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While the evolution of cooperative breeding systems (where non-breeding helpers participate in rearing young produced by dominant females) has been restricted to lineages with socially monogamous mating systems where coefficients of relatedness between group members are usually high, not all monogamous lineages have produced species with cooperative breeding systems, suggesting that other factors constrain the evolution of cooperative breeding. Previous studies have suggested that life-history parameters, including longevity, may constrain the evolution of cooperative breeding. Here, we show that transitions to cooperative breeding across the mammalian phylogeny have been restricted to lineages where females produce multiple offspring per birth. We find no support for effects of longevity or of other life-history parameters. We suggest that the evolution of cooperative breeding has been restricted to monogamous lineages where helpers have the potential to increase the reproductive output of breeders.  相似文献   

Women and female great apes both continue giving birth into their forties, but not beyond. However humans live much longer than other apes do. 1 Even in hunting and gathering societies, where the mortality rate is high, adult life spans average twice those of chimpanzees, which become decrepit during their fertile years and rarely survive them. 2 , 3 Since women usually remain healthy through and beyond childbearing age, human communities include substantial proportions of economically productive postmenopausal women. 4 - 7 A grandmother hypothesis8–12 may explain why greater longevity evolved in our lineage while female fertility still ends at ancestral ages. This hypothesis has implications for the evolution of a wide array of human features. Here we review some history of the hypothesis, recent findings, and questions for ongoing research.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, group members other than the parents contribute to the care of the young. The costs and benefits to caregiving may vary with the type of care provided and with caregiver characteristics such as age, sex, reproductive status, and foraging ability. Here I examine the relative contributions of parents, helpers and same-aged twins to the foraging and feeding activities of the young in a longitudinal study of wild golden lion tamarins, specifically with regard to direct food transfer, tolerance for coforaging or cofeeding by immatures and signaling young as to the location of profitable prey-foraging sites. I found that the type of food-related assistance varied as a function of the age of the immature and among group members. Rates of food transfer steadily declined as immatures aged, while coforaging rates peaked when juveniles were in the middle age group. Mothers and fathers were the most generous in terms of providing food to begging young. Mothers most often directed juveniles to productive foraging sites, and female helpers never did. Older siblings did not vary caregiving effort according to sex or age. Adult and subadult foraging ability was not a strong predictor of the rates at which prey was given to the young or the rates at which caregivers tolerated coforaging by immatures on plant and prey resources. Thus, foraging ability did not appreciably influence generosity to or tolerance of the young.  相似文献   

Parent birds show a continuous spectrum of breeding strategies, ranging from a low‐fecundity and high‐survival pattern to a high‐fecundity, low‐survival pattern. Investigations of parental breeding strategies under variable environmental conditions can illustrate how parents trade‐off the benefits and costs of these two extreme strategies. White‐collared Blackbirds Turdus albocinctus can breed twice a year on the Tibetan Plateau. We show that both life‐history traits and parental feeding behaviour differ between these two breeding attempts. In the first attempt, the birds produced small clutches and fledged a small number of nestlings of high body condition. In the second attempt, they produced larger clutches and fledged more nestlings of lower body condition. Males made greater contributions to brood provisioning compared with females in the first attempt but there was no sex difference in brood provisioning in the second attempt. In the first attempt, producing smaller clutches can shorten the nestling period, and the increased male contribution to brood provisioning can protect the energy reserves of females. Thus, females can begin a second attempt sooner and produce larger clutches. During the second nesting attempt, when conditions are warmer and wetter, parents rely on a broader array of food types (both invertebrates and plant material, primarily berries) than during the first attempt, which includes only animal food such as arthropods and annelids. We suggest that this difference in breeding strategies between nesting attempts and sexes is in part influenced by marked seasonal variation in food availability.  相似文献   

