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Current through voltage-gated K+ channels underlies the action potential encoding the electrical signal in excitable cells. The four subunits of a voltage-gated K+ channel each have six transmembrane segments (S1-S6), whereas some other K+ channels, such as eukaryotic inward rectifier K+ channels and the prokaryotic KcsA channel, have only two transmembrane segments (M1 and M2). A voltage-gated K+ channel is formed by an ion-pore module (S5-S6, equivalent to M1-M2) and the surrounding voltage-sensing modules. The S4 segments are the primary voltage sensors while the intracellular activation gate is located near the COOH-terminal end of S6, although the coupling mechanism between them remains unknown. In the present study, we found that two short, complementary sequences in voltage-gated K+ channels are essential for coupling the voltage sensors to the intracellular activation gate. One sequence is the so called S4-S5 linker distal to the voltage-sensing S4, while the other is around the COOH-terminal end of S6, a region containing the actual gate-forming residues.  相似文献   

Papazian DM 《Neuron》2004,42(5):699-701
K+ channels contain two main functional domains, an ion-selective pore and a sensor that determines whether the cytoplasmic pore gate is open or closed. In this issue of Neuron, Niu et al. provide compelling evidence that the link between sensor and gate is a remarkably simple mechanical spring.  相似文献   

BK (Slo1) potassium channels are activated by millimolar intracellular Mg(2+) as well as micromolar Ca(2+) and membrane depolarization. Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) act in an approximately additive manner at different binding sites to shift the conductance-voltage (G(K)-V) relation, suggesting that these ligands might work through functionally similar but independent mechanisms. However, we find that the mechanism of Mg(2+) action is highly dependent on voltage sensor activation and therefore differs fundamentally from that of Ca(2+). Evidence that Ca(2+) acts independently of voltage sensor activation includes an ability to increase open probability (P(O)) at extreme negative voltages where voltage sensors are in the resting state; 2 microM Ca(2+) increases P(O) more than 15-fold at -120 mV. However 10 mM Mg(2+), which has an effect on the G(K)-V relation similar to 2 microM Ca(2+), has no detectable effect on P(O) when voltage sensors are in the resting state. Gating currents are only slightly altered by Mg(2+) when channels are closed, indicating that Mg(2+) does not act merely to promote voltage sensor activation. Indeed, channel opening is facilitated in a voltage-independent manner by Mg(2+) in a mutant (R210C) whose voltage sensors are constitutively activated. Thus, 10 mM Mg(2+) increases P(O) only when voltage sensors are activated, effectively strengthening the allosteric coupling of voltage sensor activation to channel opening. Increasing Mg(2+) from 10 to 100 mM, to occupy very low affinity binding sites, has additional effects on gating that more closely resemble those of Ca(2+). The effects of Mg(2+) on steady-state activation and I(K) kinetics are discussed in terms of an allosteric gating scheme and the state-dependent interactions between Mg(2+) and voltage sensor that may underlie this mechanism.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated HCN channels are modulated by direct binding of cyclic nucleotides. For HCN2 channels, cAMP shifts the voltage dependence for activation, with relatively little change in the maximal conductance. By contrast, in spHCN channels, cAMP relieves a rapid inactivation process and produces a large increase in maximum conductance. Our results suggest that these two effects of cAMP represent the same underlying process. We also find that spHCN inactivation occurs not by closure of a specialized inactivation gate, as for other voltage-dependent channels, but by reclosure of the same intracellular gate opened upon activation. Effectively, the activation gate exhibits a "desensitization to voltage," perhaps by slippage of the coupling between the voltage sensors and the gate. Differences in the initial coupling efficiency could allow cAMP to produce either the inactivation or the shift phenotype by strengthening effective coupling: a shift would naturally occur if coupling is already strong in the absence of cAMP.  相似文献   

