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Lui  T.H.  Lee  S.Y.  Sadovy  Y. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):193-211
The composition and spatial distribution patterns of the macrobenthic faunal assemblages of an 8-ha tidal impoundment operated as a traditional shrimp pond at the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve, Hong Kong, were studied in relation to temporal changes in local environmental conditions. Species richness, abundance and biomass of macrobenthos across 5 different sub-habitats (seaward, middle, and landward parts of open water unvegetated areas, and Phragmites- and Kandelia-dominated, vegetated areas) within the pond were examined bimonthly between January 1997 and January 1998. Grab samples were collected randomly within the sub-habitats. Key physical environmental parameters of the sampling sites were also measured. A total of 46 species of macrobenthos was recorded: 11 polychaetes, 11 molluscs, 13 crustaceans and 11 insects. Mean species density in the five sub-habitats ranged from 0 to 3907 indm–2, with mean biomass ranging from 0 to 96.9 gm–2. The macrobenthos showed spatial and temporal differences among the sub-habitats and across sampling times. Species abundances of Polychaeta, Mollusca and Crustacea were significantly higher in the three open water areas than in the two vegetated (Phragmites- and Kandelia-dominated) areas, with an inverse pattern for Insecta. There were no clear temporal patterns although abundance and biomass generally increased in the cooler months. Results of a canonical correspondence analysis suggest that macrobenthic species richness, abundance and biomass in the open areas were positively correlated with salinity, while water depth, dissolved oxygen and sediment organic matter content had little relationship with the macrobenthic assemblage parameters. Ordination by multi-dimensional scaling suggests that different habitats supported distinct macrobenthic assemblages. The macrobenthic assemblage in the tidal pond was less species rich but denser than those in the neighboring tidal mangrove and mudflat, suggesting that conversion of these areas into extensively managed tidal aquaculture ponds results in reduced species richness in tropical mangrove habitats.  相似文献   

Siu-Fai  Leung 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(1):77-96
The population dynamics of Metapenaeus ensis in a traditional tidal shrimp pond (locally known as gei wai ) at the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve, Hang Kong, were studied over a 29-month period. The population of M. ensis was dominated by either one or two age groups throughout the year. Life span was < 16 months. M. ensis is sexually dimorphic in terms of size, with females growing faster and attaining a larger maximum size than males. The sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1. The prawns do not mature and reproduce in the gei wai so that the population is sustained by postlarval immigration which begins in June and ends in December, with peaks in August and November. The gei wai population of M. ensis is characterized by slower growth, lower maximum attainable size, shorter life span, reproductive sterility and an incomplete life cycle, as compared with 'natural' population in the coastal waters of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Lau  S. S. S.  Chu  L. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(1):81-92
Nutrient and faecal contamination is an increasing problem to the shrimp productivity and wildlife conservation at the internationally important wetland ecosystems of the Mai Po Marshes (Hong Kong, P.R. China). The present study examined the nutrient status and faecal bacteria loading and potential retention capacity of contaminants of two wetland enclosures. Water in the wetland enclosures was eutrophicated with high concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (inorg–Ndiss= 15.0 mg l–1) and orthophosphate phosphorus (o-P = 1.89 mg l–1) and was loaded with high levels of faecal coliforms (172 ×103 cfu in 100 ml) and faecal streptococci (1.94 ×103 cfu in 100 ml). The pattern of nutrient enrichment of two wetland enclosures is related to a north-to-south pollution gradient from the Shenzhen River to the wetlands. By retaining tidal water in the wetland for an 8-day period, water quality was greatly improved; NH4–N was removed by 83%, o-P by 45% and faecal bacteria by 100%. This implies a self-purification capability of the wetland enclosures and a potentiality of using them as an alternative sewage treatment.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the higher fungi colonizing the herbaceous mangrove associate Acanthus ilicifolius. This paper reports part of an investigation to determine if there is vertical distribution of fungi on the standing plant.The Mai Po Mangrove, Hong Kong is estuarine with great variations in salinity mainly due to the influence of the Pearl River. Senescent and dead stems of standing Acanthus ilicifolius were collected from mangroves in Mai Po from April to December 1992. The maximum tidal range observed was 2.6 m. A stratified sampling strategy was employed to assess the vertical distribution on the standing plant. A total of 44 fungi were collected: 32 Deuteromycotina, 11 Ascomycotina and 1 Basidiomycotina. Very frequent species were Acremonium sp.(55%), Colletotrichum gloesporioides cf.(42.5%), Phoma sp. (42.5%) Fusarium sp.,(25%), Tubercularia sp. (24.2%) and Phialophora sp. cf. (19.2%). Agerita sp., Corynespora cassiicola, Stachybotrys chartarum, Trichoderma sp. and D82 were frequent, while the remaining species were recorded at less than 10%. Vertical zonation of fungi colonizing the standing stems was observed. The apical portions were colonized by typical terrestrial fungi and the basal portions by marine species. This can be attributed to both the nature of the substratum and the degree of exposure due to tidal inundation.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - New data are presented on the fauna and ecology of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve in the Komi Republic, based on collections performed in...  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) at the Nanwan peninsula of Hainan Island, China, have been observed in the field for 25 years, and have been studied intensively for eight years, beginning in 1981. There were about 115 monkeys in 5 natural groups when the Nanwan Reserve was founded in 1965. From 1965 to 1984, the number of groups increased from 5 to 19, and the total population increased from 115 to 930 individuals, an annual population increase of 12.7%. From 1984 to 1987, the population continued a slower rate of increase (8.9%) to approximately 1200 monkeys in 20 groups. The home ranges of each monkey group at Nanwan varied from 0.16 to 0.72 km2, with a mean and standard deviation of 0.37 ± 0.18. The size of the home range of the rhesus was affected by the quality of vegetation and rhesus population density. The average birth rate per year was 77.8 ± 13.9%, varying from 53.8% to 100% since 1978. From 1978, the birth rates of two food provisioned groups were higher in alternate years (x? = 91.7%) and lower in intervening years (x? = 68.8%; P = <0.01). A minority (26.5%) of females have given birth at 4 years of age, most at 5 years. The sex ratio of newborns in any one year varied from 0.3 to 3.5 males to females, with a mean and standard error of 1.09 ± 0.37 males to females.  相似文献   

