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Replication of chromosomal DNA must be carried out to completion in order for a cell to proliferate. However, replication forks can stall during this process for a variety of reasons, including nucleoprotein ‘roadblocks’ and DNA lesions. In these circumstances the replisome copying the DNA may disengage from the chromosome to allow various repair processes to restore DNA integrity and enable replication to continue. Here, we report the in vivo stability of the replication fork when it encounters a nucleoprotein blockage in Escherichia coli. Using a site-specific and reversible protein block system in conjunction with the temperature sensitive DnaC helicase loader and DnaB replicative helicase, we monitored the disappearance of the Y-shaped DNA replication fork structures using neutral-neutral 2D agarose gels. We show the replication fork collapses within 5 min of encountering the roadblock. Therefore, the stalled replication fork does not pause at a block in a stable confirmation for an extended period of time as previously postulated.  相似文献   

Despite its evolutionarily conserved function in controlling DNA replication, the chromosomal binding sites of the budding yeast Rif1 protein are not well understood. Here, we analyse genome‐wide binding of budding yeast Rif1 by chromatin immunoprecipitation, during G1 phase and in S phase with replication progressing normally or blocked by hydroxyurea. Rif1 associates strongly with telomeres through interaction with Rap1. By comparing genomic binding of wild‐type Rif1 and truncated Rif1 lacking the Rap1‐interaction domain, we identify hundreds of Rap1‐dependent and Rap1‐independent chromosome interaction sites. Rif1 binds to centromeres, highly transcribed genes and replication origins in a Rap1‐independent manner, associating with both early and late‐initiating origins. Interestingly, Rif1 also binds around activated origins when replication progression is blocked by hydroxyurea, suggesting association with blocked forks. Using nascent DNA labelling and DNA combing techniques, we find that in cells treated with hydroxyurea, yeast Rif1 stabilises recently synthesised DNA. Our results indicate that, in addition to controlling DNA replication initiation, budding yeast Rif1 plays an ongoing role after initiation and controls events at blocked replication forks.  相似文献   

The accurate recovery of replication following DNA damage and repair is critical for the maintenance of genomic integrity. In Escherichia coli, the recovery of replication following UV-induced DNA damage is dependent upon several proteins in the recF pathway, including RecF, RecO, and RecR. Two other recF pathway proteins, the RecQ helicase and the RecJ exonuclease, have been shown to affect the sites and frequencies at which illegitimate rearrangements occur following UV-induced DNA damage, suggesting that they also may function during the recovery of replication. We show here that RecQ and RecJ process the nascent DNA at blocked replication forks prior to the resumption of DNA synthesis. The processing involves selective degradation of the nascent lagging DNA strand and it requires both RecQ and RecJ. We suggest that this processing may serve to lengthen the substrate that can be recognized and stabilized by the RecA protein at the replication fork, thereby helping to ensure the accurate recovery of replication after the obstructing lesion has been repaired. Received: 1 June 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

Wang LC  Stone S  Hoatlin ME  Gautier J 《DNA Repair》2008,7(12):1973-1981
Fanconi anemia (FA) is a recessive genetic disorder characterized by hypersensitivity to crosslinking agents that has been attributed to defects in DNA repair and/or replication. FANCD2 and the FA core complex bind to chromatin during DNA replication; however, the role of FA proteins during replication is unknown. Using Xenopus cell-free extracts, we show that FANCL depletion results in defective DNA replication restart following treatment with camptothecin, a drug that results in DSBs during DNA replication. This defect is more pronounced following treatment with mitomycin C, presumably because of an additional role of the FA pathway in DNA crosslink repair. Moreover, we show that chromatin binding of FA core complex proteins during DNA replication follows origin assembly and origin firing and is dependent on the binding of RPA to ssDNA while FANCD2 additionally requires ATR, consistent with FA proteins acting at replication forks. Together, our data suggest that FA proteins play a role in replication restart at collapsed replication forks.  相似文献   

Cox MM 《Mutation research》2002,510(1-2):107-120
When replication forks stall or collapse at sites of DNA damage, there are two avenues for fork rescue. Mutagenic translesion synthesis by a special class of DNA polymerases can move a fork past the damage, but can leave behind mutations. The alternative nonmutagenic pathways for fork repair involve cellular recombination systems. In bacteria, nonmutagenic repair of replication forks may occur as often as once per cell per generation, and is the favored path for fork restoration under normal growth conditions. Replication fork repair is almost certainly the major function of bacterial recombination systems, and was probably the impetus for the evolution of recombination systems. Increasingly, the nonmutagenic repair of replication forks is seen as a major function of eukaryotic recombination systems as well.  相似文献   

