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RFLP variation in diploid and tetraploid alfalfa   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Summary Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a major forage crop throughout the world. Although alfalfa has many desirable traits, continued breeding is required to incorporate pest resistances and other traits. We conducted this study to determine the amount of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) variability present within and between diploid and tetraploid alfalfa populations, and whether or not this variability is sufficient for construction of an RFLP map. Diploid plants from M. sativa ssp. falcata, ssp. coerulea, and ssp. sativa and tetraploid spp. sativa cultivars Apollo, Florida 77, and Spredor 2 were included. A total of 19 cDNA clones was probed onto genomic Southern blots containing DNA digested by EcoRI, HindIII, or BamHI. Phylogenetic trees were produced, based on parsimony analysis of shared restriction fragments. Evidence for extensive gene duplication was found; most probes detected complex patterns of restriction fragments. Large amounts of variation are present within all diploid subspecies. M. sativa ssp. falcata plants formed clusters distinct from ssp. sativa or ssp. coerulea plants, which were not distinctly clustered. Some M. sativa ssp. falcata plants were more similar to the other groups than to other plants within ssp. falcata. Variation among tetraploid cultivars showed that Florida 77 and Apollo had more similarities than either showed with Spredor 2. All three cultivars showed large within-population variation, with Apollo being the most diverse and Spredor 2 the least. Based on these results, development of an RFLP map at the diploid level appears possible. Also, differentiation of cultivars, particularly ones of divergent origin, seems possible based on RFLP patterns.  相似文献   

Development of an RFLP map in diploid alfalfa   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
Summary We have developed a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage map in diploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to be used as a tool in alfalfa improvement programs. An F2 mapping population of 86 individuals was produced from a cross between a plant of the W2xiso population (M. sativa ssp. sativa) and a plant from USDA PI440501 (M. sativa ssp. coerulea). The current map contains 108 cDNA markers covering 467.5 centimorgans. The short length of the map is probably due to low recombination in this cross. Marker order may be maintained in other populations even though the distance between clones may change. About 50% of the mapped loci showed segregation distortion, mostly toward excess heterozygotes. This is circumstantial evidence supporting the maximum heterozygote theory which states that relative vigor is dependent on maximizing the number of loci with multiple alleles. The application of the map to tetraploid populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the genus Medicago, it is known that 2n gametes have been important in the evolution and breeding of cultivated alfalfa, which is a natural polysomic polyploid (2n=4x=32), however little is known on the frequency of male and female 2n gametes in diploid relatives of alfalfa. To obtain data on the frequency of 2n gametes, more than 12,000 2x–4x and 4x–2x crosses were made in 1982 at Madison (USA). Diploid parents in crosses were from four populations of M. coerulea, two of M. falcata and one diploid population of cultivated M. sativa which was derived by haploidy. The tetraploid seed parent in the crosses was a male-sterile M. sativa clone and vigorous tetraploid M. sativa plants were used as pollen parents. Each of 274 diploid plants was utilized both as male and as female. Of the 548 cross combinations, 266 crosses produced variable quantities of seeds which were sown in 1983 in a greenhouse at Perugia (Italy); the plants were subsequently space transplanted in the field in 1984. The identification of ploidy level of these genotypes was made on the basis of morphological characters, plant fertility, pollen stainability and chromosome counts.Of the 515 plants analyzed, the majority behaved as normal tetraploids indicating that many diploid plants produced 2n gametes. Diplogynous and diplandrous gamete production was not correlated with each other, which indicated a different genetic control of 2n sporogenesis in the 2 sexes. Only 4 F1 triploid plants confirmed the presence of a very effective triploid block in alfalfa. In consequence, bilateral sexual polyploidization is a more likely alternative for the origin of tetraploid alfalfa than triploid bridges. The present study showed that it is possible to efficiently identify genotypes able to produce high frequencies of 2n gametes within natural populations of diploids Medicago that are useful in alfalfa breeding.Part of this study was conducted at the Agronomy Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis, USA, while one of us (F. Veronesi) was in receipt of financial assistance provided by the National Research Council of Italy; part was conducted at Centro di Studio per il Miglioramento Genetico delie Piante Foraggere, C.N.R., Perugia, Italy. The paper was presented at the Eucarpia Fodder Crops Section Meeting, Svalöv, Sweden, 16–19th September 1985  相似文献   

