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Blood groups in 2,935 Roms (Gypsies) of East Slovakia show the following frequencies of phenotypes and genes: A1A2BO phenotypes: A1 — 32.91%, A2 — 2.42%, B — 25.21%, O — 30.15%, A1B — 8.45%, A2B — 0.85%, A1 — 0.2363, A2 — 0.0217, B — 0.1929, O — 0.5491. MN phenotypes: M — 27.16%, MN — 51.60%, N — 21.23%; m — 0.5297, n — 0.4703. RH phenotypes: Rh positive — 89.54%, Rh negative — 10.46%; Rh – (D) — 0.6766, Rh (d) 0.3234. The frequencies are contrasted with those of other inhabitants, non-Roms of East Slovakia.  相似文献   

Saida Hodžić 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):331-360
This article provides a new lens for analyzing power formations in human rights practices by examining Ghanaian struggles over a Domestic Violence Bill. While the hegemonic character of human rights advocacy is well-established, we know less about exercises of power in discourses and practices that oppose rights. I analyze how the Ghanaian government constructed the discourse of cultural sovereignty and deployed it against women's rights. The government legitimated this discourse by appropriating the voice of ‘the people’ and superimposing notions of ‘foreignness’ onto both the Bill and Ghanaian women's rights activists. Drawing on the historiography of colonialism and ethnography of political performance, I argue that this case illustrates how the discourse of cultural sovereignty is mobilized in a struggle over shifting configurations of gender, political activism, and state sovereignty.  相似文献   

The proliferation of a nongovernmental sector held the promise of linking local actors with national and international ones, thereby contributing to a highly participatory, Habermasian ideal in which the formerly marginalized would find greater participation and expression. Yet the role of international agents in community-based resource management projects has recently come under scrutiny. In addressing these issues in this article, I consider the roles of different interlocutors in two contrastive phases in an Amazonian community's movement to preserve its endangered fisheries. The comparative exercise demonstrates how institutional agents, by establishing a discourse that structures the criteria through which collective demands may be problematized, may inadvertently shift from mediation to domination, and from local partnering to local production.  相似文献   

Pedro Fiaschi 《Brittonia》2005,57(3):240-247
Three new species of BrazilianDendropanax from the rain forests of Bahia state are described and illustrated.Dendropanax amorimii, endemic to the rain forests near Boa Nova, in southern Bahia, is characterized by compound umbellate inflorescences with elongated primary branches each having a proximal whorl of bracts, and by leaves with well-developed tertiary venation.Dendropanax bahiensis, endemic to the Atlantic rain forests of southern Bahia, is distinguished by its large and membranous leaves with reddish schizogenous glands on the abaxial surface and by the reduced and branched inflorescences with short-pedicellate flowers and large fruits.Dendropanax geniculatus, an endemic species from the “matas de grotão” of Serra da Chapadinha, Chapada Diamantina, is characterized by simple and usually geniculate inflorescences bearing long-pedicellate flowers and fruits.  相似文献   

Abundance, seasonal phenology and flower visits of eusocial bees were studied in Diamantina, a national park with cerrado vegetation in Bahia, tropical Brazil. About 700 bees were collected, mainly native stingless bees and the introduced Africanized honey bee. Sampling along a transect was most effective March through September during the dry season. The foraging worker bees were observed on flowers of over 60 angiosperm species of which a few were visited with high frequency. Foraging activity concentrated on flowering plants of the families Leguminosae and Asteraceae. The results are discussed under aspects of nutritional resource partitioning by bee communities in neotropical habitats and the specific composition of a cerrado apifauna.  相似文献   