Inhibitor of growth 2 (ING2) is a candidate tumour suppressor gene the expression of which is frequently lost in tumours. Here, we identified a new function for ING2 in the control of DNA replication and in the maintenance of genome stability. Global replication rate was markedly reduced during normal S‐phase in small interfering RNA (siRNA) ING2 cells, as seen in a DNA fibre spreading experiment. Accordingly, we found that ING2 interacts with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and regulates its amount to the chromatin fraction, allowing normal replication progression and normal cell proliferation. Deregulation of DNA replication has been previously associated with genome instability. Hence, a high proportion of siRNA ING2 cells presented endoreduplication of their genome as well as an increased frequency of sister chromatid exchange. Thus, we propose for the first time that ING2 might function as a tumour suppressor gene by directly maintaining DNA integrity.  相似文献   

Recombination proteins and rescue of arrested replication forks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recombination proteins play crucial roles in the rescue of inactivated replication forks in Escherichia coli. The enzymes that catalyze the repair of DNA double-strand breaks by a classical strand-exchange reaction (RecBCD, RecA) act in two well-characterized fork repair pathways. They repair the DNA double-strand end made when a replication fork runs into a single-strand interruption. They reset the DNA double-strand end generated by replication fork reversal when a component of the replication machinery is inactivated. In addition, recombination proteins also act at replication forks in ways other than the classical strand-exchange reaction. For example, the RuvAB enzyme that catalyzes Holliday junction branch-migration during homologous recombination is also able to catalyze replication fork reversal in certain replication mutants, i.e. to convert certain blocked replication forks into Holliday junctions. Finally, some of the actions of recombination proteins after replication impairment are still unclear, as for example in UV-irradiated cells, where RecFOR and RecA catalyze gap repair but also participate, in a yet undefined way, in "replisome reactivation".  相似文献   

Branzei D  Foiani M 《DNA Repair》2007,6(7):994-1003
DNA replication is an essential process that occurs in all growing cells and needs to be tightly regulated in order to preserve genetic integrity. Eukaryotic cells have developed multiple mechanisms to ensure the fidelity of replication and to coordinate the progression of replication forks. Replication is often impeded by DNA damage or replication blocks, and the resulting stalled replication forks are sensed and protected by specialized surveillance mechanisms called checkpoints. The replication checkpoint plays an essential role in preventing the breakdown of stalled replication forks and the accumulation of DNA structures that enhance recombination and chromosomal rearrangements that ultimately lead to genomic instability and cancer development. In addition, the replication checkpoint is thought to assist and coordinate replication fork restart processes by controlling DNA repair pathways, regulating chromatin structure, promoting the recruitment of proteins to sites of damage, and controlling cell cycle progression. In this review we focus mainly on the results obtained in budding yeast to discuss on the multiple roles of checkpoints in maintaining fork integrity and on the enzymatic activities that cooperate with the checkpoint pathway to promote fork resumption and repair of DNA lesions thereby contributing to genome integrity.  相似文献   

Watts FZ 《DNA Repair》2006,5(3):399-403
Post-replication repair encompassses error-prone and error-free processes for bypassing lesions encountered during DNA replication. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proteins acting in the Rad6-dependent pathway are required to channel lesions into these pathways. Until recently there was little information as to how this channelling was regulated. However, several recent papers, and in particular from the Jentsch and Ulrich groups have provided striking insights into the role of modified forms of PCNA in these events [C. Hoege, B. Pfander, G.L. Moldovan, G. Pyrowolakis, S. Jentsch, RAD6-dependent DNA repair is linked to modification of PCNA by ubiquitin and SUMO, Nature 419 (2002) 135-141; P. Stelter, H.D. Ulrich, Control of spontaneous and damage-induced mutagenesis by SUMO and ubiquitin conjugation, Nature 425 (2003) 188-191; B. Pfander, G.L. Moldovan, M. Sacher, C. Hoege, S. Jentsch, SUMO-modified PCNA recruits Srs2 to prevent recombination during S phase, Nature 436 (2005) 428-433; E. Papouli, S. Chen, A.A. Davies, D. Huttner, L. Krejci, P. Sung, H.D. Ulrich, Crosstalk between SUMO and ubiquitin on PCNA is mediated by recruitment of the helicase Srs2p, Mol. Cell. 19 (2005) 123-133]. In particular they have shown that mono-ubiquitinated PCNA directs translesion synthesis via DNA polymerases with low stringency, and that polyubiquitinated PCNA is associated with error-free avoidance of lesions. Recent data have shown that the role of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) modification of PCNA is not an event that occurs merely in the absence of ubiquitination, rather it serves to recruit Srs2 to replication forks in order to inhibit recombination. The implications of these findings for post-replication repair in S. cerevisiae and other eukaryotes are discussed.  相似文献   

