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African savanna termite mounds function as nutrient‐rich foraging hotspots for different herbivore species, but little is known about their effects on the interaction between domestic and wild herbivores. Understanding such effects is important for better management of these herbivore guilds in landscapes where they share habitats. Working in a central Kenyan savanna ecosystem, we compared selection of termite mound patches by cattle between areas cattle accessed exclusively and areas they shared with wild herbivores. Termite mound selection index was significantly lower in the shared areas than in areas cattle accessed exclusively. Furthermore, cattle used termite mounds in proportion to their availability when they were the only herbivores present, but used them less than their availability when they shared foraging areas with wild herbivores. These patterns were associated with reduced herbage cover on termite mounds in the shared foraging areas, partly indicating that cattle and wild herbivores compete for termite mound forage. However, reduced selection of termite mound patches was also reinforced by higher leafiness of Brachiaria lachnantha (the principal cattle diet forage species) off termite mounds in shared than in unshared areas. Taken together, these findings suggest that during wet periods, cattle can overcome competition for termite mounds by taking advantage of wildlife‐mediated increased forage leafiness in the matrix surrounding termite mounds. However, this advantage is likely to dissipate during dry periods when forage conditions deteriorate across the landscape and the importance of termite mounds as nutrient hotspots increases for both cattle and wild herbivores. Therefore, we suggest that those managing for both livestock production and wildlife conservation in such savanna landscapes should adopt grazing strategies that could lessen competition for forage on termite mounds, such as strategically decreasing stock numbers during dry periods.  相似文献   

Invasive herbivores are often managed to limit their negative impact on plant populations, but herbivore density – plant damage relationships are notoriously spatially and temporally variable. Site and species characteristics (both plant and herbivore) must be considered when assessing the potential for herbivore damage, making it difficult to set thresholds for efficient management. Using the invasive brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula in New Zealand as a case study, we parameterized a generic model to predict annual probability of browse‐induced mortality of five tree species at 12 sites. We compared predicted and observed tree mortality for each species + site combination to establish herbivore abundance – tree mortality thresholds for each site on a single and combined tree species basis. Model results indicated it is likely that possum browse was the primary cause of all tree mortality at nine of the 12 species‐site combinations, allowing us to estimate site‐specific thresholds below which possum population numbers should be reduced and maintained to keep tree mortality under a predetermined level, for example 0.5% per year. The browse model can be used to set site‐ and species‐specific management action thresholds, and can be adapted easily for other plant or herbivore species. Results for multiple plant or herbivore species at a single site can be combined to create conservative, site‐wide management strategies, and used to: determine which sites will be affected most by changes in herbivore abundance; quantify thresholds for herbivore management; and justify expenditure on herbivore control.  相似文献   

Most research examining how herbivores and pathogens affect performance of invasive plants focuses on aboveground interactions. Although important, the role of belowground communities remains poorly understood, and the relative impact of aboveground and belowground interactions is still debated. As well, most studies of belowground interactions have been carried out in controlled environments, so little is known about the role of these interactions under natural conditions or how these relationships may change across a plant's range. Using the invasive plant Cirsium arvense, we performed a reciprocal transplant experiment to test the relative impacts of above‐ and belowground interactions at three sites across a 509‐km latitudinal gradient in its invaded range in Ontario, Canada. At each site, C. arvense seedlings were protected with above‐ and/or belowground exclosures in a factorial design. Plant performance (biomass, height, stem thickness, number of leaves, length of longest leaf, maximum rhizome length) was greatest when both above‐ and belowground exclosures were applied and lowest when no exclosures were applied. When only one type of exclosure was applied, biomass generally improved more with belowground exclosures than with aboveground exclosures. Despite site‐to‐site differences in foliar damage, root damage, and mesofaunal populations, belowground interactions generally had a greater negative impact on performance than aboveground herbivory alone. These results stress the importance of including both aboveground enemy interactions and plant–soil interactions in studies of plant community dynamics and invader performance.  相似文献   

