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Maya and Altaic     
Stig Wikander 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-4):141-148
Evolution and Human Behavior. Alexander Alland. Social Science Paperbacks. No. 49. Tavistock Publications. London 1969. 243 pp. 37 figs. Price 18/‐.

The Two Worlds of the Washo. An indian Tribe of California &; Nevada. (Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology.) James F. Downs, Holt, Rine‐hart and Winston, Inc., New York 1966. 113 pages, 1 map, 1 pl.

West African Kingdoms in the Nineteenth Century. Ed. with an Introduction by Daryll Forde and P. M. Kaberry. Published for the International African Institute by Oxford University Press. Oxford 1967. 289 pp. Price 50 s.net.

Francisco de Avila. Hermann Trimborn und Antje Kelm. Quellenwerke zur Alten Geschichte Amerikas aufgezeichnet in den Sprachen der Eingeborenen. Herausgegeben vom Ibero‐Amerikanischen Institut Berlin der Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Band VIII. Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, 1967. 308 pp. Price DM 105: ‐ (I, "Francisco de Avila” by Hermann Trimborn, pp. 1–198; II, "Götter und Kulte in Huarochirí” by Antje Kelm, pp. 199–307).

The Individual and Culture. Mary Ellen Goodman. The Dorsey Press. Homewood, Illinois 1967. 265 pp. Price $ 4.95.

Mythologie du Masque en Nouvelle‐Calédonie. Jean Guiart. Publications de la Société des Océanistes, No. 18. Paris 1966. 150 pp., 22 pls., 1 map.

Goldgewichte aus Ghana. Brigitte Menzel. Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde, Berlin. Neue Folge 12, Abteilung Afrika III, Berlin 1968. 242 S. Reich illustriert.

La division du temps et le calendrier rituel des peuples lagunaires de Côte d'Ivoire. Georges Niangoran‐Bouah. Université de Paris. Travaux et Mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie. LXVIII. Paris 1964. 164 S., 12 Abbildungen.

Boum‐le‐Grand, village d'Iro: Claude Pairault. Université de Paris. Travaux et Mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie. LXXIII. Paris 1966. 470 S., 225 Abb.

The Social Organization of the Western Apache. Grenville Goodwin. With a Preface by Keith H. Basso. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, 1969 (2nd edition), xxii+701 pp. Price $ 10.

The Gurage. A People of the Ensete Culture. William A. Shack. Published for the International African Institute by Oxford University Press, London 1966. 222 pp. Ill. Price 50 s.net.

Die Erde in Vorstellungswelt und Kulturpraktiken der sudanischen Völker. Jürgen Zwernemann. (Habilitationsschrift.) Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1968. 545 S., 1 Karte. DM 80: ‐, broschiert.

The Medicine Man, Swifa Ya Nguvumali. Hasani Bin Ismail. Edited and translated by Peter Lienhardt. Oxford Library of African Literature. Clarendon Press. Oxford University Press. Oxford 1968. 208 pp. Price 42 s.

Das Rind in den Felsbilddarstellungen Nordafrikas. Walther F. E. Resch. Studien zur Kulturkunde, Band 20. Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 1967. 105 S., 24 Tafeln und 4 Abbildungen. Broschiert DM 20:‐.

Social Anthropology. Godfrey Lienhardt. 2nd edition. Oxford Paperbacks University Series Opus 15. London 1966. 177 pp. Price 7/6 net.

Churches at the Grass‐Roots. A Study in Congo/Brazzaville. Efraim Andersson. World Studies of Churches in Mission. Lutherworth Press. London 1968. 296 pp. Price 30/‐.

Os Macomdes de Moçambique. Vol. I‐II. Junta de Investigates do Ultramar. Centro de Estudos de Antropología Cultural. Lisboa 1964.

I. Aspectos históricos e económicos. Jorge Dias. 180 S., 109 Abb., 17 Zeichnungen, 7 Karten.

II. Cultura material. 192 S., 261 Abb., 74 Zeichnungen. Jorge Dias e Margot Dias.  相似文献   

Åke Hullkrantz 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-4):170-178
Prelude to East African History, a collection of papers given at the First East African Vacation School in Pre‐European African History and Archaeology in December 1962, Merrick Posnansky, editor, Student's Library, Oxford University Press, London 1966. 186 pp., 9 s. 6 d.

