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Abstract. The idea that the undifferentiated limb regeneration blastema of urodele amphibians is an undetermined and pluripotent structure is examined. A detailed review of the literature shows that this notion has no basis in fact. The data show that the morphogenetic potency of the blastema is restricted to its prospective significance and that this potency can be fully expressed when the blastema is transplanted either to neutral location or to regenerating organ of another type. Within this morphogenetic constraint, however, blastema cells have histogenetic potency that is, at least in some cases, greater than their limb cell phenotype of origin. The morphogenetic responses of the regeneration field to discontinuities suggest that its autonomous determining relationships are based on the inheritance, from parent limb cells, of graded set of mesodermal positional values specifying the pattern of the amputation plane, and single epidermal external boundary value. The dividing mesenchymal cells of the blastema change positional value to erase any discontinuity between themselves and the epidermis, and the epidermis acts as stop signal to inform the mesenchyme when the regenerate boundary has been reached. In vitro experiments suggest that changes in mesenchymal positional value in response to discontinuity can be interpreted in terms of gradients of cell-cell adhesivity, and they focus attention on the importance of molecular studies of blastema cell surfaces for our future understanding of regeneration and morphogenesis in general.  相似文献   

Tail regeneration in urodeles requires the coordinated growth and patterning of the regenerating tissues types, including the spinal cord, cartilage and muscle. The dorsoventral (DV) orientation of the spinal cord at the amputation plane determines the DV patterning of the regenerating spinal cord as well as the patterning of surrounding tissues such as cartilage. We investigated this phenomenon on a molecular level. Both the mature and regenerating axolotl spinal cord express molecular markers of DV progenitor cell domains found during embryonic neural tube development, including Pax6, Pax7 and Msx1. Furthermore, the expression of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is localized to the ventral floor plate domain in both mature and regenerating spinal cord. Patched1 receptor expression indicated that hedgehog signaling occurs not only within the spinal cord but is also transmitted to the surrounding blastema. Cyclopamine treatment revealed that hedgehog signaling is not only required for DV patterning of the regenerating spinal cord but also had profound effects on the regeneration of surrounding, mesodermal tissues. Proliferation of tail blastema cells was severely impaired, resulting in an overall cessation of tail regeneration, and blastema cells no longer expressed the early cartilage marker Sox9. Spinal cord removal experiments revealed that hedgehog signaling, while required for blastema growth is not sufficient for tail regeneration in the absence of the spinal cord. By contrast to the cyclopamine effect on tail regeneration, cyclopamine-treated regenerating limbs achieve a normal length and contain cartilage. This study represents the first molecular localization of DV patterning information in mature tissue that controls regeneration. Interestingly, although tail regeneration does not occur through the formation of somites, the Shh-dependent pathways that control embryonic somite patterning and proliferation may be utilized within the blastema, albeit with a different topography to mediate growth and patterning of tail tissues during regeneration.  相似文献   

For the purpose of investigating the nature of the nervous factor which controls cell proliferation in limb blastema of Newts, we have cultured primary mesenchymous cells from limb blastemas of Axolotl. The cultures were carried out in Petri dishes (Primaria, Falcon) with a basal medium with contained diluted MEM supplemented with hormones (insulin, somatotropin, hydrocortisone and thyroxine). In this medium, the cells disperse from the explant from the 4th day of culture and begin to divide from the 7th day; 3 weeks later the culture begins to decline. During the course of culture, beginning at the 8th day, differentiation of myotubes and chondrogenesis occur. The mitotic index, measured on the 16th day after 48 hr of colchicine treatment, is about 1.6%. Addition of foetal calf serum to the basal medium favours cell migration and survival and stimulates proliferation (mitotic: index 6%); beef embryo extract has no effect on cell migration and a small effect on proliferation (mitotic index: 2.3%). Addition to the basal medium of insulin or nerve extracts (brain and spinal cord of adult newts, brain of 12 days chick embryos) 6 days before we measure the mitotic index stimulates proliferation in proportion to the dose, up to 6 times the mitotic index in basal medium. These results are discussed with respect to the problem of cell proliferation control during limb regeneration.  相似文献   

