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...The limbs on the right side are stronger. [The] cause may be ... [that] ... motion, and abilities of moving, are somewhat holpen from the liver, which lieth on the right side. (Sir Francis Bacon, Sylva sylvarum (1627).)Fifty per cent of people with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) (also known as immotile cilia syndrome or Siewert-Kartagener syndrome) have situs inversus, which is thought to result from absent nodal ciliary rotation and failure of normal symmetry breaking. In a study of 88 people with PCD, only 15.2% of 46 individuals with situs inversus, and 14.3% of 42 individuals with situs solitus, were left handed. Because cerebral lateralization is therefore still present, the nodal cilia cannot be the primary mechanism responsible for symmetry breaking in the vertebrate body. Intriguingly, one behavioural lateralization, wearing a wrist-watch on the right wrist, did correlate with situs inversus.  相似文献   



Mutations in the DNAI1 gene, encoding a component of outer dynein arms of the ciliary apparatus, are the second most important genetic cause of primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), the genetically heterogeneous recessive disorder with the prevalence of ~1/20,000. The estimates of the DNAI1 involvement in PCD pathogenesis differ among the reported studies, ranging from 4% to 10%.


The coding sequence of DNAI1 was screened (SSCP analysis and direct sequencing) in a group of PCD patients (157 families, 185 affected individuals), the first ever studied large cohort of PCD patients of Slavic origin (mostly Polish); multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis was performed in a subset of ~80 families.


Three previously reported mutations (IVS1+2-3insT, L513P and A538T) and two novel missense substitutions (C388Y and G515S) were identified in 12 families (i.e. ~8% of non-related Polish PCD patients). The structure of background SNP haplotypes indicated common origin of each of the two most frequent mutations, IVS1+2-3insT and A538T. MLPA analysis did not reveal any significant differences between patients and control samples. The Polish cohort was compared with all the previously studied PCD groups (a total of 487 families): IVS1+2-3insT remained the most prevalent pathogenetic change in DNAI1 (54% of the mutations identified worldwide), and the increased global prevalence of A538T (14%) was due to the contribution of the Polish cohort.


The worldwide involvement of DNAI1 mutations in PCD pathogenesis in families not preselected for ODA defects ranges from 7 to 10%; this global estimate as well as the mutation profile differs in specific populations. Analysis of the background SNP haplotypes suggests that the increased frequency of chromosomes carrying A538T mutations in Polish patients may reflects local (Polish or Slavic) founder effect. Results of the MLPA analysis indicate that no large exonic deletions are involved in PCD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a group of heterogeneous disorders of unknown origin, usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Its phenotype is characterized by axonemal abnormalities of respiratory cilia and sperm tails leading to bronchiectasis and sinusitis, which are sometimes associated with situs inversus (Kartagener syndrome) and male sterility. The main ciliary defect in PCD is an absence of dynein arms. We have isolated the first gene involved in PCD, using a candidate-gene approach developed on the basis of documented abnormalities of immotile strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which carry axonemal ultrastructural defects reminiscent of PCD. Taking advantage of the evolutionary conservation of genes encoding axonemal proteins, we have isolated a human sequence (DNAI1) related to IC78, a C. reinhardtii gene encoding a dynein intermediate chain in which mutations are associated with the absence of outer dynein arms. DNAI1 is highly expressed in trachea and testis and is composed of 20 exons located at 9p13-p21. Two loss-of-function mutations of DNAI1 have been identified in a patient with PCD characterized by immotile respiratory cilia lacking outer dynein arms. In addition, we excluded linkage between this gene and similar PCD phenotypes in five other affected families, providing a clear demonstration of locus heterogeneity. These data reveal the critical role of DNAI1 in the development of human axonemal structures and open up new means for identification of additional genes involved in related developmental defects.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by chronic sinusitis and bronchiectasis, and usually associated with hypofertility. Half of the patients present a situs inversus, defining the Kartagener's syndrome. This phenotype results from axonemal abnormalities of respiratory cilia and sperm flagella, i.e., mainly an absence of dynein arms. Recently, a candidate-gene approach, based on documented abnormalities of immotile strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, allowed us to identify the first gene involved in PCD. Following the same strategy, we have characterized DNAI2, a human gene related to Chlamzydomonas IC69, and evaluated its possible involvement in a PCD population characterized by an absence of outer dynein arms. DNAI2, which is composed of 14 exons located at 17q25, is highly expressed in trachea and testis. No mutation was found in the DNAI2 coding sequence of the twelve patients investigated. However, ten intragenic polymorphic sites and an EcoRI RFLP have been identified, allowing the exclusion of DNAI2 in three consanguineous families.  相似文献   

In primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), genetic defects affecting motility of cilia and flagella cause chronic destructive airway disease, randomization of left-right body asymmetry, and, frequently, male infertility. The most frequent defects involve outer and inner dynein arms (ODAs and IDAs) that are large multiprotein complexes responsible for cilia-beat generation and regulation, respectively. Although it has long been suspected that mutations in DNAL1 encoding the ODA light chain1 might cause PCD such mutations were not found. We demonstrate here that a homozygous point mutation in this gene is associated with PCD with absent or markedly shortened ODA. The mutation (NM_031427.3: c.449A>G; p.Asn150Ser) changes the Asn at position150, which is critical for the proper tight turn between the β strand and the α helix of the leucine-rich repeat in the hydrophobic face that connects to the dynein heavy chain. The mutation reduces the stability of the axonemal dynein light chain 1 and damages its interactions with dynein heavy chain and with tubulin. This study adds another important component to understanding the types of mutations that cause PCD and provides clinical information regarding a specific mutation in a gene not yet known to be associated with PCD.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) results from defects in motile cilia function. Mice homozygous for the mutation big giant head (bgh) have several abnormalities commonly associated with PCD, including hydrocephalus, male infertility, and sinusitis. In the present study, we use a variety of histopathological and cell biological techniques to characterize the bgh phenotype, and we identify the bgh mutation using a positional cloning approach. Histopathological, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopic analyses demonstrate that the male infertility results from shortened flagella and disorganized axonemal and accessory structures in elongating spermatids and mature sperm. In addition, there is a reduced number of elongating spermatids during spermatogenesis and mature sperm in the epididymis. Histological analyses show that the hydrocephalus is characterized by severe dilatation of the lateral ventricles and that bgh sinuses have an accumulation of mucus infiltrated by neutrophils. In contrast to the sperm phenotype, electron microscopy demonstrates that mutant respiratory epithelial cilia are ultrastructurally normal, but video microscopic analysis shows that their beat frequency is lower than that of wild-type cilia. Through a positional cloning approach, we identified two sequence variants in the gene encoding sperm flagellar protein 2 (SPEF2), which has been postulated to play an important role in spermatogenesis and flagellar assembly. A causative nonsense mutation was validated by Western blot analysis, strongly suggesting that the bgh phenotype results from the loss of SPEF2 function. Taken together, the data in this study demonstrate that SPEF2 is required for cilia function and identify a new genetic cause of PCD in mice.  相似文献   

We report the molecular and genetic characterization of the cytoplasmic dynein light-chain gene, ddlc1, from Drosophila melanogaster. ddlc1 encodes the first cytoplasmic dynein light chain identified, and its genetic analysis represents the first in vivo characterization of cytoplasmic dynein function in higher eucaryotes. The ddlc1 gene maps to 4E1-2 and encodes an 89-amino-acid polypeptide with a high similarity to the axonemal 8-kDa outer-arm dynein light chain from Chlamydomonas flagella. Developmental Northern (RNA) blot analysis and ovary and embryo RNA in situ hybridizations indicate that the ddlc1 gene is expressed ubiquitously. Anti-DDLC1 antibody analyses show that the DDLC1 protein is localized in the cytoplasm. P-element-induced partial-loss-of-function mutations cause pleiotropic morphogenetic defects in bristle and wing development, as well as in oogenesis, and hence result in female sterility. The morphological abnormalities found in the ovaries are always associated with a loss of cellular shape and structure, as visualized by a disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Total-loss-of-function mutations cause lethality. A large proportion of mutant animals degenerate during embryogenesis, and the dying cells show morphological changes characteristic of apoptosis, namely, cell and nuclear condensation and fragmentation, as well as DNA degradation. Cloning of the human homolog of the ddlc1 gene, hdlc1, demonstrates that the dynein light-chain 1 is highly conserved in flies and humans. Northern blot analysis and epitope tagging show that the hdlc1 gene is ubiquitously expressed and that the human dynein light chain 1 is localized in the cytoplasm. hdlc1 maps to 14q24.  相似文献   

