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A cost associated with the evolution of antiparasite strategies is the failure to recognize parasitic eggs, leading the host to evict its own eggs. However, there is evidence that birds recognize their own eggs through imprinting. This leads to the question of why birds accept parasitic eggs if such eggs can be identified. Here, we tested whether egg ejection per se can be costly due to increased predation risk to the remaining clutch and whether olfactory or visual cues of egg ejection increase predation. We carried out three field experiments to answer the following questions: (a) Does ejecting an egg increase nest predation risk? (b) Does the presence of olfactory cues, such as the smell of a broken egg, increase nest predation risk? And (c) Does the presence of visual cues, such as an egg shell below the nest, increase nest predation risk? We found evidence that egg ejection increases nest predation and that olfactory cues alone also increase nest predation. The presence of visual cues did not change predation rates. These data indicate that egg ejection is costly for both host and parasitic eggs that may remain in the nest. Our results suggest why host and parasite eggs are commonly found within the same nests, despite the possibility that hosts recognize and could possibly eject the parasite’s egg.  相似文献   

  1. Disturbance cues are released by stressed or disturbed prey prior to a predator attack and convey useful risk assessment information regarding local threats. While studies have shown that disturbance cues may be important early on within the predation sequence (prior to an attack), their role in predator–prey interactions remains relatively overlooked by ecologists. Critically, experimental studies examining disturbance cues, especially among prey fishes, have been conducted primarily under laboratory or semi-natural conditions.
  2. Here, we tested the prediction that disturbance cues function as sources of risk assessment information in situ. We exposed Trinidadian guppies, in two natural populations differing in predation risk, to a model predator paired with stream water or the disturbance cue collected from guppies from either a high- or low-predation risk population.
  3. We found that the predator inspection response of guppies to disturbance cues depends on the level of risk of both the focal and the cue source population. Guppies from both populations exhibited increased latencies to inspect, lower inspection rates and reduced inspecting group sizes towards the model paired with conspecific disturbance cues versus a stream water control. Interestingly, guppies of both populations showed evidence of higher perceived predation risk towards the disturbance cues collected from high-predation risk donors compared to low-predation risk donors.
  4. Our results support the hypothesis that disturbance cues function as a source of information used by prey fish in the assessment of predation risk and provide the first evidence of disturbance cue function under fully natural conditions.

Understanding how animals weigh habitat features, exposure to predators and access to resources is important to determining their life history and distribution across the landscape. For example, when predators accumulate in structurally complex habitats, they face an environment with different competitive interactions, foraging opportunities and predatory risks. The wolf spider Pardosa milvina inhabits the soil surface of highly disturbed habitats such as agricultural fields throughout eastern North America. Pardosa displays effective antipredator behavior in the presence of chemical cues produced by a larger coexisting wolf spider, Hogna helluo . We used those cues to simulate predation risk in laboratory and field experiments designed to test the effects of habitat substrate and predation risk on site selection and prey consumption of Pardosa . In general, Pardosa preferred more complex substrates over bare dirt but those preferences were eliminated or reversed when cues from Hogna were present. Feeding trials revealed that substrate alone had few effects on Pardosa prey consumption, which we measured by documenting the change in the abdomen width. Although the presence of Hogna cues reduced prey consumption overall in field feeding trials, the negative effect of predation risk on prey consumption was only observed in grass and bare dirt substrates in the laboratory. We also found that prey capture was negatively affected by habitat complexity for both spider species but that same complexity offered Pardosa protection from predation by Hogna. This study provides insight into how two predator species interact to balance site selection and feeding in order to avoid predation. Shifts in foraging and distributional patterns of predators can have profound implications for their role in the food web.  相似文献   

Predation rates of marine species are often highest during the transition from the pelagic to the benthic life stage. Consequently, the ability to assess predation risk when selecting a settlement site can be critical to survival. In this study, pairwise choice trials were used to determine whether larvae of three species of anemonefish (Amphiprion melanopus, A. percula and Premnas biaculeatus) are able to (1) assess the predation risk of potential anemone settlement sites through olfactory cues alone and (2) alter their settlement choices depending on the options available (host or non-host anemone). When predation risk was assessed with host and non-host anemone species independently, all species of anemonefish significantly chose the odor associated with the low-risk settlement option over the high-risk site. Most importantly, all species of anemonefish selected water with olfactory cues from their host anemone regardless of predation risk when paired against non-host anemone odor. These results demonstrate that larval reef fishes can use olfactory cues for complex risk assessment during settlement-site selection; however, locating the correct habitat is the most important factor when selecting a settlement site.  相似文献   

