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鱼类染色体显带的研究进展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
全世界现存鱼类约有20000种左右,分属46目,450科,4032属[1]。其中淡水鱼类占412%,是脊椎动物分布最广,种类最多的类群,具有多种多样的生物学特性和重大的经济价值[1]。在脊椎动物中,鱼类的染色体较小,数目偏多,研究工作难度较大。早期... 相似文献
应用G显带染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术研究复杂的染色体易位 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
建立常规G显带染色体标本的荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,用于分析患者复杂的染色体易位。原位杂交前,用甲醛固定G显带标本,是获得良好显带和荧光杂交效果的关键步骤。仅用常规细胞遗传学方法分析,显示一例习惯性流产患者的核型为46,XX,t(1;5;12)(1pter→1q25::12q24→12qter;5qter→5p11::1q25→1qter,12pter→12q24:.5p11→5pter),而采用本方法确定患者的核型实际为46,XX,t(1;5,12)(1pter→1q23::12q22→12qter,5qter→5p11::1q25→1qter;12pter→12q22::1q23→1q25:5p11→5pter)。结果表明,新建立的G显带染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术能更有效地检测患者复杂的染色体易位。 相似文献
染色体分带技术的迅速发展,尤其是当今植物染色体高分辨G-带技术的突破,不仅为染色体鉴别、基因定位等提供了重要手段,对细胞分类学、物种生物学、细胞地理学、体细胞遗传学,以及育种学、人类遗传学和环境保护等领域的应用与发展,发挥着越来越大的作用。众多学者对染色体显带机制进行了研究。最早,用DNA变性与复性理论作为染色体显带的基础,认为是DNA的彻底变性和高度重复DNA的差别退火,导致分带程序中选择性染色的出现。实际上,染色体显带机制并非如此简单,许多实验结果均与上述解释相矛盾。近来的研究表明,染色体显带的核心问题是, 相似文献
应用G显色带染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术研究复杂的染色体易位 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
建立常规G显带染色体标的荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,用于分析患者复杂的染色体易位,原位杂交前,用甲醛固定G显带标本,是获得良好显带和荧光杂交效果的关键步聚,仅用常细胞遗学方法分析,显示一例习惯性流产患者的核型为46,XX,t(1;5;12)(1pter→1q25::12q24→12qter;5qter→5q11::1q25→1qter;12pter→12q24;:5p11→5pter)而采用本方 相似文献
哺乳动物染色体高分辨显带研究现状 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
高分辨染色体(High Resolution Chromosome,
短时暴露于秋水酸胺中,从而提出了对400, 5-50,850
学‘4-1,t8,11,37 3。动物遗传学家借鉴人类高分辨染色
究“,,,,之盆,川,但理沦和应用方面的研究均进展较'R o
意义进行了阐述,同时提出了值得探讨的几个问题。 相似文献
大熊猫与黑熊显带染色体的比较研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以体外培养的大熊猫(Ailuropodamelanoleuca)与黑熊(Selenarctosthibetanus)外周血淋巴细胞为实验材料,应用BrdU复制带显示技术,研究了大熊猫和黑熊染色体晚复制带带型。通过对大熊猫与黑熊显带染色体带型的比较,发现黑熊部分具端着丝粒的染色体与大熊猫部分具中,亚中,或亚端着丝粒的染色体的整个短臂或整个长臂有明显的带型相似性,在黑熊具中,亚中着丝粒染色体中,仅33 相似文献
大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanolenca)显带染色体的研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
大熊猫系我国特产的世界珍稀动物,素有“活化石”和“国宝”之称。限于材料来源,虽有核型的少数报道(邓承宗等,1980;陈文元等,1984;Newnham et al.,1966),但研究尚不够深入。1980年,Wurster-Hill和Bush首先报道了大熊猫()的显带核型,并与杂交熊等比较,探讨了大熊猫的分类地位。本文对四只大熊猫的G带、C带核型和Ag-NORs作了分析,绘制了G带核型模式图,并提出了某些商榷的意见。 相似文献
三倍体草鱼染色体限制性内切酶带分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文报道运用Giemsa染色、C-带显带、NOR-显带和多种限制性内切酶消化对草鱼三倍体的染色体进行分析。其中,内切酶HaeⅢ和HindⅢ等使染色体产生G-带,其余内切酶产生与常规C-带不同的分化,即所谓修饰C-带。实验结果表明,限制性内切酶可使鱼类染色体产生多种带型,各种显带技术的结合使用,可探讨鱼类染色体及染色质结构与进化。 相似文献
植物染色体G—显带的AEG法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目前,植物染色体G—显带的方法很多,有胰酶法、尿素法,改良的Seabright法、Utakoji法、醋酸地衣红法、ASG法和风油精诱导等几种,都取得了显著的效果。在广泛实验研究的基础上,我们摸索出了 相似文献
黑斑蛙的减数分裂研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文研究了黑斑蛙的减数分裂,发现其性染色体所形成的性二价体主要呈末端与末端联接,浓缩期占79.6%,中期Ⅰ占75%,这进一步证明黑斑蛙确实存在XY型性别决定机制,这种XY型性染色体虽形态相同,但已发生了质的分化,可能是同型异质。黑斑蛙的性染色体并不形成性泡,少数二价体有中间交叉。 相似文献
Chen Ke-yong 《植物学报(英文版)》1995,37(2)
In Cephalotascus sinensis (Rehd. et Wils. ) Li the somatic chromosome number was found to be of 2n=24. Eleven pairs of chromosomes possessed their centromeres at median or median-submedian regions. The shortest pair of chromosomes was the SAT chromosome which possessed their centromeres at the submedian regions. The sex chromosomes were demonstrated by the Giemsa C-banding technique. The sexual determination mechanism of female was WZ type (2n=24=22A+WZ), and that of male was ZZ type (2n=24=22A +ZZ). 相似文献
Slides pretreated for C-banding and stained with DAPI or CMA3 show different banding patterns in human metaphase chromosomes compared to those obtained with either standard Giemsa C-banding or fluorochrome staining alone. Human chromosomes show C-plus DA-DAPI banding after C-banding plus DAPI and enhanced R-banding after C-banding plus Chromomycin A3 staining. If C-banding preferentially removes certain classes of DNA and proteins from different chromosome domains, C-banding pre-treatment may cause a differential DNA extraction from G- and R-bands in human chromosomes, resulting in a preferential extraction of DNA included in G-bands. This hypothesis is partially supported by the selective cleavage and removal of DNA from R-bands of restriction endonuclease HaeIII with C-banding combined with DAPI or Chromomycin A3 staining. Structural factors relating to regional differences in DNA and/or proteins could also explain these results. 相似文献
