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Pollen analysis, supplemented by 5 14C dates, was carried out on the lateglacial section (160 cm) of a core retrieved from the glacial Lake Trilistnika (2216 m) in the northwestern Rila Mountains (Bulgaria). The reconstruction of the lateglacial vegetation history is linked for the first time to a chronological framework for the time window 13000–10000 b.p. The delimitation of an interstadial/stadial cycle, analogous with the Bølling/Allerød-Younger Dryas from Western Europe, is based on important changes in the pollen stratigraphy. Mountain-steppe vegetation composed of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae and other cold-resistant herbs, with isolated stands of Pinus and Juniperus-Ephedra shrubland, dominated the landscape after the ice-retreat. Interstadial conditions were established before 12815±130 b.p. The spread of tree vegetation at lower elevation as a response to the climate improvement was confined to the time interval 12110±95–11140±75 b.p. The Younger Dryas stadial is characterised by a re-advance of the mountain-steppe vegetation. The results are compared with other sites of lateglacial age from the high mountains (Rila, northern Pirin, western Rhodopes) in southern Bulgaria.  相似文献   

Maria Lazarova 《Grana》2013,52(4):318-320
The occurrence of symptoms of pollen allergy is closely related to the presence of airborne pollen. In the region of southeastern Poland this kind of allergy appears usually from the middle of May till the end of July, when Gramineae and Cerealia pollens are discharging. This was confirmed by palynological studies here reported, performed in the years 1982–1987, and coupled with simultaneous assessment of 60 patients suffering from pollinosis. The results show that the total number of pollen types is variable in consecutive years. This indicates that both the exposition of patients to pollen allergens and the disease symptoms might vary.  相似文献   

Parasite stages of Symbiocladius rhithrogenae (Zavrel, 1924) (Diptera: Chironomidae) were found in several streams from the Rila Mountain. A total of 19 sites (18 from the Iskar River and one from the Struma River catchments) were sampled, from which the parasite was recorded only in four (Levi Iskar, Rilska, Malyovishka and Cherni Iskar Rivers). Both pupa and larvae of S. rhithrogenae were found attached only to mayfly larvae of the genus Rhithrogena Eaton, 1881, while other Heptageniidae species were ignored. This specialisation could be connected to an overlap between the seasonal cycles of the parasite and its host. We discussed the bioindicative potential of S. rhithrogenae.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the polleniferous potential of the most common plant communities and crops across the landscape through the study of pollen loads collected by Apis mellifera. We analysed pollen load samples from hives located in Mallorca (western Mediterranean) for one year and compared the results with a phytosociological study of the foraging area. We also analysed meteorological data to evaluate the influence of some environmental factors on the pollen production phenology. We identified 74 different pollen types (66.2% from native flora, 25.7% from exotic flora, and 8.1% from crops) belonging to 33 families. The highest polleniferous potentials in the landscape were attained by sclerophyllous forests (Quercetea ilicis) in spring, crops in autumn, wild annual rangelands (Stellarietea mediae) in winter and gardens in late summer. Our results suggest that the higher the coverage present in a vegetation class, the higher the quantity and diversity of pollen that may be provided to pollinators; therefore, its polleniferous potential may be higher. Some meteorological conditions (rainfall, temperature and daily hours of sunlight) may affect this potential through their influence on flowering phenology.  相似文献   

A pollen analysis conducted on a 600 cm core from Lake Ribno (2184 m) in the Northwestern Rila Mountains, supplemented by 13 radiocarbon dates, has revealed the basic stages in its postglacial vegetation dynamics. The lateglacial vegetation, composed of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae, with stands of Pinus and Juniperus-Ephedra shrubland, dominated in the stadials and partly retreated during the B?lling/Aller?d interstadial (14700–12900 cal. yrs. BP). The afforestation in the early Holocene (11600–7800 cal. yrs. BP) started with pioneer Betula forests, with groups of Pinus and Juniperus at mid-high altitudes, and Quercus forests with Tilia, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Corylus below the birch zone. A coniferous belt composed of Pinus sylvestris, P. peuce and Abies was shaped under the conditions of a more humid climate (7800–5800 cal. yrs. BP). The last trees that invaded the study area were Fagus after 4300 cal. yrs. BP and Picea abies after 3400 cal. yrs. BP. Evidence for destructive changes in the vegetation and indications of agricultural and stock-breeding activities (pollen of Triticum, Secale, Plantago lanceolata, Rumex, Juglans) was continuously recorded since the Late Bronze Age (3400–3200 cal. yrs. BP). The postglacial vegetation history in the Northwestern Rila Mountains demonstrated close similarities with that of the Northern Pirin Mountains.  相似文献   

The fossil record of Peronosporomycetes (water moulds) is rather sparse, though their distinctive ornamentation means they are probably better reported than some true fungal groups. Here we describe a rare Palaeozoic occurrence of this group from a Guadalupian (Middle Permian) silicified peat deposit in the Bainmedart Coal Measures, Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica. Specimens are numerous and comprise two morphologically distinct kinds of ornamented oogonia, of which some are attached to hyphae by a septum. Combresomyces caespitosus sp. nov. consists of spherical oogonia bearing densely spaced, long, hollow, slender, conical papillae with multiple sharply pointed, strongly divergent, apical branches that commonly form a pseudoreticulate pattern under optical microscopy. The oogonia are attached to a parental hypha by a short truncated stalk with a single septum. Combresomyces rarus sp. nov. consists of spherical oogonia bearing widely spaced, hollow, broad, conical papillae that terminate in a single bifurcation producing a pair of acutely divergent sharply pointed branches. The oogonium bears a short truncate extension where it attaches to the parental hypha. We propose that similarities in oogonium shape, size, spine morphology and hyphal attachment between the Permian forms from the Prince Charles Mountains and other reported Peronosporomycetes from Devonian to Triassic strata at widely separated localities elsewhere in the world delimit an extinct but once cosmopolitan Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic branch of the peronosporomycete clade. We name this order Combresomycetales and note that it played an important role in late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic peatland ecosystems worldwide.  相似文献   