Inheritance and mapping of 2n-egg production in diploid alfalfa.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The production of eggs with the sporophytic chromosome number (2n eggs) in diploid alfalfa (Medicago spp.) is mainly associated with the absence of cytokinesis after restitutional meiosis. The formation of 2n eggs through diplosporic apomeiosis has also been documented in a diploid mutant of M. sativa subsp. falcata (L.) Arcang. (2n = 2x = 16), named PG-F9. Molecular tagging of 2n-egg formation appears to be an essential step towards marker-assisted breeding and map-based cloning strategies aimed at investigating and manipulating reproductive mutants of the M. sativa complex. We made controlled crosses between PG-F9 and three wild type plants of M. sativa subsp. coerulea (Less.) Schm. (2n = 2x = 16) and then hand-pollinated the F1 progenies with tetraploid plants of M. sativa subsp. sativa L. (2n = 4x = 32). As a triploid embryo block prevents the formation of 3x progenies in alfalfa because of endosperm imbalance, and owing to the negligible selfing rate, seed set in 2x-4x crosses was used to discriminate the genetic capacity for 2n-egg production. F1 plants that exhibited null or very low seed sets were classified as normal egg producers and plants with high seed sets as 2n-egg producers. A bulked segregant analysis (BSA) with RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA), ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat), and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers was employed to identify a genetic linkage group related to the 2n-egg trait using one of the three F1 progenies. This approach enabled us to detect a paternal ISSR marker of 610 bp, generated by primer (CA)8-GC, located 9.8 cM from a putative gene (termed Tne1, two-n-eggs) that in its recessive form determines 2n eggs and a 30% recombination genomic window surrounding the target locus. Eight additional RAPD and AFLP markers, seven of maternal, and one of paternal origin, significantly co-segregated with the trait under investigation. The minimum number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling seed set in 2x-4x crosses was estimated by ANOVA and regression analysis. Four maternal and three paternal independent molecular markers significantly affected the trait. A paternal RAPD marker allele, mapped in the same linkage group of Tne1, explained 43% of the variation for seed set in 2x-4x crosses indicating the presence of a major QTL. A map of the PG-F9 chromosome regions carrying the minor genes that determine the expression level of 2n eggs was constructed using selected RAPD and AFLP markers. Two of these genes were linked to previously mapped RFLP loci belonging to groups 1 and 8. Molecular and genetic evidence support the involvement of at least five genes.  相似文献   

C S Echt  L A Erdahl  T J McCoy 《Génome》1992,35(1):84-87
Polymerase chain reaction was used, with single 10-mer primers of arbitrary sequence, to amplify random regions of genomic DNA from a diploid cultivated alfalfa backcross population. Segregation of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments was analysed to determine if RAPD markers are suitable for use as genetic markers. Of the 19 primers tested, 13 amplified a total of 37 polymorphic fragments, of which 28 (76%) segregated as dominant Mendelian traits. RAPD markers appear useful for the rapid development of genetic information in species like alfalfa where little information currently exists or is difficult to obtain.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) toxicity in acid soils is a major limitation to the production of alfalfa (Medicago sativa subsp. sativa L.) in the USA. Developing Al-tolerant alfalfa cultivars is one approach to overcome this constraint. Accessions of wild diploid alfalfa (M. sativa subsp. coerulea) have been found to be a source of useful genes for Al tolerance. Previously, two genomic regions associated with Al tolerance were identified in this diploid species using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and single marker analysis. This study was conducted to identify additional Al-tolerance quantitative trait loci (QTLs); to identify simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers that flank the previously identified QTLs; to map candidate genes associated with Al tolerance from other plant species; and to test for co-localization with mapped QTLs. A genetic linkage map was constructed using EST-SSR markers in a population of 130 BC1F1 plants derived from the cross between Al-sensitive and Al-tolerant genotypes. Three putative QTLs on linkage groups LG I, LG II and LG III, explaining 38, 16 and 27% of the phenotypic variation, respectively, were identified. Six candidate gene markers designed from Medicago truncatula ESTs that showed homology to known Al-tolerance genes identified in other plant species were placed on the QTL map. A marker designed from a candidate gene involved in malic acid release mapped near a marginally significant QTL (LOD 2.83) on LG I. The SSR markers flanking these QTLs will be useful for transferring them to cultivated alfalfa via marker-assisted selection and for pyramiding Al tolerance QTLs.  相似文献   


Key message

We attempted to identify genomic regions controlling forage yield and nutritive value in alfalfa. Several candidate genes and associated genetic markers were identified that could potentially be useful for alfalfa breeding to more efficiently develop improved cultivars.