Although the basic structure of the axoneme has been highly conserved throughout evolution, the varied functions of specialized axonemes require differences in structure and regulation. Cilia lining the respiratory tract propel mucus along airway surfaces, providing a critical function to the defense mechanisms of the pulmonary system, yet little is known of their molecular structure. We have identified and cloned a dynein heavy chain that is a component of the inner dynein arm. Bronchial epithelial cells were obtained from normal donors and from a patient with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) whose cilia demonstrated an absence of inner dynein arms by electron microscopy. Cilia from normal and PCD cells were compared by gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry was used to identify DNAH7 as a protein absent in PCD cilia. The full-length DNAH7 cDNA was cloned and shares 68% similarity with an inner arm dynein heavy chain from Drosophila. DNAH7 was induced during ciliated cell differentiation, and immunohistochemistry demonstrated the presence of DNAH7 in normal cilia. In cilia from PCD cells, DNAH7 was undetectable, whereas intracellular DNAH7 was clearly present. These studies identify DNAH7 as an inner arm component of human cilia that is synthesized but not assembled in a case of PCD.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of the ciliary epithelium of respiratory tracts was carried out in children (members of the same family) with Kartagener syndrome, which is a variant of ciliary dyskinesia. It was shown that in the case of both mobile cilia and ciliary dyskinesia in man, centrioles are formed during formation of the ciliary basal bodies predominantly de novo, involving deuterosomes. A wide spectrum of pathological changes was described in literature, such as the absence of dynein arms in the axoneme and disorganization of axoneme structure. In addition to these changes in the ciliary system, we found integration of several ciliary axonemes by the same plasma membrane, running of microtubules from the plasma membrane as bundles, different orientation of basal legs, etc.  相似文献   

Familial primary pulmonary hypertension is a rare autosomal dominant disorder that has reduced penetrance and that has been mapped to a 3-cM region on chromosome 2q33 (locus PPH1). The phenotype is characterized by monoclonal plexiform lesions of proliferating endothelial cells in pulmonary arterioles. These lesions lead to elevated pulmonary-artery pressures, right-ventricular failure, and death. Although primary pulmonary hypertension is rare, cases secondary to known etiologies are more common and include those associated with the appetite-suppressant drugs, including phentermine-fenfluramine. We genotyped 35 multiplex families with the disorder, using 27 microsatellite markers; we constructed disease haplotypes; and we looked for evidence of haplotype sharing across families, using the program TRANSMIT. Suggestive evidence of sharing was observed with markers GGAA19e07 and D2S307, and three nearby candidate genes were examined by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography on individuals from 19 families. One of these genes (BMPR2), which encodes bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II, was found to contain five mutations that predict premature termination of the protein product and two missense mutations. These mutations were not observed in 196 control chromosomes. These findings indicate that the bone morphogenetic protein-signaling pathway is defective in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension and may implicate the pathway in the nonfamilial forms of the disease.  相似文献   

The iv gene controls left-right determination during murine organogenesis. To map this gene, we analyzed backcross progeny produced by mating (C57BL/6J X MEV/Ty)F1-iv/+heterozygotes to C57BL/6J-iv homozygotes. Hybridization of a murine ecotropic virus probe and several homeotic box gene probes coupled with analysis of dominant visible markers enabled us to exclude the iv locus from much of the mouse genome. Spurred by a recent report that mapped the iv gene to mouse chromosome 12 which was not excluded by our previous work, we used the polymerase chain reaction on our larger cohort to determine that the iv gene is indeed linked tightly to the Igh-C locus on this chromosome: we observed 0/156 recombinants between the iv and Igh-C loci. Combining data from the two studies demonstrates that the murine iv gene is close (1/201 recombinants) to the Igh-C cluster on chromosome 12.  相似文献   



Although the pathophysiological defect in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD; Siewert's / Kartagener's syndrome) is now well characterised, there are few studies of the impact of the condition upon health function, particularly in later life. This study assesses the health impact of the condition in a large group of patients. In addition, it assesses the similarity in age of diagnosis, symptoms and problems of those with situs inversus (PCD-SI) and those with situs solitus (PCD-SS).


Postal questionnaire sent to members of the UK Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Family Support Group. The questionnaire contained the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the SF-36 questionnaire for assessing health status.


93 questionnaires were returned, representing a 66% response rate. Replies were received from similar numbers of PCD-SI and PCD-SS. Individuals with PCD-SI did not show a significant tendency to be diagnosed earlier, and neither did they show any difference in their symptoms, or the relationship of symptoms to age. Respiratory symptoms were fairly constant up until the age of about 25, after which there was a slow increase in symptoms, and a decline in health status, patients over the age of 40 being about one and a half standard deviations below the mean on the physical component score of the PCS. Patients diagnosed earlier in life, and hence who had received more treatment for their condition, had better scores on the SGRQ Impact and Activity scores.


