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OBJECTIVE--To report the career preferences of doctors who qualified in the United Kingdom in 1993 and to compare their choices with those of earlier cohorts of qualifiers. DESIGN--Postal questionnaires with structured questions, including questions about choice of future long term career, were sent to doctors a year after qualification. SETTING--United Kingdom. SUBJECTS--All medical qualifiers of 1993, comparing their replies with those from earlier studies of the qualifiers of 1974, 1977, 1980, and 1983. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Choice of future long term career and certainty of choice expressed at the end of the first year after qualification. RESULTS--Questionnaires were sent to 3657 doctors. 2621 (71.7%) replied. Of the 2621 respondents, 70.5% (1849) stated that their first preference was for a career in hospital practice, 25.8% (677) specified general practice, 1.0% (25) specified public health medicine or community health, 1.4% (36) specified careers outside medicine, and 1.3% (34) did not state a choice. By contrast, 44.7% (1416/3168) of the doctors in the 1983 cohort had specified that their first preference was general practice. Among the 1993 qualifiers, general practice was the first career choice of 17.5% of men (227/1297) and 34.0% of women (450/1324). Only 7.4% of men (96/1297) stated that they definitely wanted to enter general practice. Only 7.8% (103/1324) of women qualifiers in 1993 expressed a career preference for surgical specialties. Within hospital practice, comparing 1993 with 1983, choices for the medical specialties and for accident and emergency medicine rose and those for pathology fell. Women were less definite than men about their choice of future long term career. CONCLUSIONS--If the 1993 cohort is typical of the current generation of young doctors, there has been a substantial shift away from general practice as a career choice expressed at the end of the preregistration year. General practice was much more popular among women than men. Few women opted for surgery. The sex imbalance in the percentage of doctors who choose different mainstreams of medical practice seems set to continue.  相似文献   

After surveys in 1961 and 1966, further questionnaires were sent in 1969 to those who had responded in 1966. These showed that wastage due to emigration and unemployment of married women doctors was nearly 20%. Compared with 49% of all qualified for three to four years in 1966, 73% had definitely decided on their future career seven to eight years after qualifying in the 1969 survey, the choice tending to be for specialties less popular among more junior doctors. Responsibility for patient care seemed not to be related directly to seniority or to performance in medical school examinations.  相似文献   

Sex differences in range size and navigation are widely reported, with males traveling farther than females, being less spatially anxious, and in many studies navigating more effectively. One explanation holds that these differences are the result of sexual selection, with larger ranges conferring mating benefits on males, while another explanation focuses on greater parenting costs that large ranges impose on reproductive-aged females. We evaluated these arguments with data from a community of highly monogamous Maya farmers. Maya men and women do not differ in distance traveled over the region during the mate-seeking years, suggesting that mating competition does not affect range size in this monogamous population. However, men’s regional and daily travel increases after marriage, apparently in pursuit of resources that benefit families, whereas women reduce their daily travel after marriage. This suggests that parental effort is more important than mating effort in this population. Despite the relatively modest overall sex difference in mobility, Maya men were less spatially anxious than women, thought themselves to be better navigators, and pointed more accurately to distant locations. A structural equation model showed that the sex by marital status interaction had a direct effect on mobility, with a weaker indirect effect of sex on mobility mediated by navigational ability.  相似文献   

Objective: This study investigated associations of overweight status and changes in overweight status over time with life satisfaction and future aspirations among a community sample of young women. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 7865 young women, initially 18 to 23 years of age, completed two surveys that were 4 years apart. These women provided data on their future life aspirations in the areas of further education, work/career, marital status, and children, as well as their satisfaction with achievements to date in a number of life domains. Women reported their height and weight and their sociodemographic characteristics, including current socioeconomic status (occupation). Results: Young women's aspirations were cross‐sectionally related to BMI category, such that obese women were less likely to aspire to further education, although this relationship seemed explained largely by current occupation. Even after adjusting for current occupation, young women who were obese were more dissatisfied with work/career/study, family relationships, partner relationships, and social activities. Weight status was also longitudinally associated with aspirations and life satisfaction. Women who were overweight or obese at both surveys were more likely than other women to aspire to “other” types of employment (including self‐employed and unpaid work in the home) as opposed to full‐time employment. They were also less likely to be satisfied with study or partner relationships. Women who resolved their overweight/obesity status were more likely to aspire to being childless than other women. Discussion: These results suggest that being overweight/obese may have a lasting effect on young women's life satisfaction and their future life aspirations.  相似文献   