Alfalfa is one of the most widely cultivated forage legumes worldwide and improving alfalfa forage yield and nutritive value is a major global breeding goal. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) provides cost-effective molecular marker genotyping for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Using more than 15,000 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) identified from GBS, we conducted a GWAS to investigate forage yield and nutritive value-related traits. We have detected a number of associations for all the traits evaluated and a number of associations detected were located on the Medicago truncatula genome. The SNP in a coding region of a cell wall biosynthesis gene was associated with several cell wall-related traits, and we suggest that it may be the causative polymorphism. Two other SNPs residing in meristematic development and early growth genes were found to associate with the total biomass yield. None of the SNPs associated with regrowth after harvest or with spring regrowth were mapped to the M. truncatula genome, possibly reflecting the fact that M. truncatula is an annual species related to alfalfa that typically has limited ability to regrow. The alleles we identify with the major impact on forage yield and nutritive value can be rapidly incorporated into our breeding program.

Summary The transmission rate of trisomy was determined for two primary trisomic types, triplo-1 and triplo-3, of the self-incompatible species Lycopersicum peruvianum. Chromosome counts in somatic metaphases of root-tip squashes from 112 progeny plants showed that 8 individuals (7.2 %) were trisomic and 104 (92.8%) were diploid. The average frequency of transmission approximated 2.6% in triplo-1 and 8.6% in triplo-3. Data are presented on the karyotype and the morphological features of the 8 trisomics detected in the progenies of triplo-1 and triplo-3 and the various factors affecting the transmission rate of trisomy are discussed.The transmission rate of trisomy was also determined for the trisomic plant 269 which displayed a complete deletion of the satellited part of chromosome 2 and was characterized by ovate fruits. Out of 18 progeny plants analysed, 8 (44.4%) were trisomic and 10 (55.6%) were diploid. Cytological and morphological analyses of the 8 trisomic individuals revealed that only two of them (11.1 %) resembled the parental trisomic. A number of diploid and trisomic progenies exhibited a partial or a complete deletion of the satellited segment of chromosome 2.This work has been supported by a contract between the European Communities and the CNEN. This publication is contribution n ° 484 from The Division Applicazioni delle Radiazioni del CNEN and contribution n ° 1482 from the Biology Radioprotection Medical Research programme of the Directorate General XII of the European communities  相似文献   

An improved genetic map of diploid (2n=2x=16) alfalfa has been developed by analyzing the inheritance of more than 800 genetic markers on the F2 population of 137 plant individuals. The F2 segregating population derived from a self-pollinated F1 hybrid individual of the cross Medicago sativa ssp. quasifalcata ×Medicago sativa ssp. coerulea. This mapping population was the same one which had been used for the construction of our previous alfalfa genetic map. The genetic analyses were performed by using maximum-likelihood equations and related computer programs. The improved genetic map of alfalfa in its present form contains 868 markers (four morphological, 12 isozyme, 26 seed protein, 216 RFLP, 608 RAPD and two specific PCR markers) in eight linkage groups. Of the markers 80 are known genes, including 2 previously cytologically localized genes, the rDNA and the β-tubulin loci. The genetic map covers 754 centimorgans (cM) with an average marker density of 0.8/cM. The correlation between the physical and genetic distances is about 1000–1300 kilobase pairs per centiMorgan. In this map, the linkage relationships of some markers on linkage groups 6, 7, and 8 are different from the previously published one. The cause of this discrepancy was that the genetic linkage of markers displaying distorted segregation (characterized by an overwhelming number of heterozygous individuals) had artificially linked genetic regions that turned out to be unlinked. To overcome the disadvantageous influence of the excess number of heterozygous genotypes on the recombination fractions, we used recently described maximum-likelihood formulas and colormapping, which allowed us to exclude the misleading linkages and to estimate the genetic distances more precisely. Received: 19 October 1998 / Accepted: 15 April 1999  相似文献   

Cultivated alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is an autotetraploid. However, all three existing alfalfa genetic maps resulted from crosses of diploid alfalfa. The current study was undertaken to evaluate the use of Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) DNA markers for mapping in diploid and tetraploid alfalfa. Ten SSR markers were incorporated into an existing F2 diploid alfalfa RFLP map and also mapped in an F2 tetraploid population. The tetraploid population had two to four alleles in each of the loci examined. The segregation of these alleles in the tetraploid mapping population generally was clear and easy to interpret. Because of the complexity of tetrasomic linkage analysis and a lack of computer software to accommodate it, linkage relationships at the tetraploid level were determined using a single-dose allele (SDA) analysis, where the presence or absence of each allele was scored independently of the other alleles at the same locus. The SDA diploid map was also constructed to compare mapping using SDA to the standard co-dominant method. Linkage groups were generally conserved among the tetraploid and the two diploid linkage maps, except for segments where severe segregation distortion was present. Segregation distortion, which was present in both tetraploid and diploid populations, probably resulted from inbreeding depression. The ease of analysis together with the abundance of SSR loci in the alfalfa genome indicated that SSR markers should be a useful tool for mapping tetraploid alfalfa. Received: 10 September 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

