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Patrick SC  Browning LE 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26383
In biparental systems, members of the same pair can vary substantially in the amount of parental care they provide to offspring. The extent of this asymmetry should depend on the relative costs and benefits of care. Individual variation in personality is likely to influence this trade-off, and hence is a promising candidate to explain differences in care. In addition, plasticity in parental care may also be associated with personality differences. Using exploration behaviour (EB) as a measure of personality, we investigated these possibilities using both natural and experimental data from a wild population of great tits (Parus major). Contrary to predictions, we found no association between EB and natural variation in provisioning behaviour. Nor was EB linked to responsiveness to experimentally increased brood demand. These results are initially surprising given substantial data from other studies suggesting personality should influence investment in parental care. However, they are consistent with a recent study showing selection on EB is weak and highly context-specific in the focal population. This emphasises the difficulty faced by personality studies attempting to make predictions based on previous work, given that personalities often vary among populations of the same species.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in foraging and provisioning behaviour have been observed in several size-dimorphic seabird species. These differences are usually thought to be driven by size-related mechanisms such as the ability to compete for food or defend the nest. However, recent studies on monomorphic species suggest that sexual differences in foraging may arise independently of size. Selective forces driving sex-specific patterns are poorly known but essential to understand parental strategies. In this study, we examine sex differences in the provisioning behaviour of a monomorphic species, the Little Auk Alle alle . Using automated recording systems during two consecutive seasons at two colonies, we found that both sexes used a bimodal foraging strategy in which they regularly alternated single foraging trips of long duration with a cycle of several short-trips. The duration of long-trips was substantially longer in females than in males, and the sexes differed in the number of short-trips they performed in between long-trips, resulting in male-biased provisioning rates in both years. In species with a bimodal foraging strategy, long-trips have been interpreted as self-feeding trips to replenish body reserves. Our results therefore suggest that female Little Auks allocate more time to self-maintenance at the cost of chick provisioning, possibly due to different energetic constraints of the sexes prior and/or subsequent to chick-rearing. Our findings contribute to accumulating evidence that sex-specific foraging patterns may be widespread in sexually size-monomorphic seabird species.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in the foraging behaviour of parents have been observed in a number of sexually sizedimorphic birds, particularly seabirds, and the usual inference has been that these sex-specific differences are mediated primarily by differences in body size. To test this explanation, we compared the foraging behaviour of parents in a monomorphic seabird species, the northern gannet Morus bassanus. Using specially designed instruments and radio telemetry we found that individuals of both sexes were consistent in the directions and durations of their foraging trips. However, there were significant differences in the foraging behaviour of males and females. Female gannets were not only more selective than males in the areas where they foraged, but they also made longer, deeper dives and spent more time on the sea surface than males. As the sexes are morphologically similar in this species, then these differences are unlikely to have been mediated by body size. Our work highlights the need to investigate sexual differences in the foraging behaviour of seabirds and other species more closely, in order to test alternative theories that do not rely on differences in body size.  相似文献   

Fish provide a wonderful opportunity to explore processes that shape and select cognitive ability. In this presentation, I will illustrate three aspects of work that my colleagues and I have used to investigate fish learning and memory over the last decade. First, I will discuss how comparing different populations sampled from contrasting habitats allows differences in cognitive ability to be related to the evolutionary ecology of the fish. I will use examples that have investigated how differences in learning ability between populations of the same species can arise. Here, the examples will be taken from the ubiquitous three‐spined stickleback, and a Panamanian poecilid, Brachyraphis .
The second approach has used fish cognition as a tool to quantify behaviour to enable assessment of different aspects of fish welfare. For example, the recent work investigating pain perception in trout required the use of a learning task to quantify how fish behaviour was modified after noxious stimulation. Ways in which these, and similar, processes can be used in future studies of fish welfare will be discussed.
The final part of the presentation will consider recent work that addresses the problems of releasing hatchery‐reared fish for restocking purposes. Although a common practice, most of the hatchery‐reared fish die shortly after they are released. Much of the observed mortality apparently stems from the fishes' inexperience with a variable environment. Experiments with juvenile cod and brown trout suggest that both age, and the early rearing environment, have profound effects on fish learning and behaviour. I will discuss how simple modifications to current rearing practices may have large beneficial effects on the post‐release survival of hatchery‐reared fish.  相似文献   

Rogers AS  Rosato E  Costa R  Kyriacou CP 《Genetica》2004,120(1-3):213-222
The Drosophila simulans per gene is polymorphic for the length of a repeat that encodes a series of Thr-Gly pairs. We have examined the circadian behaviour of flies derived from isofemale lines that carry the major variants, and find some significant differences in the way that the clock responds to temperature challenge, that might relate to the observed frequencies of these alleles in nature. We also observe that circadian thermal behaviour is also predictably influenced by subtle differences in the temperature of the locality from which these flies have been originally collected. There appear to be species-specific differences in the circadian locomotor patterns of D. melanogaster and D. simulans and in the way they may respond to temperature. Using chimeric per transgenes which carry the different species Thr-Gly fragments, we have been able to identify components of the behaviour that are modulated by this region of the PER protein.  相似文献   

