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Batch tests for assessing decolourisation of azo dyes by methanogenic and mixed cultures 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Most of the published studies on azo dye colour removal involve anaerobic mixed cultures and there is some interest in the knowledge of how dye reduction occurs, if by facultative, strictly anaerobic or both bacterial trophic groups present in classic anaerobic digestors. This paper describes the behaviour of methanogenic and mixed bacteria cultures on the colour removal in batch systems, of a commercial azo dye, C.I. Acid Orange 7, used in paper and textile industries. The aim of this study is to demonstrate, by analysing dye decolourisation, that it occurs with mixed cultures as well as with strictly anaerobic (methanogenic) cultures. Tests were performed with a range of dye concentrations between 60 and 300 mg l−1. The influence of dye concentration on the carbon source removal and decolourisation processes was studied. The effect of carbon source concentration on colour removal was also analysed for both cultures. The degradation rates in mixed and methanogenic cultures were compared. The consumption of carbon source was monitored by COD analysis and dye degradation by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and thin layer chromatography. 相似文献
Carbon source — A strong determinant of microbial community structure and performance of an anaerobic reactor 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Industrial effluents differ in their organic composition thereby providing different carbon sources to the microbial communities involved in its treatment. This study aimed to investigate the correlation of microbial community structure with wastewater composition and reactor's performance. Self-immobilized granules were developed in simulated wastewater based on different carbon sources (glucose, sugarcane molasses, and milk) in three hybrid anaerobic reactors operated at 37 °C. To study archaeal community structure, a polyphasic approach was used with both qualitative and quantitative analysis. While PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene did not reveal major shifts in diversity of archaea with change in substrate, quantification of different groups of methanogens and total bacteria by real-time PCR showed variations in relative abundances with the dominance of Methanosaetaceae and Methanobacteriales. These data were supported by differences in the ratio of total counts of archaea and bacteria analyzed by catalyzed reporter deposition – fluorescence in situ hybridization. During hydraulic and organic shocks, the molasses-based reactor showed the best performance followed by the milk- and the glucose-based reactor. The study indicates that carbon source shapes the microbial community structure more in terms of relative abundance with distinct metabolic capacities rather than its diversity itself. 相似文献
Mixed chemostat cultures of obligately aerobic and fermentative or methanogenic bacteria grown under oxygen-limiting conditions 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Abstract Defined mixed cultures of an obligately aerobic Pseudomonas testosteroni and anaerobic Veillonella alcalescens strain were grown under oxygen and lactate limitation in chemostats with different oxygen supply rates. The aerobic and the anaerobic bacteria were shown to coexist and to complete for common substrates over a wide range of oxygen supply rates. Under similar conditions but with formate as the major substrate chemostat enrichments gave rise to undefined mixed cultures of aerobic, fermentative and methanogenic bacteria. The relevance of these observations to natural mineralization processes is discussed. 相似文献
Ma S 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》2006,48(1):83-92
In large cohort studies, it is common that a subset of the regressors may be missing for some study subjects by design or happenstance. In this article, we apply the multiple data augmentation techniques to semiparametric models for epidemiologic data when a subset of the regressors are missing for some subjects, under the assumption that the data are missing at random in the sense of Rubin (2004) and that the missingness probabilities depend jointly on the observable subset of regressors, on a set of observable extraneous variables and on the outcome. Computational algorithms for the Poor Man's and the Asymptotic Normal data augmentations are investigated. Simulation studies show that the data augmentation approach generates satisfactory estimates and is computationally affordable. Under certain simulation scenarios, the proposed approach can achieve asymptotic efficiency similar to the maximum likelihood approach. We apply the proposed technique to the Multi-Ethic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) data and the South Wales Nickel Worker Study data. 相似文献
Logistics system design for biomass-to-bioenergy industry with multiple types of feedstocks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
It is technologically possible for a biorefinery to use a variety of biomass as feedstock including native perennial grasses (e.g., switchgrass) and agricultural residues (e.g., corn stalk and wheat straw). Incorporating the distinct characteristics of various types of biomass feedstocks and taking into account their interaction in supplying the bioenergy production, this paper proposed a multi-commodity network flow model to design the logistics system for a multiple-feedstock biomass-to-bioenergy industry. The model was formulated as a mixed integer linear programming, determining the locations of warehouses, the size of harvesting team, the types and amounts of biomass harvested/purchased, stored, and processed in each month, the transportation of biomass in the system, and so on. This paper demonstrated the advantages of using multiple types of biomass feedstocks by comparing with the case of using a single feedstock (switchgrass) and analyzed the relationship of the supply capacity of biomass feedstocks to the output and cost of biofuel. 相似文献
