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Summary A study of concentration of airborne pollen grains and fungal spores has been carried out in Barcelona (Spain) during 1989–90. The volumetric method of filtration, previously described for airborne pollen analysis (Suarez-Cervera and Seoane-Camba, 1983) has been used. In this case, the filters have also been cultivated in Czapecdox-agar, Sabouraud-agar and Sabouraud-agar with streptomycin for the identification of the fungal colonies. Analysis of the number of fungal spores growing on the filter shows that the maxima of colonies of spores developed in culture per m3 of air filtered, correspond to September–December. Pollen and spore concentrations start from November–December, reach a maximum in March–April and decline progressively until September–October. Therefore, in the city of Barcelona, the greatest concentration occurs in spring and the lowest in autumn.  相似文献   

In this work, the daily distribution of biological and non-biological particles in the atmosphere of the city of Córdoba, Spain, is analysed in order to know at what time of day the concentrations of solid suspended particles in the air is maximum. This knowledge can be useful for all those people who suffer of respiratory diseases and can help them to plan their outdoors activities. The concentrations of non-biological material have been estimated by using spectrophotometrical techniques. With this method, the amount of non-biological material is expressed in percentage of light absorbance in values oscillating from 0.00: absence of particles to 1.00: extreme presence of particles. As the absorption of light depends on the colour of the particle, it is also possible to distinguish dark particles (soot, diesel exhaust particles, sand) from hyaline or light coloured ones (pollen grains and several fungal spores types). The results have shown that the maximum peaks of material are achieved early in the mornings and late in the evenings. Aerobiological methodology has been used when dealing with material of biological origin. In this latter case, pollen grains and fungal spores have been differentiated from the rest of solid material. Due to their importance as agents causing pollen allergy in the area and the high percentage that they represent with respect to the total pollen spectrum, Olea europaea and grass pollen types have been differentiated from the rest of pollen types. The results show that the peaks of non-biological particles in the air throughout the day are related to the activities carried out by men in the city: commercial and working hours or social activities in the different seasons of the year. As regards the biological material, the pattern of fungal spores is clearly influenced by the climatic characteristics of the area, presenting the maximum concentrations in the late afternoon. The pollen grains follow a pattern coinciding with the diurnal maximum temperatures and sunshine hours. The values of the curve oscillate from 200 grains/m3 of air in night hours to maximum over 1000 grains/m3 at midday. The diurnal variation of Olea europaea is quite similar to this general pattern, presenting the maximum concentrations of pollen grains at central hours of day. The grasses show some differences due to the high number of species included in this family.  相似文献   

This pollen survey includes 7 counties of Yunnan Province, China: Quinjin, Xishuanbanna, Lijiang, Wenshan, Yuxi and Kunming. From 1991–1992, optical and statistical examination of exposed glass slides showed that pollen is air-borne in Yunnan throughout the year. Pollen is also in great quantity and variety with two apparent pollen peaks. This paper also discusses the influences of climate and elevation on the amount of pollen carried by air. A geographical and seasonal variation of pollen level was established. The pollen particles causing possible sensitization were collected in the field and refined into an allergen extract which was applied to clinical tests for patients suffering from allergosis in our hospital with a high rate of pollen allergy. The results show the effectiveness of specific desensitization for pollen allergic patients. This study is therefore of great significance to the diagnosis,treatment and prevention of pollen allergy.  相似文献   

考古遗址中动物粪化石中的微体植物遗存是重建过去生态环境以及人类活动的重要材料,然而对于能够指示人类活动的粪化石孢粉组合类型及其特征仍然缺乏清楚的认识。本文研究了山羊(Capra aegagrus)、绵羊(Ovis aries)、牛(Bos taurus)、骆驼(Camelus)、牦牛(Bos grunniens)和马(Equus caballus)等几种中国常见的家养食草类动物粪便中的主要孢粉和真菌孢子类型。通过分析这些动物粪便的花粉组合特征,探讨了花粉和菌孢子等微体植物遗存对生态环境及人类活动的指示意义。花粉种类丰度低、一些特征种属花粉(如禾本科、藜科)含量高是家养食草类动物粪便花粉组合的主要特征,可以用于指示人类的饲养行为。家养食草动物粪便中的粪生真菌孢子类型主要有Sporormiella,Sodaria,Pleospora,Coniochaeta,Thecaphora and Dictyosporium。研究表明真菌孢子的分布主要受到动物活动范围的影响,这使得利用粪生菌孢子(如Sporormiella)并结合其他记录来反映人类的饲养或游牧活动成为可能。  相似文献   