The ancestral state of human skin pigmentation evolved in response to high ultraviolet radiation (UVR) stress. Some argue that pigmentation evolved to limit folate photolysis, therein limiting neural tube defects. Pigmentation also protects against sunburn which decreases the efficiency of sweating and potentiates skin infection. Pigmentation increases the efficacy of skin as a barrier to infection. Skin cancer has been rejected or minimized as a selective pressure because it is believed to have little or no effect on mortality during reproductive years. This argument ignores evidence of human longevity as a derived life history trait and the adaptive value of investment in offspring and kin, particularly during the post‐reproductive lifespan. Opponents argue that lifespan in prehistoric hunter‐gatherers was too short to be relevant to the evolution of skin pigmentation. This argument is flawed in that it relies on estimates of longevity at birth rather than adolescence. When appropriate estimates are used, it is clear that human longevity has a deep evolutionary history. We use a life history perspective to demonstrate the value of skin pigmentation as an adaptation to skin cancer with the following points: UVR exposure increases dysregulation of gene expression in skin cells leading to immortal cell lines; cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) affects individuals throughout reproductive years; and lifespan was longer than has previously been acknowledged, providing the opportunity for kin selection. This hypothesis is not at odds with the folate or barrier hypotheses. We stress that the evolution of skin pigmentation is complex and is an ongoing process. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:1–8, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Parental care is widespread among vertebrates and the observed patterns of parental care and investment are extremely diverse. Among amphibians, caecilians (Gymnophiona) exhibit considerable variation in reproductive modes, including both oviparity and viviparity, combined with highly unusual investment strategies (e.g. skin‐feeding and intrauterine feeding). In the present study, current knowledge on the reproductive modes is integrated into an analysis of the evolutionary scenario of parental investment of caecilians. Phylogenetically basal caecilians possessing a biphasic life cycle that includes an aquatic larval stage invest in macrolecithal eggs directly corresponding to size at hatching. Some phylogenetically derived caecilians (i.e. the Teresomata) have a smaller clutch size and show a reduction to either medium‐yolked (mesolecithal) or small‐yolked (microlecithal) eggs. Via alternative pathways of parental investment, such as intrauterine feeding in viviparous taxa and maternal dermatotrophy in oviparous taxa, teresomatan caecilians increase both offspring size and quality. However, more data regarding reproductive biology are needed to obtain a fully resolved understanding of the evolution of reproduction in caecilian amphibians.  相似文献   

The growth of evolutionary psychology has led to renewed interest in what might be the significant evolutionary heritage of people living today, and in the extent to which humans are suited to a particular adaptive environment—the EEA. The EEA, though, is a new tool in the battery of evolutionary concepts, and it is important both that it is scrutinized for its utility, and that the actual reconstructions of the environments in which humans and hominids evolved are based on sound palaeobiological inference and an appropriate use of the phylogenetic context of primate evolution.  相似文献   

A dramatic life history switch that has evolved numerous times in marine invertebrates is the transition from planktotrophic (feeding) to lecithotrophic (nonfeeding) larval development—an evolutionary tradeoff with many important developmental and ecological consequences. To attain a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular basis for this switch, we performed untargeted lipidomic and proteomic liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry on eggs and larvae from three sea urchin species: the lecithotroph Heliocidaris erythrogramma, the closely related planktotroph Heliocidaris tuberculata, and the distantly related planktotroph Lytechinus variegatus. We identify numerous molecular‐level changes possibly associated with the evolution of lecithotrophy in H. erythrogramma. We find the massive lipid stores of H. erythrogramma eggs are largely composed of low‐density, diacylglycerol ether lipids that, contrary to expectations, appear to support postmetamorphic development and survivorship. Rapid premetamorphic development in this species may instead be powered by upregulated carbohydrate metabolism or triacylglycerol metabolism. We also find proteins involved in oxidative stress regulation are upregulated in H. erythrogramma eggs, and apoB‐like lipid transfer proteins may be important for echinoid oogenic nutrient provisioning. These results demonstrate how mass spectrometry can enrich our understanding of life history evolution and organismal diversity by identifying specific molecules associated with distinct life history strategies and prompt new hypotheses about how and why these adaptations evolve.  相似文献   