PCD is a chronic condition which has a progressively greater impact on health in the second half of life, producing significant morbidity and restriction of life style. Early diagnosis, and hence earlier treatment, may improve symptoms and the impact of the condition.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a heterogeneous autosomal recessive disease that is caused by impaired ciliary and flagellar functions. About 50% of PCD patients show situs inversus, denoted as Kartagener syndrome. In most cases, axonemal defects in cilia and sperm tails can be demonstrated by electron microscopy, i.e. PCD patients often lack inner and/or outer dynein arms in their sperm tails and cilia, supporting the hypothesis that mutations in dynein genes may cause PCD. In order to identify novel PCD genes we have isolated the human ortholog of the murine TCTE3 gene. The human TCTE3 gene encodes a dynein light chain and shares high similarity to dynein light chains of other species. The TCTE3 gene is expressed in tissues containing cilia or flagella, it is composed of four exons and located on chromosome 6q25-->q27. To elucidate the role of TCTE3 as a candidate gene for PCD a mutational analysis of thirty-six PCD patients was performed. We detected five polymorphisms in the coding sequence and in the 5' UTR of the TCTE3 gene. In one patient a heterozygous nucleotide exchange was identified resulting in an arginine to isoleucine substitution at the amino acid level. However, this exchange was also detected in one control DNA. Our results indicate that mutations in the TCTE3 gene are not a main cause of primary ciliary dyskinesia.  相似文献   

A recessive mutation in the mouse, situs inversus viscerum (iv), results in randomization of organ position along the left-right body axis: approximately 50% of the progeny of homozygous matings exhibit situs solitus and 50% exhibit situs inversus. Recent studies have established genetic linkage between iv and the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene complex (Igh-C), located on distal mouse chromosome 12. In the present study, we have refined the genetic map location of iv relative to the breakpoint of a reciprocal translocation, T(5;12)31H, involving the telomeric region of chromosome 12 distal to Igh-C and the proximal region of chromosome 5. The translocation results in a large 12(5) derivative chromosome and a small 5(12) derivative chromosome. Because mice with either monosomy or tertiary trisomy for the 5(12) chromosomal region are viable, duplication/deficiency mapping is possible. Deficiency mapping was performed by mating iv/iv homozygotes and T31H heterozygotes. Two animals monosomic for distal mouse chromosome 12 were produced. One of the animals with cytogenetically confirmed monosomy for distal chromosome 12 exhibited situs inversus, indicating that the iv mutation is located at or distal to the T31H breakpoint. For duplication analysis, matings were initially carried out between iv/iv homozygotes and unbalanced T31H animals trisomic for distal chromosome 12. Cytogenetically verified tertiary trisomic progeny were identified and backcrossed with iv/iv homozygotes. The resulting trisomic progeny, 50% of which are expected to carry the iv mutation on both cytogenetically normal copies of chromosome 12, were scored for phenotype.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare (1/20,000), multisystem disease with a complex phenotype caused by the impaired motility of cilia/flagella, usually related to ultrastructural defects of these organelles. Mutations in genes encoding radial spoke head (RSPH) proteins, elements of the ciliary ultrastructure, have been recently described. However, the relative involvement of RSPH genes in PCD pathogenesis remained unknown, due to a small number of PCD families examined for mutations in these genes. The purpose of this study was to estimate the involvement of RSPH4A and RSPH9 in PCD pathogenesis among East Europeans (West Slavs), and to shed more light on ultrastructural ciliary defects caused by mutations in these genes. The coding sequences of RSPH4A and RSPH9 were screened in PCD patients from 184 families, using single strand conformational polymorphism analysis and sequencing. Two previously described (Q109X; R490X) and two new RSPH4A mutations (W356X; IVS3_2-5del), in/around exons 1 and 3, were identified; no mutations were found in RSPH9. We estimate that mutations in RSPH4A, but not in RSPH9, are responsible for 2-3% of cases in the East European PCD population (4% in PCD families without situs inversus; 11% in families preselected for microtubular defects). Analysis of the SNP-haplotype background provided insight into the ancestry of repetitively found mutations (Q109X; R490X; IVS3_2-5del), but further studies involving other PCD cohorts are required to elucidate whether these mutations are specific for Slavic people or spread among other European populations. Ultrastructural defects associated with the mutations were analyzed in the transmission electron microscope images; almost half of the ciliary cross-sections examined in patients with RSPH4A mutations had the microtubule transposition phenotype (9+0 and 8+1 pattern). While microtubule transposition was a prevalent ultrastructural defect in cilia from patients with RSPH4A mutations, similar defects were also observed in PCD patients with mutations in other genes.  相似文献   

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