The Burkard Volumetric Spore Trap is a common and efficient instrument used to collect outdoor air samples. In North America, two slide counting methods have been widely used by aerobiologists: the single longitudinal traverse method and the twelve transverse traverse method. The purpose of this study was to compare the two counting methods by assessing fungal spore concentrations of ascospores, basidiospores, smut teliospores, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Curvularia, Drechslera, Pithomyces, other spores, and total spores at two metropolitan Tulsa, Oklahoma sites (Tulsa and Hectorville) during September 1996. Results showed that both methods were sensing parallel fluctuations in average daily spore concentration, although the twelve transverse traverse method usually resulted in higher concentrations. At the Tulsa site, the twelve transverse traverse method gave statistically higher concentrations than the single longitudinal traverse method except for Epicoccum, Pithomyces, smut teliospores, and other spores. At the Hectorville site, however, only Cladosporium and basidiospores showed that the twelve transverse traverse method was statistically higher than the single longitudinal traverse method. Comparison with concentrations obtained by counting the total slide surface of two slides indicated that neither method was equivalent to the total slide spore count, although the twelve transverse traverse method gave a lower absolute percent difference from the total slide surface concentration. While the twelve transverse traverse method gave slightly better approximations of the spore concentration, the increase in accuracy may not justify the extra effort required to analyze with this method.  相似文献   

The ability of an image analysis routine to differentiate between spores of eleven allergenic fungal genera was tested using analysis based on seven basic and up to 17 more complex features, extracted from digitised images. Fungal spores of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Botrytis, Epicoccum, Exserohilum, Ustilago, Coprinus and Psilocybe were examined in a series of experiments designed to differentiate between spores at the genus and species level. Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis of feature measurements, recorded for 100 to 1600 spores per taxon, differentiated between genera and species with a high level of accuracy. Genus comparisons using only seven basic features resulted in 98% accuracy for the recognition of conidia belonging to Cladosporium, Fusarium and Epicoccum. Differentiation between conidia of Aspergillus and Penicillium was the least reliable, with 56% of Aspergillus conidia correctly identified and 41% misidentified as Penicillium. At the species level, conidia of Cladosporium macrocarpum, Fusarium moniliforme (microconidia), F. oxysporum (microconidia), F. solani (macroconidia), Alternaria helianthi and A. brassicae were consistently identified with 86--100% accuracy. Reduced levels of accuracy in the identification of spores by image analysis reflected similarities between species in their spore morphology. The application of image analysis to aerobiological counting methods is discussed in relation to the results obtained.  相似文献   

Geostatistical techniques were used to assess the spatial patterns of spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in soils from two contrasting plant communities: a salt marsh containing only arbuscular mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants in a distinct clumped distribution pattern and a maquis with different types of mycorrhiza where most plants were relatively randomly distributed. Also evaluated was the relationship between the spatial distribution of spores and AM plant distribution and soil properties. A nested sampling scheme was applied in both sites with sample cores taken from nested grids. Spores of AMF and soil characteristics (organic matter and moisture) were quantified in each core, and core sample location was related to plant location. Semivariograms for spore density indicated strong spatial autocorrelation and a patchy distribution within both sites for all AM fungal genera found. However, the patch size differed between the two plant communities and AM fungal genera. In the salt marsh, AM fungal spore distribution was correlated with distance to AM plants and projected stand area of AM plants. In maquis, spatial AM fungal spore distribution was correlated with organic matter. These results suggest that spore distribution of AMF varied between the two plant communities according to plant distribution and soil properties.  相似文献   

In the setting of an aerobiological study of confined environments and environmental prevention of nosocomial infections, aerobiological monitoring of 22 areas in Montescano Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Pavia) was performed in three different months: February, May, and August, 1994. A Lanzoni 3000 spore trap was used for the monitoring. Examination of the results showed that, in the environments monitored, the indoor presence of fungi increased progresively over the three periods considered. The behaviour of individual genera of fungi differed. In the winter periodPenicillium andAspergillus were the most commonly encountered genera,Cladosporium was the dominant genus from the spring to the summer while the yeasts had their maximum counts in the spring morning. The use of air conditioning, combined with the low air exchange between outdoors and andoors in some of the environments certainly played a part in the low concentrations of these latter aerofungi.  相似文献   

