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This article summarizes some of the evidence for the existence of light-driven structural changes in the and subunits of the chlorplast ATP synthase. Formation of a transmembrane proton gradient results in: (1) a change in the position of the subunit such that it becomes exposed to polyclonal antibodies and to reagents which selectively modifyLys109; (2) enhanced solvent accessibility of several sulfhydryl residues on the subunit; and (3) release/ exchange of tightly bound ADP from the enzyme. These and related experimental observations can, at least partially, be explained in terms of two different bound conformational states of the subunit. Evidence for structural changes in the enzyme which are driven by light or nucleotide binding is discussed with special reference to the popular rotational model for catalysis.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research -  相似文献   

Escherichia coli ATP synthase has eight subunits and functions through transmission of conformational changes between subunits. Defective mutation at Gly-149 was suppressed by the second mutations at the outer surface of the subunit, indicating that the defect by the first mutation was suppressed by the second mutation through long range conformation transmission. Extensive mutant/pseudorevertant studies revealed that / and / subunits interactions are important for the energy coupling between catalysis and H+ translocation. In addition, long range interaction between amino and carboxyl terminal regions of the subunit has a critical role(s) for energy coupling. These results suggest that the dynamic conformation change and its transmission are essential for ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The fluorescence polarization of 8-hydroxypyrene (1,3,6)trisulfonate (HPT) increases upon interaction with pig heart citrate synthase. Titration of HPT with increasing concentrations of citrate synthase exhibits a hyperbolic saturation behavior, from which the dissociation constant of the enzyme-HPT complex (3.64 +/- 0.3 microM) was determined. The enzyme-HPT interaction is competitively inhibited by oxaloacetate (but not affected by acetyl CoA) with a Ki of 4.3 +/- 1.8 microM. This value is similar to the dissociation constant (Kd = 4.5 +/- 1.6 microM) for the enzyme-oxalocetate complex (determined in the absence of any effector ligand), as well as to the Km for oxaloacetate (3.9 +/- 0.7 microM) in a steady-state citrate synthase catalyzed reaction at a saturating concentration of acetyl CoA. However, the dissociation constant for the citrate synthase-oxaloacetate complex determined by the urea denaturation method is at least 25-fold lower than those determined by the other methods. This suggests an effector role of urea in strengthening the enzyme-oxaloacetate interaction. At low nondenaturing concentrations, urea inhibits the citrate synthase catalyzed reaction in an uncompetitive manner with respect to oxaloacetate, i.e., the Km for oxaloacetate decreases with an increase in urea concentration. This further suggests that urea stabilizes the interaction between citrate synthase and oxaloacetate. The effect of urea is specific for the substrate oxaloacetate, and not for the substrate analogue, HPT, although both these ligands bind citrate synthase with equal affinities, and protect the enzyme against thermal denaturation with equal magnitudes. The results presented herein are discussed in the light of known conformational states of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Hammes GG 《Biochemistry》2002,41(26):8221-8228
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of enzyme catalysis and allosteric regulation has been a primary goal of biochemistry for many years. The dynamics of these processes, approached through a variety of kinetic methods, are discussed. The results obtained for many different enzymes suggest that multiple intermediates and conformations are general characteristics of the catalytic process and allosteric regulation. Ribonuclease, dihydrofolate reductase, chymotrypsin, aspartate aminotransferase, and aspartate transcarbamoylase are considered as specific examples. Typical and maximum rates of conformational changes and catalysis are also discussed, based on results obtained from model systems. The nature and rates of interconversion of the intermediates, along with structural information, can be used as the bases for understanding the incredible catalytic efficiency of enzymes. Potential roles of conformational changes in the catalytic process are discussed in terms of static and environmental effects, and in terms of dynamic coupling within the enzyme-substrate complex.  相似文献   