Assessment of predation risk is vital for the success of an individual. Primary cues for the assessment include visual and olfactory stimuli, but the relative importance of these sources of information for risk assessment has seldom been assessed for marine fishes. This study examined the importance of visual and chemical cues in assessing risk for the star goby, Asterropteryx semipunctatus. Visual and chemical cue intensities were used that were indicative of a high threat situation. The behavioural response elicited by both the visual cues of a predator (the rock cod, Cephalopholis boenak) and the chemical alarm cues from conspecifics were similar in magnitude, with responses including a decrease in feeding strikes and moves. A bobbing behaviour was exhibited when the predator was visible and not when only exposed to the chemical alarm cue. When visual and chemical cues were presented together they yielded a stronger antipredator response than when gobies were exposed solely to conspecific alarm cues. This suggests additivity of risk assessment information at the levels of threat used, however, the goby’s response is also likely to depend on the environmental and social context of the predator–prey encounter. This study highlights the importance of chemical cues in the assessment of predation risk for a coral reef fish.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere and surface ocean are rising at an unprecedented rate due to sustained and accelerating anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Previous studies have documented that exposure to elevated CO2 causes impaired antipredator behavior by coral reef fish in response to chemical cues associated with predation. However, whether ocean acidification will impair visual recognition of common predators is currently unknown. This study examined whether sensory compensation in the presence of multiple sensory cues could reduce the impacts of ocean acidification on antipredator responses. When exposed to seawater enriched with levels of CO2 predicted for the end of this century (880 μatm CO2), prey fish completely lost their response to conspecific alarm cues. While the visual response to a predator was also affected by high CO2, it was not entirely lost. Fish exposed to elevated CO2, spent less time in shelter than current‐day controls and did not exhibit antipredator signaling behavior (bobbing) when multiple predator cues were present. They did, however, reduce feeding rate and activity levels to the same level as controls. The results suggest that the response of fish to visual cues may partially compensate for the lack of response to chemical cues. Fish subjected to elevated CO2 levels, and exposed to chemical and visual predation cues simultaneously, responded with the same intensity as controls exposed to visual cues alone. However, these responses were still less than control fish simultaneously exposed to chemical and visual predation cues. Consequently, visual cues improve antipredator behavior of CO2 exposed fish, but do not fully compensate for the loss of response to chemical cues. The reduced ability to correctly respond to a predator will have ramifications for survival in encounters with predators in the field, which could have repercussions for population replenishment in acidified oceans.  相似文献   

Determining how prey learn the identity of predators and match their vigilance with current levels of threat is central to understanding the dynamics of predator–prey systems and the determinants of fitness. Our study explores how feeding history influences the relative importance of olfactory and visual sensory modes of learning, and how the experience gained through these sensory modes influences behaviour and survival in the field for a juvenile coral reef damselfish. We collected young fish immediately prior to their settlement to benthic habitats. In the laboratory, these predator-naïve fish were exposed to a high- or low-food ration and then conditioned to recognize the olfactory cues (odours) and/or visual cues from two common benthic predators. Fish were then allowed to settle on reefs in the field, and their behaviour and survival over 70 h were recorded. Feeding history strongly influenced their willingness to take risks in the natural environment. Conditioning in the laboratory with visual, olfactory or both cues from predators led fish in the field to display risk-averse behaviour compared with fish conditioned with sea water alone. Well-fed fish that were conditioned with visual, chemical or a combination of predator cues survived eight times better over the first 48 h on reefs than those with no experience of benthic predator cues. This experiment highlights the importance of a flexible and rapid mechanism of learning the identity of predators for survival of young fish during the critical life-history transition between pelagic and benthic habitats.  相似文献   

The perception and assessment of predation risk often cause changes in the activities of animals and induce behavioural responses that may in turn affect their movements and distribution. To simulate high predation risk in a midfield pond riparian habitat, we used fresh faeces from ranch American mink Neovison vison and recorded behavioural responses of water voles Arvicola amphibius. In areas where mink odour was deployed, the numbers of captured vole individuals and their trappability were significantly lower than in control areas. Several voles migrated from the zones with deployed mink faeces to the areas without faeces, thus proving that increased predation risk affects the distribution of individuals in a population. The response to mink odour was much more pronounced in females than in males; in areas with deployed mink faeces, not a single female was trapped. We conclude that although American mink is a non‐native, invasive predator, water voles respond to mink odour by reducing their activity and/or by avoiding places with higher predation risk.  相似文献   

