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Plant remains of Baierella R. Potonié (Ginkgoales) were found for the first time in the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Khilok Formation (Buryatia Republic), where they form a thin coal bed. A new species, B. averianovii, is described from the Krasnyi Yar locality. The monodominant burial of the new species in combination with pollen grains of Ginkgocycadophytus prevailing in the relevant palynological assemblage allows the authors to reconstruct a monospecific woody wetland plant community.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Early developmental events in microsporogenesis are known to play a role in pollen morphology: variation in cytokinesis type, cell wall formation, tetrad shape and aperture polarity are responsible for pollen aperture patterning. Despite the existence of other morphologies, monosulcate pollen is one of the most common aperture types in monocots, and is also considered as the ancestral condition in this group. It is known to occur from either a successive or a simultaneous cytokinesis. In the present study, the developmental sequence of microsporogenesis is investigated in several species of Asparagales that produce such monosulcate pollen, representing most families of this important monocot clade. METHODS: The developmental pathway of microsporogenesis was investigated using light transmission and epifluorescence microscopy for all species studied. Confocal microscopy was used to confirm centripetal cell plate formation. KEY RESULTS: Microsporogenesis is diverse in Asparagales, and most variation is generally found between families. It is confirmed that the whole higher Asparagales clade has a very conserved microsporogenesis, with a successive cytokinesis and centrifugal cell plate formation. Centripetal cell wall formation is described in Tecophilaeaceae and Iridaceae, a feature that had so far only been reported for eudicots. CONCLUSIONS: Monosulcate pollen can be obtained from several developmental pathways, leading thus to homoplasy in the monosulcate character state. Monosulcate pollen should not therefore be considered as the ancestral state unless it is produced through the ancestral developmental pathway. The question about the ancestral developmental pathway leading to monosulcy remains open.  相似文献   

A new species from the family Glaresidae, Cretoglaresis ovalis, sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cretaceous site Baisa in Transbaikalia. Improved diagnosis of the genus Cretoglaresis Nikolajev, 2007 is given.  相似文献   

Prokennalestes abramovi n.sp. is described based on M2 from the upper Barremian-middle Aptian (Early Cretaceous) Mogoito locality in Transbaikalia, Russia. It differs from the Mongolian species of Prokennalestes (Khoboor, early Albian) by a combination of one primitive character (steeper and shorter lingual slopes of the paracone and metacone), one more derived character (larger size), and some characters of uncertain polarity (small preparastyle, lack of labial cuspules along the ectoflexus). P. abramovi n.sp. is the oldest eutherian mammal so far described, and its discovery extends the known geological range of Eutheria by 10-15 Ma. The Tsagantsabian land-vertebrate biochron can be defined by a dominance of sinemyid turtles; the Khukhtekian by a dominance of macrobaenids.  相似文献   

Fusithrips crassipes Shmakov, gen. et sp. nov. (Aeolothripidae) and Convexithrips robustus Shmakov, gen. sp. nov. (Thripidae), the oldest members of these families, are described from the Lower Cretaceous of the Baissa locality. This allowed the improvement of the time of emergence of the Recent Thysanoptera assemblage, which includes phloeothripids along with aeolothripids and thripids.  相似文献   

A new species of lace-bug Sinaldocader ponomarenkoi sp. nov. (Tingidae: Phatnomatini) is described from the Lower Cretaceous Transbaikalian locality Baissa. The new species differs from the type species S. drakei Popov, 1989 from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia in the well-developed lateral carinae of pronotal disc and in the details of hemelytral venation.  相似文献   

