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Light and electron microscope observations characterized the layers that comprise Vigna vexillata L. pollen walls, and identified the timing of their development. Exine sculpturings form an unusually coarse ektexinous reticulum. The structure of the ektexine is granular; this differs from the columellate/tectate type of structure typical of most angiosperm pollen. The ektexine overlies a homogeneous-to-lamellar, electron-dense endexine, which in turn surrounds a thick, microfibrillar intine. Pollen grains are triporate and operculate, with Zwischenkörper and thickened intine underlying the apertures. The ektexine forms during the tetrad period of microspore development, the endexine and Zwischenkörper during the free microspore stage, and the intine during the bicelled (pollen) stage. Coarsely reticulate exine sculpturings and the granular structure of the patterned exine wall of the pollen grains are features that make this species suitable for detailed studies of pollen wall pattern formation.  相似文献   

The pollen wall of Canna generalis Bailey is exceptionally thick, but only a minor part of it contains detectable amounts of sporopollenin. The sporopollenin is in isolated spinules at the exine surface and in the intine near the plasma membrane. There is no sporopollenin in the > 10 μ thick channeled region between spinules and intine. We suggest that the entire pollen wall of C. generalis is similar to the thick intine and thin exine typical for germinal apertures in many pollen grain types. Considered functionally, the Canna pollen wall may offer an infinite number of sites for pollen tube initiation and would differ significantly from grains that are inaperturate in the sense of an exine lacking definite germinal apertures.  相似文献   

The pollen grains ofSesamothamnus lugardii Stapf (Pedaliaceae of subdesert regions of SE tropical Africa) are associated in acalymmate tetrads (cross wall cohesion), with a tectate and perforate exine and 8–12 colpi. The pollen wall consists of an ectexine with a complete, perforate and ample tectum, columellated infratectum and clearly interrupted and fragmented foot layer. The endexine is built of scanty lamellae and granules. The intine is bistratificate, with a homogeneous, fibrillate layer (endintine or intine-2) and a heterogeneous, more lax and channeled layer (exintine or intine-1). Test for glycoprotein is particularly positive in the homogeneous internal intine and channels of external intine. On the other hand acid phosphatase has been localized in the exine and channeled external intine layers. These observations confirm the general interpretation of the distribution of wall compounds.  相似文献   

This paper intends to elucidate the anther wall development, pollen wall development and exine substructure of Uraria crinita (L.) Desv. ex DC. (Fabaceae). The undifferentiated anther is ovoid-shaped and tetrasporangiated. The anther wall development is basic type, which is comprised of an epidermis, an endothecium layer, two middle layers and a tapetum. Anther-tapetum is glandular type and the cells are uniseriate and uninucleate. Pollen grains are tricolporate and 2-celled at the time of shedding. Before protectum development begins, a glycocalyx layer is inserted against the callose, and the plasma membrane is invaginated, exclusive of the future apertures. Subsequently, the probacula are elongate under the protectum and arise basally from the plasma membrane. The foot layer and endexine formation are concomitant with the callosic wall dissolution. The foot layer is thin and interrupted, but the endexine is thick and continuous. The intine is initially in the vacuoled stage. The substructure in the tectum, bacula and endexine is the same as a rod-shaped in side view. It composed of the loop like striate elements.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology and ultrastructure of Cycas micholitzii, C. simplicipinna, Cycandra profusa, Ceratozamia mexicana, and Ginkgo biloba are studied. Pollen germination is also studied in C. mexicana and G. biloba. Although dehydrated pollen grains appear monosulcate, the study of hydrated pollen shows that the aperture occupies nearly half of the pollen surface and represents a pore rather than a sulcus. In the Ginkgoales, the inaperturate ectexine is characterized by a thick solid tectum, infratectum of columella-like elements or large granules, and distinct foot layer. On the contrary, in the Cycadales, the ectexine consists of a thin tectum, alveolar infratectum, and poorly discernable foot layer. Members of the Ginkgoales have a distinct distal aperture, which is constituted by an intine, endexine, and thin ectexine. In the modern Cycadales, an ectexine is well developed throughout the pollen perimeter; in the supposed aperture region the ectexine is not reduced in thickness, although it is characterized by a thinner tectum and thinner walls of infratectal alveoli. In Cycandra profusa, no unequivocal aperture region has been found. Thickened regions were observed in the intine of both the Cycadales and Ginkgoales.  相似文献   