Ethiopian Music. An Introduction. A Survey of Ecclesiastical and Secular Ethiopian Music and Instruments. Michael Powne. Oxford University Press, London 1966. xix+160 pp., 11 pl., 5 figs., 36 music ex. 1 map. Price 42 s. ‐ 2nd edition. London 1968. Price 45 s.

An Africans Religion. The Spirit of Nyajena. Case History of a Karanga People. Michael Gelfand. Juta &; Co., Limited. Cape Town, Wynberg, Johannesburg 1966. 135 pp. 1 Karte, Illustr. Price 37 s 6 d.

Mkhas Grub Rje's Fundamentals of the Buddhist Tantras. Ferdinand D. Lessing and Alex Wayman. Rgyud sde spyihi rnam par gzag pa rgyas par brjod. The Hague, Paris. 1968.

A Ceremonial Ox of India: The Mithan in Nature, Culture, and History. Frederick J. Simoons. University of Wisconsin Press Ltd., London 1968. 323 pp., pr. 104 s. 6 d.

Dor el Gussa und Gebel ben Ghnema. Zur nachpluvialen Besiedlungsgeschichte des Ostfezzan. Ergebnisse der Frobenius‐Expedition nach libyen 1963/64. Helmut Ziegert. Veröffentlichung des Frobenius‐Institutes Frankfurt. F. Steiner Verlag. Wiesbaden 1967. X+94 S. m. 19 Abb., 203 Taf., 3 Karten. Gebunden. DM 66: ‐.

Archäologische Untersuchungen am Mittleren Amazonas. Beiträge zur Vorgeschichte des südamerikanischen Tieflandes. Peter Paul Hilbert. Marburger Studien zur Völkerkunde I. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1968. 164 Abb., 11 Karten, 337 Seiten. Preis DM 60:‐.

Bibliography of Benin Art. Paula Ben‐Amos. Primitive Art Bibliographies. No. VI. The Museum of Primitive Art. New York 1968, 27 pp.

Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion. 1966. 176 pp. Price 30 s.

The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies. 1966. 156 pp. Price 30 s. A.S.A. Monographs 3 and 4. Michael Banton (general editor). Tavistock Publications. London.

Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology. George and Louise Spindler (general editors). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto, London.

Changing Japan. Edward Norbeck. 1965. 82 pp., 1 map, 1 pl.

The Dusun. A North Borneo Society. Thomas Rhys Williams. 1965. 100 pp., 1 pl., 1 map.

Understanding an African Kingdom: Bunyoro. John Beatty. New York … 1965. 61 pp., 1 map.

Bunyoro. An African Kingdom. John Beatty. New York … 1960. 86 pp., 1 pl., 1 map.  相似文献   

Three views of Hindustan

Pinney, Christopher. Camera Indica, the Social Life of Indian Photographs. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1998. 240 pp., 127 figs., glossary, notes, biblio., index. $55.00 hdbd., $29.00 paperbd.

Wade, Bonnie C. Imaging Sound: An Ethnomusicological Study of Music, Art, and Culture in Mughal India. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1998. lviii+276 pp., VII charts, 21 maps, 166 b‐&;‐w figs., 20 color plates, glossary, bibliography, notes, appendix, indexes. $80.00 or £63.95 hdbd.

The Dictionary of Art, Jane Turner, ed. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.; New York: Grove's Dictionaries Inc., 1996. 32,600 pp. in 34 vols., with black‐and‐white and color illus., maps, tables, biblio., index. $8800.00 hdbd.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Philip Stanworth 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):138-151
St. Denis. A French‐Canadian Parish. Horace Miner. The University of Chicago Press, Phoenix Books. Chicago 1963. 299 pp., 10 figs. Price 17 s. 6 d.

Waika. Die kulturgeschichtliche Stellung der Waika‐Indianer des oberen Orinoco im Rahmen der Völkerkunde Südamerikas. Otto Zerries. Klaus Renner Verlag, München, 1964. VII + 312 pp., 54 maps. DM. 78.‐

African Background. The Traditional Culture of the Shona‐speaking People. Michael Gelfand. Juta &; Co., Ltd. Cape Town 1965. 132 pp., 34 figs.

