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Specialized DNA polymerases are required in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells for bypassing sites of template DNA damage that arrest high-fidelity DNA replication. Recent studies in the literature provide hints of the complexity of DNA switching between polymerases for translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and those for normal DNA replication.  相似文献   

Replication of damaged DNA (translesion synthesis, TLS) is realized by specialized DNA polymerases. Additional protein factors such as replication protein A (RPA) play important roles in this process. However, details of the interaction are unknown. Here we analyzed the influence of the hRPA and its mutant hABCD lacking domains responsible for protein-protein interactions on ability of DNA polymerase lambda to catalyze TLS. The primer-template structures containing varying parts of extended strand (16 and 37 nt) were used as model systems imitating DNA intermediate of first stage of TLS. The 8-oxoguanine disposed in +1 position of the template strand in relation to 3 -end of primer was exploited as damage. It was shown that RPA stimulated TLS DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase lambda in its globular but not in extended conformation. Moreover, this effect is dependent on the presence of p70N and p32C domains in RPA molecule.  相似文献   

Brown JA  Pack LR  Sanman LE  Suo Z 《DNA Repair》2011,10(1):24-33
The base excision repair (BER) pathway coordinates the replacement of 1-10 nucleotides at sites of single-base lesions. This process generates DNA substrates with various gap sizes which can alter the catalytic efficiency and fidelity of a DNA polymerase during gap-filling DNA synthesis. Here, we quantitatively determined the substrate specificity and base substitution fidelity of human DNA polymerase λ (Pol λ), an enzyme proposed to support the known BER DNA polymerase β (Pol β), as it filled 1-10-nucleotide gaps at 1-nucleotide intervals. Pol λ incorporated a correct nucleotide with relatively high efficiency until the gap size exceeded 9 nucleotides. Unlike Pol λ, Pol β did not have an absolute threshold on gap size as the catalytic efficiency for a correct dNTP gradually decreased as the gap size increased from 2 to 10 nucleotides and then recovered for non-gapped DNA. Surprisingly, an increase in gap size resulted in lower polymerase fidelity for Pol λ, and this downregulation of fidelity was controlled by its non-enzymatic N-terminal domains. Overall, Pol λ was up to 160-fold more error-prone than Pol β, thereby suggesting Pol λ would be more mutagenic during long gap-filling DNA synthesis. In addition, dCTP was the preferred misincorporation for Pol λ and its N-terminal domain truncation mutants. This nucleotide preference was shown to be dependent upon the identity of the adjacent 5'-template base. Our results suggested that both Pol λ and Pol β would catalyze nucleotide incorporation with the highest combination of efficiency and accuracy when the DNA substrate contains a single-nucleotide gap. Thus, Pol λ, like Pol β, is better suited to catalyze gap-filling DNA synthesis during short-patch BER in vivo, although, Pol λ may play a role in long-patch BER.  相似文献   

This report examines the molecular mechanism by which high-fidelity DNA polymerases select nucleotides during the replication of an abasic site, a non-instructional DNA lesion. This was accomplished by synthesizing several unique 5-substituted indolyl 2'-deoxyribose triphosphates and defining their kinetic parameters for incorporation opposite an abasic site to interrogate the contributions of π-electron density and solvation energies. In general, the K(d, app) values for hydrophobic non-natural nucleotides are ~10-fold lower than those measured for isosteric hydrophilic analogs. In addition, k(pol) values for nucleotides that contain less π-electron densities are slower than isosteric analogs possessing higher degrees of π-electron density. The differences in kinetic parameters were used to quantify the energetic contributions of desolvation and π-electron density on nucleotide binding and polymerization rate constant. We demonstrate that analogs lacking hydrogen-bonding capabilities act as chain terminators of translesion DNA replication while analogs with hydrogen bonding functional groups are extended when paired opposite an abasic site. Collectively, the data indicate that the efficiency of nucleotide incorporation opposite an abasic site is controlled by energies associated with nucleobase desolvation and π-electron stacking interactions whereas elongation beyond the lesion is achieved through a combination of base-stacking and hydrogen-bonding interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract In species where parents may commit infanticide, temporal kin recognition can help ensure parents kill unrelated young but care for their own offspring. This is not true recognition, but rather depends on accurate timing of the arrival of young and a behavioural switch from killing to caring for offspring. Mistakes have clear fitness consequences; how do species that use temporal kin recognition ensure accurate timing? We manipulated photic cues and show that the switch from infanticide to parental care in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides depends on day‐length inputs. Extending the light period after carcass discovery influenced timing of both oviposition and the cessation of infanticide. Manipulation of the light : dark cycle after oviposition also influenced timing of the switch to parental care. The timing mechanism is therefore sensitive to photic cues and access to a carcass and is not triggered by oviposition. The behavioural switch is directly related to the timing mechanism rather than changes in reproductive physiology. Given the conserved nature and extensive homology of genetic influences on biological timing, we speculate that the molecular mechanisms regulating circadian behaviour may have been co‐opted to allow beetles to determine how much time has passed after carcass discovery even though this is over 50 h.  相似文献   

