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Swimbladder walls of lake charr, Salvelinus namaycush, from Great Slave Lake (GSL), Northwest Territories, Canada, were unusually thick for the species. The thinnest sections of the GSL bladders (mean = 2.44mm, range = 1.1–4.4mm) were significantly thicker (P = 0.001) than lake charr swimbladders collected from two small Province of Ontario lakes (means = 0.65 and 0.92mm), whose populations were assumed to be representative of the species. Variance in wall thickness was also greater in GSL lake charr than in charr from two small lakes (P < 0.02). Within individuals, some of the GSL bladder walls were markedly irregular in thickness, but whether these anomalies exist in situ or were artifacts of preservation remains uncertain. The bulk of the tissue in the thickest sections of the GSL swimbladders was in the tunica serosa (outer layer). The extent of the modification of the GSL swimbladders is extraordinary for northern fishes in postglacial lakes.  相似文献   

Anadromy was documented in 16 lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, from Canada's central Arctic using capture data and otolith microchemistry. For the first time, estuarine/marine habitat use was described for five individuals using acoustic telemetry. Age-at-first-migration to sea was variable (10–39 years) among individuals and most S. namaycush undertook multiple anadromous migrations within their lifetime. Telemetry data suggested that S. namaycush do not travel far into marine habitats and prefer surface waters (<2 m). These results further our collective understanding of the marine ecology of Arctic S. namaycush.  相似文献   

The lake charr, Salvelinus namaycush, is generally characterized as a morphologically stable specialized deepwater piscivore. Empirical observations suggested the existence of two or more morphotypes of lake charr in Great Bear Lake, NWT. I gathered morphological data over two seasons from a total of 72 individuals and used principal components analysis to summarize variation in the dataset. UPGMA classification showed that there were two groups in the dataset. I classified individuals into one of two morphotypes using discriminant function analysis. The two forms differed primarily in head proportions. I developed a function, usable in the field, that classifies 80% of all specimens correctly. This study represents one of the first documentations of sympatric morphotypes of lake charr outside the Laurentian Great Lakes and provides the basis for further investigation into origins of and genetic, morphological and ecological differences between the forms.  相似文献   

Patterns of diel food selection in pelagic Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) and brown trout, Salmo trutta L. were investigated in Lake Atnsjo, SE Norway, by gillnet sampling during July-September 1985. Arctic charr feed almost exclusively on zooplankton both day and night, while brown trout had a diurnal shift in diet. For this species zooplankton made up a considerable part of the diet in the daytime, while at night the diet consisted mainly of surface insect and chironomid pupae. Both species had a selective feeding mode on zooplankton during the day and night. Arctic charr had a higher gill raker number and a denser gill raker spacing compared with brown trout. Still, the differences in prey size between the two species were small. We argue that the observed differences in food selection between Arctic charr and brown trout can be explained by differing abilities to detect food items under low light conditions.  相似文献   

Methods for assigning individuals to population of origin are widely used in ecological genetics, resources management, and forensics. Characteristics of genetic data obtained from putative source populations that enhance accuracy of assignment are well established. How non-independence within and among unknown individuals to be classified [i.e., gene correlations within individual (inbreeding) and gene correlations among individuals within group (coancestry)] affect assignment accuracy is poorly understood. We used empirical data for six microsatellite loci and offspring from full-sib crosses of hatchery strains of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush; Salmonidae) representing known levels of coancestry (mean θ = 0.006 and 0.06) within families to investigate how gene correlations can affect assignment. Additional simulations were conducted to further investigating the influence of allelic diversity (2, 6 or 10 alleles per locus) and inbreeding (F = 0.00, 0.05, and 0.15) on assignment accuracy for cases of low and high inter-population variance in allele frequency (mean F st = 0.01 and 0.1, respectively). Inbreeding had no effect on accuracy of assignments. In contrast, variance in assignment accuracy across replicated simulations, and for each empirical case study increased with increasing coancestry, reflecting non-independence of probabilities of correct assignment among members of kin groups. Empirical estimates of assignment error rates should be interpreted with caution if appreciable levels of coancestry are suspected. Additional emphasis should be placed on sampling designs (spatially and temporally) that define or minimize the potential for sampling related individuals.  相似文献   