Pensée et Société Africaines. Essais sur une dialectique de complémentarité antagoniste chez les Bantu du Sud‐Est. Jacqueline Roumeguère‐Eberhardt. École Pratique des Hautes Études—Sorbonne, VIe Section: Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Cahiers de l'Homme, Nouvelle Série III. Mouton &; Co., Paris 1963. 99 pp., 9 figs.

A Manual of Intergroup Relations. John P. Dean and Alex Rosen. The University of Chicago Press, Phoenix Books. Chicago 1963. Originally published in 1955. 192 pp. Price 12 s.

The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology. 1965. 238 pp. Price 35 s. Political Systems and the Distribution of Power. 1965. 142 pp. Price 30 s. A.S.A. Monographs 1 and 2. Michael Banton [general editor]. Tavistock Publications. London.

Education and Culture. Anthropological Approaches. George D. Spindler (editor). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York. 1963. 571 pp. $ 4.75.

Capital, Saving and Credit in Peasant Societies. Studies from Asia, Oceania, the Caribbean and Middle America. R. Firth and B. S. Yamey (editors). George Allen &; Unwin Ltd. London 1964. 399 pp. Price 45 s.

Glaubenswelt und Folklore der sibirischen Völker. Herausgegeben von Vilmos Diószegi. Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest 1963. 534 S., mit 151 zum Teil mehrfarbigen Abbildungen. $ 14.

Festschrift Paul Schebesta zum 75. Geburtstag. Gewidmet von Mitbrüdern, Freunden und Schülern. Studia Instituti Anthropos, 18. St. Gabriel‐Verlag, Wien‐Mödling 1963. XV + 568 S. DM. 70.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Plant Life in West Africa. G. W. LAWSON. 8 × 5¼ in. pp. ix + 150 with 34 plates. Oxford: University Press, 1966. 22s. 6d. Reviewed by R. W. J. Keay

Wild Life and the Countryside: Nos. 255–262. Wildlife Publications, 10 Bouverie St., London, E.C.4. 16s./p.a. (9 copies). Reviewed by Ernest Neal

Vertebrate Palaeontology. A. S. ROMER. 3rd edition, pp. 468, 443 figs. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1967, 72s. Reviewed by C. B. Cox

Sensory Mechanisms. J. CASE. Pp. 113. Macmillan, N.Y.: Current Concepts in Biology Series, 1966. Reviewed by J. D. Carthy

Wealth from the Oceans. TONY LOFTAS. Pp. 69, 20 plates. London: Phoenix House (Progress of Science Series), 1967. 12s. 6d. Reviewed by J. Bossanyi

Poisonous Plants and Fungi in Colour. P. M. NORTH. Pp. 161, 133 plates, 7 figs. London: Blandford Press Ltd., 1967. 21s. Od. Reviewed by C. T. Prime  相似文献   

From Cell to Organism. D. KENNEDY (Readings from Scientific American) W. H. Freeman and Co. London, 1967. Reviewed by K. Mansford

Laboratory Methods in Microbiology. W. F. HARRIGAN and MARGARET E. McCANCE, Pp. xi + 362 + 22 figs. London and New York: Academic Press, 1966. 79s. Reviewed by D. G. Smith

Living Embryos. An introduction to the study of Animal Development. J. COHEN, Pp. vii+156 + 49 figs.+ 15 plates. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1967. Revised 2nd Edition. 25s. Reviewed by A. S. G. Curtis

Classwork with Fungi. H. A. DADE and JEAN GUNNELL, Pp. 55 + 86 figs. Commonwealth Mycological Institute, 1966. 10s. Reviewed by Alison Leadley-Brown

Courtship: A Zoological Study. M. BASTOCK, Pp. viii + 220. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1967. 25s. Reviewed by A. Barker

Fundamental Concepts of Biology. G. E. NELSON, G. G. ROBINSON and R. A. BOOLOOTIAN, Pp. x +331 + 330 figs. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. 1967. Reviewed by M. H. Williamson

The Evolution of Differentiation. W. S. BULLOUGH, Pp. vii + 206 + 32 figs. London and New York: Academic Press, 1967. 45s. Reviewed by B. Bracegirdle  相似文献   

Robert Paine 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-4):161-172
The Raw and the Cooked. Claude Levi‐Strauss. Jonathan Cape 1970. 387 pp., ill., bibl. Price £3.5.0.

