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In this paper, I will compare and contrast the Austronesian symbolic elements of the two social formations within which I have conducted extensive ethnographic and archival research, that of the highly egalitarian Buid of Mindoro, Philippines and that of the equally hierarchical Makassar of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. I will demonstrate both that their cosmological structures are built out of common symbolic elements and that these structures could be used to legitimate vastly different political systems. The common symbolic elements included a gendered cosmos inhabited by a series of parallel societies composed of animal, human and spirit subjects; the conceptualisation of human sociality as generated by shared experience within a nested series of bounded spaces; and the ability of certain agents to move between these spaces by way of specialised training, vehicles and portals.  相似文献   

The raison d'être of the management of the minority ethnic Chinese citizenry in Indonesia and Malaysia is not adequately examined in most studies. In this article, ethnic domination is put forth in explaining the dynamics of ethnic conflict management. New multi-ethnic states often opt for selective nation-building by creating institutionalized ethnic boundaries. Ethnic domination occurs when one ethnic group prevails over another through the systematic marginalization of the dominated group's political influence, cultural reproduction and way of life. Beneath the veneer of assimilation and consociation, the central identity encouraged is that of the indigenous bumi 'imagined community' from which the citizen-Chinese is excluded. Ethnic riots are symptomatic of the failure of incomplete ethnic domination, especially in the economic and cultural realms.  相似文献   

The study of biological systems commonly depends on inferring the state of a 'hidden' variable, such as an underlying genotype, from that of an 'observed' variable, such as an expressed phenotype. However, this cannot be achieved using traditional quantitative methods when more than one genetic mechanism exists for a single observable phenotype. Using a novel latent class Bayesian model, it is possible to infer the prevalence of different genetic elements in a population given a sample of phenotypes. As an exemplar, data comprising phenotypic resistance to six antimicrobials obtained from passive surveillance of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 are analysed to infer the prevalence of individual resistance genes, as well as the prevalence of a genomic island known as SGI1 and its variants. Three competing models are fitted to the data and distinguished between using posterior predictive p-values to assess their ability to predict the observed number of unique phenotypes. The results suggest that several SGI1 variants circulate in a few fixed forms through the population from which our data were derived. The methods presented could be applied to other types of phenotypic data, and represent a useful and generic mechanism of inferring the genetic population structure of organisms.  相似文献   

Lithium ‐ air batteries have become a focus of research on future battery technologies. Technical issues associated with lithium‐air batteries, however, are rather complex. Apart from the sluggish oxygen reaction kinetics which demand efficient oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts, issues are also inherited from the nature of an open battery system and the use of reactive metal lithium as anode. Lithium‐air batteries, which exchange oxygen directly with ambient air, face more challenges due to the additional oxidative agents of moisture, carbon dioxide, etc. which degrade the metal lithium anode, deteriorating the performance of the batteries. In order to improve the cycling performance one must hold a full picture of lithium‐oxygen electrochemistry in the presence of carbon dioxide and/or moisture and fully understand the fundamentals of chemistry reactions therein. Recent advances in the exploration of the effect of moisture and CO2 contaminants on Li‐O2 batteries are reviewed, and the mechanistic understanding of discharge/charge process in O2 at controlled level of moisture and/or CO2 are illustrated. Prospects for development opportunities of Li‐air batteries, insight into future research directions, and guidelines for the further development of rechargeable Li‐air batteries are also given.  相似文献   