The germinability of newly released pollen of Epilobium angustifolium in liquid medium is low, but it is enhanced by a short period in an atmosphere of 85–95% RH without access to liquid water or solutes. During this period the thickened pectic layers of the intine at the germination apertures of the grains are eroded and prospective tube tips emerge. Concomitantly polarised movement of organelles begins in the vegetative cells, and wall precursor vesicles (P-particles) accumulate at the apertures. In pollen held continuously in the humid environment transition to cylindrical growth follows, with the establishment of the inverse-fountain pattern of circulation in the apical part of the tubes.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology and ultrastructure of 20 species, representing eight genera of the Magnoliaceae are described based on observations with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The family represents a homogeneous group from a pollen morphological point of view. The pollen grains are boat-shaped with a single elongate aperture on the distal face. The tectum is usually microperforate, rarely slightly or coarsely rugulose. Columellae are often irregular, but well-developed columellae do occur in some taxa. The endexine is distinct in 14 species, but difficult to discern in the genera Parakmeria, Kmeria and Tsoongiodendron. Within the aperture zone the exine elements are reduced to a thin foot layer. The intine has three layers with many vesicular-fibrillar components and tubular extensions in intine 1. The symmetry of the pollen grains, shape, type of aperture and ultrastructure of the intine show a remarkable uniformity in the family. Nevertheless there is variety in pollen size, ornamentation and the ultrastructure of the exine. The pollen of Magnoliaceae is an example of an early trend of specialization, and supports the view that Magnoliaceae are not one of the earliest lines in the phylogeny of flowering plants.  相似文献   

DULBERGER  R. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(4):421-431
The apertural wall in tricolpate pollen of Linum grandiflorumwas investigated in order to understand its functioning duringdesiccation and rchydration. Whole and sectioned pollen grainswere studied with light or electron microscopy and by cytochemicalmeans. The areas of the apertures were examined in fresh drypollen, in grains moistened on agar gel or removed from compatiblestigmas, and in pollen from mature undehisced anthers The intine was found to consist of an inner ß-glucanlayer and an outer pectic layer. At the apertures the pecticlayer is thickened and overlaid by a ß-glucan layer.The pectinaceous intine stains red with basic fuchsin. The presenceof a third wall layer, the medine, was not confirmed. The aperturalintine thickenings possess considerable imbibitional capacityand at rehydration they appear as swollen lenticular bodies A procedure is described for obtaining intact exine free grains(EFG's) and whole, separated exines of L. grandiflorum. Invariably,the released EFG's consisted of protoplasts encased in the cellulosicintine. In most grains the outer intine remained attached tothe separated exine In L. grandiflorum the outer wall of the aperture expands whilethe protoplast and endintine are still infolded. Apparently,the exintine becomes detached from the endintine during desiccationand re-attaches at rehydration. It is suggested that the transientdetachment controls the influx of water into the vegetativecell Except for morph-specific exine processes no differences instructure of the aperture wall or its functioning at rehydrationwere observed between pin and thrum grains Pollen wallM, apertures, exintine, exine free grains, rehydration, desiccation, Linum grandiflorum  相似文献   

Hydration and activation of the Parietaria judaica L. (Urticaceae) pollen result in ultrastructural modifications in the apertural region. The particularly distinct intine under the apertures forms convex onci that undergo short but significant and reversible changes during the 10 first minutes of pollen grain hydration and activation. Such changes seem to involve the rough endoplasmic reticulum and show that the oncus is a dynamic structure. This confirms the elasticity of the intine and shows a new pattern of activity in this structure during hydration and activation of pollen germination in vitro.  相似文献   

