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Summary Bombus inexspectatus (Tkalc) is now known from 50 males, 36 females and two individuals which have been described as workers; the species has been found in the mountains of Austria, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland at altitudes between 1,181 m. (N.W. Spain) and 2,100 m. (N.E. Italy). More than 10,000 bumblebees have been captured in localities whereB.inexspectatus is known to occur yet no further worker individuals have been discovered. The capture of some very undersized females in spring long before workers of any other species were flying puts the status of the two so-called workers in considerable doubt and examination of these two specimens points very strongly to their being females and not workers. The possibility that the femaleB. inexspectatus behaves like aPsithyrus and lives in the nest of another bee seems a not improbable explanation of the situation though proof may come only by chance discovery. Certain peculiarities of the female, notably absence of any indication, in pinned specimens, of either wax secretion or pollen collecting and at least the suggestion that the pollen collecting equipment may be degenerate if not entirely non-functional are added pointers to the necessity of a parasitic mode of living.Bombus ruderarius Müller is suggested as a likely host.
Zusammenfassung Bombus inexspectatus (Tkalc), ist jetzt nach 50 Männchen, 36 Weibchen und 2 als Arbeiter beschriebenen Exemplaren bekannt; die Art ist in den Gebirgen Österreichs, Frankreichs, Italiens, Spaniens und der Schweiz in Höhen zwischen 1181 m. (N.W. Spanien) und 2100 m. (N.O. Italien) gefunden worden. Mehr als 10000 Hummeln sind an den Fundorten gefangen worden, wo das Vorkommen vonB. inexspectatus bekannt ist, doch hat man keine weiteren Arbeiter entdeckt. Das Sammeln einiger sehr kleinen Weibchen am Anfang des Frühlings — lange vor der Flugzeit der Arbeiter anderer Arten — lässt den Status der zwei Arbeiter bezweifeln, und eine Untersuchung zeigt, dass sie wahrscheinlich Weibchen und keine Arbeiter sind. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass das Weibchen vonB. inexspectatus sich wie einPsithyrus verhält und im Nest einer anderen Hummel lebt, doch vielleicht könnte eine zufällige Entdeckung diese Hypothese bestätigen. Gewisse Eigentümlichkeiten des Weibchens sind weitere Anzeiger der Notwendigkeit einer parasitischen Lebensweise: besonders die Abwesenheit jeder Andeutung entweder von Waschsabscheidung oder von Pollensammeln und die Möglichkeit, dass der Pollensammelapparat wenigstens degeneriert, wenn nicht ganz funktionlos geworden, ist.Bombus ruderarius Müller wird als wahrscheinlicher Wirt vorgeschlagen.

Previous work on the genetic diversity of Phaeocystis used ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence analyses to show that there is substantial inter- and intraspecific variation within the genus. First attempts to trace the biogeographical history of strains in Antarctic coastal waters were based on a comparison of ITS sequences. To gain deeper insights into the population structure and bloom dynamics of this microalga it is necessary to quantify the genetic diversity within populations of P. antarctica from different locations (i.e., each of the three major gyres in the Antarctic continental waters) and to calculate the gene flow between them. Here we describe methods to quantify genetic diversity and our preliminary results for P. antarctica in comparison to two other colonial species: P. globosa and P. pouchetii. For this study of genetic diversity, two fingerprinting techniques were used. First, amplified fragment-length polymorphisms (AFLPs) were established as a pre-screening tool to assess clone diversity and to select divergent clones prior to physiological investigations. Second, the more-powerful microsatellite markers were established to assess population structure and biogeography more accurately. Results show differences in the AFLP patterns between isolates of P. antarctica from different regions, and that a wide variety of microsatellite motifs could be obtained from the three Phaeocystis species.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman) is the most destructive pest of the honey bee, Apis mellifera L., in Europe and the United States. In temperate zones, the main losses of colonies from the mites occur during colony overwintering. To obtain a deeper knowledge of this phenomenon, we studied the mites' impact on the vitellogenin titer, the total protein stores in the hemolymph, the hemocyte characteristics, and the ecdysteroid titer of adult honey bees. These physiological characteristics are indicators of long-time survival and endocrine function, and we show that they change if bees have been infested by mites during the pupal stage. Compared with noninfested workers, adult bees infested as pupae do not fully develop physiological features typical of long-lived wintering bees. Management procedures designed to kill V. destructor in late autumn may thus fail to prevent losses of colonies because many of the adult bees are no longer able to survive until spring. Beekeepers in temperate climates should therefore combine late autumn management strategies with treatment protocols that keep the mite population at low levels before and during the period when the winter bees emerge.  相似文献   

