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An analysis of steady-state kinetics of purified rat liver transketolase shows that the reaction proceeds according to a two-stroke substitution ("ping-pong") mechanism. Based on the kinetic data, a competitive relationship was shown to exist between xylulose-5-phosphate and ribose-5-phosphate for the sites of substrate binding by the substituted form of the enzyme with the formation of a non-productive abortive complex (kd = 125 microM). The values of constants of two monomolecular steps of the reaction (k2 = 42 s-1; k4 = 9.4 s-1) were determined. It was assumed that the maximum rate-limiting step of the transketolase reaction is the degradation of the substituted form of transketolase--ribose-5-phosphate complex having a rate constant of k4.  相似文献   

The highly purified ribose phosphate isomerase from tobaccoleaves is heat labile. 0.2% of various kinds of proteins stabilizedisomerase activity when Mg++ was present. 1x10–3% polyethyleneglycol2,000 showed the same effect as the proteins did. Smaller polyediyleneglycolswere less effective. Polyhydroxyl compounds showed litde effect.Mn++ or Sr++ was also effective as a stabilizer instead of Mg++. (Received March 8, 1976; )  相似文献   

A substrate specificity study of the recombinant D-ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (RpiB) from Clostridium thermocellum was performed. Among all aldopentoses and aldohexoses, the RpiB enzyme displayed activity with L-talose, D-ribose, D-allose, L-allose, L-ribose, and D-talose in decreasing order. The products released were L-tagatose, D-ribulose, D-psicose, L-psicose, L-ribulose, and D-tagatose, respectively. The enzyme showed specificity for aldose substrates possessing hydroxyl groups oriented in the same direction at the C2, C3, and C4 positions. Molecular modeling of the enzyme suggests that the novel substrate specificity may be explained by substrate interactions with residues Tyr42, His98, and His9, which interact with the hydroxyl groups of C2, C3, and C4, respectively, oriented in the same direction. L-Talose and D-ribulose exhibited the highest activity among the aldoses and ketoses, respectively. Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase catalyzed the conversion of L-talose to L-tagatose with an 89% conversion yield after approximately 90 min, while D-ribulose was converted to D-ribose with a 38% conversion yield.  相似文献   

Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A (RpiA; EC interconverts ribose-5-phosphate and ribulose-5-phosphate. This enzyme plays essential roles in carbohydrate anabolism and catabolism; it is ubiquitous and highly conserved. The structure of RpiA from Escherichia coli was solved by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) phasing, and refined to 1.5 A resolution (R factor 22.4%, R(free) 23.7%). RpiA exhibits an alpha/beta/(alpha/beta)/beta/alpha fold, some portions of which are similar to proteins of the alcohol dehydrogenase family. The two subunits of the dimer in the asymmetric unit have different conformations, representing the opening/closing of a cleft. Active site residues were identified in the cleft using sequence conservation, as well as the structure of a complex with the inhibitor arabinose-5-phosphate at 1.25 A resolution. A mechanism for acid-base catalysis is proposed.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the genes encoding enzymes in the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), the ribulose monophosphate (RuMP) pathway, and the chorismate pathway of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, employing data from 13 complete archaeal genomes, provides a potential explanation for the enigmatic phylogenetic patterns of the PPP genes in archaea. Genomic and biochemical evidence suggests that three archaeal species (Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, Thermoplasma acidophilum and Thermoplasma volcanium) produce ribose-5-phosphate via the nonoxidative PPP (NOPPP), whereas nine species apparently lack an NOPPP but may employ a reverse RuMP pathway for pentose synthesis. One species (Halobacterium sp. NRC-1) lacks both the NOPPP and the RuMP pathway but may possess a modified oxidative PPP (OPPP), the details of which are not yet known. The presence of transketolase in several archaeal species that are missing the other two NOPPP genes can be explained by the existence of differing requirements for erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P) among archaea: six species use transketolase to make E4P as a precursor to aromatic amino acids, six species apparently have an alternate biosynthetic pathway and may not require the ability to make E4P, and one species (Pyrococcus horikoshii) probably does not synthesize aromatic amino acids at all.  相似文献   

Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (Rpi), an important enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway, catalyzes the interconversion of ribulose 5-phosphate and ribose 5-phosphate. Two unrelated isomerases have been identified, RpiA and RpiB, with different structures and active site residues. The reaction catalyzed by both enzymes is thought to proceed via a high energy enediolate intermediate, by analogy to other carbohydrate isomerases. Here we present studies of RpiB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis together with small molecules designed to resemble the enediolate intermediate. The relative affinities of these inhibitors for RpiB have a different pattern than that observed previously for the RpiA from spinach. X-ray structures of RpiB in complex with the inhibitors 4-phospho-d-erythronohydroxamic acid (K(m) 57 microm) and 4-phospho-d-erythronate (K(i) 1.7 mm) refined to resolutions of 2.1 and 2.2 A, respectively, allowed us to assign roles for most active site residues. These results, combined with docking of the substrates in the position of the most effective inhibitor, now allow us to outline the reaction mechanism for RpiBs. Both enzymes have residues that can catalyze opening of the furanose ring of the ribose 5-phosphate and so can improve the efficiency of the reaction. Both enzymes also have an acidic residue that acts as a base in the isomerization step. A lysine residue in RpiAs provides for more efficient stabilization of the intermediate than the corresponding uncharged groups of RpiBs; this same feature lies behind the more efficient binding of RpiA to 4-phospho-d-erythronate.  相似文献   

