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《The New phytologist》1974,73(1):259-261
Book reviewed in this article:
The Cell Cycle in Development and Differentiation . Ed. by M. B alls and F. S. B illett .
Lehrbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie . By E ike L ibbert .
Flora Aegaea. By K. H. fil. RECHINGER.
Evolution in Plants. Ed. by G. VIDA.
Past and Present Vegetation in the Isle of Skye. A Palaeoecological Study. By H. J. B. BIRKS.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Gilbert Site: A Norteño Focus Site in Northeastern Texas. E dward B. J elks
Excavations at Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir. W illiam M. S orrow , H arry J. S hafer , and R ichard E. R oss .  相似文献   

We have previously described three different cytochalasin B binding sites in human erythrocyte membranes, a D-glucose-sensitive site (Site I), a cytochalasin E-sensitive site (Site II), and a site (Site III) insensitive to both D-glucose and cytochalasin E. Ligand bindings to each of these sites were considered to be independent (Jung, C., and Rampal, A. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 5456-5463). However, we have obtained subsequently the following evidence which indicated that an interaction occurs between Sites II and III, and this modulates sensitivity of Site III to the sugar. The displacement of cytochalasin E greatly exceeds the sum of their independent displacements. This ghosts extracted with EDTA or 2,3-dimethylmaleic anhydride at low ionic strength lack Site II activity but retain Site I and III activities, and both of these activities are displaceable by D-glucose alone. This indicated that the removal of Site II from the membrane confers glucose sensitivity to Site III. These observations are consistent with a model that Sites II and III in the membrane exist in a close association through which unliganded Site II maintains the glucose insensitivity of Site III, and once site II is liganded or removed by extraction this association is disrupted and Site III becomes glucose-sensitive. The ghosts extracted with Triton X-100 retain a cytochalasin B binding activity similar to that of site II (Kd = 1.8 X 10(-7) M, cytochalasin E-sensitive, glucose-insensitive), whereas a binding activity similar to that of Site I (Kd = 4 X 10(-7) M, cytochalasin E-insensitive, glucose-sensitive) is recovered in the Triton extract. A cytochalasin B binding activity similar to that of Site II is solubilized by EDTA at low ionic strength.  相似文献   

Conn, H. J. Biological Stains. 7th ed., 355 pages, 27 figures, 9 × 6 inches, hard covers. The Williams &;: Wilkins Company, Baltimore 2, Maryland. $9.00. 1961.

Electron Microscopy Reimer, L., and GADACZ, H. Zur Schichtdickenkontrolle bei der elektronenmikroskopischen Schrägbeschattungsmethode. Z. wiss. Mikr., 65, 105-17. 1961.

Dyes and Their Biological Uses Macconaill, M. A., and GURR, E. The faviolic acid group of stains in histology. Irish J. Med. Sci., 1962, 1-12. 1962.

Animal Microtechnic Berres, H. H. Zur Darstellung peripherer Nervenfasem in der Haut. Z. wiss. Mikr., 65, 63-9. 1961.

Elias H., Henning A., and ELIAS P. M. Contributions to the geometry of sectioning. V. Some methods for the study of kidney structure. Z. wiss. Mikr., 65, 70-82. 1961.

Ewen, A. B. An improved aldehyde-fuchsin staining technique for neurosecretary products in insects. Tr. Amer. Micr. Soc, 81, 94-6. 1962.

Movat, Henry Z., STEINER, JAN W., and HUHN, DIETER. The fine structure of the glomerulus in acute glomerulonephritis. Lab. Investig., 11, 117-35. 1962.

Shaver, Evelyn L. The chromosomes of the opossum, Didelphis virginiana. Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. 4, 62-8. 1962.

Microorganisms Laird, Marshall. Trichodinids and other parasitic protozoa from the intertidal zone at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. Canad. J. Zool., 39, 833-44. 1961.

Histochemistry Burstone, M. S. New histochemical techniques for the demonstration of tissue oxidase (cytochrome oxidase). I. Hisiochem. Cytochem., 7, 112-22. 1959.