In the setting of an aerobiological study of confined environments and environmental prevention of nosocomial infections, aerobiological monitoring of 22 areas in Montescano Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Pavia) was performed in three different months: February, May, and August, 1994. A Lanzoni 3000 spore trap was used for the monitoring. Examination of the results showed that, in the environments monitored, the indoor presence of fungi increased progressively over the three periods considered. The behaviour of individual genera of fungi differed. In the winter periodPenicillium andAspergillus were the most commonly encountered genera.Cladosporium was the dominant genus from the spring to the summer while the yeasts had their maximum counts in the spring morning. The use of air conditioning, combined with the low air exchange between outdoors and indoors in some of the environments certainly played a part in the low concentrations of these latter aerofungi.  相似文献   

杨祝良 《菌物学报》2020,39(9):1611-1616
分子生物学技术与真菌系统学的有机融合,为真菌分类和系统发育研究带来了革命性的变化。最近20年来,真菌学家们建立了大量的新目、新科、新属和新种,掀开了真菌多样性及其起源进化研究的新纪元,但很多重要的系统发育问题仍没有解决,特别是大量目间、科间的亲缘关系并不清楚。细分是真菌系统学的主流趋势,野生食用菌和毒蘑菇的分类也是如此,近年涌现了越来越多的新分类单元,如在2010-2019年的10年间,中国发表大型真菌(含地衣)新种1 240余个。本专刊收载的15篇论文是对我国野生食用菌和毒蘑菇研究工作的部分总结,对真菌资源利用、毒蘑菇中毒预防与治疗具有较重要的科学意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

Eight-three fungal isolates collected and cultured from the air spora of damp public sector Scottish housing have been screened for cytotoxic properties. A bioassay procedure has been utilised for this purpose involving cytotoxic effects on human embryonic diploid fibroblast lung cells grown as monolayer cultures within the wells of microtitre plates. The MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] biochemical assay system employed has revealed that 39 (47%) of the moulds investigated possessed spore-associated cytotoxic properties; a value which emphasises the potential health hazards of the continual inhalation of toxigenic fungal propagules by occupants of mouldy houses. Penicillia, the most prevalent fungi found in the internal atmosphere of the domestic environment, accounted for the great majority of cytotoxic strains identified.  相似文献   

真菌过敏性哮喘是由环境中真菌致敏原暴露诱导的一种呼吸道慢性炎症性疾病。真菌过敏哮喘患者肺部炎症细胞、结构细胞及细胞组分间有复杂的相互作用,使得患者气道壁重塑并伴渐进性肺功能障碍,表现为喘息、胸闷、呼吸困难等症状,对患者的工作和生活造成严重影响,而目前糖皮质激素及抗菌药物等传统疗法对其治疗效果欠佳。近年来,很多研究开始致力于对真菌过敏性哮喘新的治疗方法进行积极探索,使得真菌过敏性哮喘的治疗除应用糖皮质激素等传统方法外,在抗真菌感染及其免疫学治疗控制真菌过敏性哮喘方面取得一定新进展。  相似文献   

Libraries and archives are keepers of expressions of human thought, from the most ancient documents written on papyrus, parchement, etc., to the new photographic and electronic supports. These materials of vegetal, animal or synthetic origin are subject to deterioration by physical agents (light, heat, humidity), chemical agents (atmospheric pollution),and biological agents (bacteria, microfungi and insects). Micro-organisms, agents of biodeterioration, as it is known, can be carried by airborne particles which can eventually settle in the dust. This paper shows the results of a preliminary quantitative and qualitative study made on potentially deteriogenic airborne fungal spores present in the dust deposited on shelves and documents of an archive's repository. The hygrothermometric parameters and the water content of the materials were also measured. The dust samples were collected with Swab Millipore samplers, using electrostatic attraction. This kind of sampler, originally destined for the microbiological analysis of water and, in extension, used to isolate bacteria from the book-material, was successfully also used in this case of dust sampling. Compared with the data resulting from the bibliography on dust, the use of Swabs allowed the spores present in the dust on books and shelves to be isolated. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents melissopalynological investigations applied to air pollution studies. During this research honey produced in an urban environment was subjected to pollen analysis. Also, the honey was chemically analysed for studies using the bee as a bioindicator of heavy metal pollution (Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni). In 1987–88, 96 samples from the cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia were examined. Palynological analysis under the microscope was complemented by direct observations of the environment, e.g. movements of honey-bees, phenology, plant distribution. Results of melissopalynological analysis proved the wide potential of bees as bioindicators. Moreover, these data supply useful information for the full interpretation of chemical analyses. In particular, it is possible to verify the correspondence between honey and monitored period to check if the sample was in fact produced in the previous month. It is also possible to correlate the honey and the monitored site, i.e., the preferential routes of bees. Finally, it is worthwhile pointing out the presence of the honeydew in the composition of the examined sample: this substance can act as a ?trap? for airborne particles, increasing their concentration in honey.  相似文献   

