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The recent development of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) SNP genotyping arrays has allowed detailed characterisation of genetic diversity and population structure within and between oyster populations. It also raises the potential of harnessing genomic selection for genetic improvement in oyster breeding programmes. The aim of this study was to characterise a breeding population of Australian oysters through genotyping and analysis of 18 027 SNPs, followed by comparison with genotypes of oyster sampled from Europe and Asia. This revealed that the Australian populations had similar population diversity (HE) to oysters from New Zealand, the British Isles, France and Japan. Population divergence was assessed using PCA of genetic distance and revealed that Australian oysters were distinct from all other populations tested. Australian Pacific oysters originate from planned introductions sourced from three Japanese populations. Approximately 95% of these introductions were from geographically, and potentially genetically, distinct populations from the Nagasaki oysters assessed in this study. Finally, in preparation for the application of genomic selection in oyster breeding programmes, the strength of LD was evaluated and subsets of loci were tested for their ability to accurately infer relationships. Weak LD was observed on average; however, SNP subsets were shown to accurately reconstitute a genomic relationship matrix constructed using all loci. This suggests that low‐density SNP panels may have utility in the Australian population tested, and the findings represent an important first step towards the design and implementation of genomic approaches for applied breeding in Pacific oysters.  相似文献   

Variation in two SNPs and one microsatellite on the Y chromosome was analyzed in a total of 663 rams representing 59 breeds from a large geographic range in northern Eurasia. SNPA‐oY1 showed the highest allele frequency (91.55%) across the breeds, whereas SNPG‐oY1 was present in only 56 samples. Combined genotypes established seven haplotypes (H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H12 and H19). H6 dominated in northern Eurasia, and H8 showed the second‐highest frequency. H4, which had been earlier reported to be absent in European breeds, was detected in one European breed (Swiniarka), whereas H7, which had been previously identified to be unique to European breeds, was present in two Chinese breeds (Ninglang Black and Large‐tailed Han), one Buryatian (Transbaikal Finewool) and two Russian breeds (North Caucasus Mutton‐Wool and Kuibyshev). H12, which had been detected only in Turkish breeds, was also found in Chinese breeds in this work. An overall low level of haplotype diversity (median h = 0.1288) was observed across the breeds with relatively higher median values in breeds from the regions neighboring the Near Eastern domestication center of sheep. H6 is the dominant haplotype in northwestern and eastern China, in which the haplotype distribution could be explained by the historical translocations of the H4 and H8 Y chromosomes to China via the Mongol invasions followed by expansions to northwestern and eastern China. Our findings extend previous results of sheep Y chromosomal genetic variability and indicate probably recent paternal gene flows between sheep breeds from distinct major geographic regions.  相似文献   

Most species exist as subdivided ex situ daughter population(s) derived from a single original group of individuals. Such subdivision occurs for many reasons both natural and manmade. Traditional British and Irish pony breeds were introduced to North America (U.S.A. and Canada) within the last 150 years, and subsequently equivalent breed societies were established. We have analyzed selected U.K. and North American equivalent pony populations as a case study for understanding the relationship between putative source and derived subpopulations. Diversity was measured using mitochondrial DNA and a panel of microsatellite markers. Genetic signatures differed between the North American subpopulations according to historical management processes. Founder effect and stochastic drift was apparent, particularly pronounced in some breeds, with evidence of admixture of imported mares of different North American breeds. This demonstrates the importance of analysis of subpopulations to facilitate understanding the genetic effects of past management practices and to lead to informed future conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation often restricts gene flow and results in small populations that are at risk of inbreeding. However, some endangered species naturally occupy patchy habitat where local population extinction and recolonization are normal. We investigated population fragmentation in the range‐restricted New Zealand small‐scaled skink (Oligosoma microlepis), documenting changes in habitat occupancy and analyzing mitochondrial, microsatellite, and morphological variation sampled across the geographical range of the species (approximately 100 km2). Small‐scaled skinks have a strong preference for rocky outcrops that exist in a mosaic of other habitat types. A metapopulation structure was indicated by both local extinction and colonization of new sites. We found relatively high mtDNA nucleotide site diversity within this narrow range (π = 0.004; 16S), evidence of inter‐patch gene flow, and no statistical support for inbreeding. Gene flow was limited by geographical distance, although the existence of pasture between habitat patches apparently has not prevented skink dispersal. Generalized linear models indicated an association between body size and location suggesting a local environmental influence on phenotype. Prior to human‐induced habitat modification, native forest probably separated preferred sites and, less than 2000 years ago, volcanic activity devastated much of the area currently occupied by O. microlepis. This skink appears able to re‐establish populations if other human‐linked factors such as agricultural intensification and introduced predators are limited. Although in contrast to expectations for a scarce and localized species living in a highly modified landscape, this lizard may have previously adapted to a dynamic, mosaic environment mediated by volcanism.  相似文献   