During a long-term study of chimpanzees in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon, tool-use to obtain insects or their products was observed four times and on 23 other occasions tools made and used by chimpanzees were recovered. Of 144 tools used to obtain insects, 142 were made from woody material. Tools varied in dimensions and in the degree of modification (bark stripping and fraying of ends) but those used to obtain different prey species were generally similar and resembled tools described from other chimpanzee populations in central Africa. Use of a leaf “sponge” to obtain water from a hole in the branch of a tree was observed once. Four tool-use patterns shown by other chimpanzee populations appeared to be absent at Lopé as no direct or indirect evidence of their existence was obtained in ten years.  相似文献   

The need for long-term biodiversity monitoring using standardized protocols led to the creation of the Tropical Ecology, Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) initiative. At some 50 field stations in tropical forests around the world, TEAM will monitor various taxa such as ants, birds, butterflies, medium and large terrestrial mammals, primates, litter fall, and trees, as well as landscape change in nine tropical biodiversity hotspots and three tropical wilderness areas. The TEAM terrestrial mammal program calls for using a grid of camera phototraps to monitor long-term trends in densities and occupancy rates of species that can or cannot be uniquely identified, respectively. We describe the TEAM camera phototrapping program and provide results for the first TEAM site–Caxiuanã National Forest in northern Brazil. An intensive one year camera trapping effort was carried out to determine which months were most suitable for long-term monitoring. Fifteen species of medium and large terrestrial mammals and two large birds were recorded, including three xenarthrans, five carnivores, one perissodactyle, three artiodactyles, two rodents, and one marsupial. The medium and large terrestrial mammal diversity was well represented during two consecutive wet and dry months, respectively. We also recorded activity patterns for all species photographed by our camera traps more than 10 times.  相似文献   

The genetic RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers have been used successfully in taxonomical studies of several groups of organisms. In the present study these molecular markers were used to analyze the genetic similarity among eighteen males of Euglossa truncata Rebêlo & Moure exhibiting variations in two morphological characters (colour of the antennal scape and metaepisternal hairs) which are frequently used to identify this species of euglossine bee. The twelve primers used in the RAPD analysis amplified 127 loci, of which 40 (31.5%) were polymorphic, showing some variation among the individuals. The coefficients of genetic similarity among the individuals ranged from 0.79 to 0.95, indicating a rather high genetic similarity among the 18 male bees studied. No RAPD band was specific to any morphological character analyzed. The results indicate that all bees analyzed belong to the same species. The high genetic similarity among the eighteen euglossine males studied indicates that the variations observed in the morphological characters are not in disagreement with the identification of this species of Euglossina and these characters can vary among males of E. truncata.  相似文献   

Brancelj  Anton 《Hydrobiologia》2000,437(1-3):235-239
Parastenocaris andreji n. sp. was found in ground water in a northwestern part of Slovenia (southern part of Central Europe). Two adult females of the new species were filtered out of 20 000 l of water during examination of an aquifer for water supply. The bore well was 10 m deep. The aquifer is fed by rainwater and probably only occasionally from a nearby alpine river Sava. The new species differs markedly from other known species of the genus by shape and armature of furcal rami, very long and slim maxillae and some characters on endopodites P2–P5. The closest related species are probably Parastenocaris nolliKiefer, 1938 with subspecies P. nolli alpinaKiefer, 1960, P. gertrudae Kiefer, 1968 and P. austriacaKiefer, 1976.  相似文献   