Folktales of Israel. Ed. by Dov Noy with the assistance of Dan Ben Amos. Transi, by Gene Baharav. The University of Chicago Press. Folktales of the World. Chicago 1963. 221 S. $ 4.00.

Politics of Social Research. An inquiry into the ethics and responsibilities of social scientists. Ralph L. Beals. Aldine Publishing Company. Chicago 1969. 228 pp.

African Stone Sculpture. Philip Allison. Percy Lund, Humphries &; Co., Ltd. London 1968. 71 pp. 99 pls. 3 maps. Price 56 s.

The Elementary Structures of Kinship. (Les Structures élémentaires de la Parenté). Claude Lévy‐Strauss. Rev. ed. translated from the French by James Harle Bell, John Richard von Sturmer and Rodney Needham, Editor. Beacon Press, Boston; Eyre &; Spottiswoode Ltd., London. 1969. 541 pp., 87 figs. Price $ 15.00.

Contes sous la Croix du Sud. Giselle de Goustine. (Les littératures populaires de toutes les nations. N.S., T. XIII). Editions G.‐P. Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris 1967. 208 pp.

La divination malgache par le sikidy. Raymond Decary avec la collaboration de Marcelle Urbain‐Faublée. Publications du centre Universitaire des Langues Orientales Vivantes, 6e série, vol. IX. Paul Geuthner, Paris 1970. 111 pp.

Über Lebensraum und Lebensformen des Frühsemiten. Joseph Henninger. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein‐Westfalen. Geisteswissenschaften, Heft G 151. Westdeutscher Verlag. Köln und Opladen 1968. 61 Seiten. Kart. DM 6.60.

Indianer von gestern, heute und morgen. Beobachtungen zum Kulturwandel in den Anden Boliviens. Hermann Trimborn. Kulturgeschichtliche Forschungen; 12. Band. Albert Limbach Verlag, Braunschweig 1968. 96 S., 104 Abb., 1 Karte. Preis DM 38:—.

Der Wandel ökonomischer Rollen bei den westlichen Dan in Liberia. Eberhard Fischer. Studien zur Kulturkunde, Band XXI. Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden 1967. 481 S. 4 Taf. 7 Abb. DM 66:—.

An Anthropological Bibliography of South Asia. Together with a Directory of Anthropological Field Research. Vol. III. 1960–64. Compiled by

Elizabeth von Fürer‐Haimendorf and Helen Kanitkar. Le Monde d'Outre‐Mer Passé et Présent, Quatrième Série. Bibliographies VIII. Editions Mounton &; Cie, Paris 1970. 562 pp. Price 193 F.

Man‐apes or Ape‐men? The Story of Discoveries in Africa. Sir Wilfrid E. Le Gros Clark. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York 1967. 150 pp., 33 fig., bibliography, index. Price $3.95.  相似文献   


THE RISE AND FALL OF T. D. LYSENKO: By Zhores A. Medvedev. Translated by I. Michael Lerner. Columbia University Press, New York, 1969. 284 pp. $10.00.

TOO MANY: A STUDY OF EARTH'S BIOLOGICAL LIMITATIONS: By Georg Borgstrom. Macmillan &; Co., Ltd., London, 1969. 368 pp. $7.95.

POPULATION (Second edition): By William Petersen. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1969. 735 pp. $10.95.

THE INTELLECTUAL MIGRATION: EUROPE AND AMERICA, 1930–1960: Edited by Donald Fleming and Bernard Bailyn. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969. 748 pp. $12.95.

CELL STRUCTURE AND ITS INTERPRETATION: Edited by M. McGee‐Russell and K. F. A. Ross. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1969. 433 pp. $25.00.

AN ATLAS OF MAMMALIAN CHROMOSOMES: By T. C. Hsu and Kurt Benirschke. Springer‐Verlag, New York. Volume 1, 1967, 200 pp., $9.40. Volume 2, 1968, 200 pp., $9.40. Volume 3, 1969, 200 pp., §9.40.

PRENATAL DETERMINANTS OF BEHAVIOUR: By J. M. Joffe. Pergamon Press, New York, 1969. 366 pp. $13.00.

DEVELOPMENTS IN FERTILITY CONTROL: Report of WHO Scientific Group. World Health Organization Technical Report Series, No. 424. Geneva, Switzerland, 1969. 36 pp. Price: $1.00.