Latitudinal transects across subpolar ecozones display striking changes in lakewater chemistry reflecting steep gradients in vegetation, climate, and other variables. This paper explores the relationships among chemical and physical lakewater characteristics of 70 lakes spanning arctic treeline in Canada's Central Northwest Territories. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to examine trends and relationships among environmental variables and these 70 sites. In general, lakes in this data set were dilute, slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, and nutrient-poor. However, a strong trend toward more concentrated lakewater conditions in densely forested areas was observed relative to tundra regions. Interrelationships among measured limnological variables appear to be strongly influenced by catchment characteristics associated with proximity of sites to treeline.  相似文献   

To examine the population genetic structure of lake-resident Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus from northwest Europe on multiple spatial scales, 2367 individuals from 43 lakes located in three geographical regions (Iceland, the British Isles and Scandinavia) were genotyped at six microsatellite loci. On a large scale, data provided little evidence to support clustering of populations according to geographical region. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance indicated that, although statistically significant, only 2.17% of the variance in allelic frequencies was partitioned at the among-region level. Within regions, high levels of genetic differentiation were typically found between lakes regardless of the geographical distance separating them. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of rapid postglacial recolonization of all of northwest Europe from a single charr lineage, with subsequent restriction of gene flow. On a smaller scale, there was evidence for close genetic relationships among lakes from within common drainage basins in Scotland. Thus, interlake genetic structure reflects localized patterns of recent (or contemporary) gene flow superimposed onto a larger scale structure that is largely a result of historical processes. There was also evidence for widespread genetic structuring at the within-lake level, with sympatric populations detected in 10 lakes, and multilocus heterozygote deficits found in 23 lakes. This evidence of the Wahlund effect was found in all lakes known to contain discrete phenotypic morphs, as well as many others, suggesting that morphs may often represent separate breeding populations, and also that the phenomenon of polymorphism in this species may be more widespread than is currently realized.  相似文献   

Despite geographical isolation and widespread phenotypic polymorphism, previous population genetic studies of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , have detected low levels of intra- and interpopulation variation. In this study, two approaches were used to test the generality of low genetic diversity among 15 Arctic charr populations from three major drainages of the central Alpine region of Europe. First, a representative subsample of each drainage was screened by PCR–RFLP analysis of mtDNA using 31 restriction enzymes. All individuals but one shared an identical haplotype. In contrast, microsatellite DNA variation revealed high levels of genetic diversity within and among populations. The number of alleles per locus ranged from six to 49, resulting in an overall expected heterozygosity from 0.72 ± 0.09 to 0.87 ± 0.04 depending on the locus. Despite evidence for fish transfers among Alpine charr populations over centuries, genetic diversity was substantially structured, as revealed by hierarchical Φ statistics. Eighteen per cent of total genetic variance was apportioned to substructuring among Rhône, Rhine, and Danube river systems, whereas 19% was due to partitioning among populations within each drainage. Cluster analyses corroborated these results by drainage-specific grouping of nonstocked populations, but also revealed damaging effects of stocking practices in others. However, these results suggest that long-term stocking practices did not generally alter natural genetic partitioning, and stress the importance of considering genetic diversity of Arctic charr in the Alpine region for sound management. The results also refute the general view of Arctic charr being a genetically depauperate species and show the potential usefulness of microsatellite DNAs in addressing evolutionary and conservation issues in this species.  相似文献   

