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Leishmania mexicana amastigotes are particularly rich in cysteine peptidases (CPs), which play important roles in facilitating the survival and growth of the parasites in mammals. The importance of the CPs as virulence factors and their potential as drug targets and vaccine candidates has been investigated extensively. Recent years, however, have heralded advances in our knowledge and understanding of leishmanial CPs on two fronts. Firstly, genome analysis has revealed the great diversity of CPs, and, secondly, the ways in which the most widely studied CPs, designated CPB, influence the interaction between parasite and mammalian host have been elucidated. These topics are the focus of this review.  相似文献   

Parasites of Leishmania genus have developed elegant strategies permitting them to evade the innate immune response upon their initial interaction with macrophages. Their capacity to dodge the induction of macrophages microbicidal functions was found to correlate with the alteration of several signalling pathways regulating those latter. In this review, the role of the Leishmania GP63 as a critical virulence factor influencing macrophage physiology will be discussed.  相似文献   

Eight species of trypanosomatid flagellates, Trypanosoma cruzi, T. mega, T. conorhini, Leishmania donovani, L. braziliensis, Leptomonas seymouri, L. collosoma, and L. samueli, were examined for the presence of enzymes of the arginine-ornithine metabolism. Arginase was found in species of the genera Leishmania and Leptomonas. Citrulline hydrolase was found only in species of Leptomonas. Trypanosoma spp. did not present any of the mentioned enzymes. Ornithine carbamoyltransferase and argininosuccinate lyase were found only in Leptomonas samueli, which also possessed arginine deiminase. With the sole exception of L. samueli the other species seem to present a uniform enzyme constitution, peculiar to their genera and different from the enzyme patterns of other genera of trypanosomatids already known. The potential usefulness of these findings for taxonomical purposes is discussed.  相似文献   

Role of the flaR gene in flagellar hook formation in Salmonella spp.   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Flagellar filaments were reconstituted by polymerization with exogenously supplied flagellin monomers at the tips of normal hooks on Salmonella cells which were missing the filaments because of mutations in either the flaL or flaU gene or the flagellin genes H1 and H2. Reconstitution did not occur at the tips of polyhooks of the flaR mutant cells. Thus, the absence of flagellar filaments in the flaR mutant cells was probably caused by the inability of the polyhooks to work as polymerization nuclei for flagellin. A Phf+ mutant which produced polyhooks with flagellar filaments was isolated from a flaR polyhook mutant. Genetic analysis of the Phf+ mutant showed that it carried an intracistronic suppressor mutation of the original flaR mutation. This result indicated that the flaR gene regulates hook length and initiates flagellin formation.  相似文献   

Microarray analysis of microbial virulence factors.   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Hybridization with oligonucleotide microchips (microarrays) was used for discrimination among strains of Escherichia coli and other pathogenic enteric bacteria harboring various virulence factors. Oligonucleotide microchips are miniature arrays of gene-specific oligonucleotide probes immobilized on a glass surface. The combination of this technique with the amplification of genetic material by PCR is a powerful tool for the detection of and simultaneous discrimination among food-borne human pathogens. The presence of six genes (eaeA, slt-I, slt-II, fliC, rfbE, and ipaH) encoding bacterial antigenic determinants and virulence factors of bacterial strains was monitored by multiplex PCR followed by hybridization of the denatured PCR product to the gene-specific oligonucleotides on the microchip. The assay was able to detect these virulence factors in 15 Salmonella, Shigella, and E. coli strains. The results of the chip analysis were confirmed by hybridization of radiolabeled gene-specific probes to genomic DNA from bacterial colonies. In contrast, gel electrophoretic analysis of the multiplex PCR products used for the microarray analysis produced ambiguous results due to the presence of unexpected and uncharacterized bands. Our results suggest that microarray analysis of microbial virulence factors might be very useful for automated identification and characterization of bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Identification of Leishmania spp. by Radiorespirometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS Preliminary investigation of the application of radiorespirometric technic to protozoan parasites of man indicates a potential for rapid identification. This technic, developed for identification of bacteria, was modified for use with culture forms of Leishmania. Five strains of Leishmania were compared: 2 of L. donovani , 2S and K; L. brasiliensis , 2936 and B; and 1 of L. tropica , A. Consistent and rapid (2 hr) identification was obtained by the radiorespirometric procedure. A computer-type analysis of the radiorespirometric profiles of the 5 strains permitted correct identification of each isolate at the strain level 100% of the time. This technic offers several advantages over many current procedures for identification of protozoan parasites: (A) It is simple, rapid and highly reproducible. (B) Since it does not rely on visual or spectrophoto-metric determination, it may be conducted in the presence of optically complex substances. (C) It requires relatively low numbers of organisms (2 × 105/14C-labeled substrate). (D) It is based on differential enzymic activity between species and strains of organisms and therefore, ultimately, on inherent genetic determinates of the parasites. (E) Further development of the procedure and accumulation of a data reference "bank" would allow automation of most of the identification process.  相似文献   