Crop plant domestication can change plant resistance to herbivores leading to differences in pest pressure experienced by crop plants and their wild relatives. To compare resistance to herbivores between domesticated and wild fruit trees, we quantified direct resistance and indirect resistance to a pest insect, the florivorous apple blossom weevil Anthonomus pomorum (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), for the cultivated apple Malus domestica and two wild apple species, the European crab apple M. sylvestris and the exotic M. kirghisorum. We measured weevil infestation and performance (weight, sex ratio), and weevil parasitism by parasitoid wasps for different cultivars of M. domestica and for the two wild apple species. To explain weevil and parasitoid responses to different apple species, we quantified tree characteristics including nitrogen content, size of flower buds, bark roughness, tree size, tree phenology and tree position. We found significant differences in susceptibility to weevil infestation between apple species, with lowest infestation (highest apple resistance) in M. domestica and highest infestation in M. kirghisorum. The suitability of apple species also varied significantly: weevils emerging from M. sylvestris were significantly lighter than those from M. kirghisorum. Parasitism of A. pomorum by different parasitoid species was significantly higher in M. sylvestris than in M. domestica. Infestation, weevil weight and parasitism were positively related to tree characteristics: infestation to bud nitrogen content and bark roughness, weevil size to nitrogen content and bud size, and parasitism to tree height and bud density. Our study revealed marked differences between apple species in susceptibility and suitability for the pest herbivore, but also for antagonistic parasitoids. Whereas direct resistance appeared to be higher in cultivated apple, indirect resistance via parasitoids was apparently higher in wild apple trees. Our findings suggest that wild and cultivated apple trees possess different resistance traits that may be combined to optimize resistance in commercial apple cultivars.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Environmental heterogeneity created by prescribed burning provided the context for testing whether the distribution of an oak specialist (the lace bug, Corythuca arcuata ) could be explained by stoichiometric mismatches between herbivore and host plant composition.
2. Field observations showed that lace bug density was seven-fold higher in frequently burned than in unburned units.
3. Lace bug density did not increase with leaf nutrient concentrations, but was instead associated with higher light levels, higher concentrations of leaf carbon (C), lignin and total phenolics, and lower levels of cellulose. In addition, lace bugs reared on high-light leaves had higher levels of survivorship than those fed on low-light leaves.
4. Sampling restricted to full-sun leaves was used to test whether fire-related changes in leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations have a secondary influence on lace bug success. This sampling provided only limited evidence for nutrient limitation, as decreases in leaf N and P were associated with an increase in lace bug mass but a decrease in density.
5. It is concluded that burning probably promotes lace bug population growth by increasing canopy openness, light penetration, and the availability of C-based metabolites, and thus simple stoichoimetric mismatches between herbivores and host plants are not of primary importance in this system.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is oligophagous on plants in the Brassicaceae, and is considered one of the most significant insect pests of canola (Brassica napus L.), a major oilseed crop grown in the Prairie Provinces of Canada. The bertha armyworm (BAW), Mamestra configurata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a generalist herbivore that preferentially feeds on canola plants. In the canola growing season in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, DBM feeding occurs prior to BAW herbivory. In this study, we test the effect of DBM herbivory on subsequent host use by BAW. Oviposition by female BAW was not influenced by previous DBM‐herbivory or mechanical damage of canola plants. Bertha armyworm larvae were deterred from feeding on canola previously damaged by DBM and larvae developed into lighter pupae when reared on DBM‐damaged plants. Bertha armyworm pupae that developed from larvae fed on mechanically damaged plants had similar pupal weights to those fed undamaged plants. Adult BAW reared on canola with previous DBM feeding damage had marginally smaller wings than moths reared on canola treated differently. The combination of these results suggests that herbivory by the brassicaceous specialist, DBM, negatively influences host use and larval performance by the generalist, BAW, on canola.  相似文献   