BIOCHEMISTRY OF MENTAL DISORDERS: World Health Organization Technical Report Series No. 427. Geneva, Switzerland, 1969. 48 pp. $1.00.

ATLAS OF MENTAL RETARDATION SYNDROMES: By Sydney S. Gellis and Murray Feingold. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1968. $5.50.

THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE: By Arthur Koestler. Macmillan Company, New York, 1968. 384 pp. $6.95.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Michael Reich, Racial Inequality: A Political—Economic Analysis, Princeton; Princeton University Press, 1981, xii + 345 pp. $57.95.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination, third edition, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice‐Hall, 1981, x + 244 pp., £5.15.

Thomas Sowell, Markets and Minorities, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1981, xi + 141 pp., $6.00.

Phyllis A. Wallace, Black Women in the Labor Force, Cambridge, Mass., and London, England, The MIT Press, 1980, xv + 163 pp. $12.50.  相似文献   

Harald O. Skar 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-2):88-102
Cosmologies in the Making: a Generative Approach to Cultural Variation in Inner New Guinea. Fredrik Barth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987, xii, 95 pp., map, fig. h/b, £ 17.50, $27.95.

The Evolution of Highland Papua New Guinea Societies. D. K. FEIL. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. 313 pp. £30.00.

Language Socialization Across Cultures edited by Bambi B. Schieffelin and Elinor Ochs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 274 pp.

Stories of Maasaw, a Hopi God. Ekkehart Malotki, Michael Lomatuway'ma. American Tribal Religions Volume 10. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1987. ix + 347 pp.

Maasaw: Profile of a Hopi God. Ekkehart Ma‐lotki, Michael Lomatuwavma. American Tribal Religions Volume 11. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1987. ix + 293 pp.

Pilgrims in the Andes: Regional Culls in Cusco. Michael J. Sallnow. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1987. xiii + 351 pp. $29.95.

The Women's Question and the Modes of Human Reproduction: an Analysis of a Tanzanian Village. Ulla Vuorela. 234 pp. Monograph of the Finnish Society for Development Studies no. I. Helsinki, 1987.

The Dynamics of Productive Relationships: African Share Contracts in Comparative Perspective. A. F. Robertson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. xix + 321 pp. £25.00.

Rumblings on Soil Conservation. An Essay from Kenya. Wilhelm Östberg. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Authority, 1987. 83 pp. SEK 20.‐.

Religion, Development and African Identity, edited by K. H. PETERSEN. Seminar Proceedings No. 17. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1987. 163 pp. £10.

Aspects of Polish Folk Culture: An Anthology of Contemporary Research from the Department of Slavic Ethnography, Cracow, edited by Robert Gary Minnich. Bergen: Studia University Bookstore, 1987.

Hvad Mutter Gjør er Alltid Viktig. Om å vtere kvinne og mann i en nordnonk bygd i 1970‐årene. Lisbet Holtedahl. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1.986. 224 pp.

Whalsay: Symbol, Segment and Boundary in a Shetland Island Community. Anthony P. Cohen. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987. ix + 216 pp., maps, figures, photographs, illustrations, appendixes, references, index, £22.95.

The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth‐Century Ethnography, Literature and Art. James Clifford. Cambridge (Mass.) &; London: Harvard University Press. 1988. xii +, 381 pp.

Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author. Clifford Geertz. Cambridge: Polity Press. 1988. vi +, 157 pp.

Culture Builders: A Historical Anthropology of Middle‐Class Life. Jonas Frykman and Orvar Löfgren, (transl. Alan Crozier, Foreword John Gillis). New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press, 1987. ix + 321 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Social Anthropology in Melanesia. A. P. Elkin. (166 pp., 1 map. Oxford University Press, London 1953. A. £. 27/6).

Social Anthropology in Polynesia. Felix M. Keesing. (126 pp. Oxford University Press, London 1953. A. £. 27/6).

Field Notes on Indonesia: South Celebes, 1949–50. Raymond Kennedy. (269 pp., 1 fig., 7 maps and plans. Published by Human Relations Area Files, New Haven 1953. $ 2.00).

Die Erscheinungsformen des Männerhauses und das Klubwesen in Mikro‐nesien. Eine ethno‐soziologische Untersuchung. Erhard Schlesier. (208 pp., 1 map. Mouton & Co., ‘s‐Gravenhage 1953.)

