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This paper focuses on the phylogenetic relationships of eight North American caenophidian snake species (Carphophis amoena, Contia tenuis, Diadophis punctatus, Farancia abacura, Farancia erytrogramma, Heterodon nasicus, Heterodon platyrhinos, and Heterodon simus) whose phylogenetic relationships remain controversial. Past studies have referred to these "relict" North American snakes either as colubrid, or as Neotropical dipsadids and/or xenodontids. Based on mitochondrial DNA ribosomal gene sequences and a likelihood-based Bayesian analysis, our study suggests that these North American snakes are not monophyletic and are nested within a group (Dipsadoidea) that contains the Dipsadidae, Xenodontidae, and Natricidae. In addition, we use the relationships proposed here to highlight putative examples of parallel evolution of hemipenial morphology among snake clades.  相似文献   

An improved Bayesian method is presented for estimating phylogenetic trees using DNA sequence data. The birth-death process with species sampling is used to specify the prior distribution of phylogenies and ancestral speciation times, and the posterior probabilities of phylogenies are used to estimate the maximum posterior probability (MAP) tree. Monte Carlo integration is used to integrate over the ancestral speciation times for particular trees. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is used to generate the set of trees with the highest posterior probabilities. Methods are described for an empirical Bayesian analysis, in which estimates of the speciation and extinction rates are used in calculating the posterior probabilities, and a hierarchical Bayesian analysis, in which these parameters are removed from the model by an additional integration. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method avoids the requirement of our earlier method for calculating MAP trees to sum over all possible topologies (which limited the number of taxa in an analysis to about five). The methods are applied to analyze DNA sequences for nine species of primates, and the MAP tree, which is identical to a maximum-likelihood estimate of topology, has a probability of approximately 95%.   相似文献   

The mtDNA Cyt b gene was sequenced partially for Variola louti of Serranidae, Epinephelinae and seven endemic species of groupers—Epinephelus awoara, E. brunneus, E. coioides, E. longispinis, E. sexfasciatus, E. spilotoceps and E. tauvina in China. The seven endemic species and other seven foreign species of groupers—E. aeneus, E. caninus, E. drummondhayi, E. haifensis, E. labriformis, E. marginatus and E. multinotatus from the GenBank were combined and analysed as ingroup, while Variola louti was used as outgroup. We compared the 420 bp sequences of Cyt b among the 15 species and constructed two types of molecular phylogenetic trees with maximum parsimony method (MP) and neighbor-joining method (NJ) respectively. The results were as follows: (1) As to the base composition of mtDNA Cyt b sequence (402 bp) of 14 species of Epinephelus, the content of (A + T) was 53.6%, higher than that of (G + C) (46.4%). The transition/transversion ratio was 4.78 with no mutation saturation. (2) The cluster relationships between E. awoara and E. sexfasciatus, E. coioides and E. tauvina, E. longispinis and E. spilotoceps were consistent with phenotypes in taxonomy. (3) In the phylogenetic tree, the species in the Atlantic Ocean were associated closely with those in the Pacific Ocean, which suggested that the Cyt b sequences of Epinephelus were highly conserved. This may be attributed to the coordinate evolution. (4) In wel1-bred mating or heredity management, mating Epinephelus of the same branch should be avoided. It is likely to be an effective way to mate the species of the Atlantic Ocean with those of the Pacific Ocean to improve the inheritance species.  相似文献   

We assessed taxonomic relationships among Turkish water frogs through estimation of phylogenetic relationships among 62 adult specimens from 44 distinct populations inhabiting seven main geographical regions of Turkey using 2897 bp sequences of the mitochondrial Cytb, 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes with equally-weighted parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods of inference. Monophyletic clade (Clade A) of the northwesternmost (Thrace) samples is identified as Pelophylax ridibundus. The other clade (Clade B) consisted of two monophyletic subclades. One of these contains specimens from southernmost populations that are regarded as an unnamed species. The other subclade consists of two lineages, of which one corresponds to P. caralitanus and another to P. bedriagae. Taxonomic relationships of these two species are discussed and recognition of P. caralitanus as a subspecies of P. bedriagae is proposed.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅旱獭是青藏高原的优势种,数量多、分布广,全面了解其遗传背景对该地区旱獭资源的保护与合理利用具有重要的意义。本研究以青藏高原云南、西藏和青海三省区共13个地理种群计258只旱獭为研究对象,PCR扩增获得线粒体DNA控制区基因部分序列(887 bp),并运用种群遗传学方法进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示:258份样品共发现了84个变异位点(9.40%),定义了68种单倍型,其单倍型多样性(h)平均值为0.968±0.003、核苷酸多样性(π)平均值为0.017 25±0.016 37,种群总体遗传多样性较高。AMOVA方差分析显示13个地理种群间存在着明显的遗传分化(Fst=0.620 67,P<0.001),种群间基因交流多数较低(Nm<1)。基于单倍型构建的系统发育树中13个地理种群的喜马拉雅旱獭聚为两支,其中来自青藏高原西南地区(西藏安多、青海格尔木、青海囊谦、云南迪庆)的18个单倍型聚成一个大的分支(A支),其余50个单倍型聚为一个大的分支(B支),在NETWORK网络图中也可见到相似网络拓扑结构。研究结果显示青藏高原喜马拉雅旱獭种群以唐古拉山脉为界分为两个大的种群,说明地理隔离是影响喜马拉雅旱獭种群动态变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

