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云南热带季雨林及其与热带雨林植被的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱华 《植物生态学报》2011,35(4):463-470
在中国植物学文献中, 对热带季雨林的解释和运用是不一致的, 特别是易于把季雨林与热带雨林相混淆。季雨林是在具有明显干、湿季变化的热带季风气候下发育的一种热带落叶森林植被, 是介于热带雨林与热带稀树草原(savanna)之间的一个植被类型。云南的热带季雨林在分布生境、生态外貌特征、植物种类组成和地理成分构成上, 均与热带雨林有明显区别, 季雨林主要分布在海拔1 000 m以下的几大河流开阔河段两岸和河谷盆地, 其群落结构相对简单, 乔木一般仅有1至2层, 上层树种在干季落叶或上层及下层树种在干季都落叶; 在生活型组成上, 季雨林的木质藤本相对较少, 大高位芽植物及地上芽植物很少, 但地面芽植物很丰富, 地下芽植物和一年生植物也相对丰富; 在叶级和叶型特征上, 季雨林植物的小叶和复叶比例相对较高, 分别占到24%和44%; 在植物区系地理成分构成上, 季雨林的热带分布属合计也占绝对优势, 但以泛热带分布属的比例相对较高, 约占到总属数的30%, 热带亚洲至热带非洲分布属的比例也较高, 约占总属数的12%。季雨林的地理成分更为多样性, 起源与发展历史也更复杂和古老。  相似文献   

Avian rarity was investigated in ten high-altitude cloud forests in the Andes of Ecuador. Data on species compositions and abundances were obtained by a fully standardized method (standardization for area, altitude, habitat, effort and seasonality). The rare species were isolated from rank-abundance plots on the basis of the quartile definition of rarity. A positive correlation between mean abundances of species and number of sites occupied suggests that high-altitude bird species classified rare by abundance generally can also be classified rare by range. However, it is necessary to be cautious using this result in ranking conservation priorities since the generality is not obeyed by all species. Within the two abundance classes (contains one and two individuals, respectively) represented among the rare species, the one-individual class had significantly more species than the two-individual class. The quantitative rarity of taxa and ecological groupings produced similar results for all sites, while pairwise similarity of rare species between sites was very low. Together with the difficulty of identifying species that are truly rare by abundance, these results imply that sites selected for conservation preferably should be based upon a qualitative evaluation of lists of species referred to vulnerability categories such as endemic, restricted-range, CITES or IUCN threatened/near-threatened species. However, it is necessary also to incorporate other aspects of biodiversity to cover a full range of biotic diversity.  相似文献   

Saproxylic beetles constitute a significant proportion of boreal forest biodiversity. However, the long history of timber production in Fennoscandia has significantly reduced the availability of dead wood and is considered a threat to the conservation of saproxylic beetle assemblages. Therefore, since the mid‐1990s dead wood retention in harvested stands has formed an integral part of silvicultural practices. However, the contribution of this biodiversity‐orientated management approach to conserving saproxylic beetle assemblages in boreal forest landscapes that include production forestry remains largely untested. We examined differences in resident saproxylic beetle assemblages among stands under different management in a boreal forest landscape in Central Sweden, and in particular stands managed according to new conservation‐orientated practices. We also investigated the relationship between beetle diversity and forest stand characteristics. Bark of coarse woody debris (CWD) was sieved for beetles in old managed stands, unmanaged nature reserves, and set‐aside areas, and clear‐cut stands harvested according to certification guidelines [new forestry (NF) clear‐cuts]. All stand types contributed significantly to the total diversity of beetles found. While stand size, position, and distance to nearest reserve were unimportant, both the quality and the quantity of CWD in stands contributed significantly to explaining beetle abundance and species richness. This extends the previous findings for red‐listed invertebrates, and shows that heterogeneous substrate quality and a range of management practices are necessary to maintain saproxylic beetle diversity in boreal forest landscapes that include production forestry. The unique abiotic conditions in combination with the abundant and varied CWD associated with NF clear‐cuts form an important component of forest stand heterogeneity for saproxylic beetles. It is thus essential that sufficient, diverse, CWD is retained in managed boreal landscapes to ensure the conservation of boreal saproxylic beetle assemblages.  相似文献   