Thirty-three angiosperm pollen species are here reported from mid-Cretaceous deposits of the Kachaike Formation, Austral Basin, southern Argentina. Clavatipollenites is the most abundant angiosperm genus, with six well-defined morphological groups recognised on the basis of their reticulum morphology and sculpture. Pollen of eudicots are scarce, represented by tricolpate (Psilatricolpites spp. and Tricolpites spp.), tricolporoidate and tricolporate morphotypes (Dryadopollis spp.). Increasing complexity in the aperture structure is seen throughout the sequence; tricolpate and tricolporoidate forms are recorded in almost all samples, while tricolporate pollen grains are restricted to the middle and upper levels of the unit. The high species richness and abundance of monocolpate-ulcerate angiosperm related to monocots or magnoliids sensu lato recorded in the unit is comparable to that previously recognised in other assemblages from the early and middle Albian of the southern (e.g. Australia) and northern hemispheres (e.g. Western Portuguese basin, Europe). The recorded increase in the number of angiosperm species towards the middle and upper parts of the Kachaike Formation, with the presence of monocolpate, tricolpate, tricolporoidate and tricolporate pollen, suggests an early-early middle Albian age for these parts of the unit, in agreement with the early Albian age proposed for its basal levels on the basis of dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of ichneumonids, Palaeoichneumoninae, is described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality) and Mongolia (Bon Tsagan and Kholbotu Gol localities). The new subfamily is intermediate between the archaic subfamily Tanychorinae and the Recent Ichneumonidae. It includes 12 new species, described in three new genera: Palaeoichneumon freja gen. et sp. nov., P. ornatus sp. nov., P. danu sp. nov., P. micron sp. nov., P. mirabilis sp. nov., P. tenebrosus sp. nov., P. townesi sp. nov., Rudimentifera mora gen. et sp. nov., R. suspecta sp. nov., Dischysma maculata gen. et sp. nov., D. similis sp. nov., and D. ramulata sp. nov.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Ilek Formation in Western Siberia (Russia) has yielded various vertebrate fossils, including skeletal remains of dinosaurs. Here we report on a fragmentary theropod egg from the vertebrate locality Shestakovo 3 of the Ilek Formation in Kemerovo Province. We assign the specimen to the oogenus Prismatoolithus (oofamily Prismatoolithidae) as Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov., on the basis of the following unique combination of characters: ovoid-shaped egg; thin eggshell 300–330 μm thick; angustiprismatic morphotype; eggshell with three different layers; gradual transition between mammillary layer and prismatic layer; abrupt contact between prismatic layer and external layer; mammillary layer to prismatic layer to external layer thickness ratio is 1:3:0.6; prismatic layer with ill-defined squamatic texture; angusticanaliculate pore system; and smooth outer surface. Like other Early Creataceous Prismatoolithus, the egg of Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov. was laid by a small bodied theropod dinosaur (troodontid or primitive bird) and this taxonomic attribution is supported by results of our phylogenetic analysis. Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov. is the first Early Cretaceous ootaxon from Russia.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:734EAD40-86C3-488B-A61E-B5FF7378BC0E  相似文献   

Canrightiopsis with three species (C. intermedia, C. crassitesta, C. dinisii) is described from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal based on small, one-seeded berries. The fruits are derived from bisexual flowers with three stamens borne on one side of the ovary. There are no traces of a perianth. Pollen is of the Clavatipollenites-type, monocolpate, semitectate, reticulate-columellate with heterobrochate reticulum and muri with beaded supratectal ornamentation. The ovary is unilocular with a single pendant, orthotropous and bitegmic ovule. The seed is endotestal. The endotesta consists of one layer of palisade-shaped crystal cells with fibrous infillings. The fruit wall has resin bodies or cavities from presumed ethereal oil cells sometimes seen as stomata-like structures on the fruit surface. A phylogenetic analysis resolves Canrightiopsis as a close relative of extant Chloranthaceae, particularly close to extant Chloranthus and Sarcandra. All three taxa share the one-sided position of the stamens on the ovary. An evolutionary sequence from fossil Canrightia to fossil Canrightiopsis and extant Chloranthus and Sarcandra is suggested by loss of perianth, reduction in number of ovules and stamens and displacement of stamens to one side of the ovary. Canrightiopsis also shares several critical features with extant Ascarina including monoaperturate pollen and beaded supratectal ornamentation of the pollen wall.  相似文献   

This paper presents eight ephedroid palynomorphs from the Lower Cretaceous (Upper Albian) of Hokkaido, Japan. The ephedroid palynomorphs are ellipsoid and polyplicate pollen grains that show a wide range of variation in pollen size, shape, and plication. These ephedroid palynomorphs suggest a wide range of diversity in Gnetales at mid- or high-paleolatitude in the eastern side of Lauresia during the Upper Albian.  相似文献   

We report on the discovery of an Early Cretaceous bird from northwestern Gansu Province, in northwestern China. Represented by a nearly complete left wing and shoulder girdle the size of a rock dove, the new bird was quarried from laminated yellowish mudstones of the Xiagou Formation (Xinminpu Group) near Changma, in the Jiuquan area. These deposits have previously yielded the only known specimen of Gansus yumenensis, a basal ornithuromorph represented by the distal half of a hind limb with long and slender digits. Several derived characters of the new occurrence supports its allocation within Enantiornithes: (1) a convex lateral margin of the coracoid, (2) a minor metacarpal that projects distally more than the major metacarpal and (3) a proximal phalanx of the major digit longer than the intermediate (second) phalanx. The general proportions of the wing suggest it was a flier comparable to most other known enantiornithine birds. Although, direct comparisons between the new fossil and Gansus are not possible, phylogenetic based inferences supports their placement into two different clades. While the new fossil falls definitively within the enantiornithines, G. Yumenensis falls within the ornithuromorphs. The new occurrence thus adds to the taxonomic diversity of Early Cretaceous birds from Gansu Province in particular and central Asia in general.  相似文献   