  • Plants are part of biodiverse communities and frequently suffer from attack by multiple herbivorous insects. Plant responses to these herbivores are specific for insect feeding guilds: aphids and caterpillars induce different plant phenotypes. Moreover, plants respond differentially to single or dual herbivory, which may cascade into a chain of interactions in terms of resistance to other community members. Whether differential responses to single or dual herbivory have consequences for plant resistance to yet a third herbivore is unknown.
  • We assessed the effects of single or dual herbivory by Brevicoryne brassicae aphids and/or Plutella xylostella caterpillars on resistance of plants from three natural populations of wild cabbage to feeding by caterpillars of Mamestra brassicae. We measured plant gene expression and phytohormone concentrations to illustrate mechanisms involved in induced responses.
  • Performance of both B. brassicae and P. xylostella was reduced when feeding simultaneously with the other herbivore, compared to feeding alone. Gene expression and phytohormone concentrations in plants exposed to dual herbivory were different from those found in plants exposed to herbivory by either insect alone. Plants previously induced by both P. xylostella and B. brassicae negatively affected growth of the subsequently arriving M. brassicae. Furthermore, induced responses varied between wild cabbage populations.
  • Feeding by multiple herbivores differentially activates plant defences, which has plant‐mediated negative consequences for a subsequently arriving herbivore. Plant population‐specific responses suggest that plant populations adapt to the specific communities of insect herbivores. Our study contributes to the understanding of plant defence plasticity in response to multiple insect attacks.

A shift in the composition of the herbivore guild in the invasive range is expected to select for plants with a higher competitive ability, a lower regrowth capacity and a lower investment in defence. We show here that parallel evolution took place in three geographically distinct invasive regions that differed significantly in climatic conditions. This makes it most likely that indeed the shifts in herbivore guilds were causal to the evolutionary changes. We studied competitive ability and regrowth of invasive and native Jacobaea vulgaris using an intraspecific competition set‐up with and without herbivory. Without herbivores invasive genotypes have a higher competitive ability than native genotypes. The invasive genotypes were less preferred by the generalist Mamestra brassicae but more preferred by the specialist Tyria jacobaeae, consequently their competitive ability was significantly increased by the first and reduced by the latter. Invasive genotypes showed a lower regrowth ability in both herbivore treatments.  相似文献   

An insect species that shows variation in host species association across its geographical range may do so either because of local adaptation in host plant preference of the insect or through environmentally or genetically induced differences in the plants, causing variation in host plant suitability between regions. In the present study, we experimentally investigate the host plant preference of Anthocharis cardamines (orange tip butterfly) in two populations from the UK and two from Sweden. Previous reports indicate that A. cardamines larvae are found on different host plant species in different regions of the UK, and some variation has been reported in Sweden. Host plant choice trials showed that females prefer to oviposit on plants in an earlier phenological stage, as well as on larger plants. When controlling for plant phenological stage and size, the host species had no statistically significant effect on the choice of the females. Moreover, there were no differences in host plant species preference among the four butterfly populations. Based on our experiment, the oviposition choice by A. cardamines mainly depends on the phenological stage and the size of the host plant. This finding supports the idea that the geographical patterns of host–plant association of A. cardamines in the UK and Sweden are consequences of the phenology and availability of the local hosts, rather than regional genetic differences in the host species preference of the butterfly.  相似文献   

  • 1 A comparison was made of the insect fauna on paired Terminalia sericea, Burkea africana and Ochna pulchra trees; one tree in each pair was treated with Formex® to exclude ants from the canopy, and the other was designated the control.
  • 2 Treatment with Formex banding to exclude ants did not influence plant phenology.
  • 3 Pyrethrum knockdown samples from control trees had generally more insect individuals and insect species than samples from trees where ants were excluded.
  • 4 Formex-treated trees had significantly less homopterous individuals and species than the control trees.
  • 5 With the exception of ants and Homoptera, there was no difference in the insect guild composition and dominance ranking of various insect taxa, sampled by pyrethrum knockdown, between the control and Formex-treated trees.
  • 6 T.sericea had significantly greater populations of both sessile and mobile Homoptera on the control trees than on the Formex-treated trees. A similar trend could be seen on B.africana. There were significantly more sessile homopterans on the control trees of O.pulchra than on the Formex-treated trees. Low numbers of mobile Homoptera were recorded on both control and Formex-treated O.pulchra trees, and numbers on control trees were fewer in comparison to numbers of mobile Homoptera on control T.sericea and B.africana trees.
  • 7 It is concluded that the ants have similar effects on the insect communities of trees in a natural, undisturbed savanna as has been demonstrated on trees in agro-ecosystems, and on plants that are structurally adapted for mutualistic associations with ants.
  • 8 Although slight, leaf damage by some leaf-feeding insects was greater on trees where ants had been excluded than on control trees that supported foraging ant populations.

