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Aim  To develop an approach for assessing the spatial scale of centres of endemism among species level data.
Location Australia.
Methods  Endemism is inherently scale dependent. Therefore, the Corrected Weighted Endemism (CWE) index used by Crisp et al. [ J. Biogeogr. (2001)28:183] is extended to account for species samples in local neighbourhoods as a Spatial CWE index. This then allows an analysis of how the degree of endemism of a location (cell) changes with spatial scale. The quality of the Spatial CWE index results are assessed using three spatial randomizations at the species level with and without preserving species richness and distributional patterns. We show that CWE is equivalent to beta diversity and predict that it should show high rates of change around centres of endemism.
Results  Similar patterns to those found by Crisp et al. using a data set of vascular flora from Australia are retrieved, but the extent to which they are scale dependent is more easily identified. For example, the Central Australian centre discounted by Crisp et al. is identified when a three-cell radius neighbourhood is used. However, the level of endemism in this centre is no greater than in the margins of many of the coastal centres of endemism. Most of the identified centres of endemism are better than random at all scales and are increasingly so as the spatial scale increases. As predicted, the highest rate of change in Spatial CWE (beta diversity) is most often between zero- and one-cell radius neighbours in most centres of endemism.
Main conclusions  The explicit incorporation of geographical space in analyses allows for a greater understanding of the scale-dependence of phenomena, in this case endemism and beta diversity.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning at local and regional spatial scales   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Local niche complementarity among species (the partitioning of species based upon niche differentiation) is predicted to affect local ecosystem functioning positively. However, recent theory predicts that greater local diversity may hinder local ecosystem functioning when diversity is enhanced through source–sink dynamics. We suggest community assembly as a way to incorporate both the local and regional processes that determine biodiversity and its consequent effects on ecosystem functioning. From this, we propose a hump-shaped relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning at local scales, but a linear increase of functioning with diversity at regional scales due to regional complementarity.  相似文献   

Humans have elevated global extinction rates and thus lowered global scale species richness. However, there is no a priori reason to expect that losses of global species richness should always, or even often, trickle down to losses of species richness at regional and local scales, even though this relationship is often assumed. Here, we show that scale can modulate our estimates of species richness change through time in the face of anthropogenic pressures, but not in a unidirectional way. Instead, the magnitude of species richness change through time can increase, decrease, reverse, or be unimodal across spatial scales. Using several case studies, we show different forms of scale‐dependent richness change through time in the face of anthropogenic pressures. For example, Central American corals show a homogenization pattern, where small scale richness is largely unchanged through time, while larger scale richness change is highly negative. Alternatively, birds in North America showed a differentiation effect, where species richness was again largely unchanged through time at small scales, but was more positive at larger scales. Finally, we collated data from a heterogeneous set of studies of different taxa measured through time from sites ranging from small plots to entire continents, and found highly variable patterns that nevertheless imply complex scale‐dependence in several taxa. In summary, understanding how biodiversity is changing in the Anthropocene requires an explicit recognition of the influence of spatial scale, and we conclude with some recommendations for how to better incorporate scale into our estimates of change.  相似文献   

高寒草甸不同草地群落物种多样性与生产力关系研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
生态系统的结构和功能、生物多样性与生产力的关系问题是近年来群落生态学中研究的中心问题,其中,生态系统生产力水平是其功能的重要表现形式,用4种不同草地类型探讨自然群落的物种多样性与生产力关系.结果表明,矮嵩草草甸、小嵩草草甸和金露梅灌丛群落中物种多样性与生产力的关系呈线性增加关系,藏嵩草沼泽化草甸群落中线性增加关系不显著,这表明群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响.不同的环境资源和环境异质性是形成群落结构特征、物种多样性分布格局差异的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

