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Strong selection from herbicides has led to the rapid evolution of herbicide‐resistant weeds, greatly complicating weed management efforts worldwide. In particular, overreliance on glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp®, has spurred the evolution of resistance to this herbicide in ≥40 species. Previously, we reported that Conyza canadensis (horseweed) has evolved extreme resistance to glyphosate, surviving at 40× the original 1× effective dosage. Here, we tested for underlying fitness effects of glyphosate resistance to better understand whether resistance could persist indefinitely in this self‐pollinating, annual weed. We sampled seeds from a single maternal plant (“biotype”) at each of 26 horseweed populations in Iowa, representing nine susceptible biotypes (S), eight with low‐level resistance (LR), and nine with extreme resistance (ER). In 2016 and 2017, we compared early growth rates and bolting dates of these biotypes in common garden experiments at two sites near Ames, Iowa. Nested ANOVAs showed that, as a group, ER biotypes attained similar or larger rosette size after 6 weeks compared to S or LR biotypes, which were similar to each other in size. Also, ER biotypes bolted 1–2 weeks earlier than S or LR biotypes. These fitness‐related traits also varied among biotypes within the same resistance category, and time to bolting was inversely correlated with rosette size across all biotypes. Disease symptoms affected 40% of all plants in 2016 and 78% in 2017, so we did not attempt to measure lifetime fecundity. In both years, the frequency of disease symptoms was greatest in S biotypes and similar in LR versus ER biotypes. Overall, our findings indicate there are no early growth penalty and possibly no lifetime fitness penalty associated with glyphosate resistance, including extremely strong resistance. We conclude that glyphosate resistance is likely to persist in horseweed populations, with or without continued selection pressure from exposure to glyphosate.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria known to manipulate the reproduction of their hosts. These manipulations are expected to have consequences on the population genetics of the host, such as heterozygosity levels, genetic diversity and gene flow. The parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus coeruleus has populations that are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia and populations that are not infected. We studied the population genetics of T. coeruleus between and within Wolbachia‐infected and uninfected populations, using nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA. We expected reduced genetic diversity in both DNA types in infected populations. However, migration and gene flow could introduce new DNA variants into populations. We therefore paid special attention to individuals with unexpected (genetic) characteristics. Based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, two genetic clusters were evident: a thelytokous cluster containing all Wolbachia‐infected, parthenogenetic populations and an arrhenotokous cluster containing all uninfected, sexual populations. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA did not exhibit concordant patterns of variation, although there was reduced genetic diversity in infected populations for both DNA types. Within the thelytokous cluster, there was nuclear DNA variation, but no mitochondrial DNA variation. This nuclear DNA variation may be explained by occasional sex between infected females and males, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. Several females from thelytokous populations were uninfected and/or heterozygous for microsatellite loci. These unexpected characteristics may be explained by migration, by inefficient transmission of Wolbachia, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. However, migration has not prevented the build‐up of considerable genetic differentiation between thelytokous and arrhenotokous populations.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of native plants (Sorghum halepense and Aeluropus littoralis), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) concentrations, and nutrients on the removal of TPHs from a highly saline clay soil. For a period of 180 days, rhizosphere microbial number, plant biomass, and residual TPHs were determined monthly. Results showed that TPH removal from soil in the rhizosphere was 13% higher than that in the control (unplanted soil). In addition, the number of heterotrophic bacteria in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil was 7.407 and 6.629 log10CFU/g, respectively. The maximum TPH removal, microbial numbers, and plant biomass were measured in the treated soil, polluted with 0.86% (w/w) of TPH. The high clay and salinity of the experimental soil had a negative effect on the phytoremediation efficiency. Hence, it was necessary to improve the physicochemical properties of the soil to provide a good condition for plants and microbes, thereby increasing the phytoremediation efficiency.  相似文献   

The holm oak plays a relevant role in the functioning of Mediterranean forests. In the area north of Garda Lake, Italian Prealps, holm oak populations are at the northernmost edge of their distribution. Being peripheral, these populations are of particular interest for ecological, evolutionary and conservation studies. Through an explicit individual‐based landscape genetics approach, we addressed the following questions: (1) are levels of genetic variation reduced in these marginal populations compared with central populations?; (2) despite the narrow geographical scale, do individual‐based analyses have some power to detect genetic differentiation?; (3) do environmental and/or climatic factors exert a role in shaping patterns of genetic variation and differentiation? Through a Bayesian method, we identified three clusters whose genetic variability can be considered to be of the same order as that recorded in central Quercus ilex populations. Although being geographically very close (< 20 km), the differentiation was statistically significant (P < 0.05) with global F st and Φ Pt values of 0.019 and 0.038, respectively. Geography and phylogeography could not be invoked to explain this differentiation. A redundancy discriminant analysis revealed that relevant eco‐pedological and climatic features, such as soil depth, aspect, elevation and humidity, were correlated with the observed pattern of differentiation. Toblino was ecologically separated from the other clusters, as it lies on deep soil with subhumid conditions. The differentiation of the Brione–Ranzo–Val Busa cluster appeared to be related to superficial soils and drier conditions, whereas the Nanzone–Padaro cluster was differentiated mainly according to its mid‐elevation. Coupling spatial and genetic information on a local scale proved to be effective to investigate the evolutionary and demographic history of peripheral populations. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

