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Triapertury is rare in monocotyledons. The well-defined, regularly spaced, circular porate apertures that occur in Arecaceae: Areca klingkangensis from Borneo, and species of the West African genus Sclerosperma, appear to be unique in monocotyledons. There is evidence to suggest that tripory in Arecaceae has been derived from trichotomosulcy, although in Areca equatorial zonosulcy may have an important role. The apical triporate, and zonosulcate pollen of Areca are described, as well as examples of mono- and trichotomosulcate pollen within the genus. The sub-apical distal triporate pollen of Sclerosperma gilletii and S. mannii are described. Notably, in Sclerosperma pollen, aperture position at post-meiotic tetrad stage follows the rare ‘Garside's rule’ (four groups of three apertures), previously only demonstrated for Proteaceae and Olacaceae. Possible reasons for the occurrence of these rare triporate pollen phenomena in palms are considered. The bearing this may have on the transition from the distal polar position of the single sulcus, to the radial symmetry of the triaperturate condition in many dicotyledons is discussed in comparison with other examples of triapertury in monocotyledons.  相似文献   

A new Early Cretaceous flower, Kenilanthus marylandensis, is described from the fossil plant bearing sequence exposed in early-middle Albian Potomac Group sediments at the Kenilworth (Bladensburg) locality, Maryland, USA. The flower is small, actinomorphic, pentamerous, and isomerous, and contains both pistillate and staminate parts. The receptacle is slightly dome-shaped and bears one whorl of five tepals, with a possible additional whorl toward the outside, ten stamens in two whorls of five, and one whorl of five free carpels. Stamens have elongate, tetrasporangiate, dithecate anthers that arc slightly inwards towards the centre of the flower. Thecae protrude and are oriented outwards. Pollen grains are small, tricolpate and reticulate with a graded, heterobrochate reticulum and segmented, spiny muri. Carpels are elongate with abundant stomata on the outer surface, and each carpel has a broad oblique base. Ovules are numerous in each carpel and are borne on two marginal placentae that extend along either side of the ventral suture. Kenilanthus has a combination of features that occur among different early-diverging eudicot lineages, suggesting a phylogenetic position close to the base of the eudicot clade, but its precise phylogenetic position is difficult to resolve.  相似文献   

A new fossil flower, Kajanthus lusitanicus gen. et sp. nov, is described from the Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian) Chicalhão site near the village of Juncal, western Portugal, based on a single coalified specimen. The flower is small, actinomorphic, trimerous and bisexual, slightly compressed and with floral organs tightly adhering. The perianth is organised in more than two whorls. The inner two whorls consist of six bulky, apparently fleshy parts. The outer perianth whorls consist of narrow parts. There are six stamens, arranged in two whorls. The filaments are thick and anthers tetrasporangiate. The pollen sacs are protruding with extrorse dehiscence. Pollen observed in situ is tricolpate, tectate, finely punctate-perforate, compressed and more or less spherical in polar view with a diameter of about 15 µm. The gynoecium is superior and composed of three free carpels. Non-destructive virtual sectioning of the single flower using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy revealed the presence of several curved ovules in each carpel, arranged in two longitudinal rows on marginal placentae. The character suite of the Kajanthus flower is only found in extant Lardizabalaceae (Ranunculales), where it is particularly close to Sinofranchetia, a monotypic genus that is now endemic to China.  相似文献   

A charcoalified fossil flower bud of a new genus and species (Teixeiria lusitanica) is described from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. The flower is actinomorphic and unisexually male. At the base of the bud there are several bracts of different sizes, which are followed by sepal-like and petal-like tepals. Bracts and perianth organs seem to be arranged spirally and to exhibit transitions between different organ categories. The androecium has numerous stamens in two sizes, but with unclear arrangement. Pollen is small and tricolpate with a perforate tectum and a densely columellate infratectal layer. No carpels or remains of carpels could be observed on the floral axis. Teixeiria lusitanica shows most affinities to members of Ranunculales. There are also some similarities with Berberidopsis (Berberidopsidaceae, Berberidopsidales) and members of the Saxifragales (Hamamelidaceae and Daphniphyllaceae).  相似文献   