To determine how intracellular Ca(2+) and membrane voltage regulate the gating of large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK) channels, we examined the steady-state and kinetic properties of mSlo1 ionic and gating currents in the presence and absence of Ca(2+) over a wide range of voltage. The activation of unliganded mSlo1 channels can be accounted for by allosteric coupling between voltage sensor activation and the closed (C) to open (O) conformational change (Horrigan, F.T., and R.W. Aldrich. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:305-336; Horrigan, F.T., J. Cui, and R.W. Aldrich. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:277-304). In 0 Ca(2+), the steady-state gating charge-voltage (Q(SS)-V) relationship is shallower and shifted to more negative voltages than the conductance-voltage (G(K)-V) relationship. Calcium alters the relationship between Q-V and G-V, shifting both to more negative voltages such that they almost superimpose in 70 microM Ca(2+). This change reflects a differential effect of Ca(2+) on voltage sensor activation and channel opening. Ca(2+) has only a small effect on the fast component of ON gating current, indicating that Ca(2+) binding has little effect on voltage sensor activation when channels are closed. In contrast, open probability measured at very negative voltages (less than -80 mV) increases more than 1,000-fold in 70 microM Ca(2+), demonstrating that Ca(2+) increases the C-O equilibrium constant under conditions where voltage sensors are not activated. Thus, Ca(2+) binding and voltage sensor activation act almost independently, to enhance channel opening. This dual-allosteric mechanism can reproduce the steady-state behavior of mSlo1 over a wide range of conditions, with the assumption that activation of individual Ca(2+) sensors or voltage sensors additively affect the energy of the C-O transition and that a weak interaction between Ca(2+) sensors and voltage sensors occurs independent of channel opening. By contrast, macroscopic I(K) kinetics indicate that Ca(2+) and voltage dependencies of C-O transition rates are complex, leading us to propose that the C-O conformational change may be described by a complex energy landscape.  相似文献   

Extracellular acidosis shifts hERG channel activation to more depolarized potentials and accelerates channel deactivation; however, the mechanisms underlying these effects are unclear. External divalent cations, e.g., Ca2+ and Cd2+, mimic these effects and coordinate within a metal ion binding pocket composed of three acidic residues in hERG: D456 and D460 in S2 and D509 in S3. A common mechanism may underlie divalent cation and proton effects on hERG gating. Using two-electrode voltage clamp, we show proton sensitivity of hERG channel activation (pKa = 5.6), but not deactivation, was greatly reduced in the presence of Cd2+ (0.1 mM), suggesting a common binding site for the Cd2+ and proton effect on activation and separable effects of protons on activation and deactivation. Mutational analysis confirmed that D509 plays a critical role in the pH dependence of activation, as shown previously, and that cooperative actions involving D456 and D460 are also required. Importantly, neutralization of all three acidic residues abolished the proton-induced shift of activation, suggesting that the metal ion binding pocket alone accounts for the effects of protons on hERG channel activation. Voltage-clamp fluorimetry measurements demonstrated that protons shifted the voltage dependence of S4 movement to more depolarized potentials. The data indicate a site and mechanism of action for protons on hERG activation gating; protonation of D456, D460 and D509 disrupts interactions between these residues and S4 gating charges to destabilize the activated configuration of S4.  相似文献   

HERG encodes an inwardly-rectifying potassium channel that plays an important role in repolarization of the cardiac action potential. Inward rectification of HERG channels results from rapid and voltage-dependent inactivation gating, combined with very slow activation gating. We asked whether the voltage sensor is implicated in the unusual properties of HERG gating: does the voltage sensor move slowly to account for slow activation and deactivation, or could the voltage sensor move rapidly to account for the rapid kinetics and intrinsic voltage dependence of inactivation? To probe voltage sensor movement, we used a fluorescence technique to examine conformational changes near the positively charged S4 region. Fluorescent probes attached to three different residues on the NH2-terminal end of the S4 region (E518C, E519C, and L520C) reported both fast and slow voltage-dependent changes in fluorescence. The slow changes in fluorescence correlated strongly with activation gating, suggesting that the slow activation gating of HERG results from slow voltage sensor movement. The fast changes in fluorescence showed voltage dependence and kinetics similar to inactivation gating, though these fluorescence signals were not affected by external tetraethylammonium blockade or mutations that alter inactivation. A working model with two types of voltage sensor movement is proposed as a framework for understanding HERG channel gating and the fluorescence signals.  相似文献   

Positively charged voltage sensors of sodium and potassium channels are driven outward through the membrane's electric field upon depolarization. This movement is coupled to channel opening. A recent model based on studies of the KvAP channel proposes that the positively charged voltage sensor, christened the "voltage-sensor paddle", is a peripheral domain that shuttles its charged cargo through membrane lipid like a hydrophobic cation. We tested this idea by attaching charged adducts to cysteines introduced into the putative voltage-sensor paddle of Shaker potassium channels and measuring fractional changes in the total gating charge from gating currents. The only residues capable of translocating attached charges through the membrane-electric field are those that serve this function in the native channel. This remarkable specificity indicates that charge movement involves highly specialized interactions between the voltage sensor and other regions of the protein, a mechanism inconsistent with the paddle model.  相似文献   