Altruism is an evolutionary puzzle. To date, much debate has focused on whether helping others without regard to oneself is a uniquely human behaviour, with a variety of empirical studies demonstrating a lack of altruistic behaviour in chimpanzees even when the demands of behaving altruistically seem minimal. By contrast, a recent experiment has demonstrated that chimpanzees will help a human experimenter to obtain an out-of-reach object, irrespective of whether or not they are offered a reward for doing so, suggesting that the cognitions underlying altruistic behaviour may be highly sensitive to situational demands. Here, we examine the cognitive demands of other-regarding behaviour by testing the conditions under which primates more distantly related to humans--capuchin monkeys--help an experimenter to obtain an out-of-reach object. Like chimpanzees, capuchin monkeys helped human experimenters even in the absence of a reward, but capuchins systematically failed to take into account the perspective of others when they stood to obtain food for themselves. These results suggest an important role for perspective taking and inhibition in altruistic behaviour and seem to reflect a significant evolutionary development in the roots of altruism, and specifically in other-regarding behaviour, between the divergence of New World monkeys and apes.  相似文献   

Invasive green crab populations initially established in Canada within the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick in the 1950s and were present in all five Atlantic provinces by 2007. Genetic evidence suggests that the Atlantic Canadian populations originated from two separate introductions with differences in time of establishment among regions and possible population-level behavioural differences. In this study, we examine intraspecific foraging behaviour among crabs from different populations, and interspecific foraging behaviour between genetically similar crabs and juvenile lobsters. Both sets of foraging experiments involved competition for a limited food source over a 1-h period. In intraspecific match-ups, recent invaders from Newfoundland (NL) were significantly superior foragers than long-established invaders from Nova Scotia (NS) and New Brunswick (NB) populations; however, we found no differences between NL and Prince Edward Island (PE) invaders. Crabs from PE were better competitors than those from NS and NB, but these differences were not significant. Interspecific competition experiments indicated that the feeding behaviour of recent invaders (NL) and genetically similar, but long-established invaders (NS), differed in the presence of juvenile lobsters. Our study documents striking behavioural differences among populations of green crab from a small geographic region, which may reflect a combination of both genetic differences and time since establishment. These differences may result in varying impacts on newly invaded habitats.  相似文献   