Colonisation of pitcher plant leaves at several spatial scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The effect of meso-scale (zone within bog and local plant density) and fine-scale (leaf length and resource availability) factors on the colonisation of pitcher plant leaves by arthropods was examined in an eastern Canadian bog.
2. In spring, the abundances of three arthropods, the mosquito Wyeomyia smithii , the midge Metriocnemus knabi , and the mite Sarraceniopus gibsoni , were determined for plots with low, moderate, and high densities of pitcher plants. All overwintering inhabitants were then removed from the plots. Newly opening leaves were colonised from outside the plots, and arthropod abundances were assessed again in autumn.
3. Pitcher plant fauna varied in their response to the meso-scale factors. In autumn (soon after colonisation), midges were more abundant in areas with high densities of pitcher plants. The relationship between mosquito abundance and plant density, and the variation in abundance among zones within the bog in the spring, were probably due to overwintering mortality.
4. All taxa responded to the fine-scale factors, leaf length, and capture rate, in the autumn, but the strength of the responses frequently depended on a meso-scale factor (plant density), in which responses were usually strongest where plants were sparse. Thus, the interaction between meso- and fine-scale processes needs to be considered when interpreting patterns of species abundance within arthropod assemblages in pitcher plant leaves.  相似文献   

Determinants of avian species richness at different spatial scales   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
ABSTRACT. Studies of factors influencing avian biodiversity yield very different results depending on the spatial scale at which species richness is calculated. Ecological studies at small spatial scales (plot size 0.0025–0.4 km2) emphasize the importance of habitat diversity, whereas biogeographical studies at large spatial scales (quadrat size 400–50,000 km2) emphasize variables related to available energy such as temperature. In order to bridge the gap between those two approaches the bird atlas data set of Lake Constance was used to study factors determining avian species diversity at the intermediate spatial scales of landscapes (quadrat size 4–36 km2). At these spatial scales bird species richness was influenced by habitat diversity and not by variables related to available energy probably because, at the landscape scale, variation in available energy is small. Changing quadrat size between 4 and 36 km2, but keeping the geographical extension of the study constant resulted in profound changes in the degree to which the amount of different habitat types was correlated with species richness. This suggests that high species diversity is achieved by different management regimes depending on the spatial scale at which species richness is calculated. However, generally, avian species diversity seems to be determined by spatial heterogeneity at the corresponding spatial scale. Thus, protecting the diversity of landscapes and ecosystems appears to ensure also high levels of species diversity.  相似文献   

Variability in stream macroinvertebrates at multiple spatial scales   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. We intensively sampled 16 western Oregon streams to characterize: (1) the variability in macroinvertebrate assemblages at seven spatial scales; and (2) the change in taxon richness with increasing sampling effort. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) model calculated spatial variance components for taxon richness, total density, percent individuals of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT), percent dominance and Shannon diversity.
2. At the landscape level, ecoregion and among‐streams components dominated variance for most metrics, accounting for 43–72% of total variance. However, ecoregion accounted for very little variance in total density and 36% of the variance was attributable to differences between streams. For other metrics, variance components were more evenly divided between stream and ecoregion effects.
3. Within streams, approximately 70% of variance was associated with unstructured local spatial variation and not associated with habitat type or transect position. The remaining variance was typically split about evenly between habitat and transect. Sample position within a transect (left, centre or right) accounted for virtually none of the variance for any metric.
4. New taxa per stream increased rapidly with sampling effort with the first four to eight Surber samples (500–1000 individuals counted), then increased more gradually. After counting more than 50 samples, new taxa continued to be added in stream reaches that were 80 times as long as their mean wetted width. Thus taxon richness was highly dependent on sampling effort, and comparisons between sites or streams must be normalized for sampling effort.
5. Characterization of spatial variance structure is fundamental to designing sampling programmes where spatial comparisons range from local to regional scales. Differences in metric responses across spatial scales demonstrate the importance of designing sampling strategies and analyses capable of discerning differences at the scale of interest.  相似文献   

空间尺度是影响我们理解生态学格局和过程的关键因素.目前已有多种关于物种多样性分布格局形成机制的假说且研究者未达成共识,原因之一是空间尺度对物种多样性分布格局的环境影响因子的解释力和相对重要性有重要影响.地形异质性是物种多样性分布格局的重要影响因素.本文综述了在地形异质性-物种多样性关系的研究中,不同空间粒度和幅度对研究...  相似文献   