The general morphology, surface sculpturing, and exine ultrastructure have been studied in dispersed monosulcate pollen from the Early Cretaceous of Transbaikalia, Russia. The pollen grains dominate the palynological assemblage extracted from coal deposits of the Khilok Formation in the Buryat Republic, which also contain ginkgoalean leaves of Baierella averianovii as the only constituent of the assemblage of plant megafossils. The relationship between the pollen grains and ginkgoalean leaves from this autochthonous burial is hypothesised on the basis of taphonomical analysis and palaeobiogeographical data. It is shown that the ectexine of the pollen grains includes a thick solid tectum, a thin granular infratectum and a thin foot layer; the endexine is fine-grained, slightly more electron-dense than the ectexine, and is preserved only in places. The distal aperture is formed by a thinning of the exine. No analogous ultrastructure has been described so far in fossil pollen grains of this morphotype studied ultrastructurally from in situ material. For comparison, we also studied the exine ultrastructure of pollen grains Ginkgo biloba. The fossil pollen is not identical to pollen of extant G. biloba, but shows several significant similarities in the exine ultrastructure, which does not contradict the presumable ginkgoalean affinity of the fossil pollen.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Yao Y  Ren D 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):185-198
A new genus with a new species of Saldidae, Brevrimatus pulchalifergen. et sp. n., is described and illustrated. The fossil specimen was found from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Duolun County, Inner Mongolia, China. Phylogenetic analyses within Saldidae were performed, and the results indicate Brevrimatus pulchalifergen. et sp. n. should be assigned to the subfamily Chiloxanthinae.  相似文献   

Maxillary dental measurements from six specimens of Mesopithecus pentelicus, 64 cercopithecines, 59 African colobines, and 64 Asian colobines were analyzed by means of a "nested research design" that was specifically designed to explore the affiliation between fossils and extant cercopithecoids at different systematic levels. The results showed that the variation among taxonomic groups was mainly associated with size; however, in addition, interesting shape differences emerged, molars were shown to be important discriminators, Mesopithecus was confirmed as a colobine (as expected) and found to be closer to Asian species than to African ones, and the odd-nosed colobines were found to share more dental similarities with Mesopithecus than other colobines. The last finding is in contrast to previous studies, in which it was proposed that M. pentelicus is morphologically closely related to the African colobus and the gray langur (Semnopithecus).  相似文献   

The sedges (family Cyperaceae) are an economically and ecologically important monocot group dating back at least to the Paleocene. While modern genera are mostly unknown before the Oligocene, several extinct taxa are recognized as the earliest sedges. Their affinities have been unclear until now, because they are found as isolated, often abraded fruits or endocarps. Exceptionally preserved sedge fossils from the Middle Eocene of Messel, Germany yield more characters for identification. Fossil cyperacean infructescences with in situ pollen are recognized for the first time and show features of the early-divergent mapanioid sedges. Pollen resembles that of tribe Hypolytreae. Comparisons with extant taxa suggest the closest affinities with Hypolytrum and Mapania. However, the Messel fossils represent a distinct taxon, Volkeria messelensis gen. et sp. nov. Without the additional characters of infructescence and pollen, the Messel fruits would have been placed in the extinct genus Caricoidea, a typical Eocene sedge that was widespread across Eurasia. Similarities of fruit structure suggest that Caricoidea was also a mapanioid sedge. Mapanioid sedges are found today in tropical wet forests and swamps, a distribution suggesting that early sedges occupied a similar habitat, unlike many modern sedges, and were not precursors to open grassland vegetation.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of fossil Glaphyridae, Cretohypna cristata gen. et sp. n., is described and illustrated from the Mesozoic Yixian Formation. This new genus is characterized by the large body; large and strong mandibles; short labrum; elytra without longitudinal carina; and male meso- and possible metatibia apically modified. A list of described fossil glaphyrids of the world is provided. This significant finding broadens the known diversity of Glaphyridae in the Mesozoic China.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(3):223-237
In this paper, we report on a new Early Cretaceous vertebrate locality, Phu Din Daeng, in Nakhon Phanom Province, NE Thailand. The Phu Din Daeng site has yielded a diverse vertebrate assemblage, including sharks (Heteroptychodus steinmanni), bony fishes (Pycnodontiformes; Sinamiidae cf. Siamamia and ?Vidalamiinae, and Ginglymodi), adocid turtles, indeterminate neosuchian crocodiles, pterosaurs and dinosaurs (spinosaurids and indeterminate theropods). A new adocid turtle, Protoshachemys rubra n. g. n. sp. is described on the basis of shell material. Field investigations on the geology and comparisons with other vertebrate faunas place Phu Din Daeng in the Sao Khua Formation (Barremian) of the Khorat Group.  相似文献   