BackgroundCoal and coal processing industries provoke trace metal pollution, which has a negative effect on the water – soil – vegetation – small mammals eco-system, constituting part of the food chain and exerting a serious impact on human health.ObjectivesAssessment of the environmental impact of Maritza iztok coal complex, situated east of Radnevo town, Bulgaria, by tracking the dynamics and accumulation of trace metals in the eco-system water – soil – vegetation – common voles – parasites.MethodsSamples from surface waters, their nearby uncultivated soils, meadow uncultivated vegetation (Agropyron cristatum) and field common voles (Microtus arvalis) were collected. In situ measurements and laboratory extraction procedures and analyses were performed. Accumulation and mobility indices were calculated. The distribution of dissolved Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb chemical species in water-soil extracts was calculated using a thermodynamic approach. Two thermodynamic models were applied – the classical ion-association model for calculating the inorganic trace metal species and the Stockholm Humic Model (SHM) accounting for the complexation reactions of trace metals with organic matter. Visual Minteq computer program, Version 3.1 was used. The relationship chemical species - bioaccumulation was discussed.ResultsPb and Mn, together with SO42− and PO43- were found to be the main pollutants of waters in the region. The soils studied exhibited low concentrations of trace metals, not exceeding the specified MACs. The content of Mn was the highest, followed by Zn, Pb, Cu and Ni. The highest phytoaccumulation coefficients in the studied uncultivated grass vegetation were calculated for Cu and Zn, being 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than those of Mn and Ni. The accumulation of trace metals was explained on the basis of ions mobility and chemical species distribution. In the case of the host-parasite system Microtus alvaris - Hymenolepis diminuta, Zn displays the highest accumulation coefficient, followed by those of Cu and Pb. The parasite showed a higher bioaccumulation compared to infected common voles, with the highest bioaccumulation found for Ni.ConclusionsThe bioaccumulation of trace metals depends on their mobility, concentration and chemical forms in water-soil solutions. Metal-organic species stimulate the phytoaccumulation of trace metals while inorganic ones suppress it. The sequence of trace metals bioaccumulation in common voles is analogous to that of soil contamination. The parasite exhibited higher bioaccumulation levels compared to infected common voles.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in order to understand thebehaviour of airborne pollen grains, namely therelationship between their concentrations andconcomitant meteorological parameters, at differentaltitudes (ground level, 200, 400 and 600 m) of thelower atmosphere and its daily variations over onesite (the experimental farm of the University ofLeón). The experimental design involved a tetheredballoon (2.25 m3), an ADAS remote meteorologicalstation and an original radio controlled three headedpollen and spore sampler (called GABIS) using theRotorod design. Each head sampled a differentaltitude, while two control samples were taken atground level. Twenty-one takeoffs could be realized inthe 5 weeks period between end of May and end of June1997. Sampling was done early in the morning and sampling time at each altitudewas of 15 minutes. Results show that 45 differenttypes of pollen grains could be collected at this timeof the year and that significant variations could beobserved in the behaviour of the pollen cloud on a dayto day basis, probably because of differentmeteorological situations. Contrary to what isgenerally believed, pollen was in most cases moreabundant at higher altitude – on average by 30% ascompared to ground level – making evident anaerobiological layer of transport at about 500 m aboveground. This was especially the case for trees (Quercus and Castanea). The atmosphere MixingRatio was the most explicative factor at 200 m, whiletemperature dominated significance analysis at both400 and 600 m.  相似文献   

A Pseudomonas strain capable of using pyrazinamide as the sole source of nitrogen was isolated from soil. An aromatic amidase from the bacterium was purified 400-fold to homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 43,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150 and consisted of two identical subunits. The isoelectric point was at 4.45. Among the compounds tested, pyrazinamide (relative activity, 100%), nicotinamide (60%), and 5-methylpyrazinamide (3.4%) were hydrolyzed at considerable rates. Benzamide, picolinamide, and isonicotinamide were not substrates. Apparent Km of the enzyme for pyrazinamide and nicotinamide were 5.6 × 10 ?5 m and below 5 × 10?6 m, respectively. The enzyme was not able to hydrolyze aliphatic amides. The enzyme was most active between pH 6.5 and 10 and 75°C, and was stable between pH 5.5 and 8.5 and below 45°C.  相似文献   

Fishery is an important economic activity in the Pantanal. Among the regions species, the Pimelodidae catfish stands out as an important part of the annual catch. This study assesses the structure, exploitation and stock management of Hemisorubim platyrhynchos and Sorubim cf. lima, the sixth and seventh largest Pimelodidae of the Pantanal. The analysis is based on fish caught by commercial fishing in the Cuiabá river and landed at the "Ant?nio Moysés Nadaf" Market in the Cuiabá city, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The findings indicate that commercial fishing activities target several fish cohorts and that usually only individuals above mean length at first maturation are caught. Estimates of the instantaneous mortality coefficient show that the current fishing mortality is low. Simulations of relative yield-per-recruit model demonstrate that the current yield of two species could be greater if the fishery effort were increased, indicating that the stocks are underexploited. However, an increase in current fishery efforts should be viewed with caution, since the stock-recruitment relationship for the species is unknown. The results indicate that the current harvest of two species in the Cuiabá River Basin is sustainable.  相似文献   

The biological control potential ofEdovum puttleri Grissell, an exotic egg parasite ofLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), was examined in experimental potato plots. The parasite does not overwinter in Maryland, but through annual inoculative releases it consistently parasitized Colorado potato beetle (CPB) egg masses throughout the season. Approximately 50% of all egg masses collected were parasitized and maximum parasitism byE. puttleri occurred in egg masses produced by first generation adults.Edovum puttleri reproduced and maintained itself in potato plots for 15 weeks. The random sampling of CPB egg masses to evaluate the parasite in the field is described.   相似文献   