Switzerland's governmental ‘Biodiversity Monitoring’ program is designed to produce factual information on the dynamics of biodiversity within the country for governmental agencies, politicians, and the general public. Monitoring a complex issue like biodiversity in order to give relevant and accurate messages to the general public and politicians within a politically relevant timescale and at moderate cost means focusing on few elements. Because relevant human impacts on biodiversity operate differently at different spatial scales, we need at least three different indicators to observe changes over time in local (‘within‐habitat’), landscape (‘habitat‐mosaic’), and macro‐scale (‘regional’) diversity. To keep things as simple as possible, we use species richness as an indicator for all three levels of diversity, just defining three different spatial scales (10 m2, 1 km2, regions, respectively). Each indicator is based on a number of taxonomic groups which have been selected mainly on the basis of costs and the availability of appropriate methods.  相似文献   

Global patterns of plant diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Using 94 data sets from across the globe, we explored patterns of mean community species richness, landscape species richness, mean similarity among communities and mosaic diversity. Climate affected community species richness primarily through productivity while other climatic factors were secondary. Climatic equability affected species richness only in temperate regions where richness was greatest at high levels of temperature variability and low levels of precipitation variability. Landscape species richness correlated positively with community species richness. A global gradient in mean similarity existed but was uncorrelated with community species richness. Mean similarity was least and mosaic diversity was greatest between 25 and 30° latitude. The most diverse landscapes (low mean similarity) correlated with warm temperatures, high elevations, large areas and large seasonal temperature fluctuations. The most complex landscapes (high mosaic diversity) correlated with large areas, high productivity and warm winters. We compared diversity measures among continents and found only one significant difference: Australian landscapes have greater mosaic diversity than African landscapes. Based on our analyses we propose two hypotheses: (1) for plants, biotic interactions are more important in structuring landscapes in warmer climates and (2) longer isolated landscapes have more clearly differentiated ecological subunits.  相似文献   

Species distribution models are often used to study the biodiversity of ecosystems. The modelling process uses a number of parameters to predict others, such as the occurrence of determinate species, population size, habitat suitability or biodiversity. It is well known that the heterogeneity of landscapes can lead to changes in species’ abundance and biodiversity. However, landscape metrics depend on maps and spatial scales when it comes to undertaking a GIS analysis.We explored the goodness of fit of several models using the metrics of landscape heterogeneity and altitude as predictors of bird diversity in different landscapes and spatial scales. Two variables were used to describe biodiversity: bird richness and trophic level diversity, both of which were obtained from a breeding bird survey by means of point counts. The relationships between biodiversity and landscape metrics were compared using multiple linear regressions. All of the analyses were repeated for 14 different spatial scales and for cultivated, forest and grassland environments to determine the optimal spatial scale for each landscape typology.Our results revealed that the relationships between species’ richness and landscape heterogeneity using 1:10,000 land cover maps were strongest when working on a spatial scale up to a radius of 125–250 m around the sampled point (circa 4.9–19.6 ha). Furthermore, the correlation between measures of landscape heterogeneity and bird diversity was greater in grasslands than in cultivated or forested areas. The multi-spatial scale approach is useful for (a) assessing the accuracy of surrogates of bird diversity in different landscapes and (b) optimizing spatial model procedures for biodiversity mapping, mainly over extensive areas.  相似文献   

The increasing urbanization process is hypothesized to drastically alter (semi‐)natural environments with a concomitant major decline in species abundance and diversity. Yet, studies on this effect of urbanization, and the spatial scale at which it acts, are at present inconclusive due to the large heterogeneity in taxonomic groups and spatial scales at which this relationship has been investigated among studies. Comprehensive studies analysing this relationship across multiple animal groups and at multiple spatial scales are rare, hampering the assessment of how biodiversity generally responds to urbanization. We studied aquatic (cladocerans), limno‐terrestrial (bdelloid rotifers) and terrestrial (butterflies, ground beetles, ground‐ and web spiders, macro‐moths, orthopterans and snails) invertebrate groups using a hierarchical spatial design, wherein three local‐scale (200 m × 200 m) urbanization levels were repeatedly sampled across three landscape‐scale (3 km × 3 km) urbanization levels. We tested for local and landscape urbanization effects on abundance and species richness of each group, whereby total richness was partitioned into the average richness of local communities and the richness due to variation among local communities. Abundances of the terrestrial active dispersers declined in response to local urbanization, with reductions up to 85% for butterflies, while passive dispersers did not show any clear trend. Species richness also declined with increasing levels of urbanization, but responses were highly heterogeneous among the different groups with respect to the richness component and the spatial scale at which urbanization impacts richness. Depending on the group, species richness declined due to biotic homogenization and/or local species loss. This resulted in an overall decrease in total richness across groups in urban areas. These results provide strong support to the general negative impact of urbanization on abundance and species richness within habitat patches and highlight the importance of considering multiple spatial scales and taxa to assess the impacts of urbanization on biodiversity.  相似文献   