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Dermatophytes cause the majority of superficial mycoses in humans and animals. However, little is known about the pathogenicity of this specialized group of filamentous fungi, for which molecular research has been limited thus far. During experimental infection of guinea pigs by the human pathogenic dermatophyte Arthroderma benhamiae, we recently detected the activation of the fungal gene encoding malate synthase AcuE, a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle. By the establishment of the first genetic system for A. benhamiae, specific ΔacuE mutants were constructed in a wild-type strain and, in addition, in a derivative in which we inactivated the nonhomologous end-joining pathway by deletion of the A. benhamiae KU70 gene. The absence of AbenKU70 resulted in an increased frequency of the targeted insertion of linear DNA by homologous recombination, without notably altering the monitored in vitro growth abilities of the fungus or its virulence in a guinea pig infection model. Phenotypic analyses of ΔacuE mutants and complemented strains depicted that malate synthase is required for the growth of A. benhamiae on lipids, major constituents of the skin. However, mutant analysis did not reveal a pathogenic role of the A. benhamiae enzyme in guinea pig dermatophytosis or during epidermal invasion of the fungus in an in vitro model of reconstituted human epidermis. The presented efficient system for targeted genetic manipulation in A. benhamiae, paired with the analyzed infection models, will advance the functional characterization of putative virulence determinants in medically important dermatophytes.  相似文献   

Avibacterium paragallinarum, the causative agent of infectious coryza, releases extracellular membrane vesicles (MVs), containing immunogenic proteins, proteases, putative RTX proteins, haemagglutinin, and nucleic acids, into the medium. MVs ranging 50-300 nm in diameter were observed by electron microscopy. They contained immunogenic proteins in the range of 20-160 kDa, detected using vaccinated or experimentally infected chicken sera raised against Av. paragallinarum, but not in pooled sera from specific pathogen-free chickens. Proteolytic activity was not detected in MVs through zymograms; however, immune recognition of high molecular mass bands was observed by Western blotting using an antiprotease serum against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 1 purified protease, suggesting its presence. MVs agglutinated glutaraldehyde-fixed chicken red blood cells indicating the presence of haemagglutinating antigens. Nucleic acids were also detected inside MVs. Avibacterium paragallinarum releases MVs containing putative virulence factors, which could be important in the pathogenesis of infectious coryza.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 was mutagenized with a mini-Tn5 transposon containing a promoterless gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP). A mutant, CGS74, exhibited a higher GFP expression level in liquid media than on solid media. The ability of the mutant to cause tumors on plants was attenuated. Sequence analysis showed that the transposon was inserted at the fliG gene, which encodes a flagellar motor switch protein required for flagellar movement. Studies of the fliG-gfp fusion gene indicated that the promoter activity of the fliG gene was higher in liquid than in solid media. Electron microscopy studies demonstrated that the mutant was nonflagellate. This suggests that the A. tumefaciens motility is important for virulence and that bacterial flagellar synthesis occurs at a higher level in a liquid environment than in a solid environment, perhaps resulting in a higher motility.  相似文献   

Cronobacter spp. are emerging neonatal pathogens that cause meningitis, sepsis, and necrotizing enterocolitis. The genus Chronobacter consists of six species: C. sakazakii, C. malonaticus, C. muytjensii, C. turicensis, C. dublinensis, and Cronobacter genomospecies group 1. Whole-genome sequencing of C. sakazakii BAA-894 and C. turicensis z3032 revealed that they harbor similarly sized plasmids identified as pESA3 (131 kb) and pCTU1 (138 kb), respectively. In silico analysis showed that both plasmids encode a single RepFIB-like origin of replication gene, repA, as well as two iron acquisition systems (eitCBAD and iucABCD/iutA). In a chrome azurol S agar diffusion assay, it was demonstrated that siderophore activity was associated with the presence of pESA3 or pCTU1. Additionally, pESA3 contains a cpa (Cronobacter plasminogen activator) gene and a 17-kb type 6 secretion system (T6SS) locus, while pCTU1 contains a 27-kb region encoding a filamentous hemagglutinin gene (fhaB), its specifc transporter gene (fhaC), and associated putative adhesins (FHA locus), suggesting that these are virulence plasmids. In a repA-targeted PCR assay, 97% of 229 Cronobacter species isolates were found to possess a homologous RepFIB plasmid. All repA PCR-positive strains were also positive for the eitCBAD and iucABCD/iutA iron acquisition systems. However, the presence of cpa, T6SS, and FHA loci depended on species, demonstrating a strong correlation with the presence of virulence traits, plasmid type, and species. These results support the hypothesis that these plasmids have evolved from a single archetypical plasmid backbone through the cointegration, or deletion, of specific virulence traits in each species.  相似文献   

Whether an infection with Salmonella spp. leads to a disease largely depends on the virulence of the strain and the constitution of the host. The virulence of the strain is determined by so-called virulence factors. Whereas a number of virulence factors of Salmonella have been identified only recently, others have been studied for decades. These latter virulence factors i.e., virulence-plasmids, toxins, fimbriae and flagella are therefore referred to as "classic" virulence factors. Here we present an overview on the distribution of (genes coding for) these virulence factors among Salmonella spp. The pathogenicity islands of Salmonella are also reviewed, all be it briefly, since they contain a major part of the virulence genes.  相似文献   

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