From 2006 through 2014, we conducted seroepidemiological surveys on non-human primates and sloths to investigate the possible circulation of arboviruses in Bahia Atlantic Forest, Brazil. We collected a total of 196 samples from 103 Leontopithecus chrysomelas, 7 Sapajus xanthosternos, 22 Bradypus torquatus and 7 Bradypus variegatus. Serum samples were tested using neutralization test and hemagglutination inhibition test to detect total antibodies against 26 different arboviruses. The overall prevalence of arboviruses was 36.6% (51/139), with the genus Flavivirus having the highest prevalence (33.1%; 46/139), followed by Phlebovirus (5.0%; 7/139), Orthobunyavirus (4.3%; 6/139) and Alphavirus (0.7%; 1/139). Monotypic reactions suggest that the wild animals were exposed naturally to at least twelve arboviruses. Added results from the neutralization test, animals were exposed to thirteen arboviruses. Most of these viruses are maintained in transmission cycles independent of human hosts, although antibodies against dengue virus serotypes 1, 2 and 3 were found in this study. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting exposure to arboviruses in L. chrysomelas, S. xanthosternos and B. torquatus. Our results also highlight that the Southern Bahia Atlantic Forest has a variety of vertebrate hosts and potential vectors, which may support the emergence or re-emergence of arboviruses, including those pathogenic to humans.  相似文献   

Progress, spread and natural transmission of Bahia bark scaling of citrus were evaluated in a trial where 240 screenhouse‐nursed nucellar grapefruit plants –‘Clason’, ‘Little River Seedless’, ‘Red Blush’, ‘Reed’ and ‘Howell Seedless’ cvs – were planted alongside and 5 m apart from a 10‐year‐old symptomatic ‘Marsh Seedless’ grapefruit orchard. Plants were distributed in 16 rows of 15 trees, with three plants of each cultivar per row. Eight trial plants were kept in screen cages. Incidence of symptomatic plants was assessed at 3‐months intervals, for 5 years, and for further 2 years at irregular intervals. Cumulative maps of disease incidence were produced for each assessment date and used in all analyses. Temporal progress was analysed by nonlinear fitting of three disease progress models. Spread was characterised in three levels of spatial hierarchy by the following analyses: ordinary runs, binomial dispersion index, binary power law fitting, isopath mapping and nonlinear fitting of disease gradient models. The first symptomatic plant was detected 2 years after planting. In the last disease assessment, 5 years after the first, 98% of the unprotected plants were symptomatic. None of the screen‐caged trees showed any symptoms. Bahia bark scaling progress was polyetic and best described by the logistic model. Ordinary runs analysis showed little if any evidence of transmission between adjacent trees. Diseased plants showed a very aggregated pattern inside quadrats (D > 5 and b > 1.53). Isopath mapping showed that main spread was only because of the primary inoculum source. Secondary foci were also observed, but they were never dissociated from main initial disease focus. Disease gradient followed wind direction, starting near the original inoculum source and was best described by exponential model. These results support a hypothesis of Bahia bark scaling transmission by air‐borne vectors with limited dispersion ability.  相似文献   

Freek Colombijn 《Ethnos》2018,83(1):58-79
Violence has an enormous potential impact on the production of urban space. This article presents an analysis of how violence has made an impact on Indonesian cities since 1998. Using case material from communal violence in Kota Ambon, and lynching and vigilantism in Jakarta, the article addresses the question what impact did violence have on the spatial restructuring of some Indonesian cities and, conversely, – assuming that the people who used violence are slowly relinquishing its use – what impact does the restoration of law and order have on urban space? How enduring are some of the underlying, historical patterns of violence and do many of them still exist, hidden under the surface, today?  相似文献   

In this article I propose that genderinequality promotes – directly or indirectly –vulnerability to HIV as a consequence of amultidimensional violence (structural, symbolicand physical) experienced by injection drugusing (IDU) women in The Mission District (SanFrancisco). Given the female subordinated positionstipulated by the street ideology, I analyzehow drug dependence afforded by precariousstrategies of subsistence places IDU womenunder multiple dangers and threats. In thissetting, unequal gender relations are part of acomplex system of transactions in the streeteconomy and a way to reduce or increase theeveryday violence. Facing multiple dangers andrisks, some women adopt a subordinatedposition, some try to negotiate the conditionsof the exchanges and the others resist theexploitation. Finally, everyday violence under conditions ofgender inequality and scarcity of resourcesimposes a logic defined by the challenge ofsurvival under the threat of immediate dangers,which transform HIV into a secondary risk.  相似文献   

