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Extracellular calcification has been observed in two strains of Chrysotila lamellosa using both light and electron microscopy and differences between the structure of the calcification in each strain noted. It is considered that the morphology of such structures is not a sufficiently reliable character to be used alone in distinguishing between species, but may be useful in conjunction with other information. A comparison is made with extracellular calcification in other microorganisms and the significance of such calcification to our understanding of the nature of certain Cretaceous nanofossils is discussed.  相似文献   

The carotenoids of unialgal cultures originating from symbiotic zooxanthellae of two molluscan (Tridacna crocea, a giant clam, and Pteraeolidia ianthine a nudibranch) and one cnidian (Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata, a gorgonian coral) host have been analysed by HPLC or TLC procedures combined with several spectroscopic techniques including MS and NMR. A high total carotenoid content (0.45-0.63% of the dry wt) was obtained. The carotenoid pattern with C37-norcarotenoids (peridinin and pyrrhoxanthin) comprising around 80% of total carotenoids, and β,β-carotene (2%), the ailenic dinoxanthin (3–4%) and the acetylenic diatoxanthin (1–3%) and diadinoxanthin (7–9%) representing minor C40-carotenoids, corresponds to that of peridinin-producing free-living dinoflagellates. Supplementary 1H NMR and 13C NMR data are reported for peridinin and pyrrhoxanthin. A polar, minor carotenoid, P447, was partly characterized as containing a disaccharide glycosidically bound to an allenic carotenoid aglycone. Re-evaluation of previous reports suggests the wide-spread occurrence of related carotenoid disaccharides in Dinophyceae for which they are considered a new chemosystematic marker.  相似文献   

The presence of C37-norcarotenoids (peridinin and probably pyrrhoxanthin, together 87% of total carotenoids) and the carotenoid pattern in general, including dinoxanthin, diatoxanthin and β,β-carotene, but no fucoxanthin, strongly suggest that H. akashiwo is a dinoflagellate and not a chrysophyte.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus ofCruciplacolithus neohelis (McIntyre and Bé) Reinhardt including its transition region is described. The transition region contains a hat-shaped structure, which is suggested to be one of the common features of the Prymnesiophyceae. Its flagellar root system resembles that of most coccolithophorids examined so far, except that only one vestigial crystalline root is present associated with root 1. Two well-developed crystalline roots associated with roots 1 and 2, respectively, appear in the preprophase of nuclear division, suggesting conversion to a mitotic spindle. The taxonomic and evolutionary significance of the flagellar apparatus is discussed.  相似文献   

Physical properties of thylakoid membranes isolated from barley were investigated by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin labeling technique. EPR spectra of stearic acid spin labels 5-SASL and 16-SASL were measured as a function of temperature in secondary barley leaves during natural and dark-induced senescence. Oxygen transport parameter was determined from the power saturation curves of the spin labels obtained in the presence and absence of molecular oxygen at 25 °C. Parameters of EPR spectra of both spin labels showed an increase in the thylakoid membrane fluidity during senescence, in the headgroup area of the membrane, as well as in its interior. The oxygen transport parameter also increased with age of barley, indicating easier diffusion of oxygen within the membrane and its higher fluidity. The data are consistent with age-related changes of the spin label parameters obtained directly by EPR spectroscopy. Similar outcome was also observed when senescence was induced in mature secondary barley leaves by dark incubation. Such leaves showed higher membrane fluidity in comparison with leaves of the same age, grown under light conditions. Changes in the membrane fluidity of barley secondary leaves were compared with changes in the levels of carotenoids (car) and proteins, which are known to modify membrane fluidity. Determination of total car and proteins showed linear decrease in their level with senescence. The results indicate that thylakoid membrane fluidity of barley leaves increases with senescence; the changes are accompanied with a decrease in the content of car and proteins, which could be a contributing factor.  相似文献   

Age-related health decline has been attributed to the accumulation of senescent cells recognized in vivo by p16(Ink4a) expression. The pharmacological elimination of p16(Ink4a)-positive cells from the tissues of mice was shown to extend a healthy lifespan. Here, we describe a population of mesenchymal cells isolated from mice that are highly p16(INK4a)-positive are proficient in proliferation but lack other properties of cellular senescence. These data, along with earlier reports on p16(Ink4a)-positive macrophages, indicate that p16(Ink4a)-positive and senescent cell populations only partially intersect, therefore, extending the list of potential cellular targets for anti- aging therapies.  相似文献   

The quantitative carotenoid composition of the red flower petals of Adonis annua is reported. Optically pure (3S, 3′S)-astaxanthin occurs both as a diester (64% of total carotenoid) and as a monoester (11%). The optical purity was determined by hydrolysis of the natural esters in the absence of oxygen and subsequent HPLC analysis of the paren -ketol esterified with (−)-camphanic acid. All non-animal sources hitherto examined synthesize pure 3S,3′S- or 3R,3′R-isomers of astaxanthin, whereas marine animal sources contain mixtures of all three optical isomers, including the meso form.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed in the drywood termite Incisitermes minor (Hagen) by using a genomic DNA extracted from the heads of workers. The microsatellite markers obtained in this study produced between two and seven alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities among the 10 markers ranged from 0.16 to 0.83 and from 0.43 to 0.84, respectively. These markers were shown to be good molecular tools for identification of the genetic structure and parentage assessment in I. minor.  相似文献   