The gene coding for ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (Rpi) from Thermotoga lettingae TMO was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified by Ni-affinity chromatography. It converted d-psicose to d-allose maximally at 75 °C and pH 8.0 with a 32 % conversion yield. The k m, turnover number (k cat), and catalytic efficiency (k cat k m ?1 ) for substrate d-psicose were 64 mM, 6.98 min?1 and 0.11 mM?1 min?1 respectively.  相似文献   

Pyrroline-5-carboxylase (P5C), a physiological stimulator of hexose-monophosphate-pentose pathway activity, was found before to increase 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) generation and nucleotide synthesis in human erythrocytes and cultured fibroblasts. We now report the stimulation of PRPP generation by P5C also in mouse liver in vivo. In addition we demonstrated a simultaneous elevation in ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) concentration, which was relatively smaller and transient. The demonstrated effect of P5C on liver R5P and PRPP content in vivo provides strong evidence for the physiological role of R5P availability in the regulation of PRPP and purine production.  相似文献   



F-spondin is a multi-domain extracellular matrix (ECM) protein and a contact-repellent molecule that directs axon outgrowth and cell migration during development. The reelin_N domain and the F-spondin domain (FS domain) comprise a proteolytic fragment that interacts with the cell membrane and guides the projection of commissural axons to floor plate. The FS domain is found in F-spondins, mindins, M-spondin and amphiF-spondin.


We present the crystal structure of human F-spondin FS domain at 1.95Å resolution. The structure reveals a Ca2+-binding C2 domain variant with an 8-stranded antiparallel β-sandwich fold. Though the primary sequences of the FS domains of F-spondin and mindin are less than 36% identical, their overall structures are very similar. The unique feature of F-spondin FS domain is the presence of three disulfide bonds associated with the N- and C-termini of the domain and a highly conserved N-linked glycosylation site. The integrin-binding motif found in mindin is not conserved in the F-spondin FS domain.


The structure of the F-spondin FS domain completes the structural studies of the multiple-domain ECM molecule. The homology of its core structure to a common Ca2+- and lipid-binding C2 domain suggests that the F-spondin FS domain may be responsible for part of the membrane targeting of F-spondin in its regulation of axon development. The structural properties of the FS domain revealed in this study pave the way for further exploration into the functions of F-spondin.  相似文献   

Ribose-5-phosphate isomerases (EC interconvert ribose 5-phosphate and ribulose 5-phosphate. This reaction permits the synthesis of ribose from other sugars, as well as the recycling of sugars from nucleotide breakdown. Two unrelated types of enzyme can catalyze the reaction. The most common, RpiA, is present in almost all organisms (including Escherichia coli), and is highly conserved. The second type, RpiB, is present in some bacterial and eukaryotic species and is well conserved. In E.coli, RpiB is sometimes referred to as AlsB, because it can take part in the metabolism of the rare sugar, allose, as well as the much more common ribose sugars. We report here the structure of RpiB/AlsB from E.coli, solved by multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) phasing, and refined to 2.2A resolution. RpiB is the first structure to be solved from pfam02502 (the RpiB/LacAB family). It exhibits a Rossmann-type alphabetaalpha-sandwich fold that is common to many nucleotide-binding proteins, as well as other proteins with different functions. This structure is quite distinct from that of the previously solved RpiA; although both are, to some extent, based on the Rossmann fold, their tertiary and quaternary structures are very different. The four molecules in the RpiB asymmetric unit represent a dimer of dimers. Active-site residues were identified at the interface between the subunits, such that each active site has contributions from both subunits. Kinetic studies indicate that RpiB is nearly as efficient as RpiA, despite its completely different catalytic machinery. The sequence and structural results further suggest that the two homologous components of LacAB (galactose-6-phosphate isomerase) will compose a bi-functional enzyme; the second activity is unknown.  相似文献   

The open reading frame TM1080 from Thermotoga maritima encoding ribose-5-phosphate isomerase type B (RpiB) was cloned and over-expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). After optimization of cell culture conditions, more than 30% of intracellular proteins were soluble recombinant RpiB. High-purity RpiB was obtained by heat pretreatment through its optimization in buffer choice, buffer pH, as well as temperature and duration of pretreatment. This enzyme had the maximum activity at 70°C and pH 6.5-8.0. Under its suboptimal conditions (60°C and pH 7.0), k(cat) and K(m) values were 540s(-1) and 7.6mM, respectively; it had a half lifetime of 71h, resulting in its turn-over number of more than 2×10(8)mol of product per mol of enzyme. This study suggests that it is highly feasible to discover thermostable enzymes from exploding genomic DNA database of extremophiles with the desired stability suitable for in vitro synthetic biology projects and produce high-purity thermoenzymes at very low costs.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

GPT2, a glucose 6-phosphate/phosphate translocator, plays an important role in environmental sensing in mature leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Its expression has also been detected in arabidopsis seeds and seedlings. In order to examine the role of this protein early in development, germination and seedling growth were studied.


Germination, greening and establishment of seedlings were monitored in both wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and in a gpt2 T-DNA insertion knockout line. Seeds were sown on agar plates in the presence or absence of glucose and abscisic acid. Relative expression of GPT2 in seedlings was measured using quantitative PCR.

Key Results

Plants lacking GPT2 expression were delayed (25–40 %) in seedling establishment, specifically in the process of cotyledon greening (rather than germination). This phenotype could not be rescued by glucose in the growth medium, with greening being hypersensitive to glucose. Germination itself was, however, hyposensitive to glucose in the gpt2 mutant.


The expression of GPT2 modulates seedling development and plays a crucial role in determining the response of seedlings to exogenous sugars during their establishment. This allows us to conclude that endogenous sugar signals function in controlling germination and the transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic growth, and that the partitioning of glucose 6-phosphate, or related metabolites, between the cytosol and the plastid modulates these developmental responses.  相似文献   

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