Glenner, G. G., and LILLIE, R. D. Observations on the diazotization-coupling reaction for the histochemical demonstration of tyrosine: metal chelation and formazan variants. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 7, 416-22. 1959.

Hess, R., and Pearse, A. G. E. Histochemical demonstration of uridine diphosphate glucose dehydrogenase. Experientia, 15, 317-8. 1961.

LOVE, R., and LILES, R. H. Differentiation of nucleoproteins by inactivation of protein-bound amino groups and staining with toluidine blue and ammonium molybdate. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 7, 164-81. 1959.

Zimmerman, H., and Pearse, A. G. E. Limitations in the histochemical demonstration of pyridine nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases (“nothing dehydrogenase”). J. Histochem. Cytochem. 7, 271-5. 1959.  相似文献   


Klinkowski, M.; Mühle, E.; Reinmuth, E.; Bochow, H.; Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz 2. Auflage, 820 S., 1. Band, 231 Abb., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1973. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Israilskij, V. P. (Ed.): Rukovodstvo dlja izu?enia bakterialnych boleznei rastenij 3. Aufl. 343 S., 12 Abb., 12 Tab. Moskau: Kolos 1968. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Vrånceanu, A. V.: Floarea-Soarelui 322 S., 80 Abb. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste, Romania 1974. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Birger, M. O.: Spravo?nik po mikrobiologiěeskim i virusologiěeskim metodam issledovanija. 2. Aufl. 456 S., 6 Abb., 82 Tab. Moskau: Medizin 1973. Reviewed by W. Ficke.

Verderevskaja, T.D.; Lemanova, N.B.; Abramenko, N. M. (Herausgeber): Virusnye bolesni plodovo-jagodnych kultur i vinograda v Moldavii. Band I, 180 S., 9 Abb., Ki?inev: Kartja moldovenjaské 1973. Reviewed by H. Kegler.

Verderevskaja, T. D.; Lemanova, N. B.; Abramenko, N. M. (Herausgeber): Virusnye bolezni plodovo-jagodnych kultur i vinograda v Moldavii. Band II, 144 S., 7 Abb. Ki?inev: Kartja moldovenjaské 1973. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Wyniger, R.: Insektenzucht. 368 S., 497 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer 1974. Reviewed by W. Lehmann.

Buchanan, R.E.; Gibbons, N. E. (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 8. Aufl., 1268 S., zahlr. Abb. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins 1975. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.  相似文献   


DAVENPORT, HAROLD A. Histological and Histochemical Technics. 401 pages, 5 tables, 27 figures. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pa. $7.00. 1960.

EMIG, WILLIAM H. Microtechnique; Text and Laboratory Exercises. 96 pages, 8 tables. 7 figures. 10 × 7 inches, linolok binding. William H. Emig. 2621 E. Wilamette Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado. $3.00. 1959.

LIEFSON, EINAR. Atlas of Bacterial Flagellation. 171 pages. 14 tables. 69 figures (many of which contain 10-20 separate illustrations). 9 × 6 inches. Academic Press Inc., Ill Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y. $7.00. 1960.

PEARSE, A. G. E. Histochemistry, Theoretical and Applied. 998 pages, 10 colored plates, 254 black and white illustrations, 53 tables. 9 1/4 × 6 1/4. Little, Brown and Company, Boston. $20.00. 1960.

STECHER, PAUL G.; FINKEL, M. J., SIEGMUND, O. H., and SZAFRANSKI, B. M. The Merck Index of Chemicals and Drugs, 7th Ed. 1641 pages, 10 × 7 1/2 inches. Publications Department of Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, N. J. $12.00. 1960.

MICROSCOPE AND OTHER APPARATUS TISCHENDORF, FRIEDRICH. Vitalmikroskopie und terminale Strombahn. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der “transparent chamber”-und “quartz rod illumination”-Methode. Zschr. wiss. Mikr., 64, 336-55. 1960.

ANIMAL MICROTECHNIC BARGEN, G. v. and WESSING, A. Lebendbeobachtungen an in vitro kultivierten Fischzellen. Zschr. wiss. Mikr., 64, 356-61. 1960.