Lutein (,-carotene-3,3-diol) is the major carotenoid of the light-harvesting systems of higher plants. Lutein was isolated at 4°C and in complete darkness from the bulk light-harvesting complex of Photosystem II of spinach (LHC IIb) and from BBY particles. Separation using normal-phase HPLC (with 2D detection) in comparison to the authentic isomers (prepared by iodine-sensitised isomerization) showed the presence of a number of geometrical isomers of this xanthophyll in PS II, namely all-trans (the major component); 13-cis, 13-cis and 15-cis-lutein. Iodine-sensitised photo-isomerization of all-trans lutein produced six geometrical isomers of lutein as determined by HPLC. The configuration of five of these isomers was determined by 1H-NMR to be all-trans, 9-cis, 9-cis, 13-cis and 13-cis. In addition, small amounts of another isomer have been tentatively identified to be 15-cis lutein on the basis of its electronic absorption spectrum. The possible functional significance of the presence of cis-isomers of this carotenoid in LHC IIb is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  The palm pest Scapanes australis has been the object of considerable recent research to develop control measures that target male reproductive behaviour. This study investigated horn size scaling relationships and frequency distributions in two subspecies of S. australis for evidence of alternative male reproductive strategies. Indeed, a sigmoidal horn size allometry in both populations was detected as a significant vertical discontinuity by a piece-wise regression model, which indicates that distinct minor and major male phenotypes are expressed in both taxa. A non-linear regression algorithm showed that these subspecies differ significantly in two modelled parameters of horn allometry. A likelihood model was used for probabilistic discrimination of the alternative male phenotypes by estimating their ratios across the bimodal frequency distribution. The latter is intended to aid field investigation of the reproductive biology of S. australis by statistically discriminating the alternative male phenotypes on the basis of easily measured parameters in live samples.  相似文献   

Aggregation of the amyloid beta peptides (A beta 1-42 and A beta 1-40) plays a pivotal role in pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Although it is widely accepted that the aggregates of A betas mainly consist of beta-sheet structure, the precise aggregation mechanism remains unclear. To identify amino acid residues that are important for the beta-sheet formation, a series of proline-substituted mutants of A beta 1-42 peptides at positions 19-26 was synthesized in a highly pure form and their aggregation ability and neurotoxicity on PC12 cells were investigated. All proline-substituted A beta 1-42 mutants except for 22P- and 23P-A beta 1-42 were hard to aggregate and showed weaker cytotoxicity than wild-type A beta 1-42, suggesting that the residues at positions 19-21 and 24-26 are important for the beta-sheet formation. In contrast, 22P-A beta 1-42 extensively aggregated with stronger cytotoxicity than wild-type A beta 1-42. Since proline has a propensity for beta-turn structure as a Pro-X corner, these data implicate that beta-turn formation at positions 22 and 23 plays a crucial role in the aggregation and neurotoxicity of A beta peptides.  相似文献   

The UV, excitation and luminescence spectra of EuA3B to be the extracted species as well as the extraction of Eu(III) with pivaloyltrifluoroacetone, HA, and/or Lewis bases, B (2,2′-bipyridyl, bpy, and bis(salicylidene)trimethylenediamine, H2saltn) into CHCl3 were measured. The results are summarized: the stability constants of EuA3bpy and EuA3H2saltn complexes are 5.85 ± 0.05 and 2.95 ± 0.06 as , respectively. The present results suggest that because of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, the stability and luminescence of the H2saltn complex including the quantum yield are smaller than those of the bpy complex. The weaker luminescence is also concerned with the fact that the less stable complexes easily dissociate in solvents to diminish the essential concentration.  相似文献   

Bulbs of the ethnomedicinal hyacinthac Urginea lydenburgensis have yielded two bufadienolides, 16beta-acetoxy-3beta,14beta-dihydroxy-19-formyl-bufa-4,20,22-trienolide (scillicyanosidin) and 4beta,8beta,11alpha,14beta-tetrahydroxybufa-5,20,22-trienolide-12-one, 2alpha,3beta-O-4,6-dideoxy-L-glucose (lydenburgenin).  相似文献   