J Mendel-Hartvig  R A Capaldi 《Biochemistry》1991,30(45):10987-10991
The rate of trypsin cleavage of the epsilon subunit of Escherichia coli F1F0 (ECF1F0) is shown to be ligand-dependent as measured by Western analysis using monoclonal antibodies. The cleavage of the epsilon subunit was rapid in the presence of ADP alone, ATP + EDTA, or AMP-PNP + Mg2+, but slow when Pi was added along with ADP + Mg2+ or when ATP + Mg2+ was added to generate ADP + Pi (+Mg2+) in the catalytic site. Trypsin treatment of ECF1Fo was also shown to increase enzymic activity on a time scale corresponding to that of the cleavage of the epsilon subunit, indicating that the epsilon subunit inhibits ATPase activity in ECF1Fo. The ligand-dependent conformational changes in the epsilon subunit were also examined in cross-linking experiments using the water-soluble carbodiimide 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-carbodiimide (EDC). In the presence of ATP + Mg2+ or ADP + Pi + Mg2+, the epsilon subunit cross-linked product was much reduced. Prior reaction of ECF1Fo with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), under conditions in which only the Fo part was modified, blocked the conformational changes induced by ligand binding. When the enzyme complex was reacted with DCCD in ATP + EDTA, the cleavage of the epsilon subunit was rapid and yield of cross-linking of beta to epsilon subunit low, whether trypsin cleavage was conducted in ATP + EDTA or ATP + Mg2+. When enzyme was reacted with DCCD in ATP + Mg2+, cleavage of the epsilon subunit was slow and yield of cross-linking of beta to epsilon high, under all nucleotide conditions for proteolysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,125(2):107-110
The conformation of N-acetyl alanine methyl ester CH3CONHCH(CH3)COOCH3 is determined by CNDO/2 and ab initio calculations with minimal GLO basis sets. The binding sites of small monovalent cations to the ligand are investigated by the ab initio method. The chelate geometry involving peptide and ester carbonyl groups was found to be the most preferential conformation.  相似文献   

Catalytic site forms and controls in ATP synthase catalysis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A suggested minimal scheme for substrate binding by and interconversion of three forms of the catalytic sites of the ATP synthase is presented. Each binding change, that drives simultaneous interchange of the three catalytic site forms, requires a 120 degrees rotation of the gamma with respect to the beta subunits. The binding of substrate(s) at two catalytic sites is regarded as sufficing for near maximal catalytic rates to be attained. Although three sites do not need to be filled for rapid catalysis, during rapid bisite catalysis some enzyme may be transiently present with three sites filled. Forms with preferential binding for ADP and P(i) or for ATP are considered to arise from the transition state and participate in other steps of the catalysis. Intermediate forms and steps that may be involved are evaluated. Experimental evidence for energy-dependent steps and for control of coupling to proton translocation and transition state forms are reviewed. Impact of relevant past data on present understanding of catalytic events is considered. In synthesis a key step is suggested in which proton translocation begins to deform an open site so as to increase the affinity for ADP and P(i), that then bind and pass through the transition state, and yield tightly bound ATP in one binding change. ADP binding appears to be a key parameter controlling rotation during synthesis. In hydrolysis ATP binding to a loose site likely precedes any proton translocation, with proton movement occurring as the tight site form develops. Aspects needing further study are noted. Characteristics of the related MgADP inhibition of the F(1) ATPases that have undermined many observations are summarized, and relations of three-site filling to catalysis are assessed.  相似文献   

The role of metal ions in RNA catalysis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Understanding the catalytic mechanisms of RNA enzymes remains an important and intriguing challenge - one that has grown in importance since the recent demonstration that the ribosome is a ribozyme. At first, it seemed that all RNA enzymes compensate for the limited chemical versatility of ribonucleotide functional groups by recruiting obligatory metal ion cofactors to carry out catalytic chemistry. Mechanistic studies of the large self-splicing and pre-tRNA-processing ribozymes continue to support this idea, yielding increasingly detailed views of RNA active sites as scaffolds for positioning catalytic metal ions. Re-evaluation of the methodologies used to distinguish catalytic and structural roles for metal ions, however, has challenged this notion in the case of the small self-cleaving RNAs. Recent studies of the small ribozymes blur the distinction between catalytic and structural roles for metal ions, and suggest that RNA nucleobases have a previously unrecognized capacity for mediating catalytic chemistry.  相似文献   

MutS is the key protein of the Escherichia coli DNA mismatch repair system. It recognizes mispaired and unpaired bases and has intrinsic ATPase activity. ATP binding after mismatch recognition by MutS serves as a switch that enables MutL binding and the subsequent initiation of mismatch repair. However, the mechanism of this switch is poorly understood. We have investigated the effects of ATP binding on the MutS structure. Crystallographic studies of ATP-soaked crystals of MutS show a trapped intermediate, with ATP in the nucleotide-binding site. Local rearrangements of several residues around the nucleotide-binding site suggest a movement of the two ATPase domains of the MutS dimer toward each other. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments confirm such a rearrangement, showing increased affinity between the ATPase domains upon ATP binding and decreased affinity in the presence of ADP. Mutations of specific residues in the nucleotide-binding domain reduce the dimer affinity of the ATPase domains. In addition, ATP-induced release of DNA is strongly reduced in these mutants, suggesting that the two activities are coupled. Hence, it seems plausible that modulation of the affinity between ATPase domains is the driving force for conformational changes in the MutS dimer. These changes are driven by distinct amino acids in the nucleotide-binding site and form the basis for long-range interactions between the ATPase domains and DNA-binding domains and subsequent binding of MutL and initiation of mismatch repair.  相似文献   