Adiantum diphyllum, a species endemic to the coastal forests of Bahia State, Brazil, is characterized and distinguished from other species ofAdiantum with anastomosing veins, elongate sori, and venuloid idioblasts.
Adiantum diphyllum, uma espécie endêmica das florestas costeiras do leste do Brasil. é caracterizada e distinta das outras espécies deAdiantum com nervuras anastomosadas, soros alongados e idioblastos entre as nervuras.

Analysis of the planktonic foraminifers recovered from 1-SCS-2 drill-hole, Florianópolis platform (Pelotas Basin, southern Brazilian Atlantic Margin), allowed recognition of the Catapsydrax dissimilis, Catapsydrax stainforthi, Globorotalia fohsi robusta, Globorotalia mayeri, Globorotalia margaritae evoluta and Globigerinoides trilobus fistulosus Miocene and Pliocene zones and four important hiatuses. Correlation with well 1-SCS-3B and other zonal schemes, as well as recognition of early diagenesis instead of a reworking process, allowed confident age assignment. The Miocene foraminifers constitute a tropical/sub-tropical assemblage, whereas in the Pliocene, the presence of scarce species associated to subantarctic water masses suggests that the Malvinas Current reaches the area but it was not a controlling factor in the paleoenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   

Based on pollen analysis, 17 honey samples collected in the Caatinga area from Nova Soure city were classified by botanical origin to identify the most important floral sources. Most of the honey samples were obtained in August and September. A total of 73 pollen types were identified belonging to 30 families, 64 genera and 30 species. The families best represented by their number of pollen types were Mimosaceae (11), Caesalpiniaceae (9), Rubiaceae and Fabaceae (5 each). Predominant pollen types were: Mimosa arenosa in four samples, M. sensitiva and M. tenuiflora in one sample. Pollen from Mimosa ursina was registered for the first time in the pollen spectrum of the Caatinga vegetation. The correspondence analysis showed a similarity among the honey samples based on pollen composition. The high representation of pollen from native species such as Chamaecrista nictitans, C. ramosa, C. swainsonii and Copaifera martii (Caesalpiniaceae); Aeschynomene martii and Zornia sericea (Fabaceae); Herissantia tiubae (Malvaceae); Mimosa arenosa, M. quadrivalvis, M. sensitiva, M. tenuiflora, M. ursina, Piptadenia moniliformis and Plathymenia reticulata (Mimosaceae), and Ziziphus joazeiro (Rhamnaceae) supports the origin of these honeys from Caatinga vegetation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the parasites found in three commercially exploited bivalve molluscs (Mytella guyanensis, Anomalocardia brasiliana and Iphigenia brasiliana) of an estuarine region of Ilhéus, south of Bahia, Brazil (14°48′23′′S; 39°02′47′′W). Samples of 20 individuals of each species were collected fortnightly from August 2005 to August 2006. A total of 1480 individuals was collected and processed by standard histologic techniques; the histologic sections were stained with Harris haematoxylin and eosin and examined with light microscope. The water temperature in the study area varied from 24 to 30.5 °C and the salinity from 0 to 23 ppt. Remarkable differences were found in the parasitic community between the three mollusc species involved in the study, which occupied different habitats in the estuarine region of the Cachoeira river. The following parasites were found: intracellular rickettsia-like colonies in digestive epithelia; intracellular gregarine Nematopsis sp. in gills, mantle, gonad, digestive gland and foot muscle; sporocysts of a Bucephalidae trematode in gonads, mantle, gills, digestive gland and foot; unidentified digenetic metacercariae in digestive gland and gonad; metacestodes of Tylocephalum sp. in connective tissue in the digestive gland and in gonad; and an unidentified metazoan in mantle and intestinal lumen. No significant temporal variation in the prevalence of any parasite was detected, which could be due to the narrow temperature range of the region and the absence of patterns of salinity and rainfall variation through the year. The infestation by sporocyst was the only pathological threat detected for the studied populations because of its potential for host castration. The low infection intensity and/or prevalence of the other parasites and the lack of obvious lesions suggest that there is no other serious pathological risk for the studied mollusc populations.  相似文献   