Changing Lapps. A Study in Culture Relations in Northernmost Norway. Gutorm Gjessing. (Monographs on Social Anthropology, No. 13. London 1954.)

Ausstellung Bauernwerk der alten Weh. Europa‐Asien‐Afrika. Katalog (Veröffentlichungen zum Archiv für Völkerkunde, Band 2. 112 pp. Wien 1954).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Psychobiology: The Biological Bases of Behavior Pp. 382, illustrated. New York: Scientific American, 1967. 70s. (cloth), 40s. (paper). Reviewed by O. Lowenstein

Organisation in Plants W. M. M. BARON Pp. vi+218, 117 figs. London: Edward Arnold Ltd., 2nd ed., 1967.18s. (paper), 30s. (boards). Reviewed by J. W. Hannay

A First Biology ERIC SPRINGTHORPE Pp. 103. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 1967. 10s. 6d. Reviewed by J. A. Barker

The Biology of Lichens MASON E. HALE, JR. Pp. viii + 176, 60 figs, 15 plates. London: Edward Arnold Ltd., 1967. 42s. Reviewed by K. A. Kershaw

Experiments in the Study of Biology J. J. W. BAKER, G. E. ALLEN, E. GAGE and S. K. WEBSTER Pp. 58. London: Addison-Wesley, 1967. Reviewed by C. F. Stoneman

Microbiological Methods C. H. COLLINS Pp. xii+404, illustrated. London: Butterworths, 2nd ed. 1967. 62s. Reviewed by N. J. Butler

The New Microbiology Ed. JOHN E. FLYNN New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1966. Reviewed by W. Howard Hughes

,i>Pergamon Programmed Texts Introduction to Genetics: Science of Heredity A. J. S. MCMILLAN Pp. 410, 64 figs, 6 plates. 1966. J. Audrey Stretch

An Introduction to Biochemistry Vol. 1 A. J. S. MCMILLAN Pp. 208. 1966. J. Audrey Stretch

Biology, Vol. 1 A. VERRINDER Pp. 274, 126 figs. 1966. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Commonwealth and International Library. 25s. (flexi-cover), 35s. (hard cover). J. Audrey Stretch

Grasses JAMES GROVES Published by the School Natural History Society, 1966, and obtainable from M. J. Wootton, Esq., 19A King's Gardens, Cranham, Upminster, Essex. 3s.

Biology Teaching in Schools Involving Experiment or Demonstration with Animals or with Pupils Compiled by J. J. BRYANT The Association for Science Education, 1967. 2s. 9d.

Handbook of Marine Biology for Borth, Cardiganshire A compilation of results and work completed by members of King Edward's School, Birmingham. Obtainable from the School. 6s. 6d.

Clarendon Biographies (16) Charles Darwin R. C. OLBY Pp. 64, 3 figs, 12 plates. London; Oxford University Press, 1967. 9s. 6d. (boards), 5s. (limp).

New Questions in O-Level Biology (Book 2) Plants and Invertebrates J. J. HEAD Pp. 70, illustrated. London: Oliver & Boyd, 1967. 6s. (Teachers' guide. Pp. 32. 5s.)

Revision Exercises in Biology J. D. MAUNDER and C. JOHNSTON Pp. xiii + 130, illustrated. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967. 8s. 6d.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Milton M. Gordon, HUMAN NATURE, CLASS AND ETHNICITY. London and New York, Oxford University Press, 1978, 302 pp., £6.50, $11.95 ($3.50 paper).

June Teufel Dreyer, CHINA'S FORTY MILLIONS: MINORITY NATIONALITIES AND NATIONAL INTEGRATION IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Cambridge (Mass.) and London, Harvard University Press, 1976, 333 pp., £9.55.

W. Stanford Reid (ed), THE SCOTTISH TRADITION IN CANADA. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1976, xi + 324 pp., $12.55.

I. H. Kawharu, MAORI LAND TENURE: STUDIES OF A CHANGING INSTITUTION. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1977, 362 pp., £13.50.

David T. Wellman, PORTRAITS OF WHITE RACISM. London, Cambridge University Press, 1977, 254 pp., £9.50 (£4.00 paper).

Lucy Mair, AFRICAN KINGDOMS. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1977, 151 pp., £3.95, (£1.95 paper).