Nest predation is one of the most important drivers of avian life history evolution and population dynamics. Increasing evidence suggests that birds are able to assess nest predation risk and avoid settling in high‐risk areas to increase their reproductive performance. However, the cues used for settlement decisions are poorly known in most species. Population sizes of the migratory wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix are characterized by strong annual fluctuations, which are negatively correlated with the number of forest rodents. Wood warblers might avoid rodent‐rich areas to reduce predation risk arising either from rodents, from rodent‐hunting predators attracted to such areas or from predators not linked to rodents. To evaluate these hypotheses, we conducted a large‐scale field experiment to test whether wood warblers avoided settling in plots with high predation risk simulated by broadcasting vocalizations of rodents or predators. Moreover, we tested whether reproductive performance varied in relation to simulated predation risk. Settlement patterns did not differ between plots with rodent, predator and noise control treatments. Likewise, measures of reproductive performance did not seem to differ across treatments. Thus, the broadcasted vocalizations of rodents and predators did not seem to be perceived as threat by wood warblers. Alternatively, the species might use other cues than those presented here, either other acoustic cues, visual and/or olfactory cues or a combination of cue types during settlement. Further experimental investigations to pin point cues and senses relevant for settlement decisions in wood warblers and birds in general are needed to better understand their life history and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In cannibalistic populations, smaller individuals are subject to predation by larger conspecifics, and small individuals commonly alter their behaviour in response to cannibals. Little is known, however, about the underlying cues that trigger such responses and how the behavioural responses to conspecific cannibals differ from heterospecific predators.
2. This study tests which cues are used for the detection of conspecific predators in the larva of the dragonfly Plathemis lydia and how the behavioural response to cannibals differed from the response to heterospecific predators.
3. Individuals were exposed to chemical cues, visual cues, and a combination of both cues from conspecifics as well as no predator and heterospecific predator controls during which their activity and feeding rates were observed.
4. Individuals increased their activity, spatial movement and feeding behaviour in response to either visual or chemical cues from conspecific predators, which was opposite to responses displayed with cues from heterospecific predators. Interestingly, the responses to visual and chemical cues from conspecifics combined were weaker than to either cue in isolation and similar to the no cue control.
5. The results clearly indicate that individuals are able to use chemical and visual cues to detect even very subtle differences in phenotype of conspecific predators.
6. The opposite response in behaviour when exposed to conspecific cannibals vs. heterospecific predators suggests that the presence of cannibals will increase the mortality risk of small individuals due to heterospecific predation. This risk-enhancement is likely to have important consequences for the dynamics of predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

Foraging herbivores face twin threats of predation and parasite infection, but the risk of predation has received much more attention. We evaluated, experimentally, the role of olfactory cues in predator and parasite risk assessment on the foraging behaviour of a population of marked, free-ranging, red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus). The wallabies adjusted their behaviour according to these olfactory cues. They foraged less, were more vigilant and spent less time at feeders placed in the vicinity of faeces from dogs that had consumed wallaby or kangaroo meat compared with that of dogs feeding on sheep, rabbit or possum meat. Wallabies also showed a species-specific faecal aversion by consuming less food from feeders contaminated with wallaby faeces compared with sympatric kangaroo faeces, whose gastrointestinal parasite fauna differs from that of the wallabies. Combining both parasite and predation cues in a single field experiment revealed that these risks had an additive effect, rather than the wallabies compromising their response to one risk at the expense of the other.  相似文献   