The Microfibrillar Component of the Pollen Intine Some Structural Features   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microfibrillar polysaccharide component of the pollen intinecan be isolated by progressive chemical digestion of the exineand the cellular contents and the extraction of the matrix materials.The resulting intine ‘ghosts’ reveal various characteristicstructural features. The microfibrils have apparent individualdiameters in the range of 5–15 nm, but they are commonlyassociated laterally to form ribbons, or aggregated in strandsor cables of dimensions great enough to be resolved with theoptical microscope. These often show preferred orientations,which can be associated with pollen grain shape and with thedisposition-of the germination apertures. The apertural intinemay be structurally complex, as in Abutilon hybridum, where,after the removal of the exine, the polysaccharide caps whichoverlie the protein storage sites of the pollen grain wall retainthe elaborate patterning of the original cytoplasmic evaginationsfrom the vegetative cell. Secale cereale, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Abutilon hybridum, Crocus vernus, pollen grain, intine, exine, wall pattern, germination apertures, polysaccharide microfibrils, fluorescence microscopy  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察了美乐多(Melodorum fruticosum)的花粉形态特征。美乐多花粉为球形或扁圆形的单粒花粉,外壁纹饰为微褶皱状,有点状凹陷,无任何萌发孔或萌发沟。花粉外壁由外壁外层包括覆盖层(连续)、覆盖下层、基足层(1~3层薄片层结构,偶断裂或扭曲至6~10层)和外壁内层(连续)组成。其中,覆盖下层,其厚度为整个花粉外壁厚度的1/2,为混合型结构,即小柱状和颗粒状同时存在,但以颗粒状为主。花粉内壁分为内壁外层和内壁内层,其厚度逐渐变薄。美乐多的花粉特征(单粒、无萌发孔或沟、覆盖层连续、基足层为薄片层结构、花粉外壁内层薄等)与紫玉盘族其他类群一致。  相似文献   

The pollen grains of Heliotropium europaeum are heterocolpate, with alternation of 3 colpori and 3 pseudocolpi. The exine is characterized by a scabrate and thick tectum, massive columellae with a granular appearance and a thick nexine. The thickening of the intine at the apertural level makes the interpretation of this zone difficult. The ontogenetic study helped to understand the ultrastructure of the exine and the apertures. The different steps are as follows. The primexine matrix is formed during the beginning of the tetrad stage; it consists of an outer thick and electron dense zone and an inner one, less dense to electrons. The tectum and the infratectum begin to form in the outer zone of the matrix, towards the middle of the tetrad stage. The infratectum consists of a network of columellae variable in thickness and oriented in different directions. The foot layer is lacking. The endexine is formed on a lamella system during the callose loss and microspore separation. The endexine becomes compact very early on its inner part. The apertures are initiated during the tetrad stage; a granulo-fibrillar oncus develops. At the free microspore stage, the oncus gets fibrillar and is bordered by endexine lamellae on its outer side and by endexine granulations on its inner one and laterally. The intine is set at the end of this stage. At the vacuolated microspore stage, the intine shows three layers: two thin, clear and homogeneous layers, one outside and the other inside, and a thick middle layer that forms the zwischenkörper, crossed by trabecula, in the apertural areas.  相似文献   

Summary The emission of proteins from the pollen wall of Linum grandiflorum stained with Coomassie blue was followed directly in moistened grains as well as in pollen prints. Within the first minute of the grain being moistened exine-borne proteins emerged from both inter-apertural and apertural sites; subsequently, proteins of a different nature were discharged from the apertures only. In a fraction of the grains the release of intine proteins was not preceded by that of exine proteins. Pin and thrum pollen did not differ in terms of mode or site of this protein emission. The presence and emergence of exine proteins from the apertures is explained by the process of infolding of the colpal wall at desiccation and its expansion at rehydration, which causes an initial trapping and subsequent re-exposure of surface materials. This explanation may also account for the occurrence of poral sporophytic proteins in the pollens of many dictoyledons.  相似文献   