Roger Scott, NORTHERN IRELAND: THE POLITICS OF VIOLENCE. Canberra Series in Administrative Studies 2., Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1977, 84 pp., n.p.

James A. Geschwender, CLASS, RACE AND WORKER INSURGENCY: THE LEAGUE OF BLACK REVOLUTIONARY WORKERS. London, Cambridge University Press, 1977, 249 pp., £8.50 (£3.50 paper).

Crawford Young, THE POLITICS OF CULTURAL PLURALISM. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1976. 560 pp., £13.60.

D. C. R. A. Goonetilleke, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN BRITISH FICTION. London, Macmillan, 1977, 282 pp., £8.95.

M. M. Mahood, THE COLONIAL ENCOUNTER. London, Rex Collings, 1977, 210 pp., £4.75.

Brian V. Street, THE SAVAGE IN LITERATURE. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975, 207 pp., £5.75.  相似文献   

Woven Stories     

Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema

Ashish Rajadhyaksha and Paul Willemen, eds. Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema. London: British Film Institute; New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994. 568 pp., biblio., illus., index of films. Rs. 995; $49.95.

Naming the Other

Martin Blythe. Naming the Other: Images of Maori in New Zealand Film and Television. Metuchen, NJ, and London: Scarecrow Press, 1994. 336 pp. Maori glossary, filmography, photo credits, notes, index. $39.50.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

PALAEOBIOLOGY: A SYNTHESIS, Editors: D. E. G. Briggs and P. R. Crowther. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford 1990.608 pp. ISBN 0 632 025255. £89.50.

EVOLUTION AND THE FOSSIL RECORD, by K. Allen and D. Briggs (Eds). 265 pp. Belhaven Press, London 1989. £25.

THE EMERGENCE OF ANIMALS: THE CAMBRIAN BREAKTHROUGH, by M.A.S. McMenamin and D.L.S. McMenamin, Columbia University Press, ISBN 0–231–06646–5‐ISBN 0–231–06647–3 (paperback). $35 Hardback, $17 paperback.

ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION OF THE ANTARCTIC BIOTA, by JA. Crame (Ed.), Geological Soc. special publication n° 47, 322 pp. London. Price: £58.  相似文献   

The Biology of Cyanobacteria. N. G. Carr and B. A. Whitton (eds.). Botanical Monographs, Vol. 19. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, U.K., 1982 (also University of California Press), xi + 688 pp., $75.00 (U.S.); £42.00 sterling, hardcover.

Earth's Earliest Biosphere: Its Origin and Evolution. J. William Schopf (ed.). Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1983. With 67 tables, 97 figures, and 47 photographs, xxv + 543 pp. Cloth, $95.00; paper, $42.50.  相似文献   


Revisiting Music Education Research

Richard Colwell and Carol Richardson, eds. The New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning New York: Oxford University Press 1222 pp. $175.00

A Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever?

David Kenneth Holt The Search for Aesthetic Meaning in the Visual Arts: The Need for the Aesthetic Tradition in Contemporary Art Theory and Education Bergin &; Garvey Publishers 148 pp. $62.50  相似文献   

Book reviews     
RAFFAELE, H.A. (1989): A Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Revised Ed., Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA. 254 pp, maps of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, 41 plates (24 in full colour), checklists and detailed maps of important sites, paperback, $ 15.95 (hardcover $ 39.50).

HORWELL, D. (1988): Galapagos ‐ the enchanted isles. Dryad Press, London. Batsford Books. 64 pp., many figs, and black‐and‐white photographs, Hardcover £ 8.95.  相似文献   

Masculinity and nationalism: gender and sexuality in the making of nations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Richard G. Fox (ed.), NATIONALIST IDEOLOGIES AND THE PRODUCTION OF NATIONAL CULTURE, Washington: American Anthropological Association, 1990, 177 pp., $17.00.

Michael Watson (ed.), CONTEMPORARY MINORITY NATIONALISM, London: Routledge, 1990, 277 pp., £35.00.

Christie Davies, ETHNIC HUMOR AROUND THE WORLD, A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990, 404 pp., $39.95.

Elizabeth Fox‐Genovese, WITHIN THE PLANTATION HOUSEHOLD: BLACK AND WHITE WOMEN OF THE OLD SOUTH, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1988, 544 pp., $34.95 and $12.95 (paper).