Morphology and exine ultrastructure of pollen grains of Triassic peltasperms have been studied for the first time. Pollen grains of Antevsia zeilleri from the Rhaetian of Germany are of the Cycadopites-type and monosulcate; the sculpturing is the same in the apertural and non-apertural areas. The proximal exine includes a row of lacunae covered by a solid, thick tectum and underlined by a foot layer. Pillars are hanging from the tectum between the lacunae. The exine is thinning to a homogeneous layer in the apertural region. The latter is bordered by thicker alveolate areas of the exine, in places resembling a saccus-like ultrastructure. The endexine includes white-line-centred lamellae. The exine ultrastructure is compared with that of pollen of Permian peltasperms. Although pollen types ascribed to Permian peltasperms are completely different in their general morphology, a transformation can be hypothesized by ultrastructural data from Permian Vesicaspora into Triassic Cycadopites extracted from pollen sacs of Antevsia. Comparison with Cycadopites of non-peltaspermalean (Ginkgoalean, Cycadophyte) and unknown affinities has been accomplished. The exine ultrastructure is distinctive enough to differentiate among peltaspermalean, cycadalean and bennettitalean Cycadopites; some ultrastructural features are shared with pollen of modern Ginkgo biloba. More ultrastructural data are needed as well as numerous sections of pollen grains are necessary to reveal original unchanged ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Twenty five surface samples/moss cushions were collected for palynological analysis from open areas of Reasi District, Jammu and Kashmir (India). These samples were used to investigate the relationships between extant vegetation and modern pollen spectra, which serve as modern analogue for the reliable ecological interpretation of fossil pollen records. The present vegetation in the region comprises tropical dry deciduous forests and subtropical pine forests with scattered stands of oak. The pollen analysis reveals that Pinus sp. (average 69% in the pollen assemblages), amongst the conifers, dominates the pollen rain, which can be attributed to its high pollen productivity and exceptional pollen dispersal efficiency. Cedrus sp. and Podocarpus sp. pollen contribute with an average of 16 and 5% to the total pollen rain. Other conifers such as Picea sp., Abies sp., Juniperus sp. and Tsuga sp., as well as broad-leaved taxa such as Quercus sp., Alnus sp., Betula sp., Carpinus sp., Corylus sp., Juglans sp., Ulmus sp., Salix sp., Elaeocarpus sp., Mallotus sp. and Aesculus sp., have lower averages of 1 to 4.5% in the total pollen rain which could be either due to their poor pollen dispersal efficiency or to the poor preservation in the samples. Tubuliflorae (average 25%), Poaceae (average 6.26%), Cerealia and other crop plants (average 7.68%) are other prominent taxa in the pollen rain. The nearly complete absence of members of tropical dry deciduous forests in the pollen spectra likely is due to the fact that most species in this vegetation type are not wind pollinated.  相似文献   

Two fossil reproductive organs of early angiosperms were collected from the Yanji Basin, Jilin Province of China. The assemblage of fossil plants consist mainly of pteridophytes, gymnosperms and a few angiospoermms. The present paper only reports the two reproductive organs of angiosperms. They are Archimagnolia rostrato-stylosa gen.et sp. nov., Eucommioites orientalis sp.nov. The first is a slightly elongated floral axis(receptacle), with about 20 carpels helically arranged. The carpels are free from each other and attenuated into a beak-like structure at the apex, with the base inserted into the receptacle. A comparison with living plants indicated its close relationship with some members of the Magnoliaceae. The second is a samara, similar to a fruit of the genus Eucommia, narrow-oblong, 2-lobed at the apex with the lobes stigmatic on theinner side. The seed is situated at the middle of fruit, oblong in shape.  相似文献   

A charcoalified fossil flower bud of a new genus and species (Teixeiria lusitanica) is described from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. The flower is actinomorphic and unisexually male. At the base of the bud there are several bracts of different sizes, which are followed by sepal-like and petal-like tepals. Bracts and perianth organs seem to be arranged spirally and to exhibit transitions between different organ categories. The androecium has numerous stamens in two sizes, but with unclear arrangement. Pollen is small and tricolpate with a perforate tectum and a densely columellate infratectal layer. No carpels or remains of carpels could be observed on the floral axis. Teixeiria lusitanica shows most affinities to members of Ranunculales. There are also some similarities with Berberidopsis (Berberidopsidaceae, Berberidopsidales) and members of the Saxifragales (Hamamelidaceae and Daphniphyllaceae).  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The Arabidopsis thaliana pollen cell wall is a complex structure consisting of an outer sporopollenin framework and lipid-rich coat, as well as an inner cellulosic wall. Although mutant analysis has been a useful tool to study pollen cell walls, the ultrastructure of the arabidopsis anther has proved to be challenging to preserve for electron microscopy.


