amounts of data without human supervision, largely removing those sources of bias. Deep learning can further facilitate the annotation of large amounts of data, for instance to detect vocalisations, identify the species, or recognise the vocalisation types in recordings. Acoustic individual identification, however, has so far largely remained limited to a single vocalisation type for a given species. This has limited the use of those techniques for automated data collection on raw recordings, where many individuals can produce vocalisations of varying complexity, potentially overlapping one another, with the additional presence of unknown and varying background noise. This paper aims at bridging this gap by developing a system to identify individual animals in those difficult conditions. Our system leverages a combination of multi-scale information integration, multi-channel audio and multi-task learning. The multi-task learning paradigm is based the overall task into four sub-tasks, three of which are auxiliary tasks: the detection and segmentation of vocalisations against other noises, the classification of individuals vocalising at any point during a sample, and the sexing of detected vocalisations. The fourth task is the overall identification of individuals. To test our approach, we recorded a captive group of rooks, a Eurasian social corvid with a diverse vocal repertoire. We used a multi-microphone array and collected a large scale dataset of time-stamped and identified vocalisations recorded, and found the system to work reliably for the defined tasks. To our knowledge, the system is the first to acoustically identify individuals regardless of the vocalisation produced. Our system can readily assist data collection and individual monitoring of groups of animals in both outdoor and indoor settings, even across long periods of time, and regardless of a species’ vocal complexity. All data and code used in this article is available online.  相似文献   

Curie-point pyrolysis mass spectra were obtained from reference Propionibacterium strains and canine isolates. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) were trained by supervised learning (with the back-propagation algorithm) to recognize these strains from their pyrolysis mass spectra; all the strains isolated from dogs were identified as human wild type P. acnes. This is an important nosological discovery, and demonstrates that the combination of pyrolysis mass spectrometry and ANNs provides an objective, rapid and accurate identification technique. Bacteria isolated from different biopsy specimens from the same dog were found to be separate strains of P. acnes , demonstrating a within-animal variation in microflora. The classification of the canine isolates by Kohonen artificial neural networks (KANNs) was compared with the classical multivariate techniques of canonical variates analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis, and found to give similar results. This is the first demonstration, within microbiology, of KANNs as an unsupervised clustering technique which has the potential to group pyrolysis mass spectra both automatically and relatively objectively.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to optimize parameters for inhibiting neuronal activity safely and investigating thermal inhibition of rat cortex neural networks in vitro by continuous infrared (IR) laser. Rat cortex neurons were cultured on multi‐electrode arrays until neural networks were formed with spontaneous neural activity. Neurons were then irradiated to inhibit the activity of the networks using different powers of 1550 nm IR laser light. A finite element heating model, calibrated by the open glass pipette method, was used to calculate temperature increases at different laser irradiation intensities. A damage signal ratio (DSR) was evaluated to avoid excessive heating that may damage cells. The DSR predicted that cortex neurons should be safe at temperatures up to 49.6°C for 30 seconds, but experiments suggested that cortex neurons should not be exposed to temperatures over 46°C for 30 seconds. Neural response experiments showed that the inhibition of neural activity is temperature dependent. The normal neural activity could be inhibited safely with an inhibition degree up to 80% and induced epileptiform activity could be suppressed. These results show that continuous IR laser radiations provide a possible way to safely inhibit the neural network activity.   相似文献   

Predictive mathematical models of the interactions of a genetic network can provide insight into the mechanisms of gene regulation, the role of various genes within a network and how multiple genes interact leading to complex traits. However, identification of the parameters and interactions is currently a limiting step in the development of such models. This work reviews the state of the art for design of experiments in biological systems and demonstrates the need for improved design of experiments through the use of a model system. Appropriate design of experiments has a profound impact on the ability to identify a model and on the quality of resulting identified model. Key issues include the selection of appropriate input sequences (e.g. random, independent multivariate inputs) and the selection of the sampling frequencies. This work demonstrates that these issues are especially important in the identification of biochemical networks and that the traditional biochemical approach is incapable of truly identifying the behavior present in such networks.  相似文献   

Feature extraction is a crucial part of advanced image recognition systems. In this research, an autonomous detection device was designed and developed for insect pest detection to improve the ability of intelligent systems in order to annihilate harmful insect pests in agricultural crop fields. Device included a dark chamber, a CCD digital camera, a LDR lightening module and a personal computer. The proposed programme for precise insect pest detection was based on an image processing algorithm and artificial neural networks (ANNs). After image acquisition, the insect pests’ images were extracted from original images with Canny filtration. Afterwards, four morphological and three textural features from the obtained images were measured and normalised. Performance of ANN model was tested successfully for Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) recognition in images using back-propagation supervised learning method and inspection data. Results showed that proposed system was able to identify S. exigua in the images from other species. Such this machine vision system can be used in autonomous field robots to achieve a modern farmer’s assistant.  相似文献   