Ability to store resources that will be used for reproduction represents a potential life history adaptation because storage permits feeding and reproduction to be decoupled spatially and/or temporally. The two ends of a continuum involve acquiring all resources prior to reproduction (capital breeding) or acquiring all resources during the reproductive period (income breeding). Traditional life history theory examines tradeoffs between costs and benefits of such strategies, but this theory has not been integrated into life history studies of ants, even though founding queens have the analogous strategies of fully claustral (capital breeding) and semi-claustral (income breeding). This study demonstrates that facultatively semi-claustral queens of the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex desertorum exhibit phenotypic plasticity during colony founding because unfed queens produced few, small minims, whereas ad libitum fed queens produced larger, heavier minims and additional brood. Fed queens also lost less mass than unfed queens despite their producing more brood. Overall, foraging provides queens with a suite of benefits that likely offset potential negative effects of foraging risk. Life history studies across a diverse array of taxa show that capital breeding is consistently associated with low availability and/or unpredictability of food, i.e., environmental conditions that favor prepackaging of reproductive resources. Such a broad and consistent pattern suggests that similar factors favored the evolution of fully claustral (capital breeding) colony founding in ants. Overall, these data suggest that ant researchers should revise their conventional view that fully claustral colony founding evolved because it eliminated the need for queens to leave the nest to forage. Instead, colony founding strategies should be examined from the perspective of environmental variation, i.e., availability and predictability of food. I also provide a functional scenario that could explain the evolution of colony founding strategies in ants. Received 16 November 2005; revised 1 March 2006; accepted 29 March 2006.  相似文献   

The way in which breeders respond to helping, in terms of either offspring production or their own survival, may reflect the adaptive aspects of a cooperative breeding system. We explore this issue using a 5‐year study of the Ground Tit Pseudopodoces humilis, a facultative cooperative breeder in which 47% of socially monogamous pairs have between one and four close male relatives as helpers. We found that helped nests did not fledge more or heavier nestlings than unhelped nests, and male young from helped and unhelped nests were equally likely to recruit into the local breeding population. However, helped parents of both sexes had a higher probability of survival to the following year than did unhelped parents. These findings suggest that Ground Tit parents with helpers trade current reproduction for personal survival and future reproduction, a strategy favoured by selection to cope with harsh, unpredictable environments such as the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

  1. Understanding drivers of variation and trends in biodiversity change is a general scientific challenge, but also crucial for conservation and management. Previous research shows that patterns of increase and decrease are not always consistent at different spatial scales, calling for approaches combining the latter. We here explore the idea that functional traits of species may help explaining divergent population trends.
  2. Complementing a previous community level study, we here analyse data about breeding waterbirds on 58 wetlands in boreal Fennoscandia, covering gradients in latitude as well as trophic status. We used linear mixed models to address how change in local abundance over 25 years in 25 waterbird species are associated with life history traits, diet, distribution, breeding phenology, and habitat affinity.
  3. Mean abundance increased in 10 species from 1990/1991 to 2016, whereas it decreased in 15 species. Local population increases were associated with species that are early breeders and have small clutches, an affinity for luxurious wetlands, an herbivorous diet, and a wide breeding range rather than a southern distribution. Local decreases, by contrast, were associated with species having large clutches and invertivorous diet, as well as being late breeders and less confined to luxurious wetlands. The three species occurring on the highest number of wetlands all decreased in mean abundance.
  4. The fact that early breeders have done better than late fits well with previous research about adaptability to climate change, that is, response to earlier springs. We found only limited support for the idea that life history traits are good predictors of wetland level population change. Instead, diet turned out to be a strong candidate for an important driver of population change, as supported by a general decrease of invertivores and a concomitant increase of large herbivores.
  5. In a wider perspective, future research needs to address whether population growth of large-bodied aquatic herbivores affects abundance of co-occurring invertivorous species, and if so, if this is due to habitat alteration, or to interference or exploitative competition.

In cooperative breeders, the extent to which helpers at thenest adjust their contributions in accordance with direct andindirect (kin-selected) fitness payoffs remains an open question.In a long-term study of the western bluebird, Sialia mexicana,helpers were exclusively male and helped at nests of both parents,a parent and stepparent, or a brother and unrelated female.This natural variation in the context of helping facilitatedcomparison of observational data on groups in which one typeof fitness benefit (current direct, future direct, or indirect)varied, whereas the other two were constant. Helpers reducedtheir share of provisioning as they got older, so comparisonswere restricted to groups with yearling helpers. When potentialdirect fitness benefits were identical, but relatedness wasreduced by half owing to the presence of a stepparent, yearlinghelpers failed to reduce their share of feeding trips to thenest. The potential for future direct fitness benefits via possiblemate and territory inheritance was low, and did not influencethe helper's share of provisioning in a comparison of groupswith similar relatedness and opportunities for current directfitness benefits. Even though cobreeding to gain current directfitness benefits was infrequent (17% of nests with brother-helpers),it was associated with an increase in the helper's share ofprovisioning, suggesting that a helper's feeding allocationresponds positively to increased opportunity for parentage inthe nest. The current study demonstrates a useful frameworkfor separating direct and indirect benefits with respect tohelping decisions, and indicates that western bluebird helpersadjust their feeding rates in response to the potential fordirect fitness benefits in the current nest, not indirect benefitsor future direct fitness payoffs. Although past studies of thispopulation showed that indirect benefits play a role in whetheror not helpers help, the current study indicates that they donot play a role in how frequently helpers feed at the nest.  相似文献   