Research on personality and circadian typology indicates evening-type women are more impulsive and novelty seeking, neither types are more anxious, and morning types tend to be more active, conscientious, and persistent. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between circadian typologies in the light of the Zuckerman's Alternative Five-Factor Model (AFFM) of personality, which has a strong biological basis, in an adult sample of 412 women 18 to 55 yrs of age. The authors found morning-type women had significant higher scores than evening-type and neither-type women on Activity, and its subscales General Activity and Work Activity. In contrast, evening-type women scored significantly higher than morning-type women on Aggression-Hostility, Impulsive Sensation Seeking, and its subscale Sensation Seeking. In all groups, results were independent of age. These findings are in accordance with those previously obtained in female student samples and add new data on the AFFM. The need of using personality models that are biologically based in the study of circadian rhythms is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between four personality traits (calmness, trainability, dog sociability and boldness) of dogs (Canis familiaris) and dog and owner demographics on a large sample size with 14,004 individuals. German speaking dog owners could characterize their dog by filling out a form on the Internet. There were five demographic variables for dogs and nine for owners. Two statistical methods were used for investigating the associations between personality and demographic traits: the more traditional general linear methods and regression trees that are ideal for analyzing non-linear relationships in the structure of the data. The results showed that calmness is influenced primarily by the dog's age, the neutered status, the number of different types of professional training courses (e.g. obedience, agility) the dog had experienced and the age of acquisition. The least calm dogs were less than 2.5 years old, neutered and acquired after the first 12 weeks of age, while the calmest dogs were older than 6.9 years. Trainability was affected primarily by the training experiences, the dog's age, and the purpose of keeping the dog. The least trainable dogs had not received professional training at all and were older than 3 years. The most trainable dogs were those who participated in three or more types of professional training. Sociability toward conspecifics was mainly determined by the age, sex, training experience and time spent together. The least sociable dogs were older than 4.8 years and the owners spent less than 3 h with the dog daily. The most sociable dogs were less than 1.5 years old. Males were less sociable toward their conspecifics than females. Boldness was affected by the sex and age of the dog and the age of acquisition. The least bold were females acquired after the age of 1 year or bred by the owner. The boldest dogs were males, acquired before the age of 12 weeks, and were younger than 2 years old. Other variables, including the owner's gender, age, education, previous experience with dogs, the number of people and dogs in the household, and purpose of keeping the dogs had minor, but detectable effects. The results suggest that on-line questionnaires are a very effective means for collecting data about dog behavior, especially if owners are motivated by instant feedback. However, note that the characteristics of dogs in the present study were reported by the owners, and the associations with the traits do not necessarily represent a causal relationship.  相似文献   