Plumbago indica L. is an important source of plumbagin, a commercially valuable bioactive compound. However, the uses of plumbagin are limited due to its low supply as well as low yields and slow growth of the plant sources. This study evaluated the use of a simple, easy, and low‐cost approach using heat shock (HS) and ultrasound (US), and an in situ adsorption using a nonpolar copolymer adsorbent styrene‐divynilbenzene resin (Diaion® HP‐20) to enhance plumbagin production in Plumbago indica root cultures. Treatment with HS (60°C) for 10 min significantly increased the production of plumbagin (5.51 mg/g DW) by up to five‐fold, compared to the level in untreated root cultures (1.14 mg/g DW). In contrast, treatments with US alone or with HS treatment produced no satisfactory increase of plumbagin production. However, combined treatment of a 20‐day‐old root culture with HS (60°C, for 10 min) in the presence of Diaion® HP‐20 (10 g/L) markedly increased the production up to 20.28 mg/g DW of plumbagin that was almost 14‐fold higher, compared to the level in an untreated root culture. Such an increase would be sufficient for commercial applications of this method to produce plumbagin. 相似文献
The effect of influent DO/COD (dissolved oxygen/chemical oxygen demand) ratio on the performance of an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) containing GAC was studied. A high influent DO concentration was found to have adverse impacts on organic removal efficiency, methane production, and effluent suspended solids (SS) concentration. These problems resulted with a DO/COD ratio of 0.12, but not at a lower ratio of 0.05. At first organic removal appeared satisfactory at the higher DO/COD ratio at a hydraulic retention time of 0.30 h, but soon a rapid growth of oxygen-consuming zoogloeal-like organisms resulted, eventually causing high effluent SS concentrations. The influent DO also had an inhibitory effect, resulting in a long recovery time for adequate methanogenic activity to return after influent DO removal began. With the growing interest in anaerobic treatment of low COD wastewaters, the increased possibility of similar adverse DO effects occurring needs consideration. 相似文献
The bioeconomy, and in particular, biorefining and bioenergy production, have received considerable attention in recent years as a shift to renewable bioresources to produce similar energy and chemicals derived from fossil energy sources, represents a more sustainable path. Membrane technologies have been shown to play a key role in process intensification and products recovery and purification in biorefining and bioenergy production processes. Among the various separation technologies used, membrane technologies provide excellent fractionation and separation capabilities, low chemical consumption, and reduced energy requirements. This article presents a state-of-the-art review on membrane technologies related to various processes of biorefining and bioenergy production, including: (i) separation and purification of individual molecules from biomass, (ii) removal of fermentation inhibitors, (iii) enzyme recovery from hydrolysis processes, (iv) membrane bioreactors for bioenergy and chemical production, such as bioethanol, biogas and acetic acid, (v) bioethanol dehydration, (vi) bio-oil and biodiesel production, and (vii) algae harvesting. The advantages and limitations of membrane technologies for these applications are discussed and new membrane-based integrated processes are proposed. Finally, challenges and opportunities of membrane technologies for biorefining and bioenergy production in the coming years are addressed. 相似文献
维生素C二步发酵混菌接种控制 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文研究维生素C二步发酵接种种液状态与发酵转化的关系,指明接种种液浓度为6.5×109个/ml,二菌数量之比为0.3,种液酸量为7mg/ml时.可获得较好的发酵转化效率。 相似文献
Miniature reactors are important devices used for process intensification. They provide a larger surface‐to‐volume ratio and enhance mass transfer and heat transfer significantly. This paper presents a review of transport processes of gas‐liquid and liquid‐liquid two‐phase flow in miniature geometries, in which the hydraulic diameter of the channel lies between 0.2 mm to 3.0 mm. Correlations for predicting the pressure drop in case of both adiabatic and non‐adiabatic gas‐liquid flows are summarized. Gas‐liquid distributions are observed to be different from liquid‐liquid flow distributions. Cross‐sectional geometry does not have any effect on the flow regimes in this range. In case of liquid‐liquid flow, the wall material plays an important role on flow distribution. 相似文献
Audrey Béliveau Richard A. Lockhart Carl J. Schwarz Steven K. Arndt 《Biometrics》2015,71(4):1050-1059
Modeling of heat and mass transfer in fixed‐bed reactors for heterogeneously catalyzed gas phase reactions is possible using different methods. Homogeneous and heterogeneous continuum models as well as particle resolved modeling of fixed‐bed reactors show high potential for application. Considering those approaches, advantages and disadvantages as well as underlying assumptions and boundary conditions are discussed. Additionally, methods for experimental validation are presented and discussed focusing on the two‐dimensional homogeneous models. 相似文献
This paper considers inference for the break point in the segmented regression or piece‐wise regression model. Standard likelihood theory does not apply because the break point is absent under the null hypothesis. We use results by Davies for this type of non‐standard set‐up [Biometrika 64 (1977), 247–254 and 74 (1987), 33–43] to obtain a test for the null hypothesis of no break point. A confidence interval can be constructed provided replicate data are available. The methods are exemplified using two longitudinal datasets, the one from ecology, the other from pharmacology. 相似文献