Summary The adsorption of ATP and ADP on montmorillonite, kaolinite, and A1(OH)3 was studied as a funtion of pH and, for montmorillonite and kaolinite, as a funtion of the ionic composition of the system. The three minerals exhibit different adsorption charcteristics. Mg2+- and Zn2+-montmorillonite adsorb ATP and ADP more than Na+-montmorillonite, presumably because of complex formation. In kaolinite, the effect of these divalent cations is small. Pure ATP decomposes upon heating, and the rate of the decomposition is accelerated by the presence of glycine. Drying and heating glycine to 70°C under vacuum in the presence of ATP results in abiotic peptide formation with yields up to 0.25%. This peptide formation also occurs when kaolinite or montmorillonite is added to the system. The presence of kaolinite, Mg2+-or Zn2+-koalinite, or Mg2+-montmorillonite results in a reduction in the rate of the ATP decomposition in the abiotic peptide synthesizing system. These results suggest that one role for clays and metal ions in chemical evolution may have been the stabilization of nucleotides during prebiotic peptide synthesis.On Leave from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel  相似文献   

Several new and unexpected insights into the metalloenzymology of ribozymes have been achieved in the past year. From a mechanistic point of view, the NMR and crystal structures of a small Pb(2+)-dependent ribozyme have been particularly revealing.  相似文献   

J M Zhou  Z X Xue  Z Y Du  T Melese  P D Boyer 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):5129-5135
Whether the tightly bound ADP that can cause a pronounced inhibition of ATP hydrolysis by the chloroplast ATP synthase and F1 ATPase (CF1) is bound at catalytic sites or at noncatalytic regulatory sites or both has been uncertain. We have used photolabeling by 2-azido-ATP and 2-azido-ADP to ascertain the location, with Mg2+ activation, of tightly bound ADP (a) that inhibits the hydrolysis of ATP by chloroplast ATP synthase, (b) that can result in an inhibited form of CF1 that slowly regains activity during ATP hydrolysis, and (c) that arises when low concentrations of ADP markedly inhibit the hydrolysis of GTP by CF1. The data show that in all instances the inhibition is associated with ADP binding without inorganic phosphate (Pi) at catalytic sites. After photophosphorylation of ADP or 2-azido-ADP with [32P]Pi, similar amounts of the corresponding triphosphates are present on washed thylakoid membranes. Trials with appropriately labeled substrates show that a small portion of the tightly bound 2-azido-ATP gives rise to covalent labeling with an ATP moiety at noncatalytic sites but that most of the bound 2-azido-ATP gives rise to covalent labeling by an ADP moiety at a catalytic site. We also report the occurrence of a 1-2-min delay in the onset of the Mg2+-induced inhibition after addition of CF1 to solutions containing Mg2+ and ATP, and that this delay is not associated with the filling of noncatalytic sites. A rapid burst of Pi formation is followed by a much lower, constant steady-state rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Y A Shin 《Biopolymers》1973,12(11):2459-2475
Changes in the conformation of poly(G), poly(C), poly(U), and poly(I) in the presence of divalent metal ions Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+ have been measured by means of ORD and u.v. spectra. Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions stabilize helical structures of all the polynucleotides very effectively at concentrations several orders of magnitude lower than the effective concentration of Na+ion. Cu2+ and Cd2+ destabilize the helical structure of polynucleotides to form random coils. Zn2+, Ni2+, Co2+, and Mn2+ions do not behave in such a clear-cut manner: they selectively stabilize some ordered structures, while destabilizing others, depending on the ligand strength of the nucleotide base as well as the preferred conformation of that polynucleotide.  相似文献   

ATP in cellular calcium-overload by trivalent metal ions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extracellular Ca2+-influx induced by trivalent metal ions (Fe3+, Al3+, Cr3+, In3+, Ga3+, and La3+) in Ehrlich carcinoma cells is enhanced by ATP. This action seems to be related to the high coordination capacity of the ATP ligand that inhibits the polymerization of the solvated cations taking place at physiological pH, and consequently permits their biological activity. A general relationship between induced lipid peroxidation and increased calcium uptake was not found. These results emphasize the ATP role in the toxicity of trivalent metals, and its possible involvement, via cellular calcium overload, in a neurodegenerative process, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, in whose etiology the implication of aluminum and iron has been suggested.  相似文献   