In a study of doctors who qualified from British medical schools in 1974 and 1977, which was carried out five to 11 years after graduation, frequent changes of career choice were found. Most of these changes occurred at a relatively early stage. There was a shift of choices towards general practice, and to a lesser extent other specialties, predominantly from medicine, surgery, and paediatrics. Great importance was attached to self evaluation of aptitude and ability as a factor in determining the choice of career and also to awareness of promotion prospects and difficulties. The absence of or failure of careers advice to influence choice of career was notable as was the little importance attached to financial circumstances. Domestic circumstances were an important determinant, particularly for general practice and for women doctors. Among those who qualified in 1980 and 1983, at the preregistration stage, domestic circumstances were less important than they were for slightly older doctors, but undergraduate experience had a greater influence. Contact with a particular teacher or department was not, however, a notable element in this.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To assess outside a clinical trial the psychological outcome of different treatment policies in women with early breast cancer who underwent either mastectomy or breast conservation surgery depending on the surgeon''s opinion or the patient''s choice. To determine whether the extent of psychiatric morbidity reported in women who underwent breast conservation surgery was associated with their participation in a randomised clinical trial. DESIGN--Prospective, multicentre study capitalising on individual and motivational differences among patients and the different management policies among surgeons for treating patients with early breast cancer. SETTING--12 District general hospitals, three London teaching hospitals, and four private hospitals. PATIENTS--269 Women under 75 with a probable diagnosis of stage I or II breast cancer who were referred to 22 different surgeons. INTERVENTIONS--Surgery and radiotherapy or adjuvant chemotherapy, or both, depending on the individual surgeon''s stated preferences for managing early breast cancer. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Anxiety and depression as assessed by standard methods two weeks, three months, and 12 months after surgery. RESULTS--Of the 269 women, 31 were treated by surgeons who favoured mastectomy, 120 by surgeons who favoured breast conservation, and 118 by surgeons who offered a choice of treatment. Sixty two of the women treated by surgeons who offered a choice were eligible to choose their surgery, and 43 of these chose breast conserving surgery. The incidences of anxiety, depression, and sexual dysfunction were high in all treatment groups. There were no significant differences in the incidences of anxiety and depression between women who underwent mastectomy and those who underwent lumpectomy. A significant effect of surgeon type on the incidence of depression was observed, with patients treated by surgeons who offered a choice showing less depression than those treated by other surgeons (p = 0.06). There was no significant difference in psychiatric morbidity between women treated by surgeons who offered a choice who were eligible to choose their treatment and those in the same group who were not able to choose. Most of the women (159/244) gave fear of cancer as their primary fear rather than fear of losing a breast. The overall incidences of psychiatric morbidity in women who underwent mastectomy and those who underwent lumpectomy were similar to those found in the Cancer Research Campaign breast conservation study. At 12 months 28% of women who underwent mastectomy in the present study were anxious compared with 26% in the earlier study, and 27% of women in the present study who underwent lumpectomy were anxious compared with 31% in the earlier study. In both the present and earlier study 21% of women who underwent mastectomy were depressed, and 19% of women who underwent lumpectomy in the present study were depressed compared with 27% in the earlier study.) CONCLUSIONS--There is still no evidence that women with early breast cancer who undergo breast conservation surgery have less psychiatric morbidity after treatment than those who undergo mastectomy. Women who surrender autonomy for decision making by agreeing to participate in randomised clinical trials do not experience any different psychological, sexual, or social problems from those women who are treated for breast cancer outside a clinical trial.  相似文献   

A postal survey of 776 principals representative of general practice in Britain is described. Doctors working in health centres are compared both with colleagues in other group practices and with doctors who have no group practice allowance. Young doctors are mainly in group practice, especially health centres; the proportion of doctors who are not in groups is diminishing steadily, and they are mainly older. With some notable exceptions health centres provide most space, equipment, and staff; group practitioners in privately-owned premises spend more of their money on their practices, more often use appointment systems, and tend to make more efficient use of premises and staff. Overall, however, the picture is still one of general practice geared to the needs of practitioners working alone. Premises with space for sophisticated organization and for future teaching needs are unusual.Scotland, the North of England, and Wales have fewer young doctors. Average lists are higher in the North of England, and less money is invested in practice premises.Young doctors look for modern premises and the tools and staff for the job. If their career expectations are to be met the tremendous improvements made in some practices must be extended rapidly to the remainder.  相似文献   

Research on personality and circadian typology indicates evening-type women are more impulsive and novelty seeking, neither types are more anxious, and morning types tend to be more active, conscientious, and persistent. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between circadian typologies in the light of the Zuckerman's Alternative Five-Factor Model (AFFM) of personality, which has a strong biological basis, in an adult sample of 412 women 18 to 55 yrs of age. The authors found morning-type women had significant higher scores than evening-type and neither-type women on Activity, and its subscales General Activity and Work Activity. In contrast, evening-type women scored significantly higher than morning-type women on Aggression-Hostility, Impulsive Sensation Seeking, and its subscale Sensation Seeking. In all groups, results were independent of age. These findings are in accordance with those previously obtained in female student samples and add new data on the AFFM. The need of using personality models that are biologically based in the study of circadian rhythms is discussed. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

