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This research explores the intertwined construction of race and gender in a wide variety of white supremacist newsletters and periodicals published between 1969 and 1993. While traditional accounts of the white supremacist movement treat it as a movement concerned with race relations, I read this discourse as a site of the construction of race. Additionally, I argue that race and gender are inextricably linked. Exploring how meaning works in white supremacist discourse, this research provides an analysis of the construction of racial and gender difference within the framework of the equality versus difference dichotomy. Within this framework, difference requires hierarchy, so that any effort to redress inequality is posited as a threat to difference. The primary project of the white supremacist movement is the construction of white racial and gender identities as naturalized and hierarchized differences.  相似文献   

The common nomenclature of ethnicity, race and colour has been found wanting in theorizing and dealing with the Muslim presence in Britain. This study of 24 prominent British Muslims – including political, policy and academic/intellectual ‘elite’ – explores the making and representation of Muslim identity in Britain. We explore this through three considerations: Muslimness as a ‘master status’; leadership and representation in relation to British Muslims; and the public performance of Muslimness during ‘key moments’.  相似文献   

Royo AA  Carson WP 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):66-75
Mammals are hypothesized to either promote plant diversity by preventing competitive exclusion or limit diversity by reducing the abundance of sensitive plant species through their activities as browsers or disturbance agents. Previous studies of herbivore impacts in plant communities have focused on tree species and ignored the herbaceous community. In an experiment in mature-phase, tropical moist forest sites in central Panamá, we studied the impact of excluding ground-dwelling mammals on the richness and abundance of herbs in 16, 30×45-m plots. Within each plot, we censused the herbaceous community in 28, 2×2-m subplots (1,792 m2 total area sampled). We identified over 54 species of herbs averaging 1.21 ramets m−2 and covering approximately 4.25% of the forest floor. Excluding mammals for 5 years had no impact on overall species richness. Within exclosures, however, there was a significant two-fold increase in the density of rare species. Overall herbaceous density and percent cover did not differ between exclosures and adjacent control plots, although cover did increase over time. Mammalian exclusion significantly increased the total cover of three-dominant herb species, Pharus latifolius, Calathea inocephala, and Adiantum lucidum, but did not affect their density. This study represents one of the most extensive herbaceous community censuses conducted in tropical forests and is among a few that quantify herbaceous distribution and abundance in terms of both density and cover. Additionally, this work represents the first community level test of mammalian impacts on the herbaceous community in a tropical forest to date. Our results suggest that ground dwelling mammals do not play a key role in altering the relative abundance patterns of tropical herbs in the short term. Furthermore, our results contrast sharply with prior studies on similar temporal and spatial scales that demonstrate mammals strongly alter tree seedling composition and reduce seedling density. Thus, we question the pervasiveness of top–down control on tropical plant communities and the paradigm that defaunation will inexorably lead to widespread, catastrophic shifts in plant communities.  相似文献   

Goal: To assess the association between duration of breastfeeding and the risk of breast cancer in Sri Lankan women. Methods: We conducted a case–control study in women aged 30–64 years in selected health care facilities in the Western province. A total of 100 recent cases of breast cancer (histologically confirmed) and 203 controls (age and parity matched) were included. Detailed information regarding breastfeeding, menstruation, reproductive factors, passive smoking and other confounders was collected using a structured questionnaire. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using multiple logistic regressions. Principle results: Multivariate analysis found that those women who breastfed for ≥24 months during lifetime had significantly lower risk of breast cancer than those who breastfed for less than 24 months (OR = 0.40; 95%CI = 0.22, 0.73). Compared to 0–11 months of lifetime breastfeeding, there was a 66.3% reduction in breast cancer risk in women who breastfed for 12–23 months, 87.4% reduction in 24–35 months and 94% reduction in 36–47 months categories. The mean duration of breastfeeding per child for ≥12 months was also associated with reduced risk of breast cancer (OR = 0.52; 95%CI = 0.28, 0.94). The significant factors associated with increased risk of breast cancer were: post-menopausal women (OR = 1.74; 95%CI = 1.01, 3.01); having an abortion in the past (OR = 3.42; 95%CI = 1.75, 6.66) and exposure to passive smoking (OR = 2.96, 95%CI = 1.53, 5.75). Major conclusions: Prolonged breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer and this protective effect was supported by a dose–response relationship. Risk due to passive smoking should be emphasized in anti-smoking programmes.  相似文献   