The PHASE software package allows phylogenetic tree construction with a number of evolutionary models designed specifically for use with RNA sequences that have conserved secondary structure. Evolution in the paired regions of RNAs occurs via compensatory substitutions, hence changes on either side of a pair are correlated. Accounting for this correlation is important for phylogenetic inference because it affects the likelihood calculation. In the present study we use the complete set of tRNA and rRNA sequences from 69 complete mammalian mitochondrial genomes. The likelihood calculation uses two evolutionary models simultaneously for different parts of the sequence: a paired-site model for the paired sites and a single-site model for the unpaired sites. We use Bayesian phylogenetic methods and a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to obtain the most probable trees and posterior probabilities of clades. The results are well resolved for almost all the important branches on the mammalian tree. They support the arrangement of mammalian orders within the four supra-ordinal clades that have been identified by studies of much larger data sets mainly comprising nuclear genes. Groups such as the hedgehogs and the murid rodents, which have been problematic in previous studies with mitochondrial proteins, appear in their expected position with the other members of their order. Our choice of genes and evolutionary model appears to be more reliable and less subject to biases caused by variation in base composition than previous studies with mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   

We present phylogenetic hypotheses for the major iguanian lizard lineages and several squamate outgroups using a combined analysis of 4950 aligned base positions representing two intronless nuclear genes, TSHZ1 and RAG1. Bayesian analyses using reversible jump (RJ) mixture model selection are conducted and compared with a priori partitioned, mixed model maximum likelihood analyses. Bayesian credibility values and ML bootstraps are comparable with strong support at deep nodes and within acrodonts, but weak support for the twelve iguanid lineages. Accounting for pattern and rate heterogeneity is becoming commonplace and is essential for accurate phylogeny reconstruction.  相似文献   

We developed a software tool (SlidingBayes) for recombination analysis based on Bayesian phylogenetic inference. Sliding-Bayes provides a powerful approach for detecting potential recombination, especially between highly divergent sequences and complex HIV-1 recombinants for which simpler methods like neighbor joining (NJ) may be less powerful. SlidingBayes guides Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling performed by MrBayes in a sliding window across the alignment (Bayesian scanning). The tool can be used for nucleotide and amino acid sequences and combines all the modeling possibilities of MrBayes with the ability to plot the posterior probability support for clustering of various combinations of taxa.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The computation of large phylogenetic trees with statistical models such as maximum likelihood or bayesian inference is computationally extremely intensive. It has repeatedly been demonstrated that these models are able to recover the true tree or a tree which is topologically closer to the true tree more frequently than less elaborate methods such as parsimony or neighbor joining. Due to the combinatorial and computational complexity the size of trees which can be computed on a Biologist's PC workstation within reasonable time is limited to trees containing approximately 100 taxa. RESULTS: In this paper we present the latest release of our program RAxML-III for rapid maximum likelihood-based inference of large evolutionary trees which allows for computation of 1.000-taxon trees in less than 24 hours on a single PC processor. We compare RAxML-III to the currently fastest implementations for maximum likelihood and bayesian inference: PHYML and MrBayes. Whereas RAxML-III performs worse than PHYML and MrBayes on synthetic data it clearly outperforms both programs on all real data alignments used in terms of speed and final likelihood values. Availability SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: RAxML-III including all alignments and final trees mentioned in this paper is freely available as open source code at http://wwwbode.cs.tum/~stamatak CONTACT: stamatak@cs.tum.edu.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: MAC5 implements MCMC sampling of the posterior distribution of tree topologies from DNA sequences containing gaps by using a five state model of evolution (the four nucleotides and the gap character).  相似文献   



Likelihood-based phylogenetic inference is generally considered to be the most reliable classification method for unknown sequences. However, traditional likelihood-based phylogenetic methods cannot be applied to large volumes of short reads from next-generation sequencing due to computational complexity issues and lack of phylogenetic signal. "Phylogenetic placement," where a reference tree is fixed and the unknown query sequences are placed onto the tree via a reference alignment, is a way to bring the inferential power offered by likelihood-based approaches to large data sets.  相似文献   



We analyze phylogenetic tree building methods from molecular sequences (PTMS). These are methods which base their construction solely on sequences, coding DNA or amino acids.