Megagametogenesis was studied in five diploid alfalfa mutants producing 4n pollen and 2n eggs, using a stain-clearing technique. All mutants produced embryo sacs with a variable number of supernumerary nuclei both at the early (bi- and tetra-nucleate) and at the late (eight-nucleate) stages of development. The presence of supernumerary nuclei is considered to be a consequence of the production of coenocytic megaspores. The production of 2n eggs was confirmed through cytological investigation by means of the diameter of the egg-cell nucleolus. The frequency of 2n eggs was lower than the frequency of binucleated macrospores as previously determined. This discrepancy may be due to environmental effects but also to the fact that binucleated macrospores may degenerate or may, after two mitotic divisions, give rise to eight-nucleated embryo sacs counted as normals.  相似文献   

Segregation distortion (SD) is often observed in plant populations; its presence can affect mapping and breeding applications. To investigate the prevalence of SD in diploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), we developed two unrelated segregating F1 populations and one F2 population. We genotyped all populations with SSR markers and assessed SD at each locus in each population. The three maps were syntenic and largely colinear with the Medicago truncatula genome sequence. We found genotypic SD for 24 and 34% of markers in the F1 populations and 68% of markers in the F2 population; distorted markers were identified on every linkage group. The smaller percentage of genotypic SD in the F1 populations could be because they were non-inbred and/or due to non-fully informative markers. For the F2 population, 60 of 90 mapped markers were distorted, and they clustered into eight segregation distortion regions (SDR). Most SDR identified in the F1 populations were also identified in the F2 population. Genotypic SD was primarily due to zygotic rather than allelic distortion, suggesting zygotic not gametic selection is the main cause of SD. On the F2 linkage map, distorted markers in all SDR except two showed heterozygote excess. The severe SD in the F2 population likely biased genetic distances among markers and possibly also marker ordering and could affect QTL mapping of agronomic traits. To reduce the effects of SD and non-fully informative markers, we suggest constructing linkage maps and conducting QTL mapping in advanced generation populations.  相似文献   

Summary Primary trisomics (2 n + 1 = 15), double trisomics (2 n + 1 + 1 = 16) and aneuploids with 24 to 30 chromosomes, as well as a diploid and tetraploids, were found in the progeny of a hypertriploid (2 n = 22) plant of perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L. Trisomics and double trisomics differed in their mean chromosome association, chiasma number and spike morphology. A few aneuploids and tetraploids had reciprocal translocations. The diploid, primary trisomics and tetraploids were more fertile than the double trisomics and aneuploids. Most trisomics and aneuploids were probably produced through female transmission. One double trisomic had a high univalent number, a low chiasma number and loose chromosome coiling. Both the extra chromosomes carried secondary constrictions. The gene for desynapsis might be located on one of these chromosomes.  相似文献   

Association mapping enables the detection of marker-trait associations in unstructured populations by taking advantage of historical linkage disequilibrium (LD) that exists between a marker and the true causative polymorphism of the trait phenotype. Our first objective was to understand the pattern of LD decay in the diploid alfalfa genome. We used 89 highly polymorphic SSR loci in 374 unimproved diploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes from 120 accessions to infer chromosome-wide patterns of LD. We also sequenced four lignin biosynthesis candidate genes (caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyltransferase (CCoAoMT), ferulate-5-hydroxylase (F5H), caffeic acid-O-methyltransferase (COMT), and phenylalanine amonialyase (PAL 1)) to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and infer within gene estimates of LD. As the second objective of this study, we conducted association mapping for cell wall components and agronomic traits using the SSR markers and SNPs from the four candidate genes. We found very little LD among SSR markers implying limited value for genomewide association studies. In contrast, within gene LD decayed within 300 bp below an r (2) of 0.2 in three of four candidate genes. We identified one SSR and two highly significant SNPs associated with biomass yield. Based on our results, focusing association mapping on candidate gene sequences will be necessary until a dense set of genome-wide markers is available for alfalfa.  相似文献   