As interest in ethnics and their entrepreneurial activities has grown in recent years, sociologists have come to emphasize the importance of ethnic social structures as the source of actions propelling business growth. In a sign of convergence with the ‘new economic sociology’, recent literature suggests that embeddedness in ethnic networks and communities leads to cooperative, if not conformist, behaviour among ethnic economic actors. This article looks at the ‘other side’ of embeddedness, through a case‐study of African‐American, Caribbean, Korean and white construction contractors in New York City. I argue that, in construction, the embeddedness of economic behaviour in ongoing social relations among a myriad of social actors impedes access to outsiders. Embeddedness contributes to the liabilities of newness that all neophytes encounter, breeding a preference for established players with track records. However, the convergence of economic and ethnic ties has a further baneful effect, since outsiders also fall outside those networks that define the industrial community. While African‐American, Caribbean and Korean outsiders all experience these barriers in similar ways, they differ in the adaptive strategies that they have pursued. African Americans appear to be most disadvantaged, in part because they have been the most exposed to the social closure that results from the mobilization of white ethnics’ social capital. By contrast, Caribbeans and Koreans entered the labour market in societies where racial domination played little or no role in labour market outcomes ‐ a considerable asset since construction skills are transferable from one society to another. The Koreans appear to be the most embedded in ethnic networks, through which they secure jobs and skilled labour, though class factors play a role here as well and even the Koreans must reach out beyond the ethnic community for a clientele. By contrast, ethnic solidarity operates less powerfully among the black contractors, who are tied to a community where intra‐ethnic diversity and internal competition have grown as a result of immigration. In the absence of an ethnic market, black'entrepreneurs turn to the state, whose requirements and dependence on union labour expose black builders to risks from which their Korean counterparts are sheltered.  相似文献   

Our objective was to estimate and analyze the body‐size distribution parameters of terrestrial mammal assemblages at different spatial scales, and to determine whether these parameters are controlled by local ecological processes or by larger‐scale ones. Based on 93 local assemblages, plus the complete mammal assemblage from three continents (Africa, North, and South America), we estimated three key distribution parameters (diversity/size slope, skewness, and modal size) and compared the values to those expected if size distributions are mainly controlled by local interactions. Mammal diversity decreased much faster as body size increased than predicted by fractal niche theory, both at continental and at local scales, with continental distributions showing steeper slopes than the localities within them. South America showed a steeper slope (after controlling for species diversity), compared to Africa and North America, at local and continental scales. We also found that skewness and modal body size can show strikingly different correlations with predictor variables, such as species richness and median size, depending on the use of untransformed versus log‐transformed data, due to changes in the distribution density generated by log‐transformation. The main differences in slope, skewness, and modal size between local and continental scales appear to arise from the same biogeographical process, where small‐sized species increase in diversity much faster (due to higher spatial turnover rates) than large‐sized species. This process, which can operate even in the absence of competitive saturation at local scales, generates continental assemblages with steeper slopes, smaller modal sizes, and higher right skewness (toward small‐sized species) compared to local communities. In addition, historical factors can also affect the size distribution slopes, which are significantly steeper, in South American mammal assemblages (probably due to stronger megafauna extinction events in South America) than those in North America and Africa.  相似文献   