The pancreatic amylase (AMY2, E.C. polymorphism has been studied in 2346 individuals from south-central and south-eastern Bulgaria. The allele frequencies have been determined as AMY2*1 = 0.9520 and AMY2*2 = 0.0480. The neighbor joining tree of seven subpopulations revealed only small genetic distances. Compared with other populations, the Bulgarian sample clustered with samples from Romania, Hungary, Germany and Switzerland, with larger distances to Albania, Greece and Macedonia.  相似文献   

Inhaled particle deposition sites must be identified to effectively treat human airway diseases. We have determined distribution patterns of a selected aeroallergen, ragweed pollen, among human extrathoracic (ET: i.e., oro-nasopharyngeal) regions and the lung. A predictive model validated by inhalation exposure data from human subjects was utilized. Deposition locations were primarily functions of 1. ragweed particle parameters (size: 14–20 μm, shape: spherical, and density: 1.14 g cm-3) and 2. mode of breathing. In the general population, two styles of inhalation are prevalent: normal augmentors (NAs), and mouth breathers (MBs), their clinical definitions are based on intra-ET airflow divisions. For a NA-mode breathing, sedentary (10 L min-1) adult, 88% of inhaled ragweed pollen was removed by the ET compartment and 7% collected within the lung. For a MB, the respective deposition efficiencies were 68% and 25%. To apply the model, we used a daily springtime ragweed pollen concentration of 300 grains m-3 and an exposure time of 0.5 hour to calculate actual doses for the respiratory system. Under the stipulated conditions, a MB would inhale 45 pollen grains per day and 8 would be deposited in the lung; the value is 3 grains for a NA. Frequently, individuals with impaired respiratory functions are MBs in whom such pollen deposits are likely contributors to airway disease.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of Aspergillus in the atmosphere of Mexico City was determined, using an Andersen air sampler, at different times of the day, over a period of one year. Aspergillus represented a low percentage of the total mould count, 5%, 4%, and 2% in the morning, noon, and night respectively. It was possible only in the morning to observe a seasonal trend for Aspergillus, with high colony numbers during the dry season. However, the highest CFUm-3 were detected in April for the three sampling times of the day.

Different percentages of negative growth plates were recorded during the sampling time, but a large percentage was recorded at noon.

Multiple regresional analyses indicate that significant correlations exist between Aspergillus CFUm-3 and vapor pressure and temperature inversion in the morning, and with temperature and daily range of temperature at night. Fourteen species of Aspergillus were identified, but A. niger, A. fumigatus, and A. flavus were the most abundant.  相似文献   

For the prevention of hay fever (H.F.) we must know each year, which are our allergenic plants, and where and when they pollinate. For that purpose we combine: clinical history and skin tests, information collected by a team of skilled botanists (who go out in the field once in two weeks, and determine according to the flower's developmental stage, when its pollination is to be expected) and data (both clinical and aerobiological) collected in previous years. This way we are able to start the administration of preventive medication in time, before the relevant season has started, and till its end. With our preventive treatment schedule, we got the following results in a group of 221 children from the area served by our clinic: in order to be kept H.F. symptoms free, out of the 221: 36, needed only antihistamines, 108, needed in addition cromolyn, and 72, topical steroids, in the remaining 15, medication was not satisfactory, and immunotherapy was applied successfully. We conclude that each H.F. patient should get his own individual preventive treatment schedule, established on the grounds of his personal, and the aerobiological data.  相似文献   

Tree rings are a natural archive containing valuable information about environmental changes. Among the most sensitive ecosystems to such changes are high-mountain forests. Tree-ring series from such locations are exceptionally valuable both for climate reconstructions and for studying the effects of climate changes on forest ecosystems.The objective of our study is to present new long tree-ring width chronologies of Pinus peuce Griseb. from several locations at Pirin Mountains in southwestern Bulgaria, to explore their correlation with monthly temperatures and precipitation in the research area and to assess their potential for climate reconstruction.We built three long-term index chronologies for the radial increment of P. peuce from treeline locations in the study region. The longest chronology spans 675 years. We studied the impact of monthly air temperature and precipitation on its growth for the past 86 years using multiple regression analysis. Our analysis shows that P. peuce growth is positively influenced by high temperatures at the end of the previous growing season, especially at the two sites in Banderitsa valley until the middle of the 1970s, and negatively affected by cold winters. In some of the sample plots its growth was also positively correlated with high summer temperatures. However, even at these high altitudes in some of the locations on steep slopes P. peuce showed signs of negative impact of drought during the hottest summer months (especially in August).Our chronologies contribute to the paleoclimatic record for southwestern Bulgaria, which could provide baseline information about past climate variability and improve our understanding of current and future environmental changes.  相似文献   

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