Darlene Clark Hine, BLACK WOMEN IN WHITE: RACIAL CONFLICT AND COOPERATION IN THE NURSING PROFESSION, 1890–1950, Btoomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989, 264 pp., $35.00 and $12.95 (paper).

Pnina Werbner, THE MIGRATION PROCESS, Oxford: Berg, 1989, 391 pp., $56.00.

Elaine Pinderhughes, UNDERSTANDING RACE, ETHNICITY AND POWER: THE KEY TO EFFICACY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, New York: The Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1989, 269 pp., £20.00.

Paul B. Pedersen, Juris G. Draguns, Walter J. Lonner, Joseph E. Trimble, COUNSELLING ACROSS CULTURES, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989, (third edition), xii + 402 pp., £14.35 (paper).

Roland Littlewood and Morris Lipsedge, ALIENS AND ALIENISTS: ETHNIC MINORITIES AND PSYCHIATRY, London: Unwin Hyman, 1989, (second edition), xvii + 334 pp., £32.00 and £10.95 (paper).

H. Russell Bernard and Jesús Salinas Pedraza, NATIVE ETHNOGRAPHY; A MEXICAN INDIAN DESCRIBES HIS CULTURE, London: Sage Publications, 1989, 648 pp., £62.00 (Illustrated).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Wildbeuter in Ostafrika. Die Tindiga, ein Jäger und Sammlervolk. Ludwig Kohl‐Larsen. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin, 1958. 165 S., 119 Photos und 77 Zeichnungen.

Das Elefantenspiel. Mythen, Riesen‐ und Stammessagen. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Kohl‐Larsen. Erich Röth‐Verlag, Kassel, 1956. 233 pp.

Die Tierverkleidung der afrikanischen Naturvölker. Helmut Straube. Studien zur Kulturkunde, Bd. 13. Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden, 1955. 233 pp., 1 map. DM 23.80.

Själavandringsföreställningar bos Nordamerikas Indianer. Arvid Wachtmeister. 195 pp. Stockholm 1957.

Altmexikanische Kulturen. Walter Krickeberg. Safari‐Verlag, Berlin, 1956. 616 pp., 6 colour pls., 120 pls., 309 figs., 1 map. Cloth. DM 29.80.

Cortés in Mexiko. H. D. Disselhoff. Janus‐Bücher, Bd. 2. Verlag R. Oldenbourg, München, 1957. 93 pp., 1 map. DM 3.20.

Wahrsagerei, Himmelskunde und Kalender der alten Azteken. Gliederung des alt‐aztekischen Volks in Familie, Stand und Beruf. Aus dem aztekischen Urtext Bernardino Sahaguns übersetzt und erläutert von Leonhard Schultze Jena. Quellenwerke zur alten Geschichte Amerikas, aufgezeichnet in den Sprachen der Eingeborenen, IV—V. Herausgegeben von der Lateinamerikanischen Bibliothek, Berlin. W. Kohlhammer Verlag. Stuttgart 1950, 1952. XIII + 400 pp., 4 pls., resp. X + 338 pp.

Tibetisches Kunsthandwerk in Metall. Siegbert Hummel. Otto Harrasso‐witz, Leipzig, 1954. 27 pp., 18 full‐page ill.

Geschichte der tibetischen Kunst. Siegbert Hummel. Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig, 1953. 123 PP., 124 full‐page ill.

Among the Savages of the South Seas. Memoirs of Micronesia 1862–1868. A. Tetens. Translated from the German by Florence Mann Spoehr. Stanford University Press. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. 107 pp., 13 figs., 1 map.

Die primitiven Seelenvorstellungen der nordeurasischen Völker. Eine religionsethnographische und religionsphänomenologische Untersuchung. Ivar Paulson. The Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, Monograph Series, Publication No. 5. Stockholm 1958. 407 S.

The Collecting of Folk Music and other Ethnomusicological Material. A manual for field workers. Ed. by Maud Karpeles. London 1958. 40 pp. (Issued by the International Folk Music Council and the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.)

Göttinger völkerkundliche Studien, Band II. Herausgegeben von Hans Plischke. Institut für Völkerkunde an der Georg‐August‐Universität zu Göttingen. Droste‐Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1957. 119 S.  相似文献   

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