This article examines the identity formation of middle-class Haitian youth. Segmented assimilation theory predicts that the Haitian second generation will integrate into the black American underclass or maintain strong ethnic group identities. The black middle class, however, is an unexplored pathway of cultural assimilation. This paper uses the literature on the racial and class experiences of the black American middle class as a departure point for understanding the boundary work of middle-class Haitian youth. Based on qualitative interviews and a focus group, we uncover the mechanisms of identity formation for this invisible population. Racial, ethnic and class boundaries compel Haitian youths to create strategies of either empowerment or distancing. They negotiate between their middle-class status and ethnoracial exclusion in a racially segregated neighbourhood, an ethnically homogenous church and a mixed-race school setting. This study's findings extend our theoretical understandings of middle-class immigrants and their identity work.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2023,29(4):279-285
ObjectivesType 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic disease with patients across the age spectrum that has high potential for morbidity and mortality. Unfortunately, patients transitioning from pediatric to adult care continue to demonstrate worsened glycemic control in part due to lack of understanding of transition of care best practices.MethodsThis review highlights the impact of existing transition of care interventions, assessment tools, and other recently published strategies for providers to consider to improve care of adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with T1D in both hospital- and clinic-based settings.ResultsMany barriers impact patients with T1D during the transition period and disparities by race, sex, insurance status, and comorbid illness persist. As diabetic care continues to evolve and the prevalence of adolescents and young adults living with T1D increases, an intentional approach to transition of care is more pressing than ever. While current literature on transition of care models is limited, many show promise in improving clinic attendance and decreasing hospitalization. There are critical discussions that providers should lead with AYA patients to improve their outcomes and increase diabetes self-management, such as re-addressing carbohydrate counseling, sleep hygiene, and reproductive planning.ConclusionWhile further research on transition of care is needed, many care models offer the promise of improved T1D outcomes, enhancements in our approach to care, and increased value for our health care system at large.  相似文献   

Utilization of bottom ash in road construction may lead to a release of contaminants that can affect the soil of the swales constructed along these roads. Column tests were performed to evaluate the retention behavior of Cu, Cr, Zn, and Pb, originating from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash leachate, in two substrates: peat and mould (a cultural soil). A chemical sequential extraction method was used to predict the risk associated with the release of the retained elements with modifications of environmental conditions. Apart from the dissolution of organic matter (OM), ash leachate properties hindered the metal transport from peat. Mould was efficient only in removing Zn, making it a less favorable substrate for the leachate control along the roads. Readily soluble forms made up a minor fraction of the retained metals in peat, reducing the risk of metal release due to ion exchange and pH drop. Changes in redox potential might be the main cause of Zn desorption from peat as the Fe-Mn oxides were the main scavengers for this metal. Oxidation of OM would be the primary reason of Cu and Cr release, while for Pb both fractions (Fe-Mn oxides and OM) might equally contribute to the metal discharge.  相似文献   

目的:考察初中学生心理旋转能力性别差异、典型A型和B型人格被试心理旋转能力状况,及人格类型与心理旋转能力性别差异的关系。方法:采用标准心理旋转能力测验和A型人格问卷调查了260名初中一年级至三年级被试,并对人格类型对心理旋转性别差异的影响进行方差分析。结果:心理旋转能力性别差异具有跨年级(初一至初三)的一致性(初一:男4.618±0.504,女3.400±0.536;初二:男7.389±0.400,女5.30±0.416;初三:男6.207±0.546,女4.286±0.534;F=12.586,P=0.000);(2)A型人格被试心理旋转能力高于B型人格被试(6.09±0.42/4.71±0.425;F=5.320,P=0.023);(3)A型人格被试性别差异显著(男7.259±0.583,女4.920±0.606;F=7.77,P=0.006),而B型人格被试性别差异不显著(男5.269±0.553,女4.255±0.646;F=2.26;P=0.136),人格类型是影响心理旋转能力性别差异因素之一。结论:尽管心理旋转能力存在显著的性别差异,但这种差异受众多因素影响。  相似文献   

Lysosomes are specialized organelles with an acidic pH that act as recycling hubs for intracellular and extracellular components. They harbour numerous different hydrolytic enzymes to degrade substrates like proteins, peptides, and glycolipids. Reduced catalytic activity of lysosomal enzymes can cause the accumulation of these substrates and loss of lysosomal integrity, resulting in lysosomal dysfunction and lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs). Post-mitotic cells, such as neurons, seem to be highly sensitive to damages induced by lysosomal dysfunction, thus LSDs often manifest with neurological symptoms. Interestingly, some LSDs and Parkinson’s disease (PD) share common cellular pathomechanisms, suggesting convergence of aetiology of the two disease types. This is further underlined by genetic associations of several lysosomal genes involved in LSDs with PD. The increasing number of lysosome-associated genetic risk factors for PD makes it necessary to understand functions and interactions of lysosomal proteins/enzymes both in health and disease, thereby holding the potential to identify new therapeutic targets. In this review, we highlight genetic and mechanistic interactions between the complex lysosomal network, LSDs and PD, and elaborate on methodical challenges in lysosomal research.  相似文献   