In central Japan, Aokigahara woodland is considered to be one of the most natural areas around Mount Fuji and a core area in the conservation of the biodiversity of Mount Fuji. We chose butterflies as an indicator species of biodiversity and examined six communities in and around the woodland in 2000 using transect counts to examine and search for diversity and rarity hotspots and their associated landscapes. The results showed that butterfly species richness and species diversities H 1/ were significantly higher in forest-edge sites than in forest-interior and/or open-land sites, and variation in the total number of species among these three landscape types was well accounted for by ecologically specialist species, such as landscape specifics, oligovoltines, narrow diet feeders and low-density species. Thus, the species regarded as vulnerable to extinction, including Red List species, were observed more often in forest-edge sites than in forest-interior and/or open-land sites. As a result, in the study area, diversity and rarity hotspots were found in forest-edge landscapes. The reasons why butterfly diversity and rarity hotspots were established in forest-edge landscapes were analyzed and interpreted from several points of view, including disturbance level, landscape elements and plant species richness. From these results, and the fact that some species were confined to forest-interior sites, we conclude that it is very important to conserve and manage forest-edge habitats (considered to be semi-natural) as well as forest-interior habitats (considered to be the most natural) to maintain the diversity of butterfly communities and preserve the various types of threatened species in and around the Aokigahara woodland.  相似文献   

Aim We assessed the effects of latitude, altitude and climate on the alpha diversity of rain forest trees in the Western Ghats (WG) of India. We tested whether stem densities, dominance, the prevalence of rarity, and the proportion of understorey trees are significantly correlated with alpha diversity. Location The WG is a chain of mountains c. 1600 km in length, running parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula from above 8° N to almost 21° N latitude. Wet forests occur as a narrow strip in regions with heavy rainfall. Methods To assess tree diversity we used data from 40 small plots, < 1 ha in area, where all trees ≥ 3.18 cm d.b.h. had been inventoried. These plots were distributed across 7 latitudinal degrees and at elevations between 200 and 1550 m. Fisher's alpha was used as a measure of diversity. For each plot, the proportion of trees belonging to the understorey, the proportion of trees belonging to the most abundant species in the plot, as a measure of dominance, and the proportionate representation of singletons, as a measure of rarity, were estimated, and correlated with Fisher's alpha, elevation, rainfall and seasonality. Results Annual rainfall and seasonality increased towards the north, but were not significantly correlated. Tree diversity increased significantly with decreasing seasonality. Tree diversity was not significantly correlated with stem density or with the proportion of understorey tree species, but was significantly correlated with tree dominance and rarity. Dominance increased and rarity significantly decreased with increasing seasonality. Main conclusions This study demonstrates that seasonality influences rain forest tree diversity in the WG of India. The relationship between alpha diversity, dominance and rarity lends correlative support for the Janzen–Connell pest pressure hypothesis.  相似文献   

Species diversity, density, population structure and dispersion patterns of all trees and lianas (30cm gbh) were inventoried in a tropical semi-evergreen forest in the Shervarayan hills of Eastern Ghats, south India. Such data are necessary for ecosystem conservation of the under-studied Eastern Ghats, as extensive forests here have already been converted to coffee and orange plantations and the landscape changed due to aluminium ore mining and quarrying. Four 1-ha plots were established in Sanyasimalai (SM) reserve forest of the Shervarayan hills, one plot (SM1) located close to mining and quarrying area, two other contiguous plots (SM2 and SM3) located in selective felling area and the fourth (SM4) in a relatively undisturbed forest. These are 1 to 4km apart in the same semi-evergreen forest tract. In the four study plots a total of 3260 stems (mean density 815ha–1) covering 80 species in 71 genera and 44 plant families were recorded. Species richness was greatest in the undisturbed plot SM4 (50), while lowest (33) in the selectively felled site SM2. The forest stand (SM4) was also denser (986 stemsha–1) and more voluminous (basal area 44.3m2ha–1 as compared with the site mean of 35m2ha–1) than the other plots. Four trees, Chionanthus paniculata, Syzygium cumini, Canthium dicoccum and Ligustrum perrottetii dominated the stand, collectively contributing to >50% of the total density. Species richness and stand density decreased with increasing tree girths. The forest stand contained a growing population, but there was considerable variation in basal area distribution between the plots. Trends in species population structure varied, particularly for selective-felled species. Most species exhibited clumped dispersion of individuals both at 0.25ha and 1-ha scales. Variation in plant diversity and abundance are related to site attributes and human impacts.  相似文献   

