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Two new species of the genus Unispirifer Campbell, U. semicircularis and U. parvus, are established as a result of a revision of Early Carboniferous spiriferids from the Moscow Syneclise. These forms have previously been described under Spirifer tornacensis Koninck, 1883 and S. taidonensis Tolmatschow, 1924.  相似文献   

Throughout the post-Soviet bloc, people regularly describe as 'normal' high-quality commodities and living environment so therwise considered extraordinary in their local context. In Hungary, this discourse of the normal indicates that middle-class aspirants, claiming 'European' status, now evaluate their own standards of living by comparison to imagined western ones. Looking to the socialist period, I argue that the construction of a socialist modern consumer led to the equation of western standards of living with self-value and dignity. Western material worlds were perceived to be conducive to a form of family life and personhood impossible under the 'abnormal' conditions of state-socialism. As this new standard comes to dictate middle-class fashioning, it becomes instrumental in the ongoing social, economic and material transformation of the country.  相似文献   

New bryozoans from the Middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of Moscow city (Reptomulticava pileola sp. nov.) and the Moscow Region (Spirodella radiolobata gen. et sp. nov.) and from the Middle Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) of the Kostroma Region (Hyporosopora mittai sp. nov.) are described. All three bryozoans belong to the class Stenolaemata. Some features of their colonial organization and environmental conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Jennifer Patico 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):345-368
This paper examines the culture of gift-giving in contemporary urban Russia, illuminating in the process broader post-socialist deliberations about social identity and personal worth. Drawing upon ethnographic research in St. Petersburg (1998-99), I consider how marketization influences, informs, and overlaps with logics of gift-giving and with the social networking practices so central to Soviet-era consumer strategies. In contrast to most previous analyses of such phenomena, this article attends closely to the items of exchange themselves, asking why certain goods are chosen as gifts in particular contexts (such as the chocolate and cognac typically given as tokens of gratitude to doctors, teachers, and others whom one wishes to thank for services well provided). Social theorists have commented on the 'misrecognition' inherent in such gift-giving, in that transactors tend to view these presents not as pragmatic investments but simply - as Russian teachers put it - 'signs of attention' Yet here I push further to consider what it is people are actually recognizing about their shifting social worlds in these activities, as they take stock of one another's claims to cultural and moral value (as well as material wealth) and conceptualize the kind of 'society' in which they are participating.  相似文献   

After considering the observed long-term trends in average monthly temperatures distribution in Moscow, the authors evaluated how acute mortality responded to changes in daily average, minimum and maximum temperatures throughout the year, and identified vulnerable population groups, by age and causes of death. A plot of the basic mortality–temperature relationship indicated that this relationship was V-shaped with the minimum around 18°C. Each 1°C increment of average daily temperature above 18°C resulted in an increase in deaths from all non-accidental causes by 2.8%, from coronary heart disease by 2.7%, from cerebrovascular diseases by 4.7%, and from respiratory diseases by 8.7%, with a lag of 0 or 1 day. Each 1°C drop of average daily temperature from +18°C to −10°C resulted in an increase in deaths from all non-accidental causes by 0.49%, from coronary heart disease by 0.57%, from cerebrovascular diseases by 0.78%, and from respiratory diseases by 1.5%, with lags of maximum association varying from 3 days for non-accidental mortality to 6 days for cerebrovascular mortality. In the age group 75+ years, corresponding risks were consistently higher by 13–30%. The authors also estimated the increase in non-accidental deaths against the variation of daily temperatures. For each 1°C increase of variation of temperature throughout the day, mortality increased by 0.3–1.9%, depending on other assumptions of the model.  相似文献   

Being Góral: Identity Politics and Globalization in Postsocialist Poland . Deborah Cahalen Schneider. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. 212 pp.  相似文献   

The little that remains of Motschoulsky’s myriapodological legacy in the collection of Moscow’s Zoological Museum proves to be of very limited value. Only one species of Diplopoda described by Motschoulsky, the Caucasian Hirudisoma roseum (Victor, 1839), is still in use, yet requiring a neotype designation, whereas the remaining few myriapod names he proposed are either nomina dubia or nomina nuda. The former include Scolopendra pentagramma Motschoulsky, 1866 (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae) and Strongylosoma carinulatum Motschoulsky, 1866 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae), both from Japan, as well as Julus costulatus Motschoulsky, 1851 (Diplopoda, Callipodida, Schizopetalidae?), from Montenegro, because their type material is either inadequate or missing.  相似文献   

This paper is one of the series of narratives about the Paleontological Institute during the World War II. Correspondence between A.A. Borissiak, who was in evacuation in the city of Frunze, and his colleagues left in charge of the institute in Moscow, is presented, concerning the extremely difficult task of protecting the collections.  相似文献   

The mobilization of the countryside has direct consequences for political discourse about national values and in times of social crisis, the ‘conservatism’ of the countryside has the potential to assume an aggressive, offensive posture. When rural mobilization is accompanied by religious revival, group loyalty and so‐called ‘traditional’ values are sacralized. When rural mobilization, ethnic mobilization, and religious revival occur simultaneously, it signifies that the society is undergoing profound destabilization. Examining the case of Serbia, this article argues that while Serbia is, in cultural and social terms, predominantly rural in character, Titoist Communism imposed the values of the city on that culture, while the 1987 coup by Slobodan Milosevic represented, among other things, the triumph of the countryside over the city in Serbia.