Our first result is a statistically significant evaluation of 176 PTMSs done by comparing trees derived from 193138 orthologous groups of proteins using a new measure of quality between trees. This new measure, called the Intra measure, is very consistent between different groups of species and strong in the sense that it separates the methods with high confidence. The second result is the comparison of the trees against trees derived from accepted taxonomies, the Taxon measure. We consider the NCBI taxonomic classification and their derived topologies as the most accepted biological consensus on phylogenies, which are also available in electronic form. The correlation between the two measures is remarkably high, which supports both measures simultaneously.


The big surprise of the evaluation is that the maximum likelihood methods do not score well, minimal evolution distance methods over MSA-induced alignments score consistently better. This comparison also allows us to rank different components of the tree building methods, like MSAs, substitution matrices, ML tree builders, distance methods, etc. It is also clear that there is a difference between Metazoa and the rest, which points out to evolution leaving different molecular traces. We also think that these measures of quality of trees will motivate the design of new PTMSs as it is now easier to evaluate them with certainty.  相似文献   



Archaeologists and anthropologists have long recognized that different cultural complexes may have distinct descent histories, but they have lacked analytical techniques capable of easily identifying such incongruence. Here, we show how Bayesian phylogenetic analysis can be used to identify incongruent cultural histories. We employ the approach to investigate Iranian tribal textile traditions.


We used Bayes factor comparisons in a phylogenetic framework to test two models of cultural evolution: the hierarchically integrated system hypothesis and the multiple coherent units hypothesis. In the hierarchically integrated system hypothesis, a core tradition of characters evolves through descent with modification and characters peripheral to the core are exchanged among contemporaneous populations. In the multiple coherent units hypothesis, a core tradition does not exist. Rather, there are several cultural units consisting of sets of characters that have different histories of descent.


For the Iranian textiles, the Bayesian phylogenetic analyses supported the multiple coherent units hypothesis over the hierarchically integrated system hypothesis. Our analyses suggest that pile-weave designs represent a distinct cultural unit that has a different phylogenetic history compared to other textile characters.


The results from the Iranian textiles are consistent with the available ethnographic evidence, which suggests that the commercial rug market has influenced pile-rug designs but not the techniques or designs incorporated in the other textiles produced by the tribes. We anticipate that Bayesian phylogenetic tests for inferring cultural units will be of great value for researchers interested in studying the evolution of cultural traits including language, behavior, and material culture.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of lichen-forming discomycetes and their relatives in the class Lecanoromycetes were examined by using nuclear large subunit and mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. Ninety-eight partial sequences of 53 ascomycetes were generated and aligned with the corresponding sequences retrieved from GenBank resulting in an alignment of 100 taxa that was analyzed using a Bayesian approach with Markov chain Monte Carlo (B/MCMC) methods. The analysis revealed the monophyly of the Lecanoromycetes with two major clades: one clade including the monophyletic orders Graphidales and Ostropales and the paraphyletic Gyalectales, the other clade including the monophyletic Lecanorales (incl. Caliciales, Peltigerales, and Teloschistales) and a clade containing the polyphyletic Agyriales, a yet undescribed order Umbilicariales (including Elixiaceae and Umbilicariaceae), and Pertusariales. The monophyly of the Pertusariales was not resolved. Testing of alternative hypotheses revealed that a placement of Chaetothyriomycetes and Eurotiomycetes within Lecanoromycetes and the monophyly of Agyriales s. lat. (incl. Elixiaceae and Schaereriaceae) and Ostropales s. lat. (incl. Graphidales) can be rejected, while monophyly of Gyalectales and the Pertusariales and placement of Umbilicariales on the Lecanorales branch cannot be rejected with the current data set.  相似文献   