The evolution of senescence from a comparative perspective   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  

Previous theoretical work has suggested that smaller brood sizes helped facilitate the emergence of cooperative breeding in birds. However, recent empirical evidence has found no statistically significant difference between the clutch sizes of cooperative breeders and that of noncooperative breeders. One explanation for this finding is that while small clutch sizes may predispose species to cooperative breeding, the emergence of cooperative breeding itself may influence the evolution of clutch size. Here, we develop a set of models using population dynamics to describe how the emergence of cooperative breeding influences clutch size. We find, in contrast to previous theoretical work, that the emergence of cooperative breeding does not necessarily decrease (and under certain conditions may actually increase) clutch size. In particular, clutch size may increase after the emergence of cooperative breeding if helpers – philopatric individuals that assist their breeding relatives – are able to substantially improve breeder fecundity at low costs to their own survival, and if the association between breeder and helper is brief. In many cases, clutch size increases following the emergence of cooperative breeding not because it is optimal for the breeder, but as the result of breeder–helper conflict over resource allocation.  相似文献   

Many studies in humans have shown that adverse experience in early life is associated with accelerated reproductive timing, and there is comparative evidence for similar effects in other animals. There are two different classes of adaptive explanation for associations between early-life adversity and accelerated reproduction, both based on the idea of predictive adaptive responses (PARs). According to external PAR hypotheses, early-life adversity provides a ‘weather forecast’ of the environmental conditions into which the individual will mature, and it is adaptive for the individual to develop an appropriate phenotype for this anticipated environment. In internal PAR hypotheses, early-life adversity has a lasting negative impact on the individual''s somatic state, such that her health is likely to fail more rapidly as she gets older, and there is an advantage to adjusting her reproductive schedule accordingly. We use a model of fluctuating environments to derive evolveability conditions for acceleration of reproductive timing in response to early-life adversity in a long-lived organism. For acceleration to evolve via the external PAR process, early-life cues must have a high degree of validity and the level of annual autocorrelation in the individual''s environment must be almost perfect. For acceleration to evolve via the internal PAR process requires that early-life experience must determine a significant fraction of the variance in survival prospects in adulthood. The two processes are not mutually exclusive, and mechanisms for calibrating reproductive timing on the basis of early experience could evolve through a combination of the predictive value of early-life adversity for the later environment and its negative impact on somatic state.  相似文献   

Human females stop reproducing long before they die. Among other mammals, only pilot and killer whales exhibit a comparable period of post-reproductive life. The grandmother hypothesis suggests that kin selection can favour post-reproductive survival when older females help their relatives to reproduce. But although there is an evidence that grandmothers can provide such assistance, it is puzzling why menopause should have evolved only among the great apes and toothed whales. We have previously suggested (Cant & Johnstone 2008 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, 5332–5336 (doi:10.1073/pnas.0711911105)) that relatedness asymmetries owing to female-biased dispersal in ancestral humans would have favoured younger females in reproductive competition with older females, predisposing our species to the evolution of menopause. But this argument appears inapplicable to menopausal cetaceans, which exhibit philopatry of both sexes combined with extra-group mating. Here, we derive general formulae for ‘kinship dynamics’, the age-related changes in local relatedness that occur in long-lived social organisms as a consequence of dispersal and mortality. We show that the very different social structures of great apes and menopausal whales both give rise to an increase in local relatedness with female age, favouring late-life helping. Our analysis can therefore help to explain why, of all long-lived, social mammals, it is specifically among the great apes and toothed whales that menopause and post-reproductive helping have evolved.  相似文献   

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