HISTOCHEMISTRY ADAMS, C. W. M., and DAVIDSON, A. N. The histochemical identification of myelin phosphoglycerides by their ferric hydroxamates. J. Neurochem., 3, 347-51. 1959.

DE ALMEIDA, D. F., and PEARSE, A. G. E. Comparative histochemistry of lipids in relation to myelination in rabbit brain. J. Neurochem. 3, 132-8. 1959.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
《American anthropologist》1952,54(2):264-274
The Systems of Land Tenure in the Kikuyu Land Unit . H. E. L ambert
Hawaiian Antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii ). D avid M alo
Navaho Means People . L eonard M c C ombe , E von Z. V ogt , and C lyde K luckhohn
Paradox and Nirvana . R obert L awson S later
The North American Buffalo. A Critical Study of the Species in Its Wild State . F rank G ilbert R oe
The Wulfing Plates: Products of Prehistoric Americans . V irginia D rew W atson
The Medora Site. West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana . G eorge I. Q uimby
The Crable Site, Fulton County, Illinois. A Late Prehistoric Site in the Central Illinois Valley . H ale G illiam S mith
Archaeology of the Columbia-Fraser Region . M arian W. S mith
Cattle Point: A Stratified Site in the Southern Northwest Coast Region . A rden R. K ing
Hyperbrachycephaly as Influenced by Cultural Conditioning . J. F ranklin E wing
Surgery of the Shoulder . A. F. D e P alma
The Mark of Oppression, A Psychological Study of the American Negro . A bram K ardiner and L ionel O vesey
Race Relations: The Interaction of Ethnic Groups . B rewton B erry
The Sociology of Georg Simmel . Translated, edited, and with an introduction by K urt H. W olff
Social Behavior and Personality: Contributions of W. I. Thomas to Theory and Social Research . Edited by E dmund H. V olkart
Handbook of Latin American Studies : 1948, No. 14. F rancisco A guilera , ed
Area Studies in American Universities . W endell C. B ennett  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

CONN, H. J., DARROW, MARY A., and EMMEL, VICTOR M. Staining Procedures, 2nd Ed. 289 pages, 9 × 6 inches, perforated; spiral plastic binding, with cardbooard covers. The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore 2, Maryland. $5.00. 1960.

GURR, EDWARD. Encyclopaedia of Microscopic Stains. 498 pages, 10 × 6 inches. The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore 2, Maryland, exclusive U. S. agents. $18.50. 1960.

ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AMELUNXEN, F., and THEMANN, H. Zur Fixation mit Kaliumpermanganat. Mikroscopie, 14, 276-83. 1960.

PHOTOMICROGRAPHY MIGNANI, G., MARCHETTI, P. G., and HUSSL, B. Die Anwendung der mikroradiographischen Technik zum Studium des Knochengewebes. Mikroskopie, 14, 131-43. 1959.

DYES AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL USES KAUFMAN, L., and WEAVER, R. H. Use of neutral red fluorescence for the identification of colonies of Clostridia. J. Bact., 79, 292-4. 1960.

ANIMAL MICROTECHNIC LOUIS, C. J., and WHITE, J. Fluorescein-globulin staining of cells in tissue cultures. Lab. Invest., 9, 273-82. 1960.

McFARLANE, J. E., and KENNARD, C. P. Further observations on water absorption by the eggs of Acheta domesticus (L). Canad. J. Zool., 38, 77-85. 1960.

PROVENZA, D. V., and CHENG, T. C. A simplified parlodion method for sectioning teeth; with notes on the decalcification of teeth. Trans. Am. Micr. Soc., 79, 103-4. 1960.

PLANT MICROTECHNIC DEVIDÉ, Z., and WRISCHER, M., Versuche über gasblasenfreie Plexiglas Einbettung von pflanzlichen Objecten für Ultramikrotomie. Mikroskopie, 14, 337-42. 1960.

MICROORGANISMS BORZANI, W. Measurement of gram-positiveness. J. Bact., 79, 431-3. 1960.