The mtDNA Cyt b gene was sequenced partially for Variola louti of Serranidae, Epinephelinae and seven endemic species of groupers—Epinephelus awoara, E. brunneus, E. coioides, E. longispinis, E. sexfasciatus, E. spilotoceps and E. tauvina in China. The seven endemic species and other seven foreign species of groupers—E. aeneus, E. caninus, E. drummondhayi, E. haifensis, E. labriformis, E. marginatus and E. multinotatus from the GenBank were combined and analysed as ingroup, while Variola louti was used as outgroup. We compared the 420 bp sequences of Cyt b among the 15 species and constructed two types of molecular phylogenetic trees with maximum parsimony method (MP) and neighbor-joining method (NJ) respectively. The results were as follows: (1) As to the base composition of mtDNA Cyt b sequence (402 bp) of 14 species of Epinephelus, the content of (A + T) was 53.6%, higher than that of (G + C) (46.4%). The transition/transversion ratio was 4.78 with no mutation saturation. (2) The cluster relationships between E. awoara and E. sexfasciatus, E. coioides and E. tauvina, E. longispinis and E. spilotoceps were consistent with phenotypes in taxonomy. (3) In the phylogenetic tree, the species in the Atlantic Ocean were associated closely with those in the Pacific Ocean, which suggested that the Cyt b sequences of Epinephelus were highly conserved. This may be attributed to the coordinate evolution. (4) In wel1-bred mating or heredity management, mating Epinephelus of the same branch should be avoided. It is likely to be an effective way to mate the species of the Atlantic Ocean with those of the Pacific Ocean to improve the inheritance species. __________ Translated from Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 2006, 30(4): 432–438 [译自: 水生生物学报]  相似文献   

The degree to which an amino acid site is free to vary is strongly dependent on its structural and functional importance. An amino acid that plays an essential role is unlikely to change over evolutionary time. Hence, the evolutionary rate at an amino acid site is indicative of how conserved this site is and, in turn, allows evaluation of its importance in maintaining the structure/function of the protein. When using probabilistic methods for site-specific rate inference, few alternatives are possible. In this study we use simulations to compare the maximum-likelihood and Bayesian paradigms. We study the dependence of inference accuracy on such parameters as number of sequences, branch lengths, the shape of the rate distribution, and sequence length. We also study the possibility of simultaneously estimating branch lengths and site-specific rates. Our results show that a Bayesian approach is superior to maximum-likelihood under a wide range of conditions, indicating that the prior that is incorporated into the Bayesian computation significantly improves performance. We show that when branch lengths are unknown, it is better first to estimate branch lengths and then to estimate site-specific rates. This procedure was found to be superior to estimating both the branch lengths and site-specific rates simultaneously. Finally, we illustrate the difference between maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods when analyzing site-conservation for the apoptosis regulator protein Bcl-x(L).  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,73(2-3):232-236
To determine the genetic diversity and the origin of Chinese sheep, we analyzed 83 complete sequences of mtDNA D-loop from nine Chinese sheep breeds and a foreign breed, together with nine sheep and cattle available sequences from GenBank. The length of the sequences was considerably variable between 1103 and 1225 bp. The hapolotype diversity was 92.7%. The nucleotide diversity was 3.058%. And the mean nucleotide composition of the 83 sequences was 32.9% A, 29.8% T, 22.9% C and 14.4% G, respectively. The NJ phylogenetic tree (the number of replications of bootstrap test is 1000) revealed that there were three distinct major domestic sheep lineages (termed as lineages A–C) in the 10 breeds. The result indicated that Chinese native sheep breeds derive from three different maternal sources. The mismatch distribution analysis showed that the Fs values were −25.15, −12.28, −8.60 for the lineages A–C, respectively (P < 0.01), which suggested that atleast one population expansion events occur in the demographic history of Chinese sheep breeds.  相似文献   

We have developed a new tool, called fastDNAml, for constructingphylogenetic trees from DNA sequences. The program can be runon a wide variety of computers ranging from Unix workstationsto massively parallel systems, and is available from the RibosomalDatabase Project (RDP) by anonymous FTP. Our program uses amaximum likelihood approach and is based on version 3.3 of Felsenstein'sdnaml program. Several enhancements, including algorithmic changes,significantly improve performance and reduce memory usage, makingit feasible to construct even very large trees. Trees containing40–100 taxa have been easily generated, and phylogeneticestimates are possible even when hundreds of sequences exist.We are currently using the tool to construct a phylogenetictree based on 473 small subunit rRNA sequences from prokaryotes.  相似文献   

A new phylogenetic hypothesis for Heliconius and related genera is presented, based on DNA sequence data from mtDNA combined with a region of the wingless gene. This study also adds eight new taxa to a previous cladistic hypothesis based on the mtDNA alone. Simultaneous phylogenetic analysis of the two gene regions together supports a topology largely in agreement with traditional views of heliconiine relationships based on morphology and suggests that the mtDNA support for the sister relationship between Eueides and H. charithonia is due to convergent evolution of homoplasious mtDNA sites.  相似文献   

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