A suite of 10 microsatellite loci was used to examine genetic divergence between two sympatric morphs of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (‘dark’ and ‘pale’) inhabiting Gander Lake, Newfoundland. Results can be summarized as follows: (1) the morphs are strongly reproductively isolated – gene flow–migration estimates were consistently low in long and short‐term evolutionary timescales of analysis; (2) intermorph divergence based on allele size (RST) was significantly larger than those based on allele state (θ) implying a cumulative effect of stepwise‐like mutations; (3) historical (coalescent) and current (linkage disequilibrium) point estimates of effective population size (Ne) were consistently higher for dark than for pale S. alpinus. The first and second findings lend support to the hypothesis that divergence between forms may have preceded the last glacial period (ending c. 12 000 years bp ). The third finding argues for significant differences in habitat quantity and quality between morphs, which were emphasized in a previous study. Overall, these analyses underscore the importance of genetic assessment and monitoring in the conservation of fish diversity, with emphasis on ‘rare’ or under‐represented forms among temperate species pairs.  相似文献   

Effective management of reef corals requires knowledge of the extent to which populations are open or closed and the scales over which genetic exchange occurs, information which is commonly derived from population genetic data. Such data are sparse for Great Barrier Reef (GBR) corals and other organisms, with the studies that are available being mostly based on a small number of sampling locations spanning only part of the GBR. Using 11 microsatellite loci, we genotyped 947 colonies of the reef-building coral Acropora millepora from 20 sites spanning almost the full length of the GBR (~12° of latitude and ~1550 km). The results show a major divide between the southernmost central to southern offshore populations and all other sampled populations. We interpret this divide as a signature of allopatric divergence in northern and southern refugia during the Pleistocene glaciations, from which the GBR was subsequently recolonized. Superimposed on this pattern is a cross-shelf genetic division, as well as a separation of inshore populations south of the Cape Clifton Front at ~21.5-22°S. Most inshore populations north of this, as well as mid-shelf populations in the northern and far northern GBR, are open, exchanging recruits frequently. In contrast, inshore populations south of the Cape Clifton Front and offshore populations in the central and southern GBR are largely self-seeding, at least within the spatial resolution that was achieved given our sampling intensity. Populations that have been impacted by recent disturbance events causing extensive coral mortality show no evidence of reduced genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Adelges cooleyi is a host-alternating, gall-making insect native to the Rocky Mountains and Cascade Mountains in western North America. The insect's primary hosts are Picea (spruce) species, and its secondary host is Pseudotsuga menziesii , Douglas fir. To determine whether there are large-scale patterns of genetic variation in this specialist insect, we created molecular phylogenies of geographically separate samples of A. cooleyi using sequence data from two mitochondrial (mtDNA) genes and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). Three divergent mtDNA lineages were identified. Analysis of mtDNA and AFLP genetic variation revealed that samples from southeastern Arizona are genetically isolated from all other samples. AFLP data identified possible gene flow between individuals from divergent mtDNA lineages in an area in the central Rocky Mountains. Factors that likely affected divergence within A. cooleyi were identified by comparing our conclusions with well-known changes in the distribution of vegetation in response to glaciations and previous phylogeographical work conducted on this specialist insect's host-plants. In addition to documenting previously unknown patterns of genetic variation in A. cooleyi , our work provides the basis for a testable hypothesis regarding the extent to which the distribution of variation in Picea and Pseudotsuga hosts mediates the distribution of genetic variation for this specialist insect.  相似文献   

Experience from case studies of biologicalinvasions in aquatic ecosystems has motivated aset of proposed empirical rules forunderstanding patterns of invasion and impactson native species. Further evidence is neededto better understand these patterns, andperhaps contribute to a useful predictivetheory of invasions. We reviewed the case ofbrook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)invasions in the western United States andtheir impacts on native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki). Unlike many biologicalinvasions, a considerable body of empiricalresearch on brook trout and cutthroat trout isavailable. We reviewed life histories of eachspecies, brook trout invasions, their impactson cutthroat trout, and patterns and causes ofsegregation between brook trout and cutthroattrout. We considered four stages of theinvasion process: transport, establishment,spread, and impacts to native species. Most ofthe research we found focused on impacts. Interspecific interactions, especiallycompetition, were commonly investigated andcited as impacts of brook trout. In many casesit is not clear if brook trout invasions have ameasurable impact. Studies of speciesdistributions in the field and a variety ofexperiments suggest invasion success of brooktrout is associated with environmental factors,including temperature, landscape structure,habitat size, stream flow, and humaninfluences. Research on earlier stages ofbrook trout invasions (transport,establishment, and spread) is relativelylimited, but has provided promising insights. Management alternatives for controllingbrook trout invasions are limited, and actions tocontrol brook trout focus on direct removal,which is variably successful and can haveadverse effects on native species. Themanagement applicability of research has beenconfounded by the complexity of the problem andby a focus on understanding processes atsmaller scales, but not on predicting patternsat larger scales. In the short-term, animproved predictive understanding of brooktrout invasions could prove to be most useful,even if processes are incompletely understood. A stronger connection between research andmanagement is needed to identify more effectivealternatives for controlling brook troutinvasions and for identifying managementpriorities.  相似文献   