As part of the German Barcode of Life (GBOL) Myriapoda program, which aims to sequence the COI barcoding fragment for 2000 specimens of Germany’s 200 myriapod species in the near future, 44 sequences of the centipede order Geophilomorpha are analyzed. The analyses are limited to the genera Geophilus Leach, 1814 and Stenotaenia Koch, 1847 and include a total of six species. A special focus is Stenotaenia, of which 19 specimens from southern, western and eastern Germany could be successfully sequenced. The Stenotaenia data shows the presence of three to four vastly different (13.7–16.7% p-distance) lineages of the genus in Germany. At least two of the three lineages show a wide distribution across Germany, only the lineage including topotypes of Stenotaenialinearis shows a more restricted distribution in southern Germany. In a maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis the Italian species Stenotaeniasorrentina (Attems, 1903) groups with the different German Stenotaenialinearis clades. The strongly different Stenotaenialinearis lineages within Germany, independent of geography, are a strong hint for the presence of additional, cryptic Stenotaenia species in Germany.  相似文献   

The study aimed to briefly analyse the basic anthropometric characteristics of Ukrainian adolescents against their Polish counterparts. The study was school-based, carried out April–June 2022 and followed a cross-sectional model. It included 642 children from Poland and Ukraine (aged 10–15) who attended ten randomly selected primary schools in Kraków (Poland). Noticeable differences between Polish and Ukrainian adolescents were observed. As the analysed characteristics included features such as the amount and distribution of body fat, they can be crucial in the indirect assessment of health status, particularly the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. This in turn, can help to properly accommodate the changing needs of the population.  相似文献   

In the present work, the hourly activity of Lutzomyia neivai was studied in the southern part of the province of Tucumán, Argentina, in an area of transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis during two months of higher activity. In addition, the variables that influenced the abundance of Lu. neivai were evaluated. A total of 1,146 individuals belonging to Lu. neivai (97%) and Lutzomyia migonei (3%) were captured. The hourly activity of Lu. neivai was mainly nocturnal, with a bimodal pattern in both months. In January, the variable that most influenced the abundance of Lu. neivai was the temperature, whereas in April, that variable was humidity. These results may contribute to the design of anti-vectorial control measures at a micro-focal scale.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe impact of chemical elements on the biosphere is a function of their concentration and chemical form. Elucidation and prognosing of the latters in water basins and soil extracts is of particular significance for the assessment of their bioaccumulation in plants and animals.ObjectivesTrace metals dynamics in the system water – soil–plant–wild ratsHymenolepis diminuta in two agro-industrial zones (East and West) around Maglizh city, Bulgaria were investigated through experimental studies and thermodynamic modelling of the chemical species.MethodsSamples from surface waters of rivers, their nearby uncultivated soils, meadow uncultivated vegetation (Ranunculus acris and Gramineae) and field rats were collected. In situ measurements and laboratory analyses were performed for the determination of the physico-chemical characteristics and total concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb. The distribution of their dissolved chemical species in water samples and in the aqueous soil extracts was calculated using a thermodynamic approach. The relationship chemical species - bioaccumulation was discussed.ResultsWaters and soils in the East zone of Maglizh area were found to be more polluted compared to those in the West one, regarding Ni, Mn, Zn, Pb and Cu, while Mn and Cu displayed the highest mobility in West zone soils. Trace metals contents in Ranunculus acris exceed that in Gramineae, since the highest accumulation factors were calculated for Cu and Zn. The highest accumulation in rats was found for Zn followed by Cu, being higher in the West zone. Thermodynamic modelling shows that Mn2+ free ions are dominant in both waters and aqueous soil extracts. Ni2+ and Zn2+ ions followed by metal-organic complexes are dominant in waters of East zone while metal-organic complexes followed by free ions are dominant in waters of West zone and both soil extracts. Metal-organic complexes are dominant for Fe, Cu and Pb in all samples studied, while mainly hydroxy forms (Al(OH)4) followed by metal-organic complexes are typically for Al depending on pH.ConclusionsExperimentally established bioaccumulation of trace metals in the studied vegetation and rats is a consequence of the total concentration of trace metals in waters and soils, their mobility and chemical species. The dominance of organic complexes of trace metals is a prerequisite for their bioaccumulation in plants. Rats are in direct contact with the soil solution and therefore, of importance is the content of free ions of Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, which are easily absorbed through the skin. The host-helminth system wild rat/H. diminuta could be used as a bioindicator for trace metals pollution.  相似文献   

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