Sequence similarity among and electrophysiological studies of known potassium channels, along with the three-dimensional structure of the Streptomyces lividans K(+) channel (KcsA), support the tenet that voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv channels) consist of two distinct modules: the "voltage sensor" module comprising the N-terminal portion of the channel up to and including the S4 transmembrane segment and the "pore" module encompassing the C-terminal portion from the S5 transmembrane segment onward. To substantiate this modular design, we investigated whether the pore module of Kv channels may be replaced with the pore module of the prokaryotic KcsA channel. Biochemical and immunocytochemical studies showed that chimeric channels were expressed on the cell surface of Xenopus oocytes, demonstrating that they were properly synthesized, glycosylated, folded, assembled, and delivered to the plasma membrane. Unexpectedly, surface-expressed homomeric chimeras did not exhibit detectable voltage-dependent channel activity upon both hyperpolarization and depolarization regardless of the expression system used. Chimeras were, however, strongly dominant-negative when coexpressed with wild-type Kv channels, as evidenced by the complete suppression of wild-type channel activity. Notably, the dominant-negative phenotype correlated well with the formation of stable, glycosylated, nonfunctional, heteromeric channels. Collectively, these findings imply a structural compatibility between the prokaryotic pore module and the eukaryotic voltage sensor domain that leads to the biogenesis of non-responsive channels. Our results lend support to the notion that voltage-dependent channel gating depends on the precise coupling between both protein domains, probably through a localized interaction surface.  相似文献   

Ahern CA  Horn R 《Neuron》2005,48(1):25-29
Voltage-gated ion channels respond to changes in membrane potential by movement of their voltage sensors across the electric field between cytoplasmic and extracellular solutions. The principal voltage sensors in these proteins are positively charged S4 segments. The absolute magnitude of S4 movement discriminates two competing classes of gating models. In one class, the movement is <10 Angstrom due to the fact that the electric field is focused by aqueous crevices in the channel protein. In an alternative model, based in part on the crystal structure of a potassium channel, the side chains of S4 arginines move their charges across the bilayer's electric field, a distance of >25 Angstrom. Here, using tethered charges attached to an S4 segment, we provide evidence that the electric field falls across a distance of <4 Angstrom, supporting a model in which the relative movement between S4 and the electric field is very small.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels (Na(V)s) form homotetramers with each subunit contributing six transmembrane α-helices (S1-S6). Helices S5 and S6 form the ion-conducting pore, and helices S1-S4 function as the voltage sensor with helix S4 thought to be the essential element for voltage-dependent activation. Although the crystal structures have provided insight into voltage-gated K channels (K(V)s), revealing a characteristic domain arrangement in which the voltage sensor domain of one subunit is close to the pore domain of an adjacent subunit in the tetramer, the structural and functional information on Na(V)s remains limited. Here, we show that the domain arrangement in NaChBac, a firstly cloned prokaryotic Na(V), is similar to that in K(V)s. Cysteine substitutions of three residues in helix S4, Q107C, T110C, and R113C, effectively induced intersubunit disulfide bond formation with a cysteine introduced in helix S5, M164C, of the adjacent subunit. In addition, substituting two acidic residues with lysine, E43K and D60K, shifted the activation of the channel to more positive membrane potentials and consistently shifted the preferentially formed disulfide bond from T110C/M164C to Q107C/M164C. Because Gln-107 is located closer to the extracellular side of helix S4 than Thr-110, this finding suggests that the functional shift in the voltage dependence of activation is related to a restriction of the position of helix S4 in the lipid bilayer. The domain arrangement and vertical mobility of helix S4 in NaChBac indicate that the structure and the mechanism of voltage-dependent activation in prokaryotic Na(V)s are similar to those in canonical K(V)s.  相似文献   