This article begins by characterizing the countryside in cultural terms, provides documentation of the importance of rural traditions in Serbian society, documents the rural character of the Serbian national movement, connecting its ideology and behaviour with populist appeals, and examines the contribution made by the Serbian Orthodox Church to the mobilization of the Serbian countryside.  相似文献   

Five new species of stenolaematous bryozoans are described from the Middle Callovian of Moscow City (Krasnopresnenskii Region) and the Moscow Region (Gzhel’ Railroad Station and the quarry between the small towns of Rechitsy and Troshkovo): Entalophora alexeevi sp. nov., Cellulipora retshitsiensis sp. nov., Diplosolen pravus sp. nov., Siphodictyum primarium sp. nov., and Ceata kamushkiensis sp. nov. The last four species belong to the genera that have never been recorded from deposits older than the Lower Cretaceous. The presence of different types of heterozooecia in these bryozoans shows that the functional polymorphism of zooids developed considerably in the class Stenolaemata as early as the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and taxonomy of the brachiopod family Linoproductidae are revised. The change in the distributional pattern of spines and distinctive structure of the median lobe of the cardinal process are shown to be the main apomorphies in the family evolution. A new subfamily, Linispininae, and the included new genera, Linispinella and Linispinus, are described. In the nominotypical subfamily Linoproductinae, a new genus Linoproductoides and two new species included in this genus are described from the Vereiskian deposits of the Moscow Region. The new species Linispinus riparius (Trautschold), L. longus sp. nov., and L. staricensis (Ivanov) are described from the Kashirskian deposits. Another new species is tentatively described as “Linoproductus” kabanovi.  相似文献   

生物工程技术在食品工业领域中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据当今生物工程技术发展情况,综述了它在食品工业领域中的食用资源开发、食品加工及食品安全检测中的应用.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Middle Jurassic flora of the Peski locality (Moscow Region), a unique locality for fossil flora and fauna. The systematic composition, age of the flora, and plant taphonomy in context of paleorelief are considered. Plant associations are reconstructed. The paleogeographical significance of the flora is discussed.  相似文献   

Brachiopods from the Kasimovian Stage of the Moscow Region that for more than 70 years were referred to the genus Linoproductus (family Linoproductidae) are revised and redescribed. New characters connected with the ornamentation and inner structure of the dorsal valve are used for the first time in the analysis of the taxonomic structure of the group. Six species from three genera are described; four of them are new: one species of Linispinus Lazarev, 2006, three species of Linipalus Lazarev, 2007, and two species of Sublinoproductus gen. nov. The new genus is considered to be transitional between the genera Linispinus and Linoproductus.  相似文献   

Three new conodont species, Streptognathodus neverovensis, S. isakovae, and Idiognathodus mestsherensis, which are widespread in the Kasimovian Stage of central Russia, are described.  相似文献   

This paper completes the revision of the Middle and Late Carboniferous brachiopods of the family Linoproductidae from the Moscow Region. The species cannot be completely described according to the methods previously elaborated by the author because of the poor state of preservation of the material from Gzhelian deposits. Problems of the generic diagnostics of the Gzhelian linoproductids are discussed; a new species, Linispinus parvus, is described from the uppermost Kasimovian deposits that have been referred to the Gzhelian Stage. Regularities in the group evolution in the Moscovian, Kasimovian, and Gzhelian ages are analyzed.  相似文献   

Ruth B. Phillips 《Ethnos》2013,78(2):172-194
This paper examines the light shed on processes of globalization and local empowerment by the contestatory events that ensued when the Canadian government appropriated the University of British Columbia's Museum of Anthropology to be the site of the 1997 prime ministerial meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Community. In its determination to assert its traditional ownership of the museum's site the local Musqueam band came into conflict with government officials, intent on presenting a settler narrative of Canadian nationhood to its trading partners. The official spectacle that was staged in the museum by the government is compared with Musqueam's self-presentation to reveal the persistence of stereotypes and the existence of competing historical narratives that accompany and compromise projects of decolonization within the museum community.  相似文献   

This article focuses on a recent film, The Road [Zhang Jiarui 2006], to explore the gendered nature of nostalgia for the Socialist era in Postsocialist China. In this film, nostalgia for a certain kind of non-alienated sexual expression and gendered egalitarianism that had characterized the socialist imagination functions as a protest against contemporary consumer culture, in particular its reduction of the female body into a fetishized object. At the same time, the film is unable to breach phallocentric ideology entirely, and casts women's new-found sexual autonomy as threatening.  相似文献   

Modern Blackness: Nationalism, Globalization, and the Politics of Culture in Jamaica . Deborah Thomas. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004. 358 pp.  相似文献   

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