Whether it is men or women who suppress female sexuality has important implications for understanding gendered relations, ultimately providing insight into one widespread cause of female disadvantage. The question of which sex suppresses female sexuality more avidly, however, neglects that our interests are never unambiguously masculine or feminine; each of us has a combination of male and female kin which alters how much of our future fitness derive from each sex. Here we exploit a nationally representative sample of 600 Tunisians to test whether support for Islamic veiling—a proxy for female sexual suppression—is more common amongst one sex than the other, and is affected by the relative sex of one's offspring (i.e., the number of sons relative to daughters). We find that men are more supportive of Islamic veiling than women, but women with more sons are more supportive of veiling and more likely to wear veils than women with fewer sons. All effects were robust to the inclusion of religiosity, which was weaker amongst men and unrelated to the number of sons a woman had. The number of daughters affected neither religiosity nor support for veiling, but did increase women's likelihood of wearing contemporary, fashionable Tunisian veils compared with no head covering. We further found that men were more religious if they had more sons. Overall, these findings highlight that far from being the fixed strategy of one sex or the other, female sexual suppression manifests facultatively to promote one's reproductive interests directly or indirectly by creating conditions beneficial to one's descendent kin. These results show that both men and women can suppress female sexuality, although the function in either case appears more closely aligned with male rather than female interests.  相似文献   

Strong positive density-dependence should lead to a loss of diversity, but warning-colour and Müllerian mimicry systems show extraordinary levels of diversity. Here, we propose an analytical model to explore the dynamics of two forms of a Müllerian mimic in a heterogeneous environment with two alternative model species. Two connected populations of a dimorphic, chemically defended mimic are allowed to evolve and disperse. The proportions of the respective model species vary spatially. We use a nonlinear approximation of Müller's number-dependent equations to model a situation where the mortality for either form of the mimic decreases hyberbolically when its local density increases. A first non-spatial analysis confirms that the positive density-dependence makes coexistence of mimetic forms unstable in a single isolated patch, but shows that mimicry of the rarer model can be stable once established. The two-patch analysis shows that when models have different abundance in different places, local mimetic diversity in the mimic is maintained only if spatial heterogeneity is strong, or, more interestingly, if the mimic is not too strongly distasteful. Therefore, mildly toxic species can become polymorphic in a wider range of ecological settings. Spatial dynamics thus reveal a region of Müllerian polymorphism separating classical Batesian polymorphism and Müllerian monomorphism along the mimic's palatability spectrum. Such polymorphism-palatability relationship in a spatial environment provides a parsimonious hypothesis accounting for the observed Müllerian polymorphism that does not require quasi-Batesian dynamics. While the stability of coexistence depends on all factors, only the migration rate and strength of selection appear to affect the level of diversity at the polymorphic equilibrium. Local adaptation is predicted in most polymorphic cases. These results are in very good accordance with recent empirical findings on the polymorphic butterflies Heliconius numata and H. cydno.  相似文献   


Archival data from the MIDUS survey (Brim et al., 2000), a nationally representative sample, on 309 MZ and 333 DZ twin pairs aged 25–74 years were used to test the psychometrics and behavioral genetics of life history strategy. We organized 253 of the originally administered 2,000 questions into 30 scales measuring life history traits (e.g., quality of family relationships and altruism towards kin), medical symptoms (e.g., thyroid problems), personality traits (e.g., neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness), and social background (e.g., financial security). A single higher‐order factor, indicating a general life history strategy, composed of three lower‐order factors, was replicated. Factor analyses were then performed on the genetic variance‐covariance matrices. We found that (a) a single higher‐order factor explained the preponderance of the genetic correlations among the scales and (b) this higher‐order factor was itself 68 percent heritable and accounted for 82 percent of the genetic variance among the three component lower‐order factors.  相似文献   

Determining the start of the birch pollen season requires the reliable separation of non‐local from locally produced birch pollen. The research was undertaken close to the latitudinal birch tree line at the Kevo Subarctic Research Institute (69°45′N 27°01′E) in northern Finland. By comparing phenological and aerobiological observations, the proportion of birch pollen present in the air before local anthesis commences can be delimited. We coupled this with data of pollen deposition monitored by means of a modified Tauber trap. The dominant birch species at Kevo is the mountain birch Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii, whereas B. pubescens ssp. pubescens is very rare, hence we consider the proportion of the southerly B. pubescens‐type pollen deposited in the pollen trap to be non‐local in origin.