What is the trigger of shame? The information threat theory holds that shame is an evolved adaptation that is designed to limit the likelihood and costs of others forming negative beliefs about the self. By contrast, attributional theories posit that concerns over others' evaluations are irrelevant to shame. Instead, shame is triggered when a person attributes a negative outcome to their self, rather than to a particular act or circumstance. We conduct a strong test of the information threat hypothesis. In Study 1, participants imagined taking an action that, though morally unimpeachable, could be interpreted unfavorably by others. As predicted by the information threat theory, shame increased with the publicity of this act. In Study 2, participants played a public good game and then learned that the other participants either chose to keep interacting with them (inclusion) or not (exclusion)—ostensibly because of their contributions, but in fact randomly determined by the experimenter. Exclusion increased shame. Under-contribution did not. In fact, even the highest contributors tended to feel shame when excluded. These findings strongly suggest that the true trigger of shame is the prospect or actuality of being devalued by others.  相似文献   

Eight nurses have been studied during rest days and three successive night shifts. Measurements of wrist activity have been made and used to assess the extent to which the pattern of daily activity changes between control (rest) days and days involving night work. One analysis considered wrist activity during time spent in bed; this appears to decrease in parallel with the amount of time in bed that is lost during night work but, when this effect is corrected for, there is greater activity during time spent in bed in the daytime compared with control days (when time in bed is during the night). The dichotomy of activity (between lower values during time spent in bed and higher values when out of bed) also decreases if time in bed is during the daytime while on night shifts. These changes in the amount of wrist activity and the dichotomy between activity in and out of bed are related to the changed quality and quantity of sleep that has been measured by self-report questionnaires and the sleep EEG. It is concluded that results from wrist actimetry can provide valuable information regarding the process of adjustment to night work, and that its convenience (to subject and experimenter), coupled with the new analytical approaches described here, make it a viable method for field studies. (Chronobiology International, 13(4), 273-282, 1996)  相似文献   

Long-term studies are frequently conducted to assess the treatment effect on rare diseases or the safety of a new treatment. To account for differential follow-up often encountered in long-term studies, exposure-adjusted incidence rates are used in evaluating the treatment effect. The difference of rates is sometimes used to quantify the treatment’s public health impact because the reciprocal of this difference can be interpreted as “the number needed to treat (or number needed to vaccinate) in order to cure (or prevent) 1 case of disease.” In this paper we focus on the stratified analysis of the difference of two exposure-adjusted rates in the setting of superiority, noninferiority and super-superiority hypothesis testing. After a brief review of asymptotic methods, we derive an exact method that guarantees control of the type I error. But it is conservative for noninferiority and super-superiority testing because of the search of the maximum tail probability over a multidimensional nuisance parameter space. Then, we present an approximate exact method where the p-value is estimated at the maximum likelihood estimates of the nuisance parameter. This method is identical to exact method for superiority testing and reduces the conservatism for noninferiority and super-superiority testing. In addition, a quasi-exact method is discussed. A real-life vaccine clinical trial example is used to illustrate these methods. Finally, we compare the performance of these methods via empirical studies and make some general practical recommendations.  相似文献   