An understanding of the relative roles of historical and contemporary factors in structuring genetic variation is a fundamental, but understudied aspect of geographic variation. We examined geographic variation in microsatellite DNA allele frequencies in bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus, Salmonidae) to test hypotheses concerning the relative roles of postglacial dispersal (historical) and current landscape features (contemporary) in structuring genetic variability and population differentiation. Bull trout exhibit relatively low intrapopulation microsatellite variation (average of 1.9 alleles per locus, average He = 0.24), but high levels of interpopulation divergence (F(ST) = 0.39). We found evidence of historical influences on microsatellite variation in the form of a decrease in the number of alleles and heterozygosities in populations on the periphery of the range relative to populations closer to putative glacial refugia. In addition, one region of British Columbia that was colonized later during deglaciation and by more indirect watershed connections showed less developed and more variable patterns of isolation by distance than a similar region colonized earlier and more directly from refugia. Current spatial and drainage interconnectedness among sites and the presence of migration barriers (falls and cascades) within individual streams were found to be important contemporary factors influencing historical patterns of genetic variability and interpopulation divergence. Our work illustrates the limited utility of equilibrium models to delineate population structure and patterns of genetic diversity in recently founded populations or those inhabiting highly heterogeneous environments, and it highlights the need for approaches incorporating a landscape context for population divergence. Substantial microsatellite DNA divergence among bull trout populations may also signal divergence in traits important to population persistence in specific environments.  相似文献   

The genetic variations—and the time dependence of such variations—of natural populations of the white-spotted charr ,Salvelinus leucomaenis, in the Lake Biwa water system as well as those of a hatchery-reared population were inferred from AFLP. Upon the application of principal coordinate analysis using 118 polymorphic AFLP fragments based on the Jaccard similarity index, specimens of each of six natural local populations from the inlet rivers of Lake Biwa grouped roughly together, suggesting that each local population was genetically differentiated. The hatchery-reared population was shown to be closely related to the local population in the Seri River, suggesting that the Seri River population originated from hatchery-reared charr due to extensive stocking. Furthermore, specimens of the Yasu River grouped in a somewhat different position from the other natural populations, agreeing well with its geographic distance from the other populations. The nucleotide diversities of six natural populations (Harihata River, Ishida River, two reaches of the Takatoki River, Ane River, and Yasu River) in 2002 or 2003 were relatively low (π = 0.067–0.146%) compared with that of the Seri River (0.278%) and the hatchery-reared charr (0.316%). The nucleotide diversity in the five local populations (Ishida River, two reaches of the Takatoki River, Ane River, and Yasu River) remained at a low level from 1994 to 2002/2003, but only the nucleotide diversity in the Harihata River actually decreased. From 1994 to 2002/2003, the nucleotide diversity in the Seri River remained at a higher level among the natural populations from 1994 to 2002/2003; it was enhanced by the artificial release of hatchery-reared charr before 1994. In order to conserve the genetic diversity of the white-spotted charr in the Lake Biwa water system, it is necessary to prevent the stocking of hatchery-reared charr in reaches where hatchery-reared charr have not previously been stocked.  相似文献   