Gallium nitrate, a drug shown to have efficacy in Paget's disease of bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy, and a variety of experimental autoimmune diseases, also inhibits the growth of some types of cancer. We examined dose and timing of administration of gallium nitrate on limb regeneration in the Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum. Administered by intraperitoneal injection, gallium nitrate inhibited limb regeneration in a dose-dependent manner. Gallium nitrate initially suppressed epithelial wound healing and subsequently distorted both anterior-posterior and proximo-distal chondrogenic patterns. Gallium nitrate given at three days after amputation severely inhibited regeneration at high doses (6.25 mg/axolotl) and altered the normal patterning of the regenerates at low doses (3.75 mg/axolotl). Administration of 6.25 mg of gallium nitrate at four or 14 days prior to amputation also inhibited regeneration. In amputated limbs of gallium-treated axolotls, the chondrocytes were lost from inside the radius/ulna. Limbs that regenerated after gallium treatment was terminated showed blastema formation preferentially over the ulna. New cartilage of the regenerate often attached to the sides of the existing radius/ulna proximally into the stump and less so to the distal cut ends. J. Exp. Zool. 293:384-394, 2002.  相似文献   

Limb regeneration in urodeles is achieved through the dedifferentiation of tissues at the amputation plane and through the production of the blastema. This tissue breakdown is possible by extensive alterations in molecules of the extracellular matrix. In this respect we describe the regulation of several integrins during such events. It was found that α1 and β1 integrins were down-regulated as blastema formation proceeded. In contrast, the expression of α3, α6 and αv integrins were upregulated in the blastema. These data are consistent with the roles of integrins in developmental phenomena and are discussed in light of the mechanisms of dedifferentiation.  相似文献   

Two important indices of myogenic differentiation are the formation of syncytial myotubes and the postmitotic arrest from the cell cycle, both of which occur after fusion of mononucleate cells. We show here that these indices are reversed in the environment of the urodele limb regeneration blastema. In order to introduce an integrated (genetic) marker into newt myotubes, we infected mononucleate cells in culture with a pseudotyped retrovirus expressing human placental alkaline phosphatase (AP). After fusion the myotubes expressed AP and could be purified by sieving and micromanipulation so as to remove all mononucleate cells. When such purified retrovirus-labelled myotubes were implanted into a limb blastema they gave rise to mononucleate progeny with high efficiency. Purified myotubes labelled with fluorescent lipophilic cell tracker dye also gave rise to mononucleate cells; myotubes which were double labelled with the tracker dye and a nuclear stain gave rise to double-labelled mononucleate progeny. Nuclei within retrovirus-labelled myotubes entered S phase as evidenced by widespread labelling after injection of implanted newts with BrdU. The relation between the two aspects of plasticity is a critical further question.  相似文献   

The goal of our study was the identification of up-regulated genes during axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) hindlimb regeneration 4 days after amputation using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Approximately 400 clones that harbored upregulated genes in regenerating blastema tissue were selected for sequence analysis. A BLAST homology search against NCBI non-redundant database and an ambystoma EST database revealed 102 clones that showed homology to known sequences in GenBank with annotated function, 31 were known genes without known function, 74 were novel and 72 belonged to mitochondrial sequences. Differential expression of Hmox1, Orc4L, Pls3, Fen-1, Mcm7 and Mmp3/10a was confirmed using qRT-PCR analysis. Among all genes, only Mmp3/10a has been previously described as involved in limb regeneration. Other important identified genes belong to the group of cell cycle regulators (Orc4L, Nasp, Skp1A and Mcm7, the latter being a possible proliferative marker), those involved in protein synthesis and transport (Sec63, Srp72, Sara2) and V- ATPase pump. The novel genes we identified might be important for the process of blastema formation and the onset of cell proliferation in a regenerating limb.  相似文献   