Introgression of genomic variation between and within related crop species is a significant evolutionary approach for population differentiation, genome reorganization and trait improvement. Using the Illumina Infinium Brassica 60K SNP array, we investigated genomic changes in a panel of advanced generation new‐type Brassica napus breeding lines developed from hundreds of interspecific crosses between 122 Brassica rapa and 74 Brassica carinata accessions, and compared them with representative accessions of their three parental species. The new‐type B. napus population presented rich genetic diversity and abundant novel genomic alterations, consisting of introgressions from B. rapa and B. carinata, novel allelic combinations, reconstructed linkage disequilibrium patterns and haplotype blocks, and frequent deletions and duplications (nonrandomly distributed), particularly in the C subgenome. After a much shorter, but very intensive, selection history compared to traditional B. napus, a total of 15 genomic regions with strong selective sweeps and 112 genomic regions with putative signals of selective sweeps were identified. Some of these regions were associated with important agronomic traits that were selected for during the breeding process, while others were potentially associated with restoration of genome stability and fertility after interspecific hybridization. Our results demonstrate how a novel method for population‐based crop genetic improvement can lead to rapid adaptation, restoration of genome stability and positive responses to artificial selection.  相似文献   

Vulture populations worldwide have suffered precipitous declines in recent decades. The Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus, a highly philopatric scavenger distributed across southern Europe and the central Asian plateau, is threatened in many parts of its range. Turkey holds the second largest population of this species in the Western Palaearctic, but there has been no research on its genetic structure and the possible implications of this structure for the future of the species. Here we report nuclear diversity and relatedness determined by short tandem repeat genotyping of 81 individuals from the four largest colonies. Our results demonstrated no significant genetic structuring, suggesting a single panmictic metapopulation connected by frequent dispersal. Furthermore, we show that the study population has retained moderate levels of genetic diversity, despite passing through a recent demographic bottleneck. We estimated the effective population size to be 112 individuals (95% confidence interval 74–201). Our results imply that the observed lack of increase in population size since the 1990s has not been caused by lowered fitness due to genetic inbreeding but rather by increased mortality via demographic processes. In the short term, we suggest that conservation efforts should treat the Turkish subpopulations as a single management unit and aim to increase population size through effective protection, especially during the breeding season.  相似文献   

After domestication 11 000 years ago in Asia Minor, the goat followed human migration to Europe and Asia. It was then introduced in Africa and is now raised all over the world. In this study, we exploited a dataset composed of 54 000 SNPs (Illumina goat DNA chip) to analyze the genetic diversity of 223 individuals belonging to eight French breeds (Alpine, Angora, Corse, Fossés, Poitevine, Provençale, Pyrénées and Saanen). Analyses carried out included individual‐based approaches (principal component analysis and population structure) and population‐based approaches (phylogenetic tree constructions). The results of the genetic diversity analyses revealed that French breeds are clearly differentiated, in particular, the Angora breed that originates from south west Asia. The Provençale breed shows a very original genetic pattern that could be the result of ancient admixture. Then, selection signatures were detected by identifying regions of outlying genetic differentiation between populations. Five genomic regions were detected under selection on chromosomes 5, 6, 11, 13 and 20, revealing mainly soft selective sweeps and a few hard selective sweeps and highlighting candidate genes that had been selected for during the evolutionary history of these breeds. Among them, two coat coloration genes (ADAMTS20 and ASIP) and one gene related to milk composition (CSN1S1) were involved.  相似文献   