云南松花粉形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Fr.)小孢子发生发育过程中,花粉母细胞、四分孢子及花粉粒均见有粘连现象。花粉气囊的形态、大小变化复杂多样。除一般具两个正常气囊的花粉粒外,还观察到气囊不发育、具一个气囊、二个异形气囊、三个气囊和四个气囊的花粉粒。成熟花粉壁从外至内可分为外壁外层、外壁内层、内壁外层和内壁内层,它们的构成成分及形态均有明显差别。贮存后花粉的内壁结构发生了明显变化。  相似文献   

Martina Weber 《Protoplasma》1988,146(2-3):65-71
Summary The metabolism of P-particles (polysaccharide particles) was investigated in mature pollen grains ofEryngium campestre L. Numerous P-particles, originating from dictyosome activity, are found to be accumulated near the apertures, followed by mitochondria. A single layer of ER profiles seems to prevent the fusion of the P-particles with the intine. Instead of this, they fuse with each other forming nonmembrane-bounded polysaccharide-aggregates, which subsequently change their granulated structure to an amorphous. Mitochondria together with small vesicles are involved in the conversion-process. The so formed wall precursors pass through the ER and fuse into the intine.  相似文献   

F. B. Sampson 《Grana》2013,52(5):257-265
Pollen morphology and ultrastructure of Laurelia novae-zelandiae A. Cunn., L. sempervirens (Ruiz et Pavón) Tulasne, Laureliopsis-philippiana (Looser) Schodde and Dryadodaphne trachyphloia Schodde are described. Laurelia, Laureliopsis and Dryadodaphne have medium-sized, isopolar, globose to globose-ellipsoidal pollen which is either dicolpate (Dryadodaphne, rarely in Laureliopsis) or meridionosulcate, with a median encircling aperture with two wider parts centered at the poles (Laurelia, most pollen of Laureliopsis). Exine is tectate-columellate with an uneven foot layer showing irregular discontinuities. A few tangentially-aligned lamellae show some resemblance to an endexine and in some sections there appears to be an intergradation between these lamellae and small tangentially flattened foot layer parts. The intine consists of an outer channelled zone, with radial (Laurelia sempervirens) or tangential (Dryadodaphne) alignment of channels and an inner intine of homogeneous appearance. The outer intine is thicker in apertural regions and the inner intine is thicker within the apertures of Laureliopsis and Dryadodaphne. The pollen grains of 6 of the 7 genera of Atherospermataceae are compared in tabular form. Although pollen grains show links with other Monimiaceae (sensu lato), it is sufficiently distinct to support the existence of the Atherospermataceae as a separate family. It is acknowledged that, on other grounds, a good case can be made for retention of the group as a subfamily within the Monimiaceae.  相似文献   

Production and scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in somatic plant cells is developmentally regulated and plays an important role in the modification of cell wall mechanical properties. Here we show that H2O2 and the hydroxyl radical (?OH) can regulate germination of tobacco pollen by modifying the mechanical properties of the pollen intine (inner layer of the pollen wall). Pollen germination was affected by addition of exogenous H2O2, ?OH, and by antioxidants scavenging endogenous ROS: superoxide dismutase, superoxide dismutase/catalase mimic Mn‐5,10,15,20‐tetrakis(1‐methyl‐4‐pyridyl)21H, 23H‐porphin, or a spin‐trap α‐(4‐pyridyl‐1‐oxide)‐Ntert‐butylnitrone, which eliminates ?OH. The inhibiting concentrations of exogenous H2O2 and ?OH did not decrease pollen viability, but influenced the mechanical properties of the wall. The latter were estimated by studying the resistance of pollen to hypo‐osmotic shock. ?OH caused excess loosening of the intine all over the surface of the pollen grain, disrupting polar growth induction. In contrast, H2O2, as well as partial removal of endogenous ?OH, over‐tightened the wall, impeding pollen tube emergence. Feruloyl esterase (FAE) was used as a tool to examine whether H2O2‐inducible inter‐polymer cross‐linking is involved in the intine tightening. FAE treatment caused loosening of the intine and stimulated pollen germination and pollen tube growth, revealing ferulate cross‐links in the intine. Taken together, the data suggest that pollen intine properties can be regulated differentially by ROS. ?OH is involved in local loosening of the intine in the germination pore region, while H2O2 is necessary for intine strengthening in the rest of the wall through oxidative coupling of feruloyl polysaccharides.  相似文献   