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced by the chorioid plexus in the ventricles. It surrounds the brain and bone marrow, and reflects several different disorders of the central nervous system (CNS). Proteomics has been used to analyze CSF in order to discover disease-associated proteins and to elucidate the basic molecular mechanisms that either cause, or result from, CNS disorders. However, some disease-associated proteins are of low-abundance and are difficult to detect. A low total-protein concentration, a high amount of albumin and immunoglobins, and a wide dynamic range (several orders of magnitude) of protein concentration cause several difficulties in the identification of low-abundance CSF proteins. In this study, advantage was taken of the range of different hydrophobic properties of CSF proteins, and a reversed-phase solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge was used to prefractionate human lumbar CSF proteins into three separate fractions prior to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis resolution of the proteome. A portion of the high-abundance CSF proteins were removed from two (eluted with 35% and 50% acetonitrile) of the three fractions. Some trace CSF proteins were preferentially enriched in the two fractions, and many proteins were detected in the two-dimensional (2-D) gels of the two fractions. Among the novel proteins identified, sixty-two protein spots that represent forty-two proteins were characterized. Most of the proteins have not been annotated in any previous 2-D map of human CSF, and several have been implicated in CNS diseases. The prefractionation of CSF proteins with SPE, followed by proteomics analysis, provides a new method to explore low-abundance, disease-specific CSF proteins. 相似文献
pH‐shifts are a serious challenge in cofactor dependent biocatalytic oxidoreductions. Therefore, a pH control strategy was developed for reaction systems, where the pH value is not directly measurable. Such a reaction system is the biphasic aqueous‐organic reaction system, where the oxidoreduction of hydrophobic substrates in organic solvents is catalysed by hydrogel‐immobilized enzymes, and enzyme‐coupled cofactor regeneration is accomplished via formate dehydrogenase, leading to a pH‐shift. Dual lifetime referencing (DLR), a fluorescence spectroscopic method, was applied for online‐monitoring of the pH‐value within the immobilizates during the reaction, allowing for a controlled dosage of formic acid. It could be shown that by applying trisodium 8‐hydroxypyrene‐1, 3, 6‐trisulfonate as pH indicator and Ru(II) tris(4, 7‐diphenyl‐1, 10‐phenantroline) (Ru[dpp]) as a reference luminophore the control of the pH‐value in a macroscopic gel‐bead‐stabilized aqueous/organic two phase system in a range of pH 6.5 to 8.0 is possible. An experimental proof of concept could maintain a stable pH of 7.5 ± 0.15 during the reaction for at least 105 h. With these results, it could be shown that DLR is a powerful tool for pH‐control within reaction systems with no direct access for conventional pH‐measurement. 相似文献
Summary A recently funded study of the impact of oral contraceptive use on the risk of bone fracture employed the randomized recruitment scheme of Weinberg and Wacholder (1990, Biometrics 46, 963–975). One potential complication in the bone fracture study is the potential for differential response rates between cases and controls; participation rates in previous, related studies have been around 70%. Although data from randomized recruitment schemes may be analyzed within the two‐phase study framework, ignoring potential differential participation may lead to biased estimates of association. To overcome this, we build on the two‐phase framework and propose an extension by introducing an additional stage of data collection aimed specifically at addressing potential differential participation. Four estimators that correct for both sampling and participation bias are proposed; two are general purpose and two are for the special case where covariates underlying the participation mechanism are discrete. Because the fracture study is ongoing, we illustrate the methods using infant mortality data from North Carolina. 相似文献
褐飞虱和白背飞虱混合为害对水稻营养生长的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究了褐飞虱和白背飞虱混合种群的取食为害对水稻营养生长的影响 .结果表明 ,两种飞虱的成虫干重、水稻叶面积和其地上部干重因虫口密度的增加而下降 ,变化幅度与种间数量组合有关 ;水稻比叶重随为害程度的加重而加大 ;在褐飞虱与白背飞虱种间以 1∶3、2∶2和 3∶1比例的 3种组合处理中 ,虫体总干重 (X)与稻株地上部损失量 (Y)之间存在着极显著的线性关系 ,线性方程分别是Y =69 1 7 30 43X、Y =1 72 48 36 51X和Y =87 59 37 67X ,b值相应为 30 43、36 51和 37 67. 相似文献
Campostrini N Marimpietri D Totolo A Mancone C Fimia GM Ponzoni M Righetti PG 《Proteomics》2006,6(15):4420-4431
Angiogenesis controls the new blood supply routes into the tumor mass via the host endothelial cells (ECs). In this study, the EA.hy926 endothelial cell line has been treated with vinblastine (VBL) and rapamycin (RAP), both separately and in combination at low doses. Recently, we demonstrated the synergistic antiangiogenic effects of a combination of VBL and RAP at very low doses in vitro and in vivo. Herein, we confirm the ability of this combined treatment to statistically inhibit the proliferation of ECs, in a synergistic manner, by inducing apoptosis. The aim of this study was to substantiate these findings at the protein level. Differential proteomic analysis was performed on untreated control cells, treated with VBL, incubated with RAP, or subjected to a drug combination. Differentially expressed 113 polypeptide chains were visualized and 65 were identified via MALDI-TOF analysis. Some of the regulated proteins are involved in the processes of angiogenesis, proliferation, migration, and apoptosis. The down-modulation of ATP synthase, annexin A2, heat shock p70, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein, proteasome 26S, tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase, and stathmin/OP18, as well as the up-modulation of carbonyl reductase, Rho-GDI, and histone H1.0 correlates with the synergistic antiangiogenic activity of VBL and RAP. 相似文献