This review describes the properties of some specialized DNA polymerases participating in translesion synthesis of DNA. Special attention is given to these properties in vivo. DNA polymerase iota (Polι) of mammals has very unusual features and is extremely error-prone. Based on available data, a hypothesis is proposed explaining how mammalian cells can explore the unusual features of DNA Polι to bypass DNA damages and to simultaneously prevent its mutagenic potential.  相似文献   

The dinB-encoded DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) belongs to the recently identified Y-family of DNA polymerases. Like other members of this family, Pol IV is involved in translesion synthesis and mutagenesis. Here, we show that the C-terminal five amino acids of Pol IV are essential in targeting it to the β-clamp, the processivity factor of the replicative DNA polymerase (Pol III) of Escherichia coli. In vivo, the disruption of this interaction obliterates the function of Pol IV in both spontaneous and induced mutagenesis. These results point to the pivotal role of the processivity clamp during DNA polymerase trafficking in the vicinity of damaged-template DNA.  相似文献   

Cells have evolved mutagenic bypass mechanisms that prevent stalling of the replication machinery at DNA lesions. This process, translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), involves switching from high-fidelity DNA polymerases to specialized DNA polymerases that replicate through a variety of DNA lesions. In eukaryotes, polymerase switching during TLS is regulated by the DNA damage-triggered monoubiquitylation of PCNA. How the switch operates is unknown, but all TLS polymerases of the so-called Y-family possess PCNA and ubiquitin-binding domains that are important for their function. To gain insight into the structural mechanisms underlying the regulation of TLS by ubiquitylation, we have probed the interaction of ubiquitin with a conserved ubiquitin-binding motif (UBM2) of Y-family polymerase Polι. Using NMR spectroscopy, we have determined the structure of a complex of human Polι UBM2 and ubiquitin, revealing a novel ubiquitin recognition fold consisting of two α-helices separated by a central trans-proline residue conserved in all UBMs. We show that, different from the majority of ubiquitin complexes characterized to date, ubiquitin residue Ile44 only plays a modest role in the association of ubiquitin with Polι UBM2. Instead, binding of UBM2 is centered on the recognition of Leu8 in ubiquitin, which is essential for the interaction.  相似文献   

Kaiser D 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(21):R777-R780
Forceful retraction of a bacterial pilus has been directly observed for the first time. As retraction clarifies the basic mechanochemistry of single cell twitching and gliding movements, so cell-to-cell signalling by contact clarifies the coordination of multicellular gliding movements.  相似文献   

Life as we know it, simply would not exist without DNA replication. All living organisms utilize a complex machinery to duplicate their genomes and the central role in this machinery belongs to replicative DNA polymerases, enzymes that are specifically designed to copy DNA. Hassle-free DNA duplication exists only in an ideal world, while in real life, it is constantly threatened by a myriad of diverse challenges. Among the most pressing obstacles that replicative polymerases often cannot overcome by themselves are lesions that distort the structure of DNA. Despite elaborate systems that cells utilize to cleanse their genomes of damaged DNA, repair is often incomplete. The persistence of DNA lesions obstructing the cellular replicases can have deleterious consequences. One of the mechanisms allowing cells to complete replication is Translesion DNA Synthesis (TLS)”. TLS is intrinsically error-prone, but apparently, the potential downside of increased mutagenesis is a healthier outcome for the cell than incomplete replication. Although most of the currently identified eukaryotic DNA polymerases have been implicated in TLS, the best characterized are those belonging to the Y-family of DNA polymerases (pols η, ι, κ and Rev1), which are thought to play major roles in the TLS of persisting DNA lesions in coordination with the B-family polymerase, pol ζ. In this review, we summarize the unique features of these DNA polymerases by mainly focusing on their biochemical and structural characteristics, as well as potential protein–protein interactions with other critical factors affecting TLS regulation.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach to modeling grazing systems that links foraging characteristics (intake and digestive constraints) with resource dynamics via the probability of encounter with different grass heights. Three complementary models are presented: the generation of a grass height structure through selective grazing; investigating the conditions for consumer coexistence; and, using a simplified resource structure, the consequences for consumer abundance. The main finding is that coexistence between grazers differing in body size is possible if a single-resource type becomes differentiated in its height structure. Large grazers can facilitate food availability for smaller species but with the latter being competitively dominant. The relative preference given to different resource partitions is important in determining the nature of population interactions. Large-body and small-body grazer populations can interact through competitive, parasitic, commensalist, or amensalist relationships, depending on the way they partition the resource as well as their relative populations and the dynamics of resource renewal. The models provide new concepts of multispecies carrying capacity (stock equilibrium) in grazed systems with implications for conservation and management. We conclude that consumer species are not substitutable; therefore, the use of rangeland management concepts such as "livestock units" may be inappropriate.  相似文献   