阿拉善左旗植物物种多样性空间分布特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
通过对内蒙古自治区阿拉善左旗的植被样方调查,研究干旱荒漠地区植物群落物种多样性的梯度变化和空间分布特征。通过对样方数据的群落生活型构成、物种丰富度、α多样性、β多样性分析,结合CCA排序和地统计方法,结果表明:(1)在该区域植物物种的α多样性和β多样性均起伏较大。(2)草本植物的丰富度由西向东呈增高趋势,而灌木的丰富度则呈降低趋势;随纬度的增加,草本植物丰富度呈现下降趋势,而灌木丰富度则显现出上升趋势。但是,38°~39.2°N之间出现了一个灌木和草本物种丰富度都相对比较低的异常区域。(3)α多样性与经度正相关,但与纬度存在负相关关系。β多样性显示,随着经度的增加,自西向东样方问物种构成的相似性降低,物种替代速率升高。随着纬度的增加,群落组成呈现逐渐单一化的趋势。(4)Shannon—Wiener指数和Shimpson指数的CO/(CO+Cl)都在0.25—0.75之间,α多样性为中等空间相关性。CCA分析的结果表明,地理因素对于物种多样性有显著的影响,而且经度的影响大于海拔的影响。研究阿拉善左旗荒漠区植物物种多样性的梯度变化和空间分布特征,为认识和保护荒漠地区生物多样性资源提供了理论依据和实践基础。  相似文献   

1. Using species distribution data from 111 aquifers distributed in nine European regions, we examined the pairwise relationships between local species richness (LSR), dissimilarity in species composition among localities, and regional species richness (RSR). In addition, we quantified the relative contribution of three nested spatial units – aquifers, catchments and regions – to the overall richness of groundwater crustaceans.
2. The average number of species in karst and porous aquifers (LSR) varied significantly among regions and was dependent upon the richness of the regional species pool (RSR). LSR–RSR relationships differed between habitats: species richness in karstic local communities increased linearly with richness of the surrounding region, whereas that of porous local communities levelled off beyond a certain value of RSR.
3. Dissimilarity in species composition among aquifers of a region increased significantly with increasing regional richness because of stronger habitat specialisation and a decrease in the geographic range of species among karst aquifers. Species turnover among karst aquifers was positively related to RSR, whereas this relationship was not significant for porous aquifers.
4. The contribution of a given spatial unit to total richness increased as size of the spatial unit increased, although 72% of the overall richness was attributed to among-region diversity. Differences in community composition between similar habitats in different regions were typically more pronounced than between nearby communities from different habitats.
5. We conclude by calling for biodiversity assessment methods and conservation strategies that explicitly integrate the importance of turnover in community composition and habitat dissimilarity at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

There have been several attempts to build a unified framework for macroecological patterns. However, these have mostly been based either on questionable assumptions or have had to be parameterized to obtain realistic predictions. Here, we propose a new model explicitly considering patterns of aggregated species distributions on multiple spatial scales, the property which lies behind all spatial macroecological patterns, using the idea we term 'generalized fractals'. Species' spatial distributions were modelled by a random hierarchical process in which the original 'habitat' patches were randomly replaced by sets of smaller patches nested within them, and the statistical properties of modelled species assemblages were compared with macroecological patterns in observed bird data. Without parameterization based on observed patterns, this simple model predicts realistic patterns of species abundance, distribution and diversity, including fractal-like spatial distributions, the frequency distribution of species occupancies/abundances and the species–area relationship. Although observed macroecological patterns may differ in some quantitative properties, our concept of random hierarchical aggregation can be considered as an appropriate null model of fundamental macroecological patterns which can potentially be modified to accommodate ecologically important variables.  相似文献   



The palm family occurs in all tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Palms are of high ecological and economical importance, and display complex spatial patterns of species distributions and diversity.