Sex Determination by Sex Chromosomes in Dioecious Plants 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Abstract: Sex chromosomes have been reported in several dioecious plants. The most general system of sex determination with sex chromosomes is the XY system, in which males are the heterogametic sex and females are homogametic. Genetic systems in sex determination are divided into two classes including an X chromosome counting system and an active Y chromosome system. Dioecious plants have unisexual flowers, which have stamens or pistils. The development of unisexual flowers is caused by the suppression of opposite sex primordia. The expression of floral organ identity genes is different between male and female flower primordia. However, these floral organ identity genes show no evidence of sex chromosome linkage. The Y chromosome of Rumex acetosa contains Y chromosome-specific repetitive sequences, whereas the Y chromosome of Silene latifolia has not accumulated chromosome-specific repetitive sequences. The different degree of Y chromosome degeneration may reflect on evolutionary time since the origination of dioecy. The Y chromosome of S. latifolia functions in suppression of female development and initiation and completion of anther development. Analyses of mutants suggested that female suppressor and stamen promoter genes are localized on the Y chromosome. Recently, some sex chromosome-linked genes were isolated from flower buds of S. latifolia. 相似文献
E. Pinna-Senn J. A. Lisanti M. I. Ortiz G. Dalmasso J. L. Bella J. Gosalvez J. C. Stockert 《Biotechnic & histochemistry》2000,75(3):132-140
The bis-benzimidazole compound nuclear yellow (NY) belongs to the same chemical family as the DNA binding fluorochromes Hoechst 33258 and Hoechst 33342. Spectroscopic studies of NY alone and in the presence of calf thymus DNA show high DNA binding affinity and behavior similar to the Hoechst fluorochromes above. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes from Balb/c mice stained with NY show C-banding and weak G/Q-banding, both of them disappearing after distamycin A (DA) or methyl green (MG) counterstaining. The same staining of human metaphase chromosomes from lymphocyte cultures, however, reveal only faint G/Q-banding (NY) and a characteristic DA-DAPI-like banding (NY-DA, NY-MG). Image analysis of NY stained human chromosomes, confirms that NY is suitable for studying polymorphisms affecting size in the pericentromeric hete-rochromatin of pairs 1, 9 and 16, and shows significant enhancement of NY fluorescence induced by DA in DA-DAPI heterochromatin. Our spectroscopic and cytological results show that NY, either alone or counterstained with DA or MG, can be used for DNA cytochemistry and chromosome banding. Possible mechanisms for the banding patterns induced by NY are discussed. 相似文献
《Biotechnic & histochemistry》2013,88(3):132-140
The bis-benzimidazole compound nuclear yellow (NY) belongs to the same chemical family as the DNA binding fluorochromes Hoechst 33258 and Hoechst 33342. Spectroscopic studies of NY alone and in the presence of calf thymus DNA show high DNA binding affinity and behavior similar to the Hoechst fluorochromes above. Mitotic metaphase chromosomes from Balb/c mice stained with NY show C-banding and weak G/Q-banding, both of them disappearing after distamycin A (DA) or methyl green (MG) counterstaining. The same staining of human metaphase chromosomes from lymphocyte cultures, however, reveal only faint G/Q-banding (NY) and a characteristic DA-DAPI-like banding (NY-DA, NY-MG). Image analysis of NY stained human chromosomes, confirms that NY is suitable for studying polymorphisms affecting size in the pericentromeric hete-rochromatin of pairs 1, 9 and 16, and shows significant enhancement of NY fluorescence induced by DA in DA-DAPI heterochromatin. Our spectroscopic and cytological results show that NY, either alone or counterstained with DA or MG, can be used for DNA cytochemistry and chromosome banding. Possible mechanisms for the banding patterns induced by NY are discussed. 相似文献
本文报道了1种新的鱼类染色体研究方法——限制性内切酶显带技术。我们应用限制性内切酶Bsp631等分别对黄鳝和长春鳊的染色体进行显带处理,结果表明,Bsp631能使这两种鱼的染色体发生稳定的带纹分化:适度的处理产生多重的G-带状带型,而过度的处理则产生特殊的限制性内切酶抗性带型。根据显带结果分析,我们对鱼类染色体限制性内切酶显带的可行性和实用价值进行了讨论。 相似文献
A convenient and quick method using trypsin-orcein for handing plant chromosomes (O-banding) is suggested. The technique is directly applicable to meristematic tissues (e.g. root tip) and involves the treatment of root tip with 1-2% solution of trypsin either in buffer or in 05 N HCI for 5-10 minutes at 37 C or for 30-60 minuta near 0 C followed by staining with 1.5% acetic orcein: 1 N HCI (19:1). Dark staining bands are reproducible and species specific. These bands possibly represent specific DNA-protein-dye interaction. 相似文献