The identification of MHC restricted epitopes is an important goal in peptide based vaccine and diagnostic development. As wet lab experiments for identification of MHC binding peptide are expensive and time consuming, in silico tools have been developed as fast alternatives, however with low performance. In the present study, we used IEDB training and blind validation datasets for the prediction of peptide binding to fourteen human MHC class I and II molecules using Gibbs motif sampler, weight matrix and artificial neural network methods. As compare to MHC class I predictor based on sequence weighting (Aroc=0.95 and CC=0.56) and artificial neural network (Aroc=0.73 and CC=0.25), MHC class II predictor based on Gibbs sampler did not perform well (Aroc=0.62 and CC=0.19). The predictive accuracy of Gibbs motif sampler in identifying the 9-mer cores of a binding peptide to DRB1 alleles are also limited (40¢), however above the random prediction (14¢). Therefore, the size of dataset (training and validation) and the correct identification of the binding core are the two main factors limiting the performance of MHC class-II binding peptide prediction. Overall, these data suggest that there is substantial room to improve the quality of the core predictions using novel approaches that capture distinct features of MHC-peptide interactions than the current approaches.  相似文献   

The adipamidase of a mutant strainBrevibacterium sp. R312 involved in the degradation of adiponitrile to adipic acid was purified. Its N-terminal amino acid sequence was shown to be identical toBrevibacterium sp. R312 enantio-selective amidase andRhodococcus sp. N-774 amidase.  相似文献   

Sim J  Kim SY  Lee J 《Proteins》2005,59(3):627-632
Successful prediction of protein domain boundaries provides valuable information not only for the computational structure prediction of multidomain proteins but also for the experimental structure determination. Since protein sequences of multiple domains may contain much information regarding evolutionary processes such as gene-exon shuffling, this information can be detected by analyzing the position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) generated by PSI-BLAST. We have presented a method, PPRODO (Prediction of PROtein DOmain boundaries) that predicts domain boundaries of proteins from sequence information by a neural network. The network is trained and tested using the values obtained from the PSSM generated by PSI-BLAST. A 10-fold cross-validation technique is performed to obtain the parameters of neural networks using a nonredundant set of 522 proteins containing 2 contiguous domains. PPRODO provides good and consistent results for the prediction of domain boundaries, with accuracy of about 66% using the +/-20 residue criterion. The PPRODO source code, as well as all data sets used in this work, are available from http://gene.kias.re.kr/ approximately jlee/pprodo/.  相似文献   

A model was developed for novel prediction of N-linked glycan branching pattern classification for CHO-derived N-linked glycoproteins. The model consists of 30 independent recurrent neural networks and uses predicted quantities of secondary structure elements and residue solvent accessibility as an input vector. The model was designed to predict the major component of a heterogeneous mixture of CHO-derived glycoforms of a recombinant protein under normal growth conditions. Resulting glycosylation prediction is classified as either complex-type or high mannose. The incorporation of predicted quantities in the input vector allowed for theoretical mutant N-linked glycan branching predictions without initial experimental analysis of protein structures. Primary amino acid sequence data were effectively eliminated from the input vector space based on neural network prediction analyses. This provided further evidence that localized protein secondary structure elements and conformational structure may play more important roles in determining glycan branching patterns than does the primary sequence of a polypeptide. A confidence interval parameter was incorporated into the model to enable identification of false predictions. The model was further tested using published experimental results for mutants of the tissue-type plasminogen activator protein [J. Wilhelm, S.G. Lee, N.K. Kalyan, S.M. Cheng, F. Wiener, W. Pierzchala, P.P. Hung, Alterations in the domain structure of tissue-type plasminogen activator change the nature of asparagine glycosylation. Biotechnology (N.Y.) 8 (1990) 321-325].  相似文献   

This paper presents a vision-based force measurement method using an artificial neural network model. The proposed model is used for measuring the applied load to a spherical biological cell during micromanipulation process. The devised vision-based method is most useful when force measurement capability is required, but it is very challenging or even infeasible to use a force sensor. Artificial neural networks in conjunction with image processing techniques have been used to estimate the applied load to a cell. A bio-micromanipulation system capable of force measurement has also been established in order to collect the training data required for the proposed neural network model. The geometric characterization of zebrafish embryos membranes has been performed during the penetration of the micropipette prior to piercing. The geometric features are extracted from images using image processing techniques. These features have been used to describe the shape and quantify the deformation of the cell at different indentation depths. The neural network is trained by taking the visual data as the input and the measured corresponding force as the output. Once the neural network is trained with sufficient number of data, it can be used as a precise sensor in bio-micromanipulation setups. However, the proposed neural network model is applicable for indentation of any other spherical elastic object. The results demonstrate the capability of the proposed method. The outcomes of this study could be useful for measuring force in biological cell micromanipulation processes such as injection of the mouse oocyte/embryo.  相似文献   

The importance of protein chemical shift values for the determination of three-dimensional protein structure has increased in recent years because of the large databases of protein structures with assigned chemical shift data. These databases have allowed the investigation of the quantitative relationship between chemical shift values obtained by liquid state NMR spectroscopy and the three-dimensional structure of proteins. A neural network was trained to predict the 1H, 13C, and 15N of proteins using their three-dimensional structure as well as experimental conditions as input parameters. It achieves root mean square deviations of 0.3 ppm for hydrogen, 1.3 ppm for carbon, and 2.6 ppm for nitrogen chemical shifts. The model reflects important influences of the covalent structure as well as of the conformation not only for backbone atoms (as, e.g., the chemical shift index) but also for side-chain nuclei. For protein models with a RMSD smaller than 5 Å a correlation of the RMSD and the r.m.s. deviation between the predicted and the experimental chemical shift is obtained. Thus the method has the potential to not only support the assignment process of proteins but also help with the validation and the refinement of three-dimensional structural proposals. It is freely available for academic users at the PROSHIFT server: www.jens-meiler.de/proshift.html  相似文献   

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