This review summarizes empirical evidence for factors that determine palm species distributions, community composition and species richness such as the abiotic environment (climate, soil chemistry, hydrology and topography), the biotic environment (vegetation structure and species interactions) and dispersal. The importance of contemporary vs. historical impacts of these factors and the scale at which they function is discussed. Finally a hierarchical scale framework is developed to guide predictor selection for future studies.


Determinants of palm distributions, composition and richness vary with spatial scale. For species distributions, climate appears to be important at landscape and broader scales, soil, topography and vegetation at landscape and local scales, hydrology at local scales, and dispersal at all scales. For community composition, soil appears important at regional and finer scales, hydrology, topography and vegetation at landscape and local scales, and dispersal again at all scales. For species richness, climate and dispersal appear to be important at continental to global scales, soil at landscape and broader scales, and topography at landscape and finer scales. Some scale–predictor combinations have not been studied or deserve further attention, e.g. climate on regional to finer scales, and hydrology and topography on landscape and broader scales. The importance of biotic interactions – apart from general vegetation structure effects – for the geographic ecology of palms is generally underexplored. Future studies should target scale–predictor combinations and geographic domains not studied yet. To avoid biased inference, one should ideally include at least all predictors previously found important at the spatial scale of investigation.  相似文献   

1. Additive partitioning of three measures of diversity (species richness, Shannon's diversity index H and Simpson's diversity D) was used to study the relationship between local and regional diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities of boreal lakes (littoral habitats) and streams (riffle habitats) across three spatial scales (sampling sites, ecoregions and biogeographic regions). 2. Alpha (α) and beta (β) diversity are defined as within‐habitat and between‐habitat diversity, respectively. According to the concept of additive partitioning, diversity can be partitioned across multiple spatial scales such that the total (γ) diversity on one spatial scale becomes within‐habitat (α) diversity at the next higher scale. Hence, the total diversity at one scale is determined by the α diversity and the between‐habitat diversity (β) at the next lower scale. Consequently, one of the advantages of additive partitioning is that it is possible to study simultaneously β diversity and the regional‐local species relationship and the scale dependence of α and β components. 3. For both lakes and streams α diversity was low for sites and ecoregions, whereas β diversity was high, indicating that among‐site factors are important in describing the variability among the lakes and streams studied here. 4. Weak, albeit significant, evidence was found for regional and local species saturation patterns. Multiple stepwise regression indicated that local processes might be more important in structuring lake‐littoral and stream‐riffle species assemblages than regional processes. From these results we conclude that environmental heterogeneity may act as an important factor contributing to species coexistence, resulting in the observed saturation patterns. 5. Our study supports the use of additive partitioning for identifying specific patterns of macroinvertebrate diversity on multiple spatial scales and the underlying processes generating these patterns. This information is needed to improve understanding of the relation between patterns and processes affecting (decreasing) trends in aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Global biodiversity is affected by numerous environmental drivers. Yet, the extent to which global environmental changes contribute to changes in local diversity is poorly understood. We investigated biodiversity changes in a meta‐analysis of 39 resurvey studies in European temperate forests (3988 vegetation records in total, 17–75 years between the two surveys) by assessing the importance of (i) coarse‐resolution (i.e., among sites) vs. fine‐resolution (i.e., within sites) environmental differences and (ii) changing environmental conditions between surveys. Our results clarify the mechanisms underlying the direction and magnitude of local‐scale biodiversity changes. While not detecting any net local diversity loss, we observed considerable among‐site variation, partly explained by temporal changes in light availability (a local driver) and density of large herbivores (a regional driver). Furthermore, strong evidence was found that presurvey levels of nitrogen deposition determined subsequent diversity changes. We conclude that models forecasting future biodiversity changes should consider coarse‐resolution environmental changes, account for differences in baseline environmental conditions and for local changes in fine‐resolution environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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