The UK and Ireland have many native pony breeds with historical and cultural importance as well as being a source of uncharacterized genetic diversity. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research investigating their genetic diversity and phylogenetic interrelationships. Many studies contain a limited number of pony breeds or small sample sizes for these breeds. This may result in erroneous grouping of pony breeds that otherwise have intricate interrelationships with each other and are not evaluated correctly when placed as a token subset of a larger dataset. This is the first study that specifically investigates the genetic diversity within and between British and Irish native pony breeds using large sample numbers from locations of their native origin. This study used a panel of microsatellite markers and sequence analysis of the mitochondrial control region to analyze the genetic diversity within and between 11 pony breeds from Britain and Ireland. A large dataset was collected (a total of 485 animals were used for mtDNA analysis and 450 for microsatellite analysis), and previously published data were used to place the British and Irish ponies in a global context. The native ponies of Britain and Ireland were found to have had a complex history, and the interrelationships between the breeds were revealed. Overall, high levels of genetic diversity were maintained in native breeds, although some reduction was evident in small or isolated populations (Shetland, Carneddau, and Section C). Unusual mitochondrial diversity distribution patterns were apparent for the Carneddau and Dartmoor, although among breeds and global haplogroups there was a high degree of haplotype sharing evident, well‐represented within British and Irish ponies. Ancestral maternal diversity was maintained by most populations, particularly the Fells and Welsh ponies, which exhibited rare and ancient lineages. The maternal and paternal histories of the breeds are distinct, with male‐biased crossings between native breeds, and other shared influences, likely Arabs and Thoroughbreds, are apparent. The data generated herein provide valuable information to guide and implement the conservation of increasingly rare native genetic resources.  相似文献   

Burg TM  Croxall JP 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(11):2647-2660
The population structure of black-browed (Thalassarche melanophris and T. impavida) and grey-headed (T. chrysostoma) albatrosses was examined using both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite analyses. mtDNA sequences from 73 black-browed and 50 grey-headed albatrosses were obtained from five island groups in the Southern Ocean. High levels of sequence divergence were found in both taxa (0.55-7.20% in black-browed albatrosses and 2.10-3.90% in grey-headed albatrosses). Black-browed albatrosses form three distinct groups: Falklands, Diego Ramirez/South Georgia/Kerguelen, and Campbell Island (T. impavida). T. melanophris from Campbell Island contain birds from each of the three groups, indicating high levels of mixture and hybridization. In contrast, grey-headed albatrosses form one globally panmictic population. Microsatellite analyses on a larger number of samples using seven highly variable markers found similar population structure to the mtDNA analyses in both black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses. Differences in population structure between these two very similar and closely related species could be the result of differences in foraging and dispersal patterns. Breeding black-browed albatrosses forage mainly over continental shelves and migrate to similar areas when not breeding. Grey-headed albatrosses forage mainly at frontal systems, travelling widely across oceanic habitats outside the breeding season. Genetic analyses support the current classification of T. impavida as being distinct from T. melanophris, but would also suggest splitting T. melanophris into two groups: Falkland Islands, and Diego Ramirez/South Georgia/Kerguelen.  相似文献   

Poor phylogenetic resolution and inconsistency of gene trees are major complications when attempting to construct trees of life for various groups of organisms. In this study, we addressed these issues in analyses of the genus Carpinus (hornbeams) of the Betulaceae. We assembled and annotated the chloroplast (cp) genomes (plastomes) of nine hornbeams representing main clades previously distinguished in this genus. All nine plastomes are highly conserved, with four regions, and about 158–160 kb long, including 121–123 genes. Phylogenetic analyses of whole plastome sequences, noncoding sequences, and the well‐aligned coding genes resulted in high resolution of the sampled species in contrast to the failure based on a few cpDNA markers. Phylogenetic relationships in a few clades based only on the coding genes are slightly inconsistent with those based on the noncoding and total plastome datasets. Moreover, these plastome trees are highly incongruent with those based on bi‐parentally inherited internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence variations. Such high inconsistencies suggest widespread occurrence of incomplete lineage sorting and hybrid introgression during diversification of these hornbeams.  相似文献   

Spatial expansion, which is a crucial stage in the process to successful biological invasion, is anticipated to profoundly affect the magnitude and spatial distribution of genetic diversity in novel colonized areas. Here, we show that, contrasting common expectations, Pyrenean rocket (Sisymbrium austriacum), retained SNP diversity as this introduced plant species descended in the Meuse River Basin. Allele frequencies did not mirror between‐population distances along the predominant expansion axis. Reconstruction of invasion history based on the genotypes of historical herbarium specimens indicated no influence of additional introductions or multiple points of entry on this nongradual pattern. Assignment analysis suggested the admixture of distant upstream sources in recently founded downstream populations. River dynamics seem to have facilitated occasional long‐distance dispersal which brought diversity to the expansion front and so maintained evolutionary potential. Our findings highlight the merit of a historical framework in interpreting extant patterns of genetic diversity in introduced species and underscore the need to integrate long‐distance dispersal events in theoretical work on the genetic consequences of range expansion.  相似文献   