DEIBEL, R. H., and EVANS, J. B. Modified benzidine test for the detection of cytochrome-containing respiratory systems in microorganisms. J. Bact., 79, 356-60. 1960.

SAHAB, K. Method for demonstrating capsules of enterobacteriaceae. J. Bact., 79, 198-202. 1960.

WEIBULL, C. Counting procedures for phase contrast microscopy. J. Bact., 79, 155. 1960.

HISTOCHEMISTRY BAKER, J. R. II, HEW, H., and FISHMAN, W. H. The use of chloral hydrate formaldehyde fixative solution in enzyme histochemistry. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 244-50. 1958.

FISCHER, R., and ZALESCHUK, J. A semi-micro method for the determination of crystal violet sorbed to biological material. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 237-43. 1958.

TAKEUCHI, T. Histochemical demonstration of branching enzyme (amylo-1,4 £ 1,6-transglucosidase), in animal tissues. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 208-16. 1958.

ZUGIBE, F. T., KOPACZYK, K. C., CAPE, W. E., and LAST, J. H. A new Carbowax method for routinely performing lipid, hematoxylin and eosin and elastic staining techniques on adjacent freeze-dried or formalin-fixed sections. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 133-8. 1958.  相似文献   


Horsfall, J. G. (Ed.): Annual Review of Phytopathology. Vol. 4. VII + 423 S. Palo Alto, 1966: Annual Reviews, Inc. Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Gregory, P. H. und Monteith, J. L. (Ed.): Airborne microbes. Seventeenth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology held at the Imperial College, London April 1967. XII + 385 S., mit Abb. u. Tab. London, 1967: Cambridge University Press, Leinenrücken, 75 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Raper, J. R.: Genetics of sexuality in higher fungi. VIII + 283 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., New York, 1966: The Ronald Press Company, Leinen, 12,00 $. Reviewed by M. Schmiedeknecht.

Albrecht, F. O.: Polymorphisme phasaire et biologie des acridiens migrateurs. X + 194 S., 52 Abb. Paris, 1967: Masson et Cie, Éditeurs, karton., 50 F. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Wigglesworth, V. B.: Insect physiology. VII + 134 S., 12 Abb., London, 1966: Methuen &; Co Ltd., brosch., 10 s 6 d. Reviewed by G. Schäller.

Machlis, L. (Ed.): Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Vol. 18. VIII + 480 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Palo Alto, Ca., 1967: Annual Reviews, Inc., Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Newton, B. A. und Reynolds, P. E. (Ed.): Biochemical studie of antimicrobial drugs. (Sixteenth symposium of the Society for General Microbiology held at the Royal Institution, London, April 1966). X + 349 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., London, 1966: Cambridge University Press, Halbleinen, 60 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Pilet, P.-É.: La cellule, structure et fonctions. 406 S., 310 Abb.; 32 ganzs. Abb., Paris 1966: Schwarz-Weiß-Tafeln. Masson et Cie, Editeurs, brosch. 38 F. Reviewed by K. Schmelzer.

Ciba (Ed.): Dimecron 257 S. Basle, Switzerland, 1967: P.O. Box — CIBA — Kunststoff Reviewed by Horst Beitz.

Bellamy, L. J.: Ultrarot-Spektrum und chemische Konstitution. 2. Auflage, 325 S., 11 Abb., 23 Tab. Darmstadt, 1966: Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, kart., 28,— DM Reviewed by Volker Müller.

Bahr, G. F.; Zeitler, E. H. (Ed.): Quantitative electron microscopy. 1965, VIII + 605 (1340) S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Leinen, 16,00 $, Baltimore (Md.), The Williams &; Wilkins Company. Reviewed by H. B. Schmidt.  相似文献   