Individual humans, and members of diverse other species, show consistent differences in aggressiveness, shyness, sociability and activity. Such intraspecific differences in behaviour have been widely assumed to be non‐adaptive variation surrounding (possibly) adaptive population‐average behaviour. Nevertheless, in keeping with recent calls to apply Darwinian reasoning to ever‐finer scales of biological variation, we sketch the fundamentals of an adaptive theory of consistent individual differences in behaviour. Our thesis is based on the notion that such ‘personality differences’ can be selected for if fitness payoffs are dependent on both the frequencies with which competing strategies are played and an individual's behavioural history. To this end, we review existing models that illustrate this and propose a game theoretic approach to analyzing personality differences that is both dynamic and state‐dependent. Our motivation is to provide insights into the evolution and maintenance of an apparently common animal trait: personality, which has far reaching ecological and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Parrots of the genus Trichoglossus perform elaborate repertoires of visual threat displays during agonistic interactions. The displays of different species and subspecies differ in complexity and composition. As repertoire complexity increases, taxa tend to emphasize the more exaggerated components of display, and they also show a reduced inclination to attack a mirror-image opponent. These covarying attributes of threat displays in Trichoglossus are highly correlated with interspecific differences in bill-length. These findings are discussed in the light of recent theoretical advances in the study of animal threat and fighting behaviour.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are known to be important drivers of human activity and the recent availability of electronic records of human behaviour has provided fine-grained data of temporal patterns of activity on a large scale. Further, questionnaire studies have identified important individual differences in circadian rhythms, with people broadly categorised into morning-like or evening-like individuals. However, little is known about the social aspects of these circadian rhythms, or how they vary across individuals. In this study we use a unique 18-month dataset that combines mobile phone calls and questionnaire data to examine individual differences in the daily rhythms of mobile phone activity. We demonstrate clear individual differences in daily patterns of phone calls, and show that these individual differences are persistent despite a high degree of turnover in the individuals’ social networks. Further, women’s calls were longer than men’s calls, especially during the evening and at night, and these calls were typically focused on a small number of emotionally intense relationships. These results demonstrate that individual differences in circadian rhythms are not just related to broad patterns of morningness and eveningness, but have a strong social component, in directing phone calls to specific individuals at specific times of day.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish whether two lines of rainbow trout divergent for their plasma cortisol response to a standardized stressor would show consistent differences in their behavioural response to a range of challenging situations. Our results show that the high- and low-responding (HR and LR) lines of rainbow trout did not differ in the aggression shown towards an intruder or in their response to the introduction of a novel object to their home environment. However, there was a difference in behaviour between the two selection lines when they were exposed to two unfamiliar environments. These results suggest that the behaviour of the HR and LR fish differs when they are challenged in unfamiliar environments, while their behaviour does not differ when they are challenged in their home environment. These observations are in agreement with studies on mammals that show that individuals with reactive coping styles perform similarly to proactive animals when they are challenged in a familiar environment, while they show different behaviour when they are challenged in unfamiliar environments. Thus, these results provide further evidence that the HR and LR selection lines of rainbow trout exemplify the two different coping styles described in mammals.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal is a key process in population biology and ecology. Although the general ecological conditions that lead to dispersal have been well studied, the causes of individual variation in dispersal are less well understood. A number of recent studies suggest that heritable temperament - or personality - traits are correlated with dispersal in the wild but the extent to which these 'personality-dispersal syndromes' are general, how they depend on an individual's state and on spatial scale and whether they are temporally stable, both within and across individuals, remains unclear. 2. Here, we examine the relationship between exploration behaviour - an axis of personality that appears to be important in animals generally - and a variety of dispersal processes over 6 years in a population of the great tit Parus major. 3. Exploration behaviour was higher in immigrant than in locally born juveniles, but the difference was much larger for individuals with a small body mass, though independent of sex, representing one of the first examples of a state-dependent effect in a personality-dispersal syndrome. 4. Despite a temporal trend in exploration behaviour at the population level, the difference between immigrants and locally born birds remained stable over time, both across and within individuals. This suggests that the personality difference between immigrants and locally born birds is established early in development, but that the process of immigration interacts with both personality and state. 5. We found that the number of immigrant parents a locally born bird had did not influence exploration behaviour, suggesting either the difference between immigrants and residents was environmental or that the effect is overridden by local environmental sources of variation. 6. In contrast to previous work, we found no evidence for links between personality and natal dispersal distance within the population, either in terms of an individual's own exploration behaviour or that of its parents. 7. Our results suggest that there are links between individual differences in personality and dispersal, but that these can be dependent on differences in state among individuals and on the scale over which dispersal is measured. Future work should aim to understand the differences between dispersal within and between populations and the ways in which personality and state interact to determine the outcome of these processes.  相似文献   

In this paper we review recent models that provide adaptive explanations for animal personalities: individual differences in behaviour (or suites of correlated behaviours) that are consistent over time or contexts. We start by briefly discussing patterns of variation in behaviour that have been documented in natural populations. In the main part of the paper we discuss models for personality differences that (i) explain animal personalities as adaptive behavioural responses to differences in state, (ii) investigate how feedbacks between state and behaviour can stabilize initial differences among individuals and (iii) provide adaptive explanations for animal personalities that are not based on state differences. Throughout, we focus on two basic questions. First, what is the basic conceptual idea underlying the model? Second, what are the key assumptions and predictions of the model? We conclude by discussing empirical features of personalities that have not yet been addressed by formal modelling. While this paper is primarily intended to guide empiricists through current adaptive theory, thereby stimulating empirical tests of these models, we hope it also inspires theoreticians to address aspects of personalities that have received little attention up to now.  相似文献   

Anthropology has devoted insufficient attention to the study of spatial behaviour. Some recent trends in the literature are discussed and the issues they raise are examined in the light of ethnographic material on Thai bureaucrats and Malay villagers in Southern Thailand. A system for the study of spatial behaviour is then proposed, in order to give it a more central position in anthropological analysis.  相似文献   

The majority of species of flowering plants rely on pollination by insects, so that their reproductive success and in part their population structure are determined by insect behaviour. The foraging behaviour of insect pollinators is flexible and complex, because efficient collection of nectar or pollen is no simple matter. Each flower provides a variable but generally small reward that is often hidden, flowers are patchily distributed in time and space, and are erratically depleted of rewards by other foragers. Insects that specialise in visiting flowers have evolved an array of foraging strategies that act to improve their efficiency, which in turn determine the reproductive success of the plants that they visit. This review attempts a synthesis of the recent literature on selectivity in pollinator foraging behaviour, in terms of the species, patch and individual flowers that they choose to visit.

The variable nature of floral resources necessitate foraging behaviour based upon flexible learning, so that foragers can respond to the pattern of rewards that they encounter. Fidelity to particular species allows foragers to learn appropriate handling skills and so reduce handling times, but may also be favoured by use of a search image to detect flowers. The rewards received are also used to determine the spatial patterns of searches; distance and direction of flights are adjusted so that foragers tend to remain within rewarding patches and depart swiftly from unrewarding ones. The distribution of foragers among patchy resources generally conforms to the expectations of two simple optimal foraging models, the ideal free distribution and the marginal value theorem.