Summary An Early Cretaceous mass-occurrence of ammonites in the Ternberg Nappe of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Upper Austria) is described for the first time. The mass-occurrence (section KB1-B=Klausrieglerbach 1, section B) dominated by Karsteniceras ternbergense Lukeneder is of Early Barremian age (Moutoniceras moutonianum Zone). The Karsteniceras mass-occurrence comprises eight different genera, each apparently represented by a single species, of which four are identified to species level. About 300 specimens of K. ternbergense between 5 and 37 mm in diameter were investigated. Two groups showing thick main ribs but different maximum size are distinguishable. The latter parameters are suggested to reflect sexual dimorphism within K. ternbergense, a condition that is most probably applicable to the whole leptoceratoid group. The geochemical results indicate that the Karsteniceras mass-occurrence within the described Lower Cretaceous succession was deposited under intermittent oxygen-depleted conditions associated with stable, salinity-stratified water masses. The rhythmicity of laminated black-marly lime-stone layers and light-grey bioturbated, organic-poor lime-stones suggests that the oxic and dysoxic conditions underwent highly dynamic changes. The deposition of the limestones in this interval occurred in an unstable environment and was controlled by short- and long-term fluctuations in oxygen levels. Karsteniceras inhabited areas of stagnant water with low dissolved oxygen; it showed peak abundance during times of oxygen depletion, which partially hindered other invertebrates from settling in such environments. The autochthonous Karsteniceras mass-occurrence can be assigned to the deposition-type of ‘Konservat Lagerst?tte’, which is indicated by the preservation of phosphatic siphuncle structures and proved by the in situ preservation of aptychi within Karsteniceras ternbergense. Based on lithological and geochemical analysis combined with in vestigations of trace fossils, microfossils and macrofossils, an invasion of an opportunistic (r-strategist) Karsteniceras biocoenosis during nonfavorable conditions over the sea bed during the Lower Barremian is proposed for the KB1-B section.  相似文献   

A characteristic microfacies of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous allodapic Barmstein Limestone of the Northern Calcareous Alps are clasts of wackestones with numerous fragments of calcareous algae (“algal debris-facies”). According to dasycladale palaeocoenoses, several subtypes comprising different associations can be distinguished. One association is characterized by the debris of an unknown large dasycladalean alga reported as dasycladalean alga indet. sp. 1 from different localities in the Northern Calcareous Alps, typically forming a monospecific assemblage. Another microfacies type contains star-like calcitic bodies tentatively referred to the morphospecies Coptocampylodon pantici Ljubović-Obradović and Radoičić, originally described as being from the Turonian of NW-Serbia. Other Coptocampylodon-like bodies represent the calcified tufts of the laterals of Selliporella neocomiensis (Radoičić). The occurrence of Coptocampylodon pantici-like microfossils in the Late Tithonian to Early Berriasian, shows that obviously different species of dasycladaleans display identical to similar shaped tufts of laterals in transverse sections when becoming fragmented. Coptocampylodon pantici Ljubović-Obradović and Radoičić was observed only from different occurrences of Barmstein Limestone, but not from the autochthonous platform carbonates of the Plassen carbonate platform. The Coptocampylodon algal debris-facies is also reported from the Late Jurassic of Albania, Mirdita zone. Occurrences of different types of algal debris-facies in components of mass-flow deposits can be used as a tool to reconstruct eroded carbonate platforms and tectonics, as demonstrated in the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Albanides. Finally, the general occurrences of algal debris-facies in both settings—intra-Tethyan mostly isolated platforms (Alps, Albanides) vs. extended epeiric platforms (Middle East)—are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