Recombinant GABAA (gamma-aminobutyrate-Type A) receptors that are sensitive to benzodiazepine receptor ligands can be generated by coexpression of alpha-, beta-, and gamma 2-subunit cDNAs (Pritchett, D. B., Sontheimer, H., Shivers, B. D., Ymer S., Kettenmann, H., Schofield, P. R., and Seeburg, P. H. (1989) Nature 338, 582-585; Pritchett, D. B., Lüddens, H., and Seeburg, P. H. (1989) Science 245, 1389-1392; Malherbe, P., Sigel, E., Baur, R., Perssohn, E., Richards, J. G., and Mohler, H. (1990) J. Neurosci. 10, 2330-2337). However, in brain tissue, only alpha- and beta-subunit proteins have so far been detected. To identify the size and distribution of the gamma 2-subunit protein in brain tissue, polyclonal antibodies were prepared against two synthetic peptides corresponding to amino acids 1-15 and 336-350 of the cDNA-derived rat gamma 2-subunit sequence. On Western blots, both anti-gamma 2-subunit antisera selectively labeled a 43-kDa protein. gamma 2-Subunit immunoreactivity was detected immunohistochemically in various brain regions, e.g. in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, islands of Calleja, hippocampus, substantia nigra, and cerebellum. Immunoprecipitation with both antisera identified the gamma 2-subunit immunoreactivity in 40 and 50% of the native GABAA receptors purified from bovine and rat brains, respectively. Monoclonal antibody bd24 selectively recognizes the alpha 1-subunit, whereas bd17 recognizes both the beta 2- and beta 3-subunits (Ewert, M., Shivers, B. D., Lüddens, H., Mohler, H., and Seeburg, P. H. (1990) J. Cell Biol. 110, 2043-2048). Since either of these monoclonal antibodies (bd17 and bd24) precipitated approximately 90% of the GABAA receptors, the gamma 2-subunit is frequently associated with the alpha 1-subunit and the beta 2- and/or beta 3-subunit in vivo.  相似文献   


Roder, W.; Feyerabend, G.; Rogoll, H.: Landwirtschaftlicher Pflanzenschutz. 560 S., 217 Abb. Berlin: VEB Dt. Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1975. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Libbert, E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der allgemeinen Biologie. 1. Aufl. 474 S., 179 Abb., 12 Tab. Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by J. Richter.

Kllinkowski, M.; Mühle, E.; Reinmuth, E.; Bochow, H.: Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarbeitete u. erweiterte Aufl. 3. Bd. 914 S., 523 Abb. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Börner, H.: Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarb. Aufl., 419 S., 74 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer, 1975. Reviewed by W. Lehmann.  相似文献   

Class Work with Fungi. H. A. DADE and JEAN GUNNELL. Pp. 64. London: Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew. 1969. 10s. Review by B. M. Jones

The Insects: Structure and Function. R. F. CHAPMAN. Pp. xiii + 819 + 509 figs. London: The English Universities Press Ltd., 1969. £4.25. Review by T. G. Onions

An Introduction to the Principles of Plant Physiology. WALTER STILES and E. C. COCKING. Pp. 633. London: Methuen &; Co., Ltd. Third edition, 1969. 168s. Review by B. M. Jones

Background Notes to the Study of Human Biology for Nurses. T. ROBERTS. Pp. 80. London: Edward Arnold. Semistiff Back, 10s. (50p.). Review by J. H. Elliott  相似文献   


The Breeden Site cultural sequence reenforcesthe general culture history already established for the Bad-Cheyenne Region and the more inclusive Middle Missouri Tradition. House remains and the bulk of the ceramic materials from the site indicate habitation of the area by peoples of the Initial Middle Missouri Variant and the PostContact Coalescent Variant.Component A at the Breeden Site and the Monroe and Anderson components at the Dodd Site exhibit a complex of diagnosticcultural traits significant enough to define a new phase - the Anderson Phase. A temporal span of approximately A.D. 950to 1250 is suggested for the phase. Component B of the Breeden Site, an early manifestation of the Post-Contract Coalescent Variant, is closely associated with components of the Felicia Phase and the putative Talking Crow Phase. Breeden Component B probably represents an upriver movement of Coalescent peoples from the Big Bend area, eventually being assimilated into the Arikara populations of the Bad River Phase within the Bad-Cheyenne Region.  相似文献   