Recombination is essential for the recovery of stalled/collapsed replication forks and therefore for the maintenance of genomic stability. The situation becomes critical when the replication fork collides with an unrepaired single-strand break and converts it into a one-ended double-strand break. We show in fission yeast that a unique broken replication fork requires the homologous recombination (HR) enzymes for cell viability. Two structure-specific heterodimeric endonucleases participate in two different resolution pathways. Mus81/Eme1 is essential when the sister chromatid is used for repair; conversely, Swi9/Swi10 is essential when an ectopic sequence is used for repair. Consequently, the utilization of these two HR modes of resolution mainly relies on the ratio of unique and repeated sequences present in various eukaryotic genomes. We also provide molecular evidence for sister recombination intermediates. These findings demonstrate that Mus81/Eme1 is the dedicated endonuclease that resolves sister chromatid recombination intermediates during the repair of broken replication forks.  相似文献   

Diverse functions, including DNA replication, recombination and repair, occur during S phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle. It has been proposed that p53 and BLM help regulate these functions. We show that p53 and BLM accumulated after hydroxyurea (HU) treatment, and physically associated and co-localized with each other and with RAD51 at sites of stalled DNA replication forks. HU-induced relocalization of BLM to RAD51 foci was p53 independent. However, BLM was required for efficient localization of either wild-type or mutated (Ser15Ala) p53 to these foci and for physical association of p53 with RAD51. Loss of BLM and p53 function synergistically enhanced homologous recombination frequency, indicating that they mediated the process by complementary pathways. Loss of p53 further enhanced the rate of spontaneous sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in Bloom syndrome (BS) cells, but not in their BLM-corrected counterpart, indicating that involvement of p53 in regulating spontaneous SCE is BLM dependent. These results indicate that p53 and BLM functionally interact during resolution of stalled DNA replication forks and provide insight into the mechanism of genomic fidelity maintenance by these nuclear proteins.  相似文献   

Replication forks often stall or collapse when they encounter a DNA lesion. Fork regression is part of several major paths to the repair of stalled forks, allowing nonmutagenic bypass of the lesion. We have shown previously that Escherichia coli RecA protein can promote extensive regression of a forked DNA substrate that mimics a possible structure of a replication fork stalled at a leading strand lesion. Using electron microscopy and gel electrophoresis, we demonstrate that another protein, E. coli RecG helicase, promotes extensive fork regression in the same system. The RecG-catalyzed fork regression is very efficient and faster than the RecA-promoted reaction (up to 240 bp s(-1)), despite very limited processivity of the RecG protein. The reaction is dependent upon ATP hydrolysis and is stimulated by single-stranded binding protein. The RecA- and RecG-promoted reactions are not synergistic. In fact, RecG functions poorly under the conditions optimal for the RecA reaction, and vice versa. When both RecA and RecG proteins are incubated with the DNA substrate, high RecG concentrations inhibit the RecA protein-promoted fork regression. The very different reaction profiles may reflect a situational application of these proteins to the rescue of stalled replication forks in vivo.  相似文献   

Fanconi anaemia (FA) and Bloom syndrome (BS) are autosomal recessive diseases characterised by chromosome fragility and cancer proneness. Here, we report that BLM and the FA pathway are activated in response to both crosslinked DNA and replication fork stall. We provide evidence that BLM and FANCD2 colocalise and co-immunoprecipitate following treatment with either DNA crosslinkers or agents inducing replication arrest. We also find that the FA core complex is necessary for BLM phosphorylation and assembly in nuclear foci in response to crosslinked DNA. Moreover, we show that knock-down of the MRE11 complex, whose function is also under the control of the FA core complex, enhances cellular and chromosomal sensitivity to DNA interstrand crosslinks in BS cells. These findings suggest the existence of a functional link between BLM and the FA pathway and that BLM and the MRE11 complex are in two separated branches of a pathway resulting in S-phase checkpoint activation, chromosome integrity and cell survival in response to crosslinked DNA.  相似文献   