The level of genetic diversity in a population can affect ecological processes and plant responses to disturbance. In turn, disturbance can alter population genetic diversity and structure. Populations in fragmented and logged habitats often show reduced genetic diversity and increased inbreeding and differentiation. Long‐term harvesting of wild plants (for foliage, bark, and roots), can affect population genetic diversity by altering individual fitness and genetic contribution. Our understanding of these changes in genetic diversity due to the harvesting of plant organs is still limited. We used nine microsatellite markers to study the effect of long‐term bark and foliage harvest by Fulani people on the genetic diversity and structure of 12 populations of African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) in Benin. We sampled 20 individuals in each population to test the effect of harvesting. For each population, we divided the samples equally between seedling and adults to test if the effects are stronger in seedlings. We found moderate genetic diversity (H= 0.53 ± 0.04) and weak but significant differentiation among local populations (FST = 0.043, < 0.001). There was no significant effect of harvest on genetic diversity or structure, although previous work found significant negative effects of harvest on the reproduction of adults, offspring density, and population fitness. Our results suggest that demographic responses to disturbance precede a detectable genetic response. Future studies should focus on using parentage analysis to test if genotypes of harvested parents are directly represented in the offspring populations.  相似文献   

Rapid detoxification of atrazine in naturally tolerant crops such as maize (Zea mays) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) results from glutathione S‐transferase (GST) activity. In previous research, two atrazine‐resistant waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) populations from Illinois, U.S.A. (designated ACR and MCR), displayed rapid formation of atrazine‐glutathione (GSH) conjugates, implicating elevated rates of metabolism as the resistance mechanism. Our main objective was to utilize protein purification combined with qualitative proteomics to investigate the hypothesis that enhanced atrazine detoxification, catalysed by distinct GSTs, confers resistance in ACR and MCR. Additionally, candidate AtuGST expression was analysed in an F2 population segregating for atrazine resistance. ACR and MCR showed higher specific activities towards atrazine in partially purified ammonium sulphate and GSH affinity‐purified fractions compared to an atrazine‐sensitive population (WCS). One‐dimensional electrophoresis of these fractions displayed an approximate 26‐kDa band, typical of GST subunits. Several phi‐ and tau‐class GSTs were identified by LC‐MS/MS from each population, based on peptide similarity with GSTs from Arabidopsis. Elevated constitutive expression of one phi‐class GST, named AtuGSTF2, correlated strongly with atrazine resistance in ACR and MCR and segregating F2 population. These results indicate that AtuGSTF2 may be linked to a metabolic mechanism that confers atrazine resistance in ACR and MCR.  相似文献   


Sorghum bicolor L. (cv. Tegemeo) seedlings were grown for nine days in soil at field capacity packed to give a uniform penetration resistance (PR) of either 0.25, 1.00 or 1.75 MPa. Root biomass was not significantly affected by soil PR treatment. However, as PR increased to 1.75 MPa, the diameter of the seminal root axis increased by 52% whilst its length decreased by 30%. Shoot growth, in terms of oven dry (OD) weight and photo-synthetic area, was reduced in both the 0.25 MPa and 1.75 MPa treatments compared to the 1.00 MPa treatment. A reduced nutrient, water or oxygen supply to the roots were discounted as possible causes of the root and shoot responses to soil PR. It is suggested that the changes in root morphology between treatments were a direct result of the changes in soil PR. For shoot growth, in the 0.25 MPa treatment it is suggested that shoot growth was reduced as a result of an increase in the carbon sink strength of the roots.  相似文献   