Ca transients measured in failing human ventricular myocytes exhibit reduced amplitude and slowed relaxation [Beuckelmann, D.J., Nabauer, M., Erdmann, E., 1992. Intracellular calcium handling in isolated ventricular myocytes from patients with terminal heart failure. Circulation 85, 1046-1055; Gwathmey, J.K., Copelas, L., MacKinnon, R., Schoen, F.J., Feldman, M.D., Grossman, W., Morgan, J.P., 1987. Abnormal intracellular calcium handling in myocardium from patients with end-stage heart failure. Circ. Res. 61, 70-76; Kaab, S., Nuss, H. B., Chiamvimonvat, N., O'Rourke, B., Pak, P.H., Kass, D.A., Marban, E., Tomaselli, G.F., 1996. Ionic mechanism of action potential prolongation in ventricular myocytes from dogs with pacing-induced heart failure. Circ. Res. 78(2); Li, H.G., Jones, D.L., Yee, R., Klein, G.J., 1992. Electrophysiologic substrate associated with pacing-induced hert failure in dogs: potential value of programmed stimulation in predicting sudden death. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 19(2), 444-449; Vermeulen, J.T., McGuire, M.A., Opthof, T., Colonel, R., Bakker, J.M.T.d., Klopping, C., Janse, M.J., 1994. Triggered activity and automaticity in ventricular trabeculae of failing human and rabbit hearts. Cardiovasc. Res. 28, 1547-1554.] and blunted frequency dependence [Davies, C.H., Davia, K., Bennett, J.G., Pepper, J.R., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Harding, S.E., 1995. Reduced contraction and altered frequency response of isolated ventricular myocytes from patients with heart failure. Circulation, 92, 2540-2549; Hasenfuss, G., Reinecke, H., Studer, R., Meyer, M., Pieske, B., Holtz, J., Holubarsch, C., Posival, H., Just, H., Drexler, H., 1994. Relation between myocardial function and expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase in failing and nonfailing human myocardium. Circ. Res. 75, 434-442; Hasenfuss, G., Reinecke, H., Studer, R., Pieske, B., Meyer, M., Drexler, H., Just, H., 1996. Calcium cycling proteins and force-frequency relationships in heart failure. Basic Res. Cardiol. 91, 17-22; Monte, F.D., O'Gara, P., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Yacoub, M., Harding, S.E., 1995. Cell geometry and contractile abnormalities of myocytes from failing human left ventricle. Cardiovasc. Res. 30, 281-290; Philips, P.J., Gwathmey, J.K., Feldman, M.D., Schoen, F.J., Grossman, W., Morgan, J.P., 1990. Post-extrasystolic potentiation and the force-frequency relationships: differential augmentation of myocardial contractility in working myocardium from patients with end-stage heart failure. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 22, 99-110; Pieske, B., Hasenfuss, G., Holubarsch, C., Schwinger, R., Bohm, M., Just, H., 1992. Alterations of the force-frequency relationship in the failing human heart depend on the underlying cardiac disease. Basic Res. Cardiol. 87, 213-221.]. Analyses of protein levels in these failing hearts reveal that the SR Ca-ATPase is down-regulated on average by 50% and that the Na/Ca exchanger is up-regulated on average by a factor of two. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that this altered pattern of expression of Ca handling proteins is sufficient to account for changes in excitation-contraction coupling properties measured experimentally at the cellular level. To do this, we present an integrated model of excitation-contraction coupling in the guinea pig ventricular cell. The model is used to determine the effects of SR Ca-ATPase down-regulation and Na/Ca exchanger up-regulation on action potential duration, Ca transient shape and amplitude, and isometric force. Model analyses demonstrate that changes in Ca handling proteins play a direct and critical role in prolongation of action potential duration, and in reduction of contractile force in heart failure.  相似文献   


Handbuch der Tierernährung Band 2: Leistungen und Ernährung — Herausgegeben von W. Lenkeit und K. Breirem. Erschienen im Verlag Paul Parey Hamburg und Berlin (West) 1972. 784 Seiten mit 96 Abbildungen und 341 Tabellen, Ganzleinen, Format 10,4 × 24,8 cm. Preis: DM 324,— (bei gleichzeitiger Abnahme von Band 1 und Band 2 Vorzugspreis: 560,—DM statt 592,—DM). Reviewed by H. Bergner.