Paired metal ions have been proposed to be central to the catalytic mechanisms of RNase H nucleases, bacterial transposases, Holliday junction resolvases, retroviral integrases and many other enzymes. Here we present a sensitive assay for DNA transesterification in which catalysis by human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 (HIV-1) integrase (IN) connects two DNA strands (disintegration reaction), allowing detection using quantitative PCR (qPCR). We present evidence suggesting that the three acidic residues of the IN active site function through metal binding using metal rescue. In this method, the catalytic acidic residues were each substituted with cysteines. Mn2+ binds tightly to the sulfur atoms of the cysteine residues, but Mg2+ does not. We found that Mn2+, but not Mg2+, could rescue catalysis of each cysteine-substituted enzyme, providing evidence for functionally important metal binding by all three residues. We also used the PCR-boosted assay to show that HIV-1 IN could carry out transesterification reactions involving DNA 5′ hydroxyl groups as well as 3′ hydroxyls as nucleophiles. Lastly, we show that Mn2+ by itself (i.e. without enzyme) can catalyze formation of a low level of PCR-amplifiable product under extreme conditions, allowing us to estimate the rate enhancement due to the IN-protein scaffold as at least 60 million-fold.  相似文献   

Incubation of spinach chloroplast thylakoids with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate modified the epsilon subunit of ATP synthase (CF0CF1). Illumination of thylakoids stimulated the modification of one specific amino acid residue of the epsilon subunit by a factor of 3. Endoproteinase Glu-C treatment of the isolated epsilon subunit and fractionation of the peptides by high performance liquid chromatography revealed a major fluorescent peptide with the sequence GKRQKIE. Further treatment of this peptide with endoproteinase Arg-C gave a strongly fluorescent tripeptide (GXR). From the primary structure of the epsilon subunit, the specifically modified residue was deduced to be Lys-109. This suggests the energy-dependent conformational changes in the epsilon subunit which change the surroundings of Lys-109 and alter the reactivity of this residue.  相似文献   

Experimental observations of enzymes under active turnover conditions have brought new insight into the role of protein motions and allosteric networks in catalysis. Many of these studies characterize enzymes under dynamic chemical equilibrium conditions, in which the enzyme is actively catalyzing both the forward and reverse reactions during data acquisition. We have previously analyzed conformational dynamics and allosteric networks of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase under such conditions using NMR. We have proposed that this working state represents a four to one ratio of the enzyme bound with the indole‐3‐glycerol phosphate substrate (E:IGP) to the enzyme bound with the products indole and glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate (E:indole:G3P). Here, we analyze the inactive D60N variant to deconvolute the contributions of the substrate‐ and products‐bound states to the working state. While the D60N substitution itself induces small structural and dynamic changes, the D60N E:IGP and E:indole:G3P states cannot entirely account for the conformational dynamics and allosteric networks present in the working state. The act of chemical bond breakage and/or formation, or possibly the generation of an intermediate, may alter the structure and dynamics present in the working state. As the enzyme transitions from the substrate‐bound to the products‐bound state, millisecond conformational exchange processes are quenched and new allosteric connections are made between the alpha active site and the surface which interfaces with the beta subunit. The structural ordering of the enzyme and these new allosteric connections may be important in coordinating the channeling of the indole product into the beta subunit.  相似文献   

The rotational mechanism of ATP synthases requires a unique interface between the stator a subunit and the rotating c-ring to accommodate stability and smooth rotation simultaneously. The recently published c-ring crystal structure of the ATP synthase of Ilyobacter tartaricus represents the conformation in the absence of subunit a. However, in order to understand the dynamic structural processes during ion translocation, studies in the presence of subunit a are required. Here, by intersubunit Cys-Cys cross-linking, the relative topography of the interacting helical faces of subunits a and c from the I. tartaricus ATP synthase has been mapped. According to these data, the essential stator arginine (aR226) is located between the c-ring binding pocket and the cytoplasm. Furthermore, the spatially vicinal residues cT67C and cG68C in the isolated c-ring structure yielded largely asymmetric cross-linking products with aN230C of subunit a, suggesting a small, but significant conformational change of binding-site residues upon contact with subunit a. The conformational change was dependent on the positive charge of the stator arginine or the aR226H substitution. Energy-minimization calculations revealed possible modes for the interaction between the stator arginine and the c-ring. These biochemical results and structural restraints support a model in which the stator arginine operates as a pendulum, moving in and out of the binding pocket as the c-ring rotates along the interface with subunit a. This mechanism allows efficient interaction between subunit a and the c-ring and simultaneously allows almost frictionless movement against each other.  相似文献   

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