A new bis(macrocycle) ligand, 7,7-(2-hydoxypropane-1,3-diyl)-bis{3,7,11,17-tetraazabicyclo[11.3.1]heptadeca-1(17),13,15-triene} (HL), and its dicopper(II) ([Cu2(HL)Cl2](NO3)2 · 4H2O (4a), [Cu2(HL)I2]I2 · H2O (4b)) and dinickel(II) ([Ni2(L)(OH2)](ClO4)3 (5a), [Ni2(L)(OH2)]I3 · 2H2O (5b), [Ni2(L)N3](N3)2 · 7H2O (5c)) complexes have been synthesized. The alkoxide bridged face-to-face structure of the dinickel(II) complex 5c has been revealed by X-ray crystallography, as well as the “half-opened clamshell” form of the bis(macrocyclic) dicopper(II) complex 4b. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility studies have indicated that there exists intramolecular antiferromagnetic coupling (J=−33.8 cm−1 (5a), −32.5 cm−1 (5b), and −29.7 cm−1 (5c)) between the two nickel(II) ions in the nickel(II) complexes.  相似文献   

2H phosphoesterases catalyze reactions on nucleotide substrates and contain two conserved histidine residues in the active site. Very limited information is currently available on the details of the active site and substrate/product binding during the catalytic cycle of these enzymes. We performed a comprehensive X-ray crystallographic study of mouse 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase), a membrane-associated enzyme present at high levels in the tetrapod myelin sheath. We determined crystal structures of the CNPase phosphodiesterase domain complexed with substrate, product, and phosphorothioate analogues. The data provide detailed information on the CNPase reaction mechanism, including substrate binding mode and coordination of the nucleophilic water molecule. Linked to the reaction, an open/close motion of the β5–α7 loop is observed. The role of the N terminus of helix α7—unique for CNPase in the 2H family—during the reaction indicates that 2H phosphoesterases differ in their respective reaction mechanisms despite the conserved catalytic residues. Furthermore, based on small-angle X-ray scattering, we present a model for the full-length enzyme, indicating that the two domains of CNPase form an elongated molecule. Finally, based on our structural data and a comprehensive bioinformatics study, we discuss the conservation of CNPase in various organisms.  相似文献   

Hexa-coordinated chelate complex cis-[Ru(CO)2I2(P∩S)] (1a) {P∩S = η2-(P,S)-coordinated} and penta-coordinated non-chelate complexes cis-[Ru(CO)2I2(P∼S)] (1b-d) {P∼S = η1-(P)-coordinated} are produced by the reaction of polymeric [Ru(CO)2I2]n with equimolar quantity of the ligands Ph2P(CH2)nP(S)Ph2 {n = 1(a), 2(b), 3(c), 4(d)} in dichloromethane at room temperature. The bidentate nature of the ligand a in the complex 1a leads to the formation of five-membered chelate ring which confers extra stability to the complex. On the other hand, 1:2 (Ru:L) molar ratio reaction affords the hexa-coordinated non-chelate complexes cis,cis,trans-[Ru(CO)2I2(P∼S)2] (2a-d) irrespective of the ligands. All the complexes show two equally intense terminal ν(CO) bands in the range 2028-2103 cm−1. The ν(PS) band of complex 1a occurs 23 cm−1 lower region compared to the corresponding free ligand suggesting chelation via metal-sulfur bond formation. X-ray crystallography reveals that the Ru(II) atom occupies the center of a slightly distorted octahedral geometry. The complexes have also been characterized by elemental analysis, 1H, 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Four isolates of Gram-negative facultatively anaerobic bacteria, three of them producing NDM-1 carbapenemase, were isolated from hospitalized patients and outpatients attending two military hospitals in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and studied for their taxonomic position. Initially the strains were phenotypically identified as Citrobacter species. Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences then showed that the four strains shared >97%, but in no case >98.3%, 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities to members of the genera Citrobacter, Kluyvera, Pantoea, Enterobacter and Raoultella, but always formed a separate cluster in respective phylogenetic trees. Based on multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) including partial recN, rpoA, thdF and rpoB gene sequence and respective amino acid sequence analysis it turned out that the strains also here always formed separate clusters. Based on further comparative analyses including DNA–DNA hybridizations, genomic fingerprint analysis using rep- and RAPD-PCRs and physiological tests, it is proposed to classify these four strains into the novel genus Pseudocitrobacter gen. nov. with a new species Pseudocitrobacter faecalis sp. nov. with strain 25 CITT (= CCM 8479T = LMG 27751T) and Pseudocitrobacter anthropi sp. nov. with strain C138T (= CCM 8478T = LMG 27750T), as the type strains, respectively.  相似文献   

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