Insects are able to learn to discriminate among flowers of their preferred species on the basis of subtle differences in floral morphology. They may discriminate upon the basis of flower size, age, sex or symmetry and so choose the more rewarding flowers. Some insects are also able to distinguish and reject depleted flowers on the basis of ephemeral odours left by previous visitors. These odours have recently been implicated as a mechanism involved in interspecific interactions between foragers.

From the point of view of a plant reliant upon insect pollination, the behaviour of its pollinators (and hence its reproductive success) is likely to vary according to the rewards offered, the size and complexity of floral displays used to advertise their location, the distribution of conspecific and of rewards offered by other plant species, and the abundance and behaviour of other flower visitors.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs play many vital roles in human lives; however, relatively little is known about how they perceive the world visually. Given dogs’ recent popularity as a subject in cognitive and behavioural studies, it is important to understand how they visually interpret the world around them. One way to evaluate perception is to assess illusion susceptibility; specifically, how visual information is processed, interpreted and modified post-retinally. While illusion susceptibility has been used across a variety of species to comparatively assess the similarities and differences in visual processing and perception, this relatively novel methodological approach has only recently been adapted to evaluate perception in domestic dogs. Here, we present a comprehensive overview of the findings from studies that have evaluated domestic dogs’ illusion susceptibility, highlighting the relevance of these results for those studying illusion susceptibility in animals as well as canine behaviour and cognition. More specifically, the ultimate goal of this review is to answer the questions: (a) Are dogs susceptible to visual illusions? (b) If so, are they susceptible to illusions in a way that parallels humans and/or other animals? (c) Are findings, within dogs, consistent and if not, how might these be interpreted and explained?  相似文献   

Mechanisms that drive sex-specific foraging behaviour in seabirds are not fully understood. In some cases, sexual-size dimorphism has been implicated. However, recent empirical work indicates that foraging behaviour may also differ between sexes of monomorphic seabird taxa. We simultaneously examined sex-specific differences in adult foraging behaviour, chick provisioning rates and maximum dive-depths in a monomorphic seabird, the wedge-tailed shearwater Puffinus pacificus . We found significant divergence between sexes. Mean foraging trip length was longer, provisioning rate lower and mean maximum dive-depth shallower in females. We found no evidence of divergence in foraging behaviour due to condition-dependant increases in self-provisioning by females, or differences in the nest attendance patterns of each sex. In addition, chick body condition did not influence meal mass or trip length differently in one or other sex. Consistent with results obtained for dimorphic species we suggest that inter-sexual competition at the foraging grounds provides the most parsimonious explanation for the sex-specific differences observed in this monomorphic species. Based on our findings we believe this possibility warrants further critical investigation.  相似文献   

Domestication is an evolutionary process during which the biobehavioural profile (comprising e.g. social and emotional behaviour, cognitive abilities, as well as hormonal stress responses) is substantially reshaped. Using a comparative approach, and focusing mainly on the domestic and wild guinea pig, an established model system for the study of domestication, we review (a) how wild and domestic animals of the same species differ in behaviour, emotion, cognition, and hormonal stress responses, (b) during which phases of life differences in biobehavioural profiles emerge and (c) whether or not animal personalities exist in both the wild and domestic form. Concerning (a), typical changes with domestication include increased courtship, sociopositive and maternal behaviours as well as decreased aggression and attentive behaviour. In addition, domestic animals display more anxiety-like and less risk-taking and exploratory behaviour than the wild form and they show distinctly lower endocrine stress responsiveness. There are no indications, however, that domestic animals have diminished cognitive abilities relative to the wild form. The different biobehavioural profiles of the wild and domestic animals can be regarded as adaptations to the different environmental conditions under which they live, i.e., the natural habitat and artificial man-made housing conditions, respectively. Concerning (b), the comparison of infantile, adolescent and adult wild and domestic guinea pigs shows that the typical biobehavioural profile of the domestic form is already present during early phases of life, that is, during early adolescence and weaning. Thus, differences between the domestic and the wild form can be attributed to genetic alterations resulting from artificial selection, and likely to environmental influences during the pre- and perinatal phase. Interestingly, the frequency of play behaviour does not differ between the domestic and wild form early in life, but is significantly higher in domesticated guinea pigs at later ages. Concerning (c), there is some evidence that personalities occur in both wild and domestic animals. However, there may be differences in which behavioural domains – social and sexual behaviour, emotionality, stress-responsiveness – are consistent over time. These differences are probably due to changing selection pressures during domestication.  相似文献   

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