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Kaempferol and quercetin 3-O-glycosides were found in the closely related species, Parthenium hysterophorus, P. bipinnatifidum and P. glomeratum; the major aglycone flavonols in P. hypterophorus are quercetagetin 3,7-dimethyl ether and a new flavonoid, 6-hydroxykaempferol 3,7-dimethyl ether. The North-South American species-pair P. glomeratum (Argentina) and P. bipinnatifidum (Mexico) yielded quercetagetin 3,7,3′-trimethyl ether as the major aglycone. The desert species P. rollinsianum yielded five methylated flavonols: quercetin 3,3′-dimethyl ether, penduletin, quercetagetin 3,6,7-trimethyl ether, polycladin and artemetin.  相似文献   

The roots of Calea harleyi afforded four germacranolides closely related to chapliatrin and two derivatives of p-hydroxyacetophenone related to the acyloxycalefoliones.  相似文献   

The leaves, litter, and soil from within a community of Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana were analyzed for secondary metabolic products. Methacrolein, five monterpenes, three sesquiterpene lactones, six coumarins, and one flavonoid were identified in the leaves; the contents of the litter were nearly identical. Soils collected directly beneath the shrubs contained the three sesquiterpene lactones, two coumarins and an unknown flavonoid. The litter and water extracts of the litter inhibited the germination of sagebrush seeds. Soils charged with monoterpenes from sagebrush leaves also inhibited seed germination. In addition, the monoterpene contents from eight sagebrush taxa collected from Western Montana are reported.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Blainvillea acmella afforded, in addition to widespread triterpenes, desacetyl ovatifolin, desacyl grazielic acid tiglate, 8β-[2-methylbutyryloxy]-9β-hydroxy-14-oxo-acanthospermolide, four new germacranolides and seven acanthospermolides. The roots gave ovatifolin, two widespread thiophenacetylenes and two daucane derivatives. Comparison of the data with those of cyclochaenin required a revision of its structure. The structures were elucidated by high field 1H NMR spectroscopy. Biogenetic relationships and taxonomic aspects are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The isolation is reported of the new natural products from Viguiera quinqueradiata, acetylleptocarpin and (2R,3S-4′-hydroxy-3′,5,7-tri-O-methyl-flavan-3-ol. The diterpenes 15α-angeloyloxy-ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, 15α-tigloyloxy-ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid and the sesquiterpene lactones leptocarpin and budlein A were also found.  相似文献   

Six guaianolides have been isolated from the aerial parts of Centaurea incana from Algeria. They were identified as desoxyrepin, repin or subluteolide, repin monochlorhydrin, acroptilin, janerin and repdiolide triol.  相似文献   

Zinnia peruviana from Honduras afforded two new acetal-type elemanolides as well as a mixture consisting primarily of zinaflorin III.  相似文献   

Authentic Inula cappa DC afforded a known and four unknown germacranolides related to the ineupatorolides as well as a new 2,3-dihydroxy-9-angeloxygermacra-4-en-6,12-olide. A collection previously described as Inula cappa which yielded only flavones was identified as Blumea balsamifera DC.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Hymenopappus newberryi afforded two heliangolides, two thymol derivatives, as well as two new guaianolides and a trans, trans-germacranolide closely related to hiyodorilactone A. Furthermore, the ent-kaurene derivative abbeokutone was present. These results are of chemotaxonomic interest.  相似文献   

Cynaropicrin, 11βH-11,13-dihydrodesacylcynaropicrin, aguerins A and B, isoamberboin and the new guaianolides saussureolide and 11βH-11,13-dihydrodesacylcynaropicrin 8-β-d-glucoside were isolated from Saussurea affinis.  相似文献   

Investigation of Disynaphia multicrenulata afforded, in addition to known ent-kaurene derivatives and some widespread sesquiterpenes, several s  相似文献   

Fifteen flavonols, five aglycones and ten glucosides were isolated from the four species of Tetragonotheca, T. repanda, T. helianthoides, T. texana and T. ludoviciana. Included among the isolated flavonols are four previously unreported 7-O-glucosides, 6-hydroxykaempferol 7-O-glucoside, 6-hydroxykaempferol 6-methyl ether 7-O-glucoside, quercetagetin 6,3′-dimethyl ether 7-O-glucoside and quercetagetin 3,6-dimethyl ether 7-O-glucoside.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of Melampodium americanum yielded, besides the known melampodinin A, four new melampolides, melampodinin B, melampodinin C, 9-des  相似文献   

Eight sesquiterpene lactones were isolated from the roots of Sonchus macrocarpus. The eudesmanolides 15-hydroxy-4β, 15-dihydroreynosin and 15-hydroxy-4β, 15, 11β, 13-tetrahydroreynosin were isolated for the first time.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of Calea ternifolia var. calyculata yielded the known sesquiterpene lactone calein A, as well as two new modified heliangolid  相似文献   

Reinvestigation of the aerial parts of Pluchea dioscoridis afforded, in addition to known compounds, five new eudesmanolides and a new thiophene derivative. The stereochemistry of one of the eudesmanolides isolated previously has been corrected. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   

Ten coumarins and four flavonoids have been isolated from a single collection of Artemesia tridentata ssp. vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle. The coumarins are 7-methylesculin, esculin, umbelliferone, skimmin, cichoriin, isoscopoletin, scopoletin, scoparon, esculetin and a new natural product, artelin (5,6,7,8-tetramethoxy coumarin). The flavonoids are luteolin, luteolin-7-glucoside, axillarin and eupafolin.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Artemisia sieversiana afforded in addition to known compounds five new guaianolides and four dimeric guaianolides, three of them closely related to absinthin and one derived from estafiatin as a monomer. The structures were elucidated by extensive NMR studies, which allowed the assignment of the 14 chiral centres. Artemisia frigida afforded several known compounds and one new guaianolide, 8-desoxy-cumambrin B, the most likely precursor of many guaianolides.  相似文献   

The flavonoids of three species of Desmanthodium are based upon kaempferol, quercetin and quercetagetin. Sugar substitutions comprise glucosides, galactosides, rhamnosides, rutinosides and diglucosides. Four different O-methylated compounds occur in field populations of the genus, but they are found in all species and are therefore not useful for sectional or subgeneric delimitations. The flavonoid profile of Desmanthodium is very similar to that of Clibadium, which parallels their close morphological affinity.  相似文献   

The investigation of two Ferreyanthus species afforded seven germacranolides which have not been isolated previously. Two derivatives of linalol were also present. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Chemotaxonomic relationships are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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