通过2009年10月至2010年7月监测高黎贡山大塘的3群东部白眉长臂猿的鸣叫行为,收集了10个月(200d)的数据,发现东部白眉长臂猿的鸣叫行为主要发生在黎明后4h内;平均每次鸣叫持续14min59s,不同群体间鸣叫持续时间不同。天气情况影响东部白眉长臂猿的鸣叫开始时间(相对黎明)和持续时间,在雨天鸣叫相对黎明开始时间较晚,持续时间也较长。东部白眉长臂猿鸣叫频率在10月和11月明显高于其他月份,可能与食物(果实)的丰富度有关。根据研究结果,建议对东部白眉长臂猿的调查最好集中在10月或11月;每天监测时间至少持续至黎明后4h,以覆盖长臂猿90%以上的鸣叫;如果出现下雨天气,应适当延长调查时间。  相似文献   

2006年1月至2008年12月,在内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区运用样线法和粪便分析法,对狼(Canis lupus)的生态分布和食物组成开展了研究。研究结果:保护区狼的数量至少7只,密度为(4.18±2.88)只/100km2,主要分布于保护区的圣山和庆云山核心区。在圣山主要活动于山脊、道路和沟谷;在庆云山主要活动于山脊。草兔(Lepus capensis)和植物在狼的食物组成中出现率最高,其食物组成在年度间存在显著差异(P<0.01),冬春与夏秋季节间差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

2012年6月至8月期间,在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区发现3巢酒红朱雀(Carpodacus vinaceus).巢呈碗状,筑于小云杉(Picea asperata)或小灌木上,距地面高1.5~1.9 m.卵的大小为(21.06 ±0.59)mm ×(14.81±0.26)mm,重(2.32±0.08)g(n =6).雌鸟单独孵卵,雌雄共同育雏,孵卵期约14 d,育雏期约13 d.  相似文献   

Bryothinusa spp. are common marine insect in Hong Kong. They occur in the intertidal zone of sandy shores between 0.6 and 1.2 m tide level. They emerge when the tide recedes, possibly to mate and feed, then burrow again at the advance of the incoming tide.Bryothinusa has a special respiratory apparatus for long submersions and therefore is able to inhabit the changeable intertidal zone where the competition with other living organisms is comparatively low.  相似文献   

丁伟 《动物学研究》2006,27(5):558-560
非人灵长类利用洞穴是非常稀少的现象。2003年11—12月和2004年初在贵州麻阳河自然保护区观察到黑叶猴(Trachypithecusfranoisi)有利用洞穴的现象。白天有二群(分别为10和14只)在栖息地附近活动,黄昏前回到悬崖边几个喀斯特地形山洞中的一个洞。躲避风雨等不良的气候条件、获得矿物质、安全等因素可能是黑叶猴利用洞穴的原因。  相似文献   