The Acacia drepanolobium (also known as Vachellia drepanolobium) ant‐plant symbiosis is considered a classic case of species coexistence, in which four species of tree‐defending ants compete for nesting space in a single host tree species. Coexistence in this system has been explained by trade‐offs in the ability of the ant associates to compete with each other for occupied trees versus the ability to colonize unoccupied trees. We seek to understand the proximal reasons for how and why the ant species vary in competitive or colonizing abilities, which are largely unknown. In this study, we use RADseq‐derived SNPs to identify relatedness of workers in colonies to test the hypothesis that competitively dominant ants reach large colony sizes due to polygyny, that is, the presence of multiple egg‐laying queens in a single colony. We find that variation in polygyny is not associated with competitive ability; in fact, the most dominant species, unexpectedly, showed little evidence of polygyny. We also use these markers to investigate variation in mating behavior among the ant species and find that different species vary in the number of males fathering the offspring of each colony. Finally, we show that the nature of polygyny varies between the two commonly polygynous species, Crematogaster mimosae and Tetraponera penzigi: in C. mimosae, queens in the same colony are often related, while this is not the case for T. penzigi. These results shed light on factors influencing the evolution of species coexistence in an ant‐plant mutualism, as well as demonstrating the effectiveness of RADseq‐derived SNPs for parentage analysis.  相似文献   

Plant invasions are recognized as major drivers of ecosystem change, yet the precise cause of these invasions remains unknown for many species. Frequency and modes of introductions during the first, transport and colonization, stages of the invasion process as well as phenotypic changes due to plasticity or changing genetic diversity and adaptation during later establishment and expansion stages can all influence the “success” of invasion. Here, we examine some of these factors in, and the origin of, a very successful weed, Cichorium intybus (chicory) which was introduced to North America in the 18th century and which now can be found in all 48 continental U.S. states and much of Canada. We genotyped a Eurasian collection of 11 chicory cultivars, nine native populations and a North American collection of 20 introduced wild populations which span the species range (592 individuals in total). To detect the geographic sources of North American chicory populations and to assess the genetic diversity among cultivars, native, and introduced populations, we used both a sequenced cpDNA region and 12 nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR), microsatellite loci. Four cpDNA haplotypes were identified and revealed clear geographic subdivisions in the chicory native range and an interspecific hybrid origin of Radicchio group. Nuclear data suggested that domesticated lines deliberately introduced to North America were major contributors to extant weedy populations, although unintended sources such as seed contaminants likely also played important roles. The high private allelic richness and novel genetic groups were detected in some introduced populations, suggesting the potential for local adaptation in natural sites such as deserts and nature reserves. Our findings suggest that the current populations of weedy U.S. chicory have evolved primarily from several sources of domesticated and weedy ancestors and subsequent admixture among escaped lineages.  相似文献   

By constraining gene flow, group living and natal philopatry can result in fine‐scale genetic structure. Although the genetic structure of some group‐living lizards has been characterised, studies are few compared with those for group‐living bird and mammal species. The Egerniinae group of lizards exhibits a high diversity of social structures, making it a useful group for comparative studies of genetic structure across a broader range of social taxa. A well‐studied member of Egerniinae is Egernia stokesii, a lizard that forms long‐term pair bonds and stable social groups and exhibits natal philopatry and limited dispersal. Evidence exists for consistent E. stokesii social structure across seven close but disconnected rocky outcrops within a 40 × 10 km area. We used summary statistics, analysis of molecular variance, Bayesian clustering, and discriminant analysis of principal components to assess if E. stokesii exhibit a consistent pattern of fine‐scale genetic structure across the same seven outcrops. Due to E. stokesii social structure and constrained dispersal, we predicted significant genetic structuring – based on microsatellite markers – among outcrops. We found significant fine‐scale genetic structuring and evidence for two genetic clusters. We discuss features of E. stokesii biology and ecology that may explain our findings. Some rocky outcrops, and some social groups, contained lizards from both genetic clusters. An examination of the composition of mixed cluster social groups did not detect any notable patterns. Therefore, further work is necessary to identify how the observed patterns may have arisen. Future investigations in E. stokesii and other group‐living lizard species are likely to contribute greatly to our understanding of the genetic consequences of group living.  相似文献   

The tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is a major invasive pest that has spread throughout many countries in the Mediterranean basin and parts of Asia over the last decade. The control of T. absoluta has relied heavily on the use of chemical insecticides, a strategy that has led to the evolution of resistance. In this study, biological and molecular methods were used to determine the susceptibility of five strains of T. absoluta to the organophosphate chlorpyrifos and to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance to this class of insecticides. High levels of resistance to chlorpyrifos were observed in all five strains tested. Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding the organophosphate target site, ace‐1, of T. absoluta revealed the presence of an alanine to serine substitution at a position that has been previously linked with organophosphate resistance across a range of different insect and mite species. The presence of this mutation at high frequency in T. absoluta populations originating from various countries further supports the suggestion that the rapid expansion of this species is, in part, mediated by the resistance of this pest to chemical insecticides.  相似文献   