Blastema formation, the initial stage of epimorphic limb regeneration in amphibians, is an essential process to produce regenerates. In our study on nerve dependency of blastema formation, we used forelimb of Xenopus laevis froglets as a system and applied some histological and molecular approaches in order to determine early events during blastema formation. We also investigated the lateral wound healing in comparison to blastema formation in limb regeneration. Our study confirmed at the molecular level that there are nerve-dependent and -independent events during blastema formation after limb amputation, Tbx5 and Prx1, reliable markers of initiation of limb regeneration, that start to be expressed independently of nerve supply, although their expressions cannot be maintained without nerve supply. We also found that cell proliferation activity, cell survival and expression of Fgf8, Fgf10 and Msx1 in the blastema were affected by denervation, suggesting that these events specific for blastema outgrowth are controlled by the nerve supply. Wound healing, which is thought to be categorized into tissue regeneration, shares some nerve-independent events with epimorphic limb regeneration, although the healing process results in simple restoration of wounded tissue. Overall, our results demonstrate that dedifferentiated blastemal cells formed at the initial phase of limb regeneration must enter the nerve-dependent epimorphic phase for further processes, including blastema outgrowth, and that failure of entry results in a simple redifferentiation as tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

The robust regenerative ability of planarians depends on a population of somatic stem cells called neoblasts, which are the only mitotic cells in adults and are responsible for blastema formation after amputation. The molecular mechanism underlying neoblast differentiation associated with blastema formation remains unknown. Here, using the planarian Dugesia japonica we found that DjmkpA, a planarian mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphatase-related gene, was specifically expressed in blastema cells in response to increased extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) activity. Pharmacological and genetic [RNA interference (RNAi)] approaches provided evidence that ERK activity was required for blastema cells to exit the proliferative state and undergo differentiation. By contrast, DjmkpA RNAi induced an increased level of ERK activity and rescued the differentiation defect of blastema cells caused by pharmacological reduction of ERK activity. These observations suggest that ERK signaling plays an instructive role in the cell fate decisions of blastema cells regarding whether to differentiate or not, by inducing DjmkpA as a negative regulator of ERK signaling during planarian regeneration.  相似文献   

Vitamin D is essential for normal metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, and differentiation of skeletal elements. 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin-D3, the biologically active metabolite, acts as an induction/proliferation switch in various cell types and promotes chondrogenesis of chick limb bud mesenchymal cells. The function of vitamin D is mediated through its nuclear receptor, the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The proliferative actions of 1,25(OH)2-D3 on limb bud mesenchymal cells are similar to the ones produced by retinoids, such as all- trans retinoic acid (RA) or 9- cis retinoic acid (9- cis ). The retinoids have been shown to be compounds of extreme importance in the field of limb development and regeneration. In order to examine possible roles of vitamin D metabolites on limb regeneration, the effects of 1,25(OH)2-D3, 24,25(OH)2-D3 and KH1060 (a more potent metabolite) alone or in conjunction with all- trans RA or 9- cis RA on the regenerating axolotl limb. Vitamin D affects limb morphogenesis by generating abnormalities in skeletal elements. Synergism of vitamin D with retinoic acid in affecting pattern formation is suggested by the results.  相似文献   

Larger fragments of prospective chondrogenic or myogenic limb bud mesenchyme of the 4-day chick embryo differentiated primarily into cartilage in organ culture. Muscle sometimes was present in the peripheral areas adjacent to the larger central masses of cartilage. When the individual fragments of limb bud mesenchyme were cut into four smaller pieces and grown in organ culture, cartilage did not differentiate but muscle was present.Autoradiographic experiments with labeled thymidine and quantitative experiments with 3H-adenosine revealed a marked stimulation of DNA and RNA synthesis in the smaller explants, compared to the larger masses of limb bud mesenchyme.  相似文献   



For membrane proteins, lipids provide a structural framework and means to modulate function. Paired connexin hemichannels form the intercellular channels that compose gap junction plaques while unpaired hemichannels have regulated functions in non-junctional plasma membrane. The importance of interactions between connexin channels and phospholipids is poorly understood.