Camellia reticulata is an arbor tree that has been cultivated in southwestern China by various sociolinguistic groups for esthetic purposes as well as to derive an edible seed oil. This study examined the influence of management, socio‐economic factors, and religion on the genetic diversity patterns of Camellia reticulata utilizing a combination of ethnobotanical and molecular genetic approaches. Semi‐structured interviews and key informant interviews were carried out with local communities in China's Yunnan Province. We collected plant material (n = 190 individuals) from five populations at study sites using single‐dose AFLP markers in order to access the genetic diversity within and between populations. A total of 387 DNA fragments were produced by four AFLP primer sets. All DNA fragments were found to be polymorphic (100%). A relatively high level of genetic diversity was revealed in C. reticulata samples at both the species (Hsp = 0.3397, Isp = 0.5236) and population (percentage of polymorphic loci = 85.63%, Hpop = 0.2937, Ipop = 0.4421) levels. Findings further revealed a relatively high degree of genetic diversity within C. reticulata populations (Analysis of Molecular Variance = 96.31%). The higher genetic diversity within populations than among populations of C. reticulata from different geographies is likely due to the cultural and social influences associated with its long cultivation history for esthetic and culinary purposes by diverse sociolinguistic groups. This study highlights the influence of human management, socio‐economic factors, and other cultural variables on the genetic and morphological diversity of C. reticulata at a regional level. Findings emphasize the important role of traditional culture on the conservation and utilization of plant genetic diversity.  相似文献   

We retrieved 34 medieval ovicaprine remains, from three archaeological sites of central Italy dating to about 1000 years old, and analyzed them using mitochondrial DNA. We compared the reconstructed haplogroups with modern sheep samples from Europe and the Middle East and sequences from the literature. In modern sheep, haplogroup HA is present in countries with access to the Mediterranean and close to the domestication center, whereas it is very rare or absent in the rest of Europe. The haplogroup HB was predominant in ancient samples (90%), whereas haplogroup HA was found at 10%. Ancient haplogroups match the present distribution in modern sheep in Italy, indicating that the current proportion of HA/HB was already established in the Middle Ages and is not the result of subsequent events such as selective breeding practices.  相似文献   

Identification of the polymorphisms controlling quantitative traits remains a challenge for plant geneticists. Multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations offer an alternative to traditional linkage or association mapping populations by increasing the precision of quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. Here, we present the first tomato MAGIC population and highlight its potential for the valorization of intraspecific variation, QTL mapping and causal polymorphism identification. The population was developed by crossing eight founder lines, selected to include a wide range of genetic diversity, whose genomes have been previously resequenced. We selected 1536 SNPs among the 4 million available to enhance haplotype prediction and recombination detection in the population. The linkage map obtained showed an 87% increase in recombination frequencies compared to biparental populations. The prediction of the haplotype origin was possible for 89% of the MAGIC line genomes, allowing QTL detection at the haplotype level. We grew the population in two greenhouse trials and detected QTLs for fruit weight. We mapped three stable QTLs and six specific of a location. Finally, we showed the potential of the MAGIC population when coupled with whole genome sequencing of founder lines to detect candidate SNPs underlying the QTLs. For a previously cloned QTL on chromosome 3, we used the predicted allelic effect of each founder and their genome sequences to select putative causal polymorphisms in the supporting interval. The number of candidate polymorphisms was reduced from 12 284 (in 800 genes) to 96 (in 54 genes), including the actual causal polymorphism. This population represents a new permanent resource for the tomato genetics community.  相似文献   

The population structure of parasites is central to the ecology and evolution of host‐parasite systems. Here, we investigate the population genetics of Pasteuria ramosa, a bacterial parasite of Daphnia. We used natural P. ramosa spore banks from the sediments of two geographically well‐separated ponds to experimentally infect a panel of Daphnia magna host clones whose resistance phenotypes were previously known. In this way, we were able to assess the population structure of P. ramosa based on geography, host resistance phenotype and host genotype. Overall, genetic diversity of P. ramosa was high, and nearly all infected D. magna hosted more than one parasite haplotype. On the basis of the observation of recombinant haplotypes and relatively low levels of linkage disequilibrium, we conclude that P. ramosa engages in substantial recombination. Isolates were strongly differentiated by pond, indicating that gene flow is spatially restricted. Pasteuria ramosa isolates within one pond were segregated completely based on the resistance phenotype of the host—a result that, to our knowledge, has not been previously reported for a nonhuman parasite. To assess the comparability of experimental infections with natural P. ramosa isolates, we examined the population structure of naturally infected D. magna native to one of the two source ponds. We found that experimental and natural infections of the same host resistance phenotype from the same source pond were indistinguishable, indicating that experimental infections provide a means to representatively sample the diversity of P. ramosa while reducing the sampling bias often associated with studies of parasite epidemics. These results expand our knowledge of this model parasite, provide important context for the large existing body of research on this system and will guide the design of future studies of this host‐parasite system.  相似文献   