The feed intake, growth, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of juvenile Arctic charr were measured over period of four weeks at different temperatures which were either constant (11.0, 14.4, 17.7 °C) or fluctuated daily (14.3 ± 1 °C). Maximum feed intake was estimated to occur at 14.3 °C, while oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion were highest at the highest temperature, and growth rate was estimated to be highest at 13.9 °C. Feed conversion efficiency was estimated to be highest at 13.2 °C, where over 62.7% of ingested energy was allocated to growth. Metabolic rate accounted for 16–30% of ingested energy and nitrogen excretion was under 3% of ingested energy. The nitrogen budget was under similar thermal influences to the energy budget. Thermal fluctuation increased metabolic rate, but not feed intake, leading to a reduction in feed conversion efficiency under fluctuating temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Fernandez‐Leborans, G. and von Rintelen, K. 2010. Biodiversity and distribution of epibiontic communities on Caridina ensifera (Crustacea, Decapoda, Atyidae) from Lake Poso: comparison with another ancient lake system of Sulawesi (Indonesia). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 163–175 The epibiont communities of the shrimp Caridina ensifera, endemic to Lake Poso (Sulawesi, Indonesia), were analysed. Most of the epibiont species were ciliated protozoa belonging to three suctorian genera (Acineta, Podophrya and Spelaeophrya), three peritrich genera (Zoothamnium, Vorticella and Cothurnia), and a haptorid genus (Amphileptus). There was also a rotifer epibiont of the genus Embata. Epibionts were identified to species level. There were 14 to 1114 epibionts per shrimp. The distribution of the epibiont species on the surface of the basibiont was recorded, calculating the number on the different colonized individuals of C. ensifera. The most abundant species, Zoothamnium intermedium and Acineta sulawesiensis, were also the most widely distributed. There was a significant difference between the spatial distributions of the different epibiont species. The analysis of the number of the epibiont species throughout the anteroposterior axis of the shrimp showed a gradient from the anterior to the posterior end of the body. Data from Lake Poso were compared with those of the Malili lake system (Sulawesi), obtained from its endemic shrimp, Caridina lanceolata. Lake Poso had the highest mean diversity, while Lake Mahalona showed the highest maximum diversity. All lakes were correlated with respect to the mean number of epibionts on the anatomical units of the shrimp, which showed a similar general distribution. The distributions of the different epibiont species were compared between the lakes. The possible adaptations of the epibionts as well as the colonization patterns were discussed. From the statistical results and the analysis of the distributions, we propose that in these communities epibiont species have a pattern of colonization in which they follow a behaviour as a whole; each species has a differential distribution, with the species occupying the available substratum with the particular requirements of each functional group, but there is a trend towards maintaining an equilibrium among species and groups, compensating for diversity and number of individuals. In all lakes there was an epibiont distribution model comprising the maintenance of an anteroposterior axis gradient, which was supported by the fluctuation in diversity and number of individuals of the different functional groups of epibiont species. The functional role of the different groups of species seems to tend towards sustainability with little global variation among the lakes.  相似文献   

The Umenocoleidae is among the most perplexing fossil insect taxa, widespread at lower and middle latitudes during the Early Cretaceous and probably becoming extinct after the mid-Cretaceous. This problematic taxon was first described from the Lower Cretaceous of China and has been variously assigned to stem-group Coleoptera, Protelytroptera, Blattaria, stem-group Dictyoptera, or Mantodea. The systematic position of the enigmatic family — especially its type species Umenocoleus sinuatus Chen et T’an, 1973 — has remained highly controversial owing to the lack of preserved phylogenetically informative or diagnostic characters. Here, we describe a new specimen of the type species from the type horizon of the type locality (Lower Cretaceous Zhonggou Formation at Jiuquan, Yumen City, China), and additionally two forewings of Ponopterix. We found that the Umenocoleidae is similar to stem-group Coleoptera in its forewing venation but differs in its multi-segmented antennae, orthognathous orientation of the head, subdivision of the pronotum by a transverse furrow, ultrastructure of the forewing punctures, and unfolded hindwings. Our phylogenetic analysis, using an extended matrix of 72 characters and 37 taxa, indicates that the Umenocoleidae is likely a specialized taxon of Dictyoptera, sister to Alienoptera. The beetle-like appearance is interpreted to be a result of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

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