In Neotropical rain forests, fresh mammal dung, especially that of howler monkeys, constitutes an important resource used by dung beetles as food and for oviposition and further feeding by their larvae. Tropical rain forest destruction, fragmentation, and subsequent isolation causing reductions in numbers of and the disappearance of howler moneys may result in decreasing numbers of dung beetles, but this has not been documented. In this study, we present information on the presence of howlers and dung beetles in 38 isolated forest fragments and 15 agricultural habitats. Howler monkeys were censused by visual means, while dung beetles were sampled with traps baited with a mixture of howler, cow, horse, and dog dung. Results indicated that loss of area and isolation of forest fragments result in significant decrements in howlers and dung beetles. However, dung beetle abundance was found to be closely related to the presence of howler monkeys at the sites and habitats investigated. Scenarios of land management designed to reduce isolation among forest fragments may help sustain populations of howler monkeys and dung beetles, which may have positive consequences for rain forest regeneration. Am. J. Primatol. 48:253–262, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林的树种组成和群落结构动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡跃华  曹敏  林露湘 《生态学报》2010,30(4):949-957
研究了西双版纳热带季节雨林1 hm2(hectare)动态监测样地1993年与2007年之间树种组成和群落结构的变化。对样地中胸径≥5 cm的乔木进行了每木调查。目前其树种组成的热带分布科、属所占比例分别为91%和94%,具有较高比例的热带植物区系性质。在1993年与2007年两次调查之间,树种数量由145种增至179种,仅有1到2个个体的稀有树种所占比例从54%降为51.1%。从森林的垂直结构来看,A、B、C三层的个体死亡率分别为12.8%、12.9%和19.0%,各层树木的增长率分别为-8.5%、-1.4%和44.8%。与此相对应,C层小径级的树木所占比例有较大提高。虽然小径级的树木在种类和数量上比例增大,但个体数量和种类组成相对稳定的A、B层优势树种变化不大,维持了群落结构的稳定性。14 a间,群落中新增加的具有先锋性质的树种不超过5个。1993年时,A、B两层尚有先锋树种存在,2007年已经从A、B两层中退出。因此,从14 a间树种组成和群落结构的变化来看,虽然具有树木的死亡和增补,但其物种成分和群落结构的总体格局没有明显的变化,处于动态平衡过程中。  相似文献   

The implementation of protection strategies such as the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) is impeded for subtidal rock bottom habitats because of high sampling costs due to a very wide taxonomic diversity, and a lack of suitable evaluation tools to estimate their conservation importance. In this study, we seek to provide an evaluation procedure by (1) investigating the distribution of rarity among subtidal rock bottom phyla; (2) searching for potential surrogate phyla with a cross-taxon congruence approach based on their rarity; (3) proposing an appropriate multi-phyla indicator to evaluate the importance of subtidal rocky habitats for conservation. We analysed the distribution of 548 species belonging to 8 phyla sampled in 137 assemblages in subtidal rocky areas located around Brittany, Western France. We applied the Index of Relative Rarity, a flexible method which fits rarity weights to species depending on their respective phyla. We found only weak congruence in rarity patterns among phyla, which prevented any attempt to identify surrogate phyla. This finding has important implications for the conservation of subtidal rocky habitats as it means that there is no shortcut to monitor their rarity: working on a subset of phyla would imply a biased evaluation of biodiversity. Consequently, we propose a multi-phyla Index of Relative Rarity combining all phyla which allowed us to successfully describe rarity patterns across all sampled sites.  相似文献   