H Kappus  H M Bolt 《Steroids》1976,27(1):29-45
14,15-3H-Norethisterone-4 beta, 5 beta-epoxide, a metabolite of norethisterone, was incubated with several proteins and nucleic acids. After 30 min incubation 0.19 nmol of the epoxide were irreversibly bound per mg albumin which contains free sulfhydryl groups; proteins without SH-groups, such as concanavalin A, gamma-globulin, DNA and RNA, did not irreversibly bind norethisterone epoxide. A superoxide (O2) generating enzyme system comprised of xanthine oxidase and hypoxanthine was capable of catalyzing the irreversible binding of the parent compound, norethisterone, to albumin, indicating that an oxidation product was formed which reacted with the protein. When norethisterone epoxide was incubated for 60 min with hepatic microsomes of rats in absence of NADPH, about 2.0 nmol of the epoxide were irreversibly incorporated per mg microsomal protein. This binding was increased to 5.2 nmol by addition of a NADPH regenerating system. Addition of glutathione and cytosol decreased only the NADPH-dependent protein binding; phenobarbital pretreatment of rats induced this NADPH-dependent binding of norethisterone epoxide to microsomal protein by a factor of 2. In presence of NADPH, binding of the epoxide to microsomal protein depended on substrate concentration used. The results indicate that norethisterone epoxide is able to chemically react with proteins. In addition, hepatic microsomal enzymes convert the epoxide to another metabolite which also can react with proteins.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrases are topoisomerases that catalyze ATP-dependent positive supercoiling of circular covalently closed DNA. They consist of an N-terminal helicase-like domain, fused to a C-terminal topoisomerase I-like domain. Most of our knowledge on reverse gyrase-mediated positive DNA supercoiling is based on studies of archaeal enzymes. To identify general and individual properties of reverse gyrases, we set out to characterize the reverse gyrase from a hyperthermophilic eubacterium. Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase relaxes negatively supercoiled DNA in the presence of ADP or the non-hydrolyzable ATP-analog ADPNP. Nucleotide binding is necessary, but not sufficient for the relaxation reaction. In the presence of ATP, positive supercoils are introduced at temperatures above 50 degrees C. However, ATP hydrolysis is stimulated by DNA already at 37 degrees C, suggesting that reverse gyrase is not frozen at this temperature, but capable of undergoing inter-domain communication. Positive supercoiling by reverse gyrase is strictly coupled to ATP hydrolysis. At the physiological temperature of 75 degrees C, reverse gyrase binds and hydrolyzes ATPgammaS. Surprisingly, ATPgammaS hydrolysis is stimulated by DNA, and efficiently promotes positive DNA supercoiling, demonstrating that inter-domain communication during positive supercoiling is fully functional with both ATP and ATPgammaS. These findings support a model for communication between helicase-like and topoisomerase domains in reverse gyrase, in which an ATP and DNA-induced closure of the cleft in the helicase-like domain initiates a cycle of conformational changes that leads to positive DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

Enzymatic consumption of carbonyl sulfide (COS) by marine algae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We show that the marine algae Mantoniella squamata, Prymnesium parvum, and Amphidinium klebsii take up carbonyl sulfide (COS) from their surrounding medium. Inhibitor studies confirm that this COS uptake is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which was not detectable with conventional methods. As shown for M. squamata, the COS uptake can be dependent on the growth conditions. Furthermore, COS uptake shows a clear positive correlation with the COS concentration in the growth medium. The value of K1/2 for the COS uptake was estimated to be around 222 mol/m3. The COS consumption by the marine algae species investigated was estimated to be negligible compared to the photoproduction and hydrolysis of COS in seawater.  相似文献   

Calpains are calcium activated cysteine proteases found throughout the animal, plant, and fungi kingdoms; 14 isoforms have been described in the human genome. Calpains have been implicated in multiple models of human disease; for instance, calpain 1 is activated in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, and the digestive tract specific calpain 9 is down-regulated in gastric cancer cell lines. We have solved the structures of human calpain 1 and calpain 9 protease cores using crystallographic methods; both structures have clear implications for the function of non-catalytic domains of full-length calpains in the calcium-mediated activation of the enzyme. The structure of minicalpain 1 is similar to previously solved structures of the protease core. Auto-inhibition in this system is most likely through rearrangements of a central helical/loop region near the active site cysteine, which occlude the substrate binding site. However, the structure of minicalpain 9 indicates that auto-inhibition in this enzyme is mediated through large intra-domain movements that misalign the catalytic triad. This disruption is reminiscent of the full-length inactive calpain conformation. The structures of the highly conserved, ubiquitously expressed human calpain 1 and the more tissue specific human calpain 9 indicate that although there are high levels of sequence conservation throughout the calpain family, isolated structures of family members are insufficient to explain the molecular mechanism of activation for this group of proteins.  相似文献   

Polarographic and UV-spectrophotometric investigations of Pb(II) complex formation with beta-cyclodextrin have showed that the complexation of Pb(II) ions begins at pH >10. The formation of lead(II) 1:1 complex with the beta-cyclodextrin anion was observed at pH 10-11.5. The logarithm of the stability constant of this complex compound is 15.9+/-0.3 (20 degrees C, ionic strength 1.0), and the molar extinction coefficient value is ca. 5500 (lambda(max)=260 nm). With further increase in solution pH the Pb-beta-cyclodextrin complex decomposes and converts to Pb(OH)(2) or Pb(OH)(3)(-) hydroxy-complexes. This process occurs with a decrease in Pb(II) complexation degree. The latter result could be explained by a decrease in the beta-cyclodextrin anion activity. Neither Pb(OH)(2) nor Pb(OH)(3)(-) encapsulation into beta-CD cavity was observed.  相似文献   

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