Depression is the leading factor of disability and the overall global burden of diseases. The human capital model provides an appropriate conceptual model for managing human health. This study aimed to determine the association between human capital (including social, emotional, physical, financial, and intellectual capital) and depressive symptoms among productive age groups in Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted by analyzing data of 9,858 respondents aged 15-59 years that were obtained from the Indonesia Family Life Survey 5 (IFLS 5). Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess the association between human capital components and depressive symptoms. Among respondents, 23.65% had higher depressive symptoms. Social trust and social networks (part of social capital) were significantly related to depressive symptoms. Self-reported satisfaction (part of emotional capital) were also related to depressive symptoms, as well as self-rated health, sleep quality, a number of chronic disease, body mass index (BMI), and physical functioning (part of physical capital). Log income (part of financial capital) and education level (part of intellectual capital) were related to depressive symptoms after controlling for other variables. Of all the components of human capital, physical capital has the most attributes associated with the risk of depressive symptoms. Therefore, depression prevention programs can be prioritized on attributes related to physical capital.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study was to isolate strains of bacteria capable of degrading hydrocarbons from contaminated mangroves and to investigate the ability of the isolated bacteria to degrade total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in a microcosm model of an oily sludge. The potential use of these bacteria strains as environmental clean-up agents was tested by culturing them with six different polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds (phenothiazine, fluorene, fluoranthene, dibenzothiophene, phenanthrene, and pyrene). Six viable and culturable bacteria were isolated, and the 16S rDNA sequence for each was amplified using the primers 9F and 1510R. Sequence results were compared using the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) BLAST program and, combined with phenotypic and phylogenetic data, were used to identify three strains that belonged to the Bacillus genus and were most closely related (98–99%) to Bacillus aquimaris, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus pumilus. The other three strains were closely related (98–100%) to Flexibacteraceae bacterium, Halobacilus trueperi, and Rhodobacteraceae bacterium. Two isolates, BA-PZN and BM-PFFP, which were related to Bacillus aquimaris and Bacillus megaterium, respectively, were further characterized and showed great potential for the removal of more complex hydrocarbon compounds in the oily microcosm model.  相似文献   

Tom Boellstorff 《Ethnos》2013,78(4):465-486
This paper explores an unprecedented series of violent acts against ‘gay’ Indonesians beginning in September 1999. Indonesia is often characterized as ‘tolerant’ of homosexuality. This is a false belief, but one containing a grain of truth. To identify this grain of truth I distinguish between ‘heterosexism’ and ‘homophobia,’ noting that Indonesia has been marked by a predominance of heterosexism over homophobia. I examine the emergence of a political homophobia directed at public events where gay men stake a claim to Indonesia's troubled civil society. That such violence is seen as the properly masculine response to these events indicates how the nation may be gaining a new masculinist cast. In the new Indonesia, male–male desire can increasingly be construed as a threat to normative masculinity, and thus to the nation itself.  相似文献   

This article provides guidelines for selecting optimal calorimetric instrumentation for applications in biochemistry and biophysics. Applications include determining thermodynamics of interactions in non-covalently bonded structures, and determining function through measurements of enzyme kinetics and metabolic rates. Specific examples illustrating current capabilities and methods in biological calorimetry are provided. Commercially available calorimeters are categorized by application and by instrument characteristics (isothermal or temperature-scanning, reaction vessel volume, heat rate detection limit, fixed or removable reaction vessels, etc.). Advantages and limitations of commercially available calorimeters are listed for each application in biochemistry, biophysics, and physiology.  相似文献   

Native bushland fragmented by urbanization often experiences increased cover of flammable weeds, reduced biomass turnover and an absence of fuel management combined with increased ignitions. Depending on species’ mobility and dispersal traits, and the extent of burns within urban remnants, such fires may reduce individual survival rates or limit natural recolonization. We monitored the survival of mygalomorph spiders for a year following high‐intensity and low‐intensity fires in Banksia woodland remnants in urban Perth. Of the 257 burrows found, 115 spiders were confirmed to initially survive after intense wildfire, but none were confirmed alive after 12 months. In sharp contrast, only one spider from 103 observed burrows was confirmed dead after a low‐intensity prescribed fire. As there were instances of our monitored mygalomorphs relocating a short distance following only low intensity fires, we also tested whether predation rates were higher in burnt than unburnt areas. Higher rates of predation were found in burnt areas, but this was strongly influenced by both site and predator type. We recommend further consideration of low‐intensity prescribed fire as well as alternative fuel management approaches in urban remnants to better conserve mygalomorph spider populations and other taxa with limited dispersal and/or mobility capabilities.  相似文献   

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