Glacial phases during the Pleistocene caused remarkable changes in species range distributions, with inevitable genetic consequences. Specifically, during interglacial phases, when the ice melted and new habitats became suitable again, species could recolonize regions that were previously covered by ice, such as high latitudes and elevations. Based on theoretical models and empirical data, a decrease in genetic variation is predicted along recolonization routes as a result of the consecutive founder effects that characterize the recolonization process. In the present study, we assessed the relative importance of historical and contemporary processes in shaping genetic diversity and differentiation of bank vole (Myodes glareolus) populations at different elevations in the Swiss Alps. By contrast to expectations, we found that genetic variation increased with elevation. Estimates of recent migration rates and a contrasting pattern of genetic differentiation observed at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and nuclear microsatellites support the hypothesis that higher genetic diversity at high elevation results from contemporary gene flow. Although historical recolonization processes can have marked effects on the genetic structure of populations, the present study provides an example where contemporary processes along an environmental gradient can reverse predicted patterns of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Close to 50% of the annual production of the brown alga Saccharina japonica, about 2 million tons (fresh weight), is produced through farming in Shandong province, China, principally around Rongcheng. Under artificial selection for phenotypic traits (e.g. color, blade length) cultivated strains (cultivars) face the problems of inbreeding depression, which can be caused by the close relationships of the parental plants. Hence, in an attempt to evaluate genetic variations and relationships among cultivars, 15 major farmed cultivars were selected and sampled from seven major hatcheries and analyzed using 15 microsatellite markers. A total of 94 alleles were found across all samples, with allele numbers ranging from three to 17 per locus. All of the cultivars exhibited relatively high levels of genetic diversity, with mean Nei's genetic diversity (H) and the Shannon's information index (I) of 0.466 and 0.862, respectively. A UPGMA dendrogram grouped all cultivars into three main clusters. However, two of the most commonly farmed cultivars (DB and BN) from different hatcheries failed to cluster together. Instead, differently named cultivars from the same hatchery tended to group together, implying that their high similarities is partly due to the presence of genetic mixing among cultivars within a hatchery or misuse of cultivar's names. Genetic analysis performed by Bayesian model‐based clustering revealed clear differentiation of three major subgroups (LJ‐202 and LJ‐205; LJ‐C033; XS‐2 and XS‐BN) and one admixed group (the remaining ten cultivars). Our results revealed ambiguous genetic relationships among certain cultivars of S. japonica farmed in northern China. A more stringent and prudent regulation should be applied during breeding and production process in the future.  相似文献   

The members of the Indochinese box turtle complex, namely Cuora galbinifrons, Cuora bourreti, and Cuora picturata, rank the most critically endangered turtle species on earth after more than three decades of over‐harvesting for food, traditional Chinese medicine, and pet markets. Despite advances in molecular biology, species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships, the status of the Cgalbinifrons complex remains unresolved due to the small number of specimens observed and collected in the field. In this study, we present analyses of morphologic characters as well as mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data to reconstruct the species boundaries and systematic relationships within the Cgalbinifrons complex. Based on principal component analysis (PCA) and statistical analysis, we found that phenotypic traits partially overlapped among galbinifrons, bourreti, and picturata, and that galbinifrons and bourreti might be only subspecifically distinct. Moreover, we used the mitochondrial genome, COI, and nuclear gene Rag1 under the maximum likelihood criteria and Bayesian inference criteria to elucidate whether C. galbinifrons could be divided into three separate species or subspecies. We found strong support for a sister relationship between picturata and the other two species, and consequently, we recommend maintaining picturata as a full species, and classifying bourreti and galbinifrons as subspecies of C. galbinifrons. These findings provide evidence for a better understanding of the evolutionary histories of these critically endangered turtles.  相似文献   

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