Aim The origins of the Cuban biota are of long‐standing interest in biogeography, and the source of a small live oak (Quercus series Virentes) population on Cuba remains unresolved. Based on morphological evidence, previous authors have hypothesized a Florida origin from either Q. geminata or Q. virginiana or both; a Mexican origin from Q. oleoides; or a hybrid origin from both sources. We use molecular data and taxonomically informative leaf morphology to identify the source species and timing of colonization. Location Cuba, Central America, Mexico and the south‐eastern United States. Methods  We collected representative samples of Cuban oaks and each putative source species and genotyped each sample at 12 nuclear microsatellites and two chloroplast DNA sequences. We estimated population structure using a Bayesian clustering analysis and F‐statistics, pairwise migration rates among taxa, and divergence time using an isolation‐with‐migration model. We measured seven leaf traits and conducted an analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) to determine which putative source species was most similar to Cuban oaks. Results Cuban oak contains one chloroplast DNA haplotype, which is common in southern Florida. Bayesian clustering analysis of microsatellites revealed that the Cuban oak forms a distinct and pure population cluster, and F‐statistics showed that Cuban oaks are differentiated least from Q. virginiana and most from Q. geminata. Migration rates were highest out of Cuba to Q. oleoides. Molecular diversity, the ratio of allelic richness to allele size range, and effective population size of the Cuban oak were relatively low, suggesting a founder effect. Divergence time estimates fell entirely within the Pleistocene (628–6 ka), considering a range of mutation rates and generation times. Cuban oaks were morphologically most similar to Q. virginiana and least similar to Q. geminata. Main conclusions Molecular and morphological data support a Pleistocene dispersal of Q. virginiana from Florida to Cuba, followed by isolation and divergence, then limited dispersal and introgression from Cuba to Q. oleoides in Central America. Birds could have dispersed acorns to Cuba during a glacial period when sea levels were low. These results highlight the varied origin of the Cuban biota and the possible role of Pleistocene glaciations in the establishment of temperate taxa in the tropics.  相似文献   

The oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata, is a serious agricultural pest in China. Seasonal and roundtrip migration has recently led to sudden, localized outbreaks and crop losses. To evaluate genetic differentiation between populations in eastern and western China and elucidate gene flow, the genetic structure of 20 natural populations from nine provinces was examined using seven microsatellite markers. The results indicated high genetic diversity. However, little to moderate (0 < FST < 0.15) genetic differentiation was detected, and there was no correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance. Bayesian clustering analysis identified three groups whereas discriminant analysis of principal components identified ten clusters that were considered as two clear‐cut clusters and one admixed group. Gene flow occurred frequently in most population pairs, and an asymmetrical migration rate was detected in several pairwise population comparisons. The bottleneck test showed that few populations had experienced recent bottlenecks. Correspondingly, large‐scale and long‐distance migration of M. separata has caused low genetic differentiation and frequent gene exchange. Our findings are important for studying genetic evolution and help to improve predictions of M. separata outbreaks in China.  相似文献   

Spider monkeys (Genus: Ateles) are a widespread Neotropical primate with a highly plastic socioecological strategy. However, the Central American species, Ateles geoffroyi, was recently re‐listed as endangered due to the accelerated loss of forest across the subcontinent. There is inconsistent evidence that spider monkey populations could persist when actively protected, but their long‐term viability in unprotected, human‐dominated landscapes is not known. We analyzed noninvasive genetic samples from 185 individuals in 14 putative social groups on the Rivas Isthmus in southwestern Nicaragua. We found evidence of weak but significant genetic structure in the mitochondrial control region and in eight nuclear microsatellite loci plus negative spatial autocorrelation in Fst and kinship. The overall pattern suggests strong localized mating and at least historical female‐biased dispersal, as is expected for this species. Heterozygosity was significantly lower than expected under random mating and lower than that found in other spider monkey populations, possibly reflecting a recent decline in genetic diversity and a threat from inbreeding. We conclude that despite a long history of human disturbance on this landscape, spider monkeys were until recently successful at maintaining gene flow. We consider the recent decline to be further indication of accelerated anthropogenic disturbance, but also of an opportunity to conserve native biodiversity. Spider monkeys are one of many wildlife species in Central America that is threatened by land cover change, and an apt example of how landscape‐scale conservation planning could be used to ensure long‐term persistence.  相似文献   

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