In highly seasonal environments, timing of breeding of organisms is typically set to coincide with the period of highest resource availability. However, breeding phenology may not change at a rate sufficient to keep up with rapid changes in the environment in the wake of climate change. The lack of synchrony between the phenology of consumers and that of their resources can lead to a phenomenon called trophic mismatch, which may have important consequences on the reproductive success of herbivores. We analyzed long‐term data (1991–2010) on climate, plant phenology and the reproduction of a long‐distance Arctic migrant, the greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlantica), in order to examine the effects of mismatched reproduction on the growth of young. We found that geese are only partially able to adjust their breeding phenology to compensate for annual changes in the timing of high‐quality food plants, leading to mismatches of up to 20 days between the two. The peak of nitrogen concentration in plants, an index of their nutritive quality for goslings, occurred earlier in warm springs with an early snow melt. Likewise, mismatch between hatch dates of young and date of peak nitrogen was more important in years with early snow melt. Gosling body mass and structural size at fledging was reduced when trophic mismatch was high, particularly when the difference between date of peak nitrogen concentration and hatching was >9 days. Our results support the hypothesis that trophic mismatch can negatively affect the fitness of Arctic herbivores and that this is likely to be exacerbated by rising global temperatures.  相似文献   

Interactions between organisms are ubiquitous and have important consequences for phenotypes and fitness. Individuals can even influence those they never meet, if they have extended phenotypes that alter the environments others experience. North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) guard food hoards, an extended phenotype that typically outlives the individual and is usually subsequently acquired by non‐relatives. Hoarding by previous owners can, therefore, influence subsequent owners. We found that red squirrels breed earlier and had higher lifetime fitness if the previous hoard owner was a male. This was driven by hoarding behaviour, as males and mid‐aged squirrels had the largest hoards, and these effects persisted across owners, such that if the previous owner was male or died in mid‐age, subsequent occupants had larger hoards. Individuals can, therefore, influence each other's resource‐dependent traits and fitness without ever meeting, such that the past can influence contemporary population dynamics through extended phenotypes.  相似文献   

Herbivores cause treefalls in African savannas, but rates are unknown at large scales required to forecast changes in biodiversity and ecosystem processes. We combined landscape‐scale herbivore exclosures with repeat airborne Light Detection and Ranging of 58 429 trees in Kruger National Park, South Africa, to assess sources of savanna treefall across nested gradients of climate, topography, and soil fertility. Elephants were revealed as the primary agent of treefall across widely varying savanna conditions, and a large‐scale ‘elephant trap’ predominantly removes maturing savanna trees in the 5–9 m height range. Treefall rates averaged 6 times higher in areas accessible to elephants, but proportionally more treefall occurred on high‐nutrient basalts and in lowland catena areas. These patterns were superimposed on a climate‐mediated regime of increasing treefall with precipitation in the absence of herbivores. These landscape‐scale patterns reveal environmental controls underpinning herbivore‐mediated tree turnover, highlighting the need for context‐dependent science and management.  相似文献   

Geographic variation is commonly observed in plant resistance traits, where plant species might experience different selection pressure across a heterogeneous landscape. Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera is dimorphic for trichome production, generating two morphs, trichome‐producing (hairy) and trichomeless (glabrous) plants. Trichomes of A. halleri are known to confer resistance against the white butterfly, cabbage sawfly, and brassica leaf beetle, but not against flea beetles. We combined leaf damage, microclimate, and microsatellite loci data of 26 A. halleri populations in central Japan, to explore factors responsible for fine‐scale geographic variation in the morph frequency. We found that hairy plants were less damaged than glabrous plants within populations, but the among‐site variation was the most significant source of variation in the individual‐level damage. Fixation index () of a putative trichome locus exhibited a significant divergence along population‐level damage with an exception of an outlier population, inferring the local adaptation to herbivory. Notably, this outlier was a population wherein our previous study reported a balancing role of the brassica leaf beetle Phaedon brassicae on the morph frequency. This differentiation of the trichome locus was unrelated to neutral genetic differentiation (evaluated by of microsatellite loci) and meteorological factors (including temperature and solar radiation). The present findings, combined with those of our previous work, provide suggestive evidence that herbivore‐driven divergence and occasional outbreak of a specific herbivore have jointly contributed to the ecogeographic pattern in the frequency of two morphs.  相似文献   

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