Schiemann, R., Hoffmann, L., Platikanov, N., Cesmedziev, B., Zlatarev, G., Kanev, M., Pana'otov, P., Palamaru, E., Sirbu, M., Constantinescu, E., Berbeci, C., Jentsch, W., Wittenburg, H., Dmitrocenko, A. P., Sandev, S., Dardzonov, T., Nehring, K., Skulmowski, J., Hoffmann, B., Zwierz. P., Szentmihalyi, A., Tascenco, V.: Das Problem der Futterbewertung und der Futterwertmessung (XI). Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu Berlin, Band XIX, Heft 4 1970, 122 Seiten mit 2 Abbildungen, Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1972, Preis: 8.— M. Reviewed by A.Päschner.

F. Ender, I. W. Dishington, R. Madsen and A. Helgebostad: Irondeficiency anemia in mink, fed raw marine fish-A five year study (Eisenmangelanämie beim Nerz nach Verfütterung von rohen Meeresfischen). Heft 2 der, ?Fortschritte in der Tierphysiologie und Tierernährung — Advances in Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition“ (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Tierphysiologie, Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde — Supplements to Journal of Animal Physiology, Animal Nutrition and the Science of Feedingstuffs) — Erschienen im Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Westberlin, 48 Seiten mit 7 Abbildungen und 28 Tabellen, Text in Englisch, Gr. 8[ddot], kartoniert, Preis: 26,—DM (für Bezieher der Zeitschrift: 23,40 DM). Reviewed by A.Päschner.  相似文献   


Seed to Civilization/The Story of Man's Food by Charles B. Heiser, Jr., W. H. Freeman and Co., 660 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94104, 1973, 243pp., references and index, $7.50. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

A Guide to the National Parks/Their Landscape and Geology by William H. Matthews III, Doubleday/Natural History Press, Garden City, New York, 1973, 529pp., selected readings, glossary and index, $5.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

Wandering Lands and Animals by Edwin H. Colbert, E. P. Dutton, 201 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003, 1973, 32pp., bibliography, glossary and index, $12.50. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

Astronomy in Color by Peter Lancester Brown, The MacMillan Co., 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022, 1972, 265pp., appendices, glossary and index, $4.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

The Facts of Flight by Jerry Grey, a Franklin Institute book, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Penn., 1973, 135pp., glossary and index. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden

Zoos are News/Conservation or Extinction? by Cyril Bracegirdle, Abelard-Schuman Ltd., 257 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10010, 1973, 176pp., index, $5.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(27):7-13

Excavation of the Mangus Site (24CB22l) in Bighorn Canyon, Montana revealed a stratum containing artifacts of the Agate Basin Complex. This occupation was dated by radiocarbon at 6740 B. C. and 6650 B. C. The Sorenson Site (24CB202) contained two early cultural levels, one of unknown cultural affiliation datedat 5850 B. C. and 5610 B. C. overlying a second unidentified occupation. Future investigations in Bighorn Canyon may produce artifacts allowing identification of these two occupations.  相似文献   


Hahn, E.: Chemische Pflanzenschutzmittel. 2. neubearb. Auflage, 300 S., zahlreiche Abbildungen, Berlin 1970: VEB Dt. Landwirtschafts-Verlag. Reviewed by H.-H. Schmidt.

Ahrens, G.: Die Giftprüfung. Leitfaden zum Ablegen der Prüfung im Umgang mit Giften. 9. neubearbeitete Aufl., 214 S., Leipzig 1971: Johann Ambrosius Barth. Reviewed by H. Reifenstein.