闫永峰  刘迺发 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4278-4284
2004和2005年的4~7月,采用样方法和直接观察法,对甘肃省东大山自然保护区喜马拉雅雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)的巢址选择进行了研究.共测量36个巢址.研究表明,喜马拉雅雪鸡的巢主要分布于2601~3000 m之间,多在高山岩石草地和裸露岩石区、突出大石下和灌木下或草丛中、中坡及中坡以上的坡位、坡度26°~40°之间的阳坡和半阳坡上营巢.主成分分析表明,影响巢址选择的主要因子可分为捕食因子和食物因子两类,其主要因子依次为灌丛高度、距悬崖的距离、草本盖度、灌丛密度和物种丰富度;作为捕食因子与食物因子权衡的结果,其巢址选择有利于喜马拉雅雪鸡的野外生存.此外,悬崖环境(距悬崖的距离和500m内的悬崖数)在巢址选择中起到重要作用,这可能与雪鸡的避敌方式及飞翔能力较差有关.  相似文献   

灵长类交配模式是灵长类社群结构和婚配制度的重要表征之一,其研究有助于了解灵长类社群结构和两性交配策略。2013年11月至2014年10月,我们对云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区一人工辅助投食滇金丝猴群进行了观察研究,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件记录法收集了雌雄个体的交配相关的行为数据,主要包括邀配对象、交配过程、持续时间和回合数,以及参与交配的雌雄对在交配结束后的相互理毛的持续时间和回合数。研究结果表明:研究群滇金丝猴全年均有交配行为,交配高峰期在7-9月,两性参与交配的积极性和对季节变化的响应不同;交配主要由雌性通过邀配发动(76%),交配高峰期也是雌性邀配的高峰期;雄性爬跨频次(年均0.43次/月,n=5)和射精爬跨比(年均19%,n=5)则在全年无显著变化。交配行为发生的典型表现为:雌性通过小跑或跳跃进入雄性视线范围内,爬伏呈臀向雄性邀配;雌猴爬伏时离雄猴的远近距离不同(<1m vs. 2-5m : 69% vs. 31%)会影响其邀配成功率(<1 m vs. 2-5 m :68% vs. 40%);若一次邀配失败,雌猴可能会连续爬伏邀配(最多4次),连续多次邀配的成功率显著高于单次邀配(79% vs. 52%)。交配结束后雌性会主动为雄性理毛,但雌性主动理毛与交配是否射精无关。  相似文献   

周威  龙成  杨小波  龙文兴  李东海  卜广发 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6569-6576
以海南省文昌市铜鼓岭国家级自然保护区160m?160m的山麓灌木林固定样地中胸径(DBH)31.5cm的所有木本植物为对象,并根据DBH划分为7个径级,研究其稀疏规律,结果表明:1)群落中Ⅰ级(DBH<4.5cm)个体数所占百分比最大,占64%,群落结构为“倒J型”,林分密度是幼树>小树>成年树,该群落正处于稳定状态,且个体间为争夺更多的生存空间和资源发生强烈的自疏和它疏作用,存在明显的稀疏现象。2)各径级地上生物量随着密度增加呈幂函数增加,幂函数方程为:AGB=6?107N0.4626或lnAGB=0.4626lnN 17.855,在较小的密度范围内,随林分密度的增加,群落地上总生物量增加较快,但当密度趋于0.6株/m2时,地上生物量变化缓慢,趋于恒定值。3)林分密度与各径级平均胸径呈负相关关系(密度越大,平均胸径越小),其幂函数关系式为:N=70.1d-3.5506,R2=0.8808。4)选择Yoda提出的幂函数方程对天然灌木林自然稀疏规律进行模拟,林分密度与平均生物量之间具有显著相关性,其关系式为:W=2219.1N-0.5374或 lnW=7.7048-0.5374lnN;自疏指数α值为0.5374,这与Yoda所提出的3/2指数相差甚远,并不满足-3/2自疏定律。5)此次调查的物种有常见种(0.2hm2样地中个体数≥5的种为常见种)41种,非常见种53种。天然灌木林在物种层面的稀疏也有一定的规律。  相似文献   

吉林珲春自然保护区青龙台林场马鹿容纳量的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李碧波  吴玥  张恩迪 《四川动物》2006,25(3):519-523
为了了解珲春自然保护区青龙台林场马鹿的容纳量,2004~2005年,通过调查珲春自然保护区青龙台林场可被马鹿利用的植物资源总量和延吉动物园内马鹿每天需要摄取的食物量,经过能量转换和计算得出,青龙台林场能被利用的总能量为4.825×1010KJ,野外每只马鹿整个冬季需要摄取的能量约为6.991×106KJ,林场马鹿的容纳量为6901只。为了更好得保护林场的植被,使马鹿有最好的生存状态,建议林场的马鹿种群维持在3450只左右。  相似文献   

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