1. Modification of behaviours in the presence of predators or predation cues is widespread among animals. The costs of a behavioural change in the presence of predators or predation cues depend on fitness effects of lost feeding opportunities and, especially when organisms are sexually dimorphic in size or timing of maturation, these costs are expected to differ between the sexes. 2. Larval Aedes triseriatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae) were used to test the hypothesis that behavioural responses of the sexes to predation cues have been selected differently due to different energy demands. 3. Even in the absence of water‐borne predation cues, hungry females (the larger sex) spent more time browsing than did males, indicating a difference in energy needs. 4. In the presence of predation cues, well‐fed larvae of both sexes reduced their activity more than did hungry larvae, and males shifted away from high‐risk behaviours to a greater degree than did females, providing the first evidence of sex‐specific antipredator behaviour in foraging mosquito larvae. 5. Because sexual size dimorphism is common across taxa, and energetic demands are probably correlated with size dimorphism, this research demonstrates the importance of investigating sex‐specific behaviour and behavioural responses to enemies, and cautions against generalising results between sexes.  相似文献   

Aims It is generally accepted that visual displays and floral scent play important roles in communication between flowering plants and their pollinators. However, the relative role of visual and olfactory cues in pollinator attraction is largely unknown. In this study, we determined the roles of both types of cue in attracting pollinators to Cornus capitata, a medium sized tree with each capitulum surrounded by four large, white, petaloid bracts.Methods Pollinator observations and pollination experiments were conducted in a natural population; the inflorescences' visual and olfactory signals were characterized by spectral and chemical analyses; the responses of pollinators to visual and olfactory cues were tested using dual-choice behavioural bioassays; the relative roles of visual and olfactory cues in pollinator attraction were tested by comparing the responses of pollinators to inflorescences subjected to three experimental treatments (intact, all bracts removed, and capitulum removed) within the natural population.Important findings For fruit set, C. capitata is entirely dependent on pollinators, with a bee, Anthophora sp., being the main pollinator. Bracts present high colour distance and green contrast against the leaves. Twelve volatile compounds in the floral scent were detected, most of which have previously been reported to be attractive to a broad spectrum of bee species. Behavioural bioassays showed that both, visual cues alone and olfactory cues alone, are attractive to pollinating bees. However, visual cues alone attracted significantly more approaches than olfactory cues alone, while olfactory cues alone elicited a significantly higher landing percentage than visual cues alone. The finding suggests that, in the C. capitata – Anthophora sp. interaction, visual cues are mainly used for location from long distances, while olfactory cues mainly aid landing from short distances. Our results indicate that different modalities of floral cues should be considered together to understand fully the communication between flowering plant and pollinators.  相似文献   

The ability to accurately assess local predation risk is criticalto prey individuals, as it allows them to maximize threat-sensitivetrade-offs between predator avoidance and other fitness relatedactivities. A wide range of taxonomically diverse prey (includingmany freshwater fishes) relies on chemical alarm cues (alarmpheromones) as their primary information source for local riskassessment. However, the value of chemical alarm cues has beenquestioned due to the availability of additional sensory inputs(i.e., visual cues) and the lack of an overt antipredator responseunder conditions of low perceived risk. In this paper, we testthe hypothesis that chemical alarm cues at concentrations belowthe point at which they elicit an overt behavioral responsefunction to increase vigilance towards other sensory modalities(i.e., visual alarm cues). Shoals of glowlight tetras (Hemigrammuserythrozonus) exposed to the subthreshold concentration of hypoxanthine-3-N-oxide(the putative Ostariophysan alarm pheromone) did not exhibitan overt antipredator response in the absence of secondary visualcues (not different than the distilled water control). However,when exposed to the sight of a visually alarmed conspecific,they significantly increased the intensity of their antipredatorresponse (not different from shoals exposed to the suprathresholdalarm cue). This study demonstrates that prey may benefit fromresponding to low concentration alarm cues by increasing vigilancetowards secondary cues during local risk assessment, even inthe absence of an overt behavioral response. By increasing vigilancetowards secondary risk assessment cues in the presence of alow risk chemical cue, individuals are likely able to maximizethe threat-sensitive trade-offs between predator avoidance andother fitness related activities.  相似文献   

Chemical cues transmitted through the environment are thought to underlie many prey responses to predation risk, but despite the known ecological and evolutionary significance of such cues, their basic composition are poorly understood. Using anuran tadpoles (prey) and dragonfly larvae (predators), we identified chemical cues associated with predation risk via solid phase extraction and mass spectrometry of the extracts. We found that dragonfly larvae predators consistently produced a negative ion, m/z 501.3, when they fed on bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and mink frog (Rana septentrionalis) tadpoles, but this ion was absent when dragonflies were fasted or fed invertebrate prey. When tadpole behavioral responses to dragonfly chemical cues were examined, tadpoles reduced their activity, particularly in response to dragonflies feeding on tadpoles. Furthermore, a negative correlation was noted between the level of tadpole activity and the concentration of the m/z 501.3 compound in dragonfly feeding trials, indicating that this ion was possibly responsible for tadpole anti-predator behavior.  相似文献   