The intolerance of DNA polymerase δ (Polδ) to incorrect base pairing contributes to its extremely high accuracy during replication, but is believed to inhibit translesion synthesis (TLS). However, chicken DT40 cells lacking the POLD3 subunit of Polδ are deficient in TLS. Previous genetic and biochemical analysis showed that POLD3 may promote lesion bypass by Polδ itself independently of the translesion polymerase Polζ of which POLD3 is also a subunit. To test this hypothesis, we have inactivated Polδ proofreading in pold3 cells. This significantly restored TLS in pold3 mutants, enhancing dA incorporation opposite abasic sites. Purified proofreading-deficient human Polδ holoenzyme performs TLS of abasic sites in vitro much more efficiently than the wild type enzyme, with over 90% of TLS events resulting in dA incorporation. Furthermore, proofreading deficiency enhances the capability of Polδ to continue DNA synthesis over UV lesions both in vivo and in vitro. These data support Polδ contributing to TLS in vivo and suggest that the mutagenesis resulting from loss of Polδ proofreading activity may in part be explained by enhanced lesion bypass.  相似文献   

Translesion synthesis (TLS), the process by which DNA polymerases replicate through DNA lesions, is the source of most DNA damage-induced mutations. Sometimes TLS is carried out by replicative polymerases that have evolved to synthesize DNA on non-damaged templates. Most of the time, however, TLS is carried out by specialized translesion polymerases that have evolved to synthesize DNA on damaged templates. TLS requires the mono-ubiquitylation of the replication accessory factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). PCNA and ubiquitin-modified PCNA (UbPCNA) stimulate TLS by replicative and translesion polymerases. Two mutant forms of PCNA, one with an E113G substitution and one with a G178S substitution, support normal cell growth but inhibit TLS thereby reducing mutagenesis in yeast. A re-examination of the structures of both mutant PCNA proteins revealed substantial disruptions of the subunit interface that forms the PCNA trimer. Both mutant proteins have reduced trimer stability with the G178S substitution causing a more severe defect. The mutant forms of PCNA and UbPCNA do not stimulate TLS of an abasic site by either replicative Pol δ or translesion Pol η. Normal replication by Pol η was also impacted, but normal replication by Pol δ was much less affected. These findings support a model in which reduced trimer stability causes these mutant PCNA proteins to occasionally undergo conformational changes that compromise their ability to stimulate TLS by both replicative and translesion polymerases.  相似文献   

While mechanobiological processes employ diverse mechanisms, at their heart are force-induced perturbations in the structure and dynamics of molecules capable of triggering subsequent events. Among the best characterized force-sensing systems are bacterial mechanosensitive channels. These channels reflect an intimate coupling of protein conformation with the mechanics of the surrounding membrane; the membrane serves as an adaptable sensor that responds to an input of applied force and converts it into an output signal, interpreted for the cell by mechanosensitive channels. The cell can exploit this information in a number of ways: ensuring cellular viability in the presence of osmotic stress and perhaps also serving as a signal transducer for membrane tension or other functions. This review focuses on the bacterial mechanosensitive channels of large (MscL) and small (MscS) conductance and their eukaryotic homologs, with an emphasis on the outstanding issues surrounding the function and mechanism of this fascinating class of molecules.  相似文献   

Confronting physiology: how do infected flies die?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fruit fly immunology is on the verge of an exciting new path. The fruit fly has served as a strong model for innate immune responses; the field is now expanding to use the fruit fly to study pathogenesis. We argue here that, to understand pathogenesis in the fly, we need to understand pathology - and to understand pathology, we need to confront physiology with molecular tools. When flies are infected with a pathogen, they get sick. We group the events following infection into three categories: innate immune responses (defence mechanisms by which the fly attempts to kill or neutralize the microbe, some of which can themselves cause harm to the fly); microbial virulence (mechanisms by which the microbe evades the immune response); and host pathology (physiologies adversely affected by either the immune response or microbial virulence). We divide this review into sections mirroring these categories. The molecular study of infection in the fruit fly has focused on the first category, has begun to explore the second, and has yet to tap the full potential of the fly regarding the third.  相似文献   

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