If replication forks are perturbed, a multifaceted response including several DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint pathways is activated to ensure faithful DNA replication. Here, we show that poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) binds to and is activated by stalled replication forks that contain small gaps. PARP1 collaborates with Mre11 to promote replication fork restart after release from replication blocks, most likely by recruiting Mre11 to the replication fork to promote resection of DNA. Both PARP1 and PARP2 are required for hydroxyurea‐induced homologous recombination to promote cell survival after replication blocks. Together, our data suggest that PARP1 and PARP2 detect disrupted replication forks and attract Mre11 for end processing that is required for subsequent recombination repair and restart of replication forks.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, recF and recR are required to stabilize and maintain replication forks arrested by UV-induced DNA damage. In the absence of RecF, replication fails to recover, and the nascent lagging strand of the arrested replication fork is extensively degraded by the RecQ helicase and RecJ nuclease. recO mutants are epistatic with recF and recR with respect to recombination and survival assays after DNA damage. In this study, we show that RecO functions with RecF and RecR to protect the nascent lagging strand of arrested replication forks after UV-irradiation. In the absence of RecO, the nascent DNA at arrested replication forks is extensively degraded and replication fails to recover. The extent of nascent DNA degradation is equivalent in single, double, or triple mutants of recF, recO, or recR, and the degradation is dependent upon RecJ and RecQ functions. Because RecF has been shown to protect the nascent lagging strand from degradation, these observations indicate that RecR and RecO function with RecF to protect the same nascent strand of the arrested replication fork and are likely to act at a common point during the recovery process. We discuss these results in relation to the biochemical and cellular properties of RecF, RecO, and RecR and their potential role in loading RecA filaments to maintain the replication fork structure after the arrest of replication by UV-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

Enzymes for DNA replication and recombination need to gain access to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) but ssDNA-binding proteins (SSBs) present an obstacle to the formation of enzyme-ssDNA replication and recombination complexes. A specialized class of SSBs, which we designate as recombination/replication mediator proteins (RMPs), promotes enzyme- ssDNA assembly by overcoming SSB inhibition. RMPs exhibit strong conservation of function across divergent species, and display species-specific interactions with SSB and enzymes to neutralize the SSB barrier to enzyme-ssDNA assembly.  相似文献   

HUWE1 is a multi‐faceted E3 ubiquitin ligase of the HECT family with many confirmed substrates, but mechanistic understanding of its functional roles in signaling pathways remains limited. In this issue of EMBO Reports, Choe et al demonstrate a novel function for HUWE1 in promoting DNA damage tolerance mechanisms to bypass DNA lesions during replication stress, thereby preserving genome stability. The authors connect this role for HUWE1 with its function in maintaining H2AX monoubiquitination levels for efficient signaling at stalled replication forks 1 . Thus, this work highlights HUWE1 as a novel player in the replication stress response and prompts further investigation of its regulation during replication and other cellular processes.  相似文献   

Machwe A  Karale R  Xu X  Liu Y  Orren DK 《Biochemistry》2011,50(32):6774-6788
Cells cope with blockage of replication fork progression in a manner that allows DNA synthesis to be completed and genomic instability minimized. Models for resolution of blocked replication involve fork regression to form Holliday junction structures. The human RecQ helicases WRN and BLM (deficient in Werner and Bloom syndromes, respectively) are critical for maintaining genomic stability and thought to function in accurate resolution of replication blockage. Consistent with this notion, WRN and BLM localize to sites of blocked replication after certain DNA-damaging treatments and exhibit enhanced activity on replication and recombination intermediates. Here we examine the actions of WRN and BLM on a special Holliday junction substrate reflective of a regressed replication fork. Our results demonstrate that, in reactions requiring ATP hydrolysis, both WRN and BLM convert this Holliday junction substrate primarily to a four-stranded replication fork structure, suggesting they target the Holliday junction to initiate branch migration. In agreement, the Holliday junction binding protein RuvA inhibits the WRN- and BLM-mediated conversion reactions. Importantly, this conversion product is suitable for replication with its leading daughter strand readily extended by DNA polymerases. Furthermore, binding to and conversion of this Holliday junction are optimal at low MgCl(2) concentrations, suggesting that WRN and BLM preferentially act on the square planar (open) conformation of Holliday junctions. Our findings suggest that, subsequent to fork regression events, WRN and/or BLM could re-establish functional replication forks to help overcome fork blockage. Such a function is highly consistent with phenotypes associated with WRN- and BLM-deficient cells.  相似文献   

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