HCN (hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated) pacemaker channels have an architecture similar to that of voltage-gated K+ channels, but they open with the opposite voltage dependence. HCN channels use essentially the same positively charged voltage sensors and intracellular activation gates as K+ channels, but apparently these two components are coupled differently. In this study, we examine the energetics of coupling between the voltage sensor and the pore by using cysteine mutant channels for which low concentrations of Cd2+ ions freeze the open–closed gating machinery but still allow the sensors to move. We were able to lock mutant channels either into open or into closed states by the application of Cd2+ and measure the effect on voltage sensor movement. Cd2+ did not immobilize the gating charge, as expected for strict coupling, but rather it produced shifts in the voltage dependence of voltage sensor charge movement, consistent with its effect of confining transitions to either closed or open states. From the magnitude of the Cd2+-induced shifts, we estimate that each voltage sensor produces a roughly three- to sevenfold effect on the open–closed equilibrium, corresponding to a coupling energy of ∼1.3–2 kT per sensor. Such coupling is not only opposite in sign to the coupling in K+ channels, but also much weaker.  相似文献   

Summary Two domains of Na channels were mapped with site-specific antibodies raised in rabbit against synthetic peptides corresponding to a part of the voltage sensor of internal repeat 1C 1 + (amino acids 210–223) and to a region designated dipole (amino acids 1690–1699) of eel electroplax sodium channels. The antibodies bind to their respective domains in both purified and membrane-bound channels and immunoprecipitate the channels from eel electroplax and rat brain synaptosomes.Anti-C 1 + depresses the action potential of rat sciatic nerve in a concentration-dependent way. It binds to the external side of rat brain synaptosomal vesicle, and its binding is potentiated by depolarization. Anti-dipole binds to the inner side of the vesicle, and the binding is inhibited by depolarization.We are most grateful to Dr. M.T. Tosteson (Harvard Medical School) for providing us with samples of the S4IV peptides. We wish to express our gratitude to Drs. D. Gordon (Hebrew University) and A. Safran (The Weizmann Institute) for helping in the immunoprecipitation procedure, to Drs. H. Rahamimoff (Hebrew University) and A. Barzilai (Columbia University) for advising us with the vesicle experiments, to Drs. D. Kassel and M. Gavish (Technion) for many fruitful discussions, and to Dr. Y. Palti (Technion) for discussions of electric field and suggesting the dipole peptide. This work was supported by a basic research fund (BRF) of The Israel Academy of Sciences #430.87 (H.M. and G.S.), a BSF Grant #84-00367 (H.M.) and The Henry Gutwirt Fund for the Promotion of Research-Technion VPR Fund #184-0093 (H.M.).  相似文献   

Roux B 《Neuron》2006,52(4):568-569
The gating mechanism of K(v) channels is not known. In this issue of Neuron, Soler-Llavina et al. present fascinating results that support the concept of relatively independent voltage-sensing modules. However, they also find that its interactions with the pore domain are rather complex, with specific S4-S5 intersubunit contacts underlying the concerted transition leading to the channel opening.  相似文献   

Kv7 potassium channels whose mutations cause cardiovascular and neurological disorders are members of the superfamily of voltage-gated K(+) channels, comprising a central pore enclosed by four voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) and sharing a homologous S4 sensor sequence. The Kv7.1 pore-forming subunit can interact with various KCNE auxiliary subunits to form K(+) channels with very different gating behaviors. In an attempt to characterize the nature of the promiscuous gating of Kv7.1 channels, we performed a tryptophan-scanning mutagenesis of the S4 sensor and analyzed the mutation-induced perturbations in gating free energy. Perturbing the gating energetics of Kv7.1 bias most of the mutant channels towards the closed state, while fewer mutations stabilize the open state or the inactivated state. In the absence of auxiliary subunits, mutations of specific S4 residues mimic the gating phenotypes produced by co-assembly of Kv7.1 with either KCNE1 or KCNE3. Many S4 perturbations compromise the ability of KCNE1 to properly regulate Kv7.1 channel gating. The tryptophan-induced packing perturbations and cysteine engineering studies in S4 suggest that KCNE1 lodges at the inter-VSD S4-S1 interface between two adjacent subunits, a strategic location to exert its striking action on Kv7.1 gating functions.  相似文献   