Isogenic diploid and tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was studied with molecular markers to help understand why diploid performance and breeding behavior does not always predict that of tetraploids. In a previous study of partially heterozygous alfalfa genotypes, we detected a low correlation between yields of isogenic diploid (2x) and tetraploid (4x) single-cross progenies, and genetic distances were more highly correlated with yields of tetraploids than diploids. These differences may be related to the level of RFLP heterozygosity expected among progenies derived from heterozygous parents at the two ploidy levels. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationships among genetic distance, forage yield and heterozygosity in isogenic 2 x and 4 x alfalfa populations. Four diploid genotypes were chromosome doubled to produce corresponding isogenic autotetraploids, and these genotypes were mated in 4 × 4 diallels to produce 6 single-cross families at each ploidy level for field evaluation. Allele compositions of parents were determined at 33 RFLP loci by monitoring segregation of homologous restriction fragments among individuals within progenies, and these were used to estimate RFLP heterozygosity levels for all single-cross progenies at both ploidy levels. RFLP heterozygosity rankings were identical between progenies of isogenic diploid and tetraploid parents; but significant associations (P < 0.05) between estimated heterozygosity levels and forage yield were detected only at the tetraploid level. Since tetraploid families were nearly 25% more heterozygous than the corresponding diploid families, inconsistencies in the association between molecular marker diversity and forage yields of isogenic 2 x and 4 x single crosses may be due to recessive alleles that are expressed in diploids but masked in tetraploids. The gene action involved in heterosis may be the same at both ploidy levels; however, tetraploids benefit from greater complementary gene interactions than are possible for equivalent diploids. Present address: AgResearch Grasslands, New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand  相似文献   

Summary An attempt was carried out to produce trisomics of the wild tomato L. peruvianum, to define their essential features, and to detect relationships between trisomy and the expression of self-compatibility.Triploid-diploid crosses in L. peruvianum yielded nearly 40% aneuploids. Of these, 18% were single trisomics, and the rest had 2, 3 and 4 extra chromosomes. Almost all the trisomics occurred in crosses where the triploid was used as female parent. Vigour and fertility of trisomics were not much different from those of disomics, and morphologically they were very similar.The extra chromosome was identified in three self-compatible trisomic plants through somatic and pachytene chromosome morphology. One of these plants was trisomic for chromosome 1, while the other two were trisomic for chromosome 3. In these trisomics a positive correlation was found between chromosome length and trivalent formation, but no relationship between chromosome length and frequency of laggards was observed.A series of test-crosses revealed that the capacity of the trisomics to produce seed upon selfing always resulted from alterations of the incompatibility phenotype of the style and not from competitive interaction in the pollen. Progeny analyses showed that the self-compatibility features of the trisomics were not transmitted from one generation to the next. The implications of these findings are discussed.This work has been supported by a contract between the European Communities and the CNEN. This publication is contribution no. 1458 from the Biology Division of the European Communities and contribution no. 472 from the Divisione Applicazioni delle Radiazioni del CNEN.  相似文献   

Summary Primary trisomics of perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., were studied for meiotic behaviour, fertility, morphology and trisome transmission. Trisomics differed from each other in mean meiotic association, pollen fertility, seed set and morphology. The combined cytomorphological data suggested that the investigated trisomic plants included trisomes 2 to 7. No pollen transmission of trisomes was detected. Female transmission of trisomes ranged from 12% for tri 3 to 37% for tri 4 with a mean of 24% for the six trisomes. Trisome transmission was not related to either chromosome size or trivalent/univalent frequency, although the larger trisomes formed trivalents more frequently than the smaller trisomes.Part of M.Sc.Agr. Thesis, submitted by senior author to the National University of Ireland, Dublin  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to map the jumbo-pollen trait in diploid alfalfa. Homozygous recessive (jpjp) plants are characterized by the complete failure of post-meiotic cytokinesis during microsporogenesis resulting in 100% 4n-pollen formation. Three F1 segregating populations were produced and analyzed for pollen-grain production and the segregation of RFLP markers. The first cross combination did not segregate for the jumbo-pollen trait, but showed a clear segregation for multinucleate (bi-, tri- and tetra-nucleate)-microspore formation. Cytological analysis showed that few plants produced 100% normal (uninucleate) microspores, whereas most of them produced multinucleate microspores at a variable frequency (0–75%). Plants with multinucleate microspores always showed a prevalence of binucleated microspores, even though some plants showed a background presence of tri- and tetra-nucleate microspores. QTL analysis based on ANOVA I and Stepwise Multiple Regression identified three QTLs with a highly significant effect on multinucleate-microspore formation. Two cross combinations, subsequently executed, showed Mendelian segregation for the jumbo-pollen trait and were effective in locating the jp gene on linkage group 6 close to the Vg1G1b RFLP locus. Interestingly, this RFLP locus was also linked to one QTL for multinucleate-microspore formation. Genetic models are discussed concerning the presence in linkage group 6 of a cluster of genes involved in multinucleate-microspore formation together with possible relationships between the jp gene and the Vg1G1b QTL. Received: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 16 December 1999  相似文献   

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