In this work, high-pressure freezing/freeze substitution and transmission electron microscopy were used to examine the sequence of developmental events in the anther that lead to sporopollenin deposition to form the exine and the dramatic differentiation and death of the tapetum, which produces the pollen coat.

Key Results

Cryo-fixation revealed a new view of the interplay between sporophytic anther tissues and gametophytic microspores over the course of pollen development, especially with respect to the intact microspore/pollen wall and the continuous tapetum epithelium. These data reveal the ultrastructure of tapetosomes and elaioplasts, highly specialized tapetum organelles that accumulate pollen coat components. The tapetum and middle layer of the anther also remain intact into the tricellular pollen and late uninucleate microspore stages, respectively.


This high-quality structural information, interpreted in the context of recent functional studies, provides the groundwork for future mutant studies where tapetum and microspore ultrastructure is assessed.  相似文献   

通过四川螺髻山(1984、2017年)表土和化石孢粉与植被的关系分析发现:孢粉组合中木本植物含量(91.0%)占绝对优势,松属、冷杉属、青冈属、常绿栎类、落叶栎类、桤木属、杜鹃花科、禾本科和蒿属为主要花粉类型;人工次生林花粉组合能很好地反映母体植被的群落特征,并可指示优势种的存在和人类活动痕迹;针阔混交林花粉组合能较好地反映群落整体特征,花粉类型能与母体植被中优势种较好地对应;常绿阔叶林、针叶林和灌丛草甸的花粉组合难以反映母体植被的群落特征。DCA表明,花粉谱的百分含量,能较好地区分人工扰动植被和天然植被,但人工次生林、常绿阔叶林和针阔混交林之间以及针叶林和灌丛草甸之间未能区分。30年前后表土孢粉组合变化明显,1984年样品以松属、青冈属和桤木属等花粉为主,而2017年采样分析中松属、桤木属花粉占绝对优势。随着人类活动的加强,部分地区松树和桤木大面积飞播或种植,表土孢粉组合对当地植被指示意义与扰动强度呈负相关关系。现生植被与表土孢粉组合的差异能为恢复古植被和古环境提供参考,但原生植被已经被破坏地区的孢粉图谱,就很难作为重建历史时期植被的根据。本研究可以为亚热带山地利用孢粉学恢复第四纪时期植被与气候,探讨人类活动与环境的关系提供理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

Studies of the earliest Cretaceous angiosperms in the 1970s made only broad comparisons with living taxa, but discoveries of fossil flowers and increasingly robust molecular phylogenies of living angiosperms allow more secure recognition of extant clades. The middle to late Albian rise of tricolpate pollen and the first local dominance of angiosperm leaves mark the influx of near-basal lines of eudicots. Associated flowers indicate that palmately lobed ‘platanoids’ and Sapindopsis are both stem relatives of Platanus, while Nelumbites was related to Nelumbo (also Proteales) and Spanomera to Buxaceae. Monocots are attested by Aptian Liliacidites pollen and Acaciaephyllum leaves and Albian araceous inflorescences. Several Albian–Cenomanian fossils belong to Magnoliidae in the revised monophyletic sense, including Archaeanthus in Magnoliales and Virginianthus and Mauldinia in Laurales, while late Barremian pollen tetrads (Walkeripollis) are related to Winteraceae. In the basal ANITA grade, Nymphaeales are represented by Aptian and Albian flowers and whole plants (Monetianthus, Carpestella and Pluricarpellatia). Epidermal similarities of lower Potomac leaves to woody members of the ANITA grade are consistent with Albian flowers assignable to Austrobaileyales (Anacostia). Aptian to Cenomanian mesofossils represent both crown group Chloranthaceae (Asteropollis plant) and stem relatives of Chloranthaceae and/or Ceratophyllum (Canrightia, Zlatkocarpus, Pennipollis plant and possibly Appomattoxia).  相似文献   

Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is described based on isolated but possibly associated cervical and dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, and previously published pedal elements from the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian?) Ilek Formation at Shestakovo 1 locality (Kemerovo Province, Western Siberia, Russia). Some isolated sauropod teeth from the Shestakovo 1 locality are referred to the same taxon. The phylogenetic parsimony analyses place Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., as a non-titanosaurian somphospondyl titanosauriform. The new taxon exhibits four titanosauriform and one somphospondylan synapomorphies, and one autapomorphy – a hyposphene ridge that extends between the neural canal and the postzygapophyses. It differs from all other Somphospondyli by having only five sacral vertebrae. The new taxon shares with Euhelopus and Epachtosaurus sacral ribs that converge towards the middle of the sacrum in dorsal view. Sibirotitan astrosacralis nov. gen., nov. sp., is only the second sauropod taxon from Russia and one of the oldest titanosauriform described so far in Asia.  相似文献   

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