Blue crabs are cannibalistic, and therefore the scent of injured conspecifics represents both a potential food cue, as well as an indicator of predation risk. We examined the response of blue crabs to conspecific odor alone, as well as in mixtures of attractive cues to determine how animals evaluate and respond to this odor. We explicitly manipulated risk-sensitivity based on either animal size (an indicator of susceptibility to predation) or hunger state (susceptibility to starvation) as ways to evaluate theories of risk-allocation, which suggest that decreases in predation risk, or increases in the risk of starvation, ought to result in diminished responses to sensory cues that signal predator presence or activity. Large and small blue crabs were challenged to locate the source of odor plumes consisting of the scent of injured conspecifics (risk cue), attractive food odors (attractive cue), or their mixture (conflicting cue). Neither large nor small blue crabs tracked aversive cues, but large blue crabs consistently tracked conflicting treatments to their source. Responses to conflicting and aversive treatments also involved diminished movement and reduced tracking speed relative to behaviors displayed in attractive plumes. Thus, even cannibalistic crabs seem to respond more prevalently to the apparent predation risk then to food reward, and risk-sensitive behaviors have a likely cost in terms of reduced food intake. Starved animals were more likely than unstarved animals to track conflicting plumes. Both the ontogenic shift and the response of starved animals support the notion that the cost of risk-aversive behaviors results in this strategy being allocated in proportion to the degree of potential risk. Since risk-aversive responses to chemical cues can produce strong effects in communities, the size-dependent nature of these responses in blue crabs may introduce considerable complexity in interactions between blue crabs, their predators, and their prey.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that environmental conditions may affect whether fishes do or do not respond to the presence of chemical alarm cues in water. We present a simple model which suggests that the combination of risk of predation and information from other sources will determine when fishes should react to these chemical cues. We tested this model with a laboratory experiment which manipulated the risk of predation by altering the animals (hungry or well fed), or their environment (presence or absence of cover). We also altered the availability of visual information by manipulating the water clarity. Consistent with our model, fishes were most likely to react to chemical alarm cues in the absence of visual information and when the perceived risk of predation was high. The manipulation of either parameter was able to extinguish this response.  相似文献   

Sexual selection should favour females that can assess the functional fertility of available sexual partners and avoid mating with recently mated, sperm‐depleted males. Our current understanding of the sensory mechanism(s) underlying female assessment of males based on their functional fertility and avoidance of sperm‐depleted males is incomplete. Female Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are known to avoid mating with males that they had previously observed mating with other females. Here, we investigated experimentally the proximate sensory cues that they use to distinguish between paired size‐ and colour‐matched mated and unmated males in the absence of visual public information on their prior mating histories. When only water‐borne chemical cues from the males were available, females avoided the previously mated male and preferred the unmated one, but they chose randomly when only male visual cues (and no chemical cues) were available. They also preferred unmated over mated males when freely swimming with them in a more sensorially complex environment with multiple male cues (i.e., visual, chemical and mechanical cues) concurrently available. Females exhibited no preference for either stimulus males when both were unmated, irrespectively of the sensory environment. These novel results suggest that, in the absence of prior visual public information on the recent mating histories of males, female guppies use olfactory cues putatively emitted by mated males to avoid mating with them. The source and nature of the implicated olfactory cues and the fitness benefits gained by female guppies in sexually preferring males that have not recently mated remain unknown and warrant further research.  相似文献   

The present study explored, by experiments in aquaria, the modality of senses used by sepioid larvae (Euprymna scolopes) when searching for their species’ settlement habitat (Rangiroa, French Polynesia). Our results showed that E. scolopes larvae made active choices among the four habitats tested (living coral, dead coral, macroalgae and sand), and that their selective choice was influenced by presence or absence of conspecifics on the habitat. Sensory experiments showed that E. scolopes larvae differentiated between conspecifics and heterospecifics (and not between their preferred habitat versus the least preferred habitat) using both visual and olfactory cues. Overall, our results suggest species-specific cues may play a vital role in establishment spatial patterns at settlement.  相似文献   

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