A key unresolved question regarding the basic function of voltage-gated ion channels is how movement of the voltage sensor is coupled to channel opening. We previously proposed that the S4-S5 linker couples voltage sensor movement to the S6 domain in the human ether-a'-go-go-related gene (hERG) K+ channel. The recently solved crystal structure of the voltage-gated Kv1.2 channel reveals that the S4-S5 linker is the structural link between the voltage sensing and pore domains. In this study, we used chimeras constructed from hERG and ether-a'-go-go (EAG) channels to identify interactions between residues in the S4-S5 linker and S6 domain that were critical for stabilizing the channel in a closed state. To verify the spatial proximity of these regions, we introduced cysteines in the S4-S5 linker and at the C-terminal end of the S6 domain and then probed for the effect of oxidation. The D540C-L666C channel current decreased in an oxidizing environment in a state-dependent manner consistent with formation of a disulfide bond that locked the channel in a closed state. Disulfide bond formation also restricted movement of the voltage sensor, as measured by gating currents. Taken together, these data confirm that the S4-S5 linker directly couples voltage sensor movement to the activation gate. Moreover, rather than functioning simply as a mechanical lever, these findings imply that specific interactions between the S4-S5 linker and the activation gate stabilize the closed channel conformation.  相似文献   

Role of charged residues in the S1-S4 voltage sensor of BK channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The activation of large conductance Ca(2+)-activated (BK) potassium channels is weakly voltage dependent compared to Shaker and other voltage-gated K(+) (K(V)) channels. Yet BK and K(V) channels share many conserved charged residues in transmembrane segments S1-S4. We mutated these residues individually in mSlo1 BK channels to determine their role in voltage gating, and characterized the voltage dependence of steady-state activation (P(o)) and I(K) kinetics (tau(I(K))) over an extended voltage range in 0-50 microM [Ca(2+)](i). mSlo1 contains several positively charged arginines in S4, but only one (R213) together with residues in S2 (D153, R167) and S3 (D186) are potentially voltage sensing based on the ability of charge-altering mutations to reduce the maximal voltage dependence of P(O). The voltage dependence of P(O) and tau(I(K)) at extreme negative potentials was also reduced, implying that the closed-open conformational change and voltage sensor activation share a common source of gating charge. Although the position of charged residues in the BK and K(V) channel sequence appears conserved, the distribution of voltage-sensing residues is not. Thus the weak voltage dependence of BK channel activation does not merely reflect a lack of charge but likely differences with respect to K(V) channels in the position and movement of charged residues within the electric field. Although mutation of most sites in S1-S4 did not reduce gating charge, they often altered the equilibrium constant for voltage sensor activation. In particular, neutralization of R207 or R210 in S4 stabilizes the activated state by 3-7 kcal mol(-1), indicating a strong contribution of non-voltage-sensing residues to channel function, consistent with their participation in state-dependent salt bridge interactions. Mutations in S4 and S3 (R210E, D186A, and E180A) also unexpectedly weakened the allosteric coupling of voltage sensor activation to channel opening. The implications of our findings for BK channel voltage gating and general mechanisms of voltage sensor activation are discussed.  相似文献   

Voltage sensing by voltage-gated sodium channels determines the electrical excitability of cells, but the molecular mechanism is unknown. beta-Scorpion toxins bind specifically to neurotoxin receptor site 4 and induce a negative shift in the voltage dependence of activation through a voltage sensor-trapping mechanism. Kinetic analysis showed that beta-scorpion toxin binds to the resting state, and subsequently the bound toxin traps the voltage sensor in the activated state in a voltage-dependent but concentration-independent manner. The rate of voltage sensor trapping can be fit by a two-step model, in which the first step is voltage-dependent and correlates with the outward gating movement of the IIS4 segment, whereas the second step is voltage-independent and results in shifted voltage dependence of activation of the channel. Mutations of Glu(779) in extracellular loop IIS1-S2 and both Glu(837) and Leu(840) in extracellular loop IIS3-S4 reduce the binding affinity of beta-scorpion toxin. Mutations of positively charged and hydrophobic amino acid residues in the IIS4 segment do not affect beta-scorpion toxin binding but alter voltage dependence of activation and enhance beta-scorpion toxin action. Structural modeling with the Rosetta algorithm yielded a three-dimensional model of the toxin-receptor complex with the IIS4 voltage sensor at the extracellular surface. Our results provide mechanistic and structural insight into the voltage sensor-trapping mode of scorpion toxin action, define the position of the voltage sensor in the resting state of the sodium channel, and favor voltage-sensing models in which the S4 segment spans the membrane in both resting and activated states.  相似文献   

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