A questionnaire was administered to 500 clinic patients and their replies about men and women physicians were analyzed. Ninety-six percent stated that the typical doctor is a man, and 78 percent expressed a preference for a male doctor. A significant number of patients said they would be unwilling to discuss certain subjects with a woman doctor or to follow her advice. Women physicians were considered less competent and less experienced than their male counterparts.Attitudes toward women doctors were correlated with patients'' sex, age, ethnicity, occupation, and chief complaint. Most impressive statistically were the negative attitudes of Spanish-speaking patients and the positive responses of obstetrics and gynecology patients and black women patients. Patients who had previously consulted women physicians were more favorable toward them, suggesting that increased exposure may lead to reduced prejudice.  相似文献   

The relationships of 42 rhesus monkey mother-infant dyads were examined to investigate the effects of the mothers' parity. Primiparous mothers were found to be younger, more excitable and less confident than the multiparous mothers. They also received more aggression from other adult females living in their social group and were more anxious about their infants, approaching and leaving them more frequently. The primiparous mothers protected their daughters more than the multiparous mothers and their daughters correspondingly spent more time in the ventro-ventral position and more time on the nipple. Their sons however spent less time in contact with their mothers than did the sons of the multiparous mothers. Although the primiparous mothers protected their daughters more than their sons, for the multiparous mothers the converse was true and sons received more maternal protection. It is suggested that the greater protectiveness of the multiparous mothers towards male infants may be a consequence of the interest siblings have in males, whereas the greater protectiveness of primiparous mothers to daughters may stem from their greater vulnerability to attacks from adult females. The importance of mother-mediated sibling influences may explain the lack of strong parity differences in previous studies.  相似文献   

In animals living in groups, the social environment is fundamental to shaping the behaviors and life histories of an individual. A mismatch between individual and group behavior patterns may have disadvantages if the individual is incapable of flexibly changing its state in response to the social environment that influences its energy gain and expenditure. We used different social groups of juvenile three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) with experimentally manipulated compositions of individual sociability to study the feedback between individual and group behaviors and to test how the social environment shapes behavior, metabolic rate, and growth. Experimentally created unsociable groups, containing a high proportion of less sociable fish, showed bolder collective behaviors during feeding than did corresponding sociable groups. Fish within groups where the majority of members had a level of sociability similar to their own gained more mass than did those within mismatched groups. Less sociable individuals within sociable groups tended to have a relatively low mass but a high standard metabolic rate. A mismatch between the sociability of an individual and that of the majority of the group in which it is living confers a growth disadvantage probably due to the expression of nonadaptive behaviors that increase energetic costs.  相似文献   

Eighty-five outpatients with Crohn''s disease who knew their diagnosis and that the disease was subject to relapse were interviewed. The personalities of the women as measured by the Eysenck personality questionnaire were similar to those of a control group, but the men were more neurotic and introverted. Most patients continued to live optimistic, useful lives; they felt well, continued to work, hoped that their disease would not deteriorate in the future, and often had an improved relationship with their spouse despite less frequent sexual intercourse. We found that the successful adaptation of patients to this chronic disease was more closely related to their personality than to the activity or extent of the disease.  相似文献   

IntroductionImportant culture-change initiatives (e.g. improving hand hygiene compliance) are frequently associated with variable uptake among different healthcare worker (HCW) categories. Inherent personality differences between these groups may explain change uptake and help improve future intervention design.ResultsResults from 34,243 HCWs (HR data) and 1045 survey participants (PS data) suggest that HCWs were different from the general population, displaying more individualism, lower power distance, less uncertainty avoidance and greater cynicism about advertising messages. HR and PS data were highly concordant in identifying differences between the three key HCW categories (doctors, nursing/allied-health, support services) and predicting appropriate implementation strategies. Among doctors, the data suggest that key messaging should differ between full-time vs part-time (visiting) senior medical officers (SMO, VMO) and junior hospital medical officers (HMO), with SMO messaging focused on evidence-based compliance, VMO initiatives emphasising structured mandatory controls and prestige loss for non-adherence, and for HMOs focusing on leadership opportunity and future career risk for non-adherence.DiscussionCompared to current standardised approaches, targeted interventions based on personality differences between HCW categories should result in improved infection control-related culture-change uptake. Personality profiling based on HR data may represent a useful means of developing a national culture-change “blueprint” for HCW education.  相似文献   