1. The distribution patterns of sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) upon tree buttresses were studied in tropical rain forest at Finca la Selva in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. 2. Four species of sandfly, Lutzomyia shannoni Dyar, L. trapidoi F. & H., L. ylephiletor F. & H. and L. vespertilionis F. & H. comprising 97% of those caught, used tree buttresses as diurnal resting sites. Their distribution on the buttresses was aggregated. 3. During the dry season tree species had no significant effect upon the distribution of the sandflies. However, during the wet season the distributions of two of the species, L. trapidoi and L. ylephiletor, were significantly affected by the species of tree; it is suggested that some species of tree may provide greater protection from rainfall than others. 4. L. vespertilionis was restricted to a single buttress on each positive tree. Distribution of this species is evidently determined by the distribution of its host animal, the bat (Emballonuridae). Female flies feed upon the bat's blood and male flies may be attracted to the bat as it provides a source of female sandflies. It is suggested, therefore, that tree buttresses serve as sandfly swarming sites. 5. Within a large buttress the sandflies are not randomly distributed but are aggregated in particular areas. Within these aggregations, the sandflies are vertically zoned upon the buttress with a shift in species composition with height. Two hypothesis were suggested to account for this distribution pattern: a response to an environmental gradient or an interaction between the four species of fly.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带山地雨林生物量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观测了西双版纳山地气候,建立了山地雨林生物量回归方程,调查了海拔1 100~1 820 m范围5块样地(面积0.16~0.25 hm2)的热带山地雨林生物量。结果表明,海拔1 105和1 610 m的年平均温度分别为20.1和16.6℃,年降雨量分别为1 659和2 011 mm,旱季(11~4月)降雨量分别为295和283mm,年平均相对湿度分别为81%和84%;5块样地生物量变化为256.4~368.6 t.hm-2,平均为312.6t.hm-2,其中乔木占97.1%、木质藤本占1.2%、幼树和灌木占1.3%、草本和幼苗占0.4%;采用热带季节雨林生物量回归方程估计山地雨林生物量,会使得总生物量以及树干和树根生物量高估38.3%~61.5%,树枝生物量低估7.6%~30.8%。可见,西双版纳山地海拔增加导致雨季降雨量增加,山地雨林生物量较热带季节雨林降低32.6%,季节雨林生物量方程不适用于山地雨林。  相似文献   

海南五指山热带山地雨林植物物种多样性研究   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
王指山热带山地雨林的物种种类十分丰富,在1hm^2样地中共出现54个科,100个属的乔木树种177种,1337个个体。区系地理分析表明属的分布区类型以热带分布型成分占优,为89.0%,充分体现了五指山山地雨林的热带性质。多样性指数分析结果为:样地1Margalef指数17.822,Shannon-Wiener指数5.621,均匀度0.823,Simpson指数0.050,均匀度6.775,表明五指  相似文献   

We quantified the within-population genetic variation of Couratari multiflora and C. guianensis, two tree species found in terra firme forests of central Amazonia. Both species have some ecological features in common, but they differ in population abundance across their geographic ranges. While C. multiflora has been found only in low-density populations in all sites studied to date, C. guianensis is relatively common in some sites and very scarce in others. In a 400-ha plot, we found 41 and 29 adults of C. multiflora and C. guianensis, respectively. Twenty-two saplings of C. guianensis and 103 seedlings of C. multiflora were also examined. The mean expected heterozygosities (Hem) of seedlings and adults of C. multiflora were 0.431 and 0.436, and the mean fixation indices (Fm), 0.114 and 0.176, respectively. For C. guianensis, saplings and adults presented Hem equal to 0.425 and 0.429, and the Fm were 0.393 and 0.527, respectively. These low-density populations of two congeneric species did not differ in terms of genetic diversity, but rather they differed in terms of mean observed heterozygosity (Hom), and therefore Fm. The species with variable population density had lower Hom and greater Fm relative to the species that is always found in low-density.  相似文献   

Species diversity, population structure, abundance and dispersion patterns of all woody plants 10cm gbh were inventoried in two 1-ha plots of tropical dry evergreen (sacred grove or temple) forests at Kuzhanthaikuppam (KK) and Thirumanikkuzhi (TM) on the Coromandel coast of south India. Site KK is a stunted forest (average tree height ca 6 m) and TM a tall forest (average tree height ca 10 m). A total of 54 species (in 47 genera and 31 families) were recorded. Species richness and stand density were 42 and 38 species and 1367 and 974 individuals ha–1 respectively for the sites KK and TM. About 50% of the total species were common to both the sites. Site TM is twofold more voluminous (basal area 29.48 m2 ha–1) than KK (basal area 15.44 m2 ha–1). Nearly one third of the individuals are multi-stemmed in the low-statured site KK whereas one fourth of the tree density is multi-stemmed in TM. Species abundance pattern varied between the two sites. The abundance of three species in KK and two species in TM is pronounced. Memecylon umbellatum, the most abundant species contributing to one third of total stand density in KK, is least represented in TM. Species richness, density and diversity indices decreased with increasing girth threshold. Most species exhibited clumped dispersion of individuals both at 0.25 and 1-ha scales. Population structure for girth frequency is an expanding one for both the sites, except for basal area distribution in KK. Variations in plant diversity and abundance are related to site attributes and human impacts. In the light of habitat uniqueness, species richness and sacred grove status, the need for conservation is emphasized.  相似文献   