Endogenous phospholipids most tightly associated with purified connexin26 or connexin32 hemichannels or with junctional plaques in cell membranes, those likely to have structural and/or modulatory effects, were identified by tandem electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry using class-specific interpretative methods. Phospholipids were characterized by headgroup class, charge, glycerol-alkyl chain linkage and by acyl chain length and saturation. The results indicate that specific endogenous phospholipids are uniquely associated with either connexin26 or connexin32 channels, and some phospholipids are associated with both. Functional effects of the major phospholipid classes on connexin channel activity were assessed by molecular permeability of hemichannels reconstituted into liposomes. Changes to phospholipid composition(s) of the liposome membrane altered the activity of connexin channels in a manner reflecting changes to the surface charge/potential of the membrane and, secondarily, to cholesterol content. Together, the data show that connexin26 and connexin32 channels have a preference for tight association with unique anionic phospholipids, and that these, independent of headgroup, have a positive effect on the activity of both connexin26 and connexin32 channels. Additionally, the data suggest that the likely in vivo phospholipid modulators of connexin channel structure-function that are connexin isoform-specific are found in the cytoplasmic leaflet. A modulatory role for phospholipids that promote negative curvature is also inferred.


This study is the first to identify (endogenous) phospholipids that tightly associate with connexin channels. The finding that specific phospholipids are associated with different connexin isoforms suggests connexin-specific regulatory and/or structural interactions with lipid membranes. The results are interpreted in light of connexin channel function and cell biology, as informed by current knowledge of lipid-protein interactions and membrane biophysics. The intimate involvement of distinct phospholipids with different connexins contributes to channel structure and/or function, as well as plaque integrity, and to modulation of connexin channels by lipophilic agents.  相似文献   

The idea that the undifferentiated limb regeneration blastema of urodele amphibians is an undetermined and pluripotent structure is examined. A detailed review of the literature shows that this notion has no basis in fact. The data show that the morphogenetic potency of the blastema is restricted to its prospective significance and that this potency can be fully expressed when the blastema is transplanted either to a neutral location or to a regenerating organ of another type. Within this morphogenetic constraint, however, blastema cells have a histogenetic potency that is, at least in some cases, greater than their limb cell phenotype of origin. The morphogenetic responses of the regeneration field to discontinuities suggest that its autonomous determining relationships are based on the inheritance, from parent limb cells, of a graded set of mesodermal positional values specifying the pattern of the amputation plane, and a single epidermal external boundary value. The dividing mesenchymal cells of the blastema change positional value to erase any discontinuity between themselves and the epidermis, and the epidermis acts as a stop signal to inform the mesenchyme when the regenerate boundary has been reached. In vitro experiments suggest that changes in mesenchymal positional value in response to discontinuity can be interpreted in terms of gradients of cell-cell adhesivity, and they focus attention on the importance of molecular studies of blastema cell surfaces for our future understanding of regeneration and morphogenesis in general.  相似文献   

Summary Previous grafting experiments have demonstrated that cells from non-contiguous positions within developing and regenerating limbs differ in a property referred to as positional identity. The goal of this study was to determine how long the positional identity of axolotl limb blastema cells is stable during culture in vitro. We have developed an assay for posterior positional properties such that blastema cells can be cultured and then grafted into anterior positions in host blastemas, to determine if they can stimulate supernumerary digit formation. We report that posterior blastema cells are able to maintain their positional identities for at least a week in culture. In addition, we observed that blastema cells are able to rapidly degrade collagenous substrates in vitro, a property that apparently distinguishes them from limb cells of other vertebrates. These results provide information regarding the time boundaries within which the positional properties of blastema cells can be studied and manipulated in vitro. Correspondence to: S.V. Bryant  相似文献   

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