42 single women who want to be childless, 18 who desire a 1 child family, and 42 who want 2 children responded to questions about the quality of their present lives and nature of future marriages. The groups of Australian women were closely matched for age and education, and on current quality of life there were few differences. They had similar levels of positive and negative affect, and described life as enjoyable, interesting, and contented. Those wanting to be childless, however, had rated life as less optimistic and less loving, and also as currently somewhat less satisfying, but life satisfaction was still quite high. These early deciders of childlessness, and those wanting only 1 child, wanted to be financially and socially more independent in future marriage type relationships than women wanting at least 2 children. They also expected to follow interests and careers to their fullest, wanted more role innovative partners, and were somewhat less concerned about home ownership, living to a budget, and keeping contact with family and friends. All women placed considerable importance on the need for trust, self-disclosure, and open communication in a relationship, although the voluntary childless rated more highly the need for intellectual stimulation and for each partner to be happy about the success of their mate. Compared to women wanting 2 children, those wanting to be childless expected a partner to perform a wide range of non-traditional roles in the home.  相似文献   

A large study from a representative sample of general practitioners in Manchester showed that women doctors saw more women patients than men doctors, especially in the childbearing age group. They saw a similar range of diagnoses as men doctors, though they saw more women patients for cervical smears, contraception, and breast disorders. Preventive health care may not be adequately provided for these in practices without a woman partner.  相似文献   

It is important for robot designers to know how to make robots that interact effectively with humans. One key dimension is robot appearance and in particular how humanlike the robot should be. Uncanny Valley theory suggests that robots look uncanny when their appearance approaches, but is not absolutely, human. An underlying mechanism may be that appearance affects users’ perceptions of the robot’s personality and mind. This study aimed to investigate how robot facial appearance affected perceptions of the robot’s mind, personality and eeriness. A repeated measures experiment was conducted. 30 participants (14 females and 16 males, mean age 22.5 years) interacted with a Peoplebot healthcare robot under three conditions in a randomized order: the robot had either a humanlike face, silver face, or no-face on its display screen. Each time, the robot assisted the participant to take his/her blood pressure. Participants rated the robot’s mind, personality, and eeriness in each condition. The robot with the humanlike face display was most preferred, rated as having most mind, being most humanlike, alive, sociable and amiable. The robot with the silver face display was least preferred, rated most eerie, moderate in mind, humanlikeness and amiability. The robot with the no-face display was rated least sociable and amiable. There was no difference in blood pressure readings between the robots with different face displays. Higher ratings of eeriness were related to impressions of the robot with the humanlike face display being less amiable, less sociable and less trustworthy. These results suggest that the more humanlike a healthcare robot’s face display is, the more people attribute mind and positive personality characteristics to it. Eeriness was related to negative impressions of the robot’s personality. Designers should be aware that the face on a robot’s display screen can affect both the perceived mind and personality of the robot.  相似文献   

A large study of general practitioners in Manchester showed that women doctors were younger than men doctors, and few were single handed or worked in deprived inner city areas. They had closely similar patterns of care to their male colleagues, and although they worked slightly fewer hours in surgery, they had almost identical consultation times per patient. Women general practitioners were less active in politics and education than men.  相似文献   

Those who write about women scientists tend to treat us as a group, documenting our demise at each career stage and discussing measures to prevent this. By contrast, my approach has been to focus on individual women who have 'made it' in science and to ask how their careers have been affected by their sex. Some positive conclusions emerge, but the overall picture is disheartening.  相似文献   

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