We did not observe any trend towards an earlier start of the phenologically observed mountain birch anthesis at Kevo as predicted from work elsewhere. Moreover, the fixed 2.5% threshold method for determining the birch pollen season proved not to be applicable since in many years this threshold was reached before the end of continuous snow cover. The results indicate that in some years non‐local birch pollen contributes considerably to the allergen load in Lapland with up to 57% of the total birch pollen sum being recorded before the day on which local anthesis commenced, and up to 70% of the annual birch pollen deposited being of the southerly birch type.  相似文献   

Claes Corlin 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):149-155
The Huaulu people of Seram (Eastern Indonesia) say that it is taboo for them to eat the animals which they feed. The reason is that sharing food with them implies attributing to them the status of fellow social beings. This status implies in turn a degree of personhood. Persons may not be treated as the ultimate thing: food. The article shows that the principle “if we feed them we do not feed on them” applies differently to domesticated species and to wild ones. If some individuals of a domesticated species are raised by the Huaulu, the whole species becomes taboo to eat. But in the case of wild species the taboo is limited to the individuals which are actually raised. The article also shows that the principle is not the only reason for the taboo on domesticated animals, but a shorthand for a variety of other reasons that have to do with the place of those animals in Huaulu society.  相似文献   

This article examines competing nationalist projects which compete to constitute a Belizean nation: pluralist nationalism constructs the nation as ethnically diverse; synthetic nationalism attempts to submerge ethnic or racial difference into a shared national identity; hegemonic nationalism works to attach preferentially a single racial identity to the nation and exclude other identities. Within these projects, the homogenizing processes which construct national sameness are integrally related to the individualizing processes which constitute subnational difference: both national sameness and subnational differences are constituted in terms of race, ethnicity, or a conflation of the two. The article explores how the essentialization of racial, ethnic and national identities facilitates their assimilation of one another.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of abundant fossil footprints from the new Grand Staircase‐Escalante National Monument of southern Utah, have important implications for the spatial and temporal distribution of Mesozoic vertebrates in Triassic and Jurassic time. Since the monument's creation in 1996, fossil footprints have been reported from at least seven formations in the Mesozoic (Triassic‐Cretaceous) within the monument. By far the most significant of these discoveries are sauropod and theropod tracks from the upper part of the Middle Jurassic Entrada Sandstone and a large Apatopus trackway from the Late Triassic Chinle Formation. Tracks in the Entrada Sandstone are found at the same stratigraphic level as those in the Moab megatracksite, and so considerably extend this large ichnological complex. A wide‐gauge sauropod trackway (cf. Brontopodus) from this unit represents the first reported from the Entrada Sandstone, and so is the oldest known from the western United States. This trackway also reveals a tail trace, which is the first reliable record of a sauropod tail trace.  相似文献   

Fructose1,6diphosphate (FDP) is a glycolytic intermediate which has been theorized to increase the metabolic activity of ischemic tissues. Here we examine the effects of externally applied FDP on cardiomyocyte uptake and metabolism. Adult rat cardiomyocytes were isolated and exposed to varying concentrations (0, 5, 25 and 50 mM) of FDP for either 1, 16 or 24 h of hypoxia (95% N2/5% CO2), each time period followed by a 1 h reoxygenation (95% air/5% CO2). The uptake of FDP by rat cardiomyocytes was more concentrationdependent than timedependent. Furthermore, the uptake of FDP by the cardiomyocytes was similar in the hypoxia and normoxia treated cells. Alamar Blue, a redox indicator that is sensitive to metabolic activity, was used to monitor the effects of the FDP on cardiomyocyte metabolism. In the 1 h hypoxia or normoxia group, the 5, 10 and 25 mM FDP showed a significant increase in metabolism compared to the control cells. When the length of hypoxia was extended to 16 h, all doses of FDP were greater than control. And at the 24 h hypoxia or normoxia time period, only the 10, 25 and 50 mM FDP groups were greater than control. The results indicate a non-linear trend between the external concentration of FDP and the changes noted in metabolism. The findings from this study indicate that a narrow concentration range between 5–10 mM augments cardiomyocyte metabolism, but higher or lower doses may have little additional affect.  相似文献   

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