As part of an extensive study of pollen of Euphorbiaceae that combines transmission electron microscopy with scanning electron microscopy, distinctive exines are reported and documented for certain Acalyphoideae. Cheilosa and Neoscortechinia, which comprise the tribe Cheiloseae, are the only Acalyphoideae with an echinate tectum, but their apertures and exine structure do not support a relationship to Oldfieldioideae. In Ditaxis, one of the three mesocolpia is much smaller than the other two and the pollen can be easily distinguished from all other Euphorbiaceae. In SEM, the tectum of Pycnocoma appears almost complete, but in TEM the exine consists of irregular, mostly discrete tectal elements that narrow to points (=columellae) at the interface with the threadlike footlayer. The operculate grains of Alchornea and Boquillonia have exines with a poorly differentiated double layer of columellae in the mesocolpium, but nearer the endoaperture the lower tier becomes greatly elongated and appears to rest directly on the endexine. Plukenetia polyadenia has a complete tectum and a thick exine with a predominant infratectum of large, occasionally branched columellae that nearer the tectum are combined with densely spaced granules. Plukenetia penninervia has a reticulate tectum of crenate muri and short, sparse columellae. The pollen diversity in Acalyphoideae suggests that the subfamily, many tribes and even genera may not be monophyletic.  相似文献   

Karin Martinsson 《Grana》2013,52(4-5):198-209
The pollen morphology of the six Swedish Callitriche L. species was investigated using LM, SEM and TEM. The surface ornamentation is reticulate in C. stagnalis, C. platycarpa, C. cophocarpa and C. palustris with supratectal elements in the first three species. The ectexine is reduced in C. hamulata, occurring as scattered granules, but completely absent in C. hermaphroditica. None of the species has distinct apertures but C. cophocarpa and C. platycarpa both have leptomata. The ultrastructure of the pollen wall in C. palustris shows regions with lamellated footlayer and an endexine which may function as apertures. Pollen morphology is found to be related to pollination biology; species with leptomata sometimes being pollinated through ephydrophily and species with reduced exine being hyphydrophilous.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 27 species, eight subspecies and one variety of Wendlandia was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Wendlandia pollen are monads, radiosymmetric, small in size, tricolporate (rarely tetracolporate or bicolporate) and spheroidal (rarely subprolate or suboblate) in equatorial view. The compound aperture consists of ectocolpus, mesoporus and endocolpus. In addition, reticulate sexine and granular nexine were observed. The pollen wall ultrastructure of two Wendlandia spp. was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The exine consists of the tectum, columellae, foot layer and endexine. The endexine is thickened into a costa around the aperture. The intine forms a protruding oncus at the aperture. The palynological characters show a remarkable uniformity among the Wendlandia spp. Differences with Rondeletia, the main genus of tribe Rondeletieae, exist in the exine pattern, the endoaperture and the pollen wall structure. Our observations indicated that the endoaperture type and the structure of the pollen wall of Wendlandia were similar to those of the Gardenieae–Pavetteae–Coffeeae–Octotropideae clade, which provided palynological evidence for a closer relationship of Wendlandia to subfamily Ixoroideae and the transfer of Wendlandia out of Rondeletieae. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 128–141.  相似文献   

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