Airborne viable and total fungal spores were sampled inside and outside 80 houses in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia as part of a larger indoor environmental study. Each residence was visited six times over a period of 1 year for sample collection, and fungal spore samples were collected from at least three indoor sites and from an outdoor site. Viable spores were sampled using an Andersen sampler, while total spores were assessed using a Burkard spore trap. Identification of fungal colonies to genera level was performed in two seasons; winter and late spring. The most common fungal genera/groups wereCladosporium, Penicillium, and yeasts, both indoors and outdoors in winter and late spring. Outdoor levels were higher than those indoors throughout the year, and a significant seasonal variation in spore levels was seen both indoors and outdoors with overall maxima in summer. Contrary to this trend, the levels ofAspergillus, yeasts,Cephalosporium andGliocladium were higher in winter. Most fungal genera were found in greater concentrations outdoors compared to indoors, butPenicillium was more common indoors. Outdoor spore levels were a significant influence on indoor levels, but seasonal differences suggest that other influences are important.  相似文献   

Cline is a largely known and studied concept in ecology, but is not part of the aerobiological vocabulary. Some attempts have been undertaken in the past to put in evidence aerobiological clines, but their true significance, especially in relation to dispersal, remains unknown. One of the ideal situations to visualise clines is a dispersal corridor. Looking at the geomorphological and phytogeographical localization of Montreal island, the Hudson River corridor (with its continuation through Lake George, Champlain canal & Lake and Richelieu River), seems to be a natural corridor linking the Oak–Chestnut Forest region (which present a tongue on the Hudson river up to Albany, New York, USA) to the Hemlock – White Pine – Northern Hardwoods region of the St-Lawrence lowlands (Quebec, Canada), through the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains. Pollen and spores were collected in the early summer of 2001 (June 13 to July 17) in a mountain (Five Mile Mountain, 685 m.a.s.l) situated on the west ridge of Lake George. Sampling was repeated for a total of 5 sites, through the western slope (out of the corridor) and eastern slope (Lake George side, into the corridor). In this preliminary analysis, the differences in concentration into and out of the corridor of 5 pollen types (Poaceae, Pinus, Juglans, Carya and Ambrosia) and 6 spore types (Alternaria, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Ganoderma, Ustilago and Ascospores) in addition to Myxomycetes spores and microscopic algae were investigated. Preliminary results indicate that:(1) there are some significant differences in pollen and spores concentrations out and into the corridor (western and eastern slopes); (2) along the transect, the differences were lower between sampling sites located at the same slope than between sites at different slopes; (3) high concentrations of pollen grains of flowering species several kilometres southward were found on the eastern slope. This could confirm the role of the corridor as an aerobiological conveyor belt or cline from South to North.  相似文献   

侵袭性真菌感染治疗新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着免疫受损人群的增多,近年来侵袭性真菌感染的发生率逐渐升高,由此导致的致病率也逐年上升.如何及时诊断并有效的治疗侵袭性真菌感染已成为临床上面临的挑战之一.该文就侵袭性真菌感染的流行病学、病因学及现有的治疗策略等方面进行综述.  相似文献   

The Early Pleistocene Regatta Point sediments contain macrofossils that suggest that generic and specific rainforest diversity was higher in the region that it is today both locally and regionally, but the diversity was probably lower than it was for most of the Tertiary. The sediments contain extinct species of conifers and angiosperms which have closest living relatives in a wide range of environments, mainly wet forests of warmer areas than western Tasmania, but also relatively cool and dry areas. Simple models of climatically driven extinction explain these extinctions poorly. It is more likely that there was a wide range of causes of extinctions. New species, Acacia bulbosa, Rubus nebuloides, Quintinia tasmanensis, Oxylobium pungens, Laurophyttum australum and Myrtaceaephyllum pleistocenicum , are described. 1997 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

通过高通量测序研究河南三个不同酒厂的浓香型酒醅的真菌微生物菌群,逐次在门、纲、目、科和属5个水平上分析入窖酒醅和出窖酒醅的菌群多样性,探究酒醅发酵后菌群的共性变化规律.结果表明:出窖酒醅的真菌微生物多样性高于入窖酒醅的真菌微生物多样性,出窖酒醅的真菌主要有镰刀菌属Fusarium(相对丰度17% ~32%),Plect...  相似文献   

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