Plant litter from selected tree species has been used for improving soil productivity in low-input systems of secondary vegetation in Central Amazon, leading to different conditions for invertebrates. Soil invertebrate assemblages were monitored to test the effects of adding litter types of contrasting nutritional quality and periods of exposure on the development of the community. We established four second growth plots with 80 subplots of 3 m2 from which the original litter was removed and replaced in 60 subplots. Twenty subplots received Hevea brasiliensis leaves, 20 others Carapa guianensis leaves, and another 20 an equal mixture of H. brasiliensis, C. guianensis and Vismia guianensis. Twenty subplots were left with the original litter. Litter and mineral soil (5 cm deep) sub-horizons were collected after 45, 100, 160, 240 and 300 days of exposure. The invertebrates were extracted using Kempson apparatus. At the day 210, the litter was replenished to match the surrounding litter. Regression analyses showed no significant effect of litter type, but the period of exposure did affect the community in both sub-horizons. Only after the litter replenishment, the type of litter and periods of exposure affected the community in the litter sub-horizon. Because we tried to isolate the effects of litter composition from other large-scale phenomena, several factors interfered in the experiment and potential problems were identified to optimize the investigation. The sampling design must be improved by using a larger number of subsamples for each kind of litter within each plot. Coarse parameters of Order and Family were suited to detect major environmental patterns on soil invertebrates, but taxonomic resolution to species and/or morphospecies is required to detect more subtle effects. Future manipulations should also be done on a longer time scale, and the replicates need to be spread over larger areas to capture the natural variations within the ecosystems.  相似文献   

We identified different diarrheagenic (DEC) Escherichia coli pathotypes isolated from 1,207 children with and without acute endemic diarrhea in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil collected as part of a case-control study. Since the identification of DEC cannot be based on only biochemical and culture criteria, we used a multiplex polymerase chain reaction developed by combining five specific primer pairs for Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Shiga toxin-producing E. coli/ Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (STEC/EHEC), Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) to detect these pathotypes simultaneously in a single-step reaction. In order to distinguish typical and atypical EPEC strains, these were tested for the presence of EAF plasmid. The prevalence of diarrheagenic E. coli in this sample of a global case-control study was 25.4% (259 patients) and 18.7% (35 patients) in the diarrhea group (1,020 patients) and the control group (187 patients), respectively. The most frequently isolated pathotype was EAEC (10.7%), followed by atypical EPEC (9.4%), ETEC (3.7%), and STEC (0.6%). Typical EPEC was detected only in one sample. The prevalence of the pathotypes studied in children with diarrhea was not significantly different from that in children without diarrhea.  相似文献   

Aechmea itapoana is a new, conspicuous and distinct species from the coastal sand dune scrub of N.E. Brazil. Its possible relationships within subgenusChevaliera, toA. multiflora andA. rodriguesia are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Sauvagesia is described and illustrated under the name Sauvagesia paniculata. This new species is morphologically similar to the acicular-leaved species of the subsect. Vellozianae. However, S. paniculata can be clearly differentiated from the other acicular-leaved species by the paniculate inflorescence. Other diagnostic characters of S. paniculata include the shorter pedicel and longer leaves. This new species seems to be narrowly endemic to the “campo rupestre” vegetation in the Esbarrancado mountain range of Mucugê, in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil.  相似文献   

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