Tropical rain forests worldwide are affected by anthropogenic disturbances, and secondary forests that develop afterwards are often dominated by pioneer tree species, but the consequences of different anthropogenic disturbances on nutrient cycling are poorly understood. Because most nutrient cycling in tropical rain forests occurs through litterfall and in the soil organic layer, we measured litterfall of a widespread and dominant pioneer tree, okoume (Aucoumea klaineana, Burseraceae) in Gabon, in one forest previously disturbed by logging and in another by agriculture. Litterfall of okoume trees, measured over 14 months, was 18.2 Mg ha−1 year−1 in the formerly logged forest, which was 72.6% greater than in the forest more recently disturbed by agriculture (10.6 Mg ha−1 year−1). Litter decomposition rates were more rapid in the formerly logged forest, and this may explain why litter thickness was 32% lower in the formerly logged forest, despite the greater litterfall within it. Our results highlight that two widespread anthropogenic disturbances in Gabonese rain forests have significantly different consequences on litterfall of a dominant tree and therefore are likely to have different effects on nutrient cycling and forest ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Secondary forests in Central Africa are increasing in importance for biodiversity conservation as old growth forests outside the few protected areas are disappearing rapidly. We examined vegetation recovery in a lowland rain forest area in Cameroon based on a detailed botanical survey of old growth forest and different-aged logging gaps (5–27 years) and shifting cultivation fields (10–60 years). Our analysis focuses on the long-term recovery of botanical conservation values by analysing trends in vegetation structure, species composition, species diversity and levels of endemism and rarity. In the total survey (4.25 ha), we recorded 834 species of which 23% were endemic to the Lower Guinea forest region. The proportion of endemic species was high in shrubs and low in herbs. Geographic range and (local) rarity were not significantly associated. The proportion of rare species (relative frequency <10%) was high in woody climbers and low in trees. In logging gaps, recovery of all vegetation characteristics was relatively quick (5–14 years). Recovery in shifting cultivation sites took longer (30–60 years). Endemic species were found to be highly sensitive to shifting cultivation practices and even after 50–60 years the level of endemism was still significantly lower compared to old growth forest. The proportion of rare species was not significantly different between disturbed sites and old growth forest. We conclude that secondary forests can contribute to biodiversity conservation, e.g. as buffer zones around protected areas. However, this contribution should be assessed differently between land use types and widespread versus endemic species.  相似文献   

We assessed woody plant communities in two widely separated forests in the tropical dry forest (TDF) biome of Mexico for evidence of similar patterns of species commonness and rarity. We used belt transects laid out along contour lines (i.e., constant elevation) and stratified across elevation gradients at sites in Jalisco and Oaxaca to sample woody plant species diversity, abundance, relative frequency and basal area. We assembled a combined species list and compared species found in both sites (shared) to species found in only one site, assessing whether the most and least common species at a site tended to be shared or unshared. Of the 8242 individuals sampled, 370 species or morpho‐species were identified, with 222 species recorded at the Jalisco site and 270 at the Oaxaca site—122 (33%) species were shared across sites. Abundance, frequency and basal area of shared species were greater on average than for unshared species, and were positively correlated across sites. A subset of 68 shared species (18%) accounted for over half of all individuals encountered at the two sites. Species in the most common quartile were more likely to be shared than expected by chance, while species in the least common quartile were less likely. A genus‐level analysis found similar patterns. Our findings suggest that the TDF of Pacific coast Mexico shows evidence of widespread dominance by a small subset of species. These findings have potentially important implications for predicting species composition, understanding the role of oligarchic species in ecological processes, and conserving rare species.  相似文献   

滇南热带雨林物种多样性的取样面积探讨   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
通过不同面积样方种数的比较、物种多样性指数等的计算和逐步扩大样地面积的调查, 本文研究了滇南热带雨林种数/面积关系、个体/种数关系、物种多样性及树种的频度分布规律, 认为滇南热带雨林群落学调查的最适取样(样方)面积是0.25 hm2, 这个面积接近该类型热带雨林理论上的群落最小表现面积。 为能体现一个具体森林(群落)类型的基本的植物区系组成, 需设置4~5个这样的样方(总面积累计1 hm2以上)。从与世界不同地区热带雨林的比较亦可见,云南热带雨林有类似的树种频度分布规律,单位面积上的物种多样性比典型的东南亚低地热带雨林稍低,但比非洲的热带雨林要高。  相似文献   

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