Schuster G.: Virus und Viruskrankheiten. 3., erw. Auflage, 295 S., 152 Abb., Wittenberg 1972: A. Ziemsen Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Fritsche, R.; Karl, E.; Lehmann, W.; Proeseler, G.: Tierische Vektoren pflanzenpathogener Viren. 1. Auflage 521 S., 88 Abb., 27 Tab., 27 Taf., Jena 1972: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Arlt, K.; Feyerabend, G.: Herbizide und Kulturpflanzen. 1. Aufl., 1. Bd., 170 S., 38 Abb., Berlin 1972: Akademie-Verlag. Reviewed by K. Schuhmann.

Popkova, K. W.: Fitoflora kartofelja. 1. Aufl., 176 S., 9 Abb., Moskau 1972: Kolos. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Liv?ig, I. Z.; Mitrofanov, V. I.: Kle??i roda Bryobia C. L. Koch, 1S36 (Acariformes, Bryobiidae). Bd. 51, 60 Abb., Jalta 1971. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Kirjanova, E. S.; Krall, E.: Paraziticeskie Nematody Rastenij i mery bor'ba s nimi. 1. Aufl., Band I und II, 447 S. (Bd. I); 522 S. (Bd. II); 357 Abb. (Bd. I); 491 Abb. (Bd. II), Leningrad 1969 (Bd. I), 1971 (Bd. II): Nauka. Reviewed by H. Decker.

Jermoljev, E. H.; Pozděna, J.: Serologie rostlinných patogenu. 261 S., 65 Abb., Praha 1972: Academia. Reviewed by L. Albrechtová.

Brcák, J.: Vztahy rostlinných viru k prenasecum. 318 S., 50 Abb., Praha 1971: Academia. Reviewed by J. Chod.

Kiraly, Z.; Szalay-Marzsó, L. (Editor): Biochemical and Ecological Aspects of Plant-Parasite Relations 1. Auflage, 1. Band. 425 S. Budapest 1971 Akademiaè Kiadó. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Horváth, J.: Növényvfrusok, vektorok, virusátvitel. 514 S., 89 Abb., 61 Tab., Budapest 1972: Akadémiai Kiadó. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Mededelingen van de faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Heft 35, Nr. 2, 402 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., Gent 1970: Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen. Reviewed by R. Zielke.

O'Brien, R. D.; Yamamoto, I.: Biochemical Toxicology of Insecticides. 218 S., 35 Abb., 44 Tab., New York, London 1970: Academic Press. Reviewed by H. Beitz.

Nord, E. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. vol. 33, 595 S., 114 Abb., 52 Tab., New York, London, Sydney, Toronto 1970: Interscience Publishers, a division of John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. Reviewed by H. Hofferek.

Jager, K. W.: Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin &; Telodrin. 234 S., 25 Abb., 55 Tab., Amsterdam, London, New York 1970: Elsevier Publishing Company. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.  相似文献   

Long-term nitrogen (N) addition experiments have found positive, negative, and neutral effects of added N on rates of decomposition. A leading explanation for this variation is differential effects of N on the activity of microbially produced extracellular enzymes involved in decomposition. Specifically, it is hypothesized that adding N to N-limited ecosystems increases activity of cellulose degrading enzymes and decreases that of lignin degrading enzymes, and that shifts in enzyme activity in response to added N explain the decomposition response to N fertilization. We measured litter and soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and microbial enzyme activity in a long-term N fertilization experiment at eight forested and grassland sites in central Minnesota, USA, to determine (1) variation among sites in enzyme activity, (2) variation in the response of enzymes, litter decomposition, and soil respiration to added N, and (3) whether changes in enzyme activity in response to added N explained variability among sites in the effect of N on litter and SOM decomposition. Site differences in pH, moisture, soil carbon, and microbial biomass explained much of the among-site variation in enzyme activity. Added N generally stimulated activities of cellulose degrading and N- and phosphorus-acquiring enzymes in litter and soil, but had no effect on lignin degrading enzyme activity. In contrast, added N generally had negative or neutral effects on litter and SOM decomposition in the same sites, with no correspondence between effects of N on enzyme activity and decomposition across sites. B.L.K. and S.E.H. conceived of study; B.L.K., S.E.H., and L.E.K